Apostolic Lighthouse

Men's Meeting - Bro Jonathan Dudley

1h 3m
Broadcast on:
07 Dec 2024
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Let's give honor unto Jesus here today. Lift your voice, lift your voice and give honor unto the Lord. Master we worship you, we love you today. There's no one like you, beautiful King, wonderful Savior. I am holy, holy, holy Lord, God Almighty, praise the Lord, praise the Lord. God bless you today what an honor it is to be here in the Osho Apostolic Lighthouse with fine gathering of rough, tough, all the other apostolic stuff. When it comes to men, we appreciate Godly men that are endeavoring to serve the Lord and please God in all that they say and do. And what a need it is for us as men to become what God intends for us to be, to strengthen our families and to strengthen our churches in times like these. Oh, I do feel the burden of the moment and the occasion, try to be a blessing here and believe that God has something on his mind, salute each of you men. God bless you. And I want to give honor to Elder Samson, I appreciate you all there, you and dear wife, family, God bless you, the work of God that being done here in this community. Brother Caleb, you and your wife, children, God bless you, we love you and I too appreciate our friendship, iron sharpened with iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friends. Someone said, and it stuck in my mind, that your friends are like the buttons on an elevator. They'll either take you up or they'll take you down and I want to surround myself with men as strong and stronger than myself. I'm not interested in going down in any way, form or fashion. Not interested in letting down in any way, form or fashion. Amen. Everybody say, praise the Lord. Let's ask the Lord to speak to us here today. you pray and ask God to direct our minds. Master, we are nothing. We can do nothing. We lean upon you today, Jesus. Yalamoshayeokusayalabota. I love you, King. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. Would you feel after the presence of the Lord here? In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. Have your way here today, God. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Amen. God bless you. You can be seated in Jesus' name. Thank you again for hosting this meeting, and I want to say in advance, we appreciate the meal that's been provided for us. We look forward to that here momentarily. I hope that we can give ourselves to the word of the Lord and allow God to help us here for just a few moments. The Apostle James in chapter number one, in verse number 14, he wrote that every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed. If the Apostle said every man, then I believe he meant every man. If that be the case, then temptation is a universal problem. The Apostle Paul in writing to the Corinthian church, chapter 10 of 1 Corinthians verse number 13, he said, "There hath no temptation taken you, but such as is common to man. But God is faithful who will not suffer you to be attempted above that you are able, but will with the temptation also make a way to escape that you may be able to bear it. It would appear to me that every man is going to face temptation, but that with the temptation, God will give us an escape route, allowing us to know that if every man is tempted, but we are provided a way of escape, temptation in and of itself is not sin." Hebrews the fourth chapter in the 15th verse said that Jesus was in all points, tempted like as we are, yet without sin. James gives us the prognosis of temptation becoming sin. He said that happens when we are drawn away of our own lust and enticed. I believe the Apostle gives place to the power of temptation as being from without a man, while that lust is from within a man. I do believe that it is a common misconception that the external force of temptation is the reason for ethical or moral failure. But James said that temptation's power in a man's life comes when he is drawn away after his own lust. Every one of us recognizes that there are external forces to tempt a man. A man can be externally tempted to be unfaithful to his church by the offer of more money on a job, but a different locale, a different shift causing him to miss services. But that external temptation will not affect that man, and unless there is something internally alive in him, perhaps the desire for more money or the lust of greed. A man can be externally tempted to indulge in drinking or smoking, but a bottle of alcohol or a rolled joint is not going to affect that man unless there is a desire alive in him for some type of synthetic reprieve to the trouble that he is facing, or if he's looking for an acceptance in a certain group or crowd. A man can be externally tempted to lie about his finances in order to get or to maintain a certain status. But that temptation is not going to move that man unless there's something alive within him that is looking for envy from his friends, pride working from the inside out. Jesus said, "Do you not perceive that whatsoever thing from without entering into the man, it cannot defile him because it enters not into his heart. Whatever external force coming against a man, it will not defile a man unless it finds place within the heart of a man." Jesus said that which cometh out of a man, that defileth the man, but from within out of the heart of man, proceed evil thoughts and adulteries and fornications and murders and thefts and covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness and evil eye, blaspheme, pride, foolishness, all these evil things come from within and defile the man. No wonder the wise man wrote, "Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues up of life." Temptations are from without and the fact of the matter is we have little control over the temptations that come to us. Lust originates within and becomes our individual responsibility to deal with. You cannot control temptation, but you can control lust. We've already read that Jesus was in all points tempted like as we are. We're very aware of Jesus being tempted in the wilderness directly by the devil. Those external temptations that the devil brought to Jesus Christ did not snare him. But Jesus said while the prince of this world cometh, he had nothing in me. There was nothing alive inside of Jesus that the devil could attempt him with. There was no lust in Jesus for self-preservation. That's why he wouldn't command stones to be made into bread at the end of a forty-day fast. There was no lust in the heart of Jesus to share political power with Satan in the kingdoms of this world. That's why he did not enter into the wager or the deal that the devil was trying to make with him, the compromise that he was trying to make with him. There was nothing alive within Jesus Christ looking for some type of religious prestige that would cause him to ascend to the pinnacle of the temple and to cast himself down from there. Everything that the devil brought externally against Jesus was met with futility because Jesus' spirit was pure in his desire to please God. The external temptation did not overcome Jesus because there was no lust within his heart. Lust can simply be defined as an impulsive passionate desire. No of times it is a passionate desire for something that is forbidden. The Apostle Paul wrote to the Ephesian congregation and in reminding them of where they were when God found them and the miracle of conversion that God had wrought for them. He said among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lust of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind and were by nature the children of wrath even as others. Lust can be defined as the desire of the flesh and of the mind. I'm preaching to men that are still alive in the flesh. I'm preaching to men that are still cognitive in your thinking abilities. And I know you may be looking at me strange but I'm really going to preach right where we are. We'll not preach figmentally. I will not preach some phantom here today. I'm a man in flesh and blood just like you are seated before me and we face real temptations. We face real snares and entrapments set by the devil to destroy our soul. I don't want to be ignorant of the devil's devices and I do not want to set myself up for ethical failure or set myself up for moral failure or set myself up for doctrinal failure because I have left something untimpered within my mind or my spirit. James said when lust conceives it brings forth the sin and sin when it is finished it brings forth the death. That word conceive. Every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed and when lust conceives it brings forth the sin that word conceive means to arrest or to take captive. In other words when lust becomes the master then I become the slave and when lust is the master and I am the prisoner then I will sin. The apostle Paul spoke of this slave capture relationship in Romans chapter number six he said let not sin therefore rain in your mortal body that you should obey it to him the luster of neither yield you your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin but yield yourselves unto God as those that are alive from the dead and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God for sin shall not have dominion over you for you are not under the law but under grace oh praise the Lord and the grace of God that appears to all men teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lust and that we should live soberly and righteously and godly in this present world I am not living by the desire of my mind and the desire of my flesh I am under grace which is the desire of God for my purpose to exist it is God working in me both to wheel and to do of his good pleasure it's the power of God giving me the right desire and then giving me the ability to fulfill that desire I cannot serve God by my own volition on my own intellect on my own abilities on my own talents it takes the grace of God to please God yeah man we're not interested in becoming a slave to sin and if we'll learn to conquer our lust then sin will not have dominion over us as God was delivering the children of Israel out of Egypt God had to change the desire of his beloved people they're on their way out they run upon hard times I want to read to you what that they were wishing for the Bible said that they fail a lusting they were dealing with lust on their way out of Egypt heading into Canaan's land and in their lust they desired fish and they desired cucumbers and melons and leeks and onions and garlic and they said because we don't have what we used to fare on in Egypt our soul is dried away because all that is set before us now is just this manna cucumbers leeks and melons and onions and garlic and without them our soul is withering away in other words that is what was keeping us alive and that is what our appetite is for in every one of these fruits they grow on low-lying plants that lie on or in the dirt and they represent worldly appetites and because while they're on their way out of Egypt their appetite has not changed yet their desires have not changed yet then they considered their soul to be drying away because they still have an insatiable desire for what the dirt can produce they want to eat the fruit that is connected to the dirt and so God began to work on them Deuteronomy chapter eight and verse number three the scriptures said that he humbled the and suffered the to hunger and fed thee with manna which thou knewest not neither did thy fathers know that he might make thee know that man does not live by bread only but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of the Lord does man live he allowed his people to suffer hunger so that he might feed them with manna you're going to have to acquire some different taste there's going to be a different drive and desire that comes alive in you what used to feel you the leeks and the onions and the garlic that which the dirt produced it is not going to satisfy the void and the loaning that is in your heart you are in need now of more than the natural you're in need of the supernatural you're not in need of what springs from the earth you're in need now of what falls from heaven i want to change your appetite of what the world can feed you with to what that god wants to sustain you with i'm going to suffer you to hunger i'm going to make i'm going to make the world look sick to you i'm going to make the world sound sick to you i'm going to make the world distant to you i'm going to let you go through some things i've got to wean you off of what you're used to providing for yourself i've got to change your appetite so that i can grow you into my people praise the lord yeah man god said i'm going to feed you with manna which you have not known and neither did your father's know so that you will know that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of the lord i believe they're probably first generation apostolic standing and seated here in this room and when you come into the church you get a taste of that which you have never known before those of you that are first generation not only have you never tasted it but your daddy never tasted it and your grandfather never tasted it and what has proved to be a genealogy of sin a giving oneself to the desires of the flesh the lust of the flesh and of the mind at some point that's going to stop at some point there's going to be a brand new son it starts desiring things that dad never wanted desiring things that grandpa never wanted we're not interested in hollywood like grandpa was interested in it we're not interested in pornography like generations of men in our family have been interested in it if i could preach practically we're not chewing we're not dipping we're not snorting we don't have wondering eyes we're in the church of the living god and we're glad to be here we got our mind and our taste of the leechs and the onions in the garlic and we're feasting now in canons land and we're drinking milk and we're eating honey and we've never had it so good before they sent those spies in the canons land they came back and i want you to notice what they were carrying numbers chapter 13 and verse number 23 they came into the brook of eskal and cut down from them subbranch with one cluster of grapes and they bear it between two up on a staff and they brought up the pomegranates and of the figs grapes and pomegranates and figs stand in contrast to leeks and onions and garlic and melons egypt produces from the ground but canons land produces from a tree it produces from a vine it produces from an elevated place i want you to know by the grace of god my taste have been elevated i'm not feasting on the trash of this world anymore i am not filling my system with all of the garbage that the world is trying to make me ingest i've got a hunger for things pure i've got a hunger for things honest i've got a hunger for things holy somebody say praise the lord our soul is dried away they said you can replace that word soul with appetite our appetite is drying up oh that's what god's wanting to do i know you're complaining about it a little bit but that's what god is suffering to happen he's suffering you to hunger he's drying up your soul your appetite praise to lord i don't know if it'd be all right if i preach just a little bit here today hey i'm glad to be in the church i'm glad to be living for jesus praise the lord used to run the streets now we're running the aisles used to be drunk on that old wine we're now drinking that new wine used to be given to everything that the devil would plant and paint in front of our face but now we're living by the word of god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hey man it's keeping me alive you hear me it's all over me and it's keeping me alive my god's not dead he's still alive i feel him in my hands i feel him in my feet i feel him in my heart i feel him all over me it's all over me and it's keeping me alive i don't live the way i used to live i don't walk the way i used to walk this is exactly the verse of scripture that jesus quoted to the devil when the devil tempted him man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of god jesus is telling the devil you are tempting me with something that is not alive that's been dried up that appetite is gone i don't live jesus is letting the devil know what satisfies you and what satisfies me is two different things what excites you and what excites me are two different things praise the lord every one of you men please listen there's no substitute for the holy ghost there's no substitute for preaching there's no substitute for study there's no substitute for fasting there's no substitute for faithfulness there's no substitute for the house of god there's no substitute for the ways of god let me preach just a little bit longer praise the lord yeah man if we're going to have a wild game feed eat locust and wild honey i might as well preach a little repentance before we get there everybody say praise the lord this devil appealing to the base nature of jesus it yeah it don't work what's keeping you alive and what's keeping me alive's two different things praise the lord you men get full of the holy ghost those flashing lights and those commercials i said commercials you call them ads you call them whatever you want to and you can at sanctimonious with me right now but you know exactly what i'm talking about flashing up on your phone on your computer screen you know exactly what i'm talking about i candid that the devil is putting in front of you to divert your attention and your affection up of what is really valuable and what is really important lord i'd like to rebuke that old shallow carnal nature and say it's time for the men of god to develop an appetite for holiness hey man oh i don't know if i should jump and just preach right here right now or not shame on you if your wife is at home worried about what you're doing on your cell phone shame on you if your wife is concerned about who you're talking to on your lunch break you let me preach just a few more minutes this appeal to the base nature no temptation is taking you but what just is common to man i believe the holy ghost is just powerful now hallelujah yeah man let me preach to you young men for just a minute we're making a great mistake to glorify the past to the point that that present day pentacles just become anemic i want to thank god for everything that got us to where we are i appreciate those pioneering preachers but i'm not gonna back up because i'm 43 and it's the year 2020 fall what worked then works now the church is not weak we're not just barely hanging on we're not just barely getting back you're in the church of the living god you're gonna be walking in victory you're gonna be walking in authority you're gonna be walking in power praise the lord hey man let's be apostolic right now let's be holding this man right now let's be godly men right now yes sir this appeal to the base nature it's an age old tactic peter said oh ride with me a little bit here peter said for when they speak great swelling words of vanity they allure through the lust of the flesh through much wantonness those that were clean escape from them who live in earth i think for the most part i'm preaching to men that have already been converted you have already obeyed the gospel defined by the apostle peter in ax chapter two in verse number 38 has repented and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin and you shall receive the gift of the holy ghost hope you ever get over being water baptized in Jesus name don't you ever get over be deal with the holy ghost what a change the lord has wrought in us praise the lord and uh here man this the apostle peter is riding here in this second epistle he's not preaching to a ranked sinner that has never known the gospel he's preaching to men that have already been obedient to the word of god but he's concerned that they still have something alive in them that would be allured by a man speaking great swelling words of vanity and using words to allure through the lust of the flesh oh i'm very seriously doubt you didn't get much if you're going to walk out of here and go back to skid row you didn't get much if you're going to walk out of here and go back to the gutter you didn't get much if you're leaving this house to go back to the crack house you didn't get much if you're leaving the altar to go back to the street corner in the alleyway you didn't get much if you're leaving the light to go back to darkness you didn't get a hoe out doubt very many of you go turn and go back there but there is a danger here in these end times and that is some pretty poor preacher would appeal to you and present to you a way that is easier but still allows you to identify as a Christian you're probably not going to go sip at the cesspool of sin but it might appeal to you if you're not going to be faithful to church and if you're not willing to put your body on an altar and present it as a living sacrifice unto God and say no to yourself to listen to some smooth talking puppet somewhere and come over here you don't have to do that at this church you don't have to live that way at this church you can come here and still appease your flesh [Applause] he said those that were clean escaped are in danger of being elured through the lust of the flesh and he said they're going to be promising liberty while they themselves are the servants of corruption let me you forgive me here now you forgive me you forgive me but let me read it to you from the living bible he said these men are as useless as dried up springs of water promising much and delivering nothing they are as unstable as clouds driven by the storm winds they are doomed to the eternal pits of darkness they proudly boast about their sins and conquest and using lust as their bait they lure back into sin those who have just escaped from such wicked living you aren't saved by being good they say so you might as well be bad do what you like be free my my my praise the lord i might want to say something to the men from apostolic lighthouse you better be state you you you better stay faithful to a man of god that'll preach truth you i understand this is a men's meeting and they're men from other churches but i might want to say to the men of apostolic lighthouse you better shut your ear to the deceptive fort time of a lion preacher trying to give you an easy way to get to heaven praise the lord somebody praise the lord somebody praise the lord somebody get off of your fickle fence get off of your fickle fence get away from your indecision and your double-mindedness say paul said it like this he said i charged he therefore before god and the lord jesus christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing in his kingdom preach the word be instant in season out of season reproved rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lust shall they heed to themselves teachers having itching ears and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto famous my lord someone can tempt you with the lesser gospel it's because there's a lust that's still alive in you somewhere praise the lord somebody said praise the lord the wise man said where there is no vision the people perish that word perish means they're loosened or they let go of restraint or they're out of control where there is no vision the people are loosened or they let go of restraint or they're out of control but he that keepeth the law happy is he moses went to the top of Mount Sinai and there received from the hand of god the tables of stone imprinted by the very finger of god the ten commandments there he and erin are on their way back down to the camp Joshua I'm sorry he and Joshua are on their way back down to the camp the inexperienced young ears of Joshua thought that it was the sound of the noise of war in the camp moses said it's not the cry of them that are being overcome neither is it a shout for the mastery but i'm just hearing noise it's it's complacent there's no intensity to it it's not defeat and it's not victory it's just noise oh my lord have mercy i could get off track right there yeah man i am convinced i am convinced that in the world of apostolic Pentecostalism we are losing a whole lot just out of laziness we're losing our intensity oh praise the lord yeah man it all sound like you're overcoming or you're being defeated one of the two it all sound like you've got the victory or you're in the body of your life but it not all be some tepid lukewarm run of the meal when they get back the bible said moses saw that the people were naked for erin had made them naked unto their shame among their enemies that were naked as translated from the same word as parish where there is no vision the people perish moses was saying these this people is out of control they've lost all restraint oh yeah a lack of restraint is the equivalent of spiritual nakedness a lack of restraint is the equivalent of perishing my lord if you want to live you better have some laws in your life that you're going to abide by that word perish that word perish translated from the hebrew word p-a-r-a and it's used for pharaoh six times in the old testament the same word perish the same word nakedness out of control no restraint is used to depict pharaoh six times in the old testament now we understand that pharaoh has more than one name the name pharaoh means great house but i think pharaoh was the embodiment of both things he built the kingdom of no restraint it was a great house with loose morals and you know where the children of israel wanted to go back to they wanted to go back to Egypt they wanted to go back and serve pharaoh and it wasn't because life was easy there it got difficult for them they lifted up their voice they cried out unto moses by reason of the vexation the grievous burdens that pharaoh placed upon the people of god hit them out gathering dust and making bricks a difficult life but as long as they made bricks they could live any way they wanted to live but when you come into cadence land we're going to build a house but we're going to build it free will you just bring up the gold you bring in the silver whatever's in your heart i'm not going to demand anything you bring up your own free will but let me tell you something you're not going to be sleeping around in cadence land they were saying we don't mind making bricks because we don't have to guard our eyes we don't have to guard our ears we don't have to mind our moral manners what kind of a church are you looking for what kind of a life are you looking for oh yeah there's a difference in moses leadership in pharaohs leadership pharaoh demands nothing morally but mandates total control otherwise moses said just bring a free will offering we'll build a house with that but we are going to demand moral purity thou shalt not commit adultery and jesus said let me define that for you if a man look upon a woman too lost after her he has committed adultery with her already in his heart yeah yeah well the samsung said it it's easier to give your money than it is to give your time oh yeah we'll make them bricks in that amazing folks come out of sin into the church they come in broken they're miserable they're destitute they're empty they come in crying perhaps but you could you could you raise up somebody to deliver us out to lead us out then just a few days into the journey man i'd like to have some of them leaks and garlics and melons and onions again i'd like to be able to do what i want to do on a moral level oh my lord i understand i understand i'm preaching a little far out i i understand you you're not sure whether you want to agree with me or not paul said paul said you know what he said fornication it ought not once be named and he said it ought not be named among the church of god he said it ought not be more skin quiet tightening up on me right i i'm preaching a man's meeting you know tomorrow i'll be home and have a bunch of ladies and children in there and i may milli mouth but today i'm not going milli mouth i'm preaching to men Paul said fornication i'll not even be named one time you know what Peter said he said the time passed of our life is enough to fulfill the lust of our flesh like god if you wanted to live like a dog why didn't you get all you wanted when you were out now that you're in the church of the living god let's live clean after their own lust shall they heat to themselves teachers having itchy ears you know what it is it's in these latter times some departing from the faith giving heat to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils you know how seduction works it works through lust it's the only way seduction work it works through lust you know how you get truth the opposite of the spirit of the antichrist and second thessalonians there the opposite he said i'll send you a strong delusion because you you receive not a love for the truth yeah lust will keep you connected to seduction while that love will keep you connected to truth if there is something alive in you then you are going to be susceptible through a luring to a luring speech i'm pretty bored preacher will come and sell you a bit of goods they are your pastors being too tough on you the dating guidelines are too extreme the cell phone and the internet guidelines and the hollywood entertainment guidelines how many prayer meetings do we need to come to in a week how many times do we need to come to church let's get on this Sunday afternoon scheduling we won't do anything the rest of the week yeah come and make an appeal to your wolten desires and the lust of your flesh and sound good while they're doing it and what you don't realize is there a slave to send themselves the reason they won't preach against sin is because they don't have power over it yes seducing spirits some shall depart from the faith they're going to depart from the truth because they're operating through lust not love give me a love for this truth give me a love for this truth give me a love for this truth give me a love for this truth i want to love for this truth case and get a love for this truth song you young male a love for this truth that'll keep you i'm telling you they're spirits running rampant they're on a mark all kind of enticements and temptations to allure you and take you back and take you down i've got an antidote i've got an answer for lust it's love i love god too much to give in to some pain it up down i love god too much to give in to some shallow faith oh jesus in the name of jesus and that's the apostle john the apostle paul referred to him as the son of perdition but antichrist is only used by one writer and that's the apostle john in first john and second john that's the only two books of the bible you're ever going to see the antichrist called that by name who was the disciple of the apostle closest to jesus john was and so he could readily identify the antichrist because he was the closest to christ he could identify that seducing lying deceptive spirit because he was the closest to jesus i've got an answer for the lust problem it's love you'll fall in love with jesus you'll be able to identify everything that is unlike him there's not a man better qualified to identify the antichrist than the man that is closest to christ somebody say praise the lord everybody stand with me if you would please i'm coming to a close every man everybody say every man every man is tempted every man is tempted let me say a few things to you husbands here in your wedding day you promised before witnesses and before god to be faithful to your spouse to the day that you died did you think that meant faithful only with your body a foolish man says i'm married but i can still look that's a foolish man that's a man breaching his covenant that's a man jeopardizing a union that you made before god when you allow lust to live in your heart you break somebody else's heart and they're not here standing before us today but there's probably some wives who cried themselves to sleep last night because of some jerks in this room right here today i'm gonna let their tears in their prayers motivate me to preach strong here today man held if that's too straight just let it be for these men from which at all that's too straight you let lust live in your heart you have replaced your wife with somebody else in your mind pastor nobody knows what i'm thinking about or what i'm looking at when i'm alone you lying devil you you lying devil you lying devil god knows exactly what you're thinking about and what you're looking at amen paul said i want you to put off concerning the former conversation the old man which is corrupt according to the deceitful lust oh my god me and right here what formerly addicted to pornography it was a lie it was a deceitful lust it made promises it could not keep it left you a miserable shallow man it was a deceitful lust you may get mad at me today but you're not gonna be mad because i lied to you you're gonna be mad because i told you the truth and i want you to know there's power in the gospel to deliver a man for pornography you need a god help here today i believe god wants to help i believe god wants to help yeah man you better believe you ought to keep your hands off everybody but your spouse but i'm gonna tell you you need to keep your eyes off of everybody but your spouse amen amen man when you please god it doesn't matter who you displease and when you displease god it doesn't matter who you please let me preach to you young men here preach to the the husbands here let me let me preach to everybody here now joseph joseph could have given in he could have reasoned i'm young attractive single i'm in a foreign country it's acceptable in this society she wants it i like it might help me in my career i'm emotionally scarred my brothers hate me they sold me into slavery my momma died when i was young i've had a terrible life i'm deprived of love i deserve it get rid of your pitiful excuses sir get rid of your pitiful excuses get rid of your pit of excuses instead instead joseph turned and he ran he said i will not sit against god flee the folly and fight the urge gentlemen flee the folly and to fight fight the urge do whatever it takes to avoid lust i'm a situous strangers and pilgrims abstain from fleshly lust which war against the soul brother dudley how how extreme should i be with this well in the context of immorality jesus said if you're right i offend you if you're right hand offend you if you're right foot offend you cut it off he said that in the context of offense and in the context of immorality and he labeled it as right eye and right hand offenses dominant spirits i'm pornography is the sin of this generation it's the sin of this age amen anybody have a desire to be right before god anybody would would you be real with god today would you be real with god would you be real with god would you be real with god? okay so so so so