VIEWPOINT with Chuck Crismier


Broadcast on:
04 May 2024
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"This is viewpoint with it. This is viewpoint with attorney and author Chuck Chris Meyer. Viewpoint is a one hour talk show confronting the issues of America's heart and home. And now with today's edition of Viewpoint, here is Chuck Chris Meyer. The risk of getting COVID rises with each one of the shots that people have received supposedly to prevent not only getting COVID, but spreading COVID. The new report warns that the more COVID shots an individual has taken, the higher the risk of getting COVID. Wow. The experimental shots, of course, are not really like traditional vaccines that cause a body to develop a resistance to a health threat. Instead, what they do is trigger the body to make a protein fragment found in the virus, purportedly to provide a protective immune response. But the report said the results from the work of Dr. Nabin Shrestha and others found the risk of contracting COVID-19 was one and a half times higher for those who received two doses and almost two times higher for those who received three doses and two and a half times higher for those who received three or more doses of the jabs or shots. By comparison, people who received zero or one dose of a vaccine, well, they didn't have the same problem. They just didn't have the same problem. So did you get the shot? Today on Viewpoint, we're going to take a look at some amazing updates concerning the matter of COVID and these shots. I really would prefer not to do these programs. I really would. I don't want to feel like we're going backwards in time. There are other issues to be developed, but frankly, this issue is one that's ongoing. It's not stopping. It's continuing. In fact, the risks and the damages are growing so significantly, the reports are just amazing. A shocking new COVID jab side effect reported sounds like something out of a horror film. Another even from the Russian times, COVID vaccine maker admits it could cause potentially fatal side effects. Another from the world tribute, excess deaths in Japan skyrocketed after the third COVID shot. After the CDC knew that COVID shots caused death but lied with public denials. Another from the world tribute, a 26-year-old marathon runner in great health just suddenly dropped dead and nobody wants to report the cause of death. Another one of the drop deads, then a further report catastrophic reproductive damage after COVID shots, catastrophic, reproductive damage after COVID shots. Of course, then also the rather significant issues, question and shady dealings with regard to the lead leader in the European Union, the European Commission president as to how she dealt with the Pfizer executives and how they covered over reality in the truth. So today on Viewpoint, we take a look at these and I'm glad that you've joined us. Its conversation is always with ever increasing conviction, talk that transforms and I know that there are many who have received these jabs and would rather not hear this information. You know, it's kind of like here, no evil, see no evil. On the other hand, it probably would be wise to know that there are others who are experiencing things like perhaps you've experienced or relatives of yours or people who were friends, maybe in your congregation and all of that has been hidden, hidden by people who actually were in it to preserve power, perks and position. Isn't that the way it always is? About money, it's about power and perks and position. So here we go. I hope you're ready for this friends because it's going to touch an awful lot of people here today, an awful lot of people. The UK Swedish Pharmaceutical Company, AstraZeneca, has said that its jab could cause blood clots in rare cases. Now they want to call it rare cases because they're involved in a major lawsuit, a class action lawsuit. In other words, it involves an awful lot of people that could actually put that company into bankruptcy. So they have to kind of diminish the effect and what they know about the effect of their jabs. The pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca has for the first time admitted that it's COVID-19 vaccine could cause a rare side effect that can lead to blood clots and death. Companies fighting a class action lawsuit alleging that it's inoculation which has developed in collaboration with University of Oxford, Oxford could result in death and serious injury. In spite of previous denials, AstraZeneca said in documents which were submitted in the UK High Court in February, that it is admitted that AstraZeneca vaccine can in very rare cases cause this problem of blood clots. Well, how rare are the cases? We're hearing about them everywhere. And it's not just from AstraZeneca, it's from Pfizer, it's from Moderna, J&J. All of these have produced blood clots and it killed people over and over. Most of the drop dead cases of which we have reported which were hundreds perhaps. And that's just the start of it. Just people who were pretty well known just drop dead, totally healthy people. No explanations given, they don't want people to know what the cause is because it traces immediately back to the government's promotion and these companies promotion of a so-called medical answer that was totally untested, untried, experimental and for which the government granted immunity in the United States. So that having been said, we move forward to take a look at one of the most shocking new COVID jab side effects. I hope you're listening very carefully. As the article begins by Dr. Joseph McCullough, it sounds like something out of a horror movie. All mRNA jab recipients are at risk and they may be shedding infectious pryons which can be transmitted to others and trigger dementia and the key word here is dementia. Now Alzheimer's is dreaded, it's feared like cancer these days. Dementia is a form of that, it's more of a collective term. So are the mRNA jabs putting people at risk? Have they put people at risk for advanced dementia or Alzheimer's? According to mounting data, one of the more serious side effects of the COVID mRNA jabs appears to be dementia and worse yet, this previously untransmissible disease may now be contagious, transmissible by way of pryons. Now that's what's doubly fascinating about this and extremely high risk. It's not just a matter of whether you got the jab, it's a matter of it being transmitted to those who didn't get the jab. By shedding. We'll be right back, stay tuned. Once upon a time children could pray and read their Bibles in school, divorces were practically unknown as was child abuse, in our once great America virginity and chastity were popular virtues and homosexuality was an abomination. So what happened in just one generation? Hi I'm Chuck Chris My and I urge you to join me daily on Viewpoint where we discuss the most challenging issues, touching our hearts and homes. Could America's morals slide relate to the fourth command? Listen to Viewpoint on this radio station or any time at What a blessing it is to be able to come before you day after day after day to talk about the issues that matter most and in particular from God's eternal perspective. You say well what does God have to do with the COVID jab? What does it have to do with this? Well he has everything to do with it. Because he said we should not lie, we shouldn't be involved in deceiving others. We should love others as ourselves and apparently these companies did not. Apparently the CDC did not. Apparently Joe Dr. Fauci did not because they knew of these things and still promoted them anyway. Not promoting them only but actually mandating them with the president of the United States coming out, Joseph Biden coming out and declaring to the American populace that not only were the jabs safe, but they would prevent you from getting the virus and from transmitting it. None of those things were true, not one of them. Sounds like fraud to me. Fraud can happen either because you intended to deceive or because you should have known if you had done proper investigation you should have known the facts were and you didn't do it because you didn't want to. Have we been defrauded? Have the American people been defrauded? Defrauded of truth certainly. But look at the consequences, rolling out echoing consequences and that's what we're talking about here today on viewpoint as we look at the amazing developments and roll out now that's continuing advancing with no end in sight as to the fallout from these jabs. Stephanie Sineff, a PhD, explained why she suspected the COVID shots may eventually result in an avalanche of neurological pryon-based diseases such as Alzheimer's. The take home from her paper is that the COVID shots offered to hundreds of millions of people are instruction sets for your body to make a toxic protein that would eventually wind up concentrated in your spleen from where pryon-like protein instructions would be sent out leading to neurodegenerative diseases of which there are many neurodegenerative diseases. In other words, fancy name for diseases that affect your nervous system and your brain. The term pryon derives from protonaceous infectious particle proteins, excuse me, pryons are known to cause a variety of neurodegenerative diseases in animals and humans such as the dreaded CJD in humans, bovine spongiform encephalopathy called mad cow disease in cattle and chronic wasting disease in deer and in elk. These diseases are characterized by long incubation periods, brain damage, the formulation of holes in the brain giving it a sponge-like appearance and failure to induce an inflammatory response. Now, you may think, boy, I've got that, I feel like my brain is full of holes, sometimes I feel like that myself. When I'm dredging out, trying to bring up in my hard drive, something that I know I should know and just can't quite bring up to the forefront of my mind and I go through a process to try to get there. So we may feel like we have sponge brains. On the other hand, nothing like what they're talking about here. Unlike bacteria, viruses and fungi, which contain nucleic acids, DNA and RNA that instruct their replication, these pryons propagate by transmitting their misfolded protein state to normal variants of the same protein. In other words, what they're doing is contaminated or infecting good protein with toxic protein. The infectious properties of these pryons are due to the ability of the abnormal protein to convert the normal version of the protein into the misfolded form, thereby setting off a chain reaction that progressively damages the entire nervous system. And we all have nervous systems. Some of us are more nervous than others, right? And some of us get more nervous by the day with all the things that are being said to us, which we shouldn't do because we should not be anxious for anything, but in everything give thanks that this is the will of God concerning you. But we're still living in a real world and there are things that challenge us every day. Every one of us are challenged and they challenge our neurological systems as well, stress does that. On the other hand, we're talking about something dramatically different here. We're talking about something insidious that comes from the inside. It's not something that you're experiencing environmentally from the outside. It's something that has been injected in you and now is taking over your body one little step at a time producing situations that you had absolutely no dream or imagination could possibly be involved. Prions are remarkably resistant and survive extreme conditions that would normally destroy nucleic acids or other pathogens, which is part of why the pryon diseases are so difficult to treat almost impossible. So today there's even more evidence to support Dr. Senoff's theory. In August of 2022, a tech entrepreneur, Sid Belzreg, wrote about pryons, a website he'd set up to collect data on the neurological side effects of the jabs. Within a few months, his site had received about 15,000 hits, gathered 60 reports from people who got the jab and suffered neurological deficits shortly thereafter, including six cases of the dreaded and diagnosed CJD. So for those of you who've had that or know what it is, we're not going to go into greater explanations of CJD. Everybody has to have their initials now, if you notice, the whole medical establishment has to have, and the pharmaceutical agents, establishment has to have little acronyms or initials to identify everything so that you can take ownership of it for yourself. That's why. That's how they can market it. In mid-December of 2023, research has reported that the replacing of uracil with synthetic whatever it is in the COVID shots, a process known as codon optimization, could cause what they call frame shifting, a glitch in the decoding. By triggering the production of off-target aberrant proteins. So even as they tried to make a correction, perhaps it actually triggered even more problems. The antibodies that develop as a result may in turn trigger off-target immune reactions. Mass-target cellular immune responses occur in 25 to 30 percent of people who have received the COVID shot. But that's not all. According to British neuroscientist Dr. Kevin McCarron, this frame shifting phenomenon has also been linked to harmful pryon production. And that frame shifted pryons specifically are infectious and can be transmitted from one person to another. How? It's called shedding. Don't ask me how it happens that they're saying absolute happens. It was denied that absolutely it happens. Pryons may in fact be the primary molecule that is being shed by COVID jab recipients. And if those pryons are due to frame shifting, there could be very bad news indeed considering their implication in dementia. So if we're not going to be dead from the COVID shots, we'll just be dumb, deprived of mental function, in which case they want us to be dead anyway. And that's why summer asking was all of this really intended to heal people or to destroy the population. I can't answer that question. I just know that Bill Gates wants to reduce the population of the world by two thirds, which he's declared, and there are others with him on that. Now the largest study to date on the side effects of the COVID jabs was published in the journal vaccine. That's the title of the journal in February of February 12, 2024. Now that's pretty recent. It confirms what many other alternative news sources have been saying all along, namely that the m r n a jabs are the most dangerous medical products to ever hit the market. Did you hear that? Would you like me to repeat it? The m r n a jabs are the most dangerous medical products to ever hit the market. Sure made a lot of money though, kept a lot of people in power, made a lot of people feel better for a while, got them onto airplanes, got them to keep their jobs for a while until they went dementia. Just kind of thinking out loud here, the echoing consequences, again, the reason we're talking about this is not to scare people because most people have had these that we're going to get them, got them, some are still getting them, and we're still being told governmental agencies are still telling us that it's safe. The CDC is still telling people that it's safe and so why are they saying these things? Why? If you were to make claims like what these companies and the CDC and Dr. Fauci have made, you would be brought up on either massive civil charges for which you would never recover or criminal charges, but these seem to be totally protected. I guess there are some frauds that are deemed to be fine and other frauds, well, you just have to go get them. But the more harm that's done it seems, the more they're protected. Isn't that interesting? By the way, if you are not part of the partnership for this program, I urge you to become a partner with us. For 29 years come next week, May 7th, 1995 is when we began this program, five days a week live every single day, completely new, completely fresh, completely updated, oftentimes within 10 minutes of the program and all bringing it under the great umbrella of God's eternal perspective. That's what we do, preparing the way of the Lord for history's final hour. I would think, as just me now, I would think that an awful lot of professing Christians would jump on the bandwagon to try to support a ministry like this. They say they want truth. They say they want to know we not only provide information, we provide information for transformation so that your life can change. How many people have said, you know, as a result of listening to your program, as a result of listening to your reading your books and so on, my life has completely changed. Many people, many people, one person right off the bat in the first couple of months of the program said, you just can't listen to viewpoint long and not be changed. You have to be changed. You have to make decisions. That's one of the things that makes it different about this program. You have to decide. You have to choose like God told through Joshua and Joshua to the people of Israel before they enter the Promised Land, choose you this day whom you will serve. But as for me in my house, we're going to serve the Lord. So look, take the opportunity. Check out the website if you haven't done that. When people go to that website, they say, wow, this is really different. This really has some very powerful stuff here. It's when people go to the website, they actually end up listening to a week or two of programs just continuously on the archives. They're just not accustomed to hearing straight out truth. Consider becoming a partner, go to the website, save, make your generous gift there, sign up for a monthly automatic deduction or donation, and do it right there on the website or give us a call 1-800-SAVE-USA. We'll be right back after this, friends. Stay tuned. There is so much more about Chuck Chris Meyer and Save America Ministries. On our website, For example, under the marriage section, God has marriage on his mind. Chuck has some great resources to strengthen your marriage. First off, a fact sheet on the state of the marital union, a fact sheet on the state of ministry, marriage, and morals,, marriage, divorce, and remarriage. What does the Bible really teach about this? Find all of this at Also, a letter to pastors, the Hosea Project,, and many more resources to strengthen your marriage. It's all on Chuck's website, Again, you can listen to Chuck's viewpoint broadcast live and archive Save America Ministries website at Thank you. Thank you., sir. Thank you. It was CDC employees who tracked down reports of death's post-vaccination, in other words, after vaccination, and learned that myocarditis or heart inflammation, a confirmed side effect of the vaccines, was listed on death certificates and in autopsies for some of the deaths. Well, what did they do? They ignored those things and looked for other ways to try to explain why people died. They did not want the information concerning the link to the jabs causing the heart problems. Didn't want that. The article explains myocarditis was also described as being caused by vaccination in a subset of the deaths. In other cases, the CDC workers found that the deaths met the agency's definition for myocarditis, that the patients started showing symptoms within 42 days of a vaccine dose and that the deceased displayed no virus-related symptoms. No virus-related symptoms, in other words, they died of the result, the consequences of the jabs or vaccines. In reported, Dr. Claire Craig, a British pathologist, said in cases with the three features that were discovered, it is absolutely safe to say the vaccines caused death. Not other things, the vaccines caused the death. However, while the findings were determined by the end of 2021, the CDC, in subsequent claims, alleged that it saw no signs linking the RNA and mRNA shots to deaths. Wow. Now, they already had seen it, they knew about it, they didn't report it, and all those findings have been discovered before the end of 2021, yet they still claim they saw no signs linking the RNA or mRNA shots to deaths. What kind of people are these? How can they sleep at night? Further, the CDC claimed, in a letter in 2023, there were no deaths reported to the VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, for which the agency determined the available evidence indicated Moderna or Pfizer vaccination caused or contributed to the deaths, unbelievable. But the evidence was replete. They knew about it. Dr. Andrew Boston accused the CDC of concealing deaths. He said it's a scandal. To put out this dishonest line, that there are only seven deaths as they claim, and they're all unrelated to the mRNA vaccines, is a scandal. Another said, they are taking the exact opposite approach to COVID deaths. Every death after a test was a COVID death, no death there a vaccine was ever a vaccine death, in other words, they had a reason to try to report things as COVID deaths, why did they do that? It's very simple, because they wanted to promote more vaccines. The more they could stir up fear through reporting so-called COVID deaths, the more they could sell vaccines, even though they knew that the vaccines were causing death, and many of them had no connection with COVID at all. Roy Flores, a lawyer representing one victim's family in a lawsuit over a death, is charging the CDC's assembly that's lying, resulted from it being the leader of the disinformation campaign to convince the American public that experimental vaccines were safe and effective even before they were licensed. Speaking of disinformation, notice how the disuseful media out there, the majority, were promoting the vaccines, were promoting the Jabs, contending that there were no dangerous effects, very rare, if any, and then they called anybody who would dispute that a promoter and purveyor of disinformation. Who were the real promoters of disinformation, those who were contending that others were promoting disinformation, in other words, they were projecting their own disinformation on others so as to try to shut up any resistance to the carte blanche spread of the Jabs. Now, this lawyer says, now everybody knows that they've unequivocally been shown to kill, that is the Jabs. More than 676 million shots have been delivered so far in this country. The CDC maintains Pfizer, Moderna, and Novavax products are safe and effective to this very day, whatever happened to the so-called protection of the public, even by lawyers for this kind of ridiculous misinformation, tragic deception, failure to identify and report dangerous things. They'll report things about dangers with regard to baby toys. They'll report things with regard to dangers and cause cars, car dealers to have to withdraw and recall their vehicles. How about the recalling of all the vaccines? How about the identification and admission of what these things did? Just asking, excess deaths in Japan skyrocketed after the third COVID shot. A data set of Japan's entire 123 million population, 5 Japanese scientists found a shocking number of excess cancer deaths coinciding with the mass distribution of the third COVID ejection, the third COVID ejection, massive excess deaths from one thing, cancer, they're not even talking about other things, they're not talking about dementia, they're not talking about Alzheimer's, they're not talking about heart attacks, they're talking about cancer alone, massive increases of excess deaths from cancer since they received three COVID jabs for shots. Two thirds of the Japanese population received the third dose of the COVID shot, two thirds. What do you think they have to look forward to? And how about you? How about your loved ones? When you went and took this jab in fear and trepidation, you subjected the temple of the Holy Spirit to something that was totally untested, totally untried because you were fearful or terrified or because of some threat that somebody made to you, maybe a pastor who told you if you don't get it, you don't love Jesus, something like that. Or you were told you couldn't, you wouldn't be able to go back to work unless you got it or you were told you wouldn't be able to get on your famous plane flight to your vacation site or whatever you wanted to do unless you got the shot, which was worth more, your life, your future or that plane flight. You see how we think? And this kind of thinking friends is what has prepared professing Christians, particularly in the Western world and particularly in America, for the effects of what they're not going to recognize as persecution. And that is when the mark of the beast comes. When it's presented and marketed just like the COVID shots, you need to get this, it's just going to save your life and you need to sign up, you need to pledge your allegiance to this new global government because they're going to provide all your needs. And if you don't, you're not going to be able to work, you're not going to be able to pay your bills, you're not going to do this, you're not going to do that. It's all digital money and therefore you have to get it, you must get it and what are you going to do to feed your kids and so on. So all this kind of thinking is going to go on and already is because you've already been set in the pattern to receive whatever is offered to you. Are you listening? This is not a game, we're talking about real life. We're even talking about it from God's eternal viewpoint because that is coming. You may not have seen it coming as a result of the COVID issue, but it is coming and it's coming in a very similar way. It has to be promoted and it will be promoted and a reality is already being promoted. Bill Gates is promoting it to the world, to every nation of the world, he's promoting the digital money and his ship to unite all healthcare and financial control to a global government. It's already in motion. Are you thinking yet? Are you prepared? We'll be right back. Have you ever considered what the early church was like? Many people are developing a heart longing for a greater fulfillment in our practices as Christians. A recent study showed 53,000 people a week are leaving the back door of America's churches in frustration. What is going on? Why has there not been even a 1% gain among followers of Christ in the last 25 years? Could it be that God is seeking to restore 1st century Christianity for the 21st century? Jesus said, I'll build my church. It's Christ by His spirit, stirring to prepare the church for the 21st century. The early church prayed together and broke bread from house to house. They were family and it was said by all who observed, behold how they loved one another. Incredible. But the same can be found right now. Go to and click sell church. We can revive 1st century Christianity for the 21st century. It's about people, not programs. It's about a body, not a building. That's That's sell church. Well, we've already indicated, I'll repeat it again, that the risk for getting COVID rises with each successive shot that you get or have gotten. By the time you have received three doses, you are two and a half times more likely to get COVID than those who received no doses. Hmm. Why might that be? Because friends, it's not designed to keep you healthy. It's designed to protect only an initial stage of a particular form of the virus and to make it less damaging to you on the short term. Not designed to protect you in the long term. In fact, it actually destroys your immune system, minimizes your immune system over the long haul, and that's why for every successive COVID shot that you got, you actually diminished your immune system significantly. All right. Now, this one might be very troubling to you. It's troubling to me, catastrophic reproductive damage after COVID shots. Based upon a governmental database, not based upon somebody's theory, a new report is citing a Canadian government database showing an explosion of reproductive ailments as evidence of problems with side effects from the MRNA treatments mandated by governments and businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. The report documented that according to the database, the average number of patients assigned the following reproduction-related diagnostic codes increased on average in every category for 2021 and 2022 over the previous years. That means that the Canadian medical professionals found more Ontarians suffering from the following conditions after over 85% of the Canadian population had taken COVID vaccines. The report said up significantly was infertility in both men and women, as well as low sperm count and absence of sperm in semen in men, as well as pelvic inflammatory disease which can lead to ectopic pregnancy, infertility, chronic pelvic pain, and other related complications for women. Were COVID shots designed then to help reduce the human population? Somebody asked, "Well, maybe I'm not going to comment on that." But menopausal and post-menopausal bleeding, as well as disorders of menstruation, have also become very apparent. And miscarriages. The report said the statistics come from the Ontario Health Insurance Plan. This dataset includes about 6 million unique patients, importantly, it contains four years of baseline data from before COVID-19 or before COVID-19 vaccines appeared in Canada. This gives a window into the health changes Ontarians, Canadians, experience following the introduction of COVID vaccines, of which over 85% of Ontario residents took two doses by March 30, 2022. About 50% of people in Ontario received a third booster dose by that same date. The evidence report said reveals a clear increase in diseases and disorders of human reproduction temporarily following the deployment on the majority of a population of a novel and not yet completely tested medical intervention. A government database now corroborates claims and warnings. Women, for instance, reporting significant menstrual changes post-COVID vaccine that until now many have just dismissed as anecdotal and now are proven by governmental data. And then in addition to that. This is called Pfizer-gate, Ursula Von der Leyen's shady COVID vaccine deals prove she can get away with anything. This is over there in Europe. The unelected European Commission President for Renewal in June and during COVID, the European Union rolled out a block wide QR code system as proof of vaccination for travel, leisure and in some cases a condition of employment. Even as reports started raising doubts about how reliable the shot really was when it came to stopping infection, transmission or death. It didn't make any difference. They were going to promote it and they did it with a QR code. Well, guess what? That's almost like taking a chip, isn't it? It was a precursor to the chip. It was a QR code. You got the QR code. You could travel. You didn't get it. You couldn't travel. If you got the QR code, you could work. If you didn't get it, you couldn't work. You begin to get the picture. You got the QR code. You could fly. You didn't get it. You couldn't fly. You couldn't go on vacation. You couldn't do this. You couldn't do that. The QR code then was the test and it was mandated. You want to be able to do things that you think you should be doing. You got to get the QR code. Next iteration will be you want to be able to conduct business. You want to be able to get your medical records. You want to be able to get treatment and so on. You want to be able to buy food at the market. You want to be able to get gasoline for your car. But get your chip or the mark constantly referred to as the mark of the beast. Your allegiance to this new global order, it's coming rapidly. Christians are going to say they were being persecuted. Well, it depends on how you look at it. You're either going to have to decide now to stand for Christ or not. You're either going to have to stand to pledge your allegiance to a new world godless government that will ultimately be headed up by a counterfeit Christ figure or maintain your stand for Christ. It's really not that difficult to figure out, but it may be particularly painful for Americans to contemplate. Now, the European Commission President Ursula von Van der Leyen turns out that she had some very interesting exchanges with the Pfizer CEO Albert Buria exchanging private text messages back and forth to contract to negotiate. How do we know that she did that? Because she said so. By 2020, she told the New York Times she was going back and forth with the Pfizer chief via text message for a month at the height of the pandemic with the result of about 1.9 billion dose order from Pfizer. Actually, it was a $900 million order with another $900 million option that hasn't been exercised through 2023. So that was ultimately 4.6 billion doses in total ordered from all drug manufacturers. So why were so many doses for a European population of just 448 million ordered? Here's what she said. I'm convinced we're in this for the long haul. In other words, this very same procedure, this very same outlook is going to define the European Union for the long haul. The European Union, friends, is the major part of NATO. The U.S. is directly related. It's the resurrected Roman Empire. This is the empire that's being re-raised up just as Rome was there at the first coming of Christ and persecuted Christians and Jews, so it's rising again to persecute Christians and Jews again. And it's happening right in front of your eyes. We can't be like kids and put our hands over our face and say, "Look, God. You can't see me." We can't say to our kids, "Kids, I just didn't know. I'm sorry. I just didn't know." Yes, you did know. You just didn't want to talk to them. You didn't want to deal with it. You were afraid. Fear has torment, my friends. We cannot, as Christians, walk in fear. We have to walk by faith. We trust God. We don't trust the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker. We don't trust the New World Order. We don't trust any particular president of the United States or any political thing. They're not trustworthy. We do the best we can to elect the best people that we can find, but we trust God. You learned you couldn't even trust your doctor. He didn't tell you the truth. In some instances, he didn't know the truth. Why didn't he know the truth? He didn't want to know the truth. He wanted to conform. He wanted to conform to protocol. Not truth, but protocol. You want to live your life according to protocol or according to truth. There are many things called protocol in the church, where it's the United Methodist Church just decided to inaugurate homosexuality as normative and as not against the Bible and not against Christ. That becomes United Methodist protocol. Is it true? No. If you buy into it, you're against Christ. By definition, you disagree with the Word of God. You're therefore making yourself a surrogate God. We have to start looking at things more plainly. See them for what they really are. We're not here to do a diatribe against COVID or against any of these other things. We're here to reveal truth, things that are important for us, so that we can be protected, so that we can be prepared. That's one of the reasons why I wrote the book, When Persecution Comes. Preparing hearts, prepareless times. Right now, we're awaiting endorsements from about 12 to 15 leaders around the country and around the world. They see what's happening. They're concerned about it. Are you? We've given you an opportunity to participate and become, shall we say, God's hand extended to help prepare those in your sphere of influence through what we're calling the Persecution Project, which enables you for your donation of $250 to save America Ministries. When the book comes out in August, we will provide to you 10 copies of the book that you might give to those that the Holy Spirit puts on your heart who might need to hear might be ready. We're talking about preparing Christians, friends. This is not an evangelistic book. This is about preparing God's people. The majority of the Bible is not to the pagan. It's to the professing believer. Believe it or not. It may sound strange to you, but it's true. Look, quite a number of people decided, "You know what? This is a great opportunity. I want to be able to do something. I want to make a difference, and now you can make a difference." It's not just what we could do here on the air, it's what you can do through this book to be able to be God's hand extended to deliver the message to others. You can call us 1-800-SAVE-USA-200, $250, or you can write a check, put on your check persecution project, $250, or you can go to the website,, or we have a special place there where you can sign up for that. You might want to do it. You can make a difference. You can't do everything, but you can do something, right? What you can do, you should do it by the grace of God. What will you do? Yeah. Look, if you've gotten the COVID shots, that's over. Trust the Lord, move on. If you haven't gotten them, don't get them. God bless, be a blessing. Make a difference, but stand in having done all to stand in this evil day until Jesus comes. God bless, be a blessing. You're witnessing to Viewpoint with Chuck Chris Meyer. Viewpoint is supported by the faithful gifts of our listeners. Let me urge you to become a partner with Chuck as a voice to the church declaring vision for the nation. Join us again next time on Viewpoint as we confront the issues of America's heart and hope. (upbeat music)