The Howie Carr Radio Network

Aaron Chadbourne: Friends or foes? The DeSantis-Trump meetup | 4.29.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Governor Ron DeSantis met with Donald Trump over the weekend, and if you haven't been paying attention, this is major news. Aaron Chadbourne fills in for Howie Carr, and Grace joins to discuss the Florida meetup as well as the damning Kristi Noem dog fiasco.

Broadcast on:
29 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Some of you complain that I don't take enough of your questions. No comment. Ha, ha, ha! Ernie, ha, ha! The problem is people are always going to compare your first term to Obama's. But I think there are actually a lot of positive similarities. Obama got us out of a recession. You got us out of a pandemic. Obama got bin Laden. You got O.J. That wasn't so bad. What are you talking about? I bombed. You had some good stuff. The cancer bit. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. This has been coming since the 1960s. The people that were burning down college campuses, those people are now in the faculty senate trying to encourage these students to do the same. All of it began the first time some of you who know better and are old enough to know better. Let young people think that they had the right to choose the laws they would obey as long as they were doing it in the name of social protest. Rum swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's... Howie Carr. Welcome to The Howie Carr Show. My name is Aaron Chadborn. Howie is off today. You might know me from WGAN up in Maine, where I host Inside Maine. I fill in on the WGAN Morning News. I've hosted Grace's Show, and now it's such an honor to be here on Howie's Show. Thanks for joining us. Thanks for being with me. If you don't know me, I did work for Governor Paula Page. He was a great governor of Maine. We certainly wish we still had him instead of Janet Mills. It would be a much better situation going on up here in Maine. Government would be spending a lot less money, and Maine wouldn't be coming a destination for, let's call it, medical tourism for abortions and gender reassignment surgery. So, we certainly miss Paula Page, and we wish that we had more freedom up here in Maine. But, as a lifelong manor, I just have always grown up listening to Howie Carr, and it's a great pleasure to be with you today. So, hopefully, I can fill in. And joining me, as always, is Taylor Kormier, Taylor. I know people love hearing you here, too. They need to know there's a steady hand at the helm. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. I'm still right here. I almost texted you over the weekend, though, because you know when you're watching Facebook or Instagram, whatever, and you're flipping, and they have those videos, there was that interview with Johnny Carson asking Frank Sinatra who he listens to when he wants to get in the mood. And I thought it was a very kind of like, Taylor moment. And just, you know, there are the times that remind me of you, Taylor. I want you to listen to my weekends. Nice to know I'm on your mind. Thank you. You did once tell me that on the weekends, you prefer not to think about me when you're grocery shopping. I prefer not to think about work at all on the weekend. Traditionalists like that. So speaking of weekends, I do want to get into one of the events that happened over the weekend, which is the White House Correspondents Association dinner. But I mean, there's a lot going on today. It is opening statements in the care and read trial. Everyone that's been following along for months as this has all been unfolding. The trial is finally here. It's expected to take about six to eight weeks, but we're going to be joined later in the show by Turtleboy. He'll be joining us at the top of the six o'clock hour. So in Kearney will be joining us and giving us an update of what's been going on, kind of how they're setting the tone and opening statements really kind of give you a good preview of how the trial is going to go, because it's the opportunity for both both sides to really lay out how they expect to approach a case. And you start to see from some of the objections, some of the things that are raised and also the demeanor, how people interact, you start to get a good sense of it. So Turtleboy will be with us later in the show to do that. I do also want to get into this Christie Gnome story, which I have to admit when I first saw it over the weekend, the voices that were bringing it up and perpetuating this story about the governor of South Dakota, Christie Gnome, who's been mentioned as a potential candidate for Vice President speculation that Trump might tap her. She wrote in a book, or I guess there's a leaked excerpt from a book that is forthcoming, where she writes a story about having to shoot a dog on her farm. Poor dog died, died, died, the dog died. And at first, I mean, all the people that were bringing it up, and it was when I was watching the coverage of the White House Correspondents Dinner, it was all the like CNN and MSNBC types that were really hand-ringing over this dog thing. Now, I think the way the story has been told, which was taken from her book, Reinterpreted For You by the Liberal Media, I think it's a very terrible story, and no one wants to hear about shooting a puppy, right? It's a bad look, and it probably poor judgment for Christie Gnome to put this in the book in the way that she did, and so I'm not really sure exactly why she did it, though I'll speculate. But I think what's interesting, so I wanted to see how it would play with actual people who are planning to vote for Republicans, because a lot of the people who are upset about it are never going to vote for her in the first place. And I think because people like dog so much, like this story doesn't age well, we all know the Mitt Romney story with the dog on the top of the car on the family vacation, which he also told, I think thinking that it was going to make people find him relatable, and maybe that's what Christie Gnome thought too, so these are very different ways these people are out of touch and in their own bubble. But the people that are most upset about her shooting the dog are the same people who are pushing to expand abortion to the moment of birth. It's the pro-choice movement that's really pro-life when it comes to dogs who attack chickens, but when it's innocent, unborn life, they have a difference of opinion. And I want you to, who is it? Is it Kamala Harris that likes the Venn diagrams? I think sorry. Yes, she does, loves the Venn diagrams. So I think if I were to channel my inner Kamala Harris, I would say, draw a Venn diagram of the people that love abortion and the people that are really dunking on this Christie Gnome story, I think you're going to see a big overlap of that group. And so I don't know. I think the Christie Gnome thing, there was the question I heard Grace asked on her show earlier today, her poll question was about whether or not this takes her out. And I think it was what, 75, 25 that takes her out of the running. And generally, I probably agree, but here's why I agree. Number one, I think the way that she dropped it in there, thinking it was a good story about how she's not afraid to make the tough decisions, that's just one way that she might be out of touch with other American people. And she is out of touch because she's a career politician, like many of the people that run for office and seek office, different than Donald Trump, but like so many others. And then I think Trump is the type of person who is very in tune with optics and how something is going to be received in red. And so if Trump feels like this is a net negative and it's a loser, like why is he going to pick the puppy murderer, right? But he's a famous non dog lover, so this may play well with him. And you raise a good question because that's the other side of it that I think is super interesting. I think Trump does also have the ability, if he chooses to rehabilitate her, right? Because if Trump were to come out and like praise her for it and double down on it and talk about it, like I think it's really, I could play differently, but it's all going to be up to whatever Trump thinks of the story. Aaron, can I just, can I just add in here? You've been waiting on a dog, I know. Even a non dog person, it doesn't mean that you support killing dogs. Like there should be a pretty fine line between saying, hey, like Trump always said, I'm not going to get a dog because I know the media wants me to, but I don't want one. That's very different from being like, yeah, I heard that story about Christy Gnome. That was awesome. That's a big, that's a big leap, I think. Grace, I'm very pro putting dogs down. I don't know what you've heard about me. I just say, I think we're jumping to conclusions here. Textor 919 wants to know if she ate the dog, which I think the answer was no. I think that's an Obama joke. I don't know. So I think, but here's the thing, Grace. I am going to have on it four o'clock and I think this is an important perspective. Stay representative Heidi Sampson up here in Maine because of course I have my main contacts. She is both a politician and a legislator as well as a farmer. And so I called her today when you were talking about it and you would kind of, you were trying to bait me to call into your show earlier. And Heidi told me about it. So I said, Heidi, I want to get the farmer's perspective on this because I think if you're someone who manages animals in a different way, there sometimes are rules of the road or ways that you relate to the story that might be different. And I'm open to that perspective. But I do think it's just poor judgment in putting the story in the book and thinking it's going to go on. You won the farmer vote maybe and you lost everybody else. But what was her point? Her point was something about like she's not afraid to make the hard decisions or to do what's unpopular or whatever else. But boy, just talk about like a lack of awareness and it not landing. But there's no better example you could come up with in your entire life of making hard decisions. I haven't read the excerpt, but I imagine this was the family farm dog and it was a tough, that's like the toughest decision. You're putting down your best friend, I guess. Well, no, it was a puppy. It was a puppy that she was taking hunting. So she was trying to train the dog for hunting and it was really bad at hunting and it was too excitable and had too much energy. And then it attacked some chickens. What? Did you read the excerpts? Of course. I got the vibe that she really didn't like the dog. Like there was some animus there. Well, it's weird because here's where she goes off grace. Is she made the dog sound likable in the story? Yeah. Because everyone's had that experience with a dog that just was like too much energy and too much. And so in one sense, it can be really annoying. Like my mom got these two Yorkies and they're really, they're a hyper and they jump and they're not well behaved. But they're the cutest dogs ever. So on the one hand, you're annoyed with them and on the second, you can't help but find them cute and want to kind of protect them. And then when the end of the story is so I took them to a gravel pit and shot them like no, like no, no one's on board with you. That's where you lose them. I'm going to put a third twist here. I don't think Kristi gnomes the problem. I don't think the dog's the problem. I think society is the problem for elevating dogs to such a status where we're going to go gaga every time somebody has to put down a dog. That's such a Taylor response. I think there was just something unnerving about it. Like the whole excerpt and you're right there in the way she described the dog. You could kind of visualize this little puppy being rambunctious and, you know, getting into trouble. And everyone who's saying like, Oh, he's not against the law. No one said that's not the point. Some things aren't against the law, but you still shouldn't put them in a book. True. But here's so here now putting on my former Paula Page staffer hat for your race. What is actually going on here is not about the book and not about the story that she wrote. Her manuscript for the book, which hasn't been released yet, is in with the publisher and someone at the publisher took this one excerpt that they thought would tank Kristi gnome and they released it to the media to really slam her. And so that's the thing that you like you sometimes miss when you're on the outside and you hear these stories, but you have to always ask yourself when you hear one of these stories that's negative about a prominent Republican who's a rising star. You have to say, wait a minute, how did that get into the news? And she didn't say it publicly. It was in a draft of the manuscript, which again, not yet published. And we found out about it, right? Kind of like the leaked Supreme Court case. Oh, don't happen to know how that happened. I mean, you have to think about what was the agenda of the people put this out. And so I think what it does tell you is she is a rising star. They are threatened by her. And this is an attempt to neutralize her. Yeah, that's a good point. I didn't think of it that way. I love how everybody just bought Joe Biden's commander in major. They're off on the farm story. Like nobody batted an eye over those dogs. So this is the thing. And I was watching CNN because I wanted to see the White House Correspondents Dinner, which is a sickness in and of itself. And I'll have to tell you, I kept switching between that and the Avengers Infinity War was on. And I kept getting sucked into the Infinity War. And so I, or no, it was the age of Ultron, age of Ultron. And that was way more entertaining than the White House Correspondents Dinner. But as the CNN Correspondents, they were all talking about it. Like someone brought up major in commander and they were like, but to be fair, they did attack Secret Service Agents. They were bad. And it was like, that wasn't the story back when it was happening. How much they covered it up. Like there was something wrong with the gas lit us on this. And then they sent them off to the family farm. Yeah, there was a great, great cut from, I think it was Stephen Nelson asking Jen Psaki at the time. You know, if you guys are going to lie about this, what else are you going to lie about? Because to some people, it goes, oh, just who cares about the dogs? You know, it's a small story. But they went out of their way to obfuscate the information surrounding those dogs and the incidents with those dogs. And it's just, it does give you a sense of how far they're willing to go to lie about bigger things. You're listening to the Howie Car Show. I'm Aaron Chadburn in for Howie 844-542-42 is the number. When we come back, Grace, I want to ask you with the White House Correspondents Dinner, if you, if you're let me, we'll get to that when we come back. And we'll have a lot more show coming up. Want more from The Howie Car Show? Yes, always. Watch Howie Live at He's not just another pretty face. He's an extraordinarily good looking man. He's Howie Car. There's a little bit of a bromance going on there. Howie Car is back. 844-542-42 is the number here on The Howie Car Show. I am Aaron Chadburn coming to you from the WJN studios with the Portland radio group up in Maine. Filling in for Howie today while he's off. The, the, the, the, the, the, phone lines are lighting up on this Kristi gnome thing. People do really care and are passionate about dogs. And that's why I think we wanted to text her, says that it's not that she shot the dog. Or her ability to make a tough decision. It's her bad judgment to put it in the book. I agree. I think that is really what it was, is how she put it in the book. Two, five, one. You, you have the comment. And I think that's what I'll get back to Kristi gnome in a second. But before there was that other story out there this weekend that I found interesting. And it's that Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump met up in Miami. They got together for a several hour long meeting, which I don't know about you. But when I heard that, the image burned into my mind is that awkward dinner between Donald Trump and Mitt Romney, circa 2016, when Trump had won and Romney was coming to beg him to be Secretary of State. And I was like, I wonder how this meeting is going. And the fact that, the fact that it wasn't done publicly and the fact that it was long and it wasn't prior that makes me think that it went well. But that brings us to today's poll question. You can see how loyal he is. He was begging for my endorsement. I could have said, Mitt, drop to your knees. He would have dropped to his knees. Today's poll question is brought to you by Raycon. Help mom tune out all the noise this Mother's Day with a brand new pair of Raycon everyday earbuds. She'll get audio quality she loves at a price you'll love even more. Right now get 20% off plus free shipping at by All right, Taylor, what is today's poll question and what are the responses thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is would you like to see Trump offer DeSantis a position in the Trump administration? Yes, as vice president. Yes, as a cabinet member. No, embarrass him with the Mitt Romney 2016 treatment. Or no, but be nice about it. I would be going back and forth on this one. I was going to say I'd like to see him in the cabinet. Because if Biden can tap he booted it, I think that Trump could pick DeSantis. But honestly, I'd rather see him outside of Washington. So I say no, but be nice about it. 39% say no, but be nice about it. 34% say a cabinet member, 24% say VP, 2% say give him the Mitt treatment. Well, that's good. I see I'm interested in that perspective because it was so much animosity between Trump and DeSantis in the primary. I know if people would want to see that same sort of, but I think, you know, there are hopefully this is step one into rehabilitating Ron DeSantis. Someone who needs rehabilitation though is Kristi Noem. And I know the collars are really lining up on this one. So let's go to the phone lines and take Tom. Tom, you're on the howiecarshow. Hey, good afternoon. Governor Noem lost me a month ago when it came out that she was having a relationship with Corey Lowandowski. Yeah, you're not alone in that. Thanks for the call, Tom. Someone else texted in and said the same thing. I didn't really follow that that closely, but I think a lot of people for whom care about family values or things like that, they would, they see these kind of icky political relationships and how they can become personal relationships. Shall we call them and have a similar, similar reaction? We're short on time, but let's go ahead to Tony. Go ahead, Tony. Yeah, Aaron, if howie or howie, if Trump picks Noem, he's finished. I mean, she is, that statement was just completely over the top and disqualifies her from anything nationally for her on then. There we go. No, no mincing words there, Tony. Appreciate the call. I don't know. That was one of the jokes that I actually laughed at at the White House Correspondent's dinner is, um, did you hear Colin Jost was talking about OJ Simpson and then talked about, um, P Diddy and, and he made the joke that Trump could pick even puffed at as his running mate. And it probably wouldn't affect him. And by the way, now that OJ's dead, who is the new front runner for Trump's VP? Is it Diddy? By the way, I bet if Trump did select Diddy as his running mate, I bet this race would still be tied. Now, I don't think he's wrong because honestly, is there someone that Donald Trump could pick as his vice president that would make you vote for Joe Biden instead? Unless he's picking Kamala Harris. Like, I think I'm, I'm not sure that it really changes anyone's mind. I think when you have this decision to be voting for Trump and voting for Biden, whoever the vice presidential pick is, is not going to make the difference. You're listening to The Howie Car Show, I'm Aaron Chadford. [Music] Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Welcome back to The Howie Car Show. Howie is traveling back to Massachusetts. So filling in from today, I am Aaron Chadborn, coming to you from the great state of Maine, joined by Taylor Cormier, and of course, the one, the only Grace Curly, because now it's time for Grace's News. Yes, Aaron. I wanted to start with the White House Correspondents, didn't I? Not because I want to play any of the jokes using air quotes around that. But because I was looking on the Daily Mail and I was going, you know, Daily Mail always has great pictures, and sometimes, unless I'm mistaken, the White House Correspondents' Dinner brings in big celebrities. There's a lot of celebrities who go to this, and I was looking for the celebs, and it was just very de-list, Aaron. I saw them interviewing Molly Ringwald. Yeah, I was like, Molly Ringwald, people from Bravo, you know, reality show stars. And I was thinking, this is the best they could do. I mean, in an election year, and obviously, Colin Joes is there, so automatically, they get Scarlett Johansson because he's married to her. But she's not really going because she's just going. She's her husband's performing. That was one of his funny jokes, though, as he said. Oh, she gets like her privacy line. And Vice President Harris, Doug. That was the grace joke. I do like that, Doug. But when I'm Colin Joes' best jokes as he said about his wife, he's like, "Oh, man, make sure you stop her. She'd love to give everybody here a selfie. She doesn't like privacy at all." I thought that was funny. Yeah, I mean, in general, though, the amount of material that these comedians could use against, I mean, Taylor, you're very familiar with the comedians, the guys who used to actually be funny. I'm not a fan of Colin Joes until the White House Correspondents' Dinner, because with Weekend Update, he usually just played it right down the middle. And you didn't know if he was liberal or conservative, really, not from what I've seen. But this just let the cat out of the bag. But Taylor, my dad over the Weekend text to me and said, like, imagine Don Rickles or any of these, any of the older guys who have since passed getting the opportunity to roast a president who'd mentioned cannibals and all of these other crazy things and not using any of that in their stand-up. It's pretty pathetic. He had a couple of jabs about walking upstairs, but yeah, it was pretty-- He left a lot, you know, to be-- he left a lot out there. It was all I'll say. He could have done a better job. I thought his best-- I mean, his best real jab on Biden, though, was about black voters abandoning him. And I thought that one was good. And it landed, like, a lead balloon. You hear in that audience, like, how protective they are of Joe Biden. My Weekend Update co-anchor Michael Che was going to join me here tonight. But in solidarity with President Biden, I decided to lose all my black support. [LAUGHTER] Yeah. I know you talked about this just crazy, but, like, there are a lot of black supporters that used to vote for Biden who have now seen the light, and they're switching to Trump. Yeah, the recent poll from the Wall Street Journal, it was early April, and it was in the States, and it showed that I think it said 30% of black men in swing states, according to the Wall Street Journal, were considering voting for Donald Trump, which, if you understand just how crucial the black vote is to the Democrat Party, that's a massive number. That's a number that could change an election. And they didn't have any 2020 polls to compare it to, but even comparing it to, like, an old AP poll, it shows that the black voters are leaving Biden behind, and a big part of it is because of illegal immigration and also the economy. Who could have foreseen that? I know, the economy of all things, it does tend to play big on election years. All right, another big story for you is Afro-Man. Did you see this? No. He came out with a new version of Because I Got High, and it's really, really good. It's all about Joe Biden and Hunter Biden, and I was shocked to hear this. I think this is kind of a bop. He was going to get his laptop fixed, but Hunter got high. He wasn't going to show all of them big picks. Oops. Sorry. Was that actually him doing it? That was actually Afro-Man. There's a music video. It's great. Yeah, it's really, really good, and everyone should check it out. But this, again, it shows you that I know Afro-Man, he's not like Hollywood A-list, but there does seem to be something shifting in the air, where it's not as cool as it once was to support Joe Biden. And it kind of goes along with what we were talking about with the White House Correspondents Dinner, where he's just not able to pull in the big names. And today there was a report, Joe Contre was discussing this on Fox News about how there's a lot of celebrities who don't support Joe Biden, Aaron, but they don't want to come out against him because they think it will be like career suicide. And it has got me thinking that, I think it was like two weeks ago, right, Duane the Rock Johnson didn't interview on Fox, he was promoting something. And he has a lot of different business ventures. He's like Jim Biden, so many ventures, so little time. And he said that he felt compelled to support Joe Biden in 2020. He no longer feels that way, which in essence is saying, I'm not voting for Joe Biden without saying it. But this got me thinking and I was like, I don't care if these celebrities come out against Joe Biden, but don't go on your Instagram and tell people to go vote for Joe Biden. That's all I would ask for. Because for me, if you're not, if you're not telling your, your fans to go vote for Joe, we all know what you're telling them. And that is vote for Trump. It's like when you see lawn signs and you go every lawn that doesn't have a Joe Biden sign is a Trump voter. Yeah, he's giving him what some would call the Michael Chaitry men. Yes. Yes, indeed. At Columbia now, the Columbia University anti-Israel protests continue. They got a two PM deadline. They did not abide by it. And since they've blown past the two PM deadline, the student organizer at Columbia said we will not be moved unless by force, which is weird because they also, I think, made the Columbia administrators sign something that said that they wouldn't bring in the NYPD or the National Guard. So I don't know how that's going to happen. I don't know how they're going to be removed by force if they don't have anyone in there to remove it. Faculty members have now donned orange vests and have linked arms and they're creating a human wall blocking the protesters from the police. Wait, seriously? Yeah. Seriously. Wow. I mean, I'm not surprised because the faculty members were all doing the same thing during Vietnam, but at Vietnam, you had American lives at stake and I can understand it. But here's the thing. I've been thinking about this grace and I'd be interested in your take on it. Seeing this play out at Columbia with the current president at Columbia has really given me perspective of how do you think it would be playing out at Harvard right now if Claudine Gay were still there? The current interim president turned on the sprinklers and started dousing the protesters. Claudine Gay, I think, would she be wearing one of those vests too, don't you think? Yeah, yeah, I do and it's weird because the only president out of those three, so you had Claudine Gay and she resigned. I think the only person out of the three who's still there is Corn Bluth from MIT. MIT, yeah. And MIT is dealing with those two scientists against genocide or I don't know what their encampment is called. I don't know because when you really look at Claudine Gay, it wasn't her. It wasn't the fact that she would not condemn this kind of anti-Israel, anti-Semitic language at Harvard. It was more so her plagiarism scandal. So yeah, I agree with you. But one thing I did see, Aaron, in the Crimson, because now I'm reading the Crimson, which is how sad for me, right? This is what my life has become. I was reading that they're having administrators at Harvard go in and check people's student ID because they don't want Jew haters from outside the school to join the Jew hating inside the school. They want to keep it just students. And they're going in and they're checking the badges and the student IDs. And I was thinking, if I'm one of these administrators and let's not even say I'm pro-Israel or let's just say I'm pro-sanity and I see how nuts this is becoming. And they come to me and they say, "Professor Curley, will you go check IDs from nine to nine thirty?" They say, "No, I will not. Thank you very much. Unless you plan on paying me extra, I'm not going into this encampment." Grace, there's no way that they're having any of the professors check the IDs. It's the securitas, the paid security that they have. And it's the grad students that they're not paying at all who are residential advisors. There's no way that the faculty is going there. It's the deans. And there's a proliferation of deans. I think there are more administrators than there are faculty at this point at Harvard, which it's crazy, but that's who's doing it. There's no professor that's being asked to check an ID. I can tell you that. But still, if you were the dean, would you want to go in there? No, I can't imagine. I just would say, no thanks, bring in the NYPD, bring in, or not at Harvard. I guess you bring in the Boston police. Cambridge. Yeah, but the Cambridge police, they don't have jurisdiction on Harvard's campus unless Harvard invites them in. They're a really interesting thing, because Harvard has its own police force who are deputized by the state of Massachusetts. And so they could just bring in the Harvard University police and take care of it. Yeah, they could. I don't think they will. Aaron, I wanted to ask your take on a quote here that caught my eye from former White House Chief of Staff, Ron Klain. So Ron Klain at one point was the golden boy of the Biden White House. They were with Klainiacs in the White House who were just obsessed with Ron Klain. He had like his own fan base in the West Wing. And on Sunday, he actually, he dismissed the need for President Biden to have a big political strategy against President Trump. And he said, I don't think this, what he said on MSNBC, I don't think it's a big political strategy to take down Donald Trump. I think Trump is busy taking himself down every day. As someone who's been involved in politics for a long time and has seen a lot of campaigns play out, do you think this is a smart strategy, Aaron, just to say, oh, well, Trump will handle it himself. We don't need to be, we don't need to really have a strategy to counter Trump. He's going to lead to his own demise. It's an interesting point. I think I would reframe it in say a different way, but give credibility to what he's saying. I would say, and you see it in Joe Biden's basement campaign during COVID. It wasn't that Joe Biden was a great campaigner. It's that he stayed out of the way while everything else played out around him. So what I used to say about Governor Paula Page, when I worked for him and I was senior policy advisor to Governor LaPage in Maine, is that nobody could beat Paula Page except Paula Page. So there were times when he would be so dedicated to explaining what he was talking about. He would kind of miss the messaging and miss the themes and miss whatever or his behavior or his words. Same thing with Donald Trump and the tweets, Donald Trump and the way he's conducting himself in the trial. That's going to take all of the oxygen out of the room. I think on any given day, sometimes based on how Trump gives the media fuel, it could be that no one could beat Donald Trump except Trump. Yeah, it's kind of like snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, right? You get so close and then sometimes you just can't help yourself. That is what I think Trump does sometimes. But I do wonder, Aaron, if just because of how used to Trump we all are now and because of how saturated the coverage has been, people are a little desensitized. Like he puts out these social media posts and yeah, he might rail against someone. But you've seen now, you've seen real wars break out. You've seen real consequences for bad policy. I just don't think that this message of, you know, as long as it's not Trump is going to be as effective this time around after people have witnessed real issues. Yeah. But I think what Clayton was really saying though, and I think this should be really considered damning for Biden in the campaign, is that he was saying he doesn't really have confidence in Joe Biden, his former boss, a claims been part of Biden world forever. And he's saying he doesn't have confidence in him really putting forward his own image that wins people over. And I know you framed it as he said they don't need to. But he's really saying he doesn't believe in his ability to do it. And I think he's probably right there too. Yeah. No, I don't disagree. Thank you, Aaron. That's it for Grace's news. Always good to talk to you, Grace. You're listening to the Howie Car Show, how he's off today. This is Aaron Chadborn, and you're listening to Howie Car. Howie will be right back after this short break. We are back on the Howie Car Show. I am not Howie Car. I'm Aaron Chadborn, filling in for Howie while he travels back to Massachusetts. He will be back tomorrow. Thanks to Grace Curly as always for breaking down the news. We got to some of the Colin Joe's cuts Taylor. But I think, you know, this is traditional of the president going to the White House correspondent's dinner. It's weird because when it's the Democrats, when it's Obama and the press or now Biden, it's this weird love fest, right? We've had this weird moment at the end where Colin Joe's basically endorsed Biden and said, you know, you're decent. You remind me of my grandpa. And they're Irish, so like whatever, like, cool. And I think everyone on Saturday Night Live has to be anti-Trump or else you get kicked off the show, right? I should give us something about that. Right? I mean, that's the thing. So I think none of that really surprised me, but usually the really breaking down the fourth wall is when the president, you know, gives a speech that's funny, which is obviously written by someone else. I was struck by a few things. One, Biden was energetic, but it was so short. Like his remarks were so short and they weren't funny. And you could tell, like, you could tell that he didn't write the jokes himself and like, it didn't really even prepare for it because he didn't quite know how to deliver them. I mean, I think he probably practiced, but I don't know, I don't know, they don't just give him honest feedback. And I think that's probably it is they don't. But just listen, I'll give you a few examples. Cut 18. But folks think what's going on in Congress is political theater. That's not true. If Congress were theater, they'd have thrown out Lauren Bobert a long time ago. What I regret in playing that club is you can't see the look on his face. He had no idea what he was saying. I don't even think he knows what a Lauren Bobert is because he's never had a deal with it. He just reads these things and he doesn't know exactly like what he's saying. He doesn't know why that's funny. He doesn't know what she did in the theater. He didn't exactly like no one explained it to him, but I can't imagine like the interns in the speech writers from the writing that were like, Oh, can you imagine if he said this? Like they're like laughing. If Obama had delivered it, like he would have known what he was talking about. Well, Biden's got no idea. I thought the same thing about cut 24 for down once had few tough days lately. You might call it stormy weather. What the hell? Right? I mean, like what like you're going to bring up like this is supposed to be the administration that what did what did Colin Joe say at the end that that it was the administration stands for decency and you're evoking the name of a porn star. I don't know. There's something about it and he's trying to be funny and he's trying to like really do it and it's it's Biden. He even tried to make a joke about the age he tried to do a bunch of stuff. The thing I actually thought that was the most stunning is how he kind of made fun of the fact that he he rejects actually talking to the press. Go ahead with cut 19. It's all my friends in the press and Fox News. Some of you complain that I don't take enough of your questions. No comment. Okay. I got it. Right. He's just like making fun of the fact that he's he's not front of the press, but like you're the White House correspondents association. Like you're now part of the joke and it's worse than Trump worse than Obama worse than it's ever been before. They hide him from the press and when he finally does go give an interview, he gives it to Howard Stern, which is really kind of poking them in the eye, which I'm not standing up for them and saying that they do a good job, but they're the friendly press, but he's so afraid and so in delicate and so unqualified to be president of the United States that he can't even address the friendly White House press corps. And he then makes fun of it and I thought, I mean, take 21. And he's offensive to them, I have a higher standards. I do interviews with strong independent journalists, who millions of people actually listen to like Howard Stern. Well, I mean, Howard Stern might ask you one question you're not prepared for, but it's not real journalism. And so Kamala Harris going out with Drew Barrymore on the couch and Joe Biden going in studio like a bumbling like old grandpa with Howard Stern. I just it's it's this is the theater that we're talking about that when everyone is afraid of like the end of democracy and, you know, president's unaccountable, that's what Joe Biden represents. I don't know how it meant it's clear. The only one part I did think was funny was as he was on this was cut 20. Of course, the New York Times issued a statement blasting me for quote, active and effectively avoiding independent journalists. (audience laughs)