The Howie Carr Radio Network

Et Tu, Anita? Coup Against KJP Revealed | 4.26.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Anita Dunn, senior advisor to President Biden, is very casually and kindly recommending positions for Karine Jean-Pierre. Under such pressure, if you were KJP, would you stay or would you go?

Broadcast on:
26 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." Live from the Aviva Trattoria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace, stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. I wanted to send my sincerest condolences to the family of a loyal listener of both the Grace Curly Show and the Howie Car Show. Michael Femilis, or as we knew him here as Zebra, he was a frequent caller of the Grace Curly Show. We got to know him through those calls a little bit. Sometimes the calls were poignant and very serious. Other times, they were funny and light-hearted. He seemed to have a great sense of humor. But what I found pretty amazing was reading his obituary today. It's clear that as much as we felt like we knew him, we only had a tiny idea of a very extraordinary person and life. I just wanted to read a little bit here. He was an advocate for abused and neglected children. He was also an advocate for women in crisis. He passionately loved his country in New Hampshire. He was a lover of truth, which he often expressed with a biting wit. He was a regular live commentator on the Howie Car Show under the alias Zebra. Below are the first few lines to a patriotic poem he wrote in his blog page called The Granite Truth. And I read this poem and I thought, "Wow, that was beautiful," he said. "We were born to a land of heroes carved in stone and forged in bronze who bore the cost of freedom and without question carried on." So, carry on Zebra, we'll miss you. We appreciate all the calls and all the time spent listening. And, Emma, I know you had some interactions with him as well. Yes, I got to meet him up at one of the remote shows in Portsmouth, I believe. Really, unassuming guy, you wouldn't realize he's as funny or as involved in the community as he is. And it's really respectable these days, especially for a man to be so strong, patriotic for his country. But also, he doesn't like the limelight, didn't even like giving his full name in the alias. But we'll miss you, Zebra. Yeah, very humble person. And thank you, Zebra, for calling in and we definitely will miss you and rest in peace. Emma Foley joins us now to talk a little bit about anything we miss this week. It's time for Last Call. Last Call! Time now for your end of the week wrap up with Emma Foley. It's last call. Last call. Last call. Last call. Last call. Last call. Last call. Last call. Let's go. Last call, everybody. Okay, Emma, Emma, what do you have for me today? All right, so you've been covering the anti-Israel protests on Ivy League campuses, on other campuses. They're all over Boston at this point, Emerson. There's some stuff going on at BC, Northeastern. But there's one cut I found that I just thought was kind of fun. I mean, you have to laugh at some of the nonsense that's going on. Yeah, if you don't laugh, you'll cry. Right. And so this is from the Fashion Institute of Technology. And they've joined in on the anti-Israel protests. This is cut 22. There are people that are coming in and they're trying to bring pizza to the protesters, to the people in there. I don't know if they have an autonomous zone there, but they're very angry that they can't bring these pizzas in. [Crowd chanting] Let them eat. This is the most pampered group of protesters I've ever seen. They're getting like $17 sandwiches, pizza deliveries. What happened to the gritty nature of these protests where you're like sticking up here on my mom? You're sticking it to the man and at first when we were talking about these protests, I remember Cynthia Nixon, she was organizing a hunger strike. And the hunger strikes, they don't seem to catch on, mostly because they interrupt the pizza deliveries. And these protesters are so incredibly out of touch. They don't realize that they're allegedly protesting for the starvation of children in Gaza, right? That's one of their arguments. But then they're eating all this pizza. It's like Marie Antoinette is in the building. Yeah. You keep meatballs in your jacket? Yeah, I mean, I was reading the Columbia Protestor Diet and I was thinking, and they were thinking it too in the New York Post, they said, "Who's funding all this? This gets pricey and who's buying the tents?" That's another question. Okay, what else you have, Emma? All right, so today is former First Lady Melania Trump's birthday. Oh, yes. Well, look, my wife has a whole lot of our family. When somebody's birthday is saying happy birthday, ready? Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Ellen. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday. How old is Melania? 54, I believe. She looks great for 54. She doesn't. Better than ever, dare I say. Yes, I would agree. She, I did say to the mailer manager the other day, I said, "Have you seen her in person because every photo she looks amazing?" And we have to report this because the mainstream media is nasty to her. They do not like Melania, and Trump doesn't get to be with her today. We have a message from Trump as well. So he came outside of the courtroom. He does his little courtroom spiel, and he wanted to wish her a happy birthday as well. So I have a question. Was this before, after the conversation about the thermostat and how it's very cold in the courtroom? Before? It was before. Oh, okay. So he's got his priorities straight. He's going to wish the wife a happy birthday, and then he's going to talk about how it's too cold. I appreciate that. Let's hear it. I want to start by wishing my wife Melania a very happy birthday. It's nice to be with her, but I'm in a courthouse for a redraw. It's a redraw. These hits that he does outside of the courtroom, it's becoming like a DJ or something. You know, he's playing the hits. And now I'd like to send this one out to Melania Trump before I go back into the courtroom. And they, this is the great part about it, is they have to, everyone's covering this, because the media that hates him, like CNN, they want to cover it, because they want to, they're hoping that this is going to make people be, they want to scare monger and say, look at him. He's in court because he's a criminal. So they're showing it, and Fox is showing it as well. So he's really able to get whatever message he wants out, and today he chose to wish Melania happy birthday. It's brilliant. And then he'll do this thing where there was a gag order, and then there wasn't a gag order. So he'll do this thing where it's like, oh, we can't, we can't talk about that trial. The very, very rigged and fraudulent trouble, we're going to be nice. We're not even going to name the people. Yeah, that's, that's one of the things about Trump that always makes me laugh, is when he'll attack somebody on social media and say like, I'm not going to call this person a big loser slob, because that would be mean, but, and you're right, he gets out his message. And actually, since you're here, Emma, and you've given me this opening, I do want to read, if I can even find it, I want to read Donald Trump's message to Bill Barr, because I saw this. Former Attorney General Bill Barr was on, I believe he was on Fox recently, and he's had a very tumultuous relationship with Donald Trump. When he was in the Trump White House, or, you know, when, when Trump was in office, it seemed like they got along. It seemed like he had his back to a degree. And then it quickly became apparent after January 6, that he was no fan of Donald Trump's. And now he's saying that as much as he doesn't like Trump, and as much as Trump clearly doesn't like him, that he's still going to vote for him. So someone must have informed Trump about this, and this is the tweet he sent out, and I think it kind of goes along with what you're saying. Wow, former AG Bill Barr, who led a lot of great people down, by non-investigating voter fraud in our country, has just endorsed me, for president, despite the fact that I called him weak, slow-moving, lethargic, gutless, and lazy. And then in parentheses, he writes, New York Post, exclamation point. Based on the fact that I greatly appreciate his wholehearted endorsement, I am removing the word lethargic from my statement. Thank you, Bill. Yeah, I would say that if Bill Barr is rooting for Trump at this point, you know that for people who are going to try to hold their nose for Joe Biden, it's definitely becoming tough to do. Yeah, and he is a comedian. I mean, weak, slow-moving, lethargic, gutless, and lazy. Well, at least now it's only weak, slow-moving, gutless, and lazy. The lethargic does, that does hit you where it hurts. Yeah, and now it's not there, so it's basically a compliment. Yeah, Emma Foley, thank you very much for joining us today. When we come back, I want to talk about, actually, I should ask you, Emma, if you've seen this yet, did you see the story about the coup at the White House? I did not. Allegedly, Anita Dunn, who is the de facto White House communications chief, she was plotting, conspiring with other people at the White House to get KJP, to resign, to move on. And I think what they were really trying to do was, it's almost like a Seinfeld episode. They're trying to convince her. It's like if you're breaking up with someone and you feel too bad doing it, so you're hoping that person will break up with you. Like, George wants to be repulsive to one of his girlfriends, so he tries to convince her this is what you should do. That's the vibe I get where they're saying like, oh, you know, this would be a really great job for you if you left here, and trying to make her think it's her idea almost, but she just wouldn't leave. I mean, she is irreplaceable. She is one of a kind, determined to stay at her post. And now this story comes out that they were trying their best. And also, there's a lot of cutting quotes in here about how she just doesn't prepare. She just doesn't do the work. I can't believe that. But Andrew Bates said that's not true. She prepares for four hours before, which if you're doing it. What does she prepare for? If you're going out there, the dancing, if you're going out there and putting on the performances that she's been putting on for the last, what's it been, like a year or two years now? I think it's been closer to two years. If that's the best you can do with four hours under your belt, then you have to amp it up to five or six. Maybe it's the makeup, the hair, and the outfits, because we've discussed this before. She does have good outfits. She does. And I think she's beautiful. And her makeup always looks nice, too. But that doesn't mean she's a compressed secretary at all. And if that's part of the four hours, then you have to increase it to six or seven or eight. I mean, 10. You've got to cram at this point. If this is what you're coming out with. So we're going to get to this when we come back. We've got a lot more planned for the show today. And also Kamala Harris making waves for her comments on weed. Don't go anywhere. We'll hit all of that when we come back. This is the Grace Curly Show. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. [MUSIC] And I looked at my mom. I said, "Who do you listen to?" She said, "Chillie, let me have a remember." True story. I said, "Remember when there were desegregating Linfield, the neighborhood with 70 homes built on suburbia?" And I told you, and there was a black family moving in, and there was people who were down there protesting. I told you not to go down there, and you went down. Remember that? And you got arrested by standing on the porch with a black family. They brought you back to police. And I said, "Yeah, mom, I remember that." Do the fact checkers remember that? That feels like something we could look into. Does anybody else remember that? I'm pretty sure they fact checked that he hadn't been arrested during the civil rights movement or any of the other arrests that he's so proud of, that he claims happened. So yeah. You can't expect such an eligible bachelor to remember all of his comings and goings in detail, Grace. You're right. All of his dealings and dealings. You're right, Jared. God, thank God we have you here to speak some common sense. He says, "Yeah, I remember that, mom." It's like, "Well, if your mom and you both say it happened, I guess there's no other way to look into it. I guess it's just true." Wasn't even his mom. It was Jill asking him about that story before the interview. What are you talking about? You don't remember that. Well, then it just morphed into... The reason, Jared, I asked you to play that. Besides, people are listening to that and going, "Oh, that's a new one." Yeah, he was on with Howard Stern today. He was live. We're supposed to be very impressed. You know who else is live every single day, multiple times a day? The former guy. The guy who, when he was president, we had a little bit more peace. We had mean tweets, but we had peace. Yeah, he's live a lot. You know, the guy you want to run into had to have the neighborhood. And take back to the gym. But he doesn't mean that he wants to beat him up. He just, you know, thinks about it sometimes. Well, the reason I played that is because he's on with Howard Stern today, talking about how he would debate Trump. That's actually our poll question, which is brought to you by Local Silver Mint. Located in where New Hampshire Silver Dave will work with you directly. So contact him at local Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is Biden told Howard Stern he will debate Trump. Will his handlers allow him to do it? Yes, reluctantly or under no circumstance? Under no circumstance. It's just, it's getting too risky. And we're seeing so little of this guy. Like we see him once in a while. Now they're not even going to listen. Now they don't want us to see him walking across the White House lawn to Marine One. So they're going to surround him with a bunch of people. And he's going to be in the center with like, you know, some sort of hat on. We'll have to establish like, which one is he? And he's just going to get floated out there to Marine One. So no, I don't think they're going to put him on a debate stage. If they don't trust him to walk across the grass, then I think it debates kind of out of the question. He's just going to be on a scooter with a picture of legs across yet 90% of the audience says under no circumstance will Biden's handlers allow him to debate Trump. Now when you hear that story though with Howard Stern, the reason I played it is because if you're the press secretary for that guy and you somehow do a worse job at conveying his message than he does, and he's talking about nude photos with Howard Stern and you can't do better than that. That's a problem. And that brings us to my favorite story of the day, actually. And it was the competition was pretty tight today. Inside the failed White House coup to oust Biden, press secretary, Korean Jean-Pierre. Top aides to President Biden secretly hatched a plan this past fall to replace White House press secretary, Korean Jean-Pierre. But like all of their plans that they've ever hatched ever, it was botched. It was a botched withdrawal. It was a botched resignation. Every single plan these people hatch fails. They've never succeeded in anything. They can't even get their own press secretary to step aside. That's how incompetent this administration is from top to bottom. Jean-Pierre had developed the habit of reading canned answers directly from a binder to reporters at her regular briefings. This is from Stephen Nelson in the New York Post. Anita Dunn, 66, told colleagues she had decided to call in prominent Democrats to explain to Jean-Pierre that the time was ripe to move on. Sources told the Post. There were a number of people she asked to engage Korean. I'm going to translate that for you. There's a number of people she wanted to be the messengers here. To be the fall guy. Like, I don't want to tell her that she's got to go, but you should tell her. If I'm one of these people, I'm going, no, no, no, no. No, thank you. Thank you for the offer that I have to tell Korean Jean-Pierre, who, by the way, was boasted by this administration as being the first black and first openly gay person to hold the position. And then you're going to be the evil member of the administration that gives her the pink slip? I'm ducking and dodging and weaving that request. I'm saying to Anita Dunn, you can take this one. I'm out. The sources told the Post that Dunn had claimed White House Chief of Staff, Jeff Zients, knew about and supported the cloak and dagger scheme to push Jean-Pierre out of the West Wing. A-2, Jeff. There was an effort to have some outside folks who Korean knows and trust talk to her about why leaving last fall would have made a lot of sense for her and her career. And an effort to encourage her to move along. Ah, the old make her think it's her idea. This is, this is what, no, we're not telling you you should leave. You want to leave. You're the one who wants to leave. You're the one who said that you think that maybe you'd be a good time. There's so much more to this story. And there was a really good take on it, which I'll share with you when we come back. Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. One of the textures reminded me that Anita Dunn asking people if they'd be willing to basically fire Korean Jean-Pierre is reminiscent of when Kramer was asked to fire Raquel Welsh from a Broadway performance. And he was terrified because she was a menace as far as Hollywood goes and showbiz. She had a bad reputation. And I wanted to play this cut because it does remind me of if you were given this task, like, hey, you know the person who a couple of months ago we talked about, we were so happy to have because she was breaking the glass ceiling. And she was the first black person and the first openly gay person to have this job. And there was a bunch of puff pieces and she was in vogue. Well, now can you go fire her because she's not doing a good job? I would be like, mmm, what's in it for me? Because this sounds, this sounds like a terrible idea. Take a listen to this old cut from Seinfeld. Well, I do need to talk to you about a little problem regarding your performance. What kind of problem? Well, it seems that due to the vagaries of the production parameters, of vis-a-vis the fragmenting of the audience, duty cable, television, carnivals, water parks. How's with it? Well, you're fired because you don't use your arms when you tap dance, you're like a gorilla out there. I gotta go fire. That's best it's going to be like at the White House when they have to explain, why does it, why are you firing me? Because you stick it to your job, I gotta go, bye! A second source told the post that Jeff and Anita were trying to find Korean a graceful exit because of the ugly optics of removing her against her will. There's a huge diversity issue and they're afraid of what folks are going to say out of this source. Now, somebody on social media pointed this out and I thought it was really, really well said. And it speaks to a huge part of the problem with DEI and checking boxes and hiring people based off based off things they don't control, whether it's their skin color or their gender. And this person wrote, "It's hard when you don't hire somebody based off merit, it's hard to fire them based off merit." So as the Biden White House was so proudly talking about how they hired her because of all these things that she's not in control of, something that she is in control of is her job performance and she's not good at it, but it's hard then to turn around and say, "Well, we're not firing her because of all the reasons we hired her. We're firing her because she doesn't do a good job." Well, that's not really any of my business. The only thing you guys made my business was how she checked all these boxes and how you were so excited about it. So that should be enough and I can guarantee you that in her mind she's thinking, "Yeah, firing me." You put me up on a pedestal and talked about how great it was that you hired me in the first place. You took a victory lap and I didn't even fire me just because I'm not doing a good job. Corrine doesn't have an understanding of the issues and she reads the book, meaning the binder, word for word, said the second source, adding that the situation is made worse by the fact that she thinks she's doing an amazing job. These are facts. Check them out. That was always my question. I would say that sometimes on how we show, I would say, "Do you think when?" Because occasionally, and you deliver a monologue, you have to speak to people, which I do a lot. Every day from 12 to 3. And there's a lot of times where I'll come back and I'll go, "Ugh, that wasn't good." I stumbled over that. I said that word wrong. I pronounced that weird. I didn't get my point across. And I thought, "Does she have those thoughts when she leaves the podium?" Because hers, I mean, I watch whether it's Corrine, John Pierre, or Kamala Harris, or Joe Biden, I watch all three of those people and I think, "I'm not that bad. I shouldn't be too hard at myself." Because these people are the top of government and they are disasters. But I wondered that. "Does she go behind the scenes after having a back and forth where she tells people over and over again?" I can't answer that. I can't speak to that. I got to send you to the Energy Department. I got to refer you to the State Department. As Biden said, he was being very, very clear that the Nordstrom pipeline, all these things, I'm thinking, "Does she go back and watch the play tape and go, 'That was terrible.'" And apparently the answer is no. Yeah, it sounds like she just walks back there. They yelled it. Another great performance. She walks off with her hand up in the air like Larry Bird after the three-point contest before the ball's even in the basket. "She doesn't have a grasp of the issues and doesn't spend the time to learn," this person said. These issues are not second nature to people. Israel and Gaza is a perfect example. It's very nuanced. Jen would have calls with people to feel well-versed enough to go to the briefing. There's an enormous amount of work that goes into getting ready. And consistently, she does not put in that level of work. Now Andrew Bates, who's the White House Deputy Press Secretary, and he seems to always just be on social media screaming at any of these reports that make his peers look bad. That's all he does all day. I think it's just go, "That's not true. She's brilliant. We're all proud of her." He said that these claims are wildly false, and he also said that she spends four hours preparing every day. In December, not long after Word of Dunn's plan circulated in the White House, Jean-Pierre received and rejected an unsolicited offer to become president of Emily's list, a major Democratic group that raises money for female candidates whose support expanded abortion rights. They're big on the no limits when it comes to abortions. So they tried to give her a plum job somewhere else in hopes that that would entice her to leave on her own. You know, they, "Oh, she'd go, "Oh, yeah, that's a good landing spot for me." "I love this. I love the KJP," he said, "No, you're stuck with me. I'm not going anywhere. You can't get rid of me." Now, here's the ex-officials who are trying to run cover for KJP and trying to combat these claims that she's unprepared. One ex-official said she is an incredibly quick study on a variety of policy issues that she has to be appraised of every single day. Hmm, I don't believe that at all. 844-542-42. Can we see some film of that? Yeah. That is, it's such a great point because we keep being told that, like, behind the scenes, there's all of this brilliance going on. They're all, you know, solving equations on the chalkboards and figuring out all of these, all of these very complicated issues they've got on tap. And it's like, "Why don't we ever see any of that? How come I'm only privy to the flubs? How come I'm only privy to the gaps? Like, if there were all these great moments of her handling the issues with poise and intellect, wouldn't we see that once? Just once? That's all I'm asking for. Joe, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Joe? Hey, Grace, how are you? I'm good. What's going on? Good. Is it just a coincidence that, you know, today, or yesterday, the New York Times was complaining that Biden won't give an interview, and then he goes running to, who's arguably the biggest sellout in the history of media, how it's done to talk to them? I don't think it's a coincidence. I think it's Joe Biden taking the face of the media and like stuffing it in a toilet bowl. Like, I think he really wants to rub their face in the fact that you didn't treat me as well as you should have. I should be getting wonderful coverage, which by the way, Joe, here's the part of it that blows my mind. Joe Biden doesn't think the New York Times is nice enough to him. Like, can you imagine if he was getting the kind of coverage Trump gets? The man would be apoplectic. He's getting great coverage, but he has to go to Howard Stern because I guess now Joe Biden's definition of nice coverage is just being interviewed by someone who doesn't ask any questions and just lets you go. I think that's truly what he thinks up is too much pushback. Is somebody saying like, oh, can you explain that? Or can you give us a detail on when that happened? Or, you know, any sort of question that might throw off his stream of consciousness? I think he finds that to be unnecessarily harsh. Like the time I cut the fairy over the Shelbyville, I needed a new heel for my shoe. So I decided to go to Morganville. He did talk about his football days. We should play this just because Joe brought it up. This is Joe Biden today with Howard Stern talking about football cut three. Well, for example, I remember starting off playing Catholic League football, say you see a way of football. By the way, I don't think a lot of people know that you were a star receiver in high school. You were like the first string guy. You were the guy who caught the ball runner up in state scoring. You know, wow, but I was a run. That is false. I'm saying, wow, listening to Howard Stern for the same reason. I'm sorry for a totally different reason. I'm going, wow, wow, look at, look at you, Howard Stern. This is where you're at now. I thought it was bad when he was, is he the host of like America's Got Talent or something or one of the judges? Oh, yeah. Yeah, I forgot about that. But compared to this, compared to this interview, that is leaps and bounds ahead of what this is, just looking at this old man and going, well, you are a really good football player. It's sad enough when Biden brags about it. But at least it's like his life that he's trying to put a spin on to have Howard Stern trying to put on rose colored glasses for Joe Biden. Depressing. That's all I can say on that front. I did want to play Kamala Harris because since we're talking about people who have no self awareness, she had a pretty busy week, Jared. At one point, she was doing a bringer. She was hosting bring your child to work day that we didn't really see her for a couple days. And we always like to know where she is. So let's do a little where in the world is Kamala Harris. Freedom in the world is Kamala Harris. She was having a round table conversation for second chance month on Thursday. And she was outlining the steps the Biden administration has taken to expand access to small business loans and Pell grants to those with criminal convictions. This is from the post millennial. And she said something and I've noticed that they have her. She's the face of so many things and diagrams of school buses, space, abortions, voter rights, immigration. She's she is the face of every issue that Joe Biden is fielding right now. And the one that I really truly think is so nutty that they think she's the best fit for is talking about putting people in jail for smoking weed when she made her bones, putting people in jail for smoking weed. She's the last person. Actually, you know what? It's like when Joe Biden talks about racism, given his history of being a racist, like openly, I'm not talking about, oh, secret behind the scenes. He's been pretty open about how, you know, he used to paddle around with all these racists. And you know, he actually liked them better than some of the people in the Republican party today because they were old school, whatever he says. But they put the they put the last person on earth who should be discussing this issue at the forefront of it. And it blows my mind. This is Kamala Harris cut 10. I bet there's a lot of people who went to jail because of you for smoking weed who wish you had felt that way a little bit sooner. I don't understand how someone can have so little self awareness. Now I did tease at one point, Jonathan Turley today talking about the Donald Trump hush money trial in New York City. I just like to play one cut here because I was blown away by how ill thought out this David pecker on the stand, one of the first witnesses that the prosecutors called on. I was blown away by how bad of an idea that was. And so was Jonathan Turley. This is cut eight. Well, they're doing a good job, largely allowing the case to collapse on its own weight. You know, this case thus far is about as good a model of prosecution as the Titanic is a good model for navigation. I mean, I don't understand why they would start with pecker. In my view, he's disastrous. You know, first of all, as I'm speaking as a criminal defense attorney, what most good prosecutors, if they know that the criminal defense attorney is going to bring up something damaging, will bring it up themselves. And the most damaging aspect of pecker's testimony is that he did the did the same thing for a wide variety of of of celebrities. I mean, that that is really quite damaging. And by not revealing that to the jury in your direct, there is a sense that there was a hiding of the ball here. You can lose credibility with the jury. I don't think I don't think anyone who's prosecuting slash persecuting Donald Trump is worried about losing credibility because you gain all the credibility you need just by saying this is your mission. Like you want to put the orange man behind bars. There you go. That you officially have a pass to do or say or lie about whatever you want, even in a court of law, 844-542-42. Thank you all so much for tuning in today. When we come back, we're going to talk to how we car and wrap up this Friday show. So don't go anywhere. You're listening to the Grace Curly Show. [MUSIC] This is the Grace Curly Show. [MUSIC] Welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. 617 says Grace, I would be so angry if my daughter's graduation was canceled. When she was an undergrad, she worked so hard and double major to work two jobs and her graduation ceremony was such a nice celebration of all of her sacrifices and hard work. This is absurd. Yeah, well, at USC for people who aren't familiar, they've already canceled the main graduation ceremony. They've capitulated to the screaming lunatics who are chanting things like burn Tel Aviv to the ground, chanting about how they're pro Hamas, and maybe it's not specifically at USC, but at these other schools, those are the kind of protests we're seeing. But I want to talk to how we carve out another thing that we've both been keeping an eye on, how we've talked at length about the Biden administration's plan to ban menthol cigarettes. Yes. Have you seen the latest on this? No, what's the latest? So this is from the Wall Street Journal and we actually did a poll question about this recently. The White House has decided that it's reversing course on its plan to ban menthol cigarettes after it weighed the potential public health benefits of banning minty smokes against the political risk of angering black voters in an election year. I thought he was I thought if you, you know, if you weren't going to vote for him, you weren't black. He didn't realize that people that are black tend to like to smoke menthols. I mean, they had to have like what a poll that to figure this out that this was a big problem. Well, you know, it's funny. Well, we did the poll question on this a few weeks ago. I think I gave three options and I said, yes, they're going to ban it. No, they don't want to risk losing black voters or yes, they will, but they'll just put it off. And it seems like that's what they're trying to do there. They want to say like, oh, don't work to these anti menthol groups. They want to say, we're going to do this. We just need to get through the election. I have a I have a suggestion for the anti menthol groups. If you don't like menthol cigarettes, don't smoke them. How about that? I don't disagree, but it is something where he's been talking about it now for almost four years. And like the student loans, like everything else, he now he's putting it all under the category of, you know, just give me another chance, you know, give me, I got to finish the job. So maybe this is part of finishing. Yeah, that's what we're afraid of. That's why Bill Barr endorsed Trump. He's afraid he's going to finish the job. Absolutely. Howie, I know you've got a great show plan. Tell people what they can expect. Well, we're going to have Dr. Mathavette on at six o'clock for as usual. I think President Trump has left a voice message for us today. We'll get that to that starting out. And we have police plotter facts for ID, of course, we got a big show plan and we're going to discuss the plan. I finally found a tax that I'm in favor of. That's the Harvard wealth tax. Yeah, we just want them to pay their fair share, which I don't think it's for the children. Yeah, I don't think it's asking too much. Howie cars got a great show plan? Thank you all for listening this week. If you missed any of the interviews or episodes, wherever you get your podcasts, That's where you can find them. I'll see you all on Monday (upbeat music)