Jesse Kelly Show

Jesse says that America's legal and medical schools are a huge problem

Broadcast on:
26 Apr 2024
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Welcome to where the 5 to 9 more than makes up for the 9 to 5, where you check your worries the moment you walk in. For every day feels lucky. Even at night welcome to the chance to savor every moment. Every time you're here, to old friends, new experiences and great times. Welcome to where life moves at the speed of you. This is your time. This is your place. Welcome to Boyd casinos. Welcome to where you want to be. This is a podcast from WOR the Jesse Kelly show another hour of the Jesse Kelly show final hour of the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday. We're gonna discuss this Supreme Court oral arguments thing briefly here in just a moment. Talk about women's selling out other women as far as athletes go. The banks lining up against us a bunch of emails will get us some of this you crane stuff. All that and more is coming up this hour on the world famous Jesse Kelly show. I remember something Ilya Shapiro. You probably never heard of him before. Maybe you have. He is a friend of mine. He's one of these academic types very much like me highly educated. No, no, he legitimately is highly highly educated. One of these super nerds 4.0 masters in this one of those type guys and Ilya Shapiro at one point in time he was going to speak at Georgetown law Georgetown law. Now Georgetown law if you're not familiar I certainly could never have gotten in as one of the quote elite schools out there and Ilya Shapiro because he's on the right he went to speak there and he got drowned out by who by the students in the class pounding on the desk chanting so we couldn't talk they essentially ran him out of the room when he was just there to give a lecture. This is this is the state of America's legal education system. America's law schools are frightening the two things that should scare you the most are America's medical schools and America's legal schools because what's happening in those two places leads directly to you being abused by your system. If you have not already encountered one you will probably encounter one in your life a nurse and or doctor who thinks you probably deserve to die or get hurt for being white. That sounds crazy that's the education they're getting in the highest levels of medical school in this country. I played for you all the audio the most prestigious schools the legal profession is as bad or worse I don't expect you to care about Georgetown law I don't give a crap about Georgetown law it could get swallowed up and drop to the center of the earth right now for all I give a crap but what I do care about is our justice system being packed full of judges and lawyers who think I deserve to die for what I believe and communists believe you deserve to die for what you believe. How damaging is it? Well I want you to listen to this. This is Katanji Brown Jackson. She's the diversity higher Joe Biden put on the Supreme Court. I do declare if I remember if that offends you that I call her a diversity higher one I don't give a crap to you need to take it up with them whenever I call Corinne diversity higher diversity higher someone complains whenever I call Katanji Brown Jackson a diversity higher someone complains and someone always though the wall with the complaint will always be oh you're just saying she got it just cuz she's black that's what he said he said when he was looking for it I'm only looking for a black woman you can't get up and announce I'm only looking for a black woman and then hire a black woman and then blame me for calling her a diversity higher they not only do university hires they tell you ahead of time it's going to be a diversity higher our process is going to be rigorous I will select the nominee worthy of Justice Breyer's legacy of excellence and decency all I've been studying candidates backgrounds and writings I've made no decision except one a person I will nominate will be someone with extraordinary qualifications character experience and integrity and that person will be the first black woman ever nominated to the United States Supreme Court don't yell at me when they announce it's going to be a diversity hire when you decide that's part of the qualification you make skin color you make gender part of the qualification and you announce it then it's a diversity higher he did the same thing with dome I call her dome vice president Kamala Harris is a diversity higher and that makes people mad every time once again I need to remind you don't get mad at me get mad at them I committed that if I'm elected president have an opportunity to appoint someone to the courts will be a I'll appoint the first black woman to the courts it's required that they have representation now it's long overdue secondly if I'm elected president my my cabinet my administration will look like the country and I commit that I will in fact appoint a I pick a woman to be vice president there are a number of women who are qualified to be president that's a diversity hire Kamala Harris is a diversity hire Katanji Brown Jackson is a diversity hire and she's a committed communist who's been through America's legal system and it's really really bad today there were oral arguments in front of the Supreme Court trying to decide just how immune Trump is from prosecution well I'll give you a couple more details on that in a moment but this is what you get when instead of finding somebody who's super accomplished no matter his gender or skin color this is what you get when you go diversity hire shop but once we say no criminal liability Mr. President you can do whatever you want I'm worried that we would have a worse problem than the problem of the president feeling constrained to follow the law while he's in office I respectfully disagree with that because the regime you described is the regime we've operated under for 234 years there has not been an expectation based on 234 years of unbroken politically all right let me ask you another question that let me ask you another question about she did it all day long interrupting interrupting she's famously now the most talkative member of the Supreme Court by a mile they keep track of how much they talk Katanji Brown Jackson the new kid on the block surprise surprise runs her fat mouth more than any other justice who sits on the Supreme Court she's also the dumbest one on the Supreme Court she's the most committed communist on the Supreme Court and that's what you get as far as the oral arguments go here's the deal right now well let's remind a little bit Jack Smith is that dirtball special counsel in DC who's trying to put Donald Trump in prison he was looking like because of the evil DC court system that's already sent so many January 6 political prisoners to prison it was looking like Jack Smith was going to succeed and throwing Donald Trump in federal prison before the election but he got kind of a monkey rote wrench thrown in his thing and that's that's the question of presidential presidential immunity now let's pause again and back up more why is that even a thing because that can get confusing for people why do presidents have immunity they shouldn't have immunity right well if you can be prosecuted for acts you carry out in office if you can be prosecuted after you leave office that's bad for a variety of reasons but one of the main reasons it's bad is you inspire people to never leave office in fact that's exactly what prompted Julius Caesar's rebellion he was getting ready to have his stint as console pro console over he knew as soon as he was done with his official capacity he was going to be prosecuted and so Caesar really didn't have a choice gather up your army and march on Rome or go to prison he chose to march on Rome when you have a system in place where you can be prosecuted after you leave office you inspire people to never leave office okay so back up Jack Smith because he wants to throw Trump in prison before the election and would have succeeded had it not been for this he decided I've got to make sure that he's not immune first so he throws the question out there is he immune if so how immune is he can I prosecute Donald Trump if I prosecute Donald Trump and get a conviction of Donald Trump is Donald Trump gonna go to prison well I don't know let's kick it to this court let's kick it to that court eventually of course as it always was it gets on the it lands on the doorstep of the Supreme Court and what happened today were oral arguments defense prosecution if you want to look at it that way one of them saying Donald Trump has no immunity let us throw him in prison for the rest of his life because we're dirty commies the other side obviously those are Trump's people saying what this is ridiculous of course he has immunity if he doesn't have immunity then what in the world's anyone else gonna do okay well what you can expect from what I understand no ruling was made today that's not how it works they just had the arguments today you can expect a splitting of the baby ruling from the legal analysts I asked a splitting of the baby ruling and no we're not going to talk about Democrats abortion views this has something not this has nothing to do with that and I will explain what I mean in just a moment before we talk about splitting the baby let's talk about our puppies your dog at bad breath how's your dog's coat Faden starting to get a little doll you know that your dog has tons of visible health problems because your dog doesn't get nutrition if you ate donuts every single meal yes your life would be full of deliciousness but you wouldn't have energy either your skin would start to look like garbage your energy would be non-existent what your dogs know different we give our dog's dog food every meal we wonder why they just lay around all the time start pouring rough greens on your dog's food all natural nutritional supplement has omega oils and probiotics and vitamins and minerals and everything your dog needs for a long healthy life start pouring rough greens on your dog's food you'll see a difference in your dog it's not like you gonna take my word for it they give out free jumpstart trial bags be there in just a few business days call them 833 my dog or we'll talk about splitting the baby and then emails next he doesn't care if you believe him but it is the Jesse Kelly show more trouble on the Cali home front and some emails we'll get to that in a moment we'll talk real quickly about splitting this baby when it comes to the Supreme Court and what happened today okay so they had oral arguments today is Trump immune is not immune the legal guys I talked to say from what they think they think they're going to decide that he's somewhat immune but not totally immune essentially if you're one of the people like me who wants Donald Trump to stay out of prison today was an okay day but I just flat out asked one of them appointed question okay so is he going to prison and he said Jesse I'm a legal guy not a political guy you tell me is he going to win the election and I said oh what what do you mean and he said Jesse very likely he now must win the election to avoid it now obviously that's a horrible place to be as a country you shouldn't need to win the election to avoid being thrown in federal prison for not having committed any crimes at all that says this is a terrible place to be as a country it does give us a shot and in the very least because of Fannie Willis's affair and corruption in Atlanta and because of this thing in the very least it looks like he's going to avoid prison before the election it wasn't looking that way last year last year it was looking like he was gonna be running from a prison cell now looks like he's going to avoid that almost undoubtedly that's the best news I can give you all right then look look I have my own problems to deal with right now what problems are those we'll pull up a chair and then we'll get to some emails long time ago I was a child I made a discovery similar to you know Christopher Columbus discovering America that kind of discovery what was this discovery I discovered blazing buffalo and ranch Doritos it was a flavor it was a Dorito flavor long ago blazing buffalo and ranch Doritos they were perfect in every way just every part of the chip was perfect little tang little heat get that good Doritos crunch it was it was the chip it was there's never been another one like it never been one before never been one since and then because nature is cruel you know God doesn't give us everything we want they took them away they decided to discontinue the blaze and buffalo and ranch Doritos so let's fast-forward to today well no no you know what let's get fast-forwarding a little far about I'd say a couple years ago I'm off on the timeline on this but I found out thanks to you because we've talked about this before in the air someone emailed in and let me know hey Jesse at Sam's Club they're selling a limited time run of these plays and buffalo and ranch Doritos Chris did I get four bags no Chris I did not buy four bags I bought 20 bags I bought every bag they have it showed up at the house in a gigantic box it didn't help that the delivery driver actually commented on how many bags were in there and it didn't help that I didn't get home in time to get it off the porch before my wife grabbed it so she's there with the delivery guy and they're having a big old laugh about the fact that I had 20 bags of Doritos delivered to the house okay look I'm not ashamed right she flat out banned them from the pantry I said fine I don't want the kids getting in them anyway I took them right to my closet where they remained and I and I luxuriated in my Doritos for the longest time but then you know wife gives them life life takes away right one day you're job and you're wealthy with wife and children and the next day you're poor diseased your wife is dead and your children are dead the same thing happened to me they discontinued the blazing buffalo and ranch Doritos once again they're gone and during the break just just now during the break my wife texted me the picture of the cardboard box full of blaze and buffalo Doritos now I because you know I'm stupid I didn't realize this was an old picture she had saved on her phone I texted right back honey I swear all my life it wasn't me this time I did not order these but I'm really excited and she texts bag no dummy this is an old picture what are you talking about so I decided based on that inspiration to go looking maybe they're out there again and I found six bags out there on the Internet I ordered all six of them no Chris normal Doritos prices I thought the same thing too I thought wow they're gonna be charging ten dollars a bag or something like that no normal Doritos prices I had to pay little delivery fee I think it was 599 but I have six bags now coming to the house and look this is checkmate on her she wanted to have her fun make fun of me for my for my eating habits now I'm gonna have a closet full of blazing buffalo and ranch Doritos once again and she has nobody to blame but herself all right we're gonna talk about female athletes selling out other female athletes but first we have to get to some emails because I need to clear out some room tomorrow after all is asked dr Jesse Friday remember you need to get your questions emailed in right now to Jesse at Jesse Kelly show calm ask me anything and look if you want to ask me about chalk you can ask me about chalk you want to ask me about history you can ask me about that politics personal things food of course you know let's go back to chalk so maybe you don't have to waste the question on chalk what who is chalk what are they well they sell natural herbal supplements they're the most hardcore anti-communists I've ever met in the business world and I mean these people hate communism they sought out the show because of how much I detest commies they said hey that's that's our guy right there that's that's who these people are family company in fact right now they're listening to the Santa my voice in the warehouse what do they sell the best natural herbal supplements I personally I take three things Chad mode before I work out I did that again today I take a male vitality stack that's a few different things and chocolate powder chalk lit powder but you do whatever you want just make sure you get a subscription so you save a pile of money you want a 20% increase in your T levels in 90 days get a male vitality stack you want to start your day full of vitamins and minerals get chocolate powder but they have so much more than that go to C H O Q comm promo code Jesse and start to enjoy all right emails that it is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday don't forget a few miss any part of the show you can download the whole thing on I hard google Spotify iTunes one more important thing on the news of the day about the special Doritos that I found that I ordered what Chris I do have some concerns though beyond the wife because she's really not gonna touch them she's gonna bring in the box she'll text me a picture she'll make fun of me but she's not gonna touch them but James will my oldest boy you see last time when I got the 20 bags you see James is he's 15 now but have you ever seen what is it return of the Jedi I think it's which one of the Star Wars movies has its return to the Jedi where there's the gigantic worm that eats everything out in the middle that that's return to the Jedi you ever seen that that's James you see it doesn't matter what you do you cannot fill him up with food he will clean out he's the best eater in the world he will lay waste his entire plate we're talking he'll eat all the chicken he'll eat his vegetables he'll eat everything all the rules everything he will clean his entire plate out he'll go back for seconds of everything he'll wipe all that out he'll walk over I'm not making this up he'll put his plate in the sink and it'll walk right into the pantry and start grabbing snacks I have I've no I don't know I can't afford this anymore it's unbelievable we went out to dinner the other night and you would know what costs are at restaurants right now it is it's difficult it it's eye-popping I should say it's difficult and we sit down at this place because we wanted some crawfish it's crawfish season here in Texas and my wife and I want to do some crawfish and James he sits down and he says hey can I have two shrimp dinners you want of these fried shrimp dinners it's okay we're not we're not at a steakhouse I can't spend $50 on him but if I don't let him get it that he'll just lay waste to all of it and sit there and starve right so you're trying to you know he's that kind of person well James discovered how incredible these Doritos were last time and he doesn't because he's a monster he doesn't take a bowl or a couple chips he'll just walk in and grab the bag and take it out back he'll take it to his room and it's just like that big worm in return to the Jedi return of the Jedi it's gone it's gone if he gets to that box of chips before I get to that box of chips there's gonna be a problem all right there's gonna be a problem a big time problem I'm gonna lay it out as clear as day for him and you know I don't know whether he's gonna be able to tell what's in the box it's gonna depend on how heavy it is as heavy as 10 boxes that you might be moving pretty heavy clearly Johnson needs to be sacked but you don't think we need some balance of stability going into the election keep up the good work he said his name is Russ okay so do we bounce Johnson do we not bounce Johnson because we're going into the election I have never been one that felt strongly about it either way and I don't mean to try to straddle offense here or be mealy mouth about something but Mike Johnson has been it's it's not that he's been useless he's been devastating for us as speaker because he keeps violating the haster rule if you don't know what the haster rule is it is essentially this if you are speaker of the house you don't bring legislation to the floor unless you have a majority of your own party that supports it Mike Johnson controls what does and doesn't come to the floor as speaker of the house so no matter what it is as you create I don't give a crap but it is unless a majority of Republicans support it it should never come to the floor every single thing he's passed has violated the haster rule the majority of Republicans have been against it every Democrat has been for it and the dirt ball GOPers at the top they've been for it so he's used Democrat votes and scumbag GOP votes to pass everything the reason I'm indifferent is this Mike Johnson sucks he's awful he's been a disaster he's been a disgrace if you bounced Mike Johnson though the next guy is very clearly going to be the same disaster he's going to be the same disgrace but what if a Democrat takes over well what would be different you're gonna get the same thing except they're gonna be in charge of the committees and that's not good but you're gonna get the same thing so tell me why I should care I care about the primary process that changes the GOP itself the GOPers we have right now are not good enough until Norm and Norma get involved in primaries and change those GOPers out then I really don't care what new loser you bring into the speaker's office oh McCarthy suck get rid of him okay they got rid of him Johnson sucks get rid of him fine get rid of him I really don't care either way I'm not passionate about it either way because I understand no matter what there will be nothing good that comes out of this Congress you don't get good fruit from bad trees you don't get good fruit from bad trees this Congress is evil it is evil it is rotted to the bone and it is corrupt beyond belief they're not capable of giving us a good speaker we're a good piece of legislation listen this is this coach says the pantry serves a variety of people the elderly the disabled and to the surprise of some middle-class families making between 50 and 100 $20,000 a year Olivia Simmons is one of those visitors a public school employee who says she always puts her students first even when she doesn't have money to spare a lot of these kids they know me but so much high school so they're always like Miss Simmons do you have a snack do you have something to drink at home she's a mom taking care of her family including a daughter with autism and a husband who suffers from mental illness we're just like barely staying afloat we're always like a paycheck away from losing it all now compare that with this it's 60 billion dollars enough money for Ukraine to push back Russia decisively well we hope so it's actually only 0.2% of our gross domestic product so put in it in that context it's not a whole lot of money for us coach says the pantry serves a variety of people the elderly the disabled and to the surprise of some middle-class families making between 50 and 100 $20,000 a year Olivia Simmons is one of those visitors a public school employee who says she always puts her students first and that's why we think the underlying growth remains steady solid strong just like you heard from Esther Georgia so you're so you're okay with this GDP report yeah I think this GDP report especially once you get under the hood you take out some of those more volatile components consumer spending and investment look great in fact year over year GDP is up 3% that's a great number and look since the president got here the average GDP growth rate has been about 3% his GDP over his term has been the highest we've seen under a presidential term coach says the pantry serves a variety of people the elderly the disabled and to the surprise of some middle-class families making between my investing in America agenda is attracting more than 825 billion dollars 825 billion dollars in private sector investment not a penny which existed before I got elected I've knighted a man with a knighted a manufacturing boom clean energy boom a semiconductor boom nationwide and it's clear we have a strong these are deeply evil people who don't give a crap about you they're not capable of doing anything right anything good my favorite period of time in my entire adult life when it comes to the house of representatives is that three weeks when we didn't even have a speaker at all they couldn't meet they couldn't pass laws they couldn't fund anything that was the oh that was my favorite time by far and everyone yeah it's exactly right Chris recently oh it's the best and everyone on our side was whining we like so bad oh my gosh we need a new speaker why why did we need a new speaker how's that worked out for us since we got one good all right now we'll deal with the women's sports couple other things that we're checking out here hang on feeling a little starchy the Jesse Kelly show final segment of the Jesse Kelly show reminding you to email your questions for tomorrow in Jesse at Jesse Kelly show calm if you miss any part of the show you can download the whole thing on iheart google spotify iTunes also dome was in the White House today with Kim Kardashian it occurs to me every four years Kim Kardashian is gonna show up at the White House just like she did with Trump and try to spring some rappers she used to date out of prison it works like like a charm every single time oh my gosh and now we had to deal with dome today with this kind of garbage you have heard me say I just don't think people should have to go to jail to smoke and leave I forgot I almost forgot that whenever dome talks about the weed thing she busts out the black accent now keep in mind dome as A.G. of California routinely locked people up for marijuana offenses she was famous for this they called her cop top cop we're talking like 2,000 people locked away for marijuana but then she starts running for president and she asked to pretend to be black and so she pulls this out many of you have heard me say I just don't think people should have to go jail to smoke and leave yeah we've heard you say it don't we got it anyway hundreds of athletes urge the NCAA to allow men to compete against women this is from town hall this is that Megan or yeah that Megan Rapinoe chick all the rest of them these female athletes they have they've really just made it big in America realize how how gigantic women's sports is in America compared to other parts of the world and there are reasons behind that some good some bad one of the good reasons behind that is we love women here in America women are not treated like cattle here in America that's a good thing you don't want to be that kind of a country on the bad side a lot of women's sports is subsidized by men's sports like the WNBA only exists because the NBA pays them to exist that kind of a thing but if you're a female athlete like look my wife's actually a great example this is a woman who had her college paid for to do gymnastics what would you give for free education for free college education and publicity travel swag life experience it really is an unbelievable experience to be an athlete even if it's just a student athlete doesn't even have to be it you know Alabama and Ohio State it's a tremendous wonderful experience and after these women have gone through it 400 of them Olympians professionals collegiate athletes they're all rallying now to make sure that dudes can beat women up in sports I don't I don't understand a lot about communists I really don't but I do understand this self-loathing is a very real problem among them in the end you know we talk about how malcontented they are and they hate this and they hate America and they hate that but in the end they hate themselves in the end they hate themselves ask yourself this when's the last time you met a content confident communist have you ever met one they don't exist they hate themselves it's freaking awful to watch it's that it's awful but you know that is what it is what you're gonna do also this doozy out of Arizona didn't even have time to get to well you know as my colleague by the way this is Arizona's AG well you know as my colleague from from Massachusetts just mentioned we absolutely have to get president Biden re-elected because one of my fears is despite the fact that you know Republicans said they wanted to send this back to the states for states to decide I think there's a real movement in the sort of extreme elements we have to get by and re-elected that same AG just indicted Rudy Giuliani and a bunch of Trump people in Arizona for election interference like you can't make this stuff up all right let's go and now headlines we didn't get to you at least 13 banks may have spied on Americans after January 6 this is courtesy of the house select subcommittee on the weaponization of the federal government Bank of America Chase US Bank Wells Fargo Citibank truest were already being targeted in the probe apparently it went deeper in it went uglier Charles swab H S B C M U F G PayPal santander standard chartered in Western Union they've all been asked to turn over documents this is according to an article from the Daily Mail do keep in mind once you have a gangster capitalist system like we have now where the major corporations know they have to align themselves with the government they will do the government's bidding by demonstration used border wall funds on environmental claim planning and clean up government watchdog says environmental planning another way of saying they took a big pile of your money and instead of building a wall with it they handed it out to their cousin who started a green energy company revealed Jack Smith urged judge in Marlago Doc's case to deny the release of unredacted discovery materials to Trump's team by the way the unredacted discovery materials showed something that doesn't surprise you at all surprise surprise the Biden White House has been working hand in hand with all these prosecutors trying to send his political opponent to prison before the election in case you thought you still lived in a free country Biden signals tax hike if reelected as American struggle from his inflation crisis yes remember on top of trying to print our way out of the debt disaster that's coming they will tax attempt to tax their way out of it and this has put the potential to really spill over humankind all of human history not just Americans there is always a point where you can't tax them anymore or you're gonna have a problem as the debt crisis gets here I could see them pushing until there's a problem governor Kemp declares war on squatters Georgia to introduce stricter penalties and faster eviction just another reminder the red states and blue states are not just different they're racing in opposite directions and you need to get on the right side of that line before the music stops by administration wants to force companies to hire criminals in the name of equity yes of course that's how all his former employees could get a job dr. Fauci to testify publicly for the first time since retirement it is wild to think that that guy is not sitting in federal prison and there's not even a threat of that right now this has been a podcast from WOR