The Howie Carr Radio Network

Karen Read, Weed Classifications, and Gold Bars ft. Emma Foley | 5.3.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

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03 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace, stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. I just wanted to mention here, all eyes are on this care and read case. I was at dinner last night in Quincy and a lot of people were coming up to me saying, have you been following? And it was all over the TVs and I don't blame people for being very interested. They just got going this week, really, obviously, juris selection was before then. This week started up a lot of paramedics being cross-examined. And one of the paramedics admitted today that her story has evolved. So that's part of the problem is there's inconsistencies in what the paramedics said they heard when they were on the scene versus weeks later, versus months later. That's part of the issue. And I will say this. There's sound of one of the paramedics. We'll grab it for later in the show. But Karen reads lawyers. That's the thing. You raise a bunch of money, you get a movement behind you, and you have money to get good lawyers. Suddenly you can play ball and they seem like, from what I've been listening to and from Reading Turtle Boy, they seem like they're doing a damn good job this far. Yeah, and I've been kind of following it here and there. And honestly, it seems like if I'm a juror and I'm watching just the changing stories, the lack of facts, the evolving facts from the prosecution side, I'm like, there's no way that she could have- Yeah, there's no way this happened the way they're saying it happened. And even if you just have a time, that's all you need is that little bit of seed of doubt. This is not beyond a reasonable doubt. Yeah, and also the other part, Jared, which the lawyer, I think it was Lally, the lawyer did hit on was not only is the story evolving, but also these people all know each other. This is very incestuous and can. So he asked this paramedic, you know, what you said, would you say your stories evolved? And then he asked her how she knows members of, I believe it was the Albert family. And so a lot of these people who have changing stories, they know the Albert or the McCabe's or the Procter's, and that's a problem as well. It's like everything's poison because everybody's been friends or acquaintances. That's how she put it. You know, we're just acquaintances for a very long time. And so we'll talk about that. And something else I wanted to say in regards to the Karen Reed case, and I saw Turtle Boy yesterday. It was a castle island. He must have been there on his lunch break from one to two. And he was getting in feuds with people involved in this case as well. But I wanted to mention that it reminds me a little bit of the Biden family, only in the sense that the McCabe, he calls them the McAlberts, the McAlberts and the Procter's and all these people who were related through marriage and through all these things that are being accused by people who follow this case of covering up and framing Karen Reed. All of these people have a lot of power in Canton, kind of big shots in Canton. They're like the Kennedy's of Canton. And I think that there's an arrogance there where when you see the dash cam footage, right, and you hear about the amount of snow they said was on the ground versus what you're actually looking at, you might say to yourself, how do they think people aren't going to figure that out? But they never thought in their wildest dreams that we would be here, that Turtle Boy, Aidan Kearney, would, you know, rile up a bunch of internet sleuths, and then eventually there would be a case, and eventually the FBI would be involved, and the FBI would be trying to figure out if there was any way a car could have done the damage that was done to John O'Keefe in a million years that never occurred to this group of people, this incestuous bunch in Canton, that it would ever get to this level. Yeah, and however screwy the justice system has become in recent years, it is still not on Karen Reed to prove her innocence. Yes. It is on those people to prove her guilt. And that's, I mean, just listening, watching, that's going to be a tough road. It's, I mean, it's going to be a really tough road for the prosecution. So I think at this point, I think reasonable doubt is already in there. Yeah, no, I would totally agree. Okay, changing gears here. We've got Emma Foley with us, and that can only mean one thing. It is time for last call. Last call. Last call. Time now for your end of the week, wrap up with Emma Foley. It's last call. Last call. Last call. Last call. Last call. Last call. Last call. Let's go. Last call, everybody. Emma Foley in green today. What do you have to tell us? What is going on? What do we maybe miss this week that you've been keeping track of? All right, Grace, we've got three things we're going to talk about today. We've got women, weed, and onesies. We're going to start with onesies. The New England Young Conservatives have been hosting a baby item drive. It's been phenomenally successful, really proud, really humbled. We've raised over $1,000 in real items, diapers, clothes, books. Amazing. In one week, and we've got one week left to go, so if you'd like to help us out and help a mom and a baby out, so these items are going straight to pregnancy resource centers where they will be picked up by a mother who's either pregnant or has a young child, go to, scroll down a little bit so you see, check out our registry, and you can go on there and order through Amazon. That is amazing. Really good news there. Now we're going to shift gears to women. So the Biden administration is going after women once again. They are complicit in the erasure of women, and I would even say they are doing it themselves. So they've had some changes to the Title IX rule, the 1972 rule that protects women in sports and education and colleges, and now effective August 1st, any institution that receives more than $1 in federal funding, whether that's public, private, charter, whatever it is, now has to go by these new rules, so that instead of changing the rules, they've redefined one word, and the word is sex, sex, and it now can mean gender identity. Now that's a big deal. That is a big deal. It seems like they only change one word. It changes everything. Yes, and so they're kind of dancing around the mainstream media is dancing around. They're saying, oh, this doesn't really affect it. They haven't said anything explicitly about sports or dormitories or anything like that. But if you have protected women for 50 plus years now, and you are now changing the word from sex to gender identity, then it does affect sports and it does affect dormitories, or if you're on a school trip and you're staying somewhere, we saw that a couple months ago where that did occur, and now you're seeing a major story out of West Virginia, where there are girls who are in middle school and they are shot putters. Oh, I saw this. Are these the girls who boycotted the competition? Yes, so on April 18th, these girls participated in middle school shot put championships, but a 13-year-old boy who identifies as a girl, he goes by Becky Pepper Jackson, and he's been part of litigation in West Virginia for years now. He competed alongside the girls. He's on puberty blockers and estrogen. He's gotten a feature in Harper's Bazaar, but the girls decided at the championship that they would not do their shot put. And the week after that, despite no previous warning or reprimand from school administrators, a principal called the girls in and called their parents and told them that any athletes who protested would no longer be allowed to compete in an upcoming track and field meet. So it's not only go along with the boy who thinks he's a girl and he's going to beat you at shot put, it's now you have to compete with him or else you have to lose to. You must lose the shot putter to these people. Yeah, and you know what? What's also something that sticks out to me here is if you juxtapose this with what we're seeing on college campuses, where they claim to be peaceful protests and they're actually destroying libraries and setting cop cars on fire and all the rest. And then you have these young girls who there's no there's no way around that. That's an actual way to take a stand and to have a peaceful protest and to make your voice heard in your own way. And for them to be punished for not doing anything violent or anything disruptive is really shameful. And I'm sure if the parents are as smart as I think they are, if they raised girls who are that strong and that with it, I'm sure the parents are not going to let the school get away with that. The parents are not happy and there are several Republican states that are not happy right now. So your lawsuit is in the mix. So Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that she will not go along with the Title IX rules that are going to be enforced, that are going to stamp this in stone. You're also seeing activity in West Virginia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Idaho, other red states. Okay, keep us updated on that. We'll do. And now we move on. Uh oh, this is the one I'm nervous about. Stay off the weed. Let me preface whatever Emma's about to say we will not be taking calls on weed for the last 45 minutes. I have too many things I want to get to with that being said, what's the story? All right, Grace, the Biden administration moves to ease us marijuana restriction. So a lot of people call this the backdoor legalization of marijuana. The administration is moving to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug as soon as next Tuesday, clearing the last regulatory hurdle for a major policy change. So currently it is a schedule one drug, which means it's highly addictive and very dangerous. They're moving it to a schedule three drug. Other drugs that fall under schedule three are Tylenol. So that's a big jump. Yeah, it is a big jump. Um, schedule two would include things like oxycodone, uh, percocet, things that you would get. Let's say you're getting your wisdom teeth out and it's like, you know, be careful. Once you're done with them, if you don't need the rest, you know, you don't use all ten. Yes, so they've totally skipped that and they want to sign it up with the other schedule three drugs. So this will help big business. Is this, is this Kamala Harris's way of trying to, you know, have absolution for jailing so many people because of marijuana charges? Like we don't need to go this far. We understand you regret what, how you made your bones back in the day by putting so many people in jail. But this seems a little over the top. The pendulum doesn't have to swing so much that the whole thing topples over. It is definitely swinging. However, the Republicans are split on this issue as well. So on one hand, you have... Life on the issue. What's that? He said, or you could say spliff on the issue. Representative Andy Harris of Maryland, who is an anesthesiologist, said that removing the restrictions on an addictive gateway drug is a dangerous mistake. So there are studies that are coming out that it increases risk of stroke and myocardial infarction. But this would obviously circumvent those studies. On the other hand, you have Representative Nancy Mace, who's notoriously socially pretty moderate, leaning liberal, who said that she's celebrating this. She says it would be major news for businesses, tax deductions, and research barriers. I have a question, though, because you just mentioned myocarditis or, I guess, heart conditions and stuff like that. But I've heard a lot about marijuana kind of having an effect on, especially young people's brains. And again, I'm not a marijuana expert by any means. The most I know about it is the cut we play of Stephen A. Smith telling people to stay off the weed. Stay off the weed! That's about as extensive as my knowledge goes. But I will say that there has been pushback over the last few years from some people in the scientific community and some people in the medical community who I'm sure are not, you know, certified Democrats. But they do push back on this idea that there's nothing to worry about and it's non-addictive and there's no side effects. And you have seen more of that information coming to light that maybe we do need to consider this. Now, the other thing I'd ask is, is the whole idea of like a gateway drug, is my aging myself, is that? No, it was just, yeah, she just referenced that. Oh, okay, that is still hard. Yeah, certainly. Okay, because that's always what I thought too, is like, yeah, people want to make it seem like marijuana is so, you know, nothing to worry about. But then soon, you start doing that every day. You start seeking a different high, a better high, you get too used to the marijuana. But it can lead to psychosis, takes you out of time and space. A lot of people get pulled over for driving under the influence. Yes, their body is full of alcohol. But oftentimes, it's full of marijuana and THC as well. Also, it just kills your motivation. I know a lot of people who are going through chemo and things like that. And as far as if you need medical marijuana, I know that it does help. It does take the edge off for people. And I'm not speaking in anecdote. I guess you could say I'm speaking anecdotally, but I know that from talking to people. But also, this is a way that the Biden administration can pander towards marijuana and lawyers, because if a high public is a compliant public. Yeah, that's very true. And we know they just back down on their menthol cigarette band as well. So they're just, at this point, they're just telling people whatever you want, whatever you want, you're not going to, you can do whatever you want. Just please vote for us, please. Thank you, Emma Foley. We appreciate it. Octions are one of the oldest forms of commerce known to man. Octions are how economies determine values for assets and commodities. Octions are not a fire sale at a discounted price. 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You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. ♪ If you see me walking down the street ♪ ♪ And I start to cry ♪ ♪ Each time we meet ♪ ♪ Walk on by ♪ Today's poll question is brought to you by Flip Lock. You may already have a home surveillance system, but what's going to physically stop an intruder from breaking down your door? Well, the original Flip Lock is the answer. Learn more at That's Jared Diglio has the poll question, which is inspired by a report from Bloomberg News. Keep in mind that Trump team is saying they know nothing, that this report is fake news. But I still thought that we haven't done a VB question in a while, and he's Trump saying he'll probably give us the VP before the Republican National Convention, which is mid-July. These are the four contenders that I would like to know out of these four. Who would you choose? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is indeed Trump has allegedly narrowed down VP search to four. Who would you choose? North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, Ohio Senator JD Vance, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, or South Carolina Senator Tim Scott. I'm going to say Ohio Senator JD Vance. JD Vance still in second place, but now up to 29%, 48% for Tim Scott, 15% for Doug Burgum, and 9% for Little Marco. I do think it'd be strange if he's already boiled it down to four, and there's not one woman in the mix. Not saying that Trump's trying to check a box here, but to me, it seems like there was a few women, and I know Kristi gnomes out of it because of the whole shooting her puppy situation. I'm not laughing at the shooting of the puppy. I'm just laughing at how stupid it was for her to write that in a book. And you know, when Aaron Chadborn filled in, and you guys know I love Aaron, but his whole thing was how did this get out? It was just in the manuscript. You know, the book hasn't been published yet. You're writing it in the manuscript. You might as well be putting it on Twitter. Like, you've got to assume it's going to pass through a lot of hands. A lot of people are going to see it. Somebody's going to take a picture. I mean, we can't even trust at this point for Supreme Court opinions to not get leaked. You don't think Kristi gnome, South Dakota Governor, that you're shooting a puppy story isn't going to make its way to the mainstream media? Are you out of your mind? And she missed media memo 101. Don't go on Sean Hannity. Try to try to talk about it more and dig yourself a deeper hole. Yeah, and try to act. Justify. Try to act like it's the media's fault. I mean, you can blame the media for a lot of things. Trust me. I do it every single day, but I'm not going to blame them for seizing on this story. It was taken out of context. Ms. Gnome, was there a dog? Yes. Did you shoot it? Yes. Okay. Then it was nothing. Yeah, that's all the context we need in this scenario. Yeah. So I'm going to vote JD Vance. At JD Vance, 29% second place in the lead at 48% Senator Tim Scott. All right. When we come back, I have tons of stories that I need to finish up here, including. I want to talk about Portland because the Portland State, the library was taken over on Monday. The police went in yesterday and what they found when they entered is disgusting. This is not a clean group of people. There was a lot of crap laying around. You know, they say cleanliness is close to godliness. Whatever the opposite is, that's what was happening at the library in Portland. A lot of junk, sticky, sticky floors, fire alarm systems destroyed. Not good. We'll be right back. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. I misspoke in the last segment when I was talking about this paramedic who's being questioned in the Karen Reed case. She was being questioned by Alan Jackson. Karen Reed's lawyer, which makes more sense than being questioned by the prosecutor, Lallie. This was Karen Reed's defense attorney, Alan Jackson. He's questioning this paramedic witness, Katie McLaughlin. And I wanted to play the first minute of this cut, Jared, where she's asked about her story and some of the inconsistencies. And this all kind of revolves around whether or not when they showed up, Karen Reed was saying, "I hit him. I hit him." And there's been confusion about that. You might say confusion, deception. You can use whatever word you want. But let's take a listen to the questioning. Is that right or no? Yes or no? No, there was more to that testimony. That's not what you said yesterday? I think I said more than what you just repeated. Is what I said consistent with what you said yesterday. There's a lot of things that you said more of. I'm asking you, is that the sum and substance of what you told me, Jared, yesterday? Yes. So you would agree that from that time till yesterday, your story has evolved. It's changed. Would I agree with that? I don't know that I agree with that. You think the story that you told, Tripper Proctor is exactly the same story? I understand what you're saying. So I understand what you're saying. So has your story evolved? Okay. Yes. Okay. This is McLaughlin. Who's Caitlin Albert? I went to high school with somebody named Caitlin Albert. Somebody named Caitlin Albert. I went to high school with somebody named Caitlin Albert. Pausey, everyone's textured. Caitlin Albert is Brian Albert's daughter. He's the homeowner in this case. So it's very important that if she's the paramedic on the scene, she's showing up here and she has a relationship with these people, the daughter of the homeowner, that we know that. Continue. Just wanted to give people a little bit more information on that. So do you know Caitlin Albert? I do. French is Caitlin Albert. I would say more acquaintances, not close friends. How do you describe an acquaintance? I would say that we have mutual friends. So we might see each other occasionally because of mutual friends, but we don't. We don't have a one-on-one friendship or hang out regularly. Mr. Dad? I don't know. Conjections. Yeah, I have a few thoughts. Well, first of all, she can describe her relationship with Caitlin Albert in any way she wants. But a picture, as you all know, is worth a thousand words. And a lot of these people involved in this case, whether it's the paramedics, the homeowner, the sister, the sister-in-laws, whoever you're talking about, all of these people have one thing in common. For the most part, they all enjoy being on social media. They all enjoy posting on Facebook, on Instagram. They left behind a large digital footprint that connects them all and shows all of their relationships, which is what made Turtleboy's job. I don't want to say easy because I don't think it's easy. But it made his job a lot more doable because he's able to just go on Facebook and figure out how connected these people really are. The other thing I would say, and I'm not trying to attack the paramedic in this case or any of these witnesses, but I do get the sense, and you can chalk this up, I think, to the amount of money Karen Reed has for her lawyers. She's able to get a really good team of lawyers behind her, and I think that they're able to poke so many holes in this, first of all, because there's a lot of line going on, but also because I don't get the sense that a lot of people involved in this are very bright. I get the sense that they are not equipped to handle this line of questioning. I don't know if they weren't prepared well by the defense. I'm sorry about the prosecution, but you can tell in this back and forth that in a battle of wits, a lot of these witnesses come unarmed. And the other thing I wanted to mention, and this is what I wanted to say before we had Emma on in that, then I forgot. I was having a conversation yesterday, I was out to dinner, and someone approached me about the Karen Reed case, and we were talking about this, and she said that she fights with her brother about it, they argue back and forth, and that sometimes when she tells some information, how does this make sense? The FBI reconstructed the scene of the crime, and they said it could have never been consistent with someone who got hit by a car. These are feds, these are people, or contractors by the FBI. These were not people from the Boston police, or Canton police, or Karen Reed's law team. This was pretty much an independent group that decided this couldn't happen. And every time she brings forward a piece of evidence, the response is, you're a turtle boy person, you're a turtle boy, you're a turtle boy. And I found myself, when I would interview a turtle boy, when I first started having him on, I would get a lot of this from people on Twitter who would say, do you know what turtle boy said about so-and-so? Totally separate from the Karen Reed case. Do you know that three years ago, turtle boy got in trouble for doing this, and he posted this online? And two things can be true, like you cannot like turtle boy, and you can have issues with his past reporting, or something that he said online. I don't know his whole history, and I don't feel as though I need to know his whole history, because he's the only one who's doing the actual work on this. He's the only one reporting on it, so two things can be true. You cannot like turtle boy, and he can be on to something. You cannot think he's perfect, and that he is as pure as the driven snow, which I don't know who is, but he can also be on to something. And that's the part of this that nobody wants to talk about. They want to write off anyone who's been following this as, yeah, he's a turtle boy, he's an turtle boy. What do you take issue with the turtle boy about the case, about Karen Reed? What's what's he been wrong on so far? And that's a conversation you can have, but I would also go back to I think everyone from Morrissey, the DA, all the way down to these witnesses. I don't think anyone thought like they are so over their heads now, they did not picture it getting this far, and they must be a little bit panicked as this is playing out. All right, now we have a lot of other things to get to. Let's go to Portland State University. So at Portland State, you guys probably saw the footage yesterday of all of the brave terrorist sympathizers running with their trash can shields and their goggles and their gas masks and their scarves flowing in the wind and their umbrellas, and they were taken out. They were stuffed by the Portland police. Well, the police yesterday went into the library where they had set up some sort of like autonomous zone, a chaz of sorts, and this is what they had to find. This was from Nick Arahma, one of my favorites from Red State. The officers broke through a barricaded door to the first floor. You can hear them warning each other about a slick floor. They encountered soap or some other slippery substance on the floor. I think soap is, that's like fingers crossed, you know, that's, that's a hopeful guess. Oh, hopefully it's soap on the floor. I don't know if it would be my first guess with what's on the floor there. It says the damage to the building has to be in the tens of thousands of dollars. If not more, they smashed glass displays, turned over and broke furniture, damaged the fire system, spread paints on the floor and graffitied everything. The police also found improvised weapons, including ball bearings, paint balloons, spray bottles of ink, and DIY armor. The police were attacked by one person with a shield and sprayed by another with a fire extinguisher. The radicals also tried to block a police van and the crowd outside also threw water bottles at the police. Oh, and let's not forget this happened as police were planning on moving in. The 15 police vehicles were torched in a suspected arson. I'm sure that's just a coincidence. Climate change. And I hate to constantly just be the one asking questions, but if I were to meet with this group, I'm not going to question their sanity. I'm not going to question their intelligence. I'm not going to question their character. I'm just going to say explain to me, like I'm five, how destroying a library at Portland State and smearing sticky substance all over the floor and breaking the fire alarm system is going to lead to a ceasefire. I don't know to be clear. Now, there are a lot of professional protesters out there, including in Texas, University of Austin, their protests were infiltrated by people age ranging from 30 to 59. I want to go to one specifically. Julian Reese, 55 is a well-known fixture at every local protest. Not what you want at 55. You know, that reminds me of when in the office, when the cops show up and they see Dwight and they go, "Hi, Dwight." They're familiar with him at this point. You don't want to be someone who shows up to a protest and everyone's like, "Oh, there's the Lizard King." He's back again. Reese was arrested for criminal trespassing after university police gave protesters a notice to disperse and they refused to leave. Last week's arrest is at least his ninth. As the self-proclaimed Lizard King was taken into custody, leaving police unsure what to do with the pet lizard he had with him. Doesn't say the name, which, Daily Mail, get on top of that. We need to know the Lizard King's Lizard's name. That seems pretty basic. So there's your update on that. And before we get to, I know Jared Quayar, I know Bob Menendez, I am going to get to it. And I am going to talk to Howie about it, too, so we have the next segment. But can I just get a little bit of the President of S-U-N-Y negotiating with terrorists? He's negotiating with these crazy people. And you can sense from the way this is going, who has the upper hand? Can I get cut six? And I understand that as a policy, we are here and willing to accept consequences until you are willing to fold to our demands. Mm-hmm, fold to your demands, but then you said the punishment. This isn't ending until our demands are back. Until you fold to our demands? Yeah. That's what compromise is all about, right? That's what negotiation is all about. This is not ending until you, he should have said capitially, until you bow down to us, until you kiss our feet. Can I get cut seven? Did we take down the tent? No! Tents are a problem, I know that is in our policy. Hamics are also in the policy, and that has been ignored for years on end, and is used in our marketing campaign. Whoo-hoo! Snips! I'm there for me that we're using the policy now, but we haven't been using it to the hammocks for years on end. Okay. And the hammocks don't stay up permanently. Um, when it's nice out, hammocks are out pretty much 24/7, and I see our marketing and social media team very frequently. He was a path forward. I want to be honest. Thank you for noting it. Oh, God. President, man, you can't. Thank you for noting that. He had a notebook with him, too, because what they were saying was so valuable, so full of wisdom that he's jotting it down. They don't like that the hammocks are out, and they feel as though the tent should be left out, just like sometimes the hammocks are left. There, I need to know where I can get some business hammocks. Hammocks. My goodness, what an idea. Why didn't I think of that? Hammocks. Homer, there's four places. There's the hammock hut. That's on third. Uh-huh. There's hammocks here us. That's on third, too. You've got put your butt there. Mm-hmm. That's on third. Yeah. Swing low, sweet chariot. Okay. Matter of fact, they're all in the same complex. It's the hammock complex down on third. Oh, there. Yeah. The hammocks. The hammocks. Don't just tell that he's not, uh, he's, he's not going to be, he's not going to put the hammer down on these kids. He's going to let them have their fun. Oh, they want to complain. Yeah. They want to take over the campus. They want to ruin everybody's graduation. Who cares? Um, okay. Now this is a big story today. The DOJ is expected to announce an indictment of Texas Democratic rep, Henry Cuellar. Now, if that name sounds familiar, it's because he's one of the only Democrats who has the good sense to call out the absolute untenable situation on our border. Now, his home and campaign office, according to NBC News, were rated in January as part of a federal investigation into Azerbaijan and a group of U.S. businessmen who have ties to the country. And that's the founding very Bob Menendez-esque. And I will let the investigation play out, of course. But I would add in here, I don't think Cuellar would be under this microscope if he had just been a good Democrat and gone along with the idea that everything's fine on the border. And the border is secure. And oh, wait a second. Hold on. Now I'm being told the border is not secure, but it's not secure because of Donald Trump. If he had just done that, he would have been fine. That should get out of jail free card. It's not too late for you, but you got to reverse quick. Now, speaking of Senator Bob Menendez. I love gold. He is now coming up with a new argument. So we've heard everything that he was in love, that it was racist. This kind of ties into the racism. This is from Red State. It says Senator Bob Menendez's attorneys on Wednesday claim the lawmaker who is facing charges related to bribery and corruption and hoarding gold bars and hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash because the reason behind all that, it's not because he's a crook. It's not because he loves gold. It's because of intergenerational trauma relating to his family struggles as Cuban refugees. He loves to lean on that. They only had two apartments given to them by a hollow magnet in Cuba. Have you ever found that, Jared, that you have intergenerational trauma that causes you to hoard gold bars? I haven't, but I have some now. Silver Day, I'm coming. I have a busy weekend ahead of me now. I'm going to end up the local Silverman. Get some generational trauma out. You know, anyone who is throwing their Cuban ancestry under the bus this hard to get out of this disaster, the idea that like, oh, he might throw his wife Nadine under the bus might. You would say it's pretty much a sure thing at this point. Bobby is going to throw whatever and whoever he can get his hands on under a moving bus if it means getting out of this mess. I don't think it's going to happen. He got by this with the skin of his teeth the last time, I think due to Abby Lowell. I think that was his lawyer the first time around his first corruption charge. I don't think he's going to be as lucky this time. I think that was a great deal for the first time. I think that was a great deal for the first time. I think that was a great deal for the first time. I think that was a great deal for the first time. I think that was a great deal for the first time. I think that was a great deal for the first time. I think that was a great deal for the first time. I think that was a great deal for the first time. I think that was a great deal for the first time. I think that was a great deal for the first time. I think that was a great deal for the first time. This is the Grace Curly Show. Welcome back everyone. I cannot believe we're already at the Car Crossover on this Friday afternoon. Thank you so much for tuning in this week. If you missed any of our episodes, check them out wherever you get your podcast. Joining me now is Howard Lawrence Carr. How is it safe to say that when you lose Al Sharpton, that maybe the protests have gone too far? You know, I'm probably not as shocked as all those diamond merchants in Crown Heights that he used to attack. Not to mention the white interlopers on 125th Street up town. You know, I mean, this is a guy who has a record of anti-Semitism. They're locking up my toothpaste. Next week he's going to come in and lecture people about taxes. Jesse Jackson is going to come in next week and say, "I'm concerned for my brothers here in Jaime town." Exactly. Yesterday we went over the list from UCLA protesters. Now we have a list from UChicago. This one, I would say, and I'm not sure about your opinion. I would say this list makes the UCLA list look rational. Now they're asking for HIV tests, dental dams, plan B, chapstick. I don't even want to know what they need the Vaseline for. I don't either. Ignor is this place? I have my suspicions. Yeah, and it's getting stranger and stranger. Can we query Bernie Sanders? He's a graduate of University of Chicago. Well, you know who's a graduate of Columbia? Jared Burns. You're going to have some fun with that. Jared Bernstein. And KJP. Along with the KJP and Barack Obama. Yeah. If that doesn't make them proud, then the current protests certainly will. Hey, Holly, before I leave here, I have one more thing for you. Henry Cuellar was, there's an expected indictment as we've talked about if you go up against the Democrats. Right. It doesn't matter if you are one. You're going to need trouble. But now Bob Menendez is in the news because his attorneys are saying he stole the gold bars or he hoarded the gold bars because of intergenerational trauma. And they are relating it to his family struggles as Cuban refugees. Yeah. No, he said that before. He said that, you know, he's a very, he's a proud Hispanic who doesn't speak Spanish. Do you have any intergenerational trauma dating back to your Irish roots? Yeah. I can't get enough potatoes. I'm making up for the lack of them back for five generations. He hoards the potatoes, Jared, and his face. He keeps them in his jacket pockets. It's, it's disgusting. All right. Holly Carr, thank you for joining us. He's coming up next. He's got a fabulous show for you. So you're not going to want to miss it. Thank you again for listening. We'll see you all on Monday. Have a great weekend. [MUSIC]