The Howie Carr Radio Network

Biden's Economic Adviser Embarrasses Himself Plus VP Speculation | 5.3.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

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03 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trateria studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. We've got a lot of people on the line who want to talk about these protesters at, I mean, you name a place and they're there. I mean, University of Chicago, NYU, Columbia, Harvard, MIT, Northeastern. And I have a lot of different stories that I want to run through, including how these schools are planning on letting the show go on in regards to the commencement ceremonies while also trying to keep the protesters at bay, trying to keep them at peace, so that maybe they'll let the other normal students, some of them are Jewish, by the way, so they don't get very good treatment from these activists. If they'll let those students enjoy a day of celebration. But if I had to guess, if I was a betting woman, I would, if I was a David Buster's Jared and I was throwing down some money on this, I would say that the activists demanding dental dams and HIV tests and plan B and chapstick and tweezers and Vaseline. They're not concerned about other people. They're not really operating from a point of compassion. They think they are, but it's really all about them. It's all about their tweezers and their Vaseline and their plan B. They're not as concerned about the fact that, hey, somebody's grandma might show up and want to see her granddaughter graduate. Someone's grandma who's actually from Israel and might not love the idea of people chanting burn Tel Aviv to the ground right next to her granddaughter's graduation ceremony. That doesn't really occur to them or bother them. And so we are going to talk about that. Hope Hicks, former Trump White House aide, is testifying today in the Hush Money trial. I keep seeing all these reports about, she's talking about Trump's reaction to access Hollywood, Trump, the reports out about Trump's relationships with different women. And this is no slight on Hope Hicks because I do not get the sense that she is someone who ever wanted to speak out or, how do I say this? I don't think she is trying to backstab Trump at all. I think she's brought into this. She doesn't really want to talk about this stuff. She really has no choice and she's just saying what she remembers. But I will say every time I see one of these quotes on the side of the TV, I'm going relevance. Like, what does this have to do with Stormy Daniels and Hush Money? Yeah, I've kind of been keeping an eye on this. And the biggest thing that I've seen to come out of this is that there were four email drafts to Michael Cone about something in that. Right now, Hicks recalls hearing talks between Pecker and Trump about a story on Dr. Ben Carson. What are we doing? Relevance. Like, nothing, none of any of this that I've seen or read from what's coming out on Fox is about anything related to Stormy Daniels. Yeah, well, anything related to campaign finance, whatever. Well, that's a reason why this whole thing could be- It's been tossed out. I've been sitting here for an hour and nine minutes now watching this. And yeah, I've seen nothing about anything relevant to the trial. I think it's all just an effort to smear Trump. And if they have a judge that's going to allow that to go on and allow that circus or that kangaroo court, they'll do it. And then, you know, whatever the ruling is, it will be appealed. Because as you just said, there's egregious errors being made here by the judge to not step in and say, "What does this have to do with, you know, a hush money payment that Trump wrote?" Let's go to Janet. You're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Janet? Hi, thank you, Grace. The reason I was calling was because I'm seeing a lot of similarities. The students that are protesting, they quickly grab the garb, the garments. They just, you know, jump in like- It's almost like theater. It's almost like these kids are an extension from high school theater. And it's- Go ahead. I agree with you, Janet. It is. I, as a theater major, seeing- I thought that the other day when we were watching videos of- I think it was- was it University of Texas, Jared, where the woman was screaming. She was choking with her scars. Oh, my scarf! And then the other reporter says, "Tell us, tell us your name so we can write it down." She goes, "Cabriella with two L's!" and I was like, "Oh gosh." As someone who was surrounded by theater students, I felt like those were my people out there. Yeah. So they're- it's really sad. I think they're looking to be in part of something big. And also, they're not to meet individualists because they're very much sheeple. They get there. And then if you ask them a question, they're telling people, "Oh, you got to go see the media correspondent. We can't answer it." Like, it's like they just get- they're ready to be scooped up by anybody and be used, and they don't see it. Yeah. And they're- right now, they're role, like in this giant theater, in this giant play, their role is to cause play as terrorists. And so now they have the- the- the Kefias on, and the Hamas headbands, and this is just- you're right. It's like a student production of a Hamas show, and it's really, really sad, and you're right, Janet. I do think- and we were discussing this with Jake Novak. If you missed that first hour, it's definitely worth listening to, if only because you have to hear that cut of Jared Bernstein. But also, Jake Novak was fabulous. But something that he said that stuck out to me is that this misery is the point for a lot of them. Like, they want to be a part of something. It's very easy to join in and- and be hateful and be angry. And there's something addictive about that. And I think it's- it's filling some giant void that they all have, whether it be in intelligence, or, you know, just in a moral compass. I- I don't think a lot of- and you know what I wanted to mention? Because something I keep bringing up is the parents. And I know Pierce Morgan, he wrote a piece, I think it was in the New York Post. Where are the parents? That was the headline. And a few people have brought that up to me, including my own mother. She said, if that were- my mom always says, you know, if that were one of you, you begin a call from me. I'd say, don't come home any time soon. Like, I don't want to look at you. And I always think, yeah, of course, mom. But you would never be in this situation. Because none of your kids would ever be doing this. Because we weren't coddled and raised to think that this is appropriate, or that this is heroic, to be this giant victim/marter, and to destroy property, and to write graffiti on things, and to, you know, demand no nuts, no gluten free, no bagels, bring us lotion, bring us zip ties. Like, that wasn't the house I grew up in. That wasn't tolerated. And the scary part of that question of where are the parents was actually kind of answered today in the Wall Street Journal. They were writing about how parents are very angry at these universities. And one side of the coin is that parents feel as though they're paying all this money. It's like $90,000 a year at Columbia, at Princeton, and all these places. And their kids aren't learning anything. A lot of classes have been canceled depending on what school you're talking about. And a lot of students, especially the Jewish students, don't feel safe going to class. And if they do go to class, if they are brave enough to go out there and go to class, they're stopped sometimes by Kefia. How do you say it Jared? Kefethi? Yes. Kefethi wearing. Kefia wearing Hamas sympathizers, and they're not allowed to even, you know, go through the encampments. So those parents are saying, do we get our tuition back? Because this is not what we paid for. You know, we didn't pay for this. And there's parents is how we pointed out that are ticked off because their kids got screwed over four years ago and couldn't, at their high school graduations, didn't get an experience because of COVID. And now four years later, they're seeing it happen again, where this celebratory time, which you can knock it and say it's BS. And, you know, I get sometimes the commencements are boring and the speakers are liberal. But everyone deserves the right to either enjoy it or not go. Like, you don't have, it shouldn't be something that gets taken away from you because of these spoiled breaths. That's one side of the coin, which makes me feel good, that there's parents saying to the Wall Street Journal, this is BS. The other side of the coin, which scares me, which I've been thinking about are the parents who see this and think, that's, that's my son. You can't tell it's him because he has the scarf wrapped around his head, but underneath that Hamas headband and behind that Hamas flag. That is our boy. And we are so proud of him. Look at him protesting. Look at him chanting from the river to the sea. There are parents like that. And, you know, it brings me back to COVID, which all this stuff connects, but you go back to COVID and I always used to say, if I were a little kid during COVID, I would have come home and my mom would have said to me, don't worry about anything. They're, they're, they're trying to scare you. You're going to be fine. You know, young people are a lot better off during this whole thing. Take the mask off, go outside, go have fun. There are some kids who went home and the parents reiterated the same talking points from the White House, from the media, from the school teachers, trying to drum up fear in these children. And I always felt sorry for those kids because I would see them sometimes on my drive home. I would see kids on bicycles with masks on. And I would think the parents are not restoring sanity. The parents are egging on the insane. The parents are egging on the irrational. And I think that if you read, and I don't have it on me right now, but I will grab it. This story in the Wall Street Journal, there's one mother who's mad at the university, and I don't know which one it was, but I'll grab it. She's mad at the university because she doesn't think they're treating the protesters nicely enough. You know, because her, her child, I don't know if her child's partaking in it, but you know, if the school isn't nice enough to these protesters, I'm not going to donate in the future. I don't think that's the majority of parents, but there's definitely a side of this that people don't want to acknowledge, which is you ask, where are the parents? And in some cases, the parents are watching just like the rest of us, and they think it's great. They think it's swell. They're proud of their little terrorist/protester child. This didn't start two weeks ago with outside agitators or the Lizard King, you know, the 55-year-old Lizard King at Austin. This has been brewing for decades. These kids have been radicals in the making for their entire lives. 844-542-42, we'll be right back. We'll take your calls on all of this. I know we still got people on the lines. Do not hang up. We're going to talk about it. We're going to talk about the Lizard King. Every time I say that, I think of like Ace Ventura. I don't know if he has a business of sorts. I mean, if I was the Lizard Queen, Jared, I would hope that's part of a business. I would hope that's part of a career path, not just something people call me for fun. We're going to talk about that. We're going to talk about the Portland State University encampment. It was cleared out. Starting on Monday wasn't cleared out till Thursday, the amount of damage these activists did to the library is stunning and gross and infuriating. So we'll talk about that as well. Don't go anywhere so much to get to and we'll continue to go to the callers. You know what's something I never thought I'd say? I am the Lizard Queen. Well, that, and also I can't wait for my next dentist appointment because normally when you're in the dentist, it's something that you're either not looking forward to or dare I say you're dreading it because you don't want to get in there. They're going to clean your teeth. It's going to be the scraping. It's going to be uncomfortable, not at perfect smiles. At perfect smiles, they've got an unbelievable combination of state-of-the-art equipment and the most wonderful experienced experts to clean your teeth, to transform your smile. They know exactly what they're doing. So between those two things, the state-of-the-art equipment and the best in the business people, you are in such good hands. Another thing you'll love, Dr. Howton listens to you. You're part of the process. You are the process. He wants to walk through what kind of smile do you want? What bothers you about your current smile? You know, what scares you about this process? How can we make it easier? He's going to be with you every step of the way and the end result is going to be the smile of your dreams. So I want you guys to hop on this. I don't want you to delay and put yourself last and say, "I'll do it after the summer. I'll do it in the fall." Let's get the ball rolling today. Call Perfect Smiles. And by the way, they're located off of Route 3 in Nashua. It's worth the drive if you're far away, if you're close, even better. But don't just trust anyone with your smile. It's too important. It's too sensitive. You want to trust the A team at Perfect Smiles. Go to That's We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Hello, Mudda. Hello, Fada. I have joint camp. Intifada. Camp is very. Instigating. And they say the quad sprinkler will soon stop raining. The tuition is so pricey. To attend a poison ivy. You remember Ilhan's daughter. She's now homeless for defending Jewish slaughter. Excellent job. Leeron Kapinski. Put that together. Hello, Mudda. Hello, Fada. A little remix. A lot of good remixes coming out today. And, you know, I want to mention here, he just said Ilhan Omar's daughter. And I think that's a perfect segue to what we were just, or at least a backtrack to what we were just talking about. I just left the studio for a minute and I was talking to Howie about this article. And I said, you know, no one wants to acknowledge the fact that when you ask where the parents are, there are situations where there are parents who don't think this is a bad thing, who think their kids are brave and, you know, making them proud by chanting death to America or by, you know, bullying Jewish students because they're also so warped. I mean, again, this doesn't happen in two weeks. And if you were a parent saying to yourself, if this were ever my son or daughter, I would be livid. There's a good chance your son or daughter would never do something like this because they won't raise to think that this kind of thing is okay. They weren't indoctrinated from like kindergarten on. And it's not just K through 12. It's also in a lot of situations. It's indoctrination from the parents in the home. There are a lot of parents who buy this stuff and think it's great. And I'm not saying that's the majority. I think the majority of parents who are paying for Columbia or Princeton or, you know, George Washington are looking at this and saying this is BS. But I'm going to read you an example. This is from the Wall Street Journal. It says, "College's new headaches. I rate parents." So first it talks about all the parents saying, "I wanted my mother to come. You know, she's from Israel. We wanted to go to dinner afterwards." You know, all sorts of different stories. And then it says, "Other parents said the schools haven't done enough to protect the protesters." Sarah Fanning's daughter was taking a final when some of her peers who were participating in an encampment were arrested at the University of Mary Washington. To charge them with trespassing when they pay to live there is ridiculous, Fanning said. The university, which said 12 arrests were made, including nine students said it doesn't seek punitive action towards its students. Fanning, who lives in Alexandria, has written emails to school administrators, asking them to apologize to the students and allow them to peacefully protest. While she hasn't received any responses, Fanning is reconsidering, donating to the school in the future. Yeah. So it's, you know what that is? That's a parent who it's never their own kids' fault. From an early age, we all know parents like that. The kid comes home and complains about something. And you know what you do sometimes? You have to question. You have to, as Alec Baldwin said, sometimes you got to consider the source. Sometimes just because it's your child doesn't mean that they don't ever do anything wrong. I remember sometimes coming home and saying, you know, "This happened, and this happened, and this kid was mean to me." And once in a while, Jean Curly, or Jim Curly would say, "Well, hold on now. There's a piece of this story that we're not getting." And then I would say, "Oh, well, you know, I did say this, or I did say that." And then you go, "Oh, so you were a little bit of a part of the equation here." But these are parents who no matter what. It's never their kids' fault. It's never the protesters, or it's never their kids' friends' fault. It's the fault of the administration for trying to restore some law and order, some normalcy to these campuses, trying to protect the Jewish students, trying to tamp down the anti-Semitism that's running rampant, and it becomes their fault. And I'm not going to donate anymore. And then I see this. Universities prepared to prevent pro-Palestinian protest disruptions of graduation ceremonies. A social media post -- this is Indiana University. A social media post circulating on Instagram urged protesters to wear your cofia along with your cap and gown and walk out during Saturday's remarks by the president, Pamela Whitten. I would say, walk out of the graduation and just keep walking. Walk and walk and walk yourself out of the country if you hate it here so much. Like, is that a promise or a threat? We're going to wear a cofias and we're going to walk out of the graduation. Why stop there? Walk all the way out of this place. We'll miss you so much, but we encourage you. Walk to the Iranian college that wants to give you all free tuition. We'll be right back. Today's poll question is brought to you by Flip Lock. You may already have a home surveillance system, but what's going to physically stop an intruder from breaking down your door? The original Flip Lock is the answer. Learn more at That's Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is Trump has allegedly narrowed his VP search down to four? Who would you choose? North Dakota Governor Doug Bergam, Ohio Senator JD Vance, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, or South Carolina Senator Tim Scott. Now, keep in mind this is reporting from Bloomberg. So take it with a grain of salt. I'm sorry, take it with a massive grain of salt. This is reporting from Bloomberg, which the Trump campus said is bogus, and we that they know nothing and that these reports aren't true. Trump is probably, I would guess, going to announce his VP early July before the Republican Convention, which I believe is July 15th in Wisconsin. And I think that he has said in the past that there's really no reason for him to announce it before then. So I'm expecting early July will find out. Out of those four though, if those are the four front runners that Bloomberg's working with, I thought it'd be fun to just have to choose between those four. Otherwise, the list could go on and on and on and on. I'm going to choose JD Vance, Senator from Ohio. JD Vance in second place at 26% Tim Scott in the lead at 51%, 14% for Doug Bergam and 8% for Marco Rubio. Yeah, and I saw a cut of CNN's Caitlin Collins trying to get JD Vance to admit that he should be very scared of the way Trump treated his last VP, Mike Pence. And instead JD Vance just did a beautiful little workaround and said let's talk about why I think Trump would be a better president than Joe Biden. Let's talk about his four years compared to the four years that we're almost wrapping up here. We dealt with prosperity. We dealt with peace across the world. And things have gotten a lot worse. Caitlin Collins did not like that. She did not like the pivot. I guess Democrat. Do you want you crank to win? Yeah, she was not happy with JD Vance and her face watching JD Vance made me go. This guy is a contender. This is somebody if you can go on CNN. And listen, there's so many smart people in the Republican party that can't do it. They go on CNN and Jared, in another world where I was a politician, I would say I would not be the type to do it either. You have to be a certain kind of political animal to be able to navigate the sheer amount of fake news and spinning and media narrative that's going to be thrown at you when you're on a show like that. There are a handful of people who do it really well. The vague Rama Swami does it really well. JD Vance does it very well. Ted Cruz does it very well. But it's not easy and it's not for everyone and it is very important. So I've been very impressed. I'm also very impressed with JD Vance just as far as his intellect goes. He wrote a great piece in the New York Times about Ukraine, how the math doesn't add up. I was referencing that a couple weeks ago. He's just a very smart guy, seems pretty calm, pretty level headed. And I like him and he's young. He's on the younger side, especially for politics, which I think would be great. Because hopefully what we're looking at is not just Trump winning four years, but we're looking at a political shift where maybe Republicans gain control for the foreseeable future, which would be beautiful. Yeah. And I mean, you know, Joe Scarborough as much as he's out there. He does talk about this a lot. And the current status of everything with the protests and the unrest, turmoil in the Middle East, et cetera, those are the type of things that led to 12 years of Republican rule with Reagan and then Bush. And the table is kind of being said, even when Trump was in office, as crazy quote unquote as things got, the pendulum started to swing back. You know, all the college students now that take pride in America, that's not just, you know, some random occurrence that just started. That sparked when they were teenagers, when Trump was in office, pride in the country started to come back. And if we can get that coupled with another 12 years of Republican rule, then there may actually be a nice renewal in this country of patriotism. Yeah. And that shift, you were just talking about that pendulum. People say that all the time, like, Oh, you know, you know, when people say that, people say that when they're out with their friends and somebody goes, Oh, did you see the, you see the people burning the American flag and chanting into Fara? And then somebody else says, yeah, because I really think the pendulum's starting to swing. And then there's an anecdote like this. My brother, who's pretty liberal, he even called me up the other day. He thinks his stuff's getting out of control. So I really think the pendulum's starting to swing back. We've heard that a lot. And I recently read something and I wish I could remember, Jared, where it was from, but it was a piece about why things shift. Like you just said, because things do shift sometimes for eight years, but sometimes for longer, sometimes there's an event that really changes people's minds or changes people's perspectives. So drastically that one party rule happens for 12 years. And I was thinking, and we talked about this a few weeks ago, what would it be? You could have thought it. You might have thought at one point it was going to be COVID because COVID where everyone was shut down, the government, you know, was destroying businesses so happily censoring people who had true information, keeping kids home, making kids depressed, making just Americans in general depressed. You might have thought that would wake people up or red pill people enough to say, I can't deal with this anymore. I want my civil liberties back. I want to, I want something different. I'm going to vote accordingly. But I would agree with Jared. I don't think it, I don't think COVID was that. As much as it was a disaster, as much as it should have been that, I don't think it was. I do think these protests have the, I do think these protests have the potential of changing a lot of minds. And the reason I think is not just because you're looking at a bunch of radical hippies who are, you know, pouring, pouring crap on the floor of a library and ruining fire alarm systems and setting police cars on fire. I think it's more than that. I think that coupled with what we're seeing at the open, at our open border, coupled what we're seeing across the world with all these wars breaking out, I just think it's like the cherry on top to start this shift. Yeah. And I mean, you know, you saw it with Obama. Obama created a yearning for Trump. So Obama created Trump. And things were not awesome under Obama. I mean, the economy sucked forever. Jobs, you couldn't really get, like gas was, I think things were miserable under Obama. Jobs were shovel ready. Yes, that's right. Shovel ready gig economy. Things sucked under Obama. Things are absolutely like hyper sucking under Joe Biden. Yeah. You know, I mean, you could, you could at least survive in Obama's America and Joe Biden's America. Forget it. I mean, nobody is doing well. Yeah. So I do think that, and that's why you have Joe Scarborough. That's why you have all these people panicking about what this is going to do for, you know, Joe Biden's campaign and they should be, you know, I can sit here and say it's about more than that. But I get it. Like they're, they're thinking strategy. They're thinking about the election. They're politically very ambitious. They want to win. Democrats will do absolutely anything to win. They're not concerned about anti-Semitism. They're concerned about losing an election and they should be. And I'll tell you this much. I just mentioned anecdotes you hear. Like when you're at the barbecue and someone says, you know, my sister-in-law, she's a crazy liberal. And I'll tell you right now, she called me up the other day and said, have you seen this and that? And, and that's how everybody talks to each other like that. And they go, oh, maybe things are changing. Maybe people, maybe people are waking up. Well, let me throw this at you. When you've lost Al Sharpton, that's not a good sign. In the same wager that last week, I said, if you make me feel sympathetic for Alec Baldwin, then you're losing this game, I would say if Al Sharpton thinks that you're acting out of turn, if Al Sharpton thinks that you've lost the moral high ground, if Al Sharpton thinks you're being anti-Semitic, you've got a problem, you've got a big problem. Let's play this. This is a cut for, please. Anytime what you are protesting for, right, becomes secondary to what you are doing, then you're really not protesting for it. And, and, and you in many ways dramatize what we did in vehicles, what I did later in other situations was to bring attention to a cause, not become the cause. And what is troubling me about a lot of this is they become the cause. It's about them. It is not about pushing the cause. They need to ask themselves if they were sincere. Right. Are you really focusing on what's going on in guys about the children, about the women, about the innocent people, and in Israel, are you focusing on whether or not you're buying or whether or not you can say the most incendiary statement? How are you guiding this? It's about them. And I think they, they've lost the message. And I think that's because they've been infiltrated by people that are not there. That is what I'm worried about. So much to unpack there. First of all, you don't think the HIV tests and the plan B and the dental dams are for Gaza? You're questioning the efficiency. Hashtag dental dams for Gaza. But also this outside agitator, yeah, you, there's definitely some of that happening. But I think just to, like, to try to use this bad apple excuse is not holding weight with me. But let's get to the real ironic part of this. Al Sharpton, a man who loved nothing more than to take movement or to take tragedies or, or to take any form of pain and try to use it to his advantage to make himself the story, to make himself the cause a complete narcissist anti-Semite is saying you guys have pushed the envelope too far. You're losing the audience. That's beautiful. The lack of self-awareness for a man, Jared, who took advantage of so much hurt in order to cause more distress in order to cause more racial issues in our country. The fact that he's looking at a movement and saying, yeah, they just seem like they're too self-involved. Whoa, I got to catch my breath for a second. And what are they going to turn to next in the morning, Joe? Thank you. Thank you, Reverend Al, for your take on the anti-Semitism that's going on throughout the country. We really appreciate your expertise in this. If anyone knows about being anti-Semitic, it would be Reverend Al. And now we're going to go to our next expert, Mike Barnacle is going to lecture us on the problems with plagiarism. Is this what is happening at morning, Joe? Does nobody there take a step back and say, we might get made fun of for this. Maybe we leave Al sharped until next week. Are you going to lecture us about our taxes next? I mean, these talking heads who get on their soap boxes, they must think our memories are as short as theirs. I wasn't even around for a lot of Al sharpedons big moments, but I know that he shouldn't be lecturing the students at these schools about making movements about themselves. I know enough about Al sharpened to know that. Well done, sir. We'll be right back. But let's hold a caller here before we go to break. Jay, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Jay? Hi, Grace. First, I want to late congratulations on your baby. I was very happy to talk about that. Thank you, sir. Yeah, I wanted to comment. I'm Jewish and I live in the Greater Boston area. And I wanted to comment on the city council. I wanted to say this is open naked Jew hatred, what they did. They're not serious about a ceasefire at all. They are only calling on Israel to stop. They know that Hamas won't. And what they're doing and about the protests, I don't consider them protests. They know that they are in the borders of murder and rape because they're supporting Hamas. So, yeah. I just want to get that off my chest. Great. Thank you. Thank you, Jay. I appreciate the call. And you're dead on on all of those points. And if people miss this, the Boston City Council passes ceasefire Gaza, or they approved a ceasefire Gaza resolution. And, you know, Jay, you're right about it being open Jew hatred. It's just the, the self importance of these groups, whether it's the students at Brown or the city councilors in Boston to think that Beebe Netanyahu or any Israeli who watch their family members get slaughtered on October 7th by a group that wants to do it over and over again, gives a flying. You know what about what, um, who's the, who's the city council who drives me the most crazy. Blanking on her name. Yes. What TFA has to say about the ceasefire for Gaza or about what, you know, any of these groups have to say nobody cares. You want to protest the graduation? Just don't come. You want to have a ceasefire resolution? I don't think it's keeping Beebe Netanyahu up at night. I really don't think people understand that these students understand. And there's, there's a story in the New York Post about Intifada and what an Intifada is and what, how there have been, uh, the results of these Intifadas and it goes back to 2001 and some of these attacks on people in Israel and in fact an Arab man who is in Israel because terrorism is blind as the story says that they thought he was a Jewish kid. So they shot him in the head and the neck and the chest. I mean, there's been so much violence, a bunch of young people in Israel going to a nightclub in like 2002 limbs torn apart by an explosive. People had to get on buses and just make sure someone didn't have a suicide vest. Intifada means real things. But to these college kids, it's like a fun chant. It's like they're at a football game on a Friday night. They are so thick. They have no idea the level of evil that we are dealing with. And how he pointed it out to a caller a long time ago and he's right. Once they're done there, it's not mission accomplished once they eradicate the Jewish date. They're coming here. A lot of them are already here apparently. We'll be right back. Don't go anywhere. You know, Jared, I love the Eden Pure thunderstorm and the only thing better than one is three because there's so many uses for this product. Yeah, the pollen has been miserable. I was, you know, when I wasn't around the thunderstorm, I was coughing and just the sniffling and all that and you don't want that. That's why you want the thunderstorm because what the thunderstorm does is it ionizes the air and it creates a super oxygen which eliminates allergens and pollutants in the air. It's great for allergies, but it also works on just regular odors because it doesn't just cover things up or make things self-floury, you know, or thick in the air with syrupy blech scents. No, it actually purifies the air and I keep one in my car. I keep one in the house and that's where the three pack is so great because you can do that and you can have another one. Yes, indeed. The three pack special is such a great deal. I want my listeners to get on this today. Go to and use code GRACE3. That's Use code GRACE and the number three. Don't forget the code GRACE and the number three. Henry Quayar and Bob Menendez in the news when we come back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. You pay thousands to this college so our camp could make the janitor a hostage. Wait a minute. The cops are coming. We're uprising. They are stunning. Kindly send some food and water. Mother, Father, I'm expelled from your alma mater. Yeah, and there's he got so much packed in to that remix. I really, really love it. And that was just the part. I mean, they went deep on Hello, Mother, Hello, Father. They did the whole song. They were just being held hostage. I know that the media correspondent for Hamas was saying, "No, that's not, that's a false narrative." But I don't think it is. I'm going to save the Quayar stuff and the Bob Menendez because it ties in nicely and it'll be a really good segment to get to. And it's funny because we were just talking about Eric Adams yesterday and I said, you know, if Eric Adams hadn't pushed the administration on the border and tried to say, "You guys got to get this under control," I don't know of these probes into Eric Adams and his businesses or, you know, his contacts and the way he ran the mayor's office would be under question. And I think he might have a shot at being president. But this is what happens. If you question the Biden administration and you're a Democrat and you make comments about the border being wide open that we have a porous border that people are pouring through, then guess what? All your crimes are going to come to light. And by the way, I'm not suggesting that Henry Quayar or Bob Menendez or Eric Adams or squeaky clean by no means am I suggesting that. But if you think any of their problems would be exposed to this level of sunlight, if they weren't critical of our legal immigration disaster, then you aren't paying attention. And by the way, what I had mentioned about the nightclub that was in 2001, June 1st, young people in Tel Aviv were enjoying a beautiful summer. And Hamas terrorists detonated a bomb, killed 21 young people. So when they're chanting intafada at these schools, that's what they're encouraging. We'll be right back. (upbeat music)