The Howie Carr Radio Network

Middle-Aged Men arrested at Emerson & the Markets Look Worse, Again | 4.26.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Howie got the list of arrests made at Emerson College Thursday night, and some of the birthdates made him raise an eyebrow. Then, John from New York calls in to provide some unfortunate market doom.

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26 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Well, sure. I mean, this is all about the fact that that he has a pro Hamas based Sean. But listen, Eisenhower did the right thing back in '57 when he sent the 101st Airborne to Little Rock. Why not do it for Jewish Americans? Be glad. Be grateful that I'm not just going out and murdering science. That's it. I hate these guys. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Well, for example, I remember starting off playing Catholic League football, say CAO football. I said, I was a lot bigger than because I was still. Yeah. And that's it. Too tall for Megan, they called me. Runner up in state, scoring. You know what to have. Wow. You know, you don't look big enough to play football. Well, you see, I had a lot of injuries when they changed my seat. I don't see any scars. Yeah, well, they were internal injuries. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's how we car. 844-542-42, the flip locks are going fast, but they really are a good product. And if you're, you know, if you want some protection inside your house, you know, where you, your bedroom, bathroom, where you're going to run to if they, if they breach the perimeter as the, as Harvard Crimson calls the yard, you know, they're, they're really a good, good product. And also for your kids, if they're in their first apartments or if they're in a college dorm too. Art and one of our regular listeners said, how we ordered two from the last cheap bastard deal. That's when they were 30 bucks. Now they're 25 bucks. They're even a better deal than they were when art and ordered. They arrived in a very nice, very substantial and well engineered, nice, elegant solution. 844-542-42, 844-542-42, 919. We, you know, we talk on, you know, during the breaks, and you can see us on Rumbull or Twitter, we're talking. And 919 says, does Taylor receive more pay on the fly when you give it more work? Inquiring minds want to know, well, this isn't going to be work. This isn't going to be work for Taylor. This is going to be work for Emma. And I, and, you know, I had to relay the message. Yeah, but she is the one who's actually going to have to put everything up. And we just got the police reports on the Emerson arrest. I know a lot of you got, you know, enjoyed that. It warmed to the cockles of your heart last night to see them dragging away the Nazi hippies out of a pie alley or wherever the hell they were near Emerson. Now we've got the, now we've got the police report, including all of the names of all the hippies that were arrested. There's a, there's a lot of interesting names. My favorite name so far is punchy panda. That's, I know punchy McLaughlin. He got it. He got it at the West Roxbury turnaround in 65 Stevie Flemishottum. But, but this is punchy with two H's P-U-N-C-H-I panda. P-A-N-D-I-T punchy panda. But we'll, we'll have a, we just got the thing of three or four minutes before the last break. So we'll, we'll have it posted very shortly. It'll be, go to It'll be right up there. Or if you just follow us on Twitter, we'll have a link to it on, on Twitter. So check out, check out the police report and I'll be giving it a good reading as time goes on. And by the way, they have something from the parents of one of the arrested students at the Boston Globe. He's a good boy. A very good boy. Yes. Yeah, there, and you know, the thing is that they're, they're both, they're both human rights researchers, the parents. We are human rights researchers. The father is a human rights expert who has supported the work of truth and reconciliation commissions in over 20 countries. His wife, the mother of the arrested student, is the director of regional programs at the Fund for Global Human Rights. And she has previously held position at Physicians for Human Rights, Human Rights Watch, and Amnesty International. And it's, it's such a, it's such a heartwarming defense of their daughter that the globe has shut down comments. You know what that means. That means it's having a good response. It's getting a good response. All right. 844, 542, 42. I'm coming back to Boston over the, yep, you'll all be back on, on, on Tuesday back in the studio. It's clean now. Some clips that I haven't gotten to for the last few weeks before I, before I head out, I don't want to take them on the plane or put them in the car to be transported back. I just want to read you a few, spend the next five, 10 minutes, just reading over some clips. First, the first thing we're going to handle is the illegal alien feet. These are stories I didn't get to on the illegal alien feet over the last month or so. Mexican illegal alien arrested for aggravated murder in Ohio was previously deported seven times. I'm shocked, shocked. Illegal alien rapist among nearly two million known gotaways under Biden. A 40 year old illegal alien, Jose Pavon Furman of Honduras. Furman rhymes with Furman. Followed a woman onto a Norwalk Connecticut public bus and eventually raped there. Somali refugee allegedly strangles pregnant Swedish girlfriend in honor killing. Another migrant crime ring, I'm just reading the headlines here. This time in wealthy Biden voting Oakland County, Michigan. This is one of these, they're targeting high end homes. By and by the way, there's another, there was another arrest. A, the district attorney of Middlesex County, Mary and Ryan, announced today they've, they've arrested a gang of the same kind of burglars and do home invasions. These are on South Asians, Indians, rich Indians that have a lot of jewelry and cash and they just follow them in 43 in homes in one county, one county. But, you know, try to find out if they're illegal aliens or not from Mary and Ryan. Good luck. Good luck. By the way, speaking of illegal aliens, I just got a call from the US Attorney's office in Providence. The, the, you know, the four Guatemalans that stole $238,000 allegedly from the, the, the home depots from Maine to Virginia, from Maine to Virginia. They've been going out of this for years and they keep getting, they keep getting released. We used to call them Providence men. Now they moved to, to Cranston paid cash for a house and to, at a flatbed pickup truck to help them steal stuff. They were, they had a court appearance today, but the case has been kicked off, kicked up to May 8th. But we, we just got confirmation of that. We're going to keep you informed about the four Guatemalans. It was a lead story in the Herald last, last, last week. Illegal immigrant on terror watch released by border patrol spends a year in the United States. Mohammed Carwan, another one of those wacky Mohammeds. He's been living in the United States free as a bird for more than a year. He's on the terrorist watch list. Commonwealth of Virginia, canine dog stabbed to death by illegal alien MS-13 gang members. They're just a human being. Rivon, a canine was protecting correctional officer, Carmitia, Phillip Fields, killed, stabbed, four inmates, four illegal alien jail bird gangbangers, stabbed and kicked the animal. God, God bless Rivon, said Governor Yunken, a heroic canine who was killed in the line of duty. These barbaric members of MS-13 will be held accountable. Bob Barrack, Haitian migrant fatally stabs his two roommates inside New York apartment before deportation hearing. This was in Middletown, New York, in the Hudson Valley. Kenal Baptiste a police canine team captured the Third World Savage in a wooded area near the apartment shortly after the stabbings. His two victims were also Haitians. Chicago Alderman, we could have avoided measles, tuberculosis issues, by making migrants follow vaccine rules. You think so Chicago, how about we could avoid a lot of crimes if we'd made them follow the law? Starting with the immigration law, also from Illinois, Mexican illegal alien charged with murdering wife quote nearly decapitated her unquote in front of children. 33 year old Balthazar Perez Estrada murdered his wife 26 year old Marcella Simon Franco on Sunday night following a domestic altercation. Giving all Balthazar's a bad name. Balthazar. Yes, he's been he is charged with illegally being in the US in addition to five counts of first degree murder. Well, I don't know why they call him with five. Oh, but they did. 844. Here's some more some more routine ones. This is from the New Hampshire state police bladders of late. Badric Felder from Texas City, Texas operating without a valid license. Julio Rivera Morales operating without a valid license. Anna Yenera Marino Amaya operating without a valid license. She's from Somerville, Mass operating in Canterbury. Sergio Lucas, the Farrias Parara of Milford. And I get compliments on the hyphen operating without a valid license in Concord. I think we seem to have run out of time here for this week. We're going to get to your calls in just a moment and we will have soon we will have our our list to read of the names of the arrestees. But right now experience the ultimate savings event with my pillows $25 extravaganza for a limited time dive into incredible deals like a two pack multi-use my pillows stylish sandals for both men and women or a luxurious six pack towel set. All of which are available for an astonishing $25 each. Yes, you heard it right. Just $25 per item during my pillows $25 extravaganza. But wait, there's more refresh your kitchen with their durable four pack dish towels. You guessed it also at the unbeatable price of $25 and making its debut the premium my pillows with new Algiza fabric. Choose any size any loft level including the opulent king size all for the low price of $25. These incredible offers won't last long so order now. Call 800-658-4965 or go to and use promo code howie for these incredible deals and to unlock free shipping on all orders of over $75. That's 800-658-4965 or promo code howie. Elevate your comfort with the my pillow $25 extravaganza. Don't delay go to and don't forget the code howie and howie car. The howie car show will be right back. 844-542-42. Today's poll question is brought to you by Northeast Hair Restoration. This April and May save $1,000 off their new PFE Hair Restoration procedure and listen to my Meet the Expert podcast with the doctors. You'll learn a lot about the newest, the latest state of the yard hair restoration treatments. Go to or call 1-800-208-HAR. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question which you can vote in at is Harvard says the state's proposed wealth tax on its $50 billion endowment would cripple it. Should the legislature pass the $1.5 billion yearly Harvard tax? Yes, no or the tax should even be higher. It should be higher. 31% say it should be higher. 62% say pass it. 7% say don't pass it. All right. Someone texted me and said much as I'd love to see it it would establish a bad precedent. You know what, it's we're far beyond the bad precedent stage. There after us we've got to come after them. I mean that's the way it is. They want to tax us back to the Stone Age. You know what, sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander in my opinion. 844-500-4242-844-542-442. Scott, you're next with howiecar. Go ahead, Scott. Hey, howie. I'm up in beautiful Washington County, Maine and up here they have all the wire locked up and home depots because that's a hard item for the... I think it's happened everywhere, Scott. These people have been on a rampage and that's all they got is $238,000. It's probably a lot more than that and they're looking for 11 more of these illegal aliens. Yeah, no, the employee there, he told us that they'd come in and just load up a shopping cart and walk out because they know that they can't do anything about it. Yeah, I know when they were arrested at Boston, they took out a place on the VFW Parkway in West Roxbury and the cops said, "Look, you better hold in the prosecutor." The DA's office said, "Look, these guys have warrants out on them. There are ice detainers on them and these are felonies stealing this much spool, electrical wire and the judge just cuts it down to a simple shoplifting. It was a bulger hack that did it." The woman comes up from Providence and pays the $1,000 and they disappear and they're never seen again, Scott. This happens in states from Maine where you live all the way down to Virginia. They've been running a mock. A lot of the immigrants that we get, they're great people. The actual immigrants, the illegals, this is what you get. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, they come across the border. They violate every law crossing the border. They don't care. The leader of the gang has been deported twice. That's a small number compared to what some of these people are deported, but at least they're doing something. Originally, I don't think they wanted to take the case, but I'm glad they've taken the case and I don't want to put them down, but they were saying, "Oh, we have other stuff. We have sex trafficking to deal with these people." You just can't allow these sticky-fingered goons to come into your country and steal everything. They're going to put a home depot out of business just like they put all the drugstores out of business in the inner cities from San Francisco all the way to Boston. Thanks for the call. Alan, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Alan. Hi, Howie. Thanks for taking my call. It's scary times right now with the chance in the colleges and the chance death to America right now. It's just scary because the hate crime is up against the Jews. Up over 60 percent, Christians is up over 500 percent. I just want to let everybody know that in Australia there's a bishop, Marmari. He was stabbed in the face by an heir of Muslim, and Elon Musk is the only one on X that's letting the story out. I just want people to know that this bishop, Marmari, was stabbed in the face. He's also an Iraqi, and they don't want this story to be out because instantly... I've seen the story, Alan. It took a week before they admitted that the guy that was stabbing him, they had the pictures the next day, the video, and the guy was yelling about Allah and he had insulted Muhammad and all this stuff. They wouldn't even put out the story even though it was obvious to everybody who knew what was happening, that it was basically an Arab Christian or an Iranian Christian. What upsets me, Howie, that they want to carry the narrative. Biden wants to make Trump supporters and to be the bad guys and the parents that are staring, standing up at these PTA meetings to be the bad guy. I mean, America needs to be focused on what's going on. Boston knows that a pressure cooker took down one of the biggest cities in the Northeast. I mean, look at our airlines during 9/11. I mean, America needs to understand who they are and who hates us. I love you Howie, keep it going. Thanks, Alan. 844-542-42. Look at the birth dates of some of these people who are arrested. Some of them are in their 40s. They're 40s. What the hell are they doing out there at 2 a.m. with all the rest of the Nazi hippies from Emerson? What's their secret to staying up so late? That's what I want to know. I told you about the Punji Pandit. How about this one? Jawariya Jama. Jawariya Jama. She's a bad mama-jama. Jara Afik was also picked up. If you want to check out the list, I think it's already been posted. It's right there. The front page on HowieCar. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. 844-542-442. 844-542-442. So the Boston police agreed with the Emerson College Administration last night, moved in, and took out all the hippies that were demonstrating the Nazis at Boylston Street in Boylston Place near right around the corner from the transportation building. They were blocking the alley. I think it's called, is it, is that Pi Alley? That's a different alley, I guess. Pi Alley is up near a city hall, I guess. But it's this alley that, you know, there used to be clubs there. I don't know if there are any more, but it's where you get into the transportation building. And it's also how you get out if there's a problem, like a fire or something. They're blocking it all. They're stopping people from getting in and out. And so the parents of one of these people that not was arrested, but she was there, these are the human rights activists. In functioning democracy, the police should not arbitrate differences with batons. That's the word role of civic debate. Police may not meet out punishment or wrongdoers. With pepper spray, consequences for law breaking should be left to the courts and judges. I'm going to read you what happened to some of the cops about how they were attacked by these Nazi hippies. I've got it right in the police report, and you can read the police report at how we car show dot com. It's we've got the incident report and we'll be tweeting out a link shortly. Yeah, so you can go straight to it if you're just follow us on Twitter at how we car show. It's up. It's up. The tweet is up. So just go, if you just follow us on Twitter, just go to the link, hit the link, and you'll get right to the report and check out the I'll go over this in a bit. But I want to talk to John from New York about the markets. You want to hear President Trump's comments on the debate and he just stepped out of the courtroom and discussed doing a debate with Joe Biden. Oh, okay. Here it is. Yeah. I've invited Biden to debate. They can do it anytime they want, including tonight. Ready. We are invited to the courthouse and yes, as tied up in this administration, this is all being done through Washington. It's a well coordinated attack on a political opponent. But I'm here. I'm ready, willing, and able. And if you want, I'll do it on Monday, night, Tuesday night or Wednesday night. We'll be in Michigan state that he's destroyed because of the auto industry. We're not going to have any jobs left in Michigan. No auto jobs left in Michigan. They're all going over to China and other places with his ridiculous heavey mandate, electric vehicle mandate. But we're willing to do it Monday night, Tuesday night, Wednesday night, Thursday night, or Friday night on national television. We're ready. Just tell me where. I will do it at the White House. I will be very comfortable, actually. But you tell me where, but we're ready. He's obviously not showing up now. We heard nothing. But he said today that oh, I've left him today, but he won't debate. I don't think he'll debate. Maybe he will. Maybe he will. I'm not sure he has a choice, but that's the story. So here we are. We're ready, willing, and able. And we don't see him. And I don't think he'll be here. But maybe next week, he'll do what I got a baby next week. So I just want to thank everybody. By the way, why is it that this sounds like Neville Chamberlain coming back from Munich in 1938? Actually, the sound was better with Neville Chamberlain in 1938. Why can't they set up a mic stand for him to speak in front of? Like they've been doing for all about a hundred, well, at least since talkies. But they wanted, they wanted to sound like crap. God. 844, 542, 42. But at least he's there. Boy, how did they let Biden say that that he wanted to debate? Why didn't they just say, well, if he hasn't been convicted of a felony, or I'm not going to debate someone who's facing 91 felony counts or something. But I guess that's just too complicated for him to remember. So they just put him out there and now Trump's got this talking point. 844, 500, 42, 42. Was it Emerson or Berkeley that apologized to their students for allowing BPD to use campus bathrooms during the BLM riots? That's a good point. I can't remember either. They did. They apologized. They said the cops were when they were trying to prevent the arson and looting on Newbury Street and down in the Backbank, Boylston Street. The schools opened the school buildings that were in that area in the Backbank and the students went nuts and the colleges apologized. I can't remember which one it was. I think it was Berkeley. Was it Berkeley? Okay. 844, that's a good point though. Good catch there, 508. John from New York, what's going on? It's looking worse and worse, isn't it? Well, yeah. The market bounced this week a little bit, Halley, because it's artificial intelligence stock stuff. It was up about 2%. But it's interesting. Some of the companies like IBM and Facebook didn't do well. And then other companies like Microsoft and Google did pretty well. So it's more of a mixed bag. But to me, the biggest thing this week was the inflation data, the new inflation data came out. That was bad across the board. And also, I guess you've heard about it. I'm not sure if you did or not. But Bloomberg has a new poll out. 70% say the economy is going in the wrong direction. 7-0. And that tells you that whatever the reported inflation rate is is a lot worse. And people standard of living is declining. I haven't seen numbers like this since Jimmy Carter was in office. Yeah. And I mentioned earlier today, there's a story in the New York Post about the continuing collapse of commercial real estate in New York City. And that's the same, I think, everywhere, isn't it? Pretty much, yeah. The cities have been destroyed by shutting the economy down. But also the crime. I know I've talked to the people where I used to work. And they're trying. They claim they're getting, trying to get people come back in the city. But people just aren't coming back. And they're going in two days a week. And there's no reason really to go back in these cities with the telecommunications. And so a lot of them are quietly set in suburban office buildings up. I know in New York City, I've talked to companies and they're setting an office in Connecticut up, one in Westchester, one in Long Island, and one in New Jersey. And they're just saying, well, we can't force people to come back. So I don't really see that turning. And the losses are going to be huge. And the problem with the banks are going to be huge. So that's the downside. The weird part is the economy is still going along. One positive rates have gone up. So people that have savings, whether we're getting zero on their portfolios for so long or just even their checking accounts are now getting five, six percent interest. So that's actually helping people that are retired out. One thing, it's probably not as offsetting the cost of living, though. Yeah. And they can't even pretend that even though Biden continues to pretend that wages are rising, but they're not rising. And they can't cut the interest rates when inflation is just still not quite out of control, but close to out of control. Correct. And also China is in the process of devaluing their currency. So we don't know what that's going to set off in the next few weeks. But in the interest of positivity, because I do tend to be more negative. Of course, I've never had a president like this since I've been in the business. But no one has no one in the history of the United States has ever lived through a presidency like this. I don't think. How there's a piece in the Wall Street Journal today. I wanted to tell you two things about your IRA. But I wanted to just point this out about how screwed up this is. But it's on A5 of the Wall Street Journal. And people ask me, why is the economy doing well? Why is it doing bad? US seeks to speed power grid upgrades. That's the one headline on the one article. The next article is right across from an A5 of the journal today. You can check it out. New EPA rules squeeze power plants. It's going to force so they're spending money to upgrade the grid. But at the same time, they're shutting coal plants down. It's just this is the Biden policy. Yeah, this is this is something I've had. I've been holding this for a while. And from the another from the Wall Street Journal, Alaska Senator Dan Sullivan, he's been on the show. He votes bad on Ukraine, but he's going on other issues. He likes to quip that the Biden administration has imposed more sanctions on Alaska than he has on Iran. And it's true. It's true. And they say they took they took 13.3 million acres that that stopped any kind of oil and gas leasing in in Alaska, 13.3 million. And they say they're doing it for the Native Americans, John, you know, you know where I'm going with this. And the Native Americans have said, please don't do this. We want the jobs. We want the taxes from all the oil and gas. And Biden says, I'm doing it for you anyway. It's like banning the menthol cigarettes. We know what's good for you, black people. They know what's good for the natives up in Alaska. It's amazing that they get away with this. It's just well, it's just it's kind of like the wars where we're on both sides of it. But listen, two things on your IRA that I want to let people know, because a lot of people are concerned about stocks. A friend of mine, we've chatted this week, he's starting his own business down in Frisco, which is right near Dallas and we're kicking ideas around. And I have to admit, I didn't know this. But believe it or not, in your IRA account, you can invest in residential real estate. And you can also start your own small business using the funds out of your IRA without paying taxes on them to set your company up. A lot of financial advisors, they do stocks and bonds and gold and that sort of thing. You do have to set a special company up, so you have to talk to your accountant or your attorney about it. But for somebody that wants to leave the corporate rat race and they have savings, but they also have a large retirement account. Your 401k or your IRA can be used to start that business. Well, you know, I took some money out of my 401k last year to buy a second apartment in Florida, in West Palm. And I haven't looked at it since then, John, I just don't have to stomach for it anymore. I mean, I'm still putting money in from the Herald, but I just don't look at it anymore. Yeah, but for some people that want to, for some people, you know, they say, I want to get out of the rat race, they might have, you know, 300,000, 500,000 million dollars. Yeah, I don't have that. You can use that money. Well, no, you can use that money. Right. Exactly. You could use that money to start a business without paying a tax when you withdraw it, which is really valuable. So if anybody's interested in that, you know, talk to your financial advisor, your accountant about it. I didn't know that. That is a good thing to know. Tell us about the gold and silver. Silver Dave wants to, wants to find out how his, he's doing right now. Gold's had a little bit of a correction because, you know, people are taking a little bit of profit, but I'll tell you what, when I come in every day and you look at the market, how every day when gold or silver sells off, people are in buying it. And the Chinese are buying it. The Russians are buying it. You know, Brandon was stupid enough to threaten to seize Russia's, you know, dollars if they have treasuries. Yeah. That drove gold up. That's one of the reasons gold's gone up because they're all thinking, well, if he steals Russia's money, you are money's next. So the Chinese and Russians are buying gold. And also, well, the other thing is China, Russia's got 3000 metric tons of gold. So without even doing anything, he's driven their gold value up like 20 or 25% this year just by threatening them. That's how dumb the policy is. Well, I'm sure this is, this is good news for, for, for Iran, for Russia, all the oil, for exporting countries when he takes even more of the Alaska National Petroleum Reserve off the, off the table, you know, I mean, he's just helping these countries that are supposedly our geopolitical foes. Right. The only good news about this is all these self-inflicted wounds can be solved. The president Trump is reelected. Yeah. I don't know what they can do about the Abrams tanks. Did you see about that? Yeah. The Abrams, we sent, we sent Ukraine these Abrams tanks because they're the state of the art tanks, armored vehicles in the world. And so the, so the Russians were forced to figure out how to deal with them with drones. And now, now they've just figured the, the Russians have figured out how to kill the Abrams tanks. So the Ukrainians are withdrawing them from the battlefield because they're, and apparently, you know, whatever the Russians have done, everyone else in the world will know. And the Ukrainians are so committed to the war that the Polish, the Polish government is starting to crack down and saying, if the Ukrainians are so committed to the war, how come you can't get a table in a restaurant in Warsaw or a seat at a bar, because all the Ukrainian young men are draft dodging over here. There's like four million Ukrainians in Europe now that have, and mostly men that have fled to get away. They don't want to fight. Now, and this is all money for the military industrial complex. And on the Wall Street Journal yesterday, this is, this is typical. Mitch McConnell saying, well, this is just a down payment. We can, he really wants to expand the military down payment right across, down payment right across in the Wall Street Journal. The other article was US fertility rates dropped to record lows. Well, it's no wonder people aren't starting families if they're young. They can't afford housing because of the inflation. And then we're funneling even more money to start more wars. I mean, it's ludicrous. Yeah, sitting at the countries that don't even want to fight the wars and we're and we're allowing our enemies to develop technologies to to defeat our our our supposed state-of-the-art technology. What a mess, John. I got to hold you right there. But thank you for calling in. Keep us informed next week about what's going on in the markets. 844 542 42 spring is here. And so is allergy season, which is why you need the Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier three pack. Paul Rizzo from Rizzo Insurance just ordered another three with code how we three. He uses them in both his home and office and he also buys them as gifts. It's not a surprise that everyone wants and loves the thunderstorm due to how well it works and how affordable it is. Dave Hinchy has one in every room with the Nossett beach in. Dr. Matt the vet swears by them. Not only does it help with pollen in your home, but with the USB cable you can use it in your car as well. Every time you open that door to your home or car, pollen is coming inside. Pollen can give you itchy eyes, a sore throat or just overall feelings of fatigue. Take care of the air inside your car with the thunderstorm air purifier. The Eden pure three pack is small enough to hold in your hand and doesn't take up any floor space. It also doesn't need filters and that saves you both time and money. For pet odors, cooking smells, tobacco, musty basements and more, you need the Eden pure thunderstorm three pack. Someone says he's going out to the Nossett beach and should he steal the thunderstorms. No, they're very affordable. Don't take them away from Dave Hinchy. You can buy them yourself and the price is great. Get the three pack. They're back in stock now. Order now at Use code Howie3. That's the number three and get yours now. That's code Howie3. I'm Howie Car. Howie Car will be right back. Howie Car is back. 844, 542, 42, 774. Biden was really talking ragtime on the Howie Howard Stern show. We need to hear some cuts Howie. You should have been listening at the start of the show. Come on. We like to spread it around. Sometimes we play them in the six o'clock hour. Sometimes we play them in the three o'clock hour. We've got to keep the, got to keep you guessing. Got to, you know, break it up a little bit. 844, 500, 40. Look at the, look at the birth dates on these hippies that were arrested, these Nazis. Noah Cohen is 56 years old. 56 years old. Are you kidding me? What's up with that? And they're talking, these are innocent protesters. The police have to learn not to overreact. I bet some of the older folks were professors. Yeah, I don't know. Several unidentified protest participants began to push back. I'm reading from the police report. Again, it's available at It's from the front page and began to pull a resties away from police during these violent encounters. They've redacted the police's names. Officer sustained an injury to his left ankle foot transported to the scene by Boston EMS to Tufts Medical Center and diagnosed with a broken ankle, a broken ankle. They were, what did Jake Tapper say? These are mostly peaceful protests. Another officer sustained injuries to his shoulder, left leg and elbows. Another officer sustained an injury to his right hand taken to Tufts Medical Center, where he received seven stitches. Seven stitches. Howie Carp.