Jesse Kelly Show

Jesse talks about the college campus demonstrations which is really a cultural revolution

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26 Apr 2024
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I don't mean to laugh, but what else can we do at this point in time is bad. We'll talk about that. Yes. There's a new poll out, and it shows the majority of Americans support mass deportation. We're probably good then, right? No, we're not good at all. We'll talk about that. Email so much more coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly Show, and do not forget that tomorrow, tomorrow, is asked Dr. Jesse Friday all three hours. We dedicate to you answering the questions you email in right now to You want your question read on the air? Send us an email. Doesn't have to be political. Send it in, and we'll have some fun tomorrow. Now, let's begin here, because I have a million different places I could go on a day like today. Where do you begin? Do you start with the Trump trial in New York? Do you start with the economic news? This was CNBC. GDP first look, first quarter, a disappointment, 1.6%. We're looking for a number, almost a full percentage point higher. 1.6 the weakest growth on a quarterly basis, going back to the second quarter of 22, when it was negative, minus 6/10 of a price. I'm just going to pause for a moment. I've been interrupting a couple of times. We're not going to go off on this right now. I'll go off on this later, but did you hear what he just said? That's the worst quarter for economic growth in over 20 years. Anyway, I'll let him continue. Again, if we look at the price index, it's higher. You know what, that's too depressing. Let's talk about something great. We'll get back to him later. Hey, Jesse, if our country doesn't get control of this protest outrage, I'm afraid we're heading for another Kent State University situation, only much worse. If this keeps up, you know it will only keep escalating until someone does something stupid, then bad things happen. That was US Air Force in Vietnam during that ordeal, keep up the good work. I enjoy your radio program every night. Okay, let's discuss that because I see a lot of that today. In fact, you have a bunch of questions about that and concerns about what's happening right now. Now, maybe you've been out and about all day not paying attention to the news. Maybe you've been kind of checked out all week. So let's just briefly recap what's happening right now on university campuses across the country. We are seeing communist protests. These ones, they're all claiming to be your pro Palestine, pro Hamas, kill all the Jews. But remember, you never believe the labels. Okay, so that's obviously in a country that's normal, that's not ideal. But let's go a little bit further. These protests, they're not being stomped out. They're expanding. You know, it was Columbia. It was NYU. Of course, New York City would be the epicenter for all this comedy fields. Yesterday it was the University of Texas. It's all over California. They're not slowing down. They're ramping up. Okay. All right. So university campuses turning into gigantic protests. People were mad throwing things yelling, I go Palestine, kill all the Jews. It's all the all the uncomfortable, terrible stuff we don't like to talk about. Okay. So maybe that makes you uncomfortable. Maybe it does. First of all, let's understand one basic thing that's going on. And people are already writing articles about this. I don't need to go into the details. Remember, always remember the protests you see in this country, the left wing protests you've always seen, always back to the honestly back to the sixties before then, but occupy Wall Street, the St. George Floyd ones, the, the, the anti Trump doesn't matter what the protests are. Many of them, most of them are bankrolled. They are paid for and organized with the Antifa street animals and the Black Lives Matter street animals were burning down the country after St. George Floyd died of a drug overdose. They were helping. They were doing so with the help of bricks. How did they get these bricks? Most of bricks magically began appearing in the cities where the protests were happening. They caught a bunch of Antifa people. I believe it was in Idaho renting Mercedes vans. Do you think those turds you see on TV can afford to rent a Mercedes van? When's the last time you rented a car at all? It costs a fortune to rent a car now. It costs you a hundred bucks a day to get to pull away with a Toyota Corolla that's going to break down in five minutes. So understand that a lot of this is organized. But understand the bigger thing that's going on. Has nothing to do with Israel, Jews and Muslims and Palestinians, whatever, that's, that's, that's not an issue that is actually the issue that's happening in America. What's happening in America is a cultural revolution. Now let's do just a brief history explainer because it will help everyone understand what we're seeing because we have to figure out what do we think about these protests? Oh my gosh. They even attacked the fashion institute in New York today. Oh my gosh. It's expanding. What? What do we do? Okay. So what was the cultural revolution? Mao. You know who Mao was obviously. I'm not going to insult your intelligence. Communist dictator. He takes over 90 of the 1949, if I remember it, 1949. He finally defeats the nationalists. He defeats Chiang Kai Shek and the nationalists in the commies takeover China. Mao proceeds to murder about 40, 50 million of his countrymen because he's a communist and that's really what they do. But Mao's great leap forward program. That's really what starved all those tens of millions of Chinese people to death, his great leap forward program. There were people inside of China looking around at mass death and saying, man, this is not good. This didn't work. Hey, Mao, buddy, this is bad, it's bad. Mao began to fall out of favor with the Communist Party that ruled China. He was not an all powerful dictator in the very beginning. Yes, he was in charge. He was not this all powerful Lord high commander that he was in the end. In fact, after about 16, 17 years of this failure, Mao was kind of on the outs. People were feeling more comfortable speaking out against him. He was developing enemies within the Communist Party. People were trying to move him around that seat at the table and Mao realized he needed to do something. Mao needed his enemies purged. He needed them murdered. He needed them arrested. If he couldn't have either of those two things, in the very least, he needed them so intimidated that they would flee the country or shut up or at least go along with what he wanted. And so what did Mao do? Who did he use? Mao understood what communists have always understood from Lenin to Mao to Pol Pot to the United States of America's communists today. Young people, high school and more specifically college age students. We like to look at them as some pink haired lost freaks with weak wrists and that may be the case. That's how you look at them though. Mao sees Mao saw a standing army. He understood that young people, their brains aren't fully developed. They don't have full control of their emotions yet. They're easy to manipulate. They want to be part of a group. They just want to be part of something, part of a cause. And you can take gigantic groups of weak, with-risted young people and use them as a murder army to enforce your cause, to push your cause forward. He started handing out what was called the Little Red Book. You can go look it up today. The Little Red Book. You can see pictures of students waving it all over the place. If you read it, I've read it. It's really dumb. Like I honestly thought it would be profound, in some way profound, not that I would agree with anything in it. But wow, to whip that many people up and a frenzy over it, this thing must be amazing. It's really just a bunch of crap, bunch of commigodly good crap. But it was a rallying cry for the young people in China. What happened from there? And there, the elite Communist scum, like Mao, whipped the street Communist scum, the students, whipped them up into a murderous frenzy. And he pointed their anger towards anyone and everyone who might speak out against him. If you were one of Mao's political rivals, Mao wasn't going to show up at your door and shoot you in the face. He didn't have to. All he had to do was have one of his people give your name out to an angry group of young men, college students in the area. And that night, you'll be awakened to windows smashing as a group of 20 college age Chinese men break into your home and beat you and your wife to death with baseball bats. And that was the cultural revolution. These political opponents, teachers, authors, anybody who might pose a threat to him. The elite Communist scum whipped up and organized the street Communist scum to go murder on his behalf. And it was insanely successful. Now let's talk about what we're seeing in America and how you should feel about it as all these protests and riots pick up and the violence gets crazy before we get to any of that. I know what you're probably thinking right now, Jesse. This hurts. This hurts to watch my country go through this. I ache and I sympathize with that. I know that you ache. And that's why I talk to you about relief factor. It's drug free. What Chris? It's drug free. The aches and pains you have in your neck, your back, your joints, your muscles, even your heart, all natural relief factor can help support your body's natural response to inflammation. So you don't torch your kidneys on the way to pain relief. If you have pain aches in your body, call 1 800 the number four relief and get a three week quick start kit. All right. Or go to relief 1 800 the number four relief or relief will bring that back to America next. Missed out. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday, we're going over a little cultural revolution. What's happening on campuses in blue cities across the country right now, how you should feel about it, how I feel about it. We were just talking about Mao's cultural revolution and how he weaponized the young people in the country and aimed their anger at his political enemies. Now what's happening in America today, it's the exact same thing. Remember the elite communist scum at the top in this country, they have spent decades. This isn't some recent thing. It's not drill Biden. They have spent decades telling young people in this country, America sucks. It's evil. I'm anyone with traditional values sucks. This country's a racist, it's misogynist is a decade after decade after decade. I'm talking about college professors, media newsrooms, Democrat politicians, Hollywood. You name the institution. They have spent decades nurturing this poisonous street communist revolution in this country. And they nurture this revolution for a reason because it has been and frankly still is politically beneficial to them. So when St. George Floyd dies of a drug overdose in Minneapolis and it happens to be an election year and you're a Democrat, you're a communist. You understand that anarchy, chaos, angst, anxiety, these are things that aid you. They don't aid the more traditional right. They aid you. They aid the people who seek power. So you flip on the light switch and you put America to the torch, understanding that in a roundabout way, it makes Trump look bad because he's the sitting president at the time. Now, let me let me clarify something, save me your stupid email and say, what's a Trump's thought? It's not what I said, is it? I know that, but when he's the guy in charge and you turn on the street animals, it makes him look bad to the low infos. It helped you. Street activism has been helping Democrats, but it's been helping communists in this country for the longest time. The guy who wrote that email was a Vietnam vet and I don't even like how we conducted the war in Vietnam, we totally cheated our guys over who went over there. But still, the subversive movement back home is part of what kneecapped Vietnam. It was understood. It's still understood. That kind of street activism does matter. It is powerful. They've been aiming these people at you for ages when they want a pregnancy center firebombed. They put out the word. It gets firebombed when they want a Supreme Court justice assassinated. Chuck Schumer gets up, says Brett Kavanaugh, you're going to reap the whirlwind five minutes later in assassin flies from California with the intention of killing him. The orders are given by the elites. The orders are followed by the streets and that brings us to where we are today. These protests, this guy was concerned, understandably, about another Kent State situation. National Guard shows up, things get a little bit out of control. The shooting starts and soon people are laying dead. And I share, I share his, I don't know if you want to call it pessimism, that that's where this is going. People are going to die in these street demonstrations this year. They will. No question about it. Maybe someone's dying as we speak. They just will. When you have mass mobs of people, mentally ill, drugs, mass mass mobs of people already make people dumb anyway, throwing the communist activism, throwing all the agitation that you, you've created a situation where something bad can happen, where something deadly can happen. But why do you care? No, let me, let me clarify. Human life does matter. And I don't want anyone to die and I hope you don't want anyone to die. But what I mean when I say, why do you care? I woke up today and I saw that NYU and Columbia's campus in New York City, they're overrun. They're overrun. The protests are bad. It's really, really bad. They're going to online classes. Everything's bad. Columbia looks bad. NYU looks bad. The protests look bad. They even raided the Fashion Institute in New York today, another commie supporting dump. Why would I care? And I know that sounds cold, but the street communists are turning on the exact institutions that created them. Why would I care? Why would I step in to help? Jesse, we need a merit. We need universities. We didn't know. I agree. Yes. I agree. We need a higher education system. We need that institution to be strong so it can produce really intelligent forward thinking people, leaders who will lead our government, lead our business world, lead our charitable world. Yes, I agree with you. We need a robust, outstanding higher education system in this country like we've had for decades like we had for decades and I agree with you, but that's not what we have. What we have is a brain tumor called the university system in this country. The street animals aren't burning down my neighborhood. They're burning down Columbia. Why would I care? I'll tell you what, we'll expand on that just a little bit back to what we were talking about, about the pregnancy setters, remember this, remember that pregnancy centers have been under physical attack now since the street animals have been turned on them. This is a real problem all over the place, Buffalo, New York, I was across the country and preborn has been attacked relentlessly. Why because preborn sets up their pregnancy centers in the most and the highest abortion areas in the country. Preborn goes into the belly of the beast trying to save these women and save their babies. When you support preborn, you're supporting somebody who walked into hell to try to save lives. You give them $28 you're buying an ultrasound for that woman and she'll choose life when she hears that heartbeat. Shoot, you give them five grand. You fund the entire network for a day. It's all tax deductible. Give them whatever you want. Go to and give sponsored by preborn is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday. Remember you need to send in your ass, Dr. Jesse questions for tomorrow, Jesse at We're going to get to the economic news in this poll that's out showing America is warming to mass deportations. We're just talking about these protests and they're expanding and what do we think about how should we feel about I have all kinds of questions, all kinds of concerns for it here. Jesse, am I the only one noticing that the punch a Nazi protesters have inexplicably become the from the river to the sea anti-Semitic people now. What a reversal that is. They truly are the useful idiots. I'm sure you and your use infinite insight saw this said his name is Brian and he also hablas just like me now. I never thought the protesters were somehow involved or interested in some kind of conflict in Israel and Hamas and Hezbollah. I never as soon as they broke out, I never thought that I never I never thought it was about Jews or Muslims or Palestine or Israel. I never I never thought that at all because I understand that we have street communists in the country who have many, many, many different wardrobes, many different wardrobes. You go to your closet. I go to my closet. What do I have? I have about the seven shirts I wear and three pairs of shoes. The American street communist goes to his closet. He's got the pink shirt when he's got to go out and act like he's one of the feminists. He's got the pink feather boa when he asked to do the LGBTQ rally. He's got the, you know, hemp skirt when he's got to go pretend to care about climate change. He's got the black lives matter shirt when it happens. He has that stupid looking Hamas face wrap thing when he has to go out and hate on Jews. He has to. He's the same person. He doesn't care about any of it. He cares about burning everything down that don't get me wrong. He believes he believes that burning everything down is valuable and it is bad for the country. Don't get me wrong that we allow street animals all over the place. But what's actually worse for the country than the street animals is having a higher education system teaching people to hate the country. That's what we have. What's worse for the country is having a media teaching people to hate the country. That's what we have. What's worse for the country is to have one of the two political parties based exclusively now on America, hatred. That's what we have. And so if those groups are going to begin fighting for a while and eating each other, why would I care? What Jesse? What about the kids on Columbia University's campus? Why is your kid on Columbia University's campus? If I went out to the mail today and I found out James, my oldest had applied to Columbia behind my back. Don't worry. He didn't. And I found an acceptance letter to Harvard Columbia Yale Stanford for my oldest boy, James. I would take the letter. I wouldn't even throw it away. I would burn it first for fear that he might accidentally find it in the trash can and then I would scatter the ashes in the Pacific Ocean. That's how much I would never allow my child to attend one of these evil communist institutions ever in a million years. Abba, but my, but Aidan, Jayden and Braden don't feel safe on NYU's campus because they're not freaking safe on NYU's campus. Not from the dirty street commies and not from the elite commies who are teaching them to hate you, to hate your country, to hate themselves. They're not safe. And you know what? They weren't safe before a bunch of Palestinian protesters popped up there. These organizations are poison. They are evil organizations. So if the dirty street animals happen to be going at the elite universities, why am I supposed to give a crap? Don't forget it's beyond me not caring. I'm cheering. I think it's fantastic. Oh, wow, trouble at NYU man, that's a real shame. That's just too bad. Oh, is the reputation of Harvard going down? Oh, that's too bad. Oh, I feel terrible. Look, we need, we need elite universities. We do. We do. We need them. We don't have them though. And we must get back to being a country that has them. And we really do need them. And I know, look, it's not going to apply to me. I'm an idiot. I couldn't even get in any of these places. It's not going to apply to me. But even I stupid white trash Jesse, I understand the importance of having higher institutions that produce sharp individuals, leaders, patriots of it. That is important for a country. We really do. I can't believe I'm saying this. I hate myself for it. We really do need a Harvard. We do. We need Columbia, but we need it to be something. It's not. We need Columbia to accept only the best. Only the brightest, only the people who ace the SAT, even if they're all Asian, we need these universities to take these people in and teach them how to be better patriots, teach them how to think, how to innovate, how to lead a company, a government. We need great men, great men, move nations forward and great men are oftentimes produced by the nation's institutions, whether it's your military institutions, your education institutions, your scientific institution, whatever the institutions happen to be. They need to produce great men. I want a country like that. You want a country like that, but that's not the country we have. What I want, what you want means nothing. You know that old saying, I'll say it a little nicer than my dad used to say it, wish in one hand and crap any other and see which one fills up first. Yeah, I wish we had that country. We don't. Our university system is the most destructive force in the United States of America today. And the most practical, straightforward thing you could do. If you wanted to save this country, you would take not the bottom 50, the top 50 universities of this country and you would empty out the campus, fire every employee, run the students off the campus, empty the buildings and demo every single building there. And that would move this country forward in ways you can't even imagine. One of the things that I had to do a bunch of, and I had a lot of help from my co-author Nick Rosuto, but you know, I wrote that book, The Anti-Communist Manifesto. No, I'm actually not, I'm not trying to sell you the book, right? It was, I'm glad you liked it, but I'm not trying to sell you that. But my co-author, who put in so much work on it as Nick Rosuto, and what so much of the work he did was so much of the research and the stats and the old stuff. And when we were going through the university system, what it was and what it has turned into, I knew colleges were bad in this country. It was stunning how evil these, these organizations are. They really are organizations from top to bottom, administration, professors, students that are dedicated to hating this country, to burning it down. So today, tomorrow, we wake up and we see a bunch of street animals occupying the quad. And the faculty has helped them shut down the campus, and they're doing all the stupid things they do with the chanting and the dances and everything else. Why would I care? Here's a headline, anti-Israel protesters planning to shut down the White House Correspondence Dinner on Saturday. Oh, are those dirty street communists? Are they going to make your little Democrat Correspondence Dinner, are they going to make it uncomfortable? Oh, that's too bad, guys. Man, I'll tell you, my heart's breaking. I'm rooting for them. I might send them some food. I think it's hilarious. Hey, Chris, Michael, let's send them some pizzas. We'll send them some pizzas. Yeah, no, the White House Correspondence Dinner, that's super evil. Communists have to be forced to live with their communism, and this cultural revolution is bad, and I don't celebrate it, but the only part of it we can enjoy is watching them eat each other. And I intend, I intend to enjoy every single second of it. That's just me, though. So let's do remember this, I am going to get to this. I've been kind of avoiding it because it's not very good. GDP, first look, first quarter, a disappointment, 1.6%. We're looking for a number almost a full percentage point higher, 1.6 of the weakest growth on a quarterly basis, going back to the second quarter of 22, when it was negative, minus 6/10 of a percent. If we look at the price index, it's higher, 3.1%, we're expecting 3%. In the rear view mirror, 1.6%, moving in the wrong direction, this comps to the third quarter. Have you called Oxford Gold Group yet? There will be no rate cuts, the rates will go up, inflation will continue to get worse, and the economy is slowing to a crawl. The time to make plans and preparations is now. Not after the bubble pops. Now, Oxford Gold Group will help you. Call 83995 Gold and let them help you. They'll get gold or silver in your hands, they'll get it in your retirement, just let them help you. 833 995 Gold, we'll be back. It is the Jesse Kelly show on 8th Thursday, don't forget if you missed any part of the show, you can download the whole thing on iHeartGoogle Spotify iTunes, yeah, don't ask me to step in and save New York City because New York City is getting the fruits of what it's planted. The sowing is so much fun, we're a sanctuary, city, we're a liberal, city would do whatever black lives matter, woohoo, oh my gosh, these protesters are out of control. Yeah, the reaping, just not near as much fun as the sowing, isn't. Ever been as much fun. Right here, affluent blue county, this is actually out of Virginia, affluent blue county twice released illegal immigrant charged with child sex crimes, I says. This blue county, Fairfax County, Virginia, kept turning some turd loose and now he's abusing children. This is happening in blue areas across the country that you legalists know they get off Scott free in these blue areas, then they stay in the blue areas and they pillage the blue areas. You get what you get, you get what you get and remember this, you know, it's wild. I want you to pause and think about this for a moment. Everything you see right now, everything you see right now, just take it all in. You have an open border, you have these universities going to crap, crime through the roof murder, rape robbery, all these things going up through the roof in the cities. Now I want you to think about this, wrap your mind around this. Yeah, there are some people complaining on the bottom, you know, you'll have some black lady in New York City that took over our rec center. I'm really mad about it. You'll have that, you know, you'll have the occasional thing there. But not one, not one major Democrat in the United States of America has suggested significant changes on their immigration policy. Think about that for a moment. This is very likely going to cost Joe Biden his seat in the White House. If he loses in November, it will be this issue, an open border and they know that they know how it pulls. And yet they haven't changed a single thing. What does that tell you? These university campuses. Oh my gosh, it's so bad at Columbia here. These university campuses have nurtured street communism for decades. Now street communism is tearing them apart. Have you seen a single university? Oh, I know they're complaining. They don't like the students. They don't like to this. Have you seen a single administrator at this university at any university get up and say, wow, you know what, I've been thinking about it in the left wing politics. We've been pushing for decades at this university. It really has created this hateful poisonous culture. And I'll tell you what, we're changing things here. We're going to start. We're going to stop hiring only Democrats. We're going to start showing a lot more viewpoints here on this campus. We've thought about what we've nurtured for decades and man, we're ashamed and we're going to turn things around. Have you seen one person say, no, the best you've seen the most you've seen. If you've seen a professor here or a student there go on television and say, hey, as a Jewish person, I think this is really bad. I don't feel, I don't feel safe on campus, not one major Democrat, not one administrator, but one professor has stepped up and said, oh my gosh, we did this to ourselves. We have to totally change the culture here. This communism was a bad idea. We have to change direct, not one has done it, not one. And you want me to what care? Why would I care? You've been an alcoholic for 50 years. Now you're coming to me and you're telling me Jesse. I've got this liver disease and I think it was all the vodka. But you know what? I'm switching to whiskey. I'm going to drink whiskey now instead. Hey, Jesse, don't you feel bad for me? No, no, I don't, not even a little bit. But Jesse, I don't feel safe, too bad, so sad, pack up and leave. Sorry. There were exactly zero violent protests in my town today. It doesn't look that way in your town. Huh. I wonder what the deal is. Jesse, I'm a teacher in Tallahassee. I would normally not suggest something so horrific. Why can't we take the horrifying things that happen to the Jewish people via video, hang a sheet and show the students what it is? She's talking about showing the students all the rape and all that other stuff that happens. She's talking about the attack in Israel on October 7th. Why can't we just show the students? When I understand your sentiment, I do, but I would suggest this, and I'm really not trying to be mean. I'm really not. I would suggest that maybe you don't understand what you're dealing with here. You don't understand how anti-human communists are. And yeah, Chris, go ahead and grab it. You don't understand the level of brainwashing these people have gone through. The communist is brainwashed. You could show him all the videos of anything in the world. You could show him the border. You could show him babies dying. You could show him whatever it may be. It wouldn't move him at all because he's demoralized. Thanks to lack of moral standards. As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic truth, with documents, with pictures. Even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it. We constantly tell ourselves that we can talk the communist out of his communism if we just show him. If we just show him. Why do you think it is that you get an argument with liberal ant Peggy about what's what's another issue? Totally guns. Guns is a great one. You get an argument with liberal ant Peggy about guns. You're armed with all the facts about how armed neighborhoods, armed people are safer. There's actually less violent crime. Virtually all the murder in America happens in big cities with gun laws, all the stats, all the facts, all the stuff you've heard on talk radio for ages, all the stuff you know, you explain all these facts to liberal ant Peggy and it doesn't move her even an inch. Why do you think that is? We think we can show these people the truth and they will wake up because we don't understand that we're dealing with anti-humans. We're dealing with something else entirely. All right. We have to deal with two things ourselves. We have to deal with the spending stuff, all the economic news from today and we have to deal with this new poll about mass deportation. This has been a podcast from WOR. Imagine, no more shots at midnight or 2 AM juice boxes. With the tandem Moby automated insulin delivery system, getting a great night's sleep is no longer a dream. This impressively small insulin pump from tandem diabetes care is designed to help you wake up and range and feel ready to take on the day. It's so small and lightweight that it almost feels like you don't even have a pump with you while you're sleeping. Speak up and do what moves you.