The Howie Carr Radio Network

"I am somewhere:" Joe Biden agrees to debate Trump | 4.26.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

The president joined Howard Stern in New York for a live interview, and you can guess how well that went. Howie shares the high(low)lights of the experience.

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26 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." ♪♪♪ Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Well, sure. I mean, this is all about the fact that he has a Pro-Hamas based Sean. But listen, Eisenhower did the right thing back in '57 when he sent the 101st Airborne to Little Rock. Why not do it for Jewish Americans? Be glad. Be grateful that I'm not just going out and murdering science. That's it. I hate these guys. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. For example, I remember starting off playing Catholic League football, SHAYO football. So I said, "I was a lot bigger than because I was on st... stilts." Yeah, and that's it. Too tall for Megan, they called me. Runner up estate, scoring. You know, what to have? Wow. You know, you don't look bigger than that to play football. Oh, well, you see, I had a lot of injuries when they changed my seat. I don't see any scars. Yeah, well, they were internal injuries. The rum swabs, hacks, and moonbaats beware. It's... Howie Car. Welcome to the Howie Car Show. If you'd like to join us, 844-542-42, 844-542-42. It's Friday. We've got a great show planned here for you, I think. And I'll probably be lectured by Dr. Matt later in the show for feeding... feeding Roscoe some slices. Just not slices, crusts of sourdough bread. I'm gonna have to explain to him, it's multi-grain. That means it's healthy. It's got the little black specks in it. That means it's, you know, it's good for him. Good for me. All right, we've got a lot to get to here today and we're gonna start out. I don't know, if you've heard this or not, but he, Biden went to New York. You know, it's monkey seat, monkey do it wherever Trump goes, or whatever Trump does, whether it's to East Palestine or going to buying a round at a fast food restaurant or trying to buy a round. Biden always copies Trump these days. It's supposed to be the other way around the, you know, he is the incumbent. He is the selected president of the United States. But so Trump is in New York every day getting all kinds of great video, like with the construction workers yesterday with the Bodega owners last week. So Brandon flies up there today to be interviewed by Howard Stern, who used to be a contender. I know he's, I know he's extremely wealthy. He's got a, he used to, he used to live on the lake in Palm Beach. Now he lives on the ocean, a house is worth over a hundred million bucks. It supposedly Bezos tried to buy it, but he's got, you know, he hides out. He doesn't go anywhere. He was pet, he's one of those guys who was petrified of COVID. Wouldn't go outside for years. It's just, it's, it's a sad, you know, he's got a lot of money and I'm, you know, that's great. And he's very successful, but it's, it's, it's kind of a sad ending to, to, in terms of a, you know, his, his status as a, as a, as, you know, a, an industry thought leader or just a societal thought leader. But anyway, so the fact that he's, you know, a cell total sellout is shown by the fact that he's with, he's with Brandon today. And, but Brandon, he delivered, he really did deliver. And first he, before we, we have received a voicemail from President Trump about this, but before we do so, I want to play what he said with Howard Stern today, Brandon. He flew to New York to do this interview with the, at the headquarters of, of a satellite radio, cut seven. I don't know if you're going to debate your, your opponent. I am somewhere. I don't know where I'm happy to be. I am somewhere. I think that, I think that was a, that was the sentence. I am somewhere. And Trump, Trump responded in kind. And again, you know, other people just get the voicemail. The, I mean, they're the, the truth social, you know, that's his version of Twitter. We got that, but he also likes to phone in a personal message to deliver his, his tweet to the Howie Car Show audience. Here he is. President Trump. President Trump. When the phone don't ring President Trump, you'll know it's one of Brandon's caregivers. All right. So, you know, that's what he put out on Twitter. And he's, he's gotten so angry about, I guess, angry or just, you know, peoed, whatever you want to call it, perturbed, exasperated, annoyed with what Brandon is saying that he's, he's putting out his, uh, uh, recaps now, you know, usually it's the, uh, Republican National Committee is, it tweets things out. But now Trump is putting the Trump is putting out his own versions, not with the audio so much. Just the quotes recap. This just came over about, uh, about, uh, less than a half hour ago recap colon, crooked Joe Biden mumbles and lies his way through Howard Stern interview. And these mentions about how we'd be happy to debate President Trump. His handlers must be furious. Okay. Now this was something I'm going to play another cut from the interview. And, uh, and then I'll, that I'll give you what Trump's response is, cut eight. Well, but for example, I remember starting off playing Catholic League football, say you see a white football. By the way, I don't think a lot of people know that you were a star receiver in high school. You would look like the first string guy, you were the guy who caught the ball runner up in state scoring. You know, it's a wow, but I was a run. I was a run. He was a run. Are the patriots planning on drafting any runs in the draft. Who was the number one rated run in the NFL draft? I don't think they drafted any runs in the first run. It was a run. And he played in the, in the say, say a wide league, the say, say the say, say a wide league. So Trump response or his campaign response Biden claimed he was the runner up in state scoring for football, but he really finished fifth in the 1960 quote conference scoring race. Unquote. I know Delaware is a small state, but I'll bet there were more. There was more than one conference football conference in prep, grid, high school football. All right, here's a, here's another one that he said, cut 10. I got put in that 10 most eligible bachelor's list, because you were United States Senator, you were a catch. And so, yeah, and, and a lot of lovely women, but women was sent very salacious pictures. And I just give them the secrets. And I thought somebody to think I was, and, and I just gave up. You gave, if only you would give up, or Jill would let you give up. And as Trump points out, senators do not have secret service protection. And the salacious photos, by the way, they don't just go out to senators. I could tell you some stories about what not me, but what the anchors used to get a gentle seven, the male anchors used to get. It was, it was, it wasn't that salacious, though, it was mainly just kind of weird stuff, weird stuff. All right, what else have we got here from a let's, okay, here's his talking about colleges nine. You were Syracuse. I was a sir. It's a good law school. Right. I thought I was going to go either to, excuse me, Cornell, or not anyway. Cornell or anyway, anyway. Yeah, like he was really going to get into Cornell's and Ivy League school. It's what it's one of the best law schools in the, in the country. He wasn't getting in there. And by the way, Syracuse was such a good law school that he was thrown out for plagiarizing. He, he had to sit out. I was wondering to, you know, he said he tried to meet Bobby Kennedy, the center at Syracuse. I wonder, maybe he didn't get a chance to meet him because he was back home in, in, in Scranton or Wilmington, wherever the hell he was claiming to be from. Did he say I was a rut? He said runt? Did he say I was a run or I thought he said rotten or maybe a lot of people are saying he said rut. But for example, I remember starting off playing Catholic league football, say, see, I wear football. By the way, I don't think a lot of people know that you were a star receiver in high school. You were like the first string guy. You were the guy who caught the ball runner up in state scoring, you know, wow, but I was a run. Well, maybe he did say runt. It sounded more like run to me, but he slurs his words a lot. And by the way, he's about six feet tall. I don't think six feet tall makes you a runt today as a running back. And it certainly didn't make you a runt 65 years ago, whatever it was, when he was a, when he was a, when he was playing for the say, say a Y league, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. I like to let's play the one thing about the, the, his latest, you know, you know, he was arrested with Nelson Mandela in South Africa. That never happened. He was arrested in Ohio going into a girl's dorm. That never happened. And now, now there's another, now there's been another arrest that never happened today, cut 12. And I looked at my mom, I said, honey, you haven't said anything. She said, Joey, let me, I remember true story. I said, remember when there were decent living in Linfield, a neighborhood with, you know, 70 homes, build a one, suburbia. And I told you, and there was a black family moving in, and there was people who were down there protesting. I told you not to go down there, and you went down. Remember that? And you came, you got arrested by standing on the, on the porch with a black family. Right. And they brought you back the police. And I said, yeah, mom, I remember that. Never happened. Never happened. Can I give me a fact checker over here? Very fake. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty, two, forty, two, limerick guy says he wanted to say I was a run, but he said run. Yeah, that's, that's the way I, that's probably more like it, I think. He, he slurs. He, he, you know, again, he's never taken a drink, but he, he, he slurs his words like Ted Kennedy or William Weld. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty, two, forty, two, I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show will be right back. You're listening to the Howie Carr Show. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty, two, forty, two. That's the number if you'd like to call the Howie Carr Show. So this morning, I was reading the Harvard Crimson and that's the student daily newspaper. And I was hoping for another update on, you know, whether or not there'd been another, another war crime in Harvard yard turning on the sprinklers as the snowflakes were trying to sleep. But I didn't see any stories about that, but I did see a really heartwarming story. The state legislature, meaning Boston, is considering an endowment tax. Experts say it could cripple Harvard. I don't think this is going through, but it's it's going to be hurt. There's going to be a hearing on it on Monday, I guess. Massachusetts legislators are moving forward with a bill to tax university endowments, which could cost Harvard almost $15 billion over 10 years. A university endowment tax that some experts describe as potentially catastrophic. It would raise a, it would, it would cost a 2.5 percent tax on all assets currently held under management. They have over $50 billion. So it would be, it would be like a billion, 250 million a year. And they're saying, Oh, it will make, it will make us non competitive. They don't care about the fact that they want to make every, they want to put a Elizabeth C Elizabeth Warren, the fake Indian and Bernie Sanders want to put a wealth tax on American citizens like you and me. They say it's only for people with over 50 billion, but you know, that's BS. They want to put it on everybody. So it's okay to put it on normal Americans, but it's a disaster to put it on Harvard University and MIT. Oh, oh, it would cripple the ability of Massachusetts universities to compete going forward, said Larry Summers, former president. You know what I, you know what I call that a crippling Harvard University. I call that a good start. 844 542 42. So that's today's poll question. Today's poll question is brought to you by Northeast hair restoration. This April and May save $1,000 off their new PFE hair restoration procedure and listen to my Meet the Expert podcast with the doctors. I think one of them is going to be in studio with me to give me my new laser cap next week when I'm back in Boston. I'm looking forward to getting the laser cap. This is a great, great procedure. It's even more advanced than the one I've had. Go to pfe or call 1-800-208-HAR. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is Harvard says the state's proposed wealth tax on its $50 billion endowment would cripple it. Should the legislature pass the one and a half billion yearly Harvard tax? Yes, no, or the tax should be even higher. The tax should be even higher. 27% say it should be higher. 67% say it's adequate. 5% say no, it's too much. All right, surprise though, it's 5% if I would have thought it would be more like 2%. Donna, you're next with howiecar. Go ahead, Donna. Hi, Holly. How are you? Good. I just wanted to say two things. Number one, every time he preffices a statement with not a lie, right? It means it's a lie. Exactly. You'll learn that in sales. Never say I'm telling the truth because that may be what? It's a bad thing to say. I know, the one I hate is frankly, frankly. Before were you not being frank with me? Right, right. And the other thing is Harvard, I just want to say, I've been saying this all along to, you know, to everybody, Democrats are cannibals. They eat themselves. They really do. I mean, there's always something that they put out where it'll hurt another Democrat. That's what I mean by that. And so that Harvard is getting to come up. Well, I think this is a classic example of, you know, they don't mind that taxes, taxes for thee, but not for me. Harvard is all in on taxing the average person back to the Stone Age. But when it comes to getting taxed themselves, it's, oh, it's, it's practically a war crime. It's genocide. It's worse than turning on the sprinklers in Harvard Yard at 4 a.m. Thanks for the call. 844-542-42 on Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios, 781 says, oh my God, Howie Carr is a pro-tax liberal, picking on poor habit. You know, the Congress in 2017 passed a minuscule tax on these endowments. And Harvard screamed like a stock pig. All the, all the big, big money elite limousine liberal schools did. And Harvard now under this bill, under this law, which was signed by President Trump, and they're trying, they've been trying to repeal it since Brandon got in. They pay 37 million a year, 30. And they treated like it's the end of the world, you know? But now, now these two lives in the state legislature say, hey, you know, if it's, you know, if Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders want to put this on regular people, let's put it on the people that got billions of dollars. For once I'm, for once I'm with them. I like how in the article, it says, you know, if this tax were to be imposed, then Harvard's endowment would fall below Princeton and Yale and the University of Texas. It's so, it's so depressing and disgusting for them to think about having a lower endowment than the University of Texas. It's going to, these high taxes grace are going to reduce their competitive edge. They're not worried about any businesses in Massachusetts, right? How about me? How about regular people? You've been reducing our competitive edge for a very long time. I know. And, and they have that they have a chart, they have this great chart. This is what Harvard will maintain a slight lead over Yale if they don't raise this tax on us. But, but if they do raise the tax, we'll fall below the bulldogs. Oh, oh, oh, oh, I'll try to find my smallest fireman. It's for the children. It's baked in. Harvard, it's for the children. It's for the infrastructure. It's only about the price of a cup of coffee every day. Yeah. That's what they always tell us. They must just be believing and trickle down economics, which Joe Biden has told me do not, it does not work. You know, you have to really go to the source and everyone has to pay their fair share. So this is, this is your time to show us to put your money where your mouth is. Yeah, I mean, you know, when, when, you know, they come to Harvard to put out some money, they're acting like Hunter Biden. They're running away. They're crying poor. Yeah, where, we can't afford it. Pay your fair share. You could, you can have a $50 billion endowment, but pay your fair share. Yeah. I don't think it's asking too much. No, at Jonathan Gruber, there is no reason to singular, single out particular institutions based on their endowment. That makes no sense. This is Gruber, the guy who pushed through Obamacare and then bragged about it saying he did it because he could do it because the American people were so stupid. Wait, and also why not, why not point out or single out institutions that have giant endowments? That's what we do with people. They're always talking about how billionaires make so much and they should, you know, they shouldn't have to just pay the tax rate. They should have to pay more based off what they make. That's what they do when they talk about Elon Musk and Donald Trump and all these evil people. Right. So why not? I just paid property taxes in the city of Cambridge. I guarantee you, I was paying a higher percentage of my income in property taxes that Harvard was paying for their in lieu of payments. Yeah. And you know, when Joe Biden goes on the campaign trail and he tries to act like Elon Musk and these people, I know I keep referencing him, but that is usually his go to that these billionaires don't pay as much as like firefighters do. And anyone who can read between the lines or, you know, can question the source here goes, well, right, but 2.5% for Elon Musk is a lot more money than it would be for a regular person. And you could say the same thing here. It's like, yeah, of course, if Harvard has to pay 2.5%, it's going to be a lot of money, but that that's not an excuse when it comes to people paying taxes. I love this one from summers. Donors would give up giving to Massachusetts University because the money would just be taxed by the state. Well, isn't that the reason for getting out of the state before you die so that your kids get the money rather than the state? But they don't they don't buy that as an excuse for cutting the inheritance tax or for cutting the the income tax or for not putting up tolls at the borders or for not raising the excise taxes. Yeah, I really liked I really like this idea. I'm all on board for it. Right. I am too. Again, I was going to do another call. I had a couple other columns lined up, but this has got to be my sunday column. I'm gonna I'm gonna take the you know, I'm I'm with I'm down for the struggle. Grace and I like I like the analogy you just made about how you were probably paying it's not even an analogy about that you were paying a higher rate than Harvard because this is what they use all the time. They do that and they say, why should so-and-so be paying a less than a less of a percentage than a firefighter? Let's just do it to Harvard. Why should Harvard be paying less than how he car? Yeah, by the way, the this is the this is the exact number for what they're paying under this new Trump era attacks that they that the big big big bigly endowed universities have to pay. Harvard has paid roughly 37 million annually to the federal government. 30 37 million on a 50 billion dollar investment. No, that can't stand. That's that's not less than a secretary pays. That's less than a bum sitting sitting, you know, passed out, you know, at the at the red line station in Harvard Square. Wait till the commies on campus who are busy right now blocking the sprinklers with buckets, but wait until they hear about this. They're gonna have to put down the anti-Semitic signs and pick up some against Harvard once they find out that Harvard's, you know, not not paying their fair share. They're gonna be upset. 37 million a year they drew fouls. The president at the time said it's a blow to the strength of American higher education. We've seen the strength of American higher education here in the last week. I'm full display. I think we need more blows. Yeah, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, Harvard? I think you'll be okay. All right. Howie, I have another story involving the pricing plans, but this one is in New York. So MTA sets congestion pricing date. I read this because usually when something happens in New York or California, it's not far away from us. The MTA's much derided congestion pricing plan is officially set to go into effect on June 30th. The plan will make drivers pay for this Harvard issue to statement on this. They think this is a great idea. This is different though, Howie. This is on people who work in the city and have to commute in. Yeah, these, this is for the truck drivers, the people they want to put, they want to put the tolls on at the state borders and then find them for speeding and take away their driver's licenses. Yeah, you know, who's gonna love this news is that woman that you wrote about. Molly, I'm sorry. What's her name? Monica Tibbetts, not. Yeah, she's gonna like this. The plan will make drivers pay $15 a day to enter Manhattan below 61st Street with larger vehicles paying more. It's, it's meant to reduce traffic in Manhattan. It's always important that they put it. It's gonna reduce, it's gonna reduce commerce though. There was a huge story today in the New York Post about all these buildings that are being, that are being, that are being sold at like half of what they were bought for five or six years ago. Is this gonna, is this gonna help commercial property values? Is this gonna help sales tax collections in the city by doing this, Grace? Or is it going to harm them, do you think? Well, that's why whenever they write in an article what, what the goal is, you'd know that the goal is never going to be reached when they have to say the plan is meant to reduce vehicle traffic. It's like, okay, so that's, that's exactly what won't happen. The traffic will stay the same and people will just go broke trying to do business in New York. Right. And soon. Yeah. And so, I mean, it's, it's, it's already expensive enough to get any kind of tradesmen into the city for obvious reasons. Now they're going to add $15 a day on top of that. Yep. That's the price of doing business in a blue run city. Howie, here's another story. We talked about this in the car crossover, but I do think your audience would want to hear it as well. The Biden administration is reversing course on their plan to ban menthol cigarettes. This is reported in the Wall Street Journal. The Biden administration is reversing course after the White House weighed the potential public health benefits of banning smokes, minty smokes against the political risk of angering black voters in an election year. So everything that Joe Biden does, nothing has to do with his, you know, actual beliefs or agenda. It's all about, you know, the votes and calculating how many votes he can afford to lose. And right now, because he's losing so many. And whether people are dumb enough to believe what he says at any particular given moment, whether it was finishing as the runner up in state scoring or going to an Ivy League law school or getting arrested with a black, whatever, you know. Yeah. And because he's losing the, uh, I hate or death to America voter from Dearborn in all over these college campuses, he's obviously trying to offset that by now backing out of this plan to ban menthol cigarettes, which he had been talking about for a long time. We talked about it on your show, Howie ad nauseam, because it would come up like once every six months, this plan they have. Well, it is bad. Massachusetts is the only state that menthol cigarettes are banned at. But, you know, the thing is, if you ban them in one state that you're just forcing people to drive to New Hampshire or Rhode Island, which I guess this is part of Monica Tibbitt's nuts plan too, you know, because you got it. If you drive to Hampshire, then you get told again coming into the state or even Rhode Island. Is it nuts or not? Nut. Nut is nuts in UTT. Got it. That's tough, because because when you have that hyphen, you want to say nuts. Yes, she took, she took her wife's name too. And I get compliments on the hyphen. Howie. But she has a wife. I want to read protesters interrupt Nancy Pelosi speech at Oxford University visit a group campaigning for an armaments embargo against Israel protested a speech given by Nancy Pelosi at the historic Oxford Union. See, this is the thing though, didn't she say just yesterday or two days ago that she wants Netanyahu gone? She's engaging in election interference in a democracy, right? But that's not enough for these people. No, no, no, no, no, no. It's the Robespierre lesson. And your last caller just your last caller just said the same thing. Yeah. What's what's the expression you always say rebellions eat their own? Yes, they do. Two students stepped in front of the podium and unfurled a Palestinian flag per a video of the protest action published by campaign group Youth Demand, which is against Israel and climate change. You know what I would have said? Where the hell are the sprinklers when you need them? Most buildings have that, you know, the thing where if there's a fire, the water will start. I mean, this is, you know, if too bad dapper isn't still around, this would be a big week for him. You know, I've told you he used to run around with his bullhorn telling the hippies. When I'm elected mayor, you're going to all going to get a good bath and a shave. And I just can't and he smoked cools. I could just imagine if they tried to take his menthol cigarettes away from him. Yeah, they would have been looking at a knuckle sandwich, those hippies. They're not going to try it until after the election. There's a lot of things that I don't think Joe Biden's going to go near until after the election. Yeah. 919 says larger vehicles pay more. You mean like tractor trailer, the tractor trailers delivering food and other supplies? Yes, that's exactly what they mean. That would affect prices though, will it? Inflation's already so insane in New York City too. My sister was calling me the other day. She got a gallon of milk for eight dollars. All right. Thank you, Grace. I appreciate it. I'm how we car. Leave a message for the big guy. Call the Chumpline. 844-542. Press two and leave your message. Then listen every weekday at five to catch the best messages of the day. One of them may be yours. I'll be car is back. We've been talking for several weeks cheap bastard deals and I meet the experts podcast on the flip lock. It is a secondary door lock that's easy to use and is tough enough for the worst case scenarios. It's high strength all aluminum and it makes the inward flip lock durable and it blends in with your current door hardware. It's 10 times stronger than a deadbolt, 10 times stronger than a deadbolt able to withstand over 1600 pounds of pressure. You know, you can put it on the inside door too. So if they breach the security, the thugs, goons, illegal aliens, whatever, you can use it on an inside door, bedroom, bathroom, something like that, where you have time to call 911. Flip lock is unpickable, unbreakable, and installs at any height and it installs in less than five minutes. While supplies last, right now you can purchase the official flip lock. It's a $50 value for just 25 bucks. This is even cheaper than the last cheap bastard deal we did, which was 30 bucks. So this is a hell of a deal. It comes in your choice of either silver or bronze. Get yours now at how we car and click store to purchase and also to see a video of how flip lock works. Also shipping is free if you buy two or more flip locks. To tell us more about flip lock is the company's founder, Anna Rieger. And thank you for being with us again. You're the meet the meet the experts podcast did great people, people really interested in this. The Revere City School system has installed the institutional flip blocks inside the schools. Tell us what the advantage of a flip lock is. Well, it's something so simple to use. Like you said, you can place it on any door in your home. You can place it at any height in your home and it's just so simple to just be able to flip it and get away from the door and your door is secure when you're home. And it's really, really easy. If you have kids that are little, you're worried about them being able to get out. You know, you want to place it up high or you have parents that some of them have elderly parents that don't want to lock their doors because it's really hard to turn the handles. They love these because it's just really simple to unlock and lock. And so, you know, my mother will have this problem with her arthritis. And so we basically put one in her house because she would never lock her door. And now she's locking her door. And then, you know, we have our kids that are not, some of them have moved into their own places. And you want to have a secondary lock like a flip lock where nobody can come in, you know, on your kids because they're moved, they moved out their first time, you know, in their own place. And they don't think about, you know, somebody just, they not gay maintenance. They come in and, you know, you're kind of, you know, you're stuck. And anywhere you rent anything, somebody has a key to your home. You know, that's the truth. And for me, I put one in my bedroom because when my husband's traveling, I want to know that my room is secure. So even if they got through the house, I still would be woken up if somebody was trying to come into my bedroom. And when you're a woman alone, you know, that's a big security scare, you know, most of us are scared to sleep when we're by ourselves. Yeah. And these are, these are really affordable too. And they give you an extra level of security and a piece of mind. Many people, though, already have home security systems, smart cameras, ring cameras, etc. What makes Flip Lock a good supplement to these security measures? Well, the security cameras are going to capture them. You know, once they got in your home and once they left your home, this is a way to prevent them while you're home from coming into your home. And I think that's a big deal. You know, you want to make sure why you're hanging out with your family that that door is secure. And that's why I created Flip Lock with our families in mind, you know, it's created with our kids in mind originally with the school. Like you said, you know, putting in the schools, giving our kids a way to be able to lock that classroom door with, of course, an unlocking mechanism. But with the homes, we just started thinking, oh, my gosh, we need to be able to do these for our son. He's in a communal living situation with a bunch of other kids, you know, college kids. You hear the earbuds in school shootings and, you know, the guy gets the guy gets inside and the teacher saying, let's push the, push the desks and the chairs in front of the doors. You got the Flip Lock. The guy's not getting in. The guy, the shooter is not going to get in the classroom unless he's Superman. Anne-Marie, go to while supplies last. You can get a Flip Lock, a $50 value for just $25. That's our cheap bastard deal.