The Howie Carr Radio Network

Scott Hounsell Breaks Downs Daszak Testimony Plus Fake Meat Disinformation | 5.2.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

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02 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trateria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone and welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. I cannot believe it started at 2 o'clock. This show flew by and it's not over yet. We are joined by one of our OG guests. He was one of the original people who actually said yes to coming on the show. And at the time he had no idea what the show was. And so we really appreciated him giving us a chance. And he also happens to be someone who has been completely on top of the Dr. Fauci, EcoHealth Alliance, Coronavirus, Wuhan Lab, Scandal. From the beginning, he knows this inside and out. He's done some great reporting on it. That would be my friend Scott Hounsel. Scott, thanks so much for coming on the show. Anytime, Grace, as I can say, yes, I may have given you a chance, but you also gave me a chance. So it was a two-way street in that regard. Yes, indeed. And I'm happy I did because since then so much has happened with this reporting. Now Scott, I told you this earlier before the interview I said, "Listen, Peter Dasek, he's the EcoHealth Alliance President for people who don't know. He was actually, he testified in a congressional hearing yesterday on the Coronavirus pandemic. But I think, Scott, for the sake of this conversation, we have to rewind a little bit and give people some of the basics when it comes to Peter Dasek and why people should care about this figure when it comes to the Wuhan Lab and Dr. Fauci." Yes, so Peter Dasek is a British uologist. He's also a virologist and he's kind of heading up this new effort to help to identify viruses that may be at high potential for zoonotic spillover. That is jumping from animals to humans. In this particular case, when we're talking about the coronavirus with SARS-CoV-2, that is a bat to human jump. Okay, got it. And so now he testified yesterday. There were some big takeaways. Some people thought that even Democrats seem to be giving Dasek a bit of a hard time with the handling of COVID. I would love, Scott, your overall view before we get into some of these cuts of how this went for him. The problem that exists with a lot of this, and this is both on Republicans and Democrats, is I don't think any of them were informed enough to appropriately question him on the matter. I think that there's a lot that is not being said and not being looked at, especially with now that we have a lot of the documents that have been foiled from the NIH and the NAID that shows his interaction with interactions, plural with Fauci, and what efforts he went into to divert and to push away from any type of lab lead theory. And so I think that there's a lot to be said for what happened yesterday, and I'm glad to see the guy getting questioned. Absolutely. Is it enough? I don't believe so. And you know what, Scott, that does make sense that the people questioning, and I'm going to play, we have James Comer, we also have Morgan Griffith, but it does make sense that you've got someone like James Comer, right? And he's trying to connect all the dots with the Biden family corruption influence peddling scheme. It makes sense that he's not going to know the ins and outs of what's going on with EcoHealth Alliance and with the emails. I mean, there's only so much bandwidth these people have for this information. Right. And again, it's also the complexity of the information. I mean, I can talk to you about genetic and genomic coding and what each virus does and how they are related to one another. And I don't think that many of these lawmakers are taking the time. I even on Twitter, I even went on and kind of jokingly suggested that I'd be glad to question Peter Dossick for them, because I obviously have a little bit more knowledge on the matter. Like I said, I just think that the complexities of the matter sometimes get lost in the weeds. What it really comes down to is Peter Dossick is, as I've written before, kind of this modern day bond villain. He had these grandiose intentions that he was going to save the world. And, in my opinion, probably ended up quite a common close to destroying it. And so, as I don't think any bond villain out there has negative intentions. They think they're saving the world. And so, I think Peter Dossick is well-intentioned. But when he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, ultimately led to what I believe is one of the greatest cover-ups in the history of mankind. Yeah. And the other part of this that I want to ask you about, and then we'll play this cut from Morgan Griffith, Congressman from Virginia, is part of this conversation. And we've talked about this in regards to Dr. Fauci, because I think Dr. Fauci's emails with colleagues and with people involved in the coronavirus and, you know, trying to get the pandemic under control. His emails tell a story. They give a lot of credence to this idea that he was dismissive of the lab leak theory or that he knew more than he let on, and he kind of flip flopped on the origins of it. Do you feel that what was laid out yesterday and what you already know that Peter Dossick did something similar? He was not only doing something similar. He was working in collaboration with Dr. Fauci in the matter, even from Fauci's emails that we've seen from FOIA requests. Christian Anderson, who's a virologist out of the Scripps Institute in San Diego, had taken a look at the genomic research from the early SARS COVID-2 pandemic. That is the COVID-19, the virus that causes the COVID-19 infection. He sent an email to Dr. Fauci saying that he believed that his research into the early virus information showed that it had been genetically modified. Dr. Fauci moved that conversation to a phone call. Why? Because the contents of the phone call couldn't be FOIAED. So that's why I have -- and then all of a sudden, Christian Anderson thereafter is suddenly singing a different tune. And to me, that was probably along the lines of -- the call probably went something along the lines of this. If this gets out, we're all finished and we're never going to make a penny again in our lives. All your research is done, NIH grants are done, NIAID grants are done, everything's done. And I think that there's -- a lot of this was about protecting the field of virology from being completely gutted in the wake of what is probably lab leak. Yeah, and you were one of the first people saying that, and at the time it was considered misinformation. He was actually asked about misinformation and disinformation. And what I find interesting too is that when you think back to the Hunter Biden of it all with the laptop, a lot of people, the former intelligence agents, people in the FBI, they knew this was true, and they did nothing to prevent it from being suppressed, even though they knew that there was a truth there and that it wasn't the earmarks of Russian disinformation. The reason I bring that up is because if anyone knew that some of the science and some of the information that was being put out didn't deserve to be censored, it was Peter Dasek, and he didn't do anything to stop it. Quite the contrary. In fact, he was the kind of circus leader in regards to kind of presenting a lot of science being conducted into the potential of a lab leak theory. In fact, before we had even had a single U.S. case in January of 2020, he was circling the wagons with all of his virologist buddies to write a letter that stated that the leak did not come from the lab. Well, if you want to talk about science, what science was conducted, what investigations were conducted to prove this, to solidify this as the definitive answer in this regard. My quest here has never been able -- never been to prove that there was a lab leak theory. It was to question the narrative of whether or not it was only from a do not expel over at a wet market. It didn't seem to add up. And the more I looked into the science and data and the more that I saw the communications that were going between these scientists, it began to paint a picture that the lab leak theory not only was likely, it was the prevailing theory. Yeah, and what you just said, it's so true because a lot of this stuff, as you mentioned about the Congressional hearing, it is complicated. It is a little bit in the weeds. And I think that's what they depend on a lot of the time. I think Dr. Fauci depended on the fact that nobody was going to do the research, that nobody was going to dig into the emails. If they were going to dig into the emails, they wouldn't know what they were reading. It would be like a foreign language. And so he would be protected because a lot of scientists and doctors, they do tend to be liberal. They do tend to agree with Dr. Fauci. We saw that in the Lancet letter. They did kind of have his back. So he was probably hoping that if any boomerroob like Scott Hounsel would come across these emails, he would know what they were even talking about. And I think they kind of used that as a little bit of protection. I wanted to play here a cut from Representative Morgan Griffith from Virginia. This is a back and forth he had with Dasek yesterday at this Congressional hearing, and I'll get your reaction, Scott. This is cut eight. Well, there's a fourth possibility, isn't there? That we conducted scientific research in the period between the initial drafting of that report and updating it. And if that were true, hang on. If that were true, Dr. Dasek, why didn't you tell me that in November of last year? It's only, it's been less than six months. I gave you the opportunity to say that there was a change in your initial drafts and later drafts. You didn't bring up this fourth possibility then. You didn't say, "Well, we did some additional research and we made a change on the number of times that a bad virus might spill over into the population in Southeast Asia or South China." You didn't give me that. I gave you the chance. I didn't ask it. I was looking for facts. I wasn't trying to cross-examine you at that time, and yet you didn't tell me the truth. And today you come up with a new theory as to why that might have happened. What do you make of that, Scott? Well, this isn't the first time that Peter Dothik has played this game. In fact, during, between about 2014 and 2017, the U.S. had a ban on any type of gain of function research being conducted with U.S. funding. That was part of the reason why Dothik was so handy is that he was the pass-through by which he, you know, a New York-based operation by which the U.S. funded viral research and then they outsourced it then to the WIV, the Wuhan Institute of Virology. So we see this pass-through that is occurring. But on top of that, he had the profile annual reports with the NIH and the NIAID regarding what research produced. And in 2017, Ecooff Alliance and their researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology created a super virus that was not reported on the reports for that year and was only amended in 2021 after the coronavirus pandemic to say that they had accidentally created it and somehow, as a clerical error, forgot to mention, oh, by the way, we created this, created the super virus that we didn't report. Dothik has been divorced from fact from day one. And he continues to play the shell game. He and Fauci both, where they will change the names and change the definitions and then the rest of it. Fauci has done it numerous times, whether it was originally be called gain-of-function research and then later as the pandemic progressed, they changed it to EPPP, enhanced potential pandemic pathogen. And so the shell game of changing the definitions and changing the reports and changing what it means has been their way of, again, taking it into the weeds, making the issue complex and difficult to understand because if it's complex and difficult to understand, half the population is going to tune it out from day one. Yeah, Scott, I have to wrap up in a second, but I wanted to ask you. There's so many different lines of questioning yesterday. James Comer, representative James Comer, got into questioning Peter Dothik's relationship with the intelligence agencies and actually asked him if he had ever been an informant for intelligence agencies. Were there any, I don't know if that counts, but were there any lines of questioning where you heard it and you said, "That's where I want more focus on." That's something I'd like them to expound on. Was there anything that you heard that you thought? That's the money piece right there. They need to hammer that home a little bit more. Primarily what they're talking about is the PREDICT program, which is the Department of Defense Initiative, which is to, again, predict the potential of do not expel over of these viruses. However, this also then creates this question of why is US government military funding going to a military lab in China, a viral military lab in China? While they're talking about, "Hey, you're working with intelligence agencies," I think the question should have been, "Why is US intelligence agency money going to a viral lab in China that we have no control over?" In fact, Peter Dothik himself has been on numerous investigation panels for the WHO and then later the Lancet, both of which were disbanded because they couldn't find an origin for COVID. But both of those times, they were still. Even though Dothik was on his board, he's a buddy of Xi Xing Li, who's the viral research lead at the Wuhan history of virology. He was not allowed at the lab to investigate the potential that this may have come from the lab. The Chinese government prevented it. So why are we spending money in a lab that we don't even have access to? We can't get into ask questions about that. That's a question that I would like to see answered. Scott Hounsel, thank you so much for joining us and adding some context to all of the questions that were thrown at Peter Dothik yesterday. And by the way, if anyone wants to follow Scott on Twitter, it's @HounceSizzle on Twitter. That's where you should follow him @HounceSizzle. He's a great reporter. He's been on this since the beginning, and I don't think we've even really reached a fever pitch about these questions because there's so much to uncover and Scott's just at the beginning of it. So thank you, Scott Hounsel. We'll talk to you soon, and we will be right back with more This Is The Grace Curly Show. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gunworks. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2PM. This Is The Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you very much for tuning in. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm Free Pack special. Everyone loves the Thunderstorm. It doesn't take up any floor space. There are no filters to replace, and it's only one-third the cost of those bulky air purifiers. To take advantage of the Thunderstorm 3 pack, go to and use promo code GRACE3. Jared Diglio is on the board. Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is Joe Biden is scheduled to give two graduation addresses. How many do you think he'll actually do? One, both or not? I'm going to go with the goose egg on this one. Yeah, 55% of the audience says zero. 31% think he'll do both, and 14% think he'll do one. Yeah, more house, the officials there are hoping that they're going to get him to agree to some sort of Q&A or you know, listening town hall with the students there in an effort to maybe deter some protests from occurring when he actually gives the commencement address. I don't think that's going to happen. I think when his team gets the email about, "Hey, would you want to come a little earlier to talk to people?" So hopefully they don't heckle you. They're going to go, "Actually, we meant to call you guys to tell you we're out. We're not doing it." And the West Point address, I don't think he's going to do either because last year he gave the commencement address at the Air Force Academy. And that was in Colorado. And that was his, I was already on maternity leave at that point. I think that was like the day after I had Emily. And I remember seeing the video on TV and thinking that was a, that was a nasty fall. That was when he blamed like the sandbags on the stage. And you got to remember these commencement addresses. It's different than the quick three minute, you know, kind of nothing teleprompter statements he gives. There's, there's a lot of sun. You're expected to go for a certain amount of time. There's a lot of people there. Like typically now he gives these, these, these addresses and there's maybe 15, maybe 10 people in the audience and they've all been instructed on when to clap, when to chant four more years, when to sit down, not to ask questions. It's very, very controlled. And I think that these outdoor commencement addresses with all these hooligans, just, you know, chomping at the bit to heckle this guy, it's not a good recipe for the Biden administration. They're very nervous right now. They don't need the stress. And plus, plus, as we pointed out earlier, this is the biggest factor of all. When you're president, you give these addresses, you don't get paid. Money talks. And I don't think Joe Biden's going to be talking at these commencement addresses. I think he's going to have a skip a rue and decide, eh, maybe next year, we'll be right back. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. I'm glad we have some textures who are happy about the fact that we did hit on the Wuhan lab pandemic congressional hearing with Peter Dossack yesterday. We had a collaboration with some Chinese Chinese scientists with journalist Scott Hounsel because I worry sometimes about that stuff. It is in the weeds. It is hard to understand. Maybe I'm just assuming that it's hard to understand because it's tricky for me to get, you know, all the mutations and the virus and where it started and the grants and the process of getting the grants. It's a lot to take in. But when you have someone like Scott Hounsel who can kind of walk you through it, I think it makes it easier. Glad people enjoyed it. 844-542-42. I did want to mention here, you know what I want to do, Jared, which we haven't done in so long. I've been slacking on playing some of our favorite little segment sound cuts. Let's take a trip down memory lane. That's right. I want to take you back, okay? I want to take you back to September of 2021 when there was an event that had the left melting down. And here's something I find very telling. When it comes to maligning what the left sees as like a Republican, even if you're just from a red state, if you're a working person, and they think that you are someone they can vilify, they waste no time. There's no due process. There's no investigations. They'll come right at you and they'll come at you hard. But here's the difference. If it's a situation like, for example, all of these Hamas had been wearing protesters wanting to burn Tel Aviv to the ground, then they need time. Then they need time to understand it. Joe Biden needs nine days. You know, it's very complicated. There's a lot of nuance. But if they think they can pick someone out and use them as like a straw man that their entire base can hate, then they waste absolutely no time. Think of like Nicholas Sandman, for example. If it works for them, if it fits their narrative, they're not worried about the facts checking out. They're not even worried if it's a fake story. Sometimes I'll see a story every once in a while. And if I think, wow, I can do like a whole show on that, I oftentimes will take a beat. It's one of those, those things where it's, if it's too good, you might want to wait a minute and just see if it checks out. They're not worried though, because when it inevitably doesn't check out, they've already gotten their point across their lie has already went around the world. No one's going to follow up on the correction. No one's going to ask them for a maya culpa. They can just move on. And that brings us to the whipping of the Haitian migrants in Texas. Now in 2021, border patrol agents were accused of whipping migrants at the border in Texas. They were on horseback. They actually were just holding the reins to the horses. But the way the photo was taken, it looked like they were whipping Haitian migrants. Now, an easy way for them to verify this would be to ask the photographer. And I do believe the photographer came out and said, I was there, picture looks like it, but that didn't happen. But I mean, what does he know? He was just, you know, on site. He was just there when it occurred. So immediately after what happens, Joe, Kamala, they're hoping that they can use this as a shiny object to distract their base of voters from the fact that they are ruining everything, that everything they touch turns to excrement. So they run to cameras, people take note. They never, ever want to take questions from reporters, unless it's Howard Stern or Drew Barrymore, or like Stephen Colbert. But if they think they can vilify, they run to the cameras. They run to the microphones. They can't get enough. Listen to Kamala Harris. I've never heard her commenting on really any situation unless she thinks it's going to whip up her base of voters. You know, it's a good example. Just you smell it. She couldn't wait for the facts to check out on that one. She had to comment on it. She had to seize and pounce in a weapon eyes and hope to gain some political momentum from a scandal. So she jumped on it and she looked like a moron when it totally fell apart. This is the same exact thing. A woman who never takes questions, never is prepared, runs to the cameras at the White House so that she can talk to reporters so she can malign these Border Patrol agents. Take a listen. What I saw depicted about those individuals on horseback, trading human beings when they were horrible. And I fully support what is happening right now, which is a thorough investigation into exactly what is going on there. But human beings should never be treated that way. And I was deeply troubled about it. Oh, you shouldn't be because it didn't happen. Human beings shouldn't be treated that way. And fortunately, they weren't treated that way because again, it didn't happen. And then when it came out that it didn't happen and it didn't take a long time, Jared, like they, my orcas and all these people said, we're gonna have an investigation. I think the investigation is still ongoing. I don't know if it ever wrapped up. But as far as the general public figuring out if this had happened, their investigation was a lot faster than Mayorkas and all these Mensa members, all these Avengers in the White House. They were able to figure out it didn't happen within, I think, hours actually. I think it took hours for the regular person on Twitter to realize that this was very fake news. And now we're however many years later. And it comes out today that one of the border agents, because you might be saying to yourself, why are we talking about this? Why did we take this trip down memory lane? Well, it's very full circle, actually. One of the border patrol agents that was on horseback that was falsely accused of whipping migrants by everyone from Joe to Kamala and actually recently a reporter, April Ryan, she's still running with this with this narrative. One of those border patrol agents has now been awarded for his service. And actually, he was recognized for his intelligence work on human smuggling cases. The agent was one of five. This is from the New York Post. The agent was one of the five photographed on horseback during the incident where they were accused of whipping Haitian migrants at the riverbank in Del Rio, Texas while trying to control members of a crowd. The pictures were widely misinterpreted with President Biden calling them outrageous and saying the agents, I promise you, those people will pay. This is a DHS source who summed it up perfectly. I find it hilarious and ridiculous that almost three years later a border patrol agent who was accused of being racist and so vilified by this Biden administration now wins an achievement award for his efforts in preventing smuggling before he gets a public apology. People always say like, where does this person go to get their reputation back? Where do these border patrol agents go to get their reputations back? You know, it would be a good start and apology from the people who lied about them. Even even if you got that, it still wouldn't make up for the fact that for a few hours, the entire world accused you of being a racist monster, but it's a start. It's the beginning of something. Get the ball rolling. Takes three years to come up with an apology. Pretty pathetic. Now, something else I wanted to mention here. First of all, congrats to that border patrol agent. Here I was thinking you were this evil, evil monster and actually you're doing good work in preventing human smuggling. So kudos. I don't think you're going to get any sort of praise from Joe Biden or Alejandro Mayorkas or Kamala Harris. So don't hold your breath. I wanted to mention another story here that caught my eye. Plant-based meat sales down in U.S. This is from the Post Millennial. And there's a report out by the Good Food Institute, GFI. And they found that sales of the plant-based alternatives to real meat, seafood, eggs and dairy in the United States declined in 2023. Out of those. Out of those, Jared. Plant-based alternatives to meat, seafood, eggs and dairy, which one would you be the most likely to indulge in? A plant-based alternative to meat, seafood, eggs or dairy. Don't make that face. Don't make that face. I will report you to the Biden administration's alternative to seafood. That's right out of the gate. Right to jail. Yep. No trial, nothing. I'm crossing that one off. Were my other options? Eggs. No, I know. I'm crossing that one off. Meat or dairy? I'd probably go with dairy. I've had almond milk. I've had oat milk. It's okay. So if I have some type of, you know what? There's pea protein milk now. Like peas are made into milk. My son still has a little bit of dairy allergies. So he's going to drink. It's not great, but it's not terrible. I'd probably do the dairy. You're going dairy? I think that would go with meat. Just because they've had the most practice with that, it seems like that's the one they're pushing the most. But the reason I read this story to you is because something about it stuck out to me. So it says the report found that six in American families bought at least one plant-based alternative in 2023. Plant-based meat sales decline more sharply than plant-based food sales overall. This is from one of the editors. Then it says they suggested, the editors of this report suggested that the decline could be attributed, at least in part, to funding constraints, scaling complexities, and arise in misinformation and disinformation. Is this a case for Nina Jankowitz? Super califragilistic. It's being alladocious. There's misinformation about fake food. Like by definition, the food itself is the misinformation here. Yeah, the food is the one lying to us. The food is selling us something that it's not. Well, it says nonetheless. Now, here's the real kicker. So they first start to say the reason sales are down is because of misinformation and disinformation. Okay. Blame Donald Trump. Blame the right wing agitators. Blame QAnon. Blame Michael Flynn for the misinformation about the fake meat conglomerates. Okay. They're spreading this misinformation and disinformation. Blame Rand Paul and any of these people on YouTube blame them. But it says this. And I think with this second part, they're really drilling down more to the problem here. I would say that the second part of this could be the crux of the matter. It says nonetheless, they cited data showing that American consumers would be more willing to eat plant based meat if it tasted better, became more affordable and overall provided a clear value. Now, when it comes to the declining sales of fake seafood, fake meat, fake eggs, fake dairy, Jared, would you guess that the problem is the taste or disinformation? I feel like it's hard to claim disinformation when people are just eating something. I don't think you need like a disinformation campaign. If someone eats something and goes, I don't like the taste of that. I don't think the Russians and like the troll had to on Twitter had to be involved in this. I feel like it was kind of point A to point B. Some sexy cows, sexy pigs, sexy chickens, sexy fishes. Somebody took a bite and said, eh, it's very expensive and it doesn't taste good. I don't know how many bad actors in the media or on the right wing. There are nothing that Vladimir Putin cannot do. Yeah, like, are we really trying to blame us on bad actors, like disinformation? It feels as though maybe the problem here is the taste. If people, and that's what they're going to start saying now, but electric vehicles too, you know, it's not that they can't take you as far or they're inconvenient or they're super expensive. It's just taste terrible. It's right wing disinformation. It's people on radio talking about how they're too expensive and they don't get you as far and they're a hassle. That's the problem. It's not the fact that all those things are true. It's the fact that people are pouncing and seizing and weaponizing on it. But that's, that's the question of the day is like, which is more responsible for the downfall of fake meat? The taste or Vladimir Putin? I don't know. I'm, I'm still on the fence. You know what, Jared? I need more information. I need more disinformation. I'm going to wait on this one. Listen up, everyone. You've waited through the cold temps in February and the rainy weather in March and now we are into May. It's officially May here and, and everywhere. And now you can expect warmer weather, longer days ahead, summer times around the corner. But with all of that, Jared comes pollen, pollen shows up. That's not disinformation. It is true. Allergens, pollutants are in the air and people want to be able to enjoy the outside. They want to roll down their windows, but they don't want to have a sneeze attack. Yeah, this is more plant-based distaste for me that is not misinformation. The pollen is really high today. Actually, I was, I was putting together the, some stuff for the show earlier and I got the alerts on the bottom of the bottom bar on the, on the computer. It said pollen high today and I was like, okay, well, it's a good thing. I got the thunderstorm in my car because that way I can turn it on. I can get that eye and eyes to air in my car to eliminate the pollen, the allergens and the pollutants that are in the air the same way it does odors. So my ride home, which is going to be a long one because it's a Thursday afternoon. If you know, you know, so my ride home will be a lot more pleasant because I'm not going to be coughing and choking and sneezing the whole time. Yeah. And if you want to enjoy the fresh air without the tissues and if you want to get rid of any odors in your house, any musty basement odors, here's what you need to do. Go to get the three packs. You can put one in your car, when your kitchen, when your basement possibilities are endless. Use code grace three to get the three pack. That's how you save the most money and get the best deal. Go to code grace and the number three. Don't forget the code grace three. So yeah, as far as disinformation goes, I'm just keeping a list here. Here's some things that were disinformation and ended up being true. COVID-19 vaccines don't prevent COVID. Remember we were told that's disinformation. You can't say that. Dr. Fauci, give me that out. Then it ended up being true. And even Joe Biden and other people were saying, well, you know, if you get the COVID, if you get the vaccine, it's not going to stop you from getting COVID. Just keep getting boosters and keep getting COVID. And you know, the cycle continues twice vaccinated. Another piece of disinformation. Hunter Biden's laptop has all the earmarks of Russian disinformation. All the ear mercs. That was another piece of misinformation and disinformation that later was independently verified by our trusted news networks. And the latest disinformation is that fake food, fake seafood, fake meat, fake eggs, fake dairy doesn't taste as good as real seafood and real meat and real eggs and real dairy. I don't think we need to wait two years to find out that this disinformation is actually very factual. I think we can all make that assumption right now. We'll be right back with Howard Lauren's car. Don't go anywhere. You keep meatballs in your jacket. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone to the Grace Curly Show. Joining me now is the captain, Howie Carr, Howie Good News on the Israel Hamas Front. There's been a lot of attention paid to these negotiations and whether or not Bibi Netanyahu and Hamas can come to a resolution here or come to some sort of ceasefire agreement. It's probably a better way to put it. But I don't know if any of that is even in play now that the Boston City Council has approved a ceasefire resolution. Well, if you know, it's still in doubt next next week, the Arlington Town meeting has on on its warrant, a similar resolution show. So that should really push it over the over the top top. Peace in our time, Ms. Neville Chamberlain would say, you know, this entire conflict and the subsequent protest, it's highlighted a lot of things in our current society. But one thing I think it's definitely struck a chord with is there's so many narcissists out there. Like the self importance of these people that they think that Bibi Netanyahu or anyone in Israel cares what the Boston City Council has to say about their negotiations with Hamas. It's ludicrous. Well, I think the Boston City Council has been trying to do this for a long time. But it used to be that there were a handful of people on the city council like Jimmy Kelly from South Boston who would say, what what the bleep is this all about? They don't care about us. I mean, now, now, I mean, you could be canceled, you know, you could you could be get all kinds of horrible feedback or blowback. If you say the obvious thing, which is nobody cares. Yeah, right. No, thanks for your input, but we're good. Hey, I got news for him. Nobody cares in Stommerville, Cambridge, you know, the neighboring communities, let alone in Israel or in Gaza. No, you don't come for me because if you want smoke, you get smoke. You're right about that. How I want to ask you, so Biden is scheduled to do these two commencement dresses, one at Morehouse College, which we know that was a college that I believe he's he's attended before or he said that he attended there. I thought he found it. Yeah, he's a quarterback from that school. He was a tailback because he's from single wing days. Come on. He was at the college of the 30s. He's a rover. He was a run. But how do you think he'll give these commencement dresses, especially now that we know he doesn't get paid for them? No, he can't. How could he give these commencement addresses? They he put out a 20 second tweet the other day and they had that eight jump cuts. One take Joe. He's a one take wonder how he carves coming up next. Don't go anywhere. Sure, we need a nice summer depression.