The Howie Carr Radio Network

Police Blotter Fax + Meet the Experts: Balance 7 | 4.26.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Between the Chump Line and Police Blotter, we've got a jam-packed hour on the Howie Carr Show. Then, Howie teases his latest episode of the new podcast line, Meet the Experts.

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26 Apr 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. Bogo is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at code word Howie Bogo. [MUSIC] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Well, sure, I mean, this is all about the fact that he has a Pro Hamas based Sean. But listen, Eisenhower did the right thing back in '57. When he sent the 101st Airborne to Little Rock, why not do it for Jewish Americans? Be glad, be grateful that I'm not just going out and murdering science. I hate these guys. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Well, for example, I remember starting off playing Catholic League football, C.A.Y.A.A. football, so I said, I was a lot bigger than because I was on a steal. Yeah, and that's it, too tall for Megan, they called me. Runner up in state, scoring, you know what to have. Wow. You know, you don't look big enough to play football. Well, I see I had a lot of injuries, and they changed my seat. I don't see any scars. Yeah, well, they were internal injuries. The rum swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware, it's Howie Carr. 844, 542, 442, 844, 542, 442. We still have some of the cheap bastard deals left. They're going fast. But while supplies last, you could purchase the official flip lock. It's a $50 value for just $25, $25. And you can see a video of how Flip Lock works. Go to, shipping is free if you buy two or more flip locks. It's a secondary door lock that's easy to use and tough enough for the worst-case scenarios. You can, it's 10 times stronger than a deadbolt, able to withstand over 1,600 pounds of pressure. It's unpickable, unbreakable, and installs at any height. No matter what other security you got on your outdoor homes, smart cameras, et cetera, you need stuff inside the house. You can use it on the front door or inside the house. That's where a lot of people are using it. So check it out, and it's a good deal. Go to and click on stores, the cheap bastard deal of the day. Also while you're there, you can check out the Boston police reports for all the arrests at Emerson College, over 100 people arrested. We told you about the 56-year-old Noah Cohen that's been arrested. We also, Shai Gorski is 44 years old, been arrested, and Lana Habesch, 55 years old. I wonder if she was there on a date with Noah Cohen, who's 56. There's some interesting, there's two people on here named Willow, one of whom was salted at a cop, Willow Caratero Chavez. Officer Chen rode his mountain police bike closer to Caratero Chavez and repeatedly directed him to move out of the street to allow the prisoner transport vehicle to leave. What Officer Chen attempted to escort Caratero Chavez out of the vehicle's path by grasping onto the suspect's bicycle, because of course he had a bicycle. Willow had a bicycle. He became violent and pushed, pulled back, causing Officer Chen to fall from his mountain police bike and on top of the suspect's bike. He then began to grab the bike and drag Officer Chen, who was attempting to stand up from the ground after being pulled down, after knocking down and dragging Officer Chen, the savage then ran away. Officers engaged in a foot pursuit into the Boston Calm and near Charles Strait. He was subsequently called by police placed into custody and transported to A1 for booking. 118 suspects arrested during the incident. I think the most interesting name though I saw was Liberty Ice, Liberty Ice. I think that's on sale this week at Total Wine. It's even cheaper than Natural Light. Liberty Ice, did you think he's a rapper? 844-542-844-542-542, time now for the chump line. This one's going, this Liberty Ice is going out for Liberty Ice. Hope he makes bail. Maybe it's a shake, who knows? Male presenting? Female identical. So the dummy that stole Adam Schif's clothing, good luck trying to fit into a size number two pencil. Yeah, this was a pretty funny story. He was going to a big fundraising event in Silicon Valley and so he had his car parked in a garage and they stole everything. A Democrat is the leading suspect in the theft. But he had to appear in like a hunting jacket or something at this big time fundraiser because he was a victim of his own constituents. The battle cry of Harvard using the words of William Prescott, don't turn on the sprinklers till you see the white of their eyes. That's a good one too, but I prefer the remnants of Crosby Stills National Young. This summer I hear the drumming, for sprayed in Harvard Yard. Today's chump line is brought to you by Northeast Hair Restoration. This April and may save $1,000 off their new PFE Hair Restoration procedure and listen to my Meet The Expert podcast with the doctors. You'll learn a lot about hair restoration procedures. These are state-of-the-art physicians. Go to or call 1-800-208-HARE, that's 1-800-208-H-A-I-R. Come on, man, pause. I support the college protesters. I remember when I was the first bite in a thousand years good university, I was part of the demonstration at Kenneth State, you know, the song "40 Dead in Ohio" by Ben Crosby. They're eating by cannibals. Thank you everybody. Go, Kenneth. Press conference. He was almost that bad today with Howard Stern, but not quite. An FBI spokesman says they don't have time to investigate possible terrorism ties at college protests because they're still busy trying to determine how many grandmothers were armed with selfie sticks on January 6th. Right. And they also want to get the license numbers of everybody who's going to the school board meetings to complain about their daughters being assaulted by transgender guys in the girls' bathrooms. And then if they have time, they go after the Catholics who are going to Latin masses. Joe Biden said Pete Booty charges a tight end. Listen, I had nothing to do with that. Somebody else called the PC police. Hey, Howard, is it true the president Roosevelt said the only thing we have to fear pause is fear itself? I have nothing to offer you. So the Nazi protesters wound up getting sprayed, although I would rather have them neutered in spade. But seeing this bunch, I've got a hunch. They don't have a big interest in getting laid. They just enjoy the company of others in a different way than you and I enjoyed the company of others when we were kids in the 413 area code Lemrick guy. It's a good thing to thieves didn't steal Adam's ship pencil, or he'd have nothing to keep his head on his shoulders. People really enjoying this Adam ship story, you know, it's like the old saying, you know, a conservative is a liberal who's been mugged, but in ships case, he doesn't care. This is a one off for him. This will never happen to him again. Didn't they know who he was? He's trying to help them. He wants to, they're all, this is Democrat on Democrat crime breaking into Adam's ship's car. Hi, Harry, Governor Patrick calling, wait a minute, for decades you've been railing against unions and pensions and then yesterday, you snily admit that you're getting a union pension. If it's anything like your movie royalties, you're grossly overpaid. You Hollywood hypocrite, we're gonna be fine. I'm not on welfare. I'm getting a pension. I paid into that pension fund, the aftersag pension fund. You know what I'm doing now? I'm trying to get them, now that I'm a resident of Florida, I'm trying to get them to stop taking out Massachusetts withholding taxes. It's an arduous process. I'm making call after call after call and nothing ever happens. I wish they don't reopen the state offices. They've only been closed for four years. Until Biden approved, you know, the same. He, in his high school football career, he was a run. That's what he said, that he was a run. Hey, Harry, I just read that pencil neck got his luggage stolen in San Francisco. Looks like Sam Brinkman is up to his, her, their old tricks again. Did you hear about this guy at Columbia who wants to kill all the Jews? Chaimani is his name, I think it's Chaimani Jones, K-H-Y-M-A-N-I. He has a picture. It's on the Daily Mail he's posing with, with Ayana Presley, the Congresswoman from Boston. His pronouns are he, she, they, he's everything. He's trans non-binary. I thought you were either trans or non-binary. Taylor, you never told me you could be trans non-binary. Is that any different from being non-binary trans? They've lost me. They've lost me so long ago. What are you transing from if you're non-binary? That's what I'm saying. I don't understand. But I assume they just got this after one of his, one of his statements of identity. I, I, I get, maybe that's like the purgatory of L-G-P-T. Purgatory or limbo. Limbo, whatever, like you're transitioning. You just don't know where you're going to end up yet. But you can get out, you can get out of purgatory. You can't get out of limbo or at least that's what they told me in, in Sunday school. That was your last jump line message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. All right, that's it for the Chumpline today. The Chumpline is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie Car Show. You can call and get a message and leave a message at any hour of the day or night, including, well, any hour of the day or night, up to 1 to 4 every weekday. And the Chumpline number, if you'd like to leave such a message, 844-542-442, 844-542-442. Press 2 for the Chumpline, leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your message just now, you'd have an opportunity, maybe to hear it tonight. When we do chop chumps, that's the second Chumpline of the day. That's where we put the messages. We didn't have room with time for just now. It's the second Chumpline of the day, and you can find chop chumps wherever you get your Howie Car Show. Podcasts. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by Northeast Hair Restoration. This April and May save $1,000 off their new PFE Hair Restoration procedure, and listen to my Meet the Expert podcast with the doctors. Go to or call 1-800-208-HAR. So the Nazi protesters wound up getting sprayed, although I would rather have them neutered in spade. But seeing this bunch, I've got a hunch. They don't have a big interest in getting laid. Just in different ways, Slimrick. I, as I said, I'm Howie Car. Looking for the perfect gift for the Howie Car fan in your life? Or maybe you're looking for a great deal on a local restaurant or entertainment venue. We've got them all. Go to and click store. The Howie Car Show is back. This is just a pinch between the Chumpline and Gum. Today's poll question is brought to you by Northeast Hair Restoration. This April and May save $1,000 off their new PFE Hair Restoration procedure, and listen to my Meet the Expert podcast with the doctors. Go to or call 1-800-208-HAR. You're going to be very happy if you get your hair restoration and the new procedure. It's less invasive. Don't have to wear a cap, the baseball cap, like I did, and it comes in a lot faster. It's just better. The hair transplant I got was great. This is better. Call 1-800-208-HAR or go to Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is Harvard says the state's proposed wealth tax on its $50 billion endowment would cripple it. Should the legislature pass the $1.5 billion yearly Harvard tax? Yes, no, or the tax should be even higher. Even higher. 32% say even higher, 62% say pass it, 6% say don't pass it. I say to Harvard, just pay your fair share. If you want to have a $50 billion invest $1 billion endowment, that's okay. Just pay your fair share. All right. 844-542-42. I just read that someone just texted in that Biden also said that when he was a lifeguard, he saved six people. I haven't seen, I haven't heard that cut. We'll look for it though. 844-542-42. We have a lot of regular callers and we love everybody who listens to the show and some people we know better than others. I am saddened to say to announce today the passing of one of our most loyal listeners, Zebra. His real name was Michael Themelis. He was from Manchester, New Hampshire. He was 66 and he passed away last Saturday. It had a four-month battle with aggressive brain cancer. Michael Arthur Themelis was a private detective in his career for most of his life. According to his obed in the union leader, he was a regular live commenter on the Howie Carr radio show under the alias Zebra. He wrote, he had a blog page called The Granite Truth. Here's a little bit of one of his poems. We were born to a land of heroes carved in stone and forged in bronze who bore the cost of freedom and without question carried on. Rest in peace. Zebra, in lieu of flowers or donations, his family asked that you will honor Zebra's memory by treating each one you meet each day with kindness, compassion and a warm smile. That's a good way to be remembered. 844-542-42. We don't have much time, Mike, but we want to get you before police plot our facts. Go ahead, Mike, quickly. Okay, I just wanted to say, I don't know if you heard about the main legislature, the Democrat. I call them terrorists. They were trying to say that if you stole $500 or less, you're off the hook. Yeah, ask them how that worked out in San Francisco or how it worked out in Suffolk County in Boston. That's insanity at whatever level. You have to prosecute crimes wherever they're committed, whatever they're committed. Thanks for the call, Mike. I'm Howie Carr. ♪♪♪ Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-42. You know, they're a pecker from the National Enquirer. He's been on the witness stand today and he's just crushing the... in the cross examination. He's crushing the prosecution, pointing out all the other cases that they have... all the other stories they killed with the National Enquirer. And it goes back beyond when pecker on the paper. It used to be owned by the Popes. I wrote about it in Kennedy Babylon, volumes one and two. They had a story from the columnist for the Gossip columnist for the Washington Post. It's back when it was owned by Martha Graham. And she wrote the story about how Mary Jo Capacny was pregnant. She had the story totally, totally solid. And the Washington Post wouldn't print it. It wasn't as corrupt a paper then as it is now, but they still wouldn't print it. Ben Bradley, JFK's buddy, Drinkin' Buddy, was the editor. They didn't want to hurt the Kennedy's. So she sold it to the National Enquirer and they killed it. They bought it and they killed it. The Pope's son, I think his name was Jenna Rosa or Jenna Cerro, Pope Jr. He wrote about it in his biography and I used some of the quotes from the book in Kennedy Babylon. They've always done this. This goes back all the way with the National Enquirer. There's nothing new here. And he also said today that Trump went pecker, went to Trump. Trump didn't even know that Cohen had cut this deal. He didn't know. I mean that the case was feeble enough to begin with and now they're owned. The prosecution witnesses crushing it. And they haven't even put Cohen on the stand. Cohen, a serial purger. 844-542-42. People are sad about Zebra. They're talking about... I was wondering why I haven't heard from Zebra in a while, miss his voice already. That's 603. Arden says, "So sorry to hear about Zebra. I always enjoyed his calls too young. My condolences to his family, you and highway coordination." I met him a few times. He would be at events up in New Hampshire, northern Massachusetts. He was a good guy. 844-542-42. I'm driving down the street listening to this, and I'm so sorry. Rest in peace, Zebra. And Rambo 13 says, "R.I.P. Zebra. He's the same age as me." So sad, says 781. It is sad. I'm sorry about this. Very sorry in our condolences to Zebra's family. Zebra has passed at the age of 66 up in Manchester last week, one of our regular, one of our best callers. All right, we have the cut from... Not only was he a superstar in football, but he saved more people than George Bailey, and it's a wonderful life as a lifeguard. Remember that? Jimmy Stewart was the lifeguard, and he saved the life. George Bailey only saved one life, though, right? Joe Biden puts George Bailey, and it's a wonderful life to shame. Cut. Here it is. I learned a lot, and I made a lot of friends. Did you ever save anyone's life when you were a lifeguard? Was anyone ever drowning? Yeah. You did? Yeah, well, half a dozen times. Usually younger kids, you know, but... You do the thing with the whistle and then jump in when the bathing suit and get it. You got it. No kidding? Yeah, it was a big pool. We had our 7 lifeguard stands. See, that would define... I would brag about that everywhere I went. Well, by the way, I ended up in Lake Ontario, too, when I was in law school. But look, one of the things that... You saved a dude's life. When you were in law school, you were still doing the lifeguard thing. Yeah, the lifeguard, too. I mean, you know, people just need help sometimes. I mean, it's not like it's so heroic. If it's not like it's so heroic, why did you just go on about... You know, I lost count. I saved so many lives. I was just six at the pool. Lake Ontario, I saved dozens, dozens of lives. And then I was Syracuse. Then when the Titanic was going down, it was cold that night, but I saved several of the Vanderbilt's. Then I was back on duty when the Lusitania went down. I'm sorry I couldn't get to the hood soon enough to save anybody from the HMS hood when the Bismarck had them, but there were only three of them that survived. That was me, Brandon. I got those three, sir. I got those three people. You know, a few people asked it to USS Arizona, too. The last one died just recently. The last thing he said was, "I'd like to thank Joe Biden for saving my life on December 7, 1941, D-Day." This Joe called it last week. All right. 844-500-4242-844-500-4242. We're going to do a short and police-bladder facts Friday today because we want to do our meet the experts preview early at the end of the hour so we can have a full hour for Dr. Matt the vet. But we've got time to do a good version. Why do you still read the newspaper? I like to keep up on local news, like the police-bladder. Whenever the laws of any state are broken, a duly authorized organization swings into action. A fact! A fact is coming through! Yeah, a fact! Here's the kind of adventure you've been waiting to hear. Hard-boiled action and mystery. So stand by for trouble and suspense. Stand by for adventure. This police-bladder facts Friday is dedicated, I should say, to Zebra, our great-collar who's no longer with us. So you know how it works? All week long we ask you to send in funny stories you see on the internet or in your local daily or weekly paper. It could be even from the local police department's column that they run in many places still. Just send it, email it to and at this time every Friday evening we read the best entries of the week in our opinion and the two best entries of the week at a nice prize. What do they get this week, Taylor? They'll get a go-woke, go-broke t-shirt. Okay. All right, so we've got a couple of runners up and we'll get right to the winners. Driver sleeping behind the wheel bursts into song when deputies wake him. A motor is found unconscious behind the wheel of his vehicle starts singing when deputy knocks on the window Florida investigators say. Exactly what he was singing isn't clear in deputy Jesse Brown's body cam video, but the odd encounter ended with the man under arrest. The Marion County Sheriff's Office said in a release. It happened just after 2 a.m. Monday near Bellevue, Florida when deputies found a vehicle stopped at a turn lane. Brown knocked on the window more than two dozen times before getting a reaction. The driver was passed out behind the wheel and unresponsive the Sheriff's Office reports when he finally woke up. He began to sing along to the radio and appeared to be obviously impaired. I watched the video. What was the song? You can't tell. You can't make it out. Hey, hey, we're the monkeys. I doubt that very it was young guy. Thirty five years old. He was not listening to the monkeys. Man riding her song Weeping Willow. Willow weep for me. Willow weep for me. Yeah, there's the people commenting and saying we're either of the willows Weeping that were arrested last night at Emerson College riot. Willows weep for me. Man riding uninsured Harley Davidson nabbed with open bottle of Fireball Whiskey. Travis Keith Sharpen, 48 years old. Was it Liberty Ice? No, it was not Liberty Ice. I imagine that's a little tough to keep the carbonation. Summerfield resident was riding the motorcycle shortly before 2 p.m. Wednesday when an officer noticed the bike hadn't expired license plate. During a traffic stop Sharpen admitted he did not have a valid driver's license. He also said the motorcycle was paid off and he didn't have any insurance. The officer confirmed that Sharpen has had multiple suspensions of his license many due to his failure to pay traffic tickets or complete traffic school. A search of the motorcycle turned up an open 750 milliliter bottle of Fireball Whiskey. That's a pretty big bottle. I didn't know they made them that big. Yeah, they're not just nips. I thought they only made nips. No. They make full size. They make the big boys. It just seems like they only make nips. Women busted for seeking threesome. Louisiana woman last night. Haba, Haba. How does she look, Taylor? Very guilty. She forced her way into a male neighbor's home and sought to initiate a threesome with the victim and his girlfriend. You think she would have been welcome to one of those tents at Harvard in the Harvard yard? Oh, no. She would have been right at home there. Absolutely. Absolutely. Maybe a little too attractive, but not attractive enough for police plotter facts Friday. A patrolman was told by the man that upon answering a knock at his door, an unknown neighbor forced her way into the residence. The woman-- Unknown neighbor. How did he know it was unknown? How did he know he was interested? Well, nobody really knows their neighbors anymore, but they know who their neighbors are just by appearances. The woman, the victim said, began trying to have sexual activities with him and his girlfriend. While the alleged late night incursion, however, did not result in any three-way action, a woman did end up in handcuffs. Her name is Shadana Rationett Hurd, 31 years old. Shadana. Shadana. Well, maybe the handcuffs were a prelude to-- She's a little kinky. Foreplay or something. All right, we'll get to our winners now. Wanted man walks past Florida cops dressed as a woman. Excuse me, it's ma'am. It is ma'am. They did not fall for it. They did not fall for it. Don't believe so. The search for an accused boat thief came to a strange conclusion in Florida when deputies noticed a blonde woman in a blue sundress walking past them bore a striking resemblance to the guy they were hunting. The search for an accused boat thief turns out it wasn't a woman. It was a man in disguise and he was wanted in multiple counties, the Glades County Sheriff's Office said. The discovery, which has become a hot topic on social media, was made around 3 p.m. Wednesday. During the time deputies were investigating a recovered stolen boat that was located at Old Calusa Lodge, the suspect of the theft was identified when deputies began canvassing the area in search of the alleged suspect. The suspect they observed him exiting a residence dressed as a woman in an attempt to disguise himself. Tiptoe through the tulips. Now do you identify him as a female presenting man or as a male presenting man? There's a picture. He did not present well if he was female presenting. It was a dead giveaway. But once again could have blended in easily with the students over at Harvard or Columbia, wherever. Harry, Harry legs, sundress, and our final winner tonight, village of St. John's woman arrested in theft of plants and paper towels. Plants. Plants and paper towels. Marijuana plants? She was trying to get fired from Entercon. Keshmira engineer. It's got a lot easier this week to get fired from Entercon, by the way. Keshmira engineer 56 went to Lowe's home improvement at trail winds village at about 10 a.m. Wednesday and headed for the garden section where she loaded multiple plants into her cart. The plants were identified as Dinella and Perslane, or Perslane, however you pronounce that. She left the store and loaded the plants into her black Honda pilot. All kinds of details in this, this report. Status details. Engineer return to the store and loaded bounty paper towels. Founcy paper towels. She went for the premiums. Good stuff, yeah. Not the house brand. Pillows into ceramic pot into her cart. She went back to her vehicle and unloaded the items. The merchandise she took had a total value of $473.99 just under $500. The incidents were captured on surveillance. This wasn't in Maine, and that law hasn't been passed in Maine yet. The Lumbert guy says the luggage Steve Sam Britain has now graduated to boats. Maybe so. That's Place Blogger Facts Friday. All right, we will be right back with the Meet the Experts preview on Howie Car. The Howie Car Show. ♪♪ He's Howie Car, and he's back. ♪♪ 844-542-42. We've been, we've been having some, some great Meet the Experts podcast, I think. Lately, and they seem to be getting a lot of interest from everybody. And I won our new Meet the Experts podcast that we're premiering today is about balance seven. You know balance seven. It's something I really like. It's kind of hard to explain what it does for you, but I think we've tried to do that in this one. I love balance seven. It's worked for me and so many others for issues like heartburn, inflammation, energy, and so much more. It's just a good product. But what makes it work? That's the topic of this week's episode of Meet the Experts featuring the CEO of balance seven, Dr. Norstani. Here's a sneak peek. What is the scientific basis of balance seven? I think with medicine what we have forgotten that we're not solving the problem. We solve the symptoms, not the problem. Within our body we have a scale of pH which basically measures acidity or alkalinity. So balance seven brings that pH towards alkalinity as opposed to being more towards acidity which causes all the havoc in the body. I don't mean to be judgmental here, but the worst your diet is the more you need balance seven. So let me be judgmental. I'm going to be extremely judgmental. Majority of today's disease is related to acidity, whether it's high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, heart attack, cancers, all are related to an acidic environment within your body. So when you're eating junk, you are inviting those diseases. How does it help with digestion and heartburn? And I really noticed that it helps with heartburn. I had acid reflux and I've been taking, you name it, and some of the main big guns prescription for years because I had such a heartburn especially if I eat anything that's acidic. I start taking balance and I haven't taken a single pill for the past five years. It's not like a super miracle cure that's going to make you feel better ten minutes after you take it. But if you take it steadily, you just feel better. The proof is when you stop taking it. You're not quite what you were. Put some effort on taking care of yourself and bringing back your body where it's supposed to be. Dr. Norestani, thanks so much for being with us here on Meet the Experts today. Thank you so much for having me. It really is a good product. We ran out of it again and just got some more and I was guzzling it down and so was the mailroom manager. When you're used to taking it, it comes back, you come back faster with it. I mean, just feel better. Give it a try. It's worth a try. Meet the experts with How We Car with this week's guest, Dr. Ahmad Norestani of Balance 7. This is available now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your How We Car show podcasts. Just search for How We Car Radio Network and remember to subscribe on your platform of choice. You can also listen to Meet the Experts at Meet the experts at And then we do have the police reports on the Emerson arrest last night. We got some pictures of them. The Herald has got pictures of them and they're going nuts that they're seeing there. Don't do the crime kids if you can't do the time. And that includes Noah Cohen, age 56, and Leah, whatever her name is, who's age 55. They're all flipping out though. We're from the National Lawyers Guild and you're endangering our little snowflakes by printing their pictures in the paper. Oh, boho, boho. Bruce from the Met says God will definitely bless Zebra. I will miss his distinctive voice and common sense patriotic calls. He will be missed by all. Get on the line now for Dr. Matt if you've got a question about your pets. 844-542-42. I'm How We Car.