Football Function

2024 NFL Draft Recap

In this episode, Mike, Terry & Andy go through each team's draft class and highlight a few players that catch our eye.

1h 20m
Broadcast on:
02 May 2024
Audio Format:

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Yeah, I mean, first off, this draft recap was supposed to happen a long time ago. But because of this, I mean, I've been sick. And on my side too, we're kind of busy. It's been a while, let's just say that. So number one, supposed to happen at the end of Thursday, the draft ended after 11 PM. Yeah, it was not happening. Children are involved. I was napping. So yeah, we couldn't recap on Thursday. Friday was round two and round three, obviously, but there was also a WWE draft. And it kind of just, I knew that there was no way in hell we were in our court on Friday night. So that was kind of thrown out. And then Saturday, I got sick. And this is day five of being sick. So it's just been an absolute hell hole, but. And you try to push through it too. You went to work and everything. Yeah, I went to work one day. I sat home to say home. That's how it was. Yeah. It was just, you know, it's one of those weird signatures. I've had COVID twice. This is by far the worst sickness I've ever had. Dude, I don't know. I have no idea why. Yeah. I mean, obviously, you can hear my voice. It's all congestion. Yeah, stomach is throwing up. It's tough. Luckily, we are. You know, we brought back the COVID formula here. Yes, sir. The COVID protocols, keeping a nice safe distance away from these guys. Plural here in the studio. Ooh. Before example, before I introduce our guests, obviously, you know, I was, you know, talking about just kind of taking out frustrations. I don't know what it is whenever you're sick. You kind of just, you get in those moods where you're like, screw it. You already know it. And you go around and you just, you see something on social media, you know, like, you respond to it. Something that may be on a normal day, you just scroll past. Yeah, you let it go. But you see something you don't like. So there was obviously a lot of Miami Heat slander. Mm-hmm. And, you know, just a little bit of a sidebar here. Mm-hmm. We had to stomp them. You did. Possibly into a rebuild. Who knows? We'll kind of cross that bridge whenever you get there. Yeah. First round is over for the Celtics. They won it in five. Talk about that a little bit later. On a later date. Well, as far as Instagram goes, I was just kind of scrolling around. Specifically, I see this post. It's like on a rock show. It's like a rock concert outside of like a, you know, like a Taco Bell or something. Okay. I'm not sure if you guys have seen this video or whatever, but, you know, it's, they have a, like, they're kind of, you know, they're playing music. They're having a quote unquote, "mosh pit." And I saw it and I had to comment that that was definitely the most pussy, "mosh pit." I've ever seen in my entire life. Yeah. It was like a Taco Bell. I could just figure. And I had to call them a couple of posers because, I mean, come on. Like, it was just one of those things. I had a couple of posers out there. It gave me second hand embarrassment just watching it. But, you know, luckily I'm starting to get better. Maybe now I will scroll past things like that without a, and obviously whenever your team is the laughing stock of the league at the moment, it's hard not to just, you know, have a little bit bent or, you know, built up tension that you have to take out, you know, like the old key, uh, key and pill skit whenever they're bullying that kid, one of the kids and the dad of one of the bullies shows up to pick up his son and he's like, "Drunk." He's like, "You look like your mother who left me." And he tells me he's going to, you know, pretty much beat him whenever he gets home. Damn. And obviously the bully tells the kid, "I'm going to unknowingly take that out on you tomorrow." Because it's just pretty much playing into stereotypes at school, but anyways, we are way off track here in the open, um, you can find the show on any podcasting platform. Yeah. You prefer, including Patreon, if you prefer an ad-free listening experience, which obviously I think it's, you know, always do the best way to listen to audio, but hey, that's just me. You know, you do what you got to do. If you like ads and if you want to go that route, more power to you. Do what you do. But joining me on this episode, my humble co-host, student of the game, young Terrence Minifil Terry. How are we doing? Man, I'm feeling good. What the funk is going on, everybody, hope you guys are doing well. Thanks for chiming in with us, letting us join you on your day. I've got a good one for you. We haven't been here, like Mike says, since the draft, so we've got a good recap session going for you, but we are not alone making his debut in the dungeon and OG of the game. A familiar voice. We are back on with Mr. LaFawn and you, LaFawn, what'd it do, big dog? What's up, guys? It's been a minute, but I mean, this is the best time to be back around, you know, right? When the draft is coming around, we've always kind of done that thing together. So yeah, it's good to be back in the, in the studio and seeing it in the new spot in the dungeon, it's kind of different, but you know, the vibes good. So it feels, it feels like home still, like the studio feels, still feels like that. But definitely, definitely a different change, but it's good to be back, man. Yeah, for sure. Welcome back. Obviously glad to have you. Welcome back. Yes, sir. I appreciate it. In the dungeon. It's obviously nice. I know that some of the long time listeners are going to recognize you. We do have some new, some new countries that we have touched down on a lot. So yeah, we are in a pretty fun time, or I guess a fun period right now as we're finished up with the draft, now we're getting into more bonus content. This is going to officially put like a bow on, you know, a long period of time of work, you know, at least like five, six months of getting prepared for this bad boy and just kind of the hype that you set yourself up for, for whether it's who your team is going to pick, or just the draft process as a whole, some of us are draft junkies, you know, we absolutely love this time of year in the vein. So one reason why it's, I guess, easy to take a little bit of a break immediately after the draft. Obviously, like we mentioned, we wanted to get the recap show out first, but the reason why it makes sense to take a little bit of a break is because of all the work that does lead up to the draft and the fact that the draft is such a long, spectacle that it, you know, it does drain you a little bit, like, because you do, you feel the culmination of all the work that you put in, the players finally land with their, you know, destination and their team. And we can kind of see the way that rosters are starting to shape up. Now we're hitting that next phase where the players who didn't sign in the first wave of free agency, you know, we've still got some fun Gilmore available, obviously Tyler Boyd, he's visiting like the Chargers right now, I think he kind of visit the Titans later too. So there's players that are about to start having their market really heat up because of this phase that we're in, but that allows us obviously to take a different approach to how we record these episodes and, you know, just have a little bit of fun. Obviously, we're going to get in a team of Destiny. We're going to get into NFL immortals and there's going to be other things that we're going to do. I want to get more top five or top 10 at certain positions in certain decades, like we did the top 10 running backs of the 2000s, which is a good segue because that episode was up until this week, my favorite episode, and the one that I was most proud of. That got blown out of the water, absolutely blown out of the water by Mop draft mania, which it's been a while. We haven't got a chance to talk about that. Great episode, absolutely thankful for everybody that contributed. There were 24 different voices on the show. A lot of work. As I say, what a way to combine everybody. A lot of engineering behind the scenes. That was one of the most, like, it was like a well old machine. Jeez. Oh my gosh, dude. Like a normal episode of the football function, intro, outro, the audio file, which is the episode, three tracks. This Mop draft mania was 55 tracks put into one episode, and it was smooth too. And it was very, you know, I had to make sure I didn't want to... Transitions and everything. I didn't want to put anything in the wrong spot. Because obviously, you don't want to hear the selection for pick eight, and then, because I fucked up along the way, you hear the preview for pick six down the line, you know? Like, so it had to be in the right order, the episodes had to be edited as good as I can. Everybody had different types of, you know, audio quality. So it wasn't like it was all a matching thing. So I do apologize for the little bit of the roller coaster, but that just is what it is. I ask these people to send in just a quick audio clip. They were nice enough to do it. I honestly think that it like kind of like adds to the experience almost, you know what I mean? Like when I was listening to it, it was cool to like just like almost go into other people's like where they are, where they, you know, where they were sitting at the moment. It kind of just, it was a cool, it was a cool way of like just bringing, it was like things you see on YouTube or whatever, it was like you just, it was cool to see all that like how it worked together. Right. And everybody's opinion, it was, I think in my opinion, it was one of my favorite episodes to listen to. No doubt. And ever. So. We were on the way home from San Antonio and you guys know me. I don't listen to the episodes with these guys. Yeah. I listen to it. I listen to it, dog. Yeah. Yeah. That's exactly right. We fast forward through my parts a little bit, but well, one of the things that I love the most about it too is the new guys that came on that experienced their first on the, on air and everything that I love, everybody was such a natural and it shows how easy it is to do, you know, come on the football function, talk football with the boys. Yes, sir. Yeah. No doubt. It did. It added an element of unpredictability. Oh, yeah. You know? Yeah. Yeah. Came. No. It was fun though. I enjoyed it. You know, obviously shout out to everybody. I hope they enjoyed it getting a chance to listen to that, but it was a pretty successful episode as far as the downloads go, like it was a massive download, obviously the biggest one in 2024 for sure. Thank you. And yeah, that was, you know, that's a shout out to the listeners as well, the people that contributed, they did their part and then the listeners obviously doing their part by downloading the show and making it a part of their day. Hopefully you will continue to do that. We are entering this new phase though. Like I said, it's going to be the off season, but you're going to see a lot more of a different flavor, if you will, of just the type of episodes. Like we mentioned, it's more like series that you do to kind of kill time in the off season, more so than actual breaking down games that will make things like that. Like we're absolutely going to get into true off season. Yeah, more bonus, more fun themed type of episodes. And hopefully you guys will enjoy that as we get through the summer here, because Grim Riefer is going to be dropping his episodes, his rivalries, and obviously CM, I'm sure has something up his sleeve. No one had to get him a shout out to, he put in a lot of work for that draft process. Okay. He had every position he was doubling down. These episodes were an hour long usually, so it's not like he was just doing little quick episodes. And if you actually listen to him, he goes in depth, but he does. He doesn't just, I guess, just give each player a little minimal type of breakdown. I'm not saying he'll go like six minutes per guy, but you could tell what he's saying, even if it's just the sentence or two is genuine, and it comes from a place of research. So I did want to give him a shout out, obviously he's doing his thing, helping, keeping this podcast afloat. There's been multiple times where, especially a time like this, it just happens that it's after the draft, but a time where I'm like really sick, I know that you guys were prepared to steer this ship and run it today if I wasn't able to go and who knows. We may get halfway through and I got to tap out, but I think that CM has done a great job getting us prepared for the draft. So good. That next year, I damn near my, obviously this is coming off of ending a long cycle, but next year I might just take my hands off of the pre draft stuff and just go back to doing that purely from a fan perspective, obviously covering the games and the NFL season completely different. I love the NFL draft and it's going to be hard not to because I've been doing that for a long time, just looking at each draft draft, going into the depth and seeing what they can offer. And this felt like a, almost, I don't know if it's because of the Falcons either, because they're so unpredictable in what they do that it just kind of killed my spirit of, you know, draft fun. And I'm like, man, next year, I'm just going to say screw it, you know, who knows, we might even get stripped of some pigs, but anyways, I guess with that being said, we can go ahead and get into this here draft recap, which is pretty much all we're going to do here. We're going to look at some of the draft classes. Let's get it. Let's go of these teams. And we're going to see who you guys think, but together a pretty solid class will start alphabetical order will go Arizona Cardinals. They started off with a blue chipper. One of the best players in the entire draft, Marvin Harrison, junior number four overall, then they get Darius Robinson, Max Melton, Trey Benson, Isaiah Adams, Tipp Riemann, Elijah Jones, obviously many, many others as they had quite a few pigs. But it's really there at the top where they were getting that value. Must definitely getting, you know, two first round picks addressing both sides of the football. I think they put themselves in a good spot for where they are right now. And, you know, obviously they can end up doing more to improve this roster, given the phase that we're about to enter. And it's like extra wave of free agency. Yeah, I'm interested to see what kind of goes on after this, after their draft class, because, you know, with Kyle Murray, they're obviously investing in him as well. Getting him that number one wide receiver in Marvin Harrison, I'm very interested to see how that works out and see what, you know, where Kyle's game goes to at this point. And I also think just bolster the offense of line with that Illinois, two Illinois players. I know one of them will tie it in, but, you know, he's going to be a good in line blocker. And Illinois, if you really watch them in college football, they've been putting out some dogs here lately in terms of NFL prospects, you know, guys that can really play football and in the tone that Arizona wants to play. So in terms of going forward, I'm interested to see where this turnaround can go and how far Kyle can now take this team with the addition to Marvin Harrison. Colorado landlords and property owners, there is an avalanche of recent landlord laws sweeping parts of the nation, including Colorado. It's enough to worry many property owners about the future of their real estate income and ownership. We've created a short video talking about what's happening and what you may be able to do to protect your income and investment. Go to and enter your email for instant access. That's Securities offered through Emerson Equity, LLC, member FINRA, S.I.P.C., Emerson is not affiliated with any other entity here in Colorado property owners, imagine this, a real estate portfolio designed to pursue your income needs with tax efficiency in mind, living your life without constant worry about tenants, property maintenance, or what new legislation might do to your real estate business. 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Up to $830 off each phone via 24 monthly bill credits plus taxes and fees for well-qualified customers. Contact us before canceling account to continue bill credits or credit stop and balance and provide finance agreement to $35 per line connection charge applies, Yeah, you've got to love how they've shown how they've fallen behind collars so much. They've added the weapons. They've kind of put the ball in his court sort of kind of put it on his back and saying, "Yo, we've given you the weapons. We're finally, you know, shutting up all the shit from outside and we're focusing our point on you. You're healthy now." And we got to remember, like last year they were fighting every game and every single game that they were in, especially during the last of the stretch, they were actually putting it on teams and teams really didn't want to see the Arizona Cardinals on their schedule. And now, you know, bolstering up the offense, you know, following behind this blue chip, I think Hall of Famer, sure-fied Hall of Famer and Marvin Harrison, just their connection over the next few years is going to be amazing. You know, you're talking about Larry Fitzgerald there. I think he's going to, you know, ooze his talents all over that. So can we talk about the fact that the plan worked? We talked about it all year. We were breaking down these games. That they had a very specific formula, look competitive, lose, and get Marvin and, you know, get your draft pick high enough where you can land Marvin Harrison Jr. There were some, I forgot we were so serious. There was a little bit of time where I didn't know for sure because you really didn't know what was going to happen. There were some times, I mean, you did it in the mock draft mania where Marvin Harrison could go one of the top three picks. Yep. I was hoping. But as we got closer, we knew that quarterbacks were going to start rolling, which takes us to the next team. And then a Falcons. We could talk about it. I haven't gotten a chance to at all. I have not voiced my opinion on this, really. Real quick, I'll run through some of the draft picks that I liked. Well, I mean, I like Michael PinX Jr. as a player. Yeah, we vote. We vote. Get that out. That's a given. Or a role. Braylon Trice, Brandon Dorliss, JD Bertrand, Jason McClellan, Casey Washington, Zylum, Loog. This is a solid draft class. I mean, as far as getting past the first pick, obviously, you got depth. You got a lot of picks that will come in and impact. As of right now, it's looking from just the analysis that I've seen from a lot of people that have looked at what their pre-draft rankings were and where we drafted some of these players, like a lot of them are thinking like, we reached on every single one of our picks almost. Not to mention that we traded one of our-- we had two third round picks. We traded one of them to go up and get Rook, the Clemson defensive end, which, hey, who knows? This could be a baller. But if not, then I'm really going to be scratching my head because you give up a pretty decent pick. Literally, number 78 overall. We picked 74. So we would have gotten to-- And was it Newton on the board? Get some time. Yes. Get on the board whenever that happened. Very questioning, but-- I mean, nothing was more questionable than that first round pick. Yeah. I mean-- Eight overall. I've seen a lot of people explain it. I've seen a lot of people add some rationale, and I guess just explain why it wasn't the end of the world and why it wasn't the absolute worst thing you can do, which-- I'm on that side. I understand. I understand that perspective. It's just allocating a lot of resources. A lot of people think maybe Desmond Ritter was that shitty that we said, we're eating two quarterbacks. Hey. You know? And just doing that much money on a quarterback coming off of an injury that has, you know, an age question. He's already like 36 years old. 36. So you think that you'd want to spend an eight overall pick helping him out. I mean, Romadimsay was literally right there. He's someone that I've viewed like Jamar Chase coming out of LSU. That's kind of how I look at Romadimsay just with the way that he can dominate. You know, just pretty much anybody that you put in front of him. So the fact that we did take an offensive player from Washington, but it wasn't him. Have a receiver. It floored me. Didn't expect it. Really, and-- First hand, yeah. You got to be careful what you wish for, number one, because just a few short picks before that when everything's were kind of going chalk. I remember saying like, man, I can't wait for like the first surprise. You know, I can't wait for the first like-- You didn't say that. We didn't expect that. Little did I know. Let it out. You just stay patient. It seems on the clock, hand just a little bit. But I mean, number one, he turns 24 a week from today, May 8th. Oh, man. And-- He has no time to sit. Yeah, that's the thing is he was the-- Look, I understand the thought process, you get a quarterback to sit behind Kirk Cousins. You made that mistake in 2021. You didn't have a succession plan for Matt Ryan, and it really bit you in the ass. And I'm looking at this situation where they obviously went the other route, but they didn't get one of the younger guys, you know, like JJ McCarthy was there, and I'm not saying I'm higher on Michael Pinnicks than I am JJ McCarthy. Like I very much so if we were to take him McCarthy, I would have been upset. But at least the age and the whole developmental thing, like if we'd have gotten Drake May, I would have been doing backflips, like legitimately. You know that? Exactly. So I would have been so happy if he would have like fallen all the way to us, but obviously that was very far-fetched. I just didn't expect it when Adam Schefter came on right before the draft or right before our pick. It was like this could be a quarterback here. Dang man. It... I saw you double take. It took the win out of my sales, it just, it literally hasn't been the same since we've been getting a lot of that. You know what? And you know what's funny, man? I also heard this at the Jets were trying to trade up with y'all eight because we wanted Rome so bad, I guess, and which y'all could have accumulated more picks and just taken the 10th overall, whether y'all wanted Michael Pinnicks there or not. Well, I'm not sure if this is where you were going with that, but I've heard that we... I saw a video of Joe Douglas in the War Room saying that we tried to stay, stay and pick it eight and we tried to come up to 10. Like, we tried to pick Michael Pinnicks at eight and then go up to 10 to get La out to La to. Oh shit. And yeah, number 10 overall with the Jets, we'd had to give up obviously our first round pick next year, second round, both thirds, and we would have absolutely coming up from 43 to 10, it would have had, we would have had to give y'all quite a bit. And that's the thing is we tried, so we were at the negotiation table, but didn't work. I mean, that's the thing is I like Pinnicks. You know, he's a good quarterback, he's got some injury questions just over the past, but I'm not necessarily too concerned about that. I'm more concerned about the fact that he's 24 years old, he's probably not going to start till he's 26. And by then you waste the rookie contract, like, that's the benefit of starting a rookie quarterback. Two. They, from what I've heard, if we're always in love with Michael Pinnicks, they just didn't know if he was going to be there, they didn't know if he was going to be there. And that was their guy. Overall. And just because I guess the draft is so unpredictable, I thought that for sure he would be there at eight. I think the Raiders could have taken him at 13 and at that point you kind of just, you know, someone's going to trade up or whatever. I think the era of picking a quarterback in the second round is over because you don't get the fifth round option and typically their talent doesn't necessarily match the talent that you're passing up there in the second round from those late first round players that kind of fall because they don't get picked. But yeah, I mean, we're just going to have to let it play out. He's going to sit on the bench and people talk about it being, you know, Jordan loves situation with the grim impact. There's a lot different. Obviously Aaron Rodgers. He can't have the tour in love. Aaron Rodgers built a Hall of Fame career. Same thing with Brett Favre. You know, what happened to Aaron Rodgers? Both those quarterbacks built like a Hall of Fame career with that team. So they have a leash, you know, Kirk Cousins hasn't done shit for the Falcons. He has a bad game. What's stopping us from wanting Michael Pinnock's on the field? You know, so that's just one aspect and obviously the age factors into it. A lot of people bring up Jordan Love, Jordan Love's 24 years old right now, yeah, after sitting three years, 24 years old, Michael Pinnock is 24 years old right now, only so. There is a lot of questions going into this. I'm more so, I wouldn't mind it, you know, call me crazy. But I wanted to be more of the Seahawks model, sign Matt Flynn, do a massive contract in the off season. You draft Russell Wilson, obviously, start around pick. You didn't expect it, but you draft Russell Wilson, they go into training camp, Russell Wilson beats them out and they have their next franchise quarterback win a Super Bowl the rest is history. What's nice, but how often does that happen? I mean, not often. No, but it doesn't happen often in the first round either. And then you got a 50/50 shot. Yeah, Pinnock is as cold as hell too. And you also got to think you don't ever want to be in this position in the draft in the future ever again and there probably won't be a crop like this QB crop that was, you know, we had a, I don't know, I forgot how many quarterbacks I got taken into the first draft. I think it's set a record or whatever. But you don't, you can't ever plan on that last year. We had one quarterback selected in the first half, or first round. So you never want to be in this position. Take the quarterback now that you like, that's your guy in the future, you know, whatever pans out pans out, but know that you've got your guy at the most important position of the game. Very good point. Sorry. And, you know, I was going to deal with a little bit of congestion here. You're going to have to bear with me, but we'll move on to another team because we do have quite a bit of team to talk about here. So obviously the Michael Pinnock's talk was going to be a conversation. We had to get that out here. Let's get it. Let's go. And I knew that I was going to have to give my thoughts on it because I got, how do you, like, are you feeling better about it? Is it, is it soaking in? Yeah. I mean, I've accepted it. Have you seen him in a jersey? No. In fact, I think that the only numbers that we have, like, available right now are, like, oh, I'm playing, I'm playing, I'm playing, I'm playing, 14, 15, and 16. And none of those are that appealing, right? I was going to say, I mean, if you haven't seen our number font, it's 14 with them. These aren't blocked throwback numbers or anything like that. This isn't, you know, we don't got to go there, but yeah, there's a reason why I really want us to go back to our official throwback uniforms. This is our primary, or primary jerseys, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen anytime soon. Let's talk about the Baltimore Ravens, another good draft for them. They got Nate Lasek. Nate Lasek. In the 30 overall. Roger or Rosengarten. Rosenda. Odisa Isaac, Devontes Walker, TJ Tampa. Really good draft. They also picked up Devin Leary, quarterback from Kentucky at 2.18 overall. Yeah. I think the Ravens had a good draft, a nice solid draft. They got a contributor at the cornerback position. And you know, obviously their team's pretty loaded right now anyways, so I don't think they needed, like, five rookie starters. Yeah. I don't need it. I think this, with this draft class, I mean, they just did the Ravens way. I mean, they kind of just, in my opinion, were going best player available, just to kind of fill their roster. I love the Nate Wiggins pick, obviously I think. I think where he comes from is background and just, you know, the player he is. I think he's going to be an instant, you know, contributor. And then Devontes Walker, the receiver, I think, you know, even though he was picked and around what, pick 93 or 113, 4th round, but I think he can be one of those guys that can come in and assist him like this and kind of-- Sneaky good value. You know, yeah, and make some plays, so I think overall, man, Baltimore kind of knocked out of the park. Yeah. I feel like they got guys that, you know, just say Ravens, you know, they're just already fit the mold. They're already Ravens type of guys, the nose gritty, you know, you know, if they get their nose broken, they don't give a shit, they're not coming out, they're just, they're just gritty kind of guys. And I feel like, you know, the Ravens did an exceptional job on their draft. And like you said, and I think they just hit it out of the park with the moves that they made off season two, they, you know, obviously they're the big, big hitter with adding Derek Henry to the roster and everything. You know, I think the Ravens are on track to, you know, make something very, very special run. Yeah, the Ravens, man, they're, I mean, they're going to continue to be a threat in the AFC regardless. Oh, man. As long as you got Lamar Jackson, healthy. How scary is that offense going to be now? And it's, they've got weapons all around Lamar. It's going to be, it's going to look different. I mean, we'll see, we'll see how, I mean, we'll just see how it works out. I mean, I know that they hadn't, Derek Henry is going to be a big factor. So I mean, I'm not counting them out ever. I think they're going to be as good as they were, if not better. We can roll into this next team, Buffalo Bills, they started off the draft at number 33 with Keon Coleman, not a huge fan of this pick, but I think after this, they kind of, you know, did their thing and kind of filled some spots that he needed to. I like the, I like the safety they took out a cold out of Utah, cold Bishop. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I, it's kind of funny though, because we're like, I remember in the season watching, you know, college football and watching Utah and I was like, I was seeing this cold Bishop guy pop out of the screen and him making plays. And he's a white dude. I was like, man, this guy screams Buffalo Bills and then soon if I, when his name popped up on the Buffalo Bills, man, I was like, of course he, they did it and he, you know, he fits their team and he, he, he looks like a Buffalo Bill and that's what it is. So, you know, shout out to the Bills, I guess I, you know, there's still going to be a tough thorn in the, in the AFC East side, but I think overall, man, they did a pretty, a pretty good job here. Yeah. You want to talk about fit their team, you know, you want to talk about the team or the, the guys that left, talk about two of their big top playmakers, yeah, both sides, they feel those needs quick, fast, and then I hear, I like Keenan Cole. He, he, I think gives them the same, same difference, you know, talk about, he gives the same Gabe Davis vibes already. So you know, he's just going to be plug and play the connection between him and Josh are just going to be, it's going to be phenomenal. I, you know, I don't like this team, but this, this is, press conferences were funny. I'm not sure if you've seen what you have, y'all, you're talking about his jacket from bases. Yeah. Another press conference that was funny. We can turn the page to another team, Carolina Panthers, Xavier Leguette, oh, yep. In his accent. Yeah, he's southern boys, southern is against. I could do an impression, but I'm not going to be pretty slow, so I'm a little sick honestly, but might be the perfect time to do this. I have a feeling that I, I could nail that, like, I have a feeling that I could absolutely nail that, but they get Jonathan Brooks to the, the, great pig, proclaimed best, best running him back in the class. That late injury man really did it for him, and you know, I'm trying to wallace the TV on Sanders. They, you know, they hit some players that are probably going to star for their team. And I think that obviously when you don't have a first round pick, you're looking for stars that do trade up and we're 32 overall to get a good, so I'm a, I'm a big fan of the get. I think that you know, as a hometown kid, I'm not necessarily like Charlotte. Yeah. Yeah. So from South Carolina, so, I mean, I'm a fan of their draft class despite them being a little bit short-handed on their picks. Are there any thoughts on theirs? I like, I like the Jonathan Brooks pick and, and obviously they'll get picked, but the Sanders and the Brooks pick, I think Sanders is, you know, they're, this team's gonna be young, but they're gonna, they're gonna kind of, maybe feel kind of catch their stride. They did a lot of work on the offensive line. So putting some weapons around a Bryce Young can never hurt. We'll see what kind of quarterback he can be this coming up year. But hopefully Jonathan Brooks, you know, I don't know if he'll be ready by the time of season starts. Probably not. He'll probably be put on IR. I think that's a, I think that's gonna be a homerun pick for them. Yeah. But you gotta give these guys credit though, they're, they're showing you that they have faith in Bryce Young getting them weapons nice and early, giving them some running mates to go further on in his future, but I wonder how CM is liking the whole draft class of the Panthers did. I'm sure it really wasn't gonna move the needle for him unless, you know, they landed a big-time guy. Yeah. Just because of the position they're in, but maybe next year they'll have a little bit of a, a more impactful, I guess, um, it's just a finish of the high pick. So they're gonna get a good pick, you know, like I saw a tweet the other day that was about Bryce Young and Adam Thielen and they're like, oh, they're gonna cause me problems this year. And somebody said, if you weren't here for three and 14, don't be here. Or if you weren't here for two and 15, don't be here for three and 14. Oh, shit. Oh my gosh. That's funny. But anyways, let's fuck this. Rago Bears, number one overall, Caleb Williams, number nine overall, Roma Dunes A, they get a yell off into tackle. Not even gonna try to pronounce it at this very moment, but clearly, you know, top 75 picks. So I better learn his name real quick. Tori Taylor and then Austin Booker, only a five-player draft class. I like how they, you know, they kind of took it on the chin right now. Said, all right, we're gonna have a light class, we're not gonna move anything from the future. We're just gonna pretty much deal with it right now and, you know, get a couple premium players, Caleb Williams and Roma Dunes A, that has potential there to be a phenomenal little connection, obviously, Caleb Williams, choosing number 18, we don't think about that. I think it was his high school number, I believe. I think so. I think I was wondering that I was just random, but I think yeah, I think that was his high school. And 15 for Rome. Yeah. Very interesting. So 18's got aura, dude, I feel it. I mean, it, it, it, it grows me more than I know that it was his high school number. And especially whenever you have a quarterback, obviously, like Kurt Cousins, who decides to wear it. Keep, you know, players are gonna follow suit because they look up to him. Yeah. Exactly. I just, I see that now. Something about the, the, the, that new connection is gonna be pretty cool to watch. I think Roma Dunes A just, I didn't realize, you know, watching him on film, or not, not even on film, just in games, like how big he is, like his presence at six, three, you see him next to Caleb Williams and he looks gigantic, man, that's gonna be a good, you know, another good addition to have and going for over the next, you know, ten years, hopefully. Well, he's just gonna fit right in with that receiving group. We got a, we got to talk about that receiving room period as, you know, top elite core, you know, you know, I know Rome's a rookie, but boy, you could put in work. And then you had DJ. He's got an Alan Keenan Allen to that room. He's got a coconut, Jared, Gerald Everett to this team is gonna be looking scary next year. A whole 180 from what it was. Cincinnati Bengals, they got a Marius Mims, the 18 overall, then Chris Jenkins, the number 49, Jermaine Burton at number 80, McKinley Jackson, Eric Hall, Josh Newton, Tanner McLaughlin, Cedric Johnson, DeJohn Anthony, and then Matt Lee. So they, you know, they double dipped at the University of Mississippi there on day three. Well, other than that, I think they really nailed it, the first few picks. Marius Mims, Chris Jenkins, Jermaine Burton, obviously Burton, he's gonna have to prove it, but he started off at the University of Georgia, went to Alabama, got a little bit of spice in his game, probably gonna be their new slot wide receiver. Yeah. Going forward, if I'm not mistaken. He has to earn that spot, obviously, but something that could be done. I'm a big fan of Chris Jenkins, his dad was a Carolina Panther defensive tackle. Yeah. Now we've got Chris Jenkins again here. They were almost the same pick too. Yeah. That's what's pretty cool about that one. The Marius Mims, just to take it right back to the top, I think that a lot of people look at it and think, well, you have two tackles, I'm gonna be honest, the Marius Mims is so much better than Orlando Brown. Maybe not at this very second, but as prospects coming out, it's not even really close. I think that Orlando Brown, he lacks so much of what Marius Mims could end up being, which is just an absolute brick house there, just not gonna let you talk about it. They also signed Trent Brown too, so they have a huge offensive line right now. Trent Brown is a hell, I mean, they have a massive, yes, offensive line. You could do what you gotta do to get Marius Mims on the field right now if you gotta put him in a guard or another guy to guard or something. Figure out a way to do it, yeah. But we all know that Orlando Brown isn't moving from left tackle because he's just, his dad played left tackle. I'm just like, hey, bro, your dad was actually good, so there's a reason why he played left tackle. And I have a feeling we're gonna use our number 18 overall pick on our future tackle, but he did play right tackle at Marius Mims. So just a little bit of a situation there, but all in all, I think the Bengals definitely improve their roster, Cleveland Browns, they didn't have a pick in the first 50 picks, they didn't pick until 54 overall, where they snagged, Michael Hall Jr. defense attacker from Ohio State, and then Zack Zinner, a guard from Michigan. Oh, two dudes that have pretty much been battling it out over the course of their college careers. Now they're on the same team. Yeah, exactly, so you definitely gotta give them a nice, a nice shout out for putting their differences aside and knowing that now they are both representing the Cleveland Browns. Now they're breathless. You get Jamari Thrash, Tatania Watson, Miles Hardin, Jawan Briggs, all in all, I feel like because they didn't have that great of picks. They got people that could end up becoming future starters. Now Zack Zinner, he's going into an offensive line that has two elite guards, and Wyatt Teller, and Joel Watodio, but because he can get developed behind him, I think that this is an opportunity, that this is a pick that's gonna pay off a couple years down the road, and who knows? You know, football is a very physical game, so there's a chance that one of those guys can miss a game or two during the season. It's nice to have some insurance, especially a guy that's played in the Big Ten, and is dealt with, you know, all types of massive defensive linemen in front of him. Oh, yeah. I mean, even if you've got to put in your perspective, I mean, this is a number 54 pick. You've got to expect it to be a depth signing here. They don't have... They're still suffering from that. Deshawn Watson pick. Yeah. Our trade, yeah. Luckily, that's over now, so they can go into this next offseason and kind of have a full preparation for those first few rounds, but I think all in all, you know, just adding some depth here, it's good for the Cleveland Browns. Yeah, most definitely. And always add depth on that offensive line is a great day. And then, you know, this guy, Zach Zenner, is a dog, so, you know, feel him wherever, and learn from these guys of a, you know, already bad-ass front group, so I think they hit it out of the part. Tyler Geiten, who's the first round pick of the Dallas Cowboys, and they traded back. So that's the one thing, because obviously you could have gotten Graham Barton, who could have gotten some other players as well, which you can't pick up in additional third round pick. Obviously, you guys already know I'm not a huge fan of Geiten, so it's kind of just something that I hope that playing next to somebody like Zach Martin and just being a Dallas Cowboys can bring out the best in him and he can have a phenomenal career, but just at this point, I'm like, I was higher on other players without a doubt, but Marcia and Neelan Cooper, BB, that's a player I really do like from Kansas State there. Maurice. How do you say that? Are you off of? We off of. Yeah. I don't know. I'm going to have to. I'm going to have to elude to someone who might know one for Caitlin Carson, Ryan Flournoy, Nathan Thomas, Justin Rogers, not a mind-blowing class, but I do feel like they really nailed their first few picks as far as like Marcia and Neelan Cooper, BB taking advantage of that trade back. You could have gone somewhere else with Tyler Geiten, but you like his upside if you're the Cowboys and you know, you're kind of just going to plug him in and it was a position of need. So that's why you're going to see it great out well because they did hit a need from a blue chip program, I guess, or just, you know, a place that has been known for developing offensive tackles, especially in your division, you look at Lane Johnson, former Oklahoma sooner, and then the Washington Redskins actually drafted Trent Williams. So we've seen that OU has kind of been like a pipeline for tackles in the NFC East. Cowboys are going to try to maybe strike lightning, catch lightning in a bottle the same way that those other teams did with their offensive lineman Denver Broncos. Oh, Nick's 12 overall, Jonah Ellis, Troy Franklin, with Troy Flink. I can't believe he fell as far as he did number one or two. That was kind of surprising. Devan Vili, just, I mean, are you guys impressed with this class at all? I mean, I like the fact that they got Bo Nick's a weapon, someone that he played with, obviously in Oregon with Troy Franklin. That's a nice connection there. To add what they already have, Jonah Ellis, his older brother, Caden Ellis, a place for the Falcons. So, yeah, so this is someone that I had my eye on that we could get a nice little brother tandem. Didn't happen though, but other than the Bo Nick's pick, because I am not the highest, you know, on Bo Nick's just because that's just my personal opinion. I know that a lot of people are. Clearly the Broncos are taking them 12 overall, but I think this is the same pick they took over Paxton Lynch at, not too long. I think that this screams Jake Locker and Christian Ponder and Blaine Gabbard, you know, whenever quarterbacks go, you know, early in the draft and all of a sudden, like, he's like, we got to get our guy. I have to. You know, and like we mentioned, man, six quarterbacks in the top 12, do you think that all six are going to hit? Seems like a, seems like a panic move for me, like it's, it's almost like a lot of people do call it a reach. You know, I mean, it is a reach. I mean, you know, you, most of, like you said, you got to go strictly by numbers in the first round. You're going to maybe one out of the three that, or if there's three, but there's six in this instance. Yeah, six plus. I've been paying out maybe one. So it's just, for me, I think the, the Broncos were reaching on a lot of this, a lot of these pigs. I love the Troy Franklin pig. I think he's a good weapon, but outside of that, man, I'm, I'm not a huge fan of this class. 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Yeah, it's well to me that they, you know, I guess it was panic or whatever it is. I mean, this selection was next to, I'm sorry, Mike, but the Falcons won. This one was the one that was, like, very surprising, but I mean, we called it. They needed a quarterback. They went up and they got their guys, so they got them weapons. They did what they needed to do, so, you know, overall, you got to give them a high grade of respect what they did in this draft. Detroit Lions, I really like what they did with their first two picks. Can you carry on Arnold and then Ennis Rick Straw Jr. I think that these could be your new two starting cornerbacks. You can go cheap. You got, you know, four years with one of them, five years with another one, and it set yourself up to, you know, really keep adding to that defensive line, which they already do all the time. They've always, I mean, they just got who DJ reader. Yeah. So constantly upgrading there in the trenches, and it's nice to see them swing some premium picks in the back end. Yeah. I like their, you know, their selections overall, especially Terry on Arnold, I think he's going to go in right away and become that instant impact guy. Boom. That's my favorite pick. If, you know, him coming out, he was, you know, a good guy, good person, good teammate, good background. So I think he really is going to embrace that Detroit way and man, Detroit is going to look, is going to be just as scary, if not better than this, than they were last year. So. Yeah. I like it. I like it. Facts. And Terry on this is added another solidified pro bow to their team and they're just getting better every year. I love how they go into their draft process, knowing that they're going to get that their guy and, you know, people that just, just fit the mold that MCDC's got going over there. Green Bay Packers, I'm just going to go through just as we're speeding up the process a little bit. I'm just going to kind of name some players that I like. You guys can tell me if you agree, if there's one that you guys like or you don't like that I like. Like I said, Green Bay Packers, I got Jordan Morgan, 25 overall. I like the Edger and Cooper pick, Javon Bullard, and I also like Michael Pratt getting him late on day three. Obviously, they did pretty good in other areas as well, but those are the picks that really jump out to me. I like the Marshall Lloyd pick, I think having him behind, I'm going blank. Hey, do you do? No, no, no. I'm going... Josh Jacobs. Josh Jacobs. I'm sorry about that, but yeah, I think him at USC, I think he's that, you know, that bull string guy. He kind of reminds me a little bit of Nick Chubb in a sense. I really like that. I love that pick. I think just having him as like maybe a third down type of back or, you know, him coming in every now and then, that's the pick I like here. Houston Texans, Camari Lasseter, Blake Fisher, I love the Blake Fisher pick. I'm necessarily a need just, you know, one of those positions that talent fell and again, like we mentioned, I like what the Browns getting Zack Zinter, like if one of your tackles go down, you have Blake Fisher now that you're polishing and maybe your swing tackle. You can come in on those jumbo sets and just kind of beef up your front if you're on the goal line formation or something like that. There's multiple different ways to use extra offensive lineman. And I think the Texans, despite having a first round pick, they really nailed their draft. Yeah, how about them going out and getting the guy that their franchise quarterback played college ball with and Cage Stover, they had a connection at Ohio State and now they're playing again together. Yeah. The first three picks for me were the home runs, man. I like this draft class. Indianapolis Colts, they stay at 15. They get way out to lots of you taking the first of all of the Ed Drushers is that. They took the first defensive player. Yeah, period. Well, the first 14 picks were all offensive players and they get why out to you. A D Mitchell, Jalen Simpson, Micah Abraham, later in the draft, just getting, you know, kind of stacking up on offensive backs. I think the Colts, they came away from this draft with difference makers and that's really all you can ask. They got massive pass rush help and another weapon for their young quarterback to grow with. Yeah. You got to change his number though. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. I love adding on Mitchell, man. He was fun to watch at Texas and he's just a home run threat, man. He's going to be fun. You know, Anthony Richardson is not going to, no one's going to outrun his, his ball. So it's a good pick up for them. Yeah. All you got to do is chunk it up and let him underneath it and then they're off to the freaking runnings, man. That whole division got better this draft, I think. Jacksonville Jaguars trade back to 23 and they get Brian Thomas Jr. They stay in the LSU well and get Mason Smith and Jarian Jones, Travon Foster, Jordan Jefferson. Pretty solid draft for the Jaguars, I have to admit, like I think that, you know, for the most part, especially when you look at picks like, you know, Travon Walker and other picks over the past few years where they've kind of made bone head decisions or I guess head scratchers. Yeah. I'm hoping that this one actually works out for them, especially there at the top of the two LSU guys because they can kind of contribute where they need help. Although signing Gabe Davis, him and Brian Thomas Jr. kind of a little bit of the same role, but like what the Falcons did, it doesn't hurt to get some insurance and Brian Thomas Jr. I mean, 17 touchdowns in one year speaks for itself. Yeah. I think you got to find a way under that Jags offense. Absolutely. I mean, you have to, I mean, you take him in the first round. You better figure out a way to get him on the field because he's a playmaker. He's a game changer. He was one of my favorite prospects this year. So they dipped into the SEC pool in this draft class. So let's see, you know, let's see what they can bring to the table. Kansas City Chiefs, up next Xavier worthy number 28 overall. They traded with the Buffalo Bills, which is a little bit suspect, dupe. Just kidding. I like the Jaden Hicks pick from Washington State at offensive back. Obviously, Kamal Hatton, defensive back out of Tennessee, that's someone that I didn't expect to fall that low. Yeah. So the chief state from what this report is saying get an eight draft grade. And, you know, if you're the Kansas City Chiefs coming off back to back, Super Bowl victories. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Yeah. This is a fun class to have. You get a class like this, man. Like, come on. I mean, you basically get Jared Wiley, a guy that's kind of going to be that next Travis Kelsey. You don't know how much longer he's going to be playing, but like you could still have this is his athletic ability of Jared Wiley and you could even bring in the two tight and sets now and have fun with that because, I mean, it's already a tough cover anyway when you're having a lead tied in. But I think this Jared Wiley pick is going to be one of those ones that goes under the radar. But then he's going to show out. That's the one I was going to talk about the most too because he's a perfect guy to fall behind Travis Kelsey. He's the perfect guy to learn from him and then, you know, have him sit a little bit, but then plug and play him and then he's just going to be another asset to that freakin wood. What is it? Hollywood Brown. They're worthy. It's a track meet now with those guys and then you've got the finesse players. Your go-to guy in Travis Kelsey, your automatic guy in Travis Kelsey, and then you've got his successor who is, you know, arguably right there will be some of the best in this class. So I love it. And I think it's dumb that the bills let these guys jump in front of him and take a good guy like these guys. Moving on to Las Vegas, the Raiders get Brock Bowers at number 13. He's going to wear number 89, old school tie-down number. Weird. Nobody doubt that this dude's going to be a contributor from day one. They also got JPJ, Jackson Powers, Johnson from Oregon, DJ Glaze, Tommy Eichenberg, Trey Taylor. The Raiders got a pretty good draft class in my opinion. I think they nailed their first two picks, though, two new starters, in my personal opinion on this offense. And they're really ushering in a new era and giving Gardner Minshew all the help that he can, you know, take unless they're going to get a new quarterback and, you know, Gardner's going to need guys like JPJ and Brock Bowers in the offense to help. You know, the offense as it sits right now, Duvante Adams, obviously a big-time player, but he's not getting any younger. So the Raiders' offense is going to have to rely on rookies, and we saw it work out for the Lions, but Lions also have Jared Goff in a very talented roster, so apples and oranges at this point. Yeah. I agree. I think the Raiders' first two picks were great. It's kind of interesting to me that they didn't take a quarterback at any point. You know, I guess, see-- Yeah, at any point, it's like Minshew and O'Connell, but we'll see. I mean, we'll see how it works out. You're playing in the AFC West, though. You got some sound? No, no, no. I was just saying, it's going to look awesome with Brock Bowers and Mayor in the offense. Oh, yeah. Very good point there, the way they can complement each other. Very much. One being in line, one being more of like an outside or like a slot tied in to the receiving threat. Oh, do everything. Like, you have a good chance you could say that Brock Bowers was the best pass catcher left. Oh, yeah. Like, after Romanine's day went, you know, all those other wide receivers, like, whenever they took him, like, okay, we'll take him even expecting a beer number 13. Who knows what they did. Yeah. I've been in the AFC West, Los Angeles Chargers, they get Joe Alt, number five overall. I like the pick. Uh, finding out they get Lad McConkie, I really like the pick because now it's okay. You still got the wide receiver. I hope you got some elite wide receiver traits. And now you're going to play like Joe Alt, that's going to keep Justin Herbert upright. And that's just a great spot to be in, you know, having Rachael on Slater, now Joe Alt, those are two premier offensive tackles. And it doesn't matter who goes to the right side. I think that just, I mean, with what Harbaugh wants to do, that was a great first step. Yeah. I mean, I, I like the Joel Pick and the Lad McConkie, I mean, so it's, it's all needs. And I also like the junior Colson pick. I think he's going to be. No way, how do you get a Michigan guy? Yeah, you have to, man. I mean, you've got to get one of your old guys, but yeah, I mean, overall, I like the, I like the charges draft. I still think they have some holes to fill, but I think this is a process and I think they trust in Jim Harbaugh. So we'll see how they, how they turn out this year. But I think the years to come is when we'll really see the Jim Harbaugh charge. They've got a splash pick at one of their last two spicks, I mean, old Brandon Rice. I think we should watch out for that one. I think that one of the most will be under the radar, you know, type of, of pick that we come to see later in the future that they, we talk about that this guy's hit really, you know, on this kid. So, you know, Brandon Rice is going to be a good one. Los Angeles Rams, they get a couple teammates to start their draft. Jared verse, Braden Fisk, and then they get Blake Quorum and kitchens. Like, come on, man. Like what are we doing here? They get Brandon Jackson, Tyler Davis, Joshua Cardi, Jordan Whittington from Texas. Like, they kind of just kept going throughout the entire draft. They earned an A minus grade and I think they deserved it. Yeah, I love their draft class, man. I mean, I like the pairing of the defense attack and the defensive in teammates. You already know they're familiar with each other. That's going to be fun to watch. And then Cam kitchens, man. I think he's one of those underrated kind of under the radar safeties. He played at Miami, like his playmaking ability is, you know, as he's always around the ball. I think with the lack of picks at the Rams have had over the last, you know, so many years, them trading out of their first round picks. I think them and this kind of a semi rebuild is this is a great class to start with. Yeah. Like he said, semi rebuild with the big one going out on retirement, Aaron Donald, they've got to find guys to be impactful in day one. And I think they found their guy and Jared verse, man. This guy is going to come in and, you know, make an impact like we've never seen before. This guy's great at what he does. He's elite at the bull rush. And you know, I think he'll come in and he offers the tackles are really going to fear this kid and, you know, to get like, like pull quorum to a guy that's, that's had a lot of impactful games. He's been a lot of big games, a lot of people trust him. He's a good team player. And I think he's a great asset to locker room as well as on the field for this team. Miami Dolphins, they get chopped Robinson at number 20, 21 overall, make sense when you factor in Jalen Phillips towards the Keeley's Bradley Chub towards ACL last year. So both of your add drushers had season in injuries. You just lose Christian Wilkins. It was all beneficial that they had to get some help on the defensive line. They do just that. And then at number 55 overall, they get Patrick Paul, the Houston offensive tackle insurance for Toronto Armstead. You would expect his age injury concerns, whatever, but, uh, they didn't pick again till one 20 where they get Jalen right running back out of Tennessee. What do you guys think about their class? Um, I, I'm a big fan of like the, the end of their class. I mean, I like Malik Washington, the receiver also like Todd Washington from USC, um, and the Muhammad Kamara, the linebacker, I watched a few Colorado state games this year and he, he's a really good player in linebacker. I think he's gonna, you know, come in as a AFC ease foe. I, I think they just bolstered up what they needed. I liked the offensive playmakers. They kind of added, um, you know, not that they really needed it. They're good. You know, they're good. Maybe a good slot receiver here with Malik Washington and Todd Washington. So yeah, what their injury was last year, they, they boasted up their, their edges and I mean, in my personal opinion, Mo Khmera, I think he's going to pan out better than chop. I'm in just this offense. I don't see chop fitting that well or in this defense. Sorry. Um, but yeah, I think they went a little redundant too. I'm not too much of a fan of their draft class. So Jalen is the same player as the Von A chain they picked last year. So I think they double dipped and, uh, they still have most of their thing too as well. So I don't know man, it's this draft class that make too much sense to me. Minnesota Vikings get JJ McCarthy number 10 overall trade up with Andy's New York jets and then Dallas Turner number 17. So you get a player on both sides of the football, Kyrie Jackson, Walter Ross, uh, Rouse, it's on me. The tackle. Probably not that great. If I'm being completely honest, uh, I don't want to crap on the guy, but at this past, you know, couple of years, Oklahoma and their offensive line, it hasn't necessarily been a NFL pipeline, especially when you're talking about translatable traits, you know, that are going to actually be a factor in the national football league. Michael Jurgens, Levi Drake, Rod Rieges from Texas A&M Commerce there to end it, pick 232 anything other than JJ McCarthy pretty much already knowing he was going to be a Minnesota Viking long before the draft. Yeah. Anything stand out to you. If I saw had JJ and go into either Denver or the Vikings, so we knew this for a while, but them taking Dallas Turner, uh, that was a big surprise for me. Them solidifying, you know, future, um, lock down pass rusher right there. And then they've got their quarterback of the future, uh, I think they hit out of the part. Speaking of quarterback of the future, Drake May, number three overall pick to the New England Patriots. That's cool. Thank you. Jalen Polk and number 37 phenomenal pick. Yeah. That's one thing. The more that I've gone back and watched Michael Pinnicks, it just makes me say like, damn, Jalen Polk and Roma Dunes there. So damn good. And then obviously Jevon Baker, that's an underrated pick that you guys. Damn right it is. You see a wide receiver. Joe Milton, the third. I love that. He came in. I love that pick. A little bit of a head scratcher. But hey, that's how I feel. I love it. I'm kind of like, well, I mean, it kind of gives me advice with the RG three. It does. It does. It does develop him. Yeah. You know, if you can develop him, he could become a trade assay where you spent like what a six round pick on him. Boom. You can flip him and get a fourth or something like that, you know, and it's just a return of investment. Or you have a package where it's fourth and 15. You're down two points and you need to bomb the ball. ADR. This is someone that can get the ball down the field. With the flick of the wrist. Yeah. So phenomenal people. What do you think about Drake May being a New England patriot? Yeah. I love it. I mean, I, at our last mock draft, I picked, I picked Marvin Harrison. That's the guy who I really wanted. But now, you know, letting it mustard in a little bit, Drake May has been growing on me. I love the pick now that it's solidified that the Drake May era is beginning. I love the kid can make everything on the field. This is going to be a great start with the new coaching staff, new, just a new feeling to the patriot way. We've got weapons around the kid. We let him know that we believe him, but hey, there is competition. This is a business, so don't come in and think it's going to be easy. You need to put your head down to work, and you know, I think this kid is going to take us to, you know, heights that we haven't been to in a while. I like it overall. I like the, you know, Jalen Polk is one of my favorite coming out of this, you know, this draft class. I think he's a, you know, instant starter. I think he, obviously, from which I've had this past year, y'all had some of the worst receivers in the game. Yeah, we have. Adding him and Javon Baker, you know, hopefully you get some guys in there that have some juice that can get off the line, that can get off press coverage and can just get open because I was a big advocate on drafting Marvin Harrison here too because I feel like just taking a quarterback is, it's kind of just like putting a piece of tape over a hole. It's a big hole, but if you don't have anything around him, you know, what can you do? But I like this draft class. I think they did all right. And, you know, we'll see where they go with this. Yeah, I just don't want to be last in every category known to man in offense. We were last in the explosive plays, we were last in, yeah, we're last in Saint's up next to Lisa Fuonga, Kool-Aid McKinstry, Spintler, or Spencer Raller. Oh, Spint's. Yeah. We're their first three selections. Obviously, Bob Means, Jalen Ford, need I say more. I didn't really, you know, Spencer Raller, it makes sense. It makes sense. He's a saint. Like, can we guys just like take a little bit and say, okay, like, how did I not see that coming years ago? Yeah. He's a New Orleans Saint. You know what, he'll probably end up panning out because that's just typically how my luck works when it comes to this. And I have no doubt that, to least say, Fuonga is going to be a great player for them. Yeah. So my quick thoughts are, yeah, love Fuonga, Spintzer Raller. I can officially say, you know, we're on, I don't like him. I mean, it's not like I liked him before, but now it's like, okay. Definitely don't like it. Kool-Aid McKinstry is what it is. Spintzer was going to be cooked by a Drake London, so yeah, toss it to you guys. Overall, I like this class. Fuonga was a player that Jets are looking at a lot, but you know, Spintzer Raller just kind of fit the mode of Saints. You're right there. But all in all, you know, Saints are they what they had to do. New York Giants, Malik Neighbors at 6 Overall, Great Pig, Tyler Neuban, Andrew Phillips, Theo Johnson, Tyrone Tracy Jr., and Darius Masau, Masu, man, some of these names are going to be announced. Yeah, it's only going to get harder to do. But I do like what the New York Giants did. They're kind of giving Daniel Jones one more opportunity to prove that he is going to be, you know, a difference maker for them in their long-term quarterback. If not, you might need to start a, you know, seeing if you can't get in Dion Sanders' ears. Hey, can you add the New York Giants to that list of teams you're going to allow your son to play for, but let's go over to the other New York team. New York Jets, Olufus Shandu at number 11, Malekai Corley, Braylon Allen, who was the first NFL player born in the year 2004. Jesus Christ. I say Davis, Qantas, Stiggers, and Jalen Key, Andy, toss it to you, what do you think about this class? Man, this draft class really, obviously the first round, Olufus Shandu, it wasn't the sexy pick, you know. I wasn't like right off the bat, I wasn't just like, "Hell yeah," because I was on Brock Bowers, I was on that. Especially once Rome was off the ball, I was like, "Oh, yeah, Brock Bowers is here." Yes. They came in. But, you know, getting to like really like looking into a deep picture, adding for Shandu is just going to beef up our offensive line. We already have a scary defensive line. Our offensive line has obviously gotten better. We're going to be a handful for people, so I love that. And this is the fact that this class was so deep at the receiver position. Corley, they call him the "Yat" guy, because he's just so good with getting the ball in his hand and doing what he does with it. He's just a playmaker, I think, having him with Mike Williams and Garrett Wilson, having him in the slot is going to be Aaron Rodgers' favorite weapon. I have a feeling he's going to be one of those guys. It kind of pops out on the scene. Another pig, Jordan Travis, I was high on him, Terry's in my witness. I've been talking about Jordan Travis for a minute now, kind of spoken into existence. I was like kind of hoping this would happen, because we need that security guy that we can develop. And I think we have the guys around him that can really develop him into that future starter. And who knows, you know, whatever he can bring to the table, he doesn't have to prove anything yet. He's been a couple years to really sit behind Rodgers and kind of figure out the game. But all in all men, I love this draft cause I think we did what we had to do. I think all these guys were pretty much, you know, last in all their categories. I think all of them, you know, they, you know, have injury issues, they all suck and they won't pan out. I think they were just reaches on every aspect of the game and, you know, I think this team is just garbage knowledge playing. Jordan Travis was really one of my favorite players coming into this, coming into the draft and we're going to sing really loves the gym. And him the fall behind Aaron Rodgers is just match made in heaven for the kid. I really, really do love him and he's, he's going to be learning behind one of the greats. I think that's amazing for him. One of my favorite guys. I really do hope he trades from the Jets. Just kidding. It is Ryan here and I have a question for you. What do you do when you win? Like are you a fist-pumper? A whoo hoo. A hand clap or a high fiverr. I kind of like to high five, but if you want to hone in on those winning moves, check out Chumba Casino at Chumba Casino dot com. Choose from hundreds of social casino style games for your chance to redeem serious cash prizes. There are new game releases weekly plus free daily bonuses. So don't wait. Start having the most fun ever at Chumba Casino dot com. No purchase necessary. D-W-E-R-E-V. If I lost in terms of conditions 18 plus. Hello. It is Ryan and we could all use an extra bright spot in our day, couldn't we? Just to make up for things like sitting in traffic, doing the dishes, counting your steps, you know, all the mundane stuff. That is why I'm such a big fan of Chumba Casino. 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Jeremiah Potter Junior, which is just poetic justice. Little Joey Porter Junior vibes going to his dad's team. They had to do it. They had to do it. So that's a little nice addition there, but yeah. Queenie on Mitchell, Cooper DeGene, high roseman does it again. I think this is just nailing a position that might not be like a glaring hole, but now it's like, OK, we got some youth there, and I really want to see what they do at Cooper DeGene to utilize his skill set best, because he's a really talented player. And I think he could be their new returner, at least part returner, but I like what the Eagles did. I really do. I think that this is a draft where they kind of use the consensus big board, and they were picking some of those players that were following that you were like, man, I can't believe he's still on the board. Yeah, it did look like they go. They went BPA. But one of the best draft class in this whole year, I think they hit it out of the park with every single one of their draft picks, they field needs, they added players that are blue chip that are guys that will add depth, but add actual pressure to the starters. I mean, hell, some of these guys will be starters, so man, they fucking hit it out of the park for me. Yeah, I mean, Eagles doing what they do, staying good, consistent, Cooper DeGene, they're one of the more well-known machines in terms of franchises in the NFL, so I'm not surprised here. I am a little surprised. They somehow managed to get two first rounders in the top 40, but it is what it is. They always do this shit. The Pittsburgh Steelers, this is probably my favorite draft class. They got a good one. They had a good one. Troy Fontano, Fatanu, and Zach Frazier in the first two picks, two new starters right there, BAM, on the offensive line, and you're getting better, and then you get the two Wilson brothers. Roman Wilson and Peyton Wilson, who just criminally fell because of the whole ACL thing, he doesn't have an ACL. Pretty important. He got no one. You don't have an ACL? No, though. Yeah, but what it is, what it is, I do like the Steelers draft class here, especially those first two offensive line picks, because with what they're going to do with Arthur Smith, they had to beef up that unit, and I think they did a great job doing that. Yeah. I mean, Pittsburgh Steelers here, I didn't know the whole Peyton Wilson, no ACL thing, but the first two picks, man, bolster enough the offensive line when they did that last year as well, actually jumped our New York Jets, but we won't get there, thanks to the Patriots. But, I mean, Washington, I mean, Pittsburgh's going to have a great offensive line. I think if Russell Wilson can't get it done with this team, then you know, he may, it's maybe time for him to hang it up. Big. San Francisco 49ers, Ricky Pearson, number 31 overall. Is that a shocker for you guys? Yeah, he's the same as Debow. What are you going to do with him now? Is that a sure-fied? He's not the same as Debow. Let's not go there now. We do the, he does the same thing. He's going to be the same exact, if he, when he goes there, he's going to do the exact same thing. Puss with respect on his name. I'm not saying he is Debow. Dominic CUNY from Kansas. Yeah. He's a Gustava. Jacob Counting, Jared Kingston. Yeah. I mean, 49ers, when you pick at the end of every round, you necessarily aren't going to get the greatest players. Yeah. Yeah. See, I will see Hawks, Byron Murphy, the second with their first round pick, and then Christian Haynes. Bryce, or Tyrese. Tyrese. Nice. A.J. Bourner. Nehemiah. There you go. And, you know, DJ James, Auburn defensive back that I was kind of surprised, fell. DJ. As far as he fell. Yeah, I like the Byron Murphy. I mean, obviously from Texas, but he's just a, he's a beast, man. I mean, when you really watch him play, he's one of those dudes that can create havoc for you in the interior, and in that division, that's what you need. So I like their draft class, and my step does a huge Seahawks fan, so, you know, he's kind of been stressed out about it because they get, they've gotten rid of all their players. They didn't really draft any linebackers, and they got rid of all their linebackers. So, and we'll see kind of a shocking draft for me, but I do like the Byron Murphy pick. Tampa Bay Buccaneers are up next with their first pick of the 26 at number 26. They went Grand Barton, Chris Braswell from Alabama at Pickett 57, and Tikey, Tikey Smith at 89. They got the other receiver at a Washington, Jalen McMillan. I think he was a great pick up for these guys. Another guy that if you watch, Pinnix's highlights, he's just oozed everywhere. These guys, you know, when I was watching Paul play a little bit, this guy was just screaming, definitely wide receiver three in that offense was, you know, highly touted, but great pickup for these guys. Yeah. I'm Grand Barton, great offensive lineman, he's got a little Chris Lynch from to his game in terms of just a very safe pick. May not be the sensation. I'm not going to be jumping, Jax, but this is going to be a starter on your offensive line for a decade. So, you know, definitely a shout out to them. Tennessee Titans, we're almost done here, guys. We got Titans and commanders left. Oh. JC Latham started off, and they get to, or Tovondre Sweatt, I'm kind of surprised me said, "Jit Gray," to Kwan Jackson, and then Jalen Herrell at the very end of their draft were kind of the picks that jump out to me, but yeah, JC Latham, I mean, he's going to play right tackle for them, most likely. Yeah, still all was taken, so. So yeah, they might have wanted to go with Alt, had he been there, but I don't think Latham is someone that isn't going to fit what they're going to want to do. Tovondre Sweatt a little bit earlier than I would have expected him to go, just because of his position that he plays, and, you know, the off-the-field stuff, getting a DWI not that long ago, thought that was going to cause him to fall. But he really didn't, 38 overall, that's higher than I anticipated him going, and, you know, whenever the process started, so, Titans have a class where they get some hole fillers? Yeah, most F1. Maybe two gap runs, Tovondre Sweatt, that's what Tovondre Sweatt is, but. They needed that hard, too. No doubt. No doubt. Washington commanders, Jaden Daniels, number two overall. Let's go. Apparently, they were never going to take Drake May. It was when Jaden McCarthy and Jaden Daniels from day one. From day one. They get Johnny Newton, though, great pick there in the second round, right after the Falcons just, you know. I can't believe that one, though. This one's a good one. This one's a good one. Shit their pants, and they must have wrote down the wrong name or something like that, but. Mike Sandstrill, or Sandra Strill. One of the two. From Michigan, it turns it back a little tough to say. He better be a hell of a player, though, otherwise, if people aren't going to be trying to say his name very often, hmm. Ben Stinnett, Brandon Coleman, Luke McCaffrey, the younger brother, Christian McCaffrey, Jordan McGhee, Dominic Hampton, Giovanni Jean Baptiste. Is that a, is that a little younger brother? It might be. It's not. It might be. That's not a common last name. Very, yes. I'm going to say it. I would be surprised if, I mean, if it's because it or something, but yeah, I would expect it to probably be a brother, but days all across the board when you look at day one, day two, day three, I think that they added to what they've already been doing in free agency, which is injecting new talent into this roster. Yeah, I think Washington's going to be one of those teams that is a scary, surprising next year. I mean, Jaden Daniels is already, you know, pro ready. He can, you know, very good in the pocket, he's athletic. But to me, just what they do, the newton pig, him falling was kind of crazy to me. I thought he was definitely going before, before 20. I mean, I don't know, but Washington's going to be a team that surprises some, some folks next year. Are they, I think just the, what they did in the offseason and to offensive line and to the defense. I mean, Dan Quinn's got himself a team over there and, you know, why not have them dethroned the Cowboys or Eagles at the top of that division. Wouldn't that be ironic though, this team is complete 180. I feel like they had the best draft class in the, in the whole draft this year. They completely restructured their team. They're going to look a whole, a whole hell of a lot new next year. So this is going to be a good team to watch, a fun team to watch with their quarterback that I was really wanting to be in the Patriots uniform. It'd be even cooler. You got the better quarterback. Oh, yeah. For sure. Right now with a straight face and I'm very, very sad on that. I think Jayden Daniels, hell of a quarterback, I hope, I wish the best on him. Yeah. But dude, even after the draft, I'm just seeing, I'm like, dude, Drake may, might not even have to start. Not right away anyways because he's going to set and obviously you're not thinking of who it's going to be a quarterback competition. It's a very calculated plan to have a set start. This guy is our future. Yeah, bring him in this season for sure. But I think that you guys are going to be in a great, great spot. The Drake and Bake, because Javon Baker that he drafted, obviously, and you know, there could be more names coming. I like that. But I think that Drake may was a great drink and Bake, but you know, I wish the best for all the young quarterbacks in this class, except for Spencer Rattler. [laughter] That guy's doing it for us, guys, here on the 2024 NFL draft recap. Yep. You know, shout out to you guys for helping me out. This was a very tough episode to get through. I can barely breathe. Shout out to you. But you guys did some great work here to get through this bad boy. Way to get through it. You know, obviously, this is a benchmark, I guess. This is a monumental episode just for the year because, you know, this is the end of an entire season that we do here. Now it's off season, you know? It's the true off season. So I'm not sure if there's going to be any type of like more draft talk coming, I don't anticipate it unless CM has that going for you. Like I said, college football function, he could be taking a little bit of a break, which is totally understandable because, like I said, this was a grind, months and months and months of, you know, just build up. Even if you're only watching like four players a week, you know, not even a lot, just kind of just kind of starting in September, October. And you know, like, I write this guy's name down, he could end up, you know, being a big time riser or someone who's falling in the draft. But, you know, we'll see kind of when we dip our toes into the next cycle because, like I said, this could be my last draft amateur evaluation, we'll see. But at the very least, hopefully CM is ready for another great season and another great off season, I don't know if there's any side series he's got going on, but I know here team of destiny, we're going to try to get back into that, we are starting the 90s, we got all the way up to 1989, so we're right here in the 90s, like the very next one we do is going to be 1990, and you know, those episodes, once we get closer to the 2000s, we'll be able to relate a little bit more, you know, we'll be able to connect to these and know the players and remember watching some of these teams and that's what I'm really excited for. But nonetheless, guys, thank you guys so much, thank the listeners as well for tuning in, doing their thing, you know, spreading the word, guerrilla marketing is really the best way you can help the show outside of subscribing on Patreon, goes a long way further than you know, helps the show, it helps us just in our journey here on this whole grinding process, it was nice seeing the numbers that the mock draft mania did, because after the football season ends, you know, it's just natural that downloads kind of hit a different level and they kind of stay there for the off season, and they rise up again once the football season starts, that's just kind of this being our fourth year now, we kind of know the way that the cycle goes, but on those days that, you know, the downloads are low or, you know, we're not necessarily racking in the impressions that we could, you know, some days it's hard to get your ass out here and, you know, speak and do a microphone and give your thoughts on certain things, but on those days that, you know, I do, I have to dig deep to really find the motivation, I do like to think about you, obviously Terry and cousin Mike as well, just from the work you guys put in, and I know that we're in this fight together, you know, and that's one thing that like I will be damned if we lose, you know, so I know that we got a long way to go, we're just getting started, I think that, you know, the fact that we did something we've never done before with that mock draft mania and there being 55 tracks, I think that, you know, there's more of that to come, you know, obviously the YouTube transition is something we want to do, but you know, I'm going to stop blabbering, I'll let you guys say anything if you have any shout outs or any plug to say before we, before we sign off and shout out to YouTube, I mean it was fun being back here in the studio, fun kind of getting my feet wet again, I haven't been here in a while, so I kind of felt a little rusty, but I mean you're killing it man, it's been fun to listen, it's been fun to kind of fall along with the journey as well and the mania show was a huge hit man, it was great, I enjoyed every second of it, so yeah, shout out to you guys, as always and you are welcome back at any point, any time, anywhere, whenever you want, that goes out to everybody too out there, if you want to jump on the football function, reach out to Mike, reach out to us via the malfunction 2.0 on Facebook, however you want to just get a hold of us, you can, you can just come on the show whenever, we would love to have you, don't be scared, happy ass over here, love you guys, take it easy out there, thanks, well said, well said, well I am going to go take some medicine, maybe clear this up and you can go for a mic, because yeah, this has been tough, like I said, rough the sickness I've ever had, but hopefully tomorrow I will feel a lot better, hopefully you guys don't have a damn good rest of your week, enjoy whatever it is that you have going on, walk passionately in the direction of your dream, and I'll talk to you soon. 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