Front Porch Radio - Southern Middle TN Today News with Tom Price

Southern Middle TN Today News with Tom Price 5-6-24

Broadcast on:
06 May 2024
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(upbeat music) - Hello and welcome to Southern Middle Tennessee today on WKOM and WKRM Radio. Your hometown news broadcasting from the Debbie Matthews Nashville Realty Newsroom in Columbia, Tennessee. I'm your host, Tom Price. Today is Monday, May 6th, and we start with local news. Murray County Sheriff, Bucky Rowland, said widespread apparent vandalism at Spring Hill High School that led to the Friday cancellation of classes is being investigated, though no arrests have been made. Rowland said damage was carried out across the whole school and involved quote an outrageous amount of students unquote. Murray County public schools officials canceled classes Friday after school property was damaged in the apparent vandalism incident, according to an announcement posted at about 5.30 a.m. via social media. The urgent message said all faculty and staff were scheduled to report to the school at 10 a.m. While all after school activities are set to occur on time. We're working on identifying numerous people involved and are gathering evidence, Rowland said. We're gathering all of the facts to determine whether a crime was committed or not. Other circumstances determine whether it was a school function that got out of hand or a crime, he said. Rowland said acts of vandalism included toilet paper strewn about desks and chairs overturned and liquids spilled all over one of the largest high schools in Murray County. Among items destroyed include 40 bags of jetpacks assembled by the well volunteers for students who are food insecure as well as hygiene products collected through a recent drive at the school in partnership with the well, according to Shelley Sasson, director of the well outreach. It appears that the bags that were brought for this week were opened up and destroyed. All the food was destroyed, Sasson said. These items are critical because it's not optional or extra food. It's the only food those students will have over the weekend, she said. Sasson said that while this was an unfortunate situation involving items for families in need, there is a silver lining in the form of generosity by Franklin Company Design Conveyor Systems. Upon hearing about the incident, the company volunteered to step in and pay for all items the well had lost, which Sasson said she estimates to be about $1,000. They heard what had been done and wanted to make right on that for the well because the students still need that food and we still need to get it to them, Sasson said. "To have a local company step up to pay for those items is a blessing." "This is a very unusual situation," Sheriff Rowland said. "It definitely shouldn't have happened. I can tell you that," he said. According to the Murray County Public Schools Communications director Jack Cobb, the school has been cleaned. "The school is ready for students on Monday," Cobb said. Early Friday, videos of students allegedly destroying and vandalizing school property, including spray painting furniture and throwing toilet paper around the building, were posted in the comments section on the school's original Facebook social media post. District and local law officials believe the events occurred during the late hours of May 2nd, they said. There are no injuries reported. Murray County Public Schools and law enforcement are looking into events that occurred late last night at Spring Hill High School. Cobb said early on Friday, "We can confirm that there is damage to school property and vandalism no one was injured or hurt." In a follow-up on Friday afternoon, Superintendent of Schools Lisa Ventura stated, "I am happy to report that damage at Spring Hill School was not as extensive as originally perceived. An investigation regarding individuals who participated is ongoing. At this point, we believe graduation will take place as planned. I appreciate everyone's concern and we are blessed to live in a community that reaches out in support when we are in need," she said. Rendof Howell Elementary Stem School has undergone a shake-up in leadership after the sudden departure of its principal and assistant principal. Principal Dr. Michael Ford announced his resignation on Thursday, April 25th, two days after being suspended by Murray County Public Schools. In addition, assistant principal Beth Hamilton announced her retirement effective immediately on Friday, April 26th, just a day later. In a statement, Murray County Public Schools Superintendent Lisa Ventura stated, "The principal of Rendof Howell Elementary School was suspended pending investigation on Tuesday, April 23rd. Murray County Public Schools received his resignation on Thursday, April 25th. Specifics regarding personnel matters will not be discussed or disclosed," she said. Murray County Public Schools officials declined to discuss the reason for the departures or the reason for the investigation of Ford. Unconfirmed reports have claimed the suspension was linked to manipulation of test scores. Superintendent Ventura sent a letter to Rendof Howell's parents dated May 2nd and posted on the school's Facebook page, which stated, in part, "All state mandated assessments, TCAP, TN ready for all grades tested at Rendof Howell have been successfully submitted to the state for scoring. There is no truth to rumors regarding any student being forced to retake any state assessment due to this investigation." Dean of Students Kristin Morjall has been named as the acting principal at Howell Elementary until a new principal is named. Ventura's letter concluded with, "I will be making an announcement regarding new leadership at Rendof Howell Elementary very soon." As this falls round of elections draws near state leaders recognize Santa Fe unit school Wednesday with an award representing 100% voter registration for the school's eligible students. Secretary of State Trey Hargett, as well as Representative Kip Kapley and Senator Joey Hensley, visited the school Wednesday, also joined by Murray County Administrator of Elections, Chris McKinley, and school staff to present the state's Ann Dallas Dudley Award to Santa Fe unit school, grabbing the coveted Gold Award. Santa Fe unit school was one of only 33 Tennessee schools to achieve the gold status. Hargett said while speaking to the students Wednesday, which he said is something to be proud of, in setting an example for other young people. The honor, he said, highlights the importance of the right and privilege to vote. Registering to vote and not voting is kind of like going to a football game. You're out there screaming and cheering, but you really haven't played the game until you've put on the pads, Hargett said. "I would choose to be a regular voter, be educated and vote your values. I didn't say my values or the person next to you, but know what's important to you and go about it accordingly," he said. Senator Hensley described the award as a "good first step for young voters," considering they will be eligible to participate in two elections this year. "It is also a good opportunity to remember that voting, especially in local elections, always matters," Hensley said. "We have an election in August and then another in November. This is a privilege that we have in this country, and too many people take it for granted. Take that privilege and go vote whenever there is an election, whether it is for a school board member, a city council member, county commission or county officials. Your vote matters and should be exercised every time," he said. State Representative Kapley, who at 25, was elected the youngest state representative to serve in the Tennessee State House, is now 27. Kapley said he is not far from where the high school seniors of today are now sitting. He also said the often used term "every vote counts" became a real big realization after running for office. One of the young voters should keep in mind when it comes to electing candidates they favor. "I remember being young and in high school registering to vote, and it really didn't impact me as much as when I started running for the local primary, where I won by only 148 votes," Kapley said. "If 148 people decided they didn't like Kip Kapley, I wouldn't be here. Every single vote matters, and I can guarantee. And if you don't go vote, how are you going to complain?" he asked. In addition to the school's award, state leaders also recognize seniors Aniston Slauner and Cannon Rogers for their role as student ambassadors in helping their class attain its 100% voter registration goal. Kapley was also presented a certificate for his role in administering elections at the Murray County Election Commission, a place many of these young voters will likely visit in the fall. To him, he said the biggest lesson is that voting is a right. Many other countries, cultures, and governments don't allow their citizens as a birthright, which should never be forgotten. "I think if you can vote, you should. And anyone should be educated, but also vote with their heart, their faith, all of those things," Kapley said. "Otherwise, they don't have a right to complain. It's a freedom we should always take advantage of because there are plenty of people on the planet who don't have that same freedom. And as Americans, we might take it for granted because we were born into it," he said. Sanofi government, history, and economics professor Jonathan Slaughter, who is also Aniston's father, said encouraging his students to register has always been a focus of his teaching every year, and that being awarded this kind of recognition is, if anything, an encouragement to continue. "I've been teaching here for 26 years now, and every graduating class I've tried to get involved to register to vote, try to make sure all of our Sanofi kids are registered," Slaughter said, and I always try to teach them about their state, local, and national representatives. And so, a lot of these people here are also answers to their test questions," he said. Slaughter added that this was the first time the school had applied for the award, which was newly introduced last year. It was also a former student of his who initially sparked the idea that Sanofi unit school be considered for the award, while learning the value of voting and civil service at a young age. In some cases, supporting such goals not only helps shapes one's community, but could even lead to a career. They started this award last year, and Secretary of State Policy Assistant Christian Cervantes is actually one of my former students who contacted me, and so I made sure to send in the paperwork, Slaughter said, "Not only was he a former student, but now he works in the Secretary of State's office." For more information about registering to vote in Murray County, upcoming elections, sample ballots, and voting times, contact the Murray County Election Commission at 1207-8-Trade-Winds-Drive at 931-375-6001, or visit Surgeons on the medical staff at Murray Regional Medical Center are trained to use advanced technology proven to result in better outcomes for patients. One of those tools is the DaVinci robotic surgical system. The hospital acquired the first system in 2016, followed by another in 2022. As more surgeons joined the medical staff, the medical center added two more in 2024 for a total of four DaVinci systems. The XI is the latest generation of the DaVinci system, a tool that utilizes advanced robotic, computer, and optical technologies to assist the surgeon during an operation. The system can be used across a spectrum of minimally invasive surgical procedures, and has been optimized for surgeries in the areas of urology, gynecology, thoracic, and general surgery. Murray Regional Health is committed to providing our medical staff with the latest technology and to achieve exceptional outcomes for their patients, said Murray Regional Health CEO Dr. Martin Chaney. The DaVinci XI surgical system has been a great tool for our surgeons, and we're grateful to be able to add more platforms to further enhance our robotic surgery capabilities, he said. The DaVinci system has a 3D high definition vision system, special instruments, and computer software that allow the surgeon to operate with enhanced vision, precision, dexterity, and control. The 3D HD image is highly magnified, and the DaVinci's instruments have mechanical wrists that bend and rotate to mimic the movements of the human wrist, allowing the surgeon to make small, precise movements inside the patient's body. Benefits for patients who qualify for this minimally invasive approach may include less tissue damage, reduced blood loss, and faster recovery. The DaVinci Surgical System is an expandable technology platform that is designed to accommodate and seamlessly integrate a range of current technologies, as well as future innovations in areas such as imaging, advanced instruments, and anatomical access. For more information about Surgical Services at Murray Regional Medical Center, visit A bill in Tennessee that will allow teachers to carry guns in schools was signed by Governor Lee on Friday, April 26th. The bill, House Bill 1202, brought by Cookville Republican Ryan Williams, was approved by the Senate with a 26-5 vote on April 9th. Last week, the House passed the bill with a 26-28-2 vote. This bill would permit school faculty or staff to carry concealed handguns in a school campus under certain circumstances. Teachers opting to carry would need to complete 40 hours of annual firearm training at their own cost, gain approval from the school director, pass a mental health assessment, and clear an FBI background check. Murray County Public Schools released the following statement in regards to the bill. At this time, Murray County Public Schools enjoys the privilege of a great relationship with the Murray County Sheriff's Department. The Sheriff employs school resource officers in every one of our buildings. Decisions regarding this legislation have not been realized at this time. Columbia Arts Council has unveiled its first artistic crosswalk within the city's arts district, with city leaders describing the project as "a vibrant testament to the local talent and the city's thriving arts scene." This project, originally pitched by the Columbia Arts Council back in 2019, was partially funded by an Arts Build Communities or ABC grant from the Tennessee Arts Commission. The idea for the project was to bring a splash of color and creativity to the heart of Columbia, according to a press release. The new crosswalk is located at the intersection of South Garden and Depot streets and was created by local artist Whitney Harrington. Harrington has been a staunch advocate for local Murray County arts for many years, both as a teacher and creating multiple murals and public art pieces throughout the region, including the Mule Queen on East Sixth Street, Mule Town Gothic on West Seventh Street, and the Columbia Mule on North Garden Street. Her South Garden Depot crosswalk is being called Patchwork Pathway. I am honored to be the artist behind the project. Having the opportunity to add art pieces to our budding arts community, makes my heart full and hopeful for the future of the district, Harrington Commentin. This project was inspired by quilt blocks and Turkish title designs. It connects our city with the colorful arts district. The crosswalk entices pedestrians to cross over into the arts district and see what hidden gems can be found, she said. The crosswalk's location is also significant given it is where the city's recent South Garden Street Streetscape project was completed, providing a greater visual aesthetic while drivers and pedestrians enter the arts district. This also included creating stations for future public art, upgrading the sidewalks, parking spaces, and providing a great location to christen the artistic crosswalk project. This artistic crosswalk, a first in our community, is a vibrant symbol of Columbia's commitment to the arts, said Columbia Mayor Chaz Mulder. It's a testament to the power of public art to transform our spaces and ignite creativity within our community. How fortunate we are to have both talented artists and supportive corporate partners right here in our own backyard. Mulder added that he hopes that while celebrating the first artistic crosswalk is a great accomplishment and a step forward for the arts district continued progress, he's looking forward to more opportunities like this to come. "We're grateful to the Tennessee Arts Commission for this grand opportunity, which helped bring the first but hopefully not our last artistic crosswalk to Columbia," Mulder said. "Thanks to local artist Whitney Harrington for her colorful design and artistic abilities, to Swarco, Inc., for their contribution to the project, in our public works department, who always answers the call of creative service," he said. Artistic crosswalks have become a staple in many communities, aiming to provide certain benefits beyond creating a visually appealing addition to the places people gather. It's also the kind of project that isn't accomplished alone. An eye-catching crosswalk like this is more than just a place to cross the street. It's a canvas for artistic exploration and an invitation to engage with art in a new and interactive way. The City of Columbia press release dates. Beyond the talented artist and the vital grant funding, the City of Columbia would like to recognize and thank the other local partners it took to complete this project, including the Columbia Arts Council, Swarco, and the Columbia Public Works. This artistic endeavor helps foster a deeper appreciation for the arts, spark creativity in everyone and further establish Columbia as a cultural hub in Tennessee. So next time you're strolling through Columbia Arts District, take a moment to experience the vibrant new crosswalk and let it ignite your imagination. And now your hometown memorials sponsored by Oakes and Nichols Funeral Home. Kenneth P. Lord III, 81, resident of Williamsport, passed away on May 1st. A memorial service will be conducted on Saturday, May 18th at 2 p.m. at Williamsport United Methodist Church. Barrio will follow in Williamsport Cemetery with military honors provided by the U.S. Army. The family will visit with friends on Saturday from 1 p.m. until the time of the service at the church. William Howard Brewer Sr. 69, a resident of Columbia, died Thursday, May 2nd at his residence. Funeral services will be conducted on Tuesday, May 7th at 1 p.m. at Oakes and Nichols Funeral Home. Barrio will follow Epoch Memorial Gardens. The family will visit with friends on Monday, May 6th from 5 to 8 p.m. at Oakes and Nichols Funeral Home. hometown memorials is sponsored by Oakes and Nichols Funeral Home serving with dignity and consideration for over 150 years. As years go by people may tend to forget just what a funeral is really all about. At Oakes and Nichols we believe it's first at all ways a special remembrance of someone you love. We start by listening to your needs and desires. If you're unsure we can help gently, professionally. At Oakes and Nichols Funeral Directors we haven't lost sight of why we're here to serve Murray County families in the ways they prefer. And why your satisfaction is so important to Jeff Hargrove and Susie Sowell. There's a great deal of satisfaction in serving a family and serving them well. It's an eye for detail and thoughtfulness and taking the time to see that things are done right. We do have nice facilities and good people and we work hard to do things well but we don't want that to intimidate people as to what they think it will cost. Taking care of you is our primary concern. Oakes and Nichols Funeral Directors 320 West 7th Street in Columbia since 1856 people you can rely on. For your southern middle Tennessee weather we will have scattered thunderstorms throughout the day today. The high will be 80 degrees with winds out of the southwest at 10 to 15 miles per hour. Tonight we can expect a stray shower or a thunderstorm possible. Then mostly cloudy skies. The low will be 66. Let's take a break. When we come back we'll cover state and national news that affect you. You're listening to southern middle Tennessee today. Debbie Matthews grew up and lives in beautiful Koolambia, Tennessee. As a realtor she is well versed in homes, neighborhoods, development, and schools. She wants to share her love of her home state with others to help them find just the right place to raise a family, open a business, or develop a dream. From luxury listings to land she can handle it all. She is the current leading producer, Nashville Realty Group contact Debbie Matthews Realtor at 615-476-3224. That's 615-476-3224. Family First. My dad used to tell us that all the time. But Family First wasn't just something he'd say to us. It was how he lived every day of his life. And it's how I try to live mine too. At Shelter Insurance our agents are dedicated to helping provide personalized auto, home, and life protection that puts your family first. For Auto Home, Life, or Business Insurance, C Shelter Agent Tommy Hyde Jr. at 388-2009. Are you thinking about a new fence? Maybe you need a pole bar. Then you should give Sands Fence Company a call that's 931-309-1644. Will Sands has built his business based on the principles of honesty, quality, and integrity. Sands Fence Company has been in business for over 20 years providing the community with farm, residential, and commercial fencing, as well as pole barns and buildings. Call today for a free estimate. Sands Fence Company 931-309-1644. 931-309-1644. For 40 years, the Jewelers Bench has worked hard for their customers and provided the highest quality jewelry at the best price. They keep going back. Recent renovations have allowed them to expand their inventory, more high quality jewelry, custom vintage and estate pieces, and professional jewelry and watch repairs. They also buy gold. The Jewelers Bench, still here, still great service. 808-Trotwood Avenue, Columbia. This is Triadcock with Dixie Equipment, Sales and Rental. We sell ASV and Wacker Nordstrom equipment. We also rent a wide variety of compact equipment in the middle Tennessee area. Come see us. We are located in Columbia, Tennessee at 200 East 16th Street. You can call us at 615-969-0118 or visit our website at We have been in business for over 42 years and we would love to help you turn your project into reality. We all live very busy lives. Sometimes we just need a break. Wouldn't it be nice to have an extra pair of hands to help out? Let me introduce you to New Dawn Cleaning Service. No job is too vague or too small because they do it all. From residential to commercial, they offer standard cleaning, construction cleaning, carpet shampooing and window cleaning. Whether you are looking for a one-time service or regular schedule cleaning plan, New Dawn is ready to help. With years of experience, you can relax, kick back and call New Dawn Cleaning Service at 615-977-6901. This is Bob Kesley with Pat Ryan. It's a beautiful day for digging. The vacuum operator has the engine running and is moving into position. He's heading for the ground. He's in there. Wait. There's a flag on the play. Let's get out of the field for the call from our official. A legal procedure on the digging team. Oh, that penalty could cause a costly accident. That's right, Bob. He needs to call before he digs. There's underground utility lines that could be hiding just below the surface. Water, sewer, electrical, communication lines and even natural gas. Avoid a penalty by first calling 8-1-1 to have any underground public utility lines located at marked with flags or paint. It's free, it's easy and it's the law. For more tips, visit This message brought to you by the Tennessee Association of Brotcasters and the Tennessee Gas Association, funded in part by a grant from the underground utility damage enforcement board. Welcome back to Southern Middle Tennessee today on WKOM 101.7 and WKRM 103.7, your hometown source for news and information. I'm Tom Price. And now news from around the state. More than 2,400 students graduated from Middle Tennessee State University this past weekend. MTSU President Sidney A. McPhee gave welcoming remarks at the spring 2024 commencement ceremonies. He said he was proud that more than 70 percent of graduates remain in the great state of Tennessee, building lives, opening businesses, starting families and contributing to their communities. Singer songwriter Hardy was a keynote speaker on Saturday. The 33-year-old alumnus told graduates not to be afraid to say yes when opportunities arise, recounting an opportunity he had several years ago as a young songwriter to collaborate with an up-and-coming young artist, an artist that would lead to his first number one hit, a record deal, national tours and subsequent number ones opening the door to his career as an artist. This is a very big chance that none of that would have happened if it had not, if I had not said yes to my friend Morgan Wallen back in 2016. My point is this, don't be afraid to say yes to an opportunity just because you don't think you will see an immediate result. You never know where successes will come from. Take a chance on yourself, he said. Let's take one last break when we come back. We'll cover the final story of the day. You're listening to Southern Middle Tennessee, today. Turner and Osborne Tire Company 1016 South Main Street in Columbia. Good look all the 931-388-6822. They've been doing business since 1947 and in their current location since 1964. They provide the best tire and mechanical work at some of the best prices in middle Tennessee. Hey, they're official Michelin and Goodyear dealers and they've got all kinds of brands as well. Stop by and see Walker Vining and his professional staff or check them out online at Turner and That's Turner and Living with a war and joint can be painful and frustrating. Leave your joint pain in the past with a joint replacement procedure at Murray Regional Health. Our joint replacement program has been recognized in the top 10 percent of the nation for medical excellence and patient safety. Thanks to our highly skilled and experienced surgical staff who perform progressive procedures for the knees, hips, shoulders, elbows and ankles. For more information, go to Murray Regional Health, where clinical excellence meets compassionate care. Have you ever wondered if your insurance needs can be personalized? This is Hunter Carey. Our team specializes in planning your insurance needs to get you the best possible solution. State Farm is the largest home and auto insurer in the country. I love bringing that to my hometown. Born and raised in Columbia, I'm grateful for our close community ties. We offer help with home, auto and life insurance for everyone in our community. Our office is located at 909 South Garden Tree across from the fire station. We're also in line at That's Hunter Come back to Southern Middle Tennessee today and now our final story. This week, the Gospel Music Association hosted the ceremonial construction kickoff of the brand new Christian and Gospel Music Museum at the Dub Center. The Christian and Gospel Music Museum at the Dub Center's location will be 400 Commerce Street in downtown Nashville. Attending the event and providing special remarks included Tennessee's Governor Bill Lee and Nashville's Mayor Fredio Connell, showing their support for this historic moment. Dove Award and Grammy Award winning artist Michael W. Smith and Dove Award winning artist Jacqueline Carr provided special music. "We couldn't be more thrilled to break ground on the new home for Christian and Gospel music right here in the heart of Music City," said Jackie Patillo, GMA President. "The opportunity to be a beacon of light here in Nashville and offer a place to fulfill our mission to expose, promote and celebrate the Gospel is a big step forward," she said. That's all for this edition of Southern Middle Tennessee on Kennedy Broadcasting WKOMWKRM Radio. I'll be back tomorrow to update you with the latest news. I'm Tom Price. Thanks for listening. Be safe and have a great day. [Music]