The Howie Carr Radio Network

Iranian College offers free tuition to U.S. students protests | 5.2.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Plus Woke or Joke!

Broadcast on:
02 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. I should have plugged this earlier because it's going to be a nice break in the action. Well, first of all, we have Woker Joke brought to you by Aviva Trattoria. That's a 130, which is always fun. Always a nice breath of fresh air in the craziness that is this country under Joe Biden. And then... By the way, that was a joke. Not a joke. At two o'clock, we're joined by Scott Hounsel, who is all over the Dr. Fauci, Peter Dasach situation. And he's going to break down the hearings yesterday in any key takeaways that he had. We also have a lot of sound from that. So that's coming up. It's not going to be all college chaos all day, but it definitely is the leading story. I will add in that the Trump/New York City Hush Money trial continues. It is resuming today. He was off yesterday. They went dark yesterday for a day. And now he's back. And it said, I saw a headline in Breitbart that Stormy Daniels' lawyer was testifying today. And I thought, I could have sworn he was in prison. I could have sworn that Michael Avenatti was in prison and maybe potentially running for president. But I don't know how he's found the time to show up here at this court. Now, of course, somebody that is testifying, somebody that's like holding this whole thing together is Michael Cohen, which if your entire case is dependent on someone who is a proven liar, then I don't really know how strong the case is, but we shall see. Now, I did want to go back here to a story at a Stanford. I have a different story on each of these schools. At Stanford, there was a photo of someone on campus. Now, as we've seen, as Eric Adams pointed out, it's not always the case that the people on the campus are students. There are outside agitators. I saw the numbers today, Jared, and I can say when I'm wrong, I was wrong. There's a huge amount, a large number of outside agitators. And at Stanford, there was someone on campus, maybe a student, maybe not, wearing a green headband worn by Hamas terrorist fighters. I don't think this was a student. And they've created an encampment at the white plaza portion of the California campus. And so there's a photo of this person wearing a Hamas green headband. So they sent that the Stanford staff or the official at Stanford sent that to the FBI. I'm sure the FBI was like, um, did he tweet out a meme telling people to vote for Hillary Clinton? Wait a minute, is that Joey? Why would we care about this? Why are you calling us? This is the FBI. Did the Hamas headband wear put his feet on Nancy Pelosi's desk? Because otherwise, we're not really sure how we can help you. Does he have a MAGA hat in his locker? Oh, he doesn't. Then please call somewhere. Don't waste our time. Don't clog up our phone lines. We have Russian bot trolls on Twitter that we need to use all of our energy toward. So that was one story for you out of Stanford. And then I do want to play these cuts from Eric Adams because I mentioned that he had a strong, he's been having a very strong response to these protests. They've been happening at City College happening at Columbia. Columbia is really the torch bearer in this. Like they, they are going to be in the history books written by John Meacham. Columbia will get a lot of credit for spurring on these protests. And Eric Adams believes that the colleges should have to chip in. This is a good conversation with the audience. Do you agree? Do you think that Columbia should have to be there when it comes to the NYPD and, you know, bringing down these encampments? Should they have to chip in? Should they have to help foot the bill? This is cut five. Any idea or thought about asking some of the colleges to contribute to the cost? That is part of our conversation, particularly on private institutions. We believe that they too should contribute to the course. And one way to prevent the course from escalated is to have a zero tolerance. As soon as that tent goes up, it comes down. Do not allow this to continue to expand. That is what we saw at Columbia University, and that is what we saw at CUNY as well. Yeah, I would agree with this, and I don't think it's going to hurt Columbia to have to chip in. I looked up their endowment today, $13 billion. So dare I say, to quote a former governor from Massachusetts, they're going to be fine. They could throw in a couple bucks. Throw in a couple bucks and help us figure this whole thing out, which your leadership hasn't really quashed anything. So maybe you could partake in paying for this. Yeah, I mean, I would get a bill if I required city services for some reason or emergency services in a situation like this. I'd get a bill. Columbia may as well get a bill. Absolutely. I'm 100% on board. And also another thing Eric Adams said, it's a strange day when I'm playing Eric Adams cuts because I think he's so on the money, but he was talking about how they think he trying to tear down or bring down these American flags and hoist up Palestinian flags. And we're going to get to the frappe bros in a second. They're calling them the broletariat. We're going to get to that in a second here, but Eric Adams had a very impactful statement on this. This is cut six. And another significant part of the video was at the end. That's our flag, folks. Don't take over our buildings and put another flag up. That may be fine to other people, but it's not to me. My uncle died defending this country. And these men and women put their lives on the line. And it's despicable that schools will allow another country flag to fly in our country. So blame me for being proud to be an American. And I think commissioner do a few for putting that flag back up. If he, I'm going to say something. And by the way, Eric Adams has been, because I remember right after October 7, there was a massive pro-Israel protest in, or a walk, you know, it was like a rally in New York City. He showed up and he delivered a speech that was really moving and really powerful. And he mentioned, he said, you know, my Jewish brothers and sisters, they walked with us during civil rights. They stood by us. He gave this whole thing about how the black community and the Jewish community should have each other's backs and this whole thing. And it was really, really beautiful. And I remember thinking if he hadn't gone against Joe Biden with this border situation and saying the inn is closed and we need more money and this is untenable, he could be a contender as far as the Democrats next president. That might be wild at this point. I think it's kind of out of the question. But he does have a certain Genesee Qua. He knows how to take a moment and really make a meal out of it, which I appreciate. So yeah, he says that they should put the American flag back up. His uncle died defending the country. And that brings us to a great story today because there's so much news that would depress you when you see these students. And how he always says to me, it's not depressing. It's funny. It is funny in some ways, but it's disturbing that this is that there's all these Petri dishes of radicalism just at the ready all across the country. Hopefully soon a lot of these Petri dishes will be flying to Iran to go to school there for free. Free tuition. Don't forget it. But at UNC at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, there was a group of frat bros who garnered a lot of attention when they protected the American flag. Because the chancellor there, Lee H. Roberts, he raised the American flag back up. It had been replaced with the Palestinian flag. And then the anti-Israel mob wanted to take the flag back down, but not on the frat bros watch. They said, no, and now I want to play one of these frat bros and then I'll give you an update on the go fund me. There's a go fund me that was put together so that these frat bros could throw themselves a party for being such good Americans and such good students. You know, good students trying to protect old glory and take a listen to one of the frat bros on Fox. This is what he had to say about protecting the flag cut 15. I love that side of America. It's like we all just kind of connected our brains and stood there protecting one thing. And we all were like, we all were looking at every direction. If stuff was flying in, we would say heads up, we would cover each other. We would look out for other people. We would swap. We have like, like for an app and our hands did hurt. Our arms did hurt. It was like an arm day for me that day. It was no gym happened that day afterwards. It was exhausting. You know, I remember we were all standing in there and I think I made a joke. I was like, oh, I don't know if it's a joke, but I was like, I was like, I died for this flag and everybody was like, yeah, they got any clothes. So we're going to start throwing hands like we're not going. We're not going anywhere. I don't care. They're going to have to tear me off this flag like by my dead body, you know, stuff like that. Wow. No, Jim day either. And Tuesday's arms back arm day for me that day. Tuesday's arms and back. No, but what a good kid. I mean, I don't blame him and I don't blame the frat bros for getting animated and for saying enough of this BS. Now you're disrupting our experience here and you're out of control. You're disrupting people's way of life. You're picking on Jewish students and they won't stand for it. And you know, it's not every day that frat bros are the golden boys of the media. You know, they don't get a lot of good pressure. The frat community. The entire hate of Ron DeSantis was based on being like a frat boy, like a frat, not even a frat boy, just like a frat boy. But yeah, so now there's a go on me for this frat, this patriotic frat. And the point of it was to help us raise funds to throw this frat, the party they deserve, a party worth the boat. A party worth the boat, shoot, proletariat who did their country proud. Now, from what I know about frat boys, I would say if you gave them 500 bucks, they could have plenty of fun with just that. They get a couple kegs going. This go fund me has raised $234,000. That's a lot of kegs. That's a big party. I think they'll be just fine. I don't think there'll be any shortage of fun for these frat boys with that go fund me underway. 844, 542, 42, but that's just a nice story, you know, you read about the Hamas headbandwares at Stanford. You're reading about the no coffee, no bagels, no sunscreen group at UCLA zip ties and lotion. And it's just nice to read that at UNC, there's some proud Americans who are now going to be able to have a righteous party. Dude, very cool. A44, 542, 42, we'll be right back. We'll take your calls and we will play. I'm going to save the Peter Dossack sound for the 205 with Scott Hounsel. I have an update here in Boston because there's been so much turmoil over this ceasefire and the last time I checked in with the New York Times, they were saying how even the New York Times was admitting that Hamas was not very open to these negotiations. They weren't negotiating a good faith, Jared. Believe it or not, the terrorists who beheaded people and raped women and actually raped women after they had killed them are not negotiating good faith. They're not good faith actors. But I have news that's going to potentially be the end to this conflict and that is that the Boston City Council approved a Gaza ceasefire resolution. So I guess that's a wrap, folks. I guess this whole thing is ending very soon now that the Boston City Council has weighed in. We'll talk about that on the other side. And plant-based meat is in the news, not for good reasons. Octions are one of the oldest forms of commerce known to man, they're how economies determine values for assets and commodities, but a lot of people don't consider auctions when it comes to real estate and they should because, yes, you can do what your parents did. You can sell your house, you know, put it for sale at a set price, but it doesn't mean you have to. J.J. 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He's awesome. He can help you get your real estate sold. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Rutgers just canceled their finals or postponed delayed their finals because of the protests. So, at least the students who aren't partaking in these demonstrations, at least they get a little break from the finals. I'm still curious about graduation. Speaking of commencement season, that's usually when these schools bring out a liberal leader of the community to lecture the parents about the evils of Donald Trump while they sit in the hot sun for a few hours and wait for their kid to get a diploma that they paid, you know, $300,000 for. And that brings us to the poll question, which is brought to you by the Eden Pier thunderstorm 3-pack special. Everyone loves the thunderstorm. It doesn't take up any floor space. You know, filters to replace. Like I said, it's very small, very easy to use. It costs you one-third of the cost of those bulky air purifiers. But my favorite part, it works. Take advantage of the thunderstorm 3-pack special at and use promo code GRACE3. Jared, let's get into this. What is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is Joe Biden is scheduled to give two graduation addresses. How many do you think he will actually do? One, both or none? I'm gonna say none. 54% of the audience is now with you on none. 33% believe he'll do both and 13% think one out of the two. This might be a dumb question, but I was once told there's no such thing as stupid questions. If you're president and you're doing these speeches, can you still get paid? You know, I don't know that. Because I know that if you're a retired hack, like if you're a Hillary Clinton, she makes bank from doing these speeches at Wellesley College and all these places. So I wonder if, because that Jared actually would really affect my answer here. If Dr. Jill thinks she's gonna pocket like 50 grand, then she might say, "I don't care if there's hecklers." You get your ass out there, old man! It ain't cheap running this family. Get out there and make us some money. But if he's not gonna make any money anyway, if there's some sort of rule against that when you're president, then I think he will opt to skip the whole thing. So Morehouse College. So the president is not financially compensated. Out in the open. Yeah. So there's no 10% for the big guy, 0% for the big guy in this case. So yeah, I'm gonna go no then. Now, Morehouse College is pushing for, this is how delusional the officials at Morehouse College are, Jared. They want the White House to have direct engagement ahead of the speech. Like they want him to have a back, a Q&A with the community at Morehouse College. I'm thinking to myself, you guys realize he's probably not gonna show up for the speech itself. Let alone give you like a precursor address to the speech. If anything, he's going to bail on the entire thing. You're not gonna, you're trying to add extra stuff for him to come to? He's terrified of these hecklers. He can't handle them. After October 7th, he went to a fancy schmancy gala. And he was confronted with maybe one heckler. And the majority of the people there at this fancy fundraiser were on the side of Israel and on the side of his, you know, support of Israel. As a feckless as it might be at the time, it was a little less feckless than it is now. And he had one protester and within minutes, he was backtracking on his support for BB Netanyahu and for Israel. Our strongest ally in the Middle East, it took one measly protester. You think that if he's at Morehouse and he's confronted with several, and by the way, I kind of was curious about if Morehouse is dealing with protests and some of the students at Morehouse joined in on the protests at Emory College. So that's happening a lot too. Like you might look at a college here in Massachusetts and go, oh, well, they're not having any protest problems. They're just not able to drum up the same amount of support. So they take their expertise and they bring it to another school. Like the kids at Emerson, it's not just Emerson students. They're students there from other schools around the area. They're just collaborating at one spot. So, yeah, I would have to say that no, he's not going to do the West Point commencement speech. No, he's not going to do the Morehouse college speech. And P.S. Morehouse, he's not showing up for a town hall event to field questions from angry students. Just my prediction could be wrong, woke or joke when we come back. Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. [MUSIC] Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly show. Thank you all so much for joining us. You know what I was just thinking? These U.S. UCLA protesters who put out their requests, and I don't consider these requests. I consider them demands, just based off the experience I've had. Covering or, you know, following stories about these protesters, they don't request things. They demand things. And it's like no bananas, no nuts, no coffee, no bagels. Hey, no bagels, no bagels, no bagels, no bagels. Hey, no bagels, no bagels, no bagels, no bagels. Why don't you just tell us, to use another Kramer thing, why don't you just tell the name of the movie that you want to go see? Why don't you just tell us what food to bring? That would be easier. You ever say to somebody, hey, they're having you over for dinner, you go, what can I bring? No bagel, no bagel, no bagel, no bagel, no bagel, no bagel. Yeah. And people always say, don't worry about it. Just bring yourself. You know what's better is if they say to you, you're in charge of the dessert. They give you a definite answer. Yeah. That's what these protesters should be doing. It's like, listen, we need the roll ups, the vegan roll ups. We need the gluten. Because, yeah, exactly. Otherwise, you deliver the food. Does this have any trans fats in it? Or you get all of one thing. Like, everyone has the same idea, oh, I'll bring the vegan potato chips and all of a sudden. Everybody must eat. You've got all these potato chips and then you don't have anything for the main meal. I'm just saying, there's a lot of things. God, throw that chicken up here on my mom. You know what they should have done? They should have gotten too ready-wise. Yes. Or ordered from Viva Tratria. Viva Tratria, which is the sponsor of Woker Joke, and we so appreciate that. Don't they have a gluten-free menu? Oh, yeah, they can do everything gluten-free. They're actually very well known for how flexible their menu is depending on what your dietary needs are. Woker Joke has brought to you by Viva Tratria. A gift card to a Viva Tratria is the perfect gift for any occasion. So pick one up at any of their locations. To find the one nearest you, go to a Viva And you know what that means. It is time. We got full lines for today's Woke or Joke. Everything Woke turns to sh*t, okay? I started a joke. [Laughter] Take care, Wokers. [Laughter] The word "walk" means "lugeo." [Laughter] And a joke on me. You've been meatballed. No. [Laughter] This intro is just getting longer and longer as time goes on. All right. Taylor joins us now. He's the Wizard of Woke. He's going to try to trick you. This is how it works. He's going to read you a headline. You have to tell me, is it woke as an it's real or is it a joke? Did someone here make it up? Let's start with Ed, your first up today. Are you ready for your headline, Ed? I sure am. All right, Ed. Here's your headline. Guest opinion. Join me to drag out the vote. [Music] Hello? It is woke. Not a joke. Not a joke. This is a drag queen in San Francisco. You can slay on that look. Ghost by the name of Africa America. Africa is spelled with a K. And he says that one out of five LGBTQ+ folks were not registered to vote post 2016, which is 80% enrollment. I think that's pretty good. Yeah. That's a good number. But room for improvement. There is room for improvement. Did you see George Santos, by the way? Yeah, I did. He was in drag. He brought back his drag person. Yeah, I was going to say, did he have a name for the drag persona? He did and I should remember what it is. You do remember it. You do. He's so excited yesterday when you saw this. Yeah, he's making cameos. I think he makes pretty good money on cameos. But really, Jared, and you know this from me. It is not like George Santos. That was his relevancy was at its peak, like right after he got expelled. And since then, I think it's dwindled down a little bit. Yeah, and some Dem got to seat last night. So congratulations, Congress. You played yourselves. You get what you get. Jonathan, you're next up on the Grace Curly Show. Are you ready for your headline, Jonathan? Yeah, I'll set. Okay. All right, Jonathan, here's your headline. You can't fight climate change if you're still drinking carbonated beverages. Uh, it's a joke. It is a joke. Oh, by the way, that was a joke. That's not true. I'm sure that's true, though. I enjoy bubbling beverages. It probably is. And they're nice and people enjoy them, so I'm sure that they're bad. It's probably recycling connection, plastics, aluminum. Yeah, we know how you leave reminders everywhere. Yeah, I love shelters. And according to... It only drinks about two thirds of them. It dries my mom crazy. And will. My mom told me they're bad for your liver. They're bad for your liver. Did you know that? What? I knew they were bad for your teeth, like the enamel on your teeth. Yeah, your teeth and they just found out your liver. How so? I don't know. Maybe the bubbles get in there and bubble it up. I don't know. I'm not a doctor or a scientist. Brian, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Are you ready for your headline, Brian? I am ready. All righty. Brian, here is your headline. Ever had an LGBTQ+ mail carrier? You will, as US Postal Service temporarily shakes up roots for month of June. Ooh. That sounds like something the Biden administration would do, so I would go whip whoop. I'm sorry, good thinking process, but there's a joke. By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. I was just going to give away a tip to the callers, but you probably don't want me to. Well, it may not be applicable. You're going to say that headline was too long? Yeah, when it's long like that, I always mean it. It's not always because a lot of these headlines are online headlines. They're not just print headlines. Short headlines were basically to save ink, but you don't have to save ink anymore. Yeah, they're a thing of the past. I prefer a short headline. Oh, yes. It's a lot of more, a lot more creativity. Ali, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Are you ready for your woke or joke headline, Ali? I'm ready. All right, Ali, here's your headline. Dave and Buster's to allow customers to make cash bets on arcade games. Woke. It is woke. True, we've gone just. Not a joke. Gunpass sports gaming, we've gone on to arcade betting. What could possibly go wrong? So. Dave and Buster's people putting money on the line for dance, dance, revolution. Farmers over the age of 18 and 44 states will have the ability to place bets on arcade games via the Entertainment Giants app. It integrates Lucra's proprietary gamification software into the app, allowing loyalty members to digitally compete with each other, earn rewards and unlock exclusive perks while competing with friends. I don't know. It's like, can't you just enjoy the games? Isn't there something pure about just playing the ski ball and not having money on the line? There's another reason to enjoy fun spot up in New Hampshire. Oh, imagine betting on mini golf. That's that's not a bastion of degenerate gambling. That is good old fashioned family gaming fun. Have you guys ever been to David Busters? I've been once. It's to me, and this is not disparaging D&Bs, but it's hard. It's like two different worlds. It's games. So you feel too old for it, but it's also like there's a bar there. You know what I'm saying? They got to pick a lane a little bit and now they're going to have betting? Well, those are big now. There's a lot of independent bars that are also arcades. There's one in Providence. We've got one in New Bedford, down here. There's one in Boston. I'm down for the arcades and the fun, but I just don't know if people need to bet on it. I could see some fights breaking out. Could get a little... There are fights that break out at David Busters. That's what David Busters is known for, fights. Really? Oh, yes. I didn't know this. You know, we had an event there. We had a child's casino. We had an event there when I was in college. That was like an after party. They headed at David Busters. Very, very good. I shouldn't say they're known for fights, but I've... There's several stories over the past few years of fights breaking out in or near. People you know, personally, people from Fall River? No. To be fair, that's kind of generally the state of Massachusetts and alcohol. Well, wrote in Rhode Island. Anywhere they bring alcohol, there's going to be a fight. This can be a problem. It's a ball. Now, Peter, you're up next on Walker Joke. Are you ready for your headline, Peter? I'm ready. All right, Peter, here is your headline. I started modeling my dating life after the sea anemone, polyamorous and not afraid to sting. I'll call that woke. I'm sorry. It's a joke. Oh, sorry today. Very good. By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. Thank you for playing, Peter. Was that the sea anemone or what was it? Sea anemone. Sea anemone. Sea anemone. Sea anemone. Yeah. What? What does it look like? I can't see it. I don't know. Is this a play on words? Yes. How? CNN sees CNN. Okay. On that note, everybody. Hey, bird base. We have time for one more. Do you want to throw it at me? See if I can handle it? Sure. Let us see. Family. You know what? You may get that one. Let's try this one. Give me a hard one. Professional protesting course imposing stricter requirements on tent pitching efficiency. Perfect. See, read that to me. I'm sorry. One more time. Professional protesting course. Oh. Imposing stricter requirements on tent pitching efficiency. I'm going to say that's a joke. It is a joke. Yeah. Because these tents now. By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. I don't think you even have to pitch these tents. I think they're like pop-up tents. I don't think you have to actually know what to do. You know how some tents you have to push them into the ground? Well, you don't have to. They're not pushing them into the ground. But I think you still have to set up some of the sticks. Connect. Connect a few things. Is that really like pitching a tent though? I don't know. Yeah. I think pitching a tent. I think of, oh, you know, we've got all the things and then you put the piece of fabric over it. And I think in old school, we need the poo style tents. These new tents, it's like you just pop them up. These are new tangled things from Sears and Roebuck. There's no work involved. There's a business work. There's a business. Thank you. You used for shelter. Yeah. 844-542-4242. Taylor Cormier. Thank you very much for joining us. We'll be right back with your calls. Don't go anywhere. This is the Grace Curly Show. You're listening to the Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. My mother just texted me. I got the story wrong. It was not liver. It was kidney. She said it can give you kidney stones, the seltzer waters. And she actually... Get a difference. She told my sister that. And my sister said, "Why don't you tell Grace that? She's the one who drinks all of them." And she said, "I almost told her the other day, but she wasn't in the mental space to hear it." And I thought, "You know, Mom, that's pretty good that you knew I was... My temper was not in a good spot right then." 844-542, police are facing off with protesters in Portland, Oregon. Who do you have your money on, Jared? Who do you think is going to win this battle? The young people with garbage cans and umbrellas or the Portland police? I am going to go with the police in this situation. I would agree with you wholeheartedly. I did want to play one cut from Joe Biden today. It was a very short address. He waited nine days to come out and condemn this. And you might say, "Well, you put her on a statement." Okay. That wouldn't suffice if it were any other president. I'm not even going to play the "What if it were Trump" for any president. If we weren't living in this wacky time that we're in where everything's upside down, everyone would be outraged that the president was nowhere to be found during this madness. Like that he's holed up eating ice cream in the basement of the White House. That would be concerning. But for some reason, he gets a pass because the media is so afraid that if there are even remotely critical of him that Donald Trump will swoop in and end up being president again, which trust me, I'm rooting for that. But this is what Joe Biden had to say today. This is cut 17. But let's be clear about this as well. There should be no place on any campus, no place in America for anti-Semitism or threats of violence against Jewish students. There is no place for hate speech or violence of any kind, whether it's anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, or discrimination against Arab Americans or Palestinian Americans. It's simply wrong, there's no place for racism in America. It's all wrong, it's on America. I understand people have strong feelings and deep convictions. In America, we respect the right and protect the right for them to express that. But it doesn't mean anything goes. It needs to be done without violence, without destruction, without hate, and within the law. You know, I'll make no mistake, as President I will always defend free speech, and I will always be just as strong as standing up for the rule of law. That's my responsibility to you. Thank you. President censorship is always on the side of free speech. There's something very troubling about the fact that you can't call out anti-Semitism without immediately also calling out Islamophobia, and you might say to yourself, and I've struggled with this a little bit, because in theory, when someone says that, you go, "Well, yeah, I guess that's true that there should be no hate or none of this whatsoever." But that same argument, and Libby Emmons brought this up when we had Iran last week, if you were making that argument during, for example, the protests with Black Lives Matter, if you were to say, "All lives matter," that was a cancelable offense. You had to focus on the injured party, and in this case, it's overwhelmingly the Jewish students at these schools, and the Jewish community, and the Zionists, who are all supposed to be very grateful that the Columbia ringleaders aren't out killing, we're supposed to appreciate that they're not murdering Zionists, though that's the injured party here. Those are the people that need us to speak out and condemn this, and to kind of just, I don't know how to describe it, Jared, but it's like, it takes away all of the impact when you just start listing every single ism known to man as a way to detract from ticking off the pro-Palestinian Hamas-supporting students. You have to throw in Islamophobia, because if you just come out and support Jewish people, God forbid, then you're going to be, you're going to get even more heat, and these people aren't going to vote for you, and everybody can see it. You don't get one without the other now. You can't come out and say, "This is insanity. We should not be chanting for the burning of Tel Aviv, burning it to the ground. We should be standing up for these Jewish students, wearing the star of David, being blocked from going to class. We should not be having people who hate America and hate Israel and hate the entire Western world, running these campuses. You should be able to say that without the follow-up of Islamophobia." Again, you know what it is? It's the Norm Macdonald tweet, personified. It's the Norm Macdonald tweet come to life all these years later. If you don't know what the Norm Macdonald tweet is, in essence, he says, because I don't have it right in front of me, my biggest fear is if a bomb, if ISIS set off a bomb and killed 500, 500,000 people in America, imagine the backlash against Muslims. That's the tweet. I don't have the exact thing, right? But this is what's happening. You can't say anything, you can't state what's obviously happening here. There is a massive, massive movement of anti-Semitism that is pervasive on these college campuses and that has now found its way all across the country and really all across the world. The fact that the president of the United States can't just come out and say that. Call balls and strikes for once in his entire life, but has to, at the same time, try to appease the UCLA, you know, no bananas, no nuts, bring us our zip ties. Contingency of his party is pathetic to me. And so one of our callers said, you know, I give him credit for mentioning anti-Semitism, he mentioned it pretty later on in the speech, you should be starting with that. That's the headline here. The headline is the fact that you have Columbia students, PhD majors, ring leaders of organizations at Columbia saying, you all should be so happy that I'm not out killing Zionists or like Johanna King Sletsky demanding humanitarian aid, lest the organizers of said protest, dehydrate or starve to death. If you can't take a stand right now, if you've got to both sides this thing, then you're not the strong competent return to normalcy leader that I thought you were Joe Biden. We'll be right back. [MUSIC PLAYING]