The Howie Carr Radio Network

DEI Fail at Pro-Palestinian Protest Plus Vince Everett Ellison | 4.29.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Awkward! One college attempted to show solidarity with the pro-Palestine movement, but they're concerned the interested crowd is too...Caucasian.

Broadcast on:
29 Apr 2024
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(upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trateria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. - Especially Grace, Grace Standup. - Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. - Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for joining us today. We've covered a lot of ground already, but there's still one hour left. If you missed it, we had Turtle Boy on in the last hour, which I was so excited about. I did not think he was gonna be able to find the time. I said, "Listen, you know, the line's open. "If you ever get a chance to make a call "and you said, well, we take our lunch from one to two." And I said, "That is very convenient for me." So Turtle Boy called in, gave us some updates on the Karen Reed case and what's going on with that. And if today is any indication, this is going to be bombshell after bombshell, when it comes to the case of whether or not Karen Reed killed John O'Keefe, her police officer boyfriend. When she drove home that night, whether or not she backed over him and he ended up in a snowplow. Or as her lawyers are claiming, there's a third party involved and Karen Reed really had nothing to do with this. So we will continue to try to deliver the latest news on that to you in a timely fashion. I did want to go back here to the anti-Israel protesters for a minute because, as we mentioned, Colombia is getting a lot of attention and the president of Colombia put out a really weak statement about trying to negotiate with these protesters. And now we're hearing that there's a two o'clock deadline. - Yeah, that passed and there's still out there. - Yeah, so seven minutes past the deadline, I'm sure this is just-- - And it did look like these were stragglers breaking down, either, they are still all on force. - Yeah, well, the reason I wanted to go back to this is because there were two other stories that caught my eye and one of them was from the Federalist, Tristan Justice, who we've had on a number of times. He wrote a story about how the students at the University of Washington wanted to have their own demonstration. Everyone's trying to get in on this. You know, we heard from, I think it was a demonstrator who was from Colombia and she went to NYU to see the protests or the other way around, but she said, "Oh, I heard a friend of mine told me." Like all of these, a lot of them privileged college students are getting word that, oh, this is happening at this school, we should do this too, you know, and they wanna be in on this trend because being anti-Jew right now is very in vogue for these college kids. And so at the University of Washington, they wanted to have a protest and they had to postpone it. And the reason they had to postpone it was because too many of the students who signed up to partake in the encampment or the demonstration were white. This is from the Federalist. It says the Progressive Student Union at the University of Washington, opted to delay an encampment in solidarity with Palestinian terrorists to make sure this encampment is a better reflection of the UW community and having even greater unity with Muslim, Palestinian, and Arab students. So Jason Rance, who I believe is from a radio station in that area said, "Activists with the UW Progressive Student Union said they're postponing the UW Palestine encampment because there were too many white students involved." The group received criticism for not including Muslim and Arab students in the organizing. It sounds very colonialist of them, not to include Muslim and Arab students. And I would also say that this leads me to believe that some of these anti-Israel protests are not passing their own DEI criteria. - Yeah, so I'm looking up here, the enrollment student population at the University of Washington, 36.1% white, 21.5% Asian, 8.19% Hispanic or Latino, 6.2% or more racist, 3.7% black or African American, and all others are under 1%. So-- - They might be waiting a long time. - Yeah, I mean, you kind of gotta work with what you got on this one, guys. So, you know. - I know, you just, I'm sorry, you're just gonna have to deal. I guess the protest just is gonna have to be a lot of white people. I know that that's, I know that's not what you want. And I'm sorry. Now, DEI has become a big part of this. And it's a huge part. It's a bedrock of these schools. They're so focused on DEI. And actually, I have a story for you on that same front. DEI official, who was fired after posing in front of Israeli flag with swastikas, sues University of Minnesota. So this is Michelle Shurzad. It's a former DEI manager and Instagram model. Where's many hats? And is suing the University of Minnesota for firing her over a photo that showed her posing near an Israeli flag that had several swastikas on it. Now, in the filing this week, she is accusing the school of violating her First Amendment rights as well as discrimination. She also asked to have her job reinstated and wants more than $75,000 in damages. She is the victim in all of this. The part of this that I wanted to focus on is that these are never situations where a lot of these situations involve these activists putting these things on their own channels. Like we talked about Kamani James, the Columbia ringleader, who it was recently revealed, had several different videos online, recording herself, for himself, saying, "Zionist don't deserve to live. "You should all be grateful "that I'm not out murdering Zionists every day." And then when that came out, people were aghast and people were disgusted. Kamani James, also like Michelle Shurzad, claimed to be the victim and also was horrified that people right-wing agitators, me and others, were using these videos against her. You know, how dare you make me bleed my own blood. How dare you use something that I posted online and actually take my words and have me be held accountable for them. Like, yeah, you have a First Amendment right to put up videos of yourself saying that people should be grateful that you're not out there murdering Zionists, but then we also have a right to react to that, right? Don't I have a right to pounce and season weaponize on your own words that you put on the internet? I'm not taking it out of context. There's not a lot of context for, you should all be so grateful I'm not killing Zionists. That feels like all the context I need. - You're just ungrateful at yes, great. - I am ungrateful. I mean, that goes without saying. - Kamani James. - The deadline passes for Columbia encampment. This is from Fox. There was an interesting story today out of the New York Post and it talked about how, had all these great pictures too. You guys should check it out. It talked about how strange it is that the students at Columbia are now so pro Nazi, pro Hamas, anti Israel and the reason it's so strange is because in the 1930s, the student body at Columbia was extremely, extremely pro Jewish person. They were anti-Nazis. They were actually, so here's how it explains it. The administration at Columbia in 1933 was very enmeshed with Nazi Germany. They were actually doing this, they were doing a student exchange program with Heidelberg University and they were hosting the Nazi ambassador to speak on campus. And this was met with mass protests from the students and these were very brave students. They were criticizing the president of the school. They were going out there and protesting this and they were horrified that the school was so cozy with Nazi Germany. And Heidelberg University, by the way, was openly admitting that the students they were sending to America were soldiers of the Reich and that they were very proud of these students and they were on a mission. And so the student body at Columbia was going against the administration and was standing on the side of Jewish people. And what's amazing now is obviously it's been a massive reversal, but I wanted to correct the New York Post if I could because Rachel Medoff who did a great job with this said, how did this strange role reversal come about? And I would say it's not a role reversal. This is what we call a progressive evolution. This is the end result of a progressive evolution because progressives, they don't flip flop, they don't roll reverse, they evolve. And this is what happens when the radical ideology is indoctrinated into schools from K through 12 and you have the Obama administration and then the Biden administration finishing the job for the Obama administration playing footsy with Iran, playing footsy with these terrorist groups. This is what you're going to get. But I encourage people to check that story out because the pictures from the 1930s of these students at Columbia, it really does make you shake your head that now we're looking at all of these anti-Israel Hamas flag-waving students eating Dunkin' Donuts and $17 jars of nuts. And just how crazy it is that this is where we're at now. Tony, you're next up on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Tony? Hi, Grace, I just want to say I'm a tough university alum and I've got an equally unbelievably pathetic email as I think we all did from the president about what a weak response they are having and preparing for commencement because these people are completely blocking where they have their commencement ceremonies and they're discussing with the people or losing their discussion. And my other-- it was just so incredibly weak. But my point is, it seems, my question is, it seems like the students, they're paying $300,000 a year to go to some of these schools and the students in the numbers of students that are negatively affected, it's in a 4,000 student campus body, it's at least a thousand that aren't going to have their commencement, they don't seem to care, they certainly don't seem to care enough to say, this is our campus, you can't do this in power numbers. I don't know why we care 'cause I don't think the student body cares. - Yeah, I don't know because it's tricky. First of all, their administration, if you're, let's say, a student there, let's say you're a Jewish student there, you've been told at this point, stay on Zoom, don't come out of your dorm, like it's not safe for you. I do think that you look to the administration, it's just natural that you look to the leaders of the campus, you look to these professors to protect you or at least to enforce some of the guidelines that we know would be enforced if these were right-wing protesters. And so that's number one. And number two is, I'm sure they're just as disgusted, but I don't know if, I don't know what you can expect to happen. Like, what are they gonna, are they gonna be anti-protesters now, or are they gonna go meet them outside? And we have seen that, by the way, actually. We have seen pro-Israeli protesters meeting these people head-on on the school campus, but I do think that this mentality of being, of oppressor versus the oppressed and being on the side of the oppressed as they see it and being against the oppressor, which they now see as Israel, I think that it is, I think that is the popular stance on campus. Even if you're not out there actively demonstrating with these people, I would guess that the majority of people, empathize with their viewpoint more than the pro-Israel protesters. That's just what I would say, but I do get your point. And it is, it's the university's problem. I don't feel bad for the young people who worked hard and whose families aren't gonna be able to go see them graduate and if it were someone in my family, I'd be livid. But I understand your point where it's like, as far as the president of Columbia goes, she wants to appease these crazy protesters and then at the same time, they wanna turn around and have us feel bad that their graduation ceremonies are gonna be ruined. It's like pick a lane. You either have to be strong on this and tell these protesters enough as enough and maybe send in the National Guard or send in the NYPD or guess what? Your precious graduation ceremonies are not gonna happen. And now, it's almost as if we're trying to say to Israel, listen, you've gotta come to a ceasefire. You've gotta come to a peace resolution with the terrorists who wanna behead you because Harvard needs to have their graduation ceremonies. I don't think that's gonna move BB Nanyahu. Just my thought. I don't think after witnessing what the people in Israel witnessed on October 7th, I don't think they care too much about Columbia's graduation ceremonies and the tents that they've rented and all the lawn prep that's gone into this. This is our problem now, but we're just gonna have to figure it out. 844-542-42, we'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by JJ Manning auctioneers, whether residential, commercial, or land. JJ Manning can get your property sold now. To learn more, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or go to Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is did Kristi Nome eliminate herself from VP contention with her dog's story? Yes, it was the story nobody asked for and yet she told us anyway in her upcoming book that she killed her dog. A lot of people on the text line are explaining, listen, it's not against the law in South Dakota and on a farm life's different and I don't even think that's part of the conversation. It's like, I'm talking politics here. I can get into the fact how I wouldn't shoot a dog. I like to go on a record and say that, but just from a strategic standpoint, I don't understand putting it in a book and you know who I'm gonna ask about it. 'Cause Aaron Chadborn, this is the exact kind of story I'd call him up about on my way home and say, what was she thinking? He's got a real political optics mind about these things and I'm gonna ask Aaron about this and whether or not this was a tactic, like to get out in front of it. That's the only thing I can explain. So I'm gonna say, yeah, she's out of the running. 74% of the audience now agrees with you. Yes, she eliminated herself from VP contention. Congratulations, Kristi Noem, you just played yourself. 844-542-42, we've got Vince Everett Ellison joining us in the next segment, very excited about that. But something I wanted to fill people in on. Actually, Jared, I'll save Zelensky. I wanna play a tiny bit of George Stephanopoulos. This is, it's like the tirade, the monologue, that just never ends. Every single one of these people just goes on the same spiel. Can I get cut five, please? - Good morning and welcome to this week. Until now, no American president had ever faced a criminal trial. No American president had ever faced a federal indictment for retaining and concealing classified documents. No American president had ever faced a federal indictment or a state indictment for trying to overturn an election, or have been named an unindicted co-conspirator in two other states for the same crime. No American president ever faced hundreds of millions of dollars in judgments for business fraud, defamation and sexual abuse. Until now, no American presidential race had been more defined by what's happening in courtrooms than what's happening on the campaign trail. - I would disagree. I would all 100% disagree. I don't think the courtrooms hold a candle to the open border. I don't think the courtrooms hold a candle to these massive anti-Israel protests. People chanting burn Tel Aviv to the ground. I don't think these trials hold a candle to Joe Biden coming apart of the seams in front of a teleprompter. And by the way, you should check out Red State because they break down all of the unprecedented parts of the Joe Biden presidency, which no one, including George Stephanopoulos, ever seems interested in talking about. Why is that, George? Why? We'll be right back with Vince Evernelles and don't go anywhere. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio. - Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Vince Evernelles is a great friend of the show and we love having him on. Especially when we can tell people that he's going to be in New England very soon. He'll be partaking and speaking engagements in Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Massachusetts. So he could be coming to a spot near you. Vince, thanks so much for joining us. - Hey, great, thanks for having me. - I am so excited to talk to you. First, tell us a little bit about these speaking engagements and what people can expect. - Yeah, you're listening to go to and they can go to contacts and they can find out all this information. I'm gonna be up there with a great Reverend Steve Kraft and Hal Schutliff, the camp constitution. And I'm just gonna be going to these venues and speaking with people, shaking hands, getting to know them, but also speaking about the fact that we're at a chippy point here in the United States of America and the camp constitution is doing such good work to educate our youth and our young to protect them from this level onslaught so they can be great leaders in the future. We have to stop complaining and curse from the darkness and we have to light a candle. Camp constitution is that candle. They're teaching children about the constitution, they're teaching their children that the rights come from God. They do not come from government. They don't come from man. The teaching them civic responsibility and these young people are gonna be the leaders in our future. They're gonna be one's leading this country and we're not gonna lead it to these levels in the public educational system and these perverts are large and psychopaths to destroy our children. We're gonna take home to it ourselves and we're gonna make sure the American lives for another 10,000 years. - Yes, well Vince, you are a very captivating speaker. I know I can attest to that. My audience can attest to that. So everyone should go to to find out where you can listen to Vince speak. I wanted to ask you, Vince. So there was, there's been a lot of polling of these swing states headed into this next election and Donald Trump is looking really good in a lot of these polls. There was one in early April that really caught my attention. It was a Wall Street Journal poll and it showed that some 30% of black men say that they are either definitely or probably going to vote for Donald Trump. Now this is from the Wall Street Journal. There isn't comparable swing state polling from 2020 but Trump received votes from 12% of black men nationwide in 2020 as recorded by AP VoteCast, a large poll of the electorate. I wanted to get your take on why you think this is happening, why Trump is gaining such ground with black people but especially with black men. - I can think a lot of credit for it. Me and Candace Owens and BLEXF, we've been going out then. We've been doing the hard work, talking to the black community for the last three or four years. I have a podcast that Vince Evan Ellison showed. If any of your listeners would like to go on YouTube, it's on Rumble and I talk about these issues a lot. I put out a show every Tuesday. I have about 10 shows in the can now and I want them to look at my shows and they'll learn a lot but I've talked directly to Christian America and most black people are Christian and most black men are Christian. And when you start talking to them about what the Democratic Party is doing now, and they get no longer hyped when you tell them that they want to cast late little boys and call them little girls, they can't hide it any longer. When you tell them they want abortion until the ninth month, they can't hide it any longer. We can use the internet, we can use YouTube, we can use X, we can use Rumble to put the information out there. When you see that they are bringing these eagles in over the border, well, and they're bringing the fentanyl and they're coming into their communities. They're not going to enter rich suburban communities. They're going straight to poor black people and they're bringing in drugs, they're bringing crime. They are competing for space, matter of fact, a lot of the cities now, rents are going to get high because these illegal are coming in and they are competing for space. And now middle class people and poor people, rents are going up 20, 30, 40% and they are being put out of their house when you tell them that they are taking your guns away. So you can't defend yourself in war zones and the police because so much crime are two hours away when you call them, they are stealing this. And then when they look at the schools and they see that the schools are not educating their children, that they run the Bible out. They're about to pour into the library. They kick God out but they're about to drag queens in that in these large cities like Detroit and Chicago and Memphis, there's been over $20,000 a child and not a school. Not a school is proficient in reading math and sciences. You know, these men are starting to see that this is a setup and when they see that Donald Trump supports school choice, Donald Trump supports, he supports them at border so that the fentanyl and the drug trade didn't come over. He supports you being able to pray to your God where the Democrat party says in these schools, God is not welcome here or in the public square. You know, when they look at what Trump stands for, a strong economy, keeping these illegals out so they don't compete with you for wages and for jobs, they understand that this works. So you can fool some of the people some of the time and you can't fool all the people all the time. And the Democratic party has reached this peak, is gonna go down and if they don't change their wicked, converted, satanic ways, we're gonna leave in a dusty heap of history. - Now, Vince, I'd be curious to know, I wanna zero in on the illegal immigration factor because a lot of the polls are showing that Trump is gaining ground because of two issues, legal immigration and the economy. And when it comes to illegal immigration, you just hit on this, it's not just black Americans, it's also a lot of the Latino community is actually supportive of harsher methods to try to stop people from entering this country illegally, including mass deportations. Can you expand on that a little bit because as a black man yourself, I love your opinion more than, you know, I can read a poll, I can get a number, but I would love your take on illegal immigration and why you think the black community, I know you can't speak for the whole black community, but why is this an issue that is hitting them so directly and why is it really benefiting Donald Trump as far as the polls go, why is this issue gaining him a lot of ground? - Black people say this to men's disrespect. They are most black people have been in this country for 20 generations and they still have a difficult time finding a job where they see an illegal come over here. And then they see that Joe Biden will give these illegal up in New York 400,000 work permits to find jobs. And there's a black man over there that cannot time work. They will see, they will go into an area and they are having trouble making an end meeting, they're seeing that they're giving illegal debit cards with $3,000 or $5,000 or just giving it to them. They'll see that their nephew take question, might get a speeding ticket and they're gonna take his license and put him in jail for three, four months or if he don't pay his jobs for it, they can put him in jail for a year, but if he's using illegal on TV, beating hell out of a cop and they won't even take him downtown if they do that, they will let him out of jail before they will not pay any bail. They see that it is a double standard. They see that 20 generations of being a citizen in this nation means nothing and that they're giving any legal preferential treatment over them and they see that it's all Democrats. They see these big city black Democrat mayors of their New York with Adams up in Chicago when you go to Atlanta. All of these big cities were black people who supported the Democratic Party for the last 50 years and now they're seeing that they hold them in utter contempt and disrespect. They ain't hiding it no more. It's almost like a man has treated his wife. She was so bad for 20, 30 years. Now he just got his girlfriend bringing her up in the white space. She's standing in the house running now. She's sleeping in the house. Just complete disrespect. Look at her and say, "Now, what you gonna do? What you gonna do?" And some women will take that. They've been beaten down in the moral eyes to a point where they'll take that disrespect but then there's another one that's gonna pull out of the Bible and gonna deal with you. You got some black men that are pulling out the revolver and they're gonna deal with the Democrat Party. There's some, it doesn't matter what the Democrat Party does to them. It doesn't matter. They can slap them around. They can treat them like dogs. They can take everything they got and they're still just the Democratic Party with their dying breath. We're not talking to them. Give up on them. Leave them alone. They're the crack addict that is gonna go back to the crack house every night at the same time and give the crack man their money. You can't deal with them. They're battered. They're the moral eyes. It's like what Jesus said. Shake the dust off your feet. We're talking to the ones that we can save. And there's about 30, 40% out here that has heard the clarion call and they have seen with their own eyes what this party has done to the black community and they're done with them. - Yeah, and Vince, I think you've made it clear but I just want to clarify for the audience. We're speaking politically. We're speaking metaphorically here. There's no, we're not calling for any sort of violence. I just have to be careful about that with my own show, Vince. I wanted to talk about something else. So I'm speaking with Vince Everett Ellison. One more question for you. So Stephen A. Smith recently, he made waves. He was on TV. He was talking about something that Trump had mentioned earlier and had been roundly criticized for which when Trump got his mugshot, when Trump was at the beginning of some of these court cases, he mentioned that he thought that the black community was going to, and I don't want to put words in his mouth 'cause I don't have it right in front of me, but that they would find this relatable. And then Stephen A. Smith, he followed up on that and said, "Hey, listen, I know Trump gotten a lot of trouble for it, "but it kind of goes to a double standard "that some black people in this country can relate to." So he was kind of saying, "Listen, I know Trump was blasted for this comment, "but I am seeing that it does, in a lot of ways, make sense. "I would love for your take on that, "whether or not you think Trump was way off base "or you think there was something to that." - No, that's true. Stephen stole that from me, and I think Trump did too. I said last year that Trump knows that that's a black country because the Democratic Party has been chasing black men for the last 200 years and hanging up from trees and prosecuting them and killing them and putting them in jail without trial. Yes, that's what they've been doing to us. But he is setting them up, just putting them in jail without bail, stacking charges on them. We've lived this life. We haven't had to deal with conservatives or Republicans doing this to us. This has been done by the Democrat Party. Black people have been under control of the Democratic Party since slavery in 1800. They've always beat us down. Wherever you go to a big city, wherever you find groups of black people that are congregated together, Democrats are under control, and they are the ones that are putting them in jail. They are the ones that are holding them and putting them on trial. They are the ones that are stacking these large fines on them. They are the ones that keep them poor, so they cannot afford an attorney. They are the ones that take every opportunity that they can to be black men into the ground. Donald Trump is filling it now. And I hope that when he gets back to the White House, he'll say, "I understand now how it feels to be hunted." I understand how it feels to be discriminated against, to be maligned, to just be, you know, besmirched and beat down by a system. And so Stephen A was right. I said that a year and a half ago, and I still believe it now, and maybe this is why God is letting down if something goes through this, so he can understand how it feels to be a black man under the care of the Democratic Party here in the United States of America. Vince, we thank you so much for taking the time. This is Vince Everett Ellison for people who are just tuning in. It's always the question after Vince is on is, who was that? How can I follow him? How can I find out more? I want you guys to go to, especially if you're in New England, you want to hear Vince speak in person. Vince, thank you so much for taking the time to come on The Grace Curly Show. We always appreciate it. - Well, Grace, it is my pleasure, and I want everybody to know that the liberal's out there, the liberal's in the Democratic Party on the evil institution. They'll call all the perverts, lives, psychiatrists and anti-Christian bigots. And the quicker we get these people out of power, the more powerful our nation will be. - Thank you very much. Vince Everett Ellison, we'll talk to you soon. Good luck in New England. I'm sure you'll get a warm welcome. And when we come back, we're going to speak to Aaron Chadborn. He's in Maine, but he's filling in for Howie Carr. And I have a lot of questions for Aaron. I want to ask him about, well, first of all, we got to ask him about what's going on at Harvard. You know, the sprinkler gate, the protest. We're also going to ask him about Christy Gnome, killing her 14 month old dog. We'll figure out what Aaron thinks about all of these things when we return. - Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2PM. - This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for joining us today. We are wrapping this up. By the way, we had a blockbuster interview with Turtle Boy, Aidan Kearney, the reporter who's been on top of this Karen Reed case since the beginning. He called us during the lunch break of this trial. And if you missed it, go back where you get your podcast. It's in the one o'clock. It's definitely worth listening to. I'm sure we're gonna get more breaking news from him as the weeks go on. Joining me now is Harvard man, Aaron Chadborn. And Aaron, I would love your take on what's going on at the Haveryard. - Before we get into that, Grace, we are gonna have Turtle Boy on at six o'clock too. So once the court is out for the day, we'll have him back to just see how the afternoon went. 'Cause I thought it was great. I loved listening when you talked to him earlier today and we'll get even more from him later when I'm filling it for Howie. - Yeah, and also, Aaron, you can ask so many questions because you're a lawyer, right? So you'll have a whole different perspective on it. - Well, I'll tell you too, it's something too if you haven't been following minute to minute. Just when you look at this, and I think you and I were having dinner a few months ago when you told me about this story and I couldn't believe what was actually going on. And the more that you learn about it, the more preposterous it all seems. So it'll be interesting to break that down. And speaking of preposterous, I mean, what is going on at all of these Ivy League campuses, these other schools-- - You tell me, this is your, these are your people, Aaron. These are Harvard people. - Well, what's interesting is when I remember, I first visited Harvard when I was a senior in high school. And when I was there for the visiting students weekend, there was a protest that had taken over. They'd actually occupied the president's offices in Massachusetts Hall. You had students hanging out the windows. And at the time, I don't know what they were protesting. I think like the minimum wage or something. But there are all these people that have been told by society, they've been told by their science curriculum, they've been told by their teachers that in order to get into a college, you have to be a social justice warrior. And what better way than by protesting? So these universities have brought it on to themselves. I think honestly, though, Grace, they should go forward with all these commencements. Or if they don't, they should release all the names and contact the protesters, so that all the families of all these people that have put so much time and money into getting them to this achievement, this point in their academic careers, this big rite of passage, let them all know who's to blame for having to scuttle these. I think it's terrible. - Yeah, I would agree. Aaron, I do want to ask you on a change of topic here, one more thing, this Kristi Noem story. A lot of people thought Kristi Noem, the governor of South Dakota, was a real contender for Trump's VP. Now she's coming out with this book. We got an excerpt from it where she talks about killing that her dog cricket, 14-month old dog, because it was biting, killing chickens, biting people. And she put the dog down by shooting it in her driveway. My first question for you is, what was the strategy here? Do you think, as someone who has helped, especially with Governor Paula Page, with, no, no, I'm not comparing anything, I'm just saying you were involved with a lot of political strategy. So was there a strategy here? Did she think, oh, this is going to come out eventually, let me get ahead of it? - I don't think so. So I think that a few things here. Number one, I'm reserving judgment on this story, and I'll talk at four o'clock with Sarah Representative Heidi Sampson, who's a farmer and a politician. So she's going to help me break down the kind of farmer angle of it. 'Cause I think in her world and her bubble, she was trying to tell a story, but the way that she told it, and the judgment of putting it in the book is what I think is wrong, Grace. And here's the other thing. Like, this is where Christine Gnome is doing something that Donald Trump doesn't do. 'Cause Donald Trump's not a politician. She's a classic politician. She always keeps talking about herself, even when she shouldn't. And that's why she ruled herself out. - I don't disagree with you there. I'm interested to hear that interview at four o'clock. I will be joining Erin at 3.30 for Grace's news. He's filling in for Howie, and there's no one better to tackle these stories. So don't miss it.