The Howie Carr Radio Network

Meet the Experts: Dr. Ahmad Nooristani

If you've listened to the Howie Carr Show the past few years, you know Howie is a big believer in the efficacy of Balance 7—so much so that he wants you to hear the science behind the supplement he takes every day. Join Howie and Dr. Ahmad Nooristani, the physician, hospitalist, health care entrepreneur, and TV host behind Balance 7 as they explore the root causes of chronic ailment and getting your health in check.

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Broadcast on:
26 Apr 2024
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[MUSIC PLAYING] Welcome to Meet the Experts with Howie Car, a new podcast featuring long-form interviews with guests who have a specialized field of expertise. Dr. Ahmad Nuristani is a physician, hospitalist, health care entrepreneur, and even a TV host. But you may best know him as the CEO of Balance 7. If you've listened to the Howie Car show over the past few years, you know that Howie is a big believer in the efficacy of Balance 7. So much so that he wanted you to hear the science behind the daily supplement, he says, has made a big difference in his health and how it may make a difference in yours as well. Join Howie and Dr. Nuristani as they explore the root causes of everyday illnesses and ailments and how Balance 7 is engineered to address the cause rather than the symptoms. And be sure to listen for a special offer for Balance 7 just for listeners of this podcast. Here's your host of Meet the Experts, Howie Car. Welcome to our latest episode of Meet the Experts. And our guest this week is Dr. Ahmad Nuristani. And he is the CEO of Balance 7, which has been one of our advertisers for a long time. Dr. Nuristani has had an esteemed medical career. He's been a physician at hospitals, chairman of a Department of Medicine. And he's been a medical director. Right now is the CEO, Balance 7. He blends his medical knowledge and entrepreneurship. He even hosts his own TV show Health Check with Dr. Nuristani, which has been instrumental in disseminating health knowledge to a global audience, promoting a healthier and more informed society. Welcome to the show, Dr. Nuristani. Thank you for having me. I'm excited to inform your audience about the importance of Balance 7 and how we could transform their life. I began taking Balance 7. Your company became an advertiser. They sent us a sample. I always checked the products to sample them so that I could talk about them. I was quite impressed with how good it made me feel. I've talked about this in the ads as well, that you guys stopped advertising for a while. And I continued buying the product because it made me feel so good. And I'm sincere when I say that. And sometimes I run out. And whatever I don't have the Balance 7 that I'm used to, my joints feel a little stiffer. After a couple of days, I have more acidic feelings in my stomach. I just don't feel quite as good as when I'm taking Balance 7 on a daily basis. I'm just a little off. I think I'm probably typical of most people who consume Balance 7. Am I not? You're absolutely right. That included myself. I've been taking this now almost for five years. And if I don't take it for literally two days, three days. And for me, it's not more of a joint pain, but it's just mental clarity. I lose that focus. I mean, I have 16 to 18-hour long shifts. And I need to be focused because I'm doing critical care. And I see you. And I have one of the sickest patients. So for me, mental clarity and staying sharp is so crucial and critical. So without this, you know, towards the end of the day, I'm just lagging. I have no energy. So I completely understand what you're saying. What's the core idea behind Balance 7? What is the scientific basis of Balance 7? Well, it goes back to the root cause of problem, right? And I think with medicine, what we have forgotten, that we're not solving the problem. What I mean is if you have high blood pressure, I'm giving you medication to fix your high blood pressure. But I don't deal with the core problem of why do you have blood pressure. And that goes on for every single disease in existence that we have medication for. We solve the symptoms, not the problem. So now, Balance 7 acts as a holistic way of bringing your body to a natural state where it is going to take care of itself. So that's the whole concept of Balance 7, allowing your body to do what it was meant to do to keep you as healthy as possible. Because 90% of these disease, all disease that happen, it's happening because we decided to have those disease through our action. What do we eat? What do we put in? Do we take care of ourselves? Do we exercise? Do we limit our intake of food that are causing damage, right? So all of that causes root cause problem. And Balance 7 is there to really push you through that so you could become healthier and not have those disease to begin with. We're speaking today on Meet the Experts to Dr. Amad Norostani. He's the CEO of Balance 7. And if you would like to check it out after listening to the podcast today, go to, the number seven, and use code how we podcast to get 20% off any order of $50 or more. One of the parts of Balance 7 that's always mentioned is pH balance. Tell the listeners what pH balance means and why it's so important. So in our body, in everything in the universe, we have to have something to measure by so we can understand it, right? If it's a distance, we measure it by a metric, which is centimeter, meter, whatever. So we have an understanding and how to put it together, how to understand it, right? And now pH is one of those concepts that's used in every living tissue, every living tissue, every living cell, lived in a specific pH. What does pH mean? What does that stand for, those initials? You know, it's a power of hydrogen. So basically, you have hydrogen. A lot of people understand that, the edge and you have hydroxide right on the other side, the outline. So basically, it's just this acidity. So for your audience, the simplest way is I have too my acid in my body, I have too much alkaline in my body. Now, too much acid in your body is one thing. You're not eating right. Literally. Say, for example, take your diet coke, for example, our coca-cola, our Pepsi. And one bottle of that makes a huge difference because that produced so much acid. Now, now your body has to do everything to neutralize that acid. And within our body, we have a scale of pH, which basically measures acidity, all alkalinity. And we live, and we should live in an extremely balanced environment within our body. And that's a balanced pH. Normally, our body lean more toward alkaline. That's where every single body parts function optimally. So balance seven brings that pH to work alkalinity as opposed to being more toward acidity, because it's all the havoc in the body. Anything above seven is neutral, but people tell me seven is perfect then. No balance seven brings you somewhere above 7.4, which is the optimal condition for your body to function optimally. So how can balance seven benefit me or you or anybody who's taking it on a daily basis? Well, here's what balance seven. A lot of my patients, I have hundreds of patients that are taking this supplement, and they ask me one question. How do I change that? How does balance seven affect me? And I tell everybody, balance seven literally doesn't do anything for you. And let me explain that. So what it does, it allows your body to produce more of what you need. And the way it works is that because it is an extreme alkaline, it means like the pH is extremely high. When you take that, it goes to your stomach, which is an extremely acidic environment. Your body's now a dilute that acid. And now your body says, I want to bring this acid inside your stomach, back to normal. I want it to be so acidic because it needs digestion. You need to break down protein, et cetera. All the food that we eat, right? That needs a lot of acid. But only within your stomach. So in such it produces more acid in your stomach, but your body also produces a lot of bicarb or alkaline. And that bicarb and that alkalinity goes to your system and gets observed and causes that significant amount of change that brings your pH back to balance. What are the ingredients in balance seven? People are very interested now, more interested than ever before in what they're taking, even though they're eating and drinking worse stuff than ever before. They also want to know what they're taking to counteract the poisons they're putting into their body. What's in balance seven? It has just made a simply of three inorganic FDA approved food ingredient products combined in a specific process with hydrogenated water to give you that high pH to drink and yet to be safe. So it's natural ingredient. So we don't do any out of that. There's no caffeine, there's no sugar. There's none of that, any other added ingredient. - How often should someone take it? - So normally we suggest to everybody that take it three ounces a day, basically one ounce, three times a day. Nothing to eat or drink for 30 minutes before or after. Normally the best time to take it is right before you sleep. You know, you're done with brushing your teeth, you're ready to go to sleep. When you wake up in the morning before you go to shower and then also in the middle of the day after your lunch, maybe 30 minutes, that's just spacing it out perfectly. - Why do you see a difference in three days? - So many three days is an average, right? Because everybody is different and depending how aesthetic your body is or, you know, how healthy you are, et cetera. So there's a lot of factors that goes into that number of days, right? Some people feel they're pregnant in a day. Some people takes about seven days, but the average from our experience in the past few years has been three days. And three days is that magical number saying, okay, you know what, I can feel a difference. Now I had some patients that were extremely healthy, they eat properly and they see the change a little later because their body is already in optimal condition and it just helped them to maintain that, right? But in general, within that three to seven days period, you should feel a difference. - I'm glad you brought that up, Dr. Norestani, because I was thinking about this as you were talking, that I don't mean to be judgmental here, but the worse your diet is, the more you need balance seven. The more it's gonna make you feel better. If you're eating totally healthy food and, you know, you're not eating very much meat at all, you're keeping a healthy diet, balance seven is not gonna help you as much as if you like to eat meat lovers pizza a couple of times a week. - Let me be judgmental, I'm gonna be extremely judgmental. And the reason being is that I'm gonna, I'm seeing it firsthand, right? I have now 30 years old, 40 year old, 50 year old, people that comes in with heart attack and stroke. And now I didn't used to see it way at the beginning when I started 15 years ago or 16 years ago, practicing that that age bracket has significantly lowered. So that means that a lot of younger people getting sick. So what do you attribute all that to? It's just bad diet and healthy diet. So yes, I wanna be judgmental, because being judgmental in this sense means saving life, right? If you're not eating healthy, and if you're gonna eat junk day and day out, of course you're gonna have all those things, right? Because we know that majority of today's diseases related to acidity, whether it's high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, heart attack, cancers, all are related to an acidic environment within your body. So when you're eating junk and unhealthy, you are inviting those diseases. There's no question about it, you're gonna get one or several of those diseases that I just mentioned. This is a way to neutralize it. I like to eat pastrami. I feel better about eating pastrami when I'm drinking a little Ballad 7. My stomach feels less acidic, and I feel like I'm hurting my body less. That's just me. But whatever your poison is, as they say at the bar, Ballad 7 will help it out, I think. We're speaking to Dr. Amad Norostani. He's the CEO of Ballad 7. That's what we're talking about here today on Meet the Experts. And if you'd like to order Ballad 7, you can go to the website That's the number seven. And use code how we podcast to get 20% off any order of $50 or more. This is a great deal. How we podcast to get 20% off any order of $50 or more. How does it help your immunity? - So I mean, that's a big topic, right? Because giving the recent event of COVID and all the viruses, all these new multi-drug resistant infections, et cetera, I mean, your immunity is paramount. Now, you need to be in optimal condition. Otherwise, you're going to be getting sick left and right. Just giving the amount of exposure, not just locally, internationally. The world has changed it. Whatever disease you have doesn't stay local anymore. It travels the whole planet. So your immune system is forefront at the war, right? It is what prevents your body from breaking down. It's what helps you maintain optimum health. Not get sick often, right? From common colds, you know, to COVID, et cetera. So on the immune system function at the highest, at the peak, when it is balanced pH, and that balanced pH for immunity is an alkaline environment. That means those cells that have capacity to kill viruses and bacteria, those are the ones that are ready to find, they function optimally at an alkaline environment or an alkaline level. So if your immune system is down because of too much acid, then its ability to fight common diseases also in the lowest point. So balance seven, bringing back your immune system, back to where it's supposed to be, will help you to remain healthy and not be experiencing some of the disease that attacks you when your immune system is down. So again, balance seven is designed to reduce the acidity in your body. So Dr. Norestani, explain how acid builds up in your body and why that is so bad for your health. - I once again, it's so odd because about six years ago, I didn't know enough about pH balance, being a physician, even then I did not have enough information. To make really a judgment called, we know how the disease comes about and why you have a heart attack, but the root cause was really eluded me as a person, as a physician, as a person who would like to know more and solve problems. So to me, it was a leap of faith, kind of transitioning from purely focus on medicine to alternative and combining the two. So it opened my eyes to a lot of things to learn about how body works and what affects it. And so the pH concept was one of those just eye opening for me. So the acid buildup doesn't happen overnight. Obviously, your body has a lot of residual and fighting capacities that optimal it takes years. But as we grow older, now in your late 20s and 30s and 40s, so your body's capacity to fight is diminished more and more and more because of all the acidity that's built up. So it's a buildup that's gonna take time for your body to just get rid of. That's why I tell people, when you're taking balance seven, this is not a magic bullet that you're gonna take and everything is gonna be fixed, no. I mean, it's just gonna come in with your lifestyle modification, diet modification, being active. All of that becomes part of balance seven. And it brings you, when you take it to be times the day is a constant awareness. I'm taking this to become healthy. That means it reinforces you not to eat that food since you're sharp and have a lot of energy to go exercise, to be more mindful. So in general, it helps you to just stay away from that because you're taking something every day, 30 times a day. It's a constant reminder. And that's what I love about it. It is just so easy to be forgetful, right? Forget about food and all that stuff, the bad stuff. If you have somebody constantly reminding you, hey, don't eat that. And that balance seven is that constant reminder. It's also testament to its taste. It has a very peculiar taste. - It does. I wasn't gonna mention that doctor. - No, I wanted to mention it because it's important. And I tell you why it's important because it gauges where you're staying. This is the only supplement in the world probably that doesn't taste good and there's a reason for it because we didn't wanna change the taste. There's a specific reason because it's a constant reminder. Now we go out and eat steak and have a couple of glass of wine and have some caffeine and come back and try this at a home and see what kind of taste you have. I mean, the taste is not gonna be good, I guarantee you because you haven't produced so much acid in your body and as soon as you drink it, it tells you. People have sent thousands and thousands of dollars to get a CAT scan and MRIs and do blood work. So they couldn't know where they stand, right? Where's your cholesterol? - Well, here's a supplement that tells you, "Hey, listen, you're not healthy. Oh, you're getting worse. All you have to do is drink and find out." And that changes over time and obviously your body gets used to it, you're not gonna feel it. That is the beauty of this product is that it's a constant reminder where your health is so it's gonna hold you accountable. - How does it help with the inflammation? - When you have a lot of inflammation in your body, that causes a significant amount of discomfort. Let's say if it's your joint, you're gonna have joint pain. If you know, like rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, or if you have it in your heart cause it's heart attack, but throughout your body any time you have inflammation, it causes havoc. Your joints are obviously no different. It's inflamed, it's gonna be swelled up and you're gonna have a lot of pain. All of that inflammation is related to acidity buildup through time. So it goes back to that concept about acidity. And I told you at the beginning when we talked about it that the root cause of all these modern diseases that's acidity, right? Because it stops your body from functioning properly. So the joint discomfort will go away once again with 10, three to five days because that inflammation is significantly reduced when you're taking balance seven and constant basis. - We're talking about balance seven. It's a great supplement. I take it three times a day. So does Dr. Norastani. You can get 20% off any order of $50 or more. Go to, the number seven. and use code how we podcast. Now Dr. Norastani, you say you feel more energy and more mentally clear when you take it. I do too to a degree, but you mentioned that specifically first. Tell us about what balance seven does for your mental state. - I mean, I'm sharp. I think after 15 hours of work, I don't care who you are, you're gonna feel that mental fatigue, right? Because especially I'm not talking about physical work, mental work where you're sitting in behind a computer where you're a CPA, where you're a lawyer, doctor, it doesn't matter when you're spending so much mental energy that you're gonna get fatigue. The concept is the same. Why you get fatigue? If you're a runner, you get fatigue because you build a black-take acid, right? It feels pain and it's gonna limit you from running. And it's the way your body's designed to let you know that, hey, hey, pull back, don't overdo it because you're gonna hurt yourself permanently. So now the rest of the body follow the same concept. When you are exhausted and the production of the black-take acid goes up and it decreases your mental clarity because of, once again, the acid buildup, right? We know now some of the recent studies that are linking Alzheimer's disease and dementia to that process and that change that happens within the brain cells are also related to pH. So how do you control that? And the more control you have over that, the more you have energy and the more mental clarity exists. - Sometimes when I sneeze, I take balance seven and it seems to stop the sneezing fairly quickly. Is there any medical reason for that or physical reason? - Dude, it's sneezing itself. I do not know, but I know a lot of people, you know, you have the chronic cough, the cough, the lingering, nagging cough and the sneezing that happens. That happens because too much acid in your stomach comes up to innervate one of these nerves. The nerve becomes irritating and that irritation causes you to cough, have the dry nagging cough that gets sometimes worse at nighttime, especially when you're laying down. So that definitely, when you're bringing that to back to the balance, making your pH be more neutral, more toward the outline, that definitely helps out to stop that. And also these are SN allergies, right? Allergies as our environmental allergies, for example, and that goes back to the concept of your immunity. So your immune is boosted and that stops you from having all these molar symptoms as well. - How does it help with digestion and heartburn? And I really noticed that it helps with heartburn. - So this is my first experience of balance seven that I had when I started taking balance seven before I even became part of it and became a literally a believer because of this reason because I had acid reflux and I'd been taking Prilosec, Dantec, Tums, you name it and some of the main big guns prescription that now we know has millions of side effects. But I took that for years because I had such a heartburn when I eat, especially if I eat anything that's acidic. Once again, if I drink coffee, if I eat meat or anything, like pasta, et cetera, I just had such a spicy food, bad digestion. I mean, my burning sensation was just driving me crazy. I started taking balance in and I haven't taken a single pill for the past five years. And so does a lot of my patients who are taking, they're not taking a single pill for heartburn. So what it does, the concept is once again, the same thing, right? It dilutes that acidic environment temporarily in your body, but now your body producing so much more acid within your stomach. And what it does is it causes a stimulation of this sinter to close up so the acid doesn't come back up. And that is the reason you're not feeling the acidity. And because it allows your body to produce more acid within your stomach, that means things get digested more faster and it gets break down more faster. So that's why you don't feel the sensation of bloating goes away, the sensation of fullness goes away, and you don't have the burning sensation that brings things up. - Dr. Norastani, as I said, I was not a great believer in valid seven. I was just testing it out 'cause you guys were sponsors. And I really am a believer now. It makes me feel better. It's not like a super miracle cure that's gonna make you feel better 10 minutes after you take it. But if you take it steadily, you just feel better. The proof is when you stop taking it, when you run out and suddenly you don't have it for three or four days and you're not quite what you were physically or mentally. And that's the best endorsement I can give. - You know what, you have nothing to lose, right? There's money back guaranteed. But go ahead and try. That's all you can do, right? Put some efforts on taking care of yourself and bringing back your body that we're supposed to be. And at the same time, there's hundreds of testimonials that you could look on, patients that are with all these different diseases that's available online. And these are true patients. You can listen, you know, you're audience could listen to some of those. And these are amazing, amazing stories about how it affects your body. - Dr. Amad Norastani from Ballot7, he's the CEO, the chief executive officer. We appreciate you being with us. And if you're interested and you'd like to try it again, there's a money back guarantee, as Dr. Norastani said, just go to If you've been procrastinating, don't procrastinate anymore because there's 20% off. Right now, if you just use Howie Podcast, one word, Howie Podcast to get 20% off any order of $50 or more. It's a great product and I don't think you'll be disappointed. Dr. Norastani, thanks so much for being with us here on Meet the Experts today. - Howie, thank you so much for having me. - Thanks for joining us on this episode of Meet the Experts with Howie Car. We'll be back soon with even more interesting guests you're sure to learn a great deal from. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)