The Howie Carr Radio Network

Biden's Right-Hand Economy Man Can't Explain How Money Works | 5.3.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

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03 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. And we're detecting and removing so-called forever chemicals. Refer to us PFAS. P-F-A-S-DAS. I set the word. The big one. The F-dash-dash-dash word. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. My record doesn't just get up and walk away. Except for my old Alan Shammon record. There's a lot of Jews out there still get a laugh off a Hello Mutter, Hello Futter. Hello Mutter. Hello Futter. I have joint camp. Into Futter. Oh, such heat this morning. I don't need this jacket. Who's your captain? Howie Car. The level of organization that we're seeing. Leaflets on how to protest. Leaflets on how? What to do when you get arrested? There is somebody funding this. There is somebody radicalizing our students. We'll find out who it is. We're going to be asking them some questions. There's evil afoot! Even! Rump swabs hacks and moon bats beware. It's... [Music] Howie Car. 844-542-4242-844-542-4242. Welcome to the Howie Car Show. And we've got a good show planned for you today. And police blotter, fax Friday is always. And the chumpline and so much more. We'll try to get that turtle boy on. We got turtle boy on. I just posted a picture. They kept everybody 100 yards away. 100 yards away. A football field from the jury. And I just posted... I just tweeted out a picture from the Enjulo Mafia trial in 1986. I've been going through somebody old pictures and I found one. And every... There was a pool of reporters were allowed to go into the dog house to check it out. I got some great stuff out of there. The New York Times guy was my leg man because I didn't make the pool. But we were standing out on the street with the mafia guys. They got a picture of three of the brothers right there. Frankie and Donnie and Mikey. And you know nothing happened. That was a national case. Again, not that this hasn't become a national case. But this was like one of the biggest mafia trials up to the time. And we were right there. Oddly nothing happened. There were no disasters. Nobody was run over. There were no machine guns employed by the winter. Nothing happened. But this one... Gotta be kept 100 yards away. 844-542-42. It's a pretty interesting case today too. And I guess they didn't let one of the paramedics that was on the scene. They had pictures of her drinking with one of the people in the house. One of the McAlberts, one of the Caitlin Alberts. And the judge would let him introduce as evidence the picture on social media of the parliament. The prosecution witnessed and one of the McAlberts drinking together. I don't know. 844-542-844-542. By the way, is it just me? Speaking of trials, this Trump trial in New York, you know who they have on the stand today? Hope Hicks. Remember Hope Hicks? She's familiar to me because she went to a Southern Methodist University, same school as my daughter, Charlotte, and they were in the same sorority. Hope's several years older, but they knew one another through Trump organization, etc. But she's been off of the scene for like five years. And they've got her on the stand today. She's spent pretty much the entire day on the stand talking about Access Hollywood. I mean, talk about going back in the past. I mean, if you were... I was thinking about this. If you were trying to sell a book to a New York publisher and you said, "What do you want here for? What book do you want to sell?" I'm going to sell Hope Hicks' firsthand recollections of Access Hollywood. You know what the editors first thought would be? What the hell? I barely... what it was, Access Hollywood. My memory's gotten a little vague after all these years. Oh, it was a very big case. My next question is the New York editor would be, "Do you think anybody cares about that now?" You know, some stories you can make work, again, from out of the past, is there an overwhelming interest in Access Hollywood? It was yet another failed attempt by the deep state to bring down Donald Trump in 2016. And now they're reliving it. And they have the guy from the Justice Department who was... He's the number three guy in the Justice Department. But he's now working as an assistant district attorney in Manhattan to try to bring down Donald Trump and put him in jail. I just don't... I don't think this is working. You know, and all he needs is one juror out of 12. I was talking to a guy today, and he said he thought he could get a... A guy who just had a lot of experience with these kind of trials, and he said he thought he could get an acquittal. I don't think he could get an acquittal, not with those nuts. But I think he's in pretty good shape. But the point is, they're trying to drain him. You know, the whole point of law fair is... I think the first goal of law fair is to shape the narrative and, you know, make him look bad. Obviously, that's not working. There's a new poll out today saying that even if he's convicted on one of these phony baloney charges, it's not going to affect his standing with the voters. So, okay, so the secondary consideration is to just drain him mentally and financially. It's costing him an arm and a leg, obviously, even though he can't get the very primo lawyers, because they get thrown out of their practices if they represented him. I mean, it still costs him a ton of money, and he's fighting this in four venues, I guess, Washington, Florida, Georgia, and New York. And then he's tied up on the campaign trail. Speaking of which, you know, all the crap Biden has been saying about his uncle being eaten by cannibals. His uncle was eaten by a cannibal, and then a month later, on the day after D-Day, he joined, he volunteered for the military, which was a hell of a story. Was there a fact checker checking that? I mean, there's just a million incidents. I know, because today I was transcribed. If I seem a little punchy today, it's because I've been transcribing Biden for about two hours this morning for a Sunday column. And no fact checkers. But Donald Trump goes out on the campaign trail on Wednesday. He gets a day off from court, and he goes out to Michigan and Wisconsin, and it was two of his better recent speeches, I must say. They were hilarious. Guess who checked in yesterday? That was a mistake. It was early in the morning. I was looking at all the different sites I go to. I mistakenly, I want to repeat that adverb. Mistakenly went on to CNN, and guess who was there? Daniel Dale, or Dale Daniel, whatever his name is. And he was doing a fact check on Trump's speech. And I was thinking, did he correct Biden when he said that Russia could end the war in Russia tomorrow? Did he correct them when he said Israel should get out of Haifa? Did he correct them when he said that he had reduced the national debt? No, he didn't, obviously. 844-500-4242-978 just saw a post from WCVB channel 5. They were at the house where the accident occurred, reenacting the scene, but Turtleboy can't go near a thing involving the case. I was looking at the column I wrote the next day after the visit to the dog house. Everybody in the neighborhood was out there, and they were all making jokes. I think I mentioned it earlier that some of the old ladies from Prince Street, Salem Street, the whole area, they were all going, "Oh, I think that guy Frankie, Frankie the cat. He's got a nice cat, and he's not married. Oh, he'd be a great catch." And they said, "Oh, that Donnie, he's the tough guy in the field." Oh, yeah, you know there. And again, the world did not come to an end. No one declared a mistrial because of all the goofing around that was going out on the street that day. What time is Turtleboy joining the show about 608? That's what he usually comes out. I like to see what's going on first, because I don't want to waste his time and everybody else's time if there's nothing happening. But I think that was good enough today with the we should talk to him, and I appreciate him coming out. 844-542-42 spikes as a Trump conviction won't dim our enthusiasm, but it will pry away pretty Kelly Aiot again. Yeah, one of the things, a few things I remember about Access Hollywood is that the next morning, Kelly Aiot threw him under the bus. She was running, she was in that tight race for Senate against Maggie Hassan. And she said, "I talked to my teenage daughter and there's no way I can support him after he was telling a few jokes on the NBC bus." And again, that had happened, I don't know, 12, 13 years earlier, NBC had had it all this time. But when he was the big earner for NBC, he had the number one prime time rated show, The Apprentice. Nobody thought to leak that. And then they decided to leak it when it looked like he was closing in, and they leaked it to the Washington Post, someone who, one Harvard puke, leaked it to another Harvard puke. And the Harvard puke at NBC who leaked it, or he had it leaked the tape, he was trying to sell screenplays, he was an aspiring screenwriter. I know, you're not surprised. And he was trying to sell his scripts to Harvey Weinstein. Again, I know, you're not shocked by any of this, but there it is. 844-542-42. 508, they are searching for all the people that are funding this protest. They will leave no stone unturned except the rock that George Soros is hiding under. Yes, that's the way it usually works, doesn't it, 508? They're going after Henry Quayard, Texas, for some campaign contributions, because he, A, number one said the border is wide open and it's hurting his constituents, not to mention the entire country, and B, he's pro-life. I don't know which one is more detrimental to his remaining at large, unincarcerated, probably got attacking Biden on the border. 844-5, although they've eliminated just about every pro-life Democrat above the level of tree warden across the country. 844-542-42. 844-542-42. Spring is here and so is allergy season, which is why you need the Eden Pier thunderstorm air purifier three pack. Paul Rizzo, from Rizzo Insurance, just ordered another three with code Howey III. He uses them in both his home and his office, and he also buys them as gifts. It's not a surprise that everyone wants and loves the thunderstorm due to how well it works and how affordable it is. Dave Henshey has one in every room at the Nosset Beach Inn. Dr. Matt DeVette swears by them. Not only does it help with pollen in your home, but with the USB cable, you can use it in your car as well. Every time you open that door to your home or your car, pollen is coming inside. It's flying inside. Pollen can give you itchy eyes, a sore throat, or just overall feelings of fatigue. Take care of the air inside of your car or your home with the thunderstorm air purifier. The Eden Pier three pack is small enough to hold in your hand. I'm going to hold it in my hand right now, at least the Eden Pier. And it doesn't take up any floor space. It also doesn't need filters, and that saves you both time and money. For pet odors, cooking smells, tobacco, musty basements, and so much more, you need the Eden Pier thunderstorm three pack. I'm getting a Roscoe a bath next week, but until then, the thunderstorm is going to be working over time. A beautiful dog, a talented dog. Back in stock now. Order now at Use code HOWE3. That's the number three, and get yours now. That's code HOWE3. I'm HOWE Car. HOWE Car. You're listening to the HOWE Car Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by Northeast Hair Restoration. For May only, save $1,000 off their new PFE hair restoration procedure and listen to my "Meet the Expert" podcast with the doctors. And you're going to see something special today, something I mentioned in the "Meet the Experts" podcast. That'll be in the second hour of the show. I'm going to be fitted for something. That's enough of a tease. Go to or call 1-800-208-HARE. That's 1-800-208-H-A-I-R. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at HOWE, is which phrase best describes the protesters on college campuses? Hippies, Nazis, Nazi hippies, pampered pukes, Hitler youth, terrorist groupies or freedom fighters. I'm going to go with Nazi hippies or hippie Nazis. 21% say Nazi hippies, 30% say pampered pukes, 28% say terrorist groups. Everything else is under 10%. How much did freedom fighters get? 4%. 4%. It's more than hippies, but it's only got 1%. 844-500-4242-617. How is it that the Excess Hollywood tapes are so old and irrelevant yet? You find 55-year-old mafia stories with neighbors kibbutzing relevant. Please riddle me that. Because I'm comparing and contrasting it with today, with the 100-yard Cordon sanitaire of keeping people back. I think that was a federal case, too, not a state case. I just happened to have that picture on my desk today for other reasons, so I decided to put it up there to show you the difference. 844-500-4242-4242. Rep Cuellar and his wife charged with bribery. Beau Cuellar and his wife charged with being conservative Republicans. Soon, Trump to speak after New York court raps. Here he's going into that area. Can't they get some good sound equipment into that corridor? Good lord. Someone suggested yesterday they put a lab mic on him, the campaign, and hook that up to the malt box or something. I think the Secret Service would let him do that. They control all of the security, but what would be the security problem if he was wearing a wireless mic? It would just feed the sound to a malt box so we could half-way understand him. 844-500-4242. Saw a clip of an NYU Nazi punk getting loaded into a patty wagon, and no bleep he was wearing matching top and bottom pajamas. Have you been to a high school lately in the morning? Have you driven by a high school? Half the kids are wearing pajamas into class. Why would a brown shirt demonstration be any different than an average day at high school? 844-500-4242. We don't have time for the cut. This cut of Jared Bernstein, he's the chairman. The chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers. If he gave this answer on an oral exam in a high school, in an elite high school, or a freshman economics class in college, you would probably get at least a C minus to a day. 844-500-4242. 844-500-4242-978. Take the gloves off, call them little pigs. That's what they truly are. Is that really fair to pigs though? Pigs are smart too, or they say they're smart. That's what I've always heard. I never spent much time with pigs. You think these kids are smart? They don't want to debate any of the issues. They avoid eye contact with everybody. They're scared, bleepless, of everything. I'm Howie Carr. ♪♪ ♪♪ Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 603 Officer Mark says alleged journalist Gayle King is now calling the Hamas supporters on college campuses war protesters. It's not sympathetic. Well, Officer Mark, do you think this is somewhat related to the fact that her show with Charles Barkley has just been canceled for having low ratings, and low ratings, it's a relative term when you're talking about CNN. 844-500-4242-8. Everybody just said to themselves, they had a show together? When did it come out? A weekly show. I mean, there's nothing like a weekly show on a week night that runs on week nights. How does that work? Rachel Maddow has the same thing. Yeah, she only has to be in like once every couple days. Jim Acosta, I think he has a weekend show, so I don't know if he has to put out two, or if they just do one on Saturday and it also plays on Sunday. Yeah, I guess Jim Acosta was shocked. He was at the White House correspondent's dinner. You know, again, who even knew he was alive, people that he was in the witness protection program, weekends on CNN. Yeah, he was at the after party and he told them that he thought Colin Joe's joke about this being the last White House correspondent's dinner was something that everyone should think about seriously. It probably has more to do with cord cutting than with Donald Trump becoming a dictator. Yeah. It definitely does. I mean, how long are these networks going to be around? Well, also Trump just didn't like the White House correspondent's dinner because one, the comedians aren't funny, and two, when he did send Sarah Huckabee Sanders, all they did was make fun of her and it was really mean. Right. And you might say, well, that's, you know, it's joking, it's joking. But when they are making fun using air quotes of Democrats, it's not even jokes. You're telling me how we think about the comedians, the old school comedians who are like Johnny Carson, people who are really good. They had a guy up there who talked about his uncle being eaten by cannibals and they don't use that in the material. I don't blame Trump for saying I'm not going to this thing. Yeah. Well, I mean, nobody watches it anyway, right? No, it's nerd prom. And I say that as a nerd. By the way, this breaking news, former government official charged with falsely accusing seven colleagues of participating in the January 6th riot. This is a weird story. He said we were at January 6th. Yeah. His name is Miguel Zapata. He looks like he got, he's, they call him an ex-government worker. I mean, how bad they have to be to be an ex-government worker in Washington. My name is to say, my name is to say you'd have to kill somebody and you'd have to kill them on the job during your shift. Right. To use my old Thomas Jefferson quote, they can cease by death or fuel by resignation. Never. That's, and it's, and it's a hundred times worse than when Jefferson was around. So what did he, he used this as like a revenge plot? Yeah. It looks that way. They don't say, but investigators say Miguel Zapata used burner emails to submit false tips to an FBI hotline about seven ex colleagues causing the FBI to interview and investigate several of them. Investigators discovered that most of the subjects weren't in Washington, D.C. on January 6th, 2021. So what? Some of the people are doing, one of the, one of the proud boys or oath keepers is doing 17 years. He was in Baltimore. So this is like the Trump to range, uh, send people junk mail to their house. Right. Trick. Like give someone a huge headache. This is worse. Yeah. You make their life miserable for a while. Yeah. Zapata's first tip, this was in February of 2021 alleged that a former coworker was quote, trying to overthrow the U.S. government espouses conspiracy theories and retaliates. And retaliates against colleagues. I think would one of those colleagues be Miguel Zapata, senior Zapata. Yeah. Someone definitely ate his sandwich out of the fridge or something. He's mad. You didn't refill the Keurig machine. All right. Let's get to this Jared Bernstein cut. You just mentioned it in the segment before this. He's one of Biden's economic advisors. I don't think he was one of them. He's not just the end advisor. He's the chairman. He's the chairman of the White House Council on economic advisors. Do you think he was part of the Nobel Peace Prize winning economist who signed on for the inflation reduction act? Yes. Yeah. At least in spirit. He probably wasn't. And as you said, he went to Columbia University as if you didn't think little enough of Columbia University as it is with KJP, Barack Obama, the riots. Yes. And now we have Jared Bernstein. He's Biden's chair of the Council of Economic Advisors. And he was filmed for this documentary, Finding the Money. He's at this big fancy table, the skyline behind him. He's, you know, in some big business building. And I think what he probably thought. And he's relaxed because you could tell by his not wearing a tie. And he thinks in his mind, Howie, as most Democrats do, they're going to kiss my ass. This is going to be a nice puff piece. I'm going to get to be on TV. Yeah. But on the other hand, this isn't like Borat, right? I mean, he's not being scammed by someone who's pretending to be something they aren't. No, but I think once they realized how out of out to lunch he was, you can tell that they add. When you listen to this clip, everyone, at the end of it, they add this ominous music, which is meant to show that, like, he's not telling us everything or, you know, this is how deep this goes or something. You'll hear the music. You'll understand what I mean. Okay, well, the US government can't go bankrupt because we can print our own money. It obviously begs the question, why exactly are we borrowing an currency that we print ourselves? I'm waiting for someone to stand up and say, Why do we borrow our own currency in the first place? Like you said, they print the dollar. So why does the government even borrow? Well, again, some of this stuff gets some of the language and concepts are just confusing. I mean, the government definitely prints money, and it definitely lends that money, which is why the government definitely prints money, and then it lends that money by selling bonds. Is that what they do? Yeah, they sell bonds, yeah, they sell bonds, right? So they sell bonds, and people buy the bonds and lend them the money. Yeah, so a lot of times, at least to my ear with MMT, the language and the concepts can be kind of unnecessarily confusing, but there is no question that the government prints money, and then it uses that money to So, yeah, I guess I'm just, I can't really talk. I don't get it. I don't know what they're talking about, because it's like the government clearly prints money. It does it all the time, and it clearly borrows. Otherwise, we wouldn't be having this debt and deficit conversation, so I don't think there's anything confusing there. That music at the end was dirty rat's-esque. That was, this guy is not to be trusted. Follow-up question. What is a bond? You know what his follow-up question should have been? What's the difference between a bond and printing money? His follow-up question to the interviewer should have been, "Can we do that again?" Do you think he asked her that after the cut? Can we record that again? He must have. Can I get out of here, please? He always seems very weak when he's doing it live, you know, from the White House. I mean, you look at him and you say, "This is the best they got." Who was the guy that was from Belmont? The guy that I really disliked, had never had a job. Who was that guy, and he's gone now? Yeah, I'm blanking on his name. Yeah. He's like, he reminded me of Jake Sullivan, but he's not Jake Sullivan. Yeah, he's from the Jake Sullivan beta school, beta male school. Yeah, but this guy is immeasurably worse than him. Yeah, you shouldn't be working through how you think the economy works while you're being filmed for a documentary. When he says to her, "Is that how it works? You should have figured this out a while ago." You know, they keep saying, you know, that Trump made bad appointments, but he didn't really make that bad appointments in the financial sector. No, no. You know, Mnuchin, who was the Treasury Secretary, and one of my last nights in Palm Beach, I was at this place, while Barack Obama was there, the Commerce Secretary. I mean, the guy, the guy was from Wall Street. Peter Navarro was... Yeah, Peter Navarro was a guy who was basically an academic, but he knew what he was talking about. Kevin Hassett, the guy from Greenfield. Yeah, I mean, he was another guy who was an academic, but he, more or less, but he knew what he was doing. These people don't know, they don't know their rear ends from a hole in the ground. No, and usually when we're saying that it seems like we're exaggerating, but if you just heard that cut, then you can believe us. He's usually Jared Bernstein for people who aren't super familiar. When he's on Fox, he was on a lot when inflation was the number one story. Now, because of everything else going on in the world, a lot of these networks are covering the protests and other things. But when he was on Fox, when inflation was just starting to ramp up, his big line, I believe how he was, well, it's worse than other places in Europe. And I think finally at one point, and I always went back and tried to find this cut, Martha McCallum kind of laid him out. And she said, we're not asking you about Europe. We're asking you about the United States of America. Like this is, you're part of the White House. Right. And so yeah, he's very. Well, that was what they always used to say. And you know, when Carter was president of the oil prices, we're through the roof, they'd say they're still less than Europe. And you know, you know, everybody said, I don't, I don't live in Europe. This is another reason I want to live in America rather than Europe is we have low gas prices. I talked to Jake Novak today and he's, he's good on everything with the, with finance. And he said to me, I used to talk to Jared Bernstein a lot and I used to book him on Fox News. And he said, I knew that he wasn't the best debater in these conversations. And he said, I had no idea how little information he had about the economy. Like how poor his understanding was of everything. And this cut, I mean, I don't know how you come back from it. And Jake said to me, he goes, he's really lucky this wasn't live. But nowadays, how you know this from the internet, it doesn't matter if it's live or not. No, yeah, this will be around forever. This will be around forever. What if she'd asked him, what's brick? He would have just, I have, I have shingles. He's gonna go, you know, he's gonna do the old phone call. But what's that? What's that, honey? The house is on fire, flooded? I gotta go. I'm sorry. I gotta wrap this up. Thank you though. Okay. Another story I wanted to get to, you also mentioned this already, but just in case people haven't heard, representative Henry Quayar and his wife were indicted Friday on charges related to accepting nearly $600,000 in bribes and laundering the funds. So Menendez and his wife were indicted, now a Quayar and his wife were indicted. Lucky for some woman, Eric Adams remains a bachelor in New York City. So some female doesn't have to worry about getting lugged. Yeah. And Bob Menendez is saying his is now intergenerational trauma from his family being Cuban refugees. 508, are you thinking of Gruber? No, Gruber, Gruber was back in the news. He's also very, he's the chairman of the economics department at MIT. And he's very concerned about this proposed wealth tax by the legislature on Harvard and MIT. I did something, but I'll find it how he, one other thing today at the White House press briefing, Mark Hamill, yes, Star Wars, he showed up, he opened up the White House press briefing because this is what is happening now at the White House. And he called Joe Biden, Joby, one Kenobi during the white call to the Mr. President. He said, you can call me Joe. And I said, can I call you Joby, one Kenobi? He liked that. Nothing else to talk about. Let's just have the guy from Star Wars. Yikes. Okay. Thank you, Grace. Perfect smiles is growing. Dr. Houten has brought on two new dentists, Dr. Sy and Dr. Tam. Both have their own specialties in dentistry. This means the wait time to get an appointment at Perfect Smiles just got shorter. I've learned how important it is to keep my dental cleanings. Our oral health is linked to so many problems, so many diseases. The hygienicid Perfect Smiles are the best as well. Dr. Houten and his entire team take the time to take many continuing education classes so they can remain up to date on all the latest advances in dentistry. Do not procrastinate. Make your appointment with Perfect Smiles today. They are conveniently located in Nashua, New Hampshire, right off Route 3. Parking is easy and free. You can visit them online at and watch my testimonial video or you can call them at 603-595-6699. Take a listen to my Meet the Experts podcast with Dr. Houten, Tam and Sy. I think you will be very interested in what you hear., change your smile, change your life. I'm Howie Carr. Did you know that between hosting a 4-hour radio show, multiple media hits, political advocacy and walking Roscoe the Wonder Pug. Howie still finds time to write three columns a week. Oh wow. You can see this at I'll be Carr is back. Oh yeah, sounds good to be true. Oh no, it's real and it's a steal. You know there's plenty more when you shop at Howie store for another Howie Carr and Chief Bastard deal. Howie Carr, the cheapest bastard around. All right, today we have one of our favorites here. This is for Kelly's roast beef. The Florida locations only, they're three Florida locations. They're moving south and around the state, onto the east coast in the future. Right now they're open in Sarasota, Naples and South Pasadena and it's the famous Boston roast beef flavor you know and love. It's now available in Florida. Again, Sarasota, Naples and South Pasadena, they're going to be open in Fort Myers soon, I think. Kelly's continues to operate as they have since 1951, make everything fresh daily at each of their locations. They don't do it the easy way they do it the right way as you all know because we've all been to Kelly's roast beef and we all love it. There's one thing they never skimp on is quality. While supplies last today, you can purchase a $50 gift card to Kelly's roast beef for just 25 bucks. These gift cards are valid only at the Kelly's locations in Florida. Get yours now at and click on store. Even if you're back from Florida, if you're a snowbird, get them, they'll be good when you return to Florida next fall or next winter and you can save them as a gift for your parents, for Mother's Day, for Father's Day, if they're down there. This is a great gift for any occasion, a gift for yourself. With us now to tell us more about Kelly's roast beef in Florida is Jeff Doward. He's the regional director for Kelly's roast beef Florida. Thanks Jeff. How's it going down there at Kelly's roast beef in Florida? It's phenomenal. It's a beautiful, sunny 90 degree weather, 90 degree day down here. I know. It's almost 60 degrees here. It's a big day for us. We'll take it. Take this. Thanks. Everything's going great. As you said, Naples, Sarasota and South Pasadena from the St. Pete area. It's actually just over at the site in Fort Myers that's coming along well. We're going to be opening up there soon. We're very, very excited to keep expanding down here in Florida and we hope everybody from up there, when they're down here on vacation, come over and stop by. So by the time they get back, everybody gets back to Florida. The Fort Myers location will be open and I guess they'll continue to be more expansion probably. Oh, absolutely. By the time they get back down here, we should have Fort Myers. We should have parish. We should have maybe even another Naples at that point. Boy, that'll be great. That's really great. And again, people wonder, you've told us before, you have the fried clams sent down. That's, fried clams are very important to me and they're never the same when they're frozen. But you guys get them fresh, delivered right from New England, right? Yeah, absolutely. These are your switch clams. They come down twice a week. We bring them in. All of our seafood. It's, it is what everybody knows and loves from the original Kelly's on Revere Beach. We get it down here in the beautiful Sunshine State. And you know, I love the chowder. I've told you the story. We had a Columbian exchange student living with us. I'd say Sunday to the girls. I said, where everybody want to go and the Columbian will always go, Kelly's. I want some clam chowder. The, my daughter, my daughter Charlotte love the, love the cheeseburgers. You know, I love the corn beef, the roast beef. I mean, everything at Kelly's is fantastic and it's just a wonderful place. And again, these are $50 gift certificates for 25 bucks to all the locations in, in Florida. And they're probably, by the time, by the time it's Christmas, how many will you, do you think you'll have Jeff open in Florida? By the time Christmas I should have six, six down here and maybe even 700 away, but six will be open. Oh, that's great. So it's great. And I know you're doing great business too, aren't you? People, you start out with New Englanders and then they tell their friends and they bring in their friends from Florida. And now you're getting the native Floridians or the Midwesterners transplants as well. That's exactly it. I was out with the New England crowd and it's like, oh, home week when we open the doors and they bring in their friends and they bring their friends and it's spreading like wildfire down here. Yeah, I hear people, I hear people talking. I alert a couple of my friends who now live in Florida. I say, you know, get ready at 350 because they're going to be, we're going to be selling the cheap bastard deals for Kelly's roast beef, the Florida locations. And if you're in Massachusetts, by the way, Kelly's is always a great place to get to. You know, where, if you're in Massachusetts, not just Florida, it's a great, it's a great, great. And it's one of the top 10 favorite fast food chains in America., click on store. Thanks, Jeff. I'm HowieCar.