The Howie Carr Radio Network

Police Blotter Fax Friday: Lots of Meat Flinging | 5.3.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Taylor and Howie are back for another round of Police Blotter Fax Friday.

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03 May 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at [MUSIC PLAYING] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. And we're detecting and removing so-called forever chemicals. Refer to us PFAS, P- dash, F-A-S, dash. I said D-word, the big one, the F- dash, dash, dash word. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. My record doesn't just get up and walk away, except for my old Alan Shamman record. There's a lot of Jews out there still get a laugh off of "Hello, mother, hello, father." Hello, mother. Hello, father. I have joint camp in Defada. Ooh, such heat this morning. I don't need this jacket. Who's your captain? Howie Car. The level of organization that we're seeing, leaflets and how to protest, leaflets on how, what to do when you get arrested. There is somebody funding this. There is somebody radicalizing our students. We'll find out who it is. We're going to be asking them some questions. There's evil afoot. Evil! Rump swabs, hacks, and moonbaits beware. It's Howie Car. I love this laser cap. It's warm, too. It's keeping my head warm. So we just were with Dr. Thomas Brandt from Northeast Hair Restoration. He left me this laser cap that I'm going to have to wear. I'm going to wear it voluntarily. 20, 30 minutes every other night to keep the hair coming back in. And this is a good deal. And you can see me on the social media. Too bad we're not on Twitter. But people can see it if they want on Facebook or on the home page. And he gave me a baseball cap and a floppy hat. And Bruce from the Met says, that floppy hat is so you. Bruce, are you going to believe that that's the first time I've ever worn a floppy hat like the Gilligan floppy hat like that? Yeah, you probably believe that's the first time I've ever had a floppy hat like that on. 508, get that off your head. 339, you look like an Italian. What do you mean I look like? Just because it's black. Just because my hair is now black. My hair used to be brown. What? You look like they wouldn't let you into UCLA right now. In your electric yarmulke. An electric yarmulke. It's a flashing yarmulke. Yeah, it's really-- it's nice. I like it. I'm going to enjoy this thing. You're not going to have to worry about me doing my exercise. When someone wants to know they have one for Rosco, Rosco doesn't need one. Rosco's got a full coat of fur. All right, 844, 542, 42. Time now for the jump line. More on Luke Skywalker is yes. Yeah, Luke Skywalker. Let's play the cut of him. He-- he looks like-- he sounds like he's on something. And his surprise meeting-- his surprise appearance today at the White House press briefing. You know, Mark Hamill is his name. Cut 22. How many of you had Mark Hamill lead the press briefing on your bingo card hands? Yeah, me either. And look, I just got to meet the president and he gave me these aviator glasses going on. I love the merch. Love it all. But listen, I just wanted to say I was honored to be asked to come to the White House to meet the president, the most legislative, successful president in my lifetime. And you know, I don't have to go through the list of bipartisan infrastructure. Law, the PAC Act, the CHIP's has all that inflation. 15 million jobs. Look, it's all good. [MUSIC PLAYING] And he's kept the prices down, especially the price of Bud Light. But it's cheaper now to get a Bud Light than it was even a year ago. Bad enough, we have to deal with this Nazi trash. Now they expect us to supply them with DoorDash. I have some advice for these hippie lights. To avoid the munchies, simply get off your stash. [BEEP] It's not DoorDash anymore, lemur guy. It's Intifadash, Intifadash. Today's chumpline is brought to you by local silver mint located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly. Contact him at If Joe Biden is Joe P.1 Kenobi, does that make Kamala Harris Chewbacca? [BEEP] Chewbacca didn't deserve that. [BEEP] Gee, I can ask stupid and never tell the truth. Maybe I'll go get me a government job. [BEEP] A lot of government jobs being created. Not much in the dreaded private sector, but if you look at that jobs report today, it's big time government job creation. Gee, what could possibly go wrong? I really thought Kristin Elb had a shot. What a shame she used it on cricket. It got worse today. She says in her book, they've just got the galleys, I guess. I don't know if the book has been published yet or not. They made it sound like they could correct the text. But she said she met with Kim Jong-un, a little rocket man, when he was in D.C. and she was in Congress. Well, it turns out that he never left North Korea in the years she was in Congress. But she says that she definitely underestimated her. And I guess she underestimated the fact checkers that have now embarrassed her about that. Anyone for glass? Nip, bottles? [BEEP] You've got to get out there. If you're living in Sanwich, Massachusetts, get out there for the town meeting at the middle school on Monday night and to stop them from banning Nip bottles. These pests are everywhere. They just keep moving around from town to town. They're trying to ban them in other places, including New Bedford. So, noam after she was busted. She said that she referred to a little rocket man as president, his formal title as chairman. When contacted yesterday by the New York Post, her spokesman Ian Fury. Fury? Initially said, the governor, quote, "will not be discussing the details of her meetings with world leaders." If she wanted to share those, she would have outlined them in the book. So then, I guess, they realized that she never met with a little rocket man. He sent an additional response saying that noam's publisher, quote, "will be addressing conflated world leaders' names in the book before it is released." That's an interesting way to describe screwing it all up, conflated world leaders' names in the book. You know, if it's like other celebs who have their books ghost written, she'll blame the ghost writer. Gentle dams, plan B, HIV test? Is this a Palestine protest or a fornication festival? And again, I don't want to offend anybody any further, but they also asked for Vaseline at the University of Chicago, Vaseline. Make of it what you will. Brandon's top economic advisors are saying the US government can't go bankrupt because we print our own money. Our old boy, do I feel better now? They need to get that picture around the old picture of the Weimar Republic with the people going to the grocery stores with wheelbarrows, full of notes. Notes that were worthless. Breaking news, no truckloads of water or food showed up yet, but thank God the truckload of tampons did. What is a woman to paraphrase Katanji Brown Jackson? Hey, Junior, how'd you do on your grades? Well, mom, I flunked every class. Well, that's all right, honey. You were demonstrating and hating Jews. It's well worth the tuition. You know, the thing is they're going to cancel classes and give everybody an A. That's the way it's always been. And among a certain segment of the student body, that's what this is all about, is getting the exams canceled. Although, I don't think exams mean as much as they used to because I don't think anybody really learns anything in these colleges anymore from Harvard on down. Luke, this is Joe B1 Kenobi. Use the, you know the thing. You know why I called him, Mr. President? He said, you can call me Joe. And I said, can I call you Joe B1 Kenobi? And he said, would you like to watch Hazel with me? We can have him bring you some tapioca pudding too. That was your last Chumpline message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. All right, that's it for the Chumpline today. The Chumpline is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie Carr show. You can call and leave a message at any time between the hours of 1 and 4 p.m. Weekdays, Eastern time. Chumpline number, if you'd like to leave such a message, 844-500-4242-844-542-442. Press 2 for the Chumpline. Leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your message, or you're just like there, a second brand new Chumpline of the day, you can always hear it. It's a, it's called Chop Chumps. We posted every evening around 7 p.m. Eastern time, weeknights. And Chop Chumps is the messages. We didn't have room or time for just now. The second Chumpline of the day. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by local silver mint, located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly. Contact him at Brandon, top economic advisors are saying the US government can't go bankrupt because we print our own money. Oh boy, do I feel better now. Yeah, we'll be the reserve currency for a long time. Won't we, if that's the stated policy of the United States government. 844-542-42. Maybe someday I'll explain that to Jared Bernstein. Although it may take, it may take a better mind than mine to, to explain it to his, get it through his thick skull. I'm Howie Carr. Howie Carr. Howie Carr, show his back. 844-542-42. Today's poll question is brought to you by Northeast Hair Restoration. For May only, save $1,000 off the new PFE Hair Restoration Procedure and listen to the Meet the Experts podcast with the doctors. And now as you know, if you sign up now, this month May, you can get not the $1,000, you can get the $1,000 off or you can pick the $3,000 laser cap that I'm wearing. That's a $3,000 value. That's an even better deal than the $1,000 off. So just for May, if you want to find out more information, check out my Meet the Experts podcast or go to, or call 1-800-208-HARE. That's 1-800-208-H-A-I-R. I think I'm going to take it off at the net. I think I've done my about up to my 20 minutes at the end of this segment. If Billy Bulger saw you right now, what question do you think he'd ask? How long do you have to wear that? That laser cap before you win the bet. My thoughts exactly. Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which phrase best describes the protesters on college campuses? Hippies, Nazis, Nazi hippies, pampered pukes, Hitler youth, terrorist groupies, or freedom fighters? Nazi hippies. 17% say Nazi hippies, 36% say pampered pukes, 30% say terrorist groupies, and 3% say freedom fighters. All right. So, agitators demand vegan and gluten-free food, and they wonder why they're losing the American people. I read a poll today. They said that when October 7th occurred, 80% of the American people were with Israel versus Hamas. Today, after all these hippie Nazi protests and riots and disturbances, 80% of the American people support the Israelis. It hasn't changed in the least. But Joe Biden's numbers have gone down even further. According to the Rasmussen poll today, it's, again, I take these polls with a grain of salt, Rasmussen, who's a pretty good pollster. Not 100%, but who is? 10 to 12 points ahead. 10 to 12 points ahead. And they're scared of Robert Kennedy, too. How scared are they? I'm going to hold up for the camera here. This is a hit piece in the Wall Street Journal, a huge hit piece inside RFK Juniors on the Orthodox Campaign. And again, this isn't the editorial page. This is the news section, which is his left wing as the Washington Post to the New York Times. They're sweating it out. They have one of his aides, a guy named Breanna. He's one of the aides. He was accused of sexual harassment, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And a guy that works for him was arrested today, or was arrested last weekend. So they're going to do everything. They won't give him secret service protection. They're very concerned. 844-542-42. I actually talked to a guy today, a Republican. And he said, "Well, you know, Trump can't, Trump probably can't, or he can't win Massachusetts." That's what this guy said. And he said, "So I'm thinking of voting for Kennedy, just to give Biden a shot." And actually, he was the second or third guy I've talked to, who said that said the same thing. I don't buy it myself. But I think that a lot of people want to give Biden a tickle, even in Massachusetts, a Democrat state. Just like in 2020, I think a lot of people voted for Brandon in the Democrat primary, just to give Elizabeth Warren a shot. Remember, she finished third in the Massachusetts presidential primary Democrat side. She finished third behind Biden and also Bernie Sanders, which is, it's kind of embarrassing when you finish third in your home state. All right. 844-542-442-844-542-442. We also have some Kelly's Roast Beef gift certificates to the Florida locations. They're still available. Go to, and click on store. And you can get a $50 gift card to Kelly's Roast Beef locations in Florida. Right now, there's three of them, just for a $25, a $50 gift card for $25. These are good in the Sarasota Naples and South Pasadena locations. If you've come north for the spring, by the time you get back to Florida, they'll probably have six locations in Florida on the west coast, maybe even seven by Christmas. 844-542-781. Cancelling classes is good for professors and early summer on the boat. Graduates, no one's going to hire them from these schools now anyway. I'd Google their arrest records before a job interview with a hateful protester. Yeah, I don't think, you know, I think all these Ivy League schools, the academic standards have been declining over the last few decades, but they still had some kind of a residual prestige. I think it's just shot now, just totally shot. Nobody's ever going to think of these schools again, about any, maybe Harvard Medical School. I'm not even Harvard Law School. Harvard Law School is another woke joke, I'm how we are. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-42. We'll have a turtle boy with us after six o'clock to discuss the jury's visit to the crime scene today with everybody else, maybe like one pool camera. Kept a hundred yards away, a hundred yards. And then there were some interesting witnesses on the stand. And then, you know, we're still in the very early stages of this thing. They're going to be, once they start putting the cops on, I think we'll see the Fifth Amendment cited much more frequently. I haven't seen the Fifth Amendment so far. Anyway, it's that time of the week. It's the third hour of the show, bottom of the hour. That means it's time for police blotter facts Friday. Why do you still read the newspaper? I like to keep up on local news, like the police blotter. Whenever the laws of any state are broken, the duly authorized organization swings into action. A fact! A fact is coming through! Oh, yeah, a fact! Here's the kind of adventure you've been waiting to hear. Hard-boiled action and mystery. So stand by for trouble and suspense. Stand by for adventure. You know how it works? All week long we ask you to send in your funny stories or items about the local constabulary from your local newspaper daily or weekly. And now mostly from the internet. And you send them to, just send the emails to And at this time every Friday evening, we read the funniest ones of the week in our opinion. And the two best entries of the week get a nice prize. What do they get this week, Taylor? This week they will get a go-woke go-broke t-shirt. All right, so we're going to start with the runners-up. These do not win a prize. Correct. Police find Girl Scout $400 for selling cookies on driveway. Police have fined a Wyoming Girl Scout $400. Yep. For not having permission to sell cookies on her grandparents' driveway. A code enforcement officer asked Emma McCarrel, 13, and her mom, if they had the landowners permission to sell from a driveway. However, Fairbanks McCarrel didn't answer the officer's question. Good girl. As the spot was on her parents' driveway. Nonetheless, the officer took photographs of the girl's sales activity between March 13th and 15th. They've got nothing better to do in Wyoming than harass these Girl Scouts. In Pinedale, Fairbanks McCarrel, the mother told the paper, "I personally don't think she ever understood that I was related to the Fairbanks of the police officer, my parents who owned the driveway." Pinedale, Mayor Matt Murdock said the mother was told to move and had refused to do so. Emma said, "Sometimes I just think that..." She was basically told to move from her family's driveway. There's not why should she have to move? Right. Emma, the 13-year-old said this, quote, "Sometimes I just think that government can be unreasonable." Lesson learned best, very young. Yes, it is. And you would think, though, that's the kind of lesson you would learn more in New Jersey or Massachusetts than Wyoming at the age of 13, but... There are hacks everywhere. Yes. Man nabbed for fried chicken battery on sister. Fried chicken? Did he batter the fried chicken before he battered her with the fried chicken? It was battered, though. A 20-year-old man is behind bars charged with launching a fried chicken fusilade at his sister during a domestic... Do we have a description of the actual weapons like a leg or a thigh or a breast? We'll get into this. According to investigators, the poultry pelting occurred Sunday afternoon in the Clearwater home of... It was a foul attack. Kanye Medley. Kanye? For that was indeed his name. During a verbal altercation, Medley grabbed a bag of church's chicken from his sister and began throwing pieces of chicken at her. And she said, "If you're going to throw some chicken at me, make it at least Popeyes." Even Kentucky fried would be better than churches. Is church is no good? I don't know. I just made that. One piece of fried chicken hit the victim in the back and left debris of food on her shoulders after being read his rights medley reportedly admitted... This is why you have a dog. You just, you know, you just lie down and the dog takes care of the debris. Yeah, cleans up the evidence. He admitted throwing two pieces of chicken, one of which hit her. The motive, he said he stated he did this because he had not eaten and did not want the piece of chicken the victim offered him so he became upset. Well, again, Taylor, what piece of the chicken offended him? I'm not sure, it doesn't say. But the article does say seen above the 230-pound medley was arrested earlier this year. So it really wasn't that much of a problem to miss... I'm not believing his story that he refused the chicken. If you're going to help me though, I want some chick fillets with the boneless chick fillet. He was arrested earlier this year for allegedly biting and strangling his sister. So his sister is okay to bite, but chicken, no, he's not having any of that. Whether any biscuits or gravy involved, aggravating circumstances. Man found with a parent gunshot wound says he "fell on a stick." This is in Campbell County, Virginia. A man found with two apparent gunshot wounds has been uncooperative with deputies. We need some common sense stick legislation, a seven-day waiting period for sticks. Especially the assault sticks. Yes, close the stick show loophole. Bump stock sticks. Saying that only he fell on a stick, according to the Campbell County Sheriff's Office. Deputies responded... Nobody needs a stick that fires 100 rounds a second. 100 twigs. Deputies responded Saturday to reports of a man having been shot at the Lee'sville exit of US 460. They found a man lying next to a vehicle with what appeared to be gunshot wounds to his chest and upper shoulder. Deputies say he would not admit he was shot. The man was taken to hospital for treatment. We need to ban sticks of war. Virginia too. I think they're pretty lenient, not lenient, but they're more forgiving with. I would think... Second Amendment. Yes, especially with a Republican governor and a Republican attorney general. I don't think the guy had a lot to worry about if it was... If he wasn't doing something wrong at the time. Handcuffed man, 73, hit officer with forcibly thrown cheeseburger. Lot of meat being thrown at people in today's edition of Lee's Waterfax. Would you rather be salted with a cheeseburger or a chicken? Cheeseburger sounds messy. After it hits you, it goes everywhere. The buns are over here. The patties over there. The pickles and the lettuce are all over the place. The special sauce. How about the special sauce? Chicken, I imagine, holds its own. You can keep the chicken in one piece. By the way, did you see McDonald's is coming out with a super Big Mac apparel? What? What is it? Just a regular Big Mac after shrinkflation? I don't know what it is. I looked at the picture and I said, "I'm past my Big Mac stage. I'm not a McDonald's person anymore." What's the whole thing that makes it so super? Let me look. I just, like I said, I passed it up today, the story. Oh, is it a double Big Mac? I think they were using the word scrumptious or something like that. New Big Mac. Let me look it up. New Big Mac. Okay. So a handcuffed 73-year-old man somehow was able to forcibly throw a cheeseburger at a cop leading to his arrest. Police responded Wednesday night to a Wawa convenience store in Fort Pierce, Florida, in reference to a subject being present to his previously trespassed. Since the trespass was still active, police arrested Joseph Delancy in place in the hand. I thought you were going to say Joseph Biden. You know, he was trespassing in a Wawa. He couldn't close the box. He wouldn't have been taken to the clink. He would have been taken to the home. During the detainment of Joseph, he was holding half of a cheeseburger after being provided demands to drop said burger. He refused to do so after the handcuffs were placed on him. Joseph forcibly threw the burger into my right leg at cop said in the report. The cheeseburger struck the patrolman leaving behind burger residue on the thigh of the lawman who survived the attack. Do they have a burger residue test like a paraffin test to see if you've fired off the cheeseburger? Yeah, that's a burger. All right. Medium rare by the looks of it. I tried McDonald. This is the headline. I tried McDonald's new double big mac and it's a big meaty flop. This is, I don't know who this is. Yeah, it doesn't. Oh, so it's got four patties instead of two. I mean, how do you even like grasp that? I don't, it doesn't, I mean, you'd have to cut it in two and it would still be a mess. You talk about a mess, boy, I don't get to squeeze it down or cut it in half or something. I don't know. Doesn't, I don't know. I, you know, sometimes though I, they, I, I wasn't sure that breakfast around the clock would work either. I didn't know that would work, but I guess it did. Oh, everybody loves a McGriddle. Yeah. Nobody says no to a McGriddle. No. Me neither. There's a matter of fact, I like pancakes. But anyway, that's, so okay. So that's the, that's the latest. What else he got that? Villager escapes DUI conviction after drinking and dancing at town square. Janet Melinda McKnight, 66 of the Ivy Stone Villas on Tuesday entered a plea of no contest in Sumter County court to a charge of reckless driving reduced from a charge of driving under the influence. McKnight was driving a gray 2012 Toyota at a high rate of speed, uh, December 8th on El Camino. I thought the only drove golf carts in the villages. Uh, I think she was on an actual highway at this, at this point during a traffic stop, a deputy noticed that she had a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from her breath. Don't you, doesn't everybody in the villages have one? She said she had been dancing for more than an hour at Spanish spring's town square. Dance and food where she had two cups of Pinot Grigio wine with food. McKnight, maybe it was a double Big Mac based on this picture. McKnight said she, she takes up the whole frame. I'll have to show you this. McKnight said she decided to leave because a male was getting too touchy on the dance floor. Oh, I bet. I, well, she didn't leave much room for anybody else. She, she, you think she's tons of fun? Oh, goodness. Yes. Is she a whale of a dancer? She was asked to participate in field sobriety exercises by complaining to the deputy that she has had back surgeries and has a screw in her left foot. And she has a screw loose. The deputy then pointed out McKnight said she had been dancing at the square. She struggled through the exercises. Looks like she's been struggling with exercise for a while now. She wearing a t-shirt that said I beat, I beat bulimia. She refused to attempt panoraxia, excuse me. Yeah, anorexia. She provided breath samples that registered 0.03 and 0.028, which were below the 0.08 legal limit. Thank goodness. Where was she originally from? I like it when they say where they're originally from in the villages. Uh, does not say, unfortunately. Maybe they figure that's, you know, getting into, uh, you know, unfair ethnic, ethnic or geographical profiling. You know, a lot of place, a lot of papers have done away with mug shots. We'll do one more runner-up before we get to the winners after the break. Fearless monkey gang, tear down anti-munk-- Monkey Gang. A group of bold monkeys have torn down a staggering 30 posters protesting ape tourism in the tourist hotspot of Lupburi, Thailand. Uh, Thailand, known for its rich history, has another draw for visitors. The monkeys freely roam the streets. It's not a peaceful coexistence, however, with primate attacks increasingly common. One group, an awareness group, put up signs protesting against the monkeys living there on April 21st, but an apparent counter protest was launched at about 6 p.m. the next day when the primate population would typically turn in for the night. However, on this evening, an army of animals took to the streets and bit tore down and destroyed more than 30 of the posters. Wow. So they could, could they read the posters? Unlike the, unlike the protesters on the college campuses, they were able to, uh, comprehend. At least, yeah, somewhat, somewhat comprehend. They probably had a picture of a monkey on there and they saw it as a threatened tore it down, but still, they got their point across. So, Thailand now has ape tourism. I'm familiar with another kind of tourism that leads, often leads to arrest when people return to the United States. Picking up what you're putting down, yes. All right, okay, we will be back with the winners in just a moment. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show returns after this. He's Howie Carr and he's back. A text line is a little slow tonight. Four one three limerick guy says this hamburger assault sounds like a whopper. Six one seven eight. They should have thrown that guy in the burger patty wagon. And the chicken assaulted the cops charged that guy with a salt and battering of his sister and officer, and officer Mark said he didn't score a direct hit on his sister with the chicken. He just winged there. Ha, ha, ha, all right. Got time for a runner's up or just the winners? These are the winners and they are similar stories, so I lumped them together here. Man appears in court absolutely naked. I was wondering about that. I hadn't heard from Randy this whole segment. Over emotional support cat going missing. Oh no. A Dublin man appeared in court nude and refused to wear clothes after his emotional support cat went missing during a traffic stop arrest. Joseph Davis 51 appeared before Judge Mary Quirk at a weekend sitting of Dublin District Court. Davis is this Ireland or I believe so. Yes, it is Ireland. Davis was charged with road traffic act offenses of failing to give police his details and not not keeping the car stationary during an alleged incident on Friday. Quirk heard the motorist refuse to wear his clothes when brought to the courthouse. She remanded him in custody. Davis entered the courtroom naked with his hands over his private parts, but within seconds he stood with arms outstretched to argue his case after rejecting the services of a lawyer. What was the cat's name? Well, Oliver was the name of the cat. He said an Irish guy named the cat after Oliver Cromwell. What kind of Irish guy is he? Let me tell you my story. This is relevant. This is my story. What happened yesterday? I was traveling with my companion pet Oliver. Oh, for Jesus. He normally comes on to this court. I was dropping off legal documents pertaining to a legal case in the High Court. Invite me drunk driving. Now, where is my emotional support animal? They said we'll sort this out later. And our second winner today, emotional support alligator. Once in the running for America's favorite pet is missing. A Pennsylvania man is pleading for the safe return of his beloved emotional support alligator, Wally. I knew that. Wally Gator. I read the emotional support alligator story, yes. In a Facebook post, Joy Henny stated that the alligator was taken from his enclosure on April 21st while the two were visiting Henny's friends in Brunswick, Georgia. In a separate post, Henny wrote that his pet gator was nabbed by somebody, quote, who likes to drop alligators off into someone's yard to terrorize them and added that Wally Gator was then taken by a trapper called by the Department of Natural Resources. A trapper. That doesn't sound promising. This is a Wally Gator. So far, this is three different stories he's giving. So it sounds more like a crock to me. In an emotional video posted on TikTok, Henny said, "We all need the help we can get to bring my baby back." Wally Gator was reportedly the... Well, we all need someone we can lean on. The emotional support reptile was even in the running to be named America's favorite pet and has visited senior living facilities in the past. He's just like a dog. He wants to be loved and pet. They're just a human being. And he did get very, very emotional. They should visit the White House. That's a senior living facility. That wouldn't be the first alligator to be in the White House. See what Joe Biden thinks when the alligator comes up to him, Wally Gator. All right, we'll be back with Turtleboy for the update on the care and read trial today and be visited by the jury to the crime scene. I'm Howie Carr.