The Howie Carr Radio Network

Week 2 Begins: Turtleboy weighs in | 5.6.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

The Karen Read trial heads into its second week, and Howie's listeners love when Aidan Kearney recaps the day in court.

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06 May 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at code word Howie BOGO. [MUSIC PLAYING] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. The Chicago Teachers Union is negotiating a new contract. The union's opening bargaining position has been leaked. You're going to have to pay me $1,000,000. Sorry. $100,000,000. It's a staggering amount for teachers in a city where only 21% of eighth graders are proficient readers. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studio. You didn't report that we had like over a week where violence was down, homicide was-- didn't happen. I know you didn't report that. By efficient for compliments? You know, that's a horrible personality trait. Madam Vice President, Hamas has accepted a ceasefire shield. Hamas has accepted a ceasefire due to your reaction. We were the only boat last time. Bubba Gump Trent's what they got. We even have hats that say Bubba Gump Bump, Bubba Gump Trent. It's a household man. Rump swabs, hacks, and moonbaats beware. It's-- [MUSIC PLAYING] How a car. 844-542-42. We're going to have Turtle Boy on with us a little bit later. We had kind of a mix up with another guest who couldn't make it. But we would have tried to switch in Turtle Boy. But we'll have him on at 633 then tonight nonetheless. So if you want to hear what's going on in the trial, it was another very interesting day. It seems to pick up steam every day, actually. Every day, there's more crazy stuff going on. I just wonder how much the jury-- I want to find out how much the jury is actually seeing because it seems like Auntie Bev is trying to protect the prosecution past the gravy, Morrissey, and his minion, Adam Lally, and all the hacks, townies on the Canton P. Day. Anyway, 844-542, 42, 844-500, 42, 42. So Doug Burgum, which maybe we should have had him on. I don't know. The North Dakota governor, he was in New Hampshire a couple of weeks ago. I said, I don't know. I didn't know. You said, I quote, who? It took me-- I came up with his name. It took me about five seconds to remember who he was. But he's apparently on the short list. I don't see it myself. But he was pretty good on Fox over the weekend, cut 15. Leadership is having clarity and focus and strength and knowing whose team you're on. And President Trump is clear. Two words, America first. Joe Biden, it's like Democratic voter blocks first is what he's trying to do because his vacillation on Israel versus Hamas is about getting re-elected next fall. He's got a chunk of his party that is pro-terrorist and the pro-terrorist, pro-homoss wing of the Democratic Party. He needs those votes. That's why he's vacillating. Yeah. I mean, I just can't see that there are enough-- even to this day that there are enough Muslims in this country. I mean, I know they're enough to run around saying to call Byron Donald's a race trader and an Uncle Tom. You know, they're all over here on some form of welfare and other-- and I would say of being a professor within a master in fine arts is welfare by any other name and being a poet is welfare by any other name. But are there enough of them to make up for alienating the Jewish vote? I mean, and that you're trying to alienate the Jewish vote? And how much does it take to alienate the Jewish vote? I mean, what does Biden have to do? He wants Israel to basically surrender to the terrorist Nazi entity that committed the greatest genocide against the Jewish people since the Nazis in the 1940s. I mean, that's what he wants. He doesn't care about the survival of the state of Israel. He doesn't care about the survival of the only democracy in the Middle East. And by the way, one of the problems they're having now that this offensive has been launched is that the Gazans are trying to get into Egypt. And the Egyptians don't want them. Biden wants to take the Egyptians, their neighbors, who are the same religion speak the same language. They don't want these people. Same with the Jordanians. What do the Jordanians and the Egyptians know about the so-called Palestinians that the United States doesn't know? Just like the Dominicans, the Dominicans are building a higher and higher and higher, stronger wall to keep Haitians from getting into their country. Yet we're welcoming them with open arms. What do the Dominicans know that we don't know about Haitians? 844, 500, 42, 42. And how many hostages are left alive do you figure? There can't be many. They know what's going to happen if the Israelis go through with this. They appear to be beginning it. The offensive in Rafa-- it's the end for all of them. So if they had any hostages left, they would trade them for their own worthless, shiftless skins. 844, 500, 42, 42. Pete, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Pete. Hi, Howie. Thanks for taking my call. I got three quickies for you. Number one, the Jewish people in our country in North America, like the blacks, the African-Americans. These people have got to wake the hell up. And I'm sure half of them may be to finally figure out who the hell is really running this country and who to vote for by now, after all these years. And number two, Howie is, Maxine Caracine Waters. I wonder, I wonder if she-- her husband has ever paid back the money that Maxine Waters is chairman of the financial blah, blah, blah, blah, and the congressional hearings and the money that she took when Obama was president in his second term, when the economy pulled it with the legal brothers. They took the banks down. It took the banks down. And she went to Barney Frank, and he was still in Congress at the time, and basically demanded that he bail out her husband out of his rotten investments. Right, and number three, Howie is, I was born and raised in northern Vermont in 1951. And I got to tell you something, I remember when Bernie Sanders, of course, rolled into the state of Vermont, he lived like a bum and an old abandoned sugar shack, a sugar house. And he did one private sector job in his life. He was a dimwitted carpenter, and he failed at that. And then he became a mayor in Burlington. And I left-- And he won by about eight votes. He won by about eight votes, Pete. I know. Exactly. I was sent there by Channel 7. I interviewed him when he got the job, because people knew he was a worthless hippie. A worthless hippie got elected mayor. Howie go up there and fly up there on a plane just to do a quick story on him, and I did. And you know, there are nine people in Burlington, oh, the rest of us, a lot of explanations for what they did to us, inflicting this guy upon us. And you know, living in a sugar shack, that's just another indication. Vermont used to produce products. I mean, I'm sure they still do. But in those days, everybody was a farmer. They had dairy farms, obviously. They produced all kinds of grain. They were sawmills, everything like that. I mean, there's still some of it around. And you know, they tapped the maple trees for the sugar, for the maple syrup that they turned into sugar. And you know, it's all gone now. I mean, it's mostly gone. I mean, there's a few open as tourist traps and all that. And there's a few places left, I'm sure. But not many. Not many. It's like Western Mass. You know, we had a lot of dairy farms there. And people grew the corn in the fields near the dairy farms. And the corn was feed corn for the cows. And the flat landers would come in in the summer and that steeled the corn. And everyone would kind of laugh at it because a few years, because it was corn for cattle. And you had the tool and die companies. There was a pickle factory. A little further south, they were growing tobacco. You know, for, you know, wrapping leaves for cigars. And now what do they do in Happy Valley? It was the Pioneer Valley. Now it's Happy Valley. The pioneers are long gone. They're offspring are gone. Now it's Happy Valley, a bunch of Bernie Sanders types. They're writing grant proposals. And they're flying the Palestinian flag. God, what a mess. 844, 542, 42, 207. And why is it always 33 Israeli hostages for 1,000 Palestinian terrorists? Well, the thing is, they don't have it in 33. I don't think, unfortunately. I think they've probably killed them all. There's probably only a handful left. The ones they've got as human shields for Yaya Sinwar. Good Lord, 508. I wish the Constitution required elected officials to have several years of private sector work experience. You know what? You don't need the constitutional amendment. You just need the voters to, you know, to keep their eyes open and to not let idiots, idiots like Bernie Sanders. And Jim McGovern, Elizabeth Warren. I mean, all these people, they've never had any experience. 339, did your friend Frank Bellotti turn 101 today? Actually, he turned 101 on Friday. And I forgot to mention it, but I should have. Happy birthday, Francis X. Bellotti, the former Attorney General of the former Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. He's a really great guy. And I'm happy that he's still around and enjoying himself. And I'm sorry his wife passed on. But Frank Bellotti, I hope to-- many happy returns. I hope to be at your 102nd birthday next May. 844, 542, 42. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show will be right back. This hour of The Howie Carr Show is brought to you in part by Jake Rooney's on the curve in Harwich Point. Open year round with seasonal favorites. For family fun, food, and entertainment, it's Jake Rooney's in Harwich Point. [MUSIC PLAYING] He's Howie Carr. I love my pillows products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code Howie at From pillows, towels, slippers, and even their geeze of dream sheets, go to and use code Howie for amazing discounts. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is does Trump want to go to jail? Yes, no, or mixed feelings, but would prefer to avoid it. [LAUGHTER] He was embracing it as he was leaving court this afternoon. But I say no, he doesn't really want to go to jail. An appropriate 45% say no, 34% say mixed feelings, 20% say yes. All right. You could make the argument more easily for yes after you see, see what he said today as he came out. But again, it's not a pleasant experience, obviously. 844-542-42. So this was from the conservative treehouse today. This is very, very interesting. I like the conservative It's-- some would say it's conspiracy theories. I would say, not beyond the pale anyway. But there's a guy named Jason Foster. He was one of Chuck Grassley's congressional lawyers on the Senate Judiciary Committee, and he was a key Grassley researcher. Well, the spy gate, the Russian collusion hoax operation was going on, right? And again, this is when-- this is September 2017. The Republicans held the presidency in both branches of Congress. So they controlled everything in the elective Washington. But still, the DOJ was operating as a Democrat secret police, even with the Republican nominal control. The DOJ requested in a court filing and received a court order to gain access to the phone and electronic data of House and Senate staff members, all of whom worked for GOP oversight committees. They wanted to just get the surveillance. They wanted to surveil all of the congressional investigators who were trying to bust the Russian collusion hoax. The DOJ has kept sealed their legal rationale for targeting the communications of congressional staff attorneys for GOP oversight committees. Due to the secrecy-- this is part of the lawsuit that Jason Foster's new group in power oversight has filed-- due to the secrecy demanded by DOJ and granted ex-parte-- that means one-party proceedings closed session-- by the court. The nondisclosure orders deprived Congress of an opportunity to object at the time, or even though until years later, the telecommunications providers had complied. Mueller's team-- this is the team that they said they were investigating the Russian collusion hoax. Their real goal was to cover up what had happened. The fact that they had tried to subvert the election of Donald Trump through Hillary Clinton and her minions. Mueller's team, the cover-up team, headed by Andrew Weissman, wanted to keep tabs on who in Washington, DC was circling the truth. The subpoena against Jason Foster, who worked for Grassley, and other House and Senate committee lawyers and staff would help the DOJ keep tabs on who knew the details at a very key time in the cover-up operation. Within main justice, DOJ, at the time, Mueller, Andrew Weissman, would want to know what Chuck Grassley and Devin Nunes had uncovered and who would potentially be assisting them. Yeah, and again, the Trump administration theoretically controlled the Justice Department, but they had sidelined Jeff Sessions because of his so-called contact with Russian officials, even though he was on the Foreign Relations Committee at the time. And you would expect that a senator on the Foreign Relations Committee, more than senators on other committees, would be talking to Russians. And the guy in the House, who was more into this than anybody else, was Devin Nunes, who now works for Trump on Truth Social. He was from California, and he was sidelined by the bogus ethics complaints that were made against him by Adam Schiff. Remember Adam Schiff, in addition to making spurious charges against Donald Trump, he was also accusing Devin Nunes of all kinds of high crimes and misdemeanors. And Devin Nunes, he was making progress. He went over to the White House one time with all the documents and evidence that he had uncovered about the dirty tricks operation that was being run directly out of Hillary Clinton's campaign and how the mainstream media was going along with it. And promoting these stories, they knew, were completely bogus and false. And so Schiff filed this ethics complaint, and he had to leave the committee, the oversight committee that he was running for six months until the charges were investigated. So this is what law fair does. And you've really got to be hard-nosed, and you've really got to know what you're doing. I mean, Nunes and Grassley and this lawyer, Jason Foster, they knew what they were up against. If you run up against somebody like Jeff Sessions, you could roll them, because they're not expecting that they think everything's on the level, or they did. 844, 542, 42. We'll be right back with Turtle Boy to check up on what happened today in the Karen Reid case. I'm Howie Carr. [MUSIC PLAYING] Looking to give a mom in your life the gift of peace and quiet this Mother's Day? Maybe you can't help mom run away from all her responsibilities. But at least you can help her tune them out with a brand new pair of Raycon earbuds. Raycon's everyday earbuds are the perfect way to tune out all the noise around you and tune in to something great. Their audio quality rivals all the big audio brands you know and love. At a price you'll love even more. With custom gel tips for a comfortable in-air fit, eight hours of playtime, and a 32-hour total battery life, Raycons are perfect for all day lists. Raycon everyday earbuds also come with three customizable sound profiles-- noise isolation and awareness mode. Maybe that explains the tens of thousands of five-star reviews. Right now, get 20% off your Raycon order plus free shipping. When you go to That's 20% off and free shipping at [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-42, if you follow the Karen Reed case, it seems like the defense is making a lot-- is poking huge holes in the-- the defense is poking huge holes in the prosecution case and they're just showing how connected everybody is. It's like a little patent place down in Canton, and they're all connected. But this isn't just a wife swap, and this is a murder charge against Karen Reed. But my question is, is the jury hearing any of this? I don't think they seem to be. And joining us now is Aiden Kearney, also known as Turtle Boy, and he's been covering this case from day one, and he's been involved in it too, and he's facing charges as well. And Turtle Boy, what is going on here? There was another amazing bit of testimony today about how that one of the investigating officers, Michael Link, was involved in basically a bar brawl on behalf of one of the McAlberts back in 2002, and he actually bet a guy, and they settled out a court, and he was defending his good pal, the Alberts. But why didn't the jury-- first tell us what happened, and tell us why the jury didn't hear any of this today. Yeah, I mean, this is-- I broke this story back in May. I mean, after what you're hearing from the defense every day now is coming from And that story, when it's like one of the first things that comes up when you search for Chris Alberts, he was in an incident, obviously, that involved Michael Link, who we call the fixer. He was just a young Canton cop back in the day, class in 1990, Canton High School, just like every other guy on the Canton Police Department born and raised in that town. And yeah, he got-- Chris Alber got in a fight with these guys, the Lappolado brothers. He lost, and he went crying to his buddy, who was off duty, drinking. Michael Link, and who just kind of clocked in, roughed these guys up, spit on them, hand cuffed them, they charged them, and they ended up getting acquitted, and then they sued the town. And I actually spoke with the prosecutor who got assigned to that case. He emailed me, and he said he was furious with the Canton Police Department, because they lied to him about the case. He went in there blind, not knowing exactly what-- They lied to him? The Canton Police lied? Everything Link had done. They charged these Lappolado brothers, guys. Turns out they were just completely innocent. They got in a mutual combat here, but you can't touch an Albert in Canton. This is the way that people are trained to believe. Why wasn't the jury hearing this? I mean, this is, to me, I know the papers will lead with the tears when hearing the 911 call and all that, and I understand. But I mean, isn't this more significant, ultimately? Oh, yeah, I mean, all this stuff is, you're seeing, this family gets special treatment. This is like, they're like the Kennedy's. I mean, I'm not even kidding. The treatment that the Albert's get in the town of Ken, in the Norfolk County in general, is like nothing you've ever seen before, Howard. We saw it with two cops today, a dead body, a dead cop, nonetheless, showed up on Brian Albert's lawn. Missing a shoe, and they don't even search the house. Two cops, good, good. Also, I can't high school class in '98, and the length, 1990. Both go in the house. Neither of them searches around. Neither of them ask to take a look around. Neither of them says, hey, there's a dead guy out there missing a shoe. - And he's a cop. - Is there a missing shoe in here? They don't even do that, Howard. They got a search warrant, probable cause to come in my house, because they do a YouTube show on my basement. That was the probable cause. And they said, you're doing witness intimidation on your show, so we're coming in the house. We're taking all your stuff. We're taking all your electronics. We're bringing you down there. We're going to give you the perp block, all that stuff. I should have thrown a dead cop on my front lawn. The state police would stay away. It's like, clip the night to them. - Well, tell us about the blood evidence. They collected that and what it ended up in at the station house. So this is John O'Keefe. He's on the lawn, the Albert's lawn dead. And he's bleeding. And so what did he do from there? - Yeah, like the keystone cops. So they get there and they get them out of there. And the first thing they do is, we need to secure the scene. So let's get the leaf blower. 'Cause apparently that's what they do. So good went back to his home. - The leaf blower? - It was around the block. Yeah, leaf blower. And they showed a video of it today with the leaf blower out there. And they show them like how blowing up the scene. You don't see a single red piece of taillight. Mind you, 35 pieces of taillight are found in subsequent visits to 34 Fairview Road, including four later on that day after 18 inches of snow fell. You don't see a single red piece of taillight there. It's ridiculous. You don't see a single size 12 black Nike shoe that's missing, but you do see a couple droplets of blood. I mean, this guy just bled out. You see just a couple droplets of blood, that's it. And what do they preserve them in? Well, they knock on Kelleher's door across the street. Kelleher is a lieutenant in the police department, and he gives them-- - This is like cop land. This is like the movie cop land. - Give them six red solo cups, 'cause that was in the manual apparently. And they put them in there, like in little like the, each drop in there. And they say they put it in the fridge when they get back. But there's a picture of it sitting in a sappen strap bag in the garage. I mean, this is a murder case. And this is how these Keystone cops are treating evidence. It's a joke. I prefer to keep my evidence in a market basket box. It's a-- - That's right there. Cheaper. - Right, and you don't have to worry about the bottom falling out if it gets wet. Good Lord, they kept it in a shopping bag from stop and shop. And then you've got pictures of it. You've got pictures of it up on TV Daily News, right? Or you will have sooner, it's a-- - Yeah. - We thought live on TV today. You know, we saw TV today. And yeah, we heard that 9-1-1 call, but the audio sucked. I mean, we've got a better version of that 9-1 call for a while. And Jennifer McCabe calls John O'Keefe, a man who, you know, she invited over there, whose daughters, you know, whose kids play together with her kids, right? She calls him a man lying in the snow. Doesn't even mention that, oh yeah, he's a Boston police officer. He's dead out here. He looks like he's dead. He calls him a man lying in the snow. Doesn't mention to the 9-1-1 dispatcher that, oh yeah, I'm outside of my sister's house and their husband's a cop. Maybe I should go wake them up, get blankets, and try to do something. She does nothing. She just lets them lie there, starts chumming it up with every cop on the scene, getting the narrative in their head, right? That, you know, that basically, Karen Reed did this. Does she say-- - Now this is the woman, this is the woman who texted three hours earlier how long to die in snow. - That's right, that's right. How long did that end called? And she posted it again, 624. I mean, if you look at these videos, if you look at the panic in these videos of the dash cam, and you're like, imagine somebody in the panic of this going on their phone and just googling how long to die in cold. That's what they wanted to believe, that she only did it at 624, right? Like, as if you couldn't ask one of the, like the dozens of first responders on the scene, you know, how long can you survive out here? Instead, she googles it. Come on, she googles it the exact thing when she did four hours prior. She thought that it would hide it, but it's not how the internet works, they found it. - Why won't, why won't the, why didn't the judge let all this testimony about Lank and his bar fight on behalf of one of the quote unquote witnesses go and let the jury here? - 'Cause she's a hack, howie, she's, I mean, this is all these people protect each other. That's what all these people do, all these politically connected people, they all-- - But I mean, at some point, at some point, some other panel of judges is gonna look at this. I mean, these are, we all know that we're getting familiar with the phrase reversible error. I mean, this is yet another revert, I would think. I mean, shouldn't people know this? I thought she was gonna rule today on the firefighter, McGlocklin, did she rule or not? - And more pictures came out over the weekend, how we got a picture of them at a baby shower, six months before John O'Keefe died. We got pictures of her visiting each other in college. They didn't go to the same university together, right? These aren't just acquaintances, these are best-- - They were in the hot tub. - They were in the hot tub together, in Maine. - Yeah, they're in the hot tub in Maine. I mean, I don't think hot tubs would have, it was acquaintances, I don't know about you. And so, you know, she's, it's like, and she just lied on the stand in a murder trial. David United brings us all up at the beginning and she's like, oh yeah, we'll revisit that later. They never did, they never did. So, it's just like, she's gonna be exonerated, but it's gonna be a fight because of all the home cooking going on right now, Vermont be better. - So there was all that, so today, just alone, they could have seen that the witness, the firefighter witness, the woman, lied basically on the stand, on Friday, saying it was an acquaintance, rather than one of her best friends. And then you all, then you had the fact that one of the guys doing an investigation had been involved in a bar fight where he actually bit a guy and got the town sued and lost the case for beating up a guy to defend this, quote unquote, witness, Brian Albert. I mean, but the jury theoretically didn't hear any of this stuff. They're, you know, I'm, you know, who knows, who knows who's listening? Who knows who's listening to this program tonight? Who knows who's reading your, you know, your social media? - They're not supposed to, but if I'm these, you know what? But like, where's the rest of the media? Like when Auntie Bev, you know, says that these pictures of the firefighter and Katie Alpeil and Albert can't be put into evidence, why isn't the media saying, putting out the picture and saying this is, this is the image that isn't going into evidence. This is the image the jury isn't seeing. So the public isn't seeing it unless you're following Turtle Boy, which you should. But, you know, not everybody is unfortunately, so they're not seeing this stuff. - It's just, it's really amazing that, but I think a lot, but I think this is a huge story. This has become a huge story. I mean, I'm just looking at your, I'm just looking at your Twitter numbers, just crawling up through the roof. You're, you know, I'm still 35,000 ahead of you. I predict by the end of the month, you may be ahead of me, you know? - I'm catching up with you. - You are, you are, you know, people should be following you. And then they should be following me too at Howie Car Show. But, you know, you know, the thing is, I just don't, I just don't understand what they think they're, what the end game is here, because they can't, they're not gonna get a conviction. They haven't even put on the, really, they haven't put on the really bad actors yet. They haven't even started. - They don't want a conviction. They don't care if there's a conviction and they'll probably sleep a lot better at night, knowing an innocent woman isn't in jail. The whole purpose of this song and dance is to prevent the commonwealth from having to go after the people who actually did it. This isn't about convicting Karen Reid. It's about protecting Brian Albert and Jennifer McCabe. That's what this is. - You know, and again, I've asked you this before, but what's in this for Pass the Gravy or Meatball Morris Eve, whatever you wanna call 'em? - That's, that's the ultimate mystery is, what pictures of Pass the Gravy does Brian Albert have? Like what skeletons, and we know he's the kind of guy that passes out behind the wheel in the middle of the day and then blames it on pizza, okay? So God knows what this guy's doing late at night. Who are you hanging around with? The kind of characters he's associating with, women, who's, who knows what he's up to? I mean, look at him, right? The guy looks like every corrupt, packed politician in the history of democracy. - He does, he does, he's from central casting. He could be, he could be boss hogs standing in the dukes of hazard. (laughing) - You know, but you look at this guy and you're like, who knows what skeletons this guy has in his closet? Who knows what a guy like Brian Albert might have on him? So who knows, I mean, you guys, they're not gonna let each other go down. All those cops knew they were responding to Brian Albert's house. They knew that he was gonna be treated differently from everyone else and they acted accordingly. - Why was Higgins the ATF agent? He was hammered like the rest of him, wasn't he? But didn't he go down to the Ken PD after? - Yeah, just checked in, he's got his own office there. They kept asking about that today. - Yeah, you know, you like to get hammered then go where you work, especially if you're a cop, right? (laughing) And he doesn't even, he's not even a Kenton cop. He's ATF, he's a fed, but he somehow is an office in Kenton. That's another thing I don't understand. - His best friend Berkowitz, the former police, hacked police chief, who asked for the reporter from Boston 25 News to take down a tweet on February 1st that mentioned the fact that John O'Keefe was found on Brian Albert's lawn because Brian Albert was a pillar of the community. That's a kind of police chief, you know, who was running the show in Kenton when this happened. So, you know, but he's really Higgins, so Higgins just gets an office and ATF agent just gets an office for some reason in the Kent police department. It's interesting. - Yeah, I understand the FBI having an office in the LAPD. I get it, but the ATF and the Ken PD, I don't, that's really not-- - Just the gun capital of America. Kenton, Massachusetts, malicious form in there, are we? - So what's up tomorrow? - So tomorrow, a link is gonna get cross-examine and that's gonna be great theater for sure. I don't know who comes after that. I'm hearing that there might be some of the Galverts at some point this week. - Do they let them, do they let the defense lawyers though ask him about the bar fight? - Oh, they haven't had their chance at them. He just had the wadier today. So tomorrow, the prosecution will start with him and then the defense gets their chance and I'm sure they'll look in their chops waiting for that one. - If the prosecution's got any sense, they'll ask him about the bar fight first, but you know, they haven't shown me much sense so far. They haven't conducted themselves like most prosecutors I've ever seen. Aidan, Turtle Boy, Keity, where can people reach you if they wanna read your stuff? or on Twitter @Dr. Turtle Boy. - All right, I thank you for being on with us again and we'll talk to you very soon again, Turtle Boy. Aidan, Keity, Turtle Boy, I'm Howie Carr. ♪ Let's solo cup ♪ ♪ I fill you up ♪ ♪ Let's have a party ♪ - Become a Howie Carr Show super fan. - Subscribe to Howie's newsletter and you'll get the latest news, columns, cheap faster deals, and other special offers from The Howie Carr Show. Just add to your name and email at (upbeat music) - Howie Carr is back. - I think it'll tell us a lot tomorrow with when court goes back into session and then I'm in anti-bev allows the defense, when it's their turn to a question link about the bar fight. And again, every trial I've ever been to where the prosecutors knew what they were doing and they had a dirty witness and dirty in whatever fashion, they try to get it out first. So that way the defense can't say later in the closings that it can't be brought up in the jury deliberation, well, the prosecution tried to hide that from us. They didn't want us to know that the witness had murdered several people or sold drugs, et cetera, et cetera. You always get it out first. So will they get it out that he was involved in this fight involving one of the brothers? Is this the brother that he was involved with a fight in who did time for running over to kid from Johnson Wales? I think it's the, I think that's the brother he was involved in the fight protecting. And it'll also tell us something if she doesn't allow the defense to point out that this woman, Kate McLaughlin, the firefighter was a friend of one of the McAlberts, the daughter. And you should check out and just see the pictures of them together, goofing around at the beach, in the dorms, in the hot tub in Maine. Just, they're obviously best friends and they're on these lists, the best friends. Kate and Katie and Kaylee and Cooley and everybody's got a KAC name, you know? Anyway, you can still get your gift certificates to Kelly's Roast Beef, the Florida locations at, click on store and go and get a $50 gift certificate for just 25 bucks to all the Kelly's Roast Beef locations. It'll be good, it's good at three locations right now. If you're out of Florida for the summer, there'll be six locations on the west coast of Florida of Kelly's when you get back. Maybe seven,, click on store. Kelly's Roast Beef, Florida gift certificates. I'm Howie Car.