The Howie Carr Radio Network

HIV Tests, Vaseline, and Gauze: UChicago Activists Request Laundry List of Items | 5.3.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

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03 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Ibiba Tratria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone, and welcome back to The Grace Curly Show and Happy Friday to all of you. You did it, TGIF, and we're so happy that you're going to kick off your hopefully great weekend with us here. At The Grace Curly Show, we've got an excellent program prepared for you. We've got Jake Novak joining us at 1230 to talk about some jobs news, but also some economic advisors in the news who maybe shouldn't have agreed to be interviewed for a movie that's coming up and now is being made fun of on Twitter news. I don't know if that's a good enough description, but once you guys hear this cut, you will be amazed. Remember back in the day when Biden was, I think this was like 2021, he was pushing this inflation reduction act. He wanted us to all get on board. And we're all sitting here going, "Well, inflation's really high. I don't know how passing trillions of dollars in spending is going to help. I don't know how infusing more inflation into inflation is going to somehow lead to a reduction in inflation." But again, I'm not an economic advisor, I'm not a Columbia grad, so what do I know? I could oppose it all I wanted, but at the end of the day, they passed this inflation reduction act and much to my surprise didn't reduce inflation. I knew exactly what to do, but in a much more real sense, I had no idea what to do. And a big thing that we heard during that time from Joe Biden was about the 15 Nobel Prize economists and what they said and how they signed on. They signed on to this letter, acknowledging that this would definitely reduce inflation and we could trust it. He kept throwing that out there, like, "I got all these Nobel, Nobel economists who agree with me 15." And the number was murky, like all of Joe Biden's trillions, billions, for billion numbers, everything changed, like it was always evolving. And it was always evolving downward. The number of economists that were on board for this inflation reduction act was dwindling quickly. So it would go from like 15, 12, 11, I had nine economists, I mean, we got left seven. And I never even bought that at the time that we're supposed to listen to a couple of hacks that agreed to go along with Joe Biden's terrible ideas. That doesn't shock me. I mean, look at Paul Krugman. He doesn't work for the Biden administration and he still carries water for this White House at every chance he gets. He still talks about, he writes headlines like, "Why inflation is good for you? Why you should be happy eggs are so expensive?" So there's plenty of people out there who are willing to be foolish on behalf of this senile old president. But one of the people involved, and we might just have to start with this today, because I do have tons of stuff to get to with the terrorist sympathizers. The latest, the part I find the most amusing is the fact that we have another list of needs. Yesterday, we had the list of needs from UCLA. I'm here to tell you guys that the list out of the University of Chicago makes the UCLA list seem sensible. Like the list about no sunscreen, no nuts, no bananas, we need epipens, we need inhalers, umbrellas, lotions, zip ties. Compared to the list out of University of Chicago, those kids were totally rational. They were sensible human beings putting together a to-do list. This list of demands, I have no idea how it's going to help free Palestine, how it's going to help from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. I don't even know how it's going to burn Tel Aviv to the ground with this list that they've come up with. Dental dams, HIV tests, maybe I'm missing something. Maybe that's the common theme with all these stories. There's just something I'm not understanding. But I would love for anyone to explain to me how any of the things on this list, and it's a long list. It started off, one of the organizers had an Instagram, right? And she put this out there. And let me just read you a couple of these before we get to the Jared Bernstein of it all. Because I think I have a feeling once we've played the Jared Bernstein, the callers are going to want to discuss that. And you know, we should talk about the economy a little bit. Today, unexpected news involves a US hiring that slowed adding 175,000 jobs less than expected, depending on who you're getting your expectations from. And I think it would be nice people to break up some of this nuttiness with a little bit of talk about the economy. But with that being said, Plan B, that's what they need at the University of Chicago. Heat gloves, portable chargers, that does explain a little bit. I was curious, I asked Howie that the other day, I said, "How are they all charging their phones?" Because we know they love their phones. We know they love to promote their activism and take videos of themselves being so brave with their cepheas on and you know, vandalizing the school property and just leaving the library in shambles. There's a lot of that going on too. They don't leave places the way they found them. They don't seem to participate in the golden rule. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Tweezers, Vaseline, disposable stethoscopes, camping sinks, helmets, HIV tests, dental dams, Plan B, chapstick, gauze, lots of gauze, all different kinds of gauze. Four by four gauze, ace bandages, tourniquets, curlics gauze, wound packing gauze, emergency bandages, goggles, trauma shears. Did I mention buckets with lids? Some moshpip is so weird. And it's so sad. And you know what I was actually reading today about the UT Austin and some of those protesters? So they had almost like 80 anti-Israel protesters. And once they sorted through the mess, they figured out that 45 of them were not students at the University of Texas at Austin. They were just randos who showed up. Sad, old hippies looking for love in all the wrong places. Problem is, if you see one hippie, there's probably a whole lot more you're not seeing. Where's the backyard? Yep, that's what I thought. See that? You've got a drum circle in your backyard. You've got a few hippies playing drums, and the next thing you know, you've got yourself a colony. By the way, one of these hippies known as the Lizard King. Yes, he does have a lizard. He's known as the Lizard King, and he's at this protest, and I guess he goes to all protests. This is the thing. I don't think these people discriminate against what kind of protest it is. If it involves ruining things or disrupting people going to work or disrupting people going about their daily lives or being anti-Semitic, I think they jump in. I think they're like, "Count me, and you don't have to explain yourself." I think the Lizard King shows up to an event, and they're like, "Listen, here's what this is for." And he's like, "Listen to me. You do not need to explain anything. I am here, and I am willing to destroy any property that you ask me to." If you want the Lizard King to bring the heat, you don't have to say another word. Shh. So it's not just the Lizard King. There's a lot of weirdos. And I keep going back to the Manson family, and I know you might be thinking, "That's such an out-of-date reference. Who gives a bleep about the Manson family?" But it's the only thing that I can think of. Now, my mom was always fascinated with the Mansons. She read "helter skelter" when she was young. She was an only child. And she said, or, as I like to say, you were one of one. Not an only child. You were the oldest of one. And she used to read "helter skelter" on her front steps before her parents came home, because she didn't want to be in the house by herself. And so as I was growing up, she'd always say to me, "The Manson squeaky from." I had a little bit of an understanding of what went down. And then, once upon a time in Hollywood came out, and that really focused on the Mansons. And I thought they did a good job of kind of recreating the ranch in California and the weirdness. And when I see these protesters for some reason, and maybe other people have things that it reminds them of, that it takes them back to. But it's just for me, it's "helter skelter." It's Manson coded. And everybody is looking very, very nefarious. And everyone is very arrogant. And they want what they want. And we'll play, there's cuts from the state university in New York. And those protesters were meeting with some faculty member. He shows up. And he's trying to, or some, I shouldn't say faculty. I think it's someone from the administration. I don't get the sense it was like a professor. Someone from the administration. And he's got a notebook. That's the president, President Wheeler. Was that the president of the state university, New York, Paul? It's embarrassing. He goes up to them, and they're arguing with him about hammocks. And one of the leaders of the pack, one of the ring leaders says, "We will not stop until all our demands are met." And I don't know how these adults, like I'm 31. And I have, I'm so tempted, I would be so tempted to say to these kids, like go home, take a shower, and get out. But all these adults, they have encouraged this for so long. They've encouraged the indoctrination. They've encouraged this, this left-wing ideology. They just sit there and go like, "Okay, so you want, okay, so you want us to let this camp stay, and you, and he's writing all it down. So meek, so feckless. Just letting these kids do whatever they want. It's pathetic. The whole thing is pathetic. But, as I was saying, let's put that on the back burner, because we got plenty of time to get through all that. Jared Bernstein is Biden's economic advisor. And if you've been looking around and saying to yourself, things aren't going that well with the economy, despite what Jenny Yell told me, despite what Paul Krugman told me, despite what all these people told me, that it was going to be great, and inflation was going to be reduced, and Joe Biden is going to be able to, you know, bring America back. None of that has happened. Well, if you listen to Jared Bernstein in this documentary, you will understand why things aren't running smoothly. This is a man who's billed as one of the people advising Joe Biden, the President of the United States on the economy. Jared, I'm actually going to save this. I know I just teased it a lot. I'm sorry. We will get to it on the other side. And you know what? I would make another old comparison here, or I'll throw out another, another oldie, but goodie. I think he got Grey Gardensed in this situation. And if you don't know what that means, here's what it means. He definitely thought he was filming this documentary. It was going to be some sort of ego stroking. They were going to ask him, you know, "Oh, you're so wise on the economy." Instead, they ask him a question, and they film him, a very basic question, not being able to answer it. And it's the best cut ever. So we will play it when we come back. Everyone else stay on the lines. Don't go anywhere. Listen up. You've waited through the cold temps. You made it through the wilderness. And now we are into spring. Soon we're going to be into summer. It's getting beautiful out. That does mean pollutants in the air. That does mean allergens, pollen. But guess what? You've got the thunderstorm. The thunderstorm can tackle that. And if you get the three pack, you can also put one in your kitchen to tackle any sort of odors. People sometimes will write into me and they'll say, "What if you're not stinky? What if your house isn't stinky?" I'm like, "No, that's not what we mean." There's always an odor, whether you just cooked a piece of fish, or you just cooked a hamburger. And no one's saying that it's a bad smell. But after a while, if you let it linger, it's not good. So you want to clear it out. That's where the thunderstorm can do. I'm not suggesting we have a stinky audience. I actually think that you guys are. You probably smell top notch. But it's good to have a thunderstorm to clear out the musty-basement smells, to clear out the smells in your car, to clear out the odors after cooking, and also just to clear out pollutants in the air. Because allergens are out there, pollen comes into play, and it's a small device, it's quiet, it's easy to use. You plug it into the wall, and bam, it's going to get rid of all of that. So the three pack special is a great deal. Go to Use code GRACE in the number three. That's, code GRACE in the number three. Say hello to spring and go buy to allergens. Get the three pack today. Don't forget the code GRACE in the number three. When we come back, we'll take your calls. Don't go anywhere. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. [MUSIC] Welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. All right, so here's the cut. Now, I will explain one thing. Typically, when I've got to cut this this long, I would stop it. And maybe I will, but I do think that the run-on sentence of Jared Bernstein is something you need to hear in full. So I'm going to do my best for once in my life to keep my big trap shut. So this is Biden's economic advisor. He's partaking in this movie. It's called Get Money. Okay, or finding the money. That's what the movie's called, finding the money. And in my opinion, he must have thought this was going to be a flattering, you know, movie and make him look good and maybe, you know, be a nice resume enhancer. And, you know, all these people are egomaniacs. They're all narcissists. So they tell them, "Hey, we want to film you for an hour at a fancy building in front of a big desk." And he goes, "Great. That's perfect." Doesn't pan out the way I have to assume he was hoping it would go. So let's take a listen here to Jared Bernstein, someone who's advising the president on the economy. This is Cut 20. The US government can't go bankrupt because we can print our own money. It obviously begs the question, why exactly are we borrowing in a currency that we print ourselves? I'm waiting for someone to stand up and say, "Why do we borrow our own currency in the first place?" Like you said, they print the dollar. So why does the government even borrow? Well, again, some of this stuff gets some of the language that the M&M, some of the language and concepts are just confusing. I mean, the government definitely prints money and it definitely lends that money, which is why the government definitely prints money and then it lends that money by selling bonds. Is that what they do? Yeah, they sell bonds. Yeah, they sell bonds, right? So they sell bonds and people buy the bonds and lend them the money. Yeah, so a lot of times, at least to my year with MMT, the language and the concepts can be kind of unnecessarily confusing, but there is no question that the government prints money and then it uses that money to... So, yeah, I guess I'm just... I can't really talk. I don't get it. I don't know what they're talking about. Because it's like the government clearly prints money. It does it all the time and it clearly borrows. Otherwise, we wouldn't be having this debt and deficit conversation. So I don't think there's anything confusing there. Nailed it. We call him One Take Jared Bernstein. She's like, "That was perfect." With some sinister music playing in the background, you just made our lives a lot easier. That is going to be just... That's not getting left on the cutting room floor, Jared. Let me assure you that rambling answer where you said nothing is perfect. Sometimes I'll start a sentence and I don't even know where it's going. I just hope I find it a long way, like an improv conversation. Improversation. The U.S. economy can't go bankrupt because we print our own money. That's good to know. That is... Here we are. We're all so... Jared, we all worry so much. You know, we get so focused on the wrong things. It's like we didn't even realize that. That now we're in the clear. And by the way, I want to say a few things. KJP, watch out. Because this guy is gunning for your gig, my friend. He has what it takes. The amount of ummms. Let me be clear. It can be confusing, but I'll make it more confusing. This man, he heard about the coup on KJP. He heard about the White House wanting her out and he said, "I'm putting in my audition tape, finding the money. Here we go, send this to the White House. I'll be at the podium by next Wednesday." That's an audition tape right there. So, Karine Jean-Pierre, current press secretary, get ready. Because if they weren't trying to move you out before, once they see this, once they see this stellar performance, you might be out on your ass. That's number one. Number two, you might be thinking to yourself, "Well, Grace, why don't you explain it?" Or, "Why don't you have a better explanation? Can you explain the bonds and this and that?" I got news for you. I'm not the economic advisor to the President of the United States, and I'm not being asked to be in documentaries about money and bonds and bankruptcy and printing. That's not me. That's not how I bill myself. I'm not writing inflation reports for the New York Times. I'm not signing on to these ridiculous inflation reduction acts. That is Jared Bernstein and Paul Krugman and all these other people. But they don't know what they're talking about. So, he says, "The US economy can't go bankrupt because we print our own money." He has the same concept of the money printing machines as I had when I was 10. And I first found out they printed money and I thought, "Why don't they just print this in what I thought when I was a 10-year-old?" I thought, "If they can print money, why don't they just print everybody tons of money that will all be rich?" And they can just keep printing it. But I was 10 years old! I wasn't the economic advisor to the President of the United States! Jake Novak joins us after the break. Keep your car, truck, or SUV in tip-top running condition and get your oil changed. My friends at JB AutoCare in Weymouth are offering $20 off an oil change, conventional or synthetic. The waiting room is clean and the service is excellent. Need repairs? I count on JB Auto. They offer Saturday service, three loaner cars, and a three-year 36,000-mile warranty on all repairs. Call today and let them know Grace sent you or book online at JB AutoCare, Ruth Rie in North Weymouth. I can't remember crazier times in my lifetime. Now more than ever, expect the unexpected with ReadyWise. Always be prepared. At ReadyWise, their mission is to bring peace of mind to their consumers by offering high-quality food and gear at a reasonable price. ReadyWise relentlessly pursues solutions to help you be prepared. Go to Intercode Howie20 at checkout and receive 20% off your purchase. Or call 895 ready to speak with an actual person. That's If you don't know about the recent Supreme Court decisions affecting Second Amendment rights, you should tune into Rapid Fire, our local 2A talk radio show, to learn more about the cases being brought to the Massachusetts court system. Join us every Wednesday at 4 p.m. at or search rapidfire on your favorite podcast network. At Cape Gunworks, we are responding to all 2A news. Go to and give us a shot. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. Alright, so there's a fair amount of debate on the text line. And Jared and I were actually just talking about this. As to whether Jared Bernstein didn't understand the question or his answer to the question. Or if he knew the answer and he just couldn't give away the game and actually say the truth. And that's where the textures are going back and forth on. But before we get into it, I've got you. You know what? I have faith in Jared Bernstein. That could be both. It's a deadly combination of both. Dishonesty and also stupidity rolled into one. We're always talking about dangerous cocktails. You know, with the Bidens at stupidity and arrogance, I think with Jared Bernstein, it might be stupidity and deceitfulness. It might be the combo there. Jake Novak, who has a brilliant sub stack. You guys should check out joins us now. Jake, we've had you want to talk about these anti-Israel protests, these urban terrorists as you describe them taking over the country and blocking bridges and taking over college campuses. And you've been very helpful on the topic of the Middle East. But you're really great with things, all things to do with finance and the economy. So I want to replay this cut, which is not something I often do. But it's so worth listening to one more time. And then I'm going to get your reaction, Jake. You can break down whether you think Jared Bernstein just didn't know the answer to the question or if he just wasn't being honest. So this is Cut 20 Bidens Economic Advisor. Keep that in mind, people. He's advising the President of the United States. This is Jared Bernstein in a documentary called Finding the Money Cut 20. The US government can't go bankrupt because we can print our own money. It obviously begs the question, why exactly are we borrowing an currency that we print ourselves? I'm waiting for someone to stand up and say, why do we borrow our own currency in the first place? Like you said, they print the dollar, so why does the government even borrow? Well, again, some of this stuff gets some of the language that some of the language and concepts are just confusing. I mean, the government definitely prints money, and it definitely lends that money, which is why the government definitely prints money, and then it lends that money by selling bonds. Is that what they do? Yeah, they sell bonds. Yeah, they sell bonds, right, since they sell bonds and people buy the bonds and lend them the money. Yeah, so a lot of times, at least to my year with MMT, the language and the concepts can be kind of unnecessarily confusing, but there is no question that the government prints money, and then it uses that money to... So, yeah, I guess I'm just... I can't really talk. I don't get it. I don't know what they're talking about, because it's like the government clearly prints money. It does it all the time, and it clearly borrows. Otherwise, we wouldn't be having this debt and deficit conversation, so I don't think there's anything confusing. There's anything confusing there. See, to me, Jake, this doesn't feel like something he should be working through on camera. You know, he's working through his answers, and he's trying to get help from the person who asked him the question, and as an economic advisor, it just feels like things he should have had settled before they turned the red light on and started recording. I would love your response to this cut. Well, the first thing is, first of all, thanks for having me. You didn't know when you just got in touch with me a little while ago and asked me to comment on this, that I've got a long history, a professional history with Jared Bernstein. When he's been with Biden for years, when Biden was vice president, Jared Bernstein used to come on a show I produced on Fox every month after the jobs report, and we would have our little economic sparring, and it was fun. And, you know, it was obvious why they chose him. He's not a bad looking guy now, but this was 15 years ago, so he was a good looking younger guy. He was the economic spokesman. It was clear that he did not have deep economic background. He was there to kind of just pump, you know, to say the administration, the Obama administration, and his Biden's office, their line on the economy. Now, I would never have guessed, however, that his misunderstanding or lack of knowledge ran this deep. It's, you know, this is scary because it's not so much that, okay, he's really, I don't think he's really making the policy. He's really an economic spokesman. He's not advising the president about anything. I can tell you that right now. But he should have a basic idea that they're going to put him out there. I mean, the question just happened. This was for a documentary. But, you know, they put him out there live, gracely put him out there live on TV. What if this had happened on live TV? What if it happened on live TV on one of my shows? And this had happened. It would have been a big, big scandal at the time. He should be, he should feel lucky that it's just getting out there on Twitter and on this documentary and didn't happen live. But it just goes to show there's such a lack of real understanding. But I think that comes from the lack of actually caring. There are definitely people who know the answer to this question, grace, in the administration and just don't care. So why would they push out the factors out that you have the facts to their spokespeople, like a guy like Jared Bernstein, when they don't even care about it? Yeah, I'm glad you brought up him being on Fox because I do remember him going back and forth a lot with Martha McCallum. And I do believe one of his go-to lines from the administration when it comes to inflation is, well, look at Europe. They have a lot of inflation too. And at one point, I'm not sure if it was Martha McCallum or if it was Sandra Smith. Somebody said to him, like, I'm not asking you about Europe. You're part of the Biden White House. You're in the United States of America. You're part of this administration. We're not asking you about how things are worse in Europe as if that's some sort of excuse. But just to go back to this, Jake, for a second, I want to play the beat. Let's play the cut again. We'll just play the beginning of it. And then Jake, I want to get your response. If you were Jared Bernstein, if you were in that seat, how you would answer this question. So let's take a listen to this interviewer one more time. The US government can't go bankrupt because we can print our own money. It obviously begs the question, why exactly are we borrowing an currency that we print ourselves? I'm waiting for someone to stand up and say, why do we borrow our own currency in the first place? Jake, how would you have responded to that if you were in Jared Bernstein's shoes? Well, I would have said we may not go bankrupt in a way normal person can, but we can absolutely go out of business, especially if the foreign lenders, the foreign countries and the foreign investors buying our bonds, stop doing it and sell them for pennies on the dollar that we're printing. That can cause a huge problem. And then if they don't get the money that they want, or the debts paid back to the level that they want, they can cut off all economic trade with us completely. If that's a tariff war is where bad, how about not being able to get any supplies from a receive and vice versa. That's why we can go bankrupt. The dollar is only valuable. It's not just valuable based on how many actual physical dollars they're out there, but it's only valuable if the world considers it a form of a, not just a currency, but also a commodity. That's the difference between that and Bitcoin. I've been a big believer that Bitcoin is a commodity, like gold. And yes, you can trade it and you can use it. I don't really think it's completely a currency, but that's the thing. The dollar is kind of both. So we can go bankrupt or, you know, or essentially go out of business as a country and lose any kind of economic footing and completely go into chaos. If the people who are buying those bonds, because, you know, it's not just you and me, it's China, it's Britain, it's Japan, all those companies, countries, they like whatever. If we're given up this as useless, then we really crash. Then we'll have to bring wheelbarrows to the grocery store to buy a loaf of bread, like they did in Germany before World War II. Jared Bernstein just heard that answer and said, "Ah, that would have been good, too. That would have been the way to go, damn it. And I think of that." Jake, I want to ask you, since we have you here and you are such an expert on all things economics, I would love to get your take on the jobs report. So this is from Breitbart. It says employers in the United States added 175,000 workers to their payrolls in April. The unemployment rate ticked up to 3.9% from 3.8%. Economists had forecast payrolls would grow by 240,000. Now, the weaker than expected figure may revive hopes for rate cuts this year, which the last time we got a report out about inflation, it seemed like the rate cuts were going to be very much a thing of the past. Like we weren't going to see it until some people said the summer, some people said not even in the summertime, are we going to get rate cuts? So I would love your response and what you think might happen, your forecast. Yeah, we're not getting any rate cuts, great. It's not happening. I've been saying this for a very long time. I don't know what they were drinking on Wall Street expecting not only one, but multiple rate cuts. They're not going to happen. Look, say what you want about Fed Chairman Jay Powell. I think that there's a lot of things he's done wrong. He thinks he can handle inflation. I mean, this is like, he's one of these people believers who thinks that Fed can handle inflation. It can't anymore. That was something true 40 years ago. But say what you want about the guy. I don't think he's really swayed by the political pressure. You know he's getting pressure from the Biden administration to cut these rates so that people can get mortgages and things like that. He ain't going to do it. So I hate to burst your bubble out there if you're listening. There's a lot of people who think like, well, go do it for Biden to help him in the election. Nope, that ain't going to happen either. And pouring over these individual jobs reports and then the other inflation reports. Look, inflation is high. It's not going away. Americans are spending more money than ever just to put food on the table. That's a really, really bad statistic. It doesn't really matter how many people have a job. I don't want people to be unemployed. Don't get me wrong. Inflation is worse. Inflation is worse for a sitting administration. It kills you. The rich people notice it. The poor people notice it and they notice it at the worst time. Not just when they're filling up their gas but when they're sitting down and eating at the table. You can't ask for a worse scenario than that. There will not be any rate cuts this year. The fact that Wall Street still thinks there's going to be one is just goes to show how you can't always stress the Wall Street guys. The quote unquote smart money isn't so smart. Jake, I want to ask you something else here. Last time I had you on, we were talking about these anti-Israel Hamas sympathizers who have taken over college campuses. In some cases, it's the students at these colleges. In some cases, it's a little bit of a mix. And in other cases, there's a lot more agitators that are involved, that are kind of riling up the students there. Although I will say, I think the students are, you know, ready to go. It doesn't take a lot of persuading when you're dealing with indoctrinated young people. But the thing I wanted to ask you about is for the most part, we've seen this back and forth between the administrations of these schools kind of trying to negotiate the pro Hamas contingency saying, "No, we will not negotiate with you until all our demands are met." And then it's a little bit of a standstill. Now, this is the first I'm seeing of this. Brown University seems to be edging towards capitulating to the mob. They are the first school to consider a divestment from Israel. I want you to explain to people what that even means and also your reaction to a school bowing down to these protesters. Well, the first thing I want to say, Grace, is you hear that dog not barking? We had 48 hours worth of video of pretty violent police clearing out of these encampments and stuff on a couple of, on a number of campuses from coast to coast. And you know what? Nobody cares. Where's the big press conference from Bernie Sanders and AOC and Rashida Tlaib? Even they're tweeting, but that doesn't count. Where's the real pushback? Even on MSNBC, no one's crying crocodile tears over these kids. That's a very good sign. I think it's a really bad sign for these campus agitators. But you know what? They never had the support of the American people in any significant number. And if they ever did, they lost it when they went full pro Hamas and started vandalizing buildings. But as far as what does it mean to divest? Look, it's a joke. Even much wealthier universities than Brown who do have some connections with Israeli academics or Israeli businesses. They're very, very minor. Basically, it's like going into your mutual fund and saying, oh, I see you've got like 1% of your investment in this company that sometimes does business in Israel. I mean, what are you going to do? Okay, now we're going to buy a mutual fund that has zero percent. Wow, big whoop. That's going to do a lot. What isn't a big whoop, what is actually a bad thing, is what these universities are going to do now is going to be a big chilling effect on having Israeli scholars coming as visiting professors, Israeli grad students coming in as students. You know that's where they're really going to implement this. This is going to be, as they said in German, you'd and Rhine, free of Jews. That's what it's going to lead to. Because, again, because the actual investments from a monetary point of view are really nothing. They're really nothing. They don't really do that kind of investing. But, you know, they invest in a lot of hardcore assets, hard assets, real estate, businesses and things like that. But not in Israel. That's not really not a lot. That's a whole point of startup nation. They come up with the idea, and you and your other country with all your factories, you build it. You know what I mean? So it's not something that's easily, it's not an easy divorce. It doesn't really make any sense. And the final point I make is, so, I mean, Israel is fighting for its existential life. They're going to say, "Wait a minute. Some angry students over at Columbia who won plan B and free pizza are asking us to stop saving the lives of our family. Let's stop. Let's stop now. I mean, it has no effect. No effect, Rhine. No. Sorry, the free pizza comic really got me. Yeah, Jake, one more thing I wanted to ask you quickly here. And you were just talking about these agitators, these protesters, and these terrorist sympathizers. And they have these lists of demands. I'm starting to wonder, and I'm curious if you agree with me here. You know, misery is very addicting. When you have something that causes you to be miserable, it's a nice way to take up your time. People don't even realize it. You get very addicted to things and being cranky and angry. And what I'm wondering is, no matter how much these schools cave to these demands, I'm starting to wonder if we're going to get a moving of the goalposts. Like, "Okay, well, you divested from Israel, but I don't want to take my campsite down." So now we're going to ask you to do this and that. And it might not even be about what the schools do, because like you said, it doesn't really mean anything to you have one percent of an investment with a company that maybe does business with Israel. And maybe these kids are just going to be addicted to the encampment life. Yeah, well, now you're touching on others. Totally different story, which is really interesting. We've made victimhood in this country more important than being a hero. Being a victim now is something that a lot of people want. I want to go around and say on the victim. They're pretending to be victims because they're addicted to that. Instead of saying, "Hey, I'd like to be the guy who saved the American flag at UNC." You know, they'd rather be the person who got punched in the face so they can go around and say, "Well, they attacked me." You're right. The misery feeds on itself. There's a certain reinforcement to misery. We've told people we're going to reward you for not only the things that happen to you or if nothing happened to you, but for the things that happened to your ancestors hundreds of years ago. So it's become, you know, now it's become a currency. We were talking about currency before. Now it's become a currency to deal with. Here on my application and here on my job application or my college application, on the right about all the horrible things I've overcome and my family has overcome and, you know, and how I'm always aggrieved. And yeah, you'll admit me to this school, but I'm still going to be an aggrieved individual. I mean, that's literally become a desired position to be as a young American. No, you're on the money as always. Jake, I got to wrap it up here. Tell people where they can follow your sub stack because everyone should be reading this. Oh, thanks. Jake Novak, N-O-V-A-K. Jake Lots of stuff on there. A lot of daily material also, not just longer term stuff. Yeah, I can keep you guys in the loop about everything from the economy to the Middle East and everything going on at these college campuses. Thank you, Jake Novak. We will be right back. Don't go anywhere. Follow Grace on Twitter @g_curly. Today's poll question is brought to you by Flip Lock. Flip Lock, one of my favorite sponsors, you may already have a home surveillance system that's great, but what's going to physically stop an intruder from breaking down your door? Well, the original Flip Lock is the answer. This is an awesome device. Learn more at That's F-L-I-P-L-O-K dot com. Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is Trump has allegedly narrowed down his VP search to four. Who would you choose? North Dakota Governor Doug Bergum, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, or South Carolina Senator Tim Scott. I'm going J.D. Vance. I saw him on with Caitlyn Collins the other day on CNN. He's great. He's very smart. He doesn't mess around. He can give a succinct answer. He knows how to deal with the media, which to some people might see, like, who really cares about that, but it's very important, especially in this day and age, especially in the media landscape. I'm going to say J.D. Vance. J.D. Vance is at 26 percent good for second place. Tim Scott at 50 percent in the lead, 15 percent for Doug Bergum and 9 percent for Little Marco. Yeah, Marco to me wouldn't make sense because he's also a Florida guy and it seems like you should pick somebody from a different state and maybe win over some voters. We'll be right back. Don't go anywhere. I love balance seven. It's worked for me and so many others for issues like heartburn, inflammation, energy, and so much more. But what makes it work? That's the topic of this week's episode of Meet the Experts, featuring the CEO of balance seven, Dr. Ahmad Norostani. 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