The Howie Carr Radio Network

Six Figures for the Frat Boys who Stood Up for America | 5.2.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

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02 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Great reason I said I was running, because I wanted to unite the country. Bush. We did it. We did it, Joe. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. That sounds flag, folks. This is despicable. That schools will allow another country to fly in our country. What is this bizarro world? Who's your captain, Howie Car? It's like we all just kind of connected our brains and stood there protecting one thing. I was like, "I died for this flag." And everybody was like, "Yeah." If they get any closer, they're going to start throwing hands. They're going to have to tear me off this flag by my dead body. It was like Arm Day for me that day. We are here, Joe Bob. You're a rum swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's Howie Car. Welcome to the Howie Car Show, 844-542-442-844-542-442. I don't think these hippie Nazi rallies are winding up. They're winding down a little bit, but they don't really seem to be stopping. Apparently, they've reset up another, the brown shirts are bivwacking again around NYU, around Lincoln Center. They could try to retake Hamilton Hall in some way. I hope the guy with the Yankee cap is there again to punch those fat bleeps in the stomach. There's all sorts of things going on. Supposedly, the Democrats are panicking. We'll talk about that as the day goes on. I don't really believe it. Again, it's amazing the way the political press just moves in unison. Again, it's nothing new. Senator Eugene McCarthy, who's been out of office for 50-plus years, he used to say that the political reporters were like birds on a telephone pole. One bird would fly onto with the wires, telephone wires. All the birds would fly on. The bird would fly off, they would all fly off. Today, they're all flying onto the wire. The Democrats are panicking. The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Axios. But we'll see, we'll see. I'm interested in today, and I thought somebody would come up with something. This guy, we started talking about him yesterday. This is one of the guys at University of South Florida. I don't think he's a student. This is the guy, Ata Offman, 18. Exactly, A-T-A-H space, O-T-H-M-A-N, age 39. Age 39. He was arrested. He's one of the 10 that's arrested. He was charged with a felony as was Immanuel Atmosfera. Atmosfera, for that is indeed his name Immanuel Atmosfera. And Leonardo Talili. He was also charged with a felony. So those were the three just typical Florida cracker names, right? But Ata Offman, he's the oldest one, 39 years old. And he had a gun in his waistband when he was lugged. Who the hell is he? It's been 24 hours. This is Tampa. This is DeSantis's hometown. This is Hillsborough County. They have to know something about this guy. That's one more gun founded than at January 6th. Well, you know, it's... There's a lot of this going on at these hippie Nazi gatherings. They found a bunch of guns down at UT. I'm looking for that story right now. This is... Fox 7 reported that after Travis County, that's Austin, police cleared out the University of Texas in Austin and arrested 80 people. They uncovered stashes of guns, chains, mallets and bricks around the encampment. Furthermore, 45 of those arrested, out of 80, were not in any way affiliated with the Longhorns, either with students, faculty or staff. The same thing is at Northeastern. You know? A bunch of... You know, the Globe didn't release the names. That's what would have made the story interesting. But, you know, they're afraid to offend the... I don't think anybody arrested reads the Globe, but they... Maybe they're grandparents, though. But they... Most of those people were not connected with Northeastern in any way, shape or form. And there's all this stuff. We talked about the 63-year-old... Harroden, who was instructing the Nazi hippies at Columbia, how to behave. And she's been arrested 80 times. And then, of course... I think we also mentioned this yesterday. One of the people at the Columbia protest was Nala Al-Adion, wife of Sammy. I don't like Sammy Hagar. S-A-M-I. Al-Aryan, who was busted in 2005 for raising money for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. I wonder what she was doing there at the... At the anti-Semitic riot. But, again, who are the... And why are they... Why won't they tell us who these people are? Are we ever going to find out who... Ata-Othman is? Is he an American citizen? When did he come into the country? Does he have a job? I'm going to take a wild guess on that one. And say no. No. Meanwhile, Stanford University, that's one of... Now, that is a semi-elite. That is an elite school. That may still be an elite school, pretty much. Even more so than Harvard. It's about to pass Harvard in its endowment. If we can get this tax, the wealth tax, through the legislature, to keep Harvard under 50 billion. Seems like a good start. It's for the children. But officials at Stanford University submitted a photo of someone on campus wearing a green headband worn by Hamas terrorist fighters to the FBI as the school struggles to reign in anti-Israel protesters camping overnight on student property. Oh, it's just a Hamas headband. Suppose a war in Nazi headband. Hamas killed a lot more Jews on October 7th than the Nazis have killed since the end of World War II. Right? Why is this not a bigger story? It's in the New York Post. But it's nowhere to be found in state-run media, isn't it? I don't think so. 844, 500, 42, 42. We tried to get some people from somebody from one of the frat boys from Pi Kappa Phi at UNC. We haven't had any success today. I knew some of those guys when I was at Chapel Hill. Some of them worked at the newspaper. Actually, my roommate my senior year was a Pi Kappa Phi. I mean, he wasn't a -- it wasn't like one of the bigger fraternities on campus, but boy, is it big now. It's -- it wasn't one of the more prestigious ones. Let me put it that way. But it wasn't the lodge or -- or -- or -- St. A's where Janet Joplin went after one of her concerts. That was a long, long time ago before I was even there. But anyway, it's -- they did a great job and they've now raised over $400,000 for their rager or their keg or whatever you want to call it. And I'm -- I'm really happy. And I think I -- I speak for a lot of people from -- who graduated from Chapel Hill or who drove through there on I -- on I-85. And just, you know, or nearby. And, you know, it's just -- it's just -- it's a -- it was a happy moment. It was -- you know what was even almost as good? I think maybe just as good was to see the interim chancellor go down -- go out there and -- and take down the -- the Nazi flag and put back old glory. I mean, you -- you expect that some of the students are going to have stones, but you don't expect anybody in any administration anywhere to have any spine. And did you notice, too, by the way, that, you know, it's like Dartmouth has been -- has been singled out. They're not having any problems at Dartmouth. It's the only Ivy League school where they're having zero problems. So I guess -- I guess they were embarrassed. And they -- they went in and they -- they now have an encampment in Hanover. 844, 542, 42. 802. Hitler is reportedly turning over in his grave hearing the word "hippie" associated with Nazis. How else would you describe them? I thought -- I listened to Mark Levin one night last week and he called him Hitler Youth. But I mean, that gives him too much historical perspective. They have no idea who the Hitler Youth were, who the brown shirts were, or crystal-mocked. They don't -- they -- they don't know any of that. I -- I'd prefer just to call him Nazi hippies because that -- that gives him -- that makes him dirty. And they are dirty. They're filthy. By the way, the best video of the day so far is from Portland State University. They had -- they're replaying it on -- on Fox like it's -- like it's the winning touchdown in the Super Bowl on a shoestring catch. These -- these hippie Nazis are running away and the camera is set up to watch them run away and they got shields on them. And this -- this one cop, he doesn't -- it's -- it's not even like a jarring tackle in a football game. He just -- he kind of just shoulders the guy and he go -- this hippie goes down in a -- in a heap. And he takes the other hippie who's also got a shield down with him too. And they go falling down underneath this -- this -- this police -- police rope, you know, the -- the plastic, the yellow -- the -- the yellow rope. And it's -- I mean, it's -- it's like something out of a movie with that -- with the yellow police do not cross -- banner or whatever you want to call it. It's just great stuff. Check it out tonight if you -- if you haven't seen it. 844, 542, 44, they just got a live shot of George Washington University. That's the encampment. They got the green tents. The George Soros, it's -- it's Sorosville. And whether he's -- whether he's involved in it or not, we'll call it Sorosville. 844, 542, 42, 844, 542. Ever notice how when your moms -- when you ask moms what they want from Mother's Day, so many of them ask for just one day, peace and quiet. Well, that may not be possible totally, but at least you can give them some way to escape the turmoil around the family and all the yelling and the chaos. And that's a -- with a pair of Raycon every day earbuds. I'm holding my new pair in my hand. So it's -- it's blue. Not exactly Carolina blue, but close enough. I'm claiming it's Carolina blue right now because of what's happened. Baby, you can't help mom run away from all her responsibilities, but at least you can help her tune out with a brand new pair of Raycon earbuds like these that I have right now. And they're fantastic. I take them with me wherever I go. I just had to pull them out of my pocket when I saw I was going to have to read this spot. Raycon's everyday earbuds are the perfect way to tune out all the noise around you and to tune in to something great. Their audio quality rivals all the big audio brands you know and love and a price you'll love even more. I use my Raycon's pretty much every day. Roscoe sees me putting them in in the morning and in the evening and he knows he's going out for his -- one of his daily walks because I always am using them. And I use them around the house too. If the mailroom manager goes to bed early, she doesn't want to be listening to the music out in the living room, so I just flip them in again. With eight hours of playtime and a 32-hour battery life, I know Raycons are up to the task. They have, among other things, three customizable sound profiles, earbud tap functions, noise isolation, awareness mode, optimized gel tips for a customized comfortable fit. They're just fantastic. The price is great. Mother's Day is coming up, followed by graduation day, followed by Father's Day, followed by you want something to listen to when you're running around this summer on the beach or in the mountains, wherever at the lake, the ocean. Get some Raycon everyday earbuds for yourself or someone you love. Seriously, they make the best Mother's Day gift and Raycon offers easy 30-day returns just in case. Go to today to get 20% off your Raycon order plus free shipping. That's right. You'll get 20% off and free shipping at That's I'm Howie Car. The Howie Car Show. The Emperor of Hate, Howie Car, is back. Today's poll question is brought to you by Eden Rafferty, attorneys at law to see what happened to my leg while having cryo performed at Restore Hyper Wellness. It's not a pretty sight. Go to Taylor, what's the poll? I should mention first that a bunch of stories today, as I mentioned earlier, there's one in the Wall Street Journal saying, "This is like 1968 when the Democrats lost all the working-class voters because of the riots." Here's a column from the New York Times. "Biden is not winning. His campaign should stop acting like it is." And that's not to be confused with the story in Axios. She had another left-wing website, Dem's Interpanic Mode. So, Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is, "Are the Democrats really panicked about the November elections?" Yes, somewhat, but polls change or no think October surprise. I'm going to say somewhat. Twelve percent say somewhat. Forty-one percent say yes. They're panicked. Forty-seven percent think they're not. Yeah. I don't believe anything in any of these state-run media outlets anymore. Nothing. I was having Emma print out some stuff from the 1980s for me, among other places, the Boston Globe. She said she couldn't believe it. The Globe was semi on the level. Semi on the level. They're not at all on the level now. During Chapaquidic, even the New York Times, Time magazine, Life magazine, it was live back then. The Manchester Union leader, they all broke stories. None of them, the ones that exist, wouldn't go near Chapaquidic today. Eight-four-four, five-hundred, forty-two, forty-two, Howie, a slight correction on Dartmouth. They tried an encampment last night, but the new president doesn't take any crap. Welcome change. She had New Hampshire state police on site immediately in riot gear, and after giving warnings for a bit, they cleared the green by midnight and arrested ninety. Good! Good! Glad to hear that. By the way, the phrase I was looking for was crime scene tape. Thanks for pointing that out. I just drew a blank for some reason. But it does look like something out of a movie that they put in. Now the director says, "Now I want you to get hit," and then you run into the other guy, and he slides under the crime scene tape. That's exactly what happens. Eight-four-four, five-hundred, forty-two, forty-two. The president of Dartmouth sent a great email to students this morning defending her actions without any, his or her actions. I don't even know who it is, without any waffling. We'll try to email it to you. Let's see if we can get that. That would be great to have. I've got the Hesperk Statement from Notre Dame in 1969. That is a pretty good statement too. Lou, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Lou. Hi, Howie. Before I get to my point, I disagree with you a little bit, because Grace was talking earlier about the summer of love protests, and what do you call these? I think this is springtime for Hitler. I mean, you could even do a parody with that stuff. You know what it's to say? Someone pointed out, and I thought about this too. They're talking about these palettes and the bricks. And during the summer of love, you remember these, I think it was in St. Louis or East St. Louis, they were just being dropped off randomly? You know, it's the, it's, it looks like it's the same MO, that right down the, right down to these, to dropping off terrorist devices. That's the point I wanted to get to, is where's Christopher Ray and the Democrats? You know, they can find all these novel ways to go after Trump. These novels, you know, Rico laws and all this stuff. But we have the organizers, the instigators, and the funders of this stuff. Where's the novel laws going after the Soros is, the Rockefeller foundations? Or anybody else who's instigating and organizing this stuff and dropping the tents and all this other stuff around here and the chains and the, you know. Right. Right. And the, yeah, the lock that you can't buy at a hardware store, you know? And all these people with guns in their middle-aged thugs, goos with foreign names. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. I'm going to get a story about the, the arrests and Dartmouth. They're starting to mention even the state-run media like the Globe and the New York Times. How many of these people that are getting arrested are not students. They're saying 90 students and non-students were arrested. As the cops arrived on the scene, some people, some hippies, some Nazi hippies chanted in reply, there's no riot here. Why are you in riot gear? And it reminds me of the old line from fear and loathing in Las Vegas about cops being, you know, armed to the teeth going in. A stitch, a stitch in time on them saves nine on you. And that's, that's always been a good policy, I think. You know the, the protesters today that were in Portland that were going up against the Portland police? Yes, the ones who were routed. Yeah, did, did it look to you like the shield they were holding were trash barrels? I didn't know what that was. To me, it looked like a trash can that somebody split in half. Did they buy them from the same site where they bought the tents? I don't know, but they're at UCLA, they're asking for donations. Yeah, they, EpiPens inhalers. Yeah, I know. Nothing says forced to be reckoned with with a bunch of EpiPens inhalers. I don't understand what they got against bananas. I, I don't like bananas, but you would think that those people would like bananas. It's great. I mean, just for, just for the fact that it's, I didn't just like the taste. They, but it's so healthy for you. Great potassium. Right. Especially when you're exerting so much energy, you know, taking on the police. And what's up with the not wanting nuts? Okay, I understand you don't want salted nuts. Those are, those are unhealthy, right? But in raw nuts, aren't those good for most people? Yeah, and they don't have to be refrigerated, which is part, the part I don't understand. They also didn't want some block. They didn't. I don't get that one either. They didn't want coffee. I know you don't understand. I know. How is a coffee at? I would say if you can't bring anything else, bring some coffee, at least I can stay up. And they want ice. Ice. No coffee, but they want ice. Yeah. Because I would think most hippy Nazis like iced coffee. And umbrellas. There was a lot of, I had a lot of questions about this list of stuff they are, they are saying requests, how it's never a request. It's a demand. And they have a long list. Zip ties. Great. Use, use the 60s terminology, a non-negotiable. Zip ties, lotion, umbrellas. They have some quotes in here in Dartmouth. A guy from Wake County, North Carolina. You know what that means? That means it's the state capital. His parents are either working in the research triangle, meaning biotech or something, or they're state workers. And he says this is about uniting the Palestinian with the workers of the world. And he's from Raleigh and he's going to Dartmouth and he's concerned about workers. But they're also going to unite with the graduate organized laborers of Dartmouth. I think that means the graduate assistants. But now they're calling themselves laborers. Like they're carrying a hog. Are they plowing the fields? Isn't that what Joanna King-Satsky said? She was part of the higher education labor movement. Slash political strategist. Yes. She joined Columbia. She joined Columbia. All of these people have had so many different careers. 71 says no coffee because they don't know if it was equitably picked. Same thing with the bananas. You know what? That's probably right. I didn't know about the bananas. I had read that some of them were... Yeah, you do see some of that stuff with them. They have symbols on some of the coffee bags saying that they're equitably picked. It's not equitably picked. There's some phrase they use. Source. That's it. Yeah, you're right. Yeah, sourced. Yeah, I did see on Twitter people were responding about the no sunscreen and they were saying supposedly if you have sunscreen on and then there's pepper spray released, the reaction is worse if you have sunscreen on your body. How many places have used pepper spray on these Nazi hippies? Very few. Yeah, but you never know. They have to be prepared. A stitch in time. They have to be prepared. Hence the Epi pens and the inhalers and everything else. No bagel, no bagel, no bagel, no bagel, no bagel, no bagel. Yeah, no bagels either. No bagels. And you know what's so weird? What about Narcan? I would think these people would need some Narcan. You know what's so weird is when I was in school and you know you'd have a game or something, a sports game and then someone would be in charge of the snacks. Those were all the things that people brought because they traveled well. Bagels, bags of chips, nuts, water bottles, all these things that they don't want there. Sunscreen, I just don't get it. I need more information. I like bagels, but they are kind of unhealthy. But on the other hand, if you're camped out, wouldn't you just want some calories? Yeah, you just want a carboload. Yeah. Yeah, you just need to keep yourself fed. And also beggars shouldn't be choosers. If you're these like, you know, die in the wool protesters and you're fighting for the cause, I don't think you should be so picky about the menu. They're acting like they're at, what's the place Carrie goes to? The Chanticleer or whatever. Oh, the Chanticleer Inn on an end-tucket. And they're looking for appetizers and hot needles. Lobster-drawn butter. It's like, just take what you get and don't get upset. Speaking of the protesters, Mayor Adams is demanding that Columbia University and other private colleges help pay for the cost of the NYPD road on the pro terror rioters. Obviously, you had in your opening, which was a great opening, by the way. Eric Adams talking about the flag and how we shouldn't be tearing down American flags in this country. And also now he's- Because Democrats are starting to sound like Americans again. You know, the Democrat was questioning, what's his name? The Fauci's buddy? Peter Dossack. Peter Dossack. I mean, I couldn't believe that. A Democrat from California? Yeah, it's almost like the pendulum's starting to swing. I was thinking of that today because between the American flag comment from Eric Adams and then the other comment where he says, "Look at it. The other comment where he says, "Listen, these schools have to chip in. Like Columbia and City College, or I'm sorry, CUNY should have to pay." He made a really good point and I thought, you know, Eric Adams, I'm not his biggest fan, Howie. But from a Democrat's perspective, like a moderate Democrat, he had a lot of potential before he started poking the bear with this border thing with Joe Biden. And now he's got obviously the federal, I think there's like a federal pro. Yeah. Yeah, there is. They're after his fundraiser. So they're obviously trying to get him through these Turkish guys who gave a lot of money. Right. But if he hadn't kept bothering Joe Biden, I don't know. He could have gone pretty far. Wasn't that the first sign though that he was getting something done when they went after him? Yeah. Kind of like Henry Quayar in Texas. Yeah. No, you're right. Hey, did you see the latest true social from Donald Trump? No. So you know that the hush money trial has resumed today. Yesterday, they went dark for a day now. Right. And there's been reports since it began that Trump has been dozing off in the courtroom. And like I say, anyone who's ever been in a courtroom for a long time has dozed off. Especially if it says stupid of a case of this. Exactly. And every case has its down periods. I had a theory when this first came out, Howie. I think you were. We didn't discuss it. But I had this theory that he's pretending to be asleep so that he can get everybody mad and troll them. I think he's really a master troll. And he knows that they all are so mad that he's not eyes wide open watching this momentous occasion. Right. Well, so he puts out today amidst reports that he appeared to fall asleep during his criminal hush money trial in Manhattan. He claims he simply closed my beautiful eyes. I simply close my beautiful eyes sometimes after multiple reporters in the courtroom indicated he appeared to not off. He also wrote, I don't fall asleep during the crooked DAs, which on especially not today. And he said he listens intensely and takes it all in. Wait, didn't he use the phrase beautiful blue eyes? Yeah, I'm reading here from Forbes. It doesn't say blue. Oh, I'm sorry. Tail. You're right. He simply closed my beautiful blue eyes sometimes. Yeah. So again, I think he's just trying to give them the needle. Another big story today, Howie, which I talked to you about earlier, but it's worth mentioning the border agent on horseback, who was falsely accused of whipping Haitian migrants in Texas, has now been awarded for his service specifically his intelligence work on human smuggling cases. So one of the horseback border patrol agents who was accused by not just Joe Biden, but Kamala Harris and. Mayorkas. Mayorkas. Several different reporters. I think April Ryan was running with the story even years later. He has now been awarded for being an excellent border patrol agent. Congrats. Yeah, and still waiting on his apology. This was a DHS source who had a great quote in the New York Post. I find it hilarious and ridiculous that almost three years later, a border patrol agent who was accused of being racist and so vilified by this Biden administration now wins an achievement award for his efforts in preventing smuggling before he gets a public apology. I don't think he's holding his breath, but no, well, you know, again, we talk about how none of these people have any real life experience. Not only if they never ridden the horse, they've never even seen a horse race, apparently, to see what what jockeys do with horses. Exactly. And the other crazy part about this story is that when Kamala Harris, you know, they talk about the investigation, people have waited now years for any updates on it. I'm pretty sure the findings were exactly what we thought, which was nothing bad happened, but how this whole thing was debunked unless my memory is failing me within hours. Right. Like the photographer who took the photo, you could say, oh, you know, people with Jesse Smollett, for example, Kamala Harris made a fool of herself with that. But that had gone on for a couple of weeks or a couple of days at least a couple of days. Until it fell apart. And there was a lot of people who doubted it, but they didn't want to say anything. This fell apart about as fast as the, as the Bubba Wallace noose. Exactly. It was hours. And if they couldn't, they couldn't keep their mouth shut for hours before they came out and vilified these guys, and they never apologized. So 857 says no bagels because they're a Jewish meal. I don't know. Do you really associate bagels anymore? I mean, they're bagels for everybody nowadays. I love bagels. So good. Howdy. One last story for you. I'd like to see some blances going. I love blances. Hey, no bagel, no bagel, no bagel, no bagel. Okay. Okay. Send the blances in. Fired ABC weatherman Rob Marciano's heated screaming match with GMA producer was last straw. So a very angry weatherman, Rob Marciano was fired by the Disney own network this week after engaging in a heated screaming match with one of the show's producers. Now I was reading this and it seems that Ginger Z, who's also a meteorologist for ABC, she's the one who alerted her superiors after hearing of his tirade. I guess the two have a long standing feud. They're back and forth. Who's going to be the top weather dog? There's a lot of that stuff going on. That happened when they still had investigative reporters in Boston. The two female investigative reporters, remember that? That happened a couple of years ago. The younger one got the older one fired. Always put your money on the younger one. It's like when there's a battle for that last position on the football team on the starting position. They're going to get rid of the old guy. I guess they have like a really long standing feud and she treated him. This is a media executive told the post. She treated him as a beta and she was the alpha. He also allegedly made female staffers at GMA uncomfortable because of his awkward tendency to overshare information about his divorce from his then wife. According to the Daily Beast. So that's just a little bit of weather news for everyone. I think this is what happens when a market or a business contracts. There's not room for two alpha weather men anymore, anywhere. A weather man and a weather woman. All right. Thank you, Grace. 844-542-42. I'm Howie Carr. Want more from the Howie Carr Show? Yes, always. Watch Howie Live at Howie Carr Show. He's not just another pretty face. He's an extraordinarily good looking man. He's Howie Carr. That's a little bit of a bromance going on there. You're listening to the Howie Carr Show. You know there's plenty more when you shop at Howie store for another Howie Carr Chief Master Deal. Howie Carr. The Chief is bastard around. All right. We have a new restaurant today and it's in areas where we don't often have cheap bastard deals in Foxboro and Westboro. It's the Tavalino restaurant there in Foxboro and in Westboro, Massachusetts with two locations. Obviously, Tavalino Foxboro is at Patriot Place and Tavalino Westboro is at Bay State Commons. You can enjoy superior Italian cuisine, homemade pastas and fresh baked breads without going too far out of your way. Tavalino's chefs take pride in using the freshest local ingredients available. They combine traditional techniques and recipes with creative contemporary ideas. Their menu changes seasonally and they'll always have plenty of options available to please everybody. While supplies last, you can purchase a $40 gift card to Tavalino for just $20. Just go to and click store to order yours before they sell out. And I think these will go pretty fast because there are, again, there are two locations. With us now to tell us more about Tavalino is owner Graham Silliman. Graham, thanks for being with us and welcome to the Howie Carr Radio Network. Happy to have you as a new sponsor and we're looking forward to going to Tavalino's ourselves. Cool, thank you, Howie. So tell us about Tavalino. What's your number one entree right now? So we got our start on Cape Cod, the original restaurant called Sienna. And then we expand it and to our surprise even when you go to Fox or you go to Westboro, everybody still wants seafood. Our probably our biggest seller is salmon and they make it in the kitchen with toasted pistachios on top and everybody really likes that. And we do spaghetti and clams and people love that. And then beyond that, I would say, especially because it's getting the summer, we just opened up our patios this week. Everybody wants a salad and they want a salad that is legit, a whole meal. So it's always, can I get shrimp on top of that? Can I get steak on top of that? Can I get chicken on top of that? And I mean, yeah, of course, that's what we do all day long. Yeah, you know, pistachios are one of those things I never really thought about them much, but I've just been discovering them. They are really excellent. They add a lot to just about any kind of dish, I think, Graham. Well, you know, salmon can get boring. Every restaurant is going to have it. Everyone's going to order it. And you have to come up with something to make it a little bit interesting. And it's actually a very healthy nut too. So it's good for you. So, yeah, really, really popular dish. So is Tavolino's, are they both open seven days a week and what time did they open? Both open seven days a week, lunch and dinner, open by noon. Actually, the one in Fox Road, which is a Patriot Place, we have an espresso bar right next door to it, Cafe Barista. And they're open right and early in the morning and they serve a breakfast. Patriot Place always got construction. That's where the construction workers are always lining up to get breakfast. And we take care of them and then it's on to lunch with everything else. Great. So now these gifts certificate, it's the $40 gift certificate for $20 bucks. They're just, are they just going to Tavolino or can they be used at Sienna too? Oh, they can be used at Sienna on Cape Cod. The only thing we said we asked the managers at this is that we really want people, want your listeners who haven't been in, please come in. This is a really good deal. We don't really do coupons very much. The Howie Car Cheap Bastard Deal is about it. And we want people who haven't been in, look, here's a deal. Come on in. So we say, look, one per table when you come in, it's just kind of an invitation to say, look, if you haven't been in yet, what are you waiting for? Let me give you a nudge. Here's a cheap bastard deal. Yeah, no, this is a, this is a good deal. This is a good reason to go down and it's very convenient. Like you say, it's, you know, you don't have to go out of your way. You know, we all know the, the headaches of going into the, into the north end or even even Cambridge or Waltham, you know, you're going to have to valet and tip, even if you don't have to pay to park. This is a good way to not have to deal with any of that stuff. You know, Howie, if you're in or near Foster or near Westboro, I mean, one of the things we say is, come on, people in the suburbs, they should get something nice too. And so that's what we're there. All right. So Graham Solomon, thanks for being with us. This is a Tavolinos restaurant. They're in Foxboro at Patriot Place and in Westboro at Bay State Commons. click on store $40 gift card for just 20 bucks. I'm how we car.