The Howie Carr Radio Network

This ain't Calvin Coolidge's Vermont plus Hate Mail Monday | 5.6.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

The Green Mountain Boys are rolling in their graves. Howie and his listeners lament over the fallenness of Vermont as it is gradually handed over to the hippies.

Broadcast on:
06 May 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at code word Howie BOGO. [MUSIC PLAYING] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. The Chicago Teachers Union is negotiating a new contract. The union's opening bargaining position has been leaked. You're going to have to pay me $1,000,000. Sorry. $100,000,000. It's a staggering amount for teachers in a city where only 21% of eighth graders are proficient readers. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studio. You didn't report that we had like over a week where violence was down, homicide was-- didn't happen. I know you didn't report that. By efficient for compliments? You know that's a horrible personality trait. Madam vice president, Hamas has accepted a sea fire shield. Hamas has accepted a sea fire duty reaction. We were the only boat last time. Bubba gun, Trent's what they got. We even have hats that say Bubba gun from. Bubba gun Trent. It's a household man. Rum swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's-- [MUSIC PLAYING] Howie Car. 844-500-4242. I lived out in Western Mass for a few years when I was a kid. You know, one thing I never saw was a bear. Never saw a turkey, either. But the reason I mentioned bears is a story that just moved on the wire. From Hatfield, there was a car crash on I-91 in Hatfield. I guess on Sunday, the guy was killed in the car, bear, dragged the body of the crash victim out of the car. Wow. The body of a South Hadley man killed Sunday when his car careened off I-91 and crashed was then dragged from the vehicle by a bear, official said. Daniel Ducharm 31 was driving southbound on I-91 in Hatfield when he lost control of his vehicle, which sailed down an embankment and crashed into several trees, according to the mass state police. The body was found dead outside of his car around 11 a.m. Sunday, and a bear was seen in the woods nearby, according to the press release. What was the bear doing in the woods? Evidence and observations at the scene suggest the man was most likely deceased as a result of the crash and was either fully ejected or partially ejected and later dragged from the car by the bear. When police arrived at 11.06, they saw it. They found the heavily damaged Honda Civic in the woods among several trees. The evidence suggests that the, quote, bear at some point had made contact with the victim's body. What does that mean, made contact? I think that means chomping on the-- I mean, he wouldn't have just dragged it out, would he? Maybe the guy had dragged himself out of the car before passing away, or maybe he was still alive when the bear got him, I don't know. The bear made-- the bear shaped paws with him, or what? The bear tried to, you know, administer first aid, made contact. I guess, you know, I understand you, you know, you can't be that graphic. The guy's got survivors, but it's still rather obscure and vague. The bear, at some point, made contact with the victim's body. The bear wandered away while police were on scene, according to the press release. The crash is still under investigation. That's the news. That's breaking news from the 413 area code. 844-542-42. I want to play a cut from-- we'll play a couple of-- we're going to get back-- people want to talk about Vermont and Bernie, but I want to play a couple of cuts from Biden. One cut I want to play is from Friday. Well, let's play-- let's play the cut with-- a couple of these cuts we've already played-- cut seven. I congratulate the presidential freedom of metal recipients and now and their families. The presidential freedom of metal recipients. He's keeping it short and sweet, like his guy wants in the campaign. Cut five. She's not only-- she's not only the only person receiving this metal, she's a-- she is a-- you know, it's not the reason she's getting the piece because of Delaware, although I keep looking. One of the people that got a metal, I guess, was named Michelle Yo, her eow. I don't know how to pronounce her name, Michelle. Yo, cut six. Over four decades and on and off the screen, Michael Yo, Michelle Yo, excuse me, has shattered stereotypes and glass ceilings to enrich and enhance American culture. But you dead named her. Here's to-- you know, talk about his grandfather, cut four. And I grew up in Scranton, Pennsylvania, hearing from my grandpa, whose name was Ambrose Finnegan. And, you know, he was an all-American at Santa Clara as playing football back in 1905. There was an old man named Ambrose Finnegan. That's odd. I could have sworn that he was the first guy in his family to ever go to college. And now we found out that he's not-- I guess not only his father, but his grandfather went to college. And I started thinking as I was coming over here, why is it that Joe Biden is the first in his family ever to go to a university? That's from '87, though. That's what he was running for. I think there's more one more reason, isn't there? Just one from a couple of weeks ago? I think there was. I think he said it just a couple of weeks ago. That was the famous Neil Kennock speech that got him knocked out of the race, out of the '88 race, in '87, when he stole the entire speech from the British labor leader. He mentioned everything but coming out of the Welch coal mines. 844, 542, 42. So today, he was with Representative Sanford Bishop and Representative Brett Guthrie. Sanford Bishop and Brett Guthrie cut that. And I was so honored not to try to rub this in too much, but also welcome Representative Sanford Bishop. Sanford Bishop, Representative Burke, where is Brett? Are you here? There you go, Brett Guthrie. Good to see you, Brett. Sanford, Stanford, Brett, Brad, who, you know, you say tomato, I say tomato, et cetera, et cetera. 844, 542, listen to this one too. Cut one. You know, I was kid. I was taught by the Norbertines in a public school. Well, you know, they always were worried we were going to go to Jesuit colleges. Because they said, you guys are too liberal. Thank God for the jebbies. I don't know what that-- I don't know what-- what is a jebbie? I'm sorry. What's a jebbie? I know the Minnekans, Jesuits, Franciscans. What the hell is a jebbie? Tanya, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Tanya. Hey, Howie. Thanks for taking my call. Vermont is definitely much worse off with Bernie Sanders. And thankfully, we got rid of Leahy. And now we are stuck with Becca Ballon. And don't forget Welch, too. Another drifter. He came up from Springfield. Of a failed low-class attorney who couldn't make it as an attorney. That speaks to about a quarter of them in the Congress, and on both sides of the aisle, Tanya. Good point. But I have to say, Ben, before he had but raised outside of Boston, but lived here for over 30 years, this state is going right down the tubes, because of all the liberal idiots that are moving here from down to this New York. And it's just awful. And the big city of Burlington drives the entire state, and they're nothing but a bunch of progressive liberals there. So a lot of us are looking at 20% increase in our tax, just based on the state. And that doesn't even include the failed numerous school budgets. So that's why everybody's leaving Vermont is because you can't afford to live here anymore. Well, everybody who works for a living and works with their hands. Everybody who was born in Vermont is leaving. I mean, it's the same thing in Massachusetts. You have people moving up here, changing the way the few Republican areas, remaining Republican areas, they were like Cape Cod. They got Democrats elected. The Republican Party at the time was controlled by idiots, Jim Jones, Lyons, and DoorDash deal. But they just lay down and died. And the Democrats took over. Same things happened in Maine, Tanya. The saying when I was a kid was from the '36 election, as Maine goes, so goes Vermont, meaning that those were the only two states, Southland, and carried in '36 against Roosevelt. But now it has sort of a reverse meaning. I mean, they are two of the most liberal states in the country. As Maine goes, so goes Vermont, you know? Yeah, and every time California makes some screwed up ruling, it seems that the liberals here want to follow suit. And it's like, if you want to do that, move to California. Right. Thanks for the call, Tanya. 844-542-42. Mike, you're next with how I go ahead, Mike. Yeah, I'll tell you. You know, when I have a couple of so-cows, I can understand Biden no problem, because he always sounds like he's had a few himself. You know, it's hard to believe he's never at a drink in his life, isn't it, Mike? Oh, my God. I mean, I'm like, what did he say? Give me another drink, maybe I can understand him. But, you know, it's true. You know, there, I do have a lot of friends over in Vermont. And, you know, they've had it up to here. They still have a little bit of their rights and their gun rights. But, you know, it's funny, they'll say, hey, Mike, you got all those pastures over in Jefferson. And, hey, can we drop some manure over there? Because they won't even let them spread their manure out in their fields now, because, you know, they're afraid of nitrogen loading up there. What could be greener? What could be greener than recycling manure? They think it's going into the rivers and everything. And it's the same way on the Cape. I mean, how would you and Brewster? They're going after people fertilizing their lawn. I know. And they don't understand that Brewster and Harwich, at one time, off the sixth day, that was all sheep land. And that's from 100 years ago, all the nitrogen loading. And now they're blaming the homeowner. I know, I know, they move into places with a gun and rod club that has been there for 100 years. And they say, it's too much noise. You've got to shut it down. I just got here from Park Avenue in New York. And I spent $2 million on this vacation home. And you've got to shut down the rod and gun club. And it's only people in pickup trucks coming here anyway. Thanks for the call, Matt. Mike, it's going on all over New England. And other states as well. Octions are one of the oldest forms of commerce known to man. Octions are how economies determine values for assets and commodities. Octions are not a fire sale at a discounted price. Rather, auctions are an accelerated sale with competitive pricing. 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To learn more on how to get your commercial, residential, or land sold quickly, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or visit Call Charlie today at 800-521-0111 or go to and get your real estate sold. I'm Howie Carr. Did you know that between hosting a four-hour radio show, multiple media hits, political advocacy, and walking Roscoe the Wonderpug? I call it a dog. Howie still finds time to write three columns a week? Oh, wow. Read his latest at He's Howie Carr, and he's back. 844-500-4242-844-500-4242. 508, manure, bad, stop. OK, I'll use chemical fertilizer instead. No, bad, stop. Hey, why no veggies around here anymore? We just import them from the third world, everything is imported. Nothing's grown around here anymore. No more. How's Ben and Jerry's get milk? I mean, how many dairy farmers are left in Vermont? Or how many will be left in 20 years? Think Cabot will have enough cows. Farmers belong to cabots to produce nice, delicious cheddar cheese, sharp cheddar cheese. I don't know. Good whipped cream, too. 844-500-542-42. Every week at this time, we like to check in with all of our fan males, all the people who love us, our listeners, our readers, our viewers, everybody. Check in to see what they're sending me, and Grace, and Taylor, and Jared, and everybody else at The HowieCarShow. We call it "Hate Mail Monday." It's time for Howie Cars. "Hate Mail Monday." "Hate Mail Monday." Yes, Howie. And because we were just discussing Kristi Noem and the controversy surrounding her book in which she wrote, or at least the manuscript that she shot her 14-month-old puppy, Cricket, I think we should start with this "Hate Mail for Taylor." This is cut one, please. Oh, great. Kristi Noem admits to shooting a dog, so Tucker Taylor feels emboldened to spew his anti-K9 clap trap. I'm all for taking dogs down a peg. They're too high on the totem pole. You know what I do when I see a dog in a restaurant? I fake an allergy. Simply barbaric. I don't think Kristi Noem's the problem. I think society is the problem for elevating dogs to such a status where we're going to go gaga every time somebody has to put down a dog. Barbaric. You don't need a dog. Barbaric. Get your snout away from me. Barbaric. Did you say all those terrible things? Absolutely. Yeah. That one you stand by. I'll stand by it. Yeah. That one I'll stand by. Was not taking out a contest. No, shame. I was walking Roscoe this morning at 5.45. And the woman, the old lady on the first floor, ran out and said, "Howdy, howdy." I turned around. She said, "There's a giant coyote in the back. Watch out." Yeah. And on this day, when Roscoe's life was in extreme peril, I learned about these terrible things you're saying. I was coming. I was going into the mall yesterday, and I held the door open for a lady who had an emotional support dog. And I immediately regretted it because the dog stopped to sniff me and my shoes and everything. I actually saw a dog this weekend, and I stopped the woman, and I said, "Can I take a photo of your dog?" It was a beautiful, cocker spaniel. Beautiful. Those are the worst kind. Oh, I loved it. It's so cute. They're so moody. Howie Car also has hate mail here. Let's have cut three, please. Howie, you bleeping kidney and other four hours talking about the protest? You got to be kidding me. I think it's pretty good stuff. I mean, we got the poll question, "What do you want to call these Nazi freaks?" Got like, you know, an inordinate amount of people responding. What do people like talking about it? It's definitely dominating the headlines. Howie, you also got a Talker's Lifetime Achievement Award. Yes, I did. The Lifetime Achievement Award. I'll be picking it up next month down at Hofstra. Would you like me to read some of the comments underneath? Of course. Of course. Hack award. Hack award? I beg your pardon. Gayle writes, "For what? Jumping the shark?" I think I'm at the top of my game. James said, "Can we get Billy Baldur to present it to him?" I don't think he would deem it ever apparent. Another hate male Howie is cut to, please. Lately, when listening to the Howie Cash Show, you close your eyes. After a while, you say to yourself, "How did Ted Kennedy ever remember his phone number? Two hundred times in four hours, amazing." Those are the formatics of the Talk Radio racket, PAL. So I got my Lifetime Achievement Award. Can we also have that guy's voicemail where he's imitating Howie giving out the number? My father, go out and tell him, "How old are you, Larry? 844, 542." Go ahead. Another person wrote, "How about for a poll? Do you want to hear Howie or the Howie Cash Show one of his numerous guests? You take more slides and vacations. You're one of the beautiful people." What? That's just not true. I'm not coming up with these Howie. I'm just reading them. That is it for a hate male Monday. Thank you very much. All right. We will be right back here. We have Howie and a confessional giving out his phone number. Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It was the Lyndon Johnson administration the last time I was in a confessional in Howie car. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios, 844, 542, by the way, we still have some cheap bastard deals left from Friday. The Kelly's Roast B. Florida locations, there's three of them right now and there will soon be six by the time you return to Florida if you do leave and will probably be seven by Christmas on the west coast of Florida. But these gift certificates are good only at the Florida locations. Their $50 gift certificate for just $25. So go to and click on the store and you can get the cheap bastard deal for Kelly's Roast B. Florida locations, $50 for $50 gift certificate for $25. 844, $500, $42, $42, Chuck, you're next with Howie Car. Go ahead, Chuck. Howie, a long time, I'm calling you from the People's Republic of Vermont here, which I moved here from taxachusetts in the early '70s for a bit of freedom and now it's gone way over the edge. My sisters live in Purple, Massachusetts and have almost a $2 million property and they pay less taxes than we pay on our $300,000 property here in Vermont. And I owe it all to Bernie and Peter the Ambulance Chaser and then I'll leaky lady. Yeah, I mean, just because you got rid of leaky lady, I mean, you know, like Tanya was saying, that's, you know, Welch is not an upgrade, I don't think. He's certainly at best the same, isn't he? Well, he's an ambulance chaser. When I first got here, he used to have those apps on TV. He didn't get enough compensation, call me, you know, it's like. And Becca Ballant, who took a bunch of money from the kid with the scam there, the— Sam Bankman Freed. Fango and refuses to pay it back even though he's there. All of them do. How many of them have actually paid any of that money back and a few, a handful of Republicans got some money too. He had some guy from central Massachusetts was the Republican bag man, but, you know, it's—but it was mainly Democrats and they didn't care. They didn't care at all. And, you know, Becca is, you know, she checks several different boxes, doesn't she, Chuck, according to my recollection of the case? She's got the hook right in her mouth. And our state legislature now wants to—the Democrat Super Rule wants to double their pay and add Cadillac provisions for their health and retirement. And it's a citizen's—basically it started as a citizen's volunteer legislature, and now they want to turn it into careers. Yeah. Welcome to the club. It's like the state you left behind, Chuck. That's what they've done here. And the more they make it into a career, the less they actually show up for work and the more they just let that two or three people in each branch run the entire thing. I mean, this is totally different from, you know, there was a guy named Calvin Coolidge. He was born in Vermont. He moved down to Massachusetts. He became the mayor of Northampton, the president of the state senate, the governor, then he became vice president president. And, you know, he was an old line Vermonter. You know, Ethan Allen would have had a nice conversation with Calvin Coolidge. Do you think Ethan Allen could have a conversation with Bernie Sanders, Chuck? Oh, come on. Redamity Schill's book on the—it's the definitive book on Calvin Coolidge. Yeah. And yesterday, I just want to tell you, I had my reverse version of Calvin Coolidge that I got to spend a few minutes of a pleasant afternoon with, and that gentleman Jim Douglas, who actually was born in Northampton, Mass, moved up here, came up here to go to Middlebury when it was still— A reverse. A reverse Calvin. And stayed here and was one of the most sensible governors we've ever had. Right. And an incredible gentleman, but—and he actually is on the board of the Coolidge Foundation. No, I know. We've had him on the show a couple of times. When they were having the 100th anniversary last year of Coolidge's swearing in by his father when Warren Harding died on the train out in the west coast, I said, "If you need someone to recreate the Irish chauffeur, I'll be glad to come up and do that." It's part of the reenactment. I guess they found another guy who would wear a cap and look semi-Irish for the role. But yeah, he's a great guy, and it's just a shame what's happened to Vermont. And New Hampshire, someone said, "Who was that guy that used to run the Manchester Union leader?" William Loeb. William Loeb wasn't even a New Hampshire guy originally, but he just—but he believed in the virtues of self-reliance, live free or die. And his paper is a shadow of its former self, and the state government is—I mean, it's still hanging on unlike the other New England states. There's not a single Republican congressman in the entire six-day region, not a single Republican, and I think the only Republican senator is Susan Collins. So I guess you should say that would be a Republican with an asterisk. Thanks for the call, Chuck. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. Chaos at ABC News as embattled boss Kim Godwin steps down. He's a DEI hire. They had sort of kicked their aside and given her one of these titles with no power. This is the Daily Beast has been covering this story, believe it or not, because it's kind of politically incorrect. In 2023, one source told a Daily Beast that Godwin had been on a reign of error. On April, even as ABC News laid off 50 staffers, Godwin was reportedly jetting around the country to the Oscars and other splashy events. At the time, the network had imposed a ban on all non-essential travel. Godwin was allegedly flying first class. Shocked. Shocked to learn that. Staffers had become increasingly frustrated with Godwin's mismanagement and they quote "error of angst" she has ushered in since taking the helm in 2021. This was the last week. Last week, Puck reported that Godwin had also "rangled and horrified" staffers by making several race-related comments, including that black people don't watch the news. How about just saying people don't watch the—I mean, if she's referring to ABC News, how about just saying people? Why single out black people? Do you know any white people that watch the ABC News? I was driving on 128 yesterday and I saw a billboard, a nice electronic billboard for watch Channel 5's News at 4, and I thought, "Who outside of a nursing home is watching it, a local TV newscast at 4 o'clock? I don't think anybody is." By 844-542-42, another ABC source told the Daily Beast that right after Godwin was hired, staffers heard the exec claiming that there were too many white executive producers. "I'll take care of that," she reportedly said in May of 2021. Notably, none of the network's high-profile black stars, including Michael Strahan and Robin Roberts, stepped up to support her yesterday as she was being shown the door. Why? 844-542-42, Mark, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mark. Hey, Howie. Hi. Hi. I live in Florida, but I used to be a verminer for many years, work downtown. So right after 2020, the George Floyd thing, the Progressives and the Liberals on the City Council decided it was time to defund the police. So at that time, they had a police force of 135. Yeah. And their target was somewhere in the 90s. Well, as of 2024, flash forward, and just in a news article last week, the police chief reported they have 78 full-time officers now in downtown Burlington. From 135 to 78 in four years, what could possibly go wrong, Mark? Well, let me tell you, they found a month peculiar, the legislator decided that, you know, if you steal up to $500, it won't be a criminal. Yeah. There's a lot of that going around, yes. So my buddy has a store on Church Street, the main thoroughfare there in Burlington. People walk in and walk out with stuff, and the cops won't prosecute them. And if you try to strong-arm and getting out the door, they put up a fight. So he's basically giving up the local chambers in our lobby in Fort. Can we raise that? Can we lower that threshold for criminal prosecution? Right. And I guess they're getting nowhere, right? Because you know, not because the majority of the people are shoplifting, but because the majority of the people now live in Burlington are just so rich that they're guilt ridden, and they want a virtue signal by letting the riff-raff run amok. Describe the entire legislature down in Montpequilier, but he's standing in his front window looking out of the store, and there's a homeless person because there's all kinds of homelessness, there's all kinds of drugs, the cops can't do anything, and his homeless guy drops these drawers in that case, right? Yeah. I knew exactly where you were going with that. Yeah. I remember having a meal, I was in Florida last year, and I was at this. I was at one of Trump's country clubs, and I ran into Michael Savage, and we were talking about San Francisco, and he said, "You used to love to go to this one Italian restaurant, which had big windows out onto the street." And he said, "I'm not even going to go into what you just said," but he said, "The same thing happened to him." He said, "He never could go back to the restaurant, he used to love it for decades." And you know, you see something like that, you just know the city is shot, it's gone. Thanks for the call, Mark. 844-542-42, Bill, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Bill. Hi, Howie, this is Bill from Central Mass. You mentioned about no Republican congressman in the New England states. Yes. We happen to have one in Central Mass, Mr. McGovern. I'd like to know, you know, he didn't vote for funding of Israel, Ukraine, he didn't vote for that fact. Well, you're not calling him a Republican, are you? Bill. Oh, Bill. No way. No way. And that also didn't vote. You're breaking up, Bill, unfortunately. We get the point. I mean, McGovern is one of the absolute worst, one of the worst. He's like a career legislator, he slobbers over, used to slobber over the Castro brothers in Cuba. Now, he slobbered over Hugo Chavez, now over Maduro in Venezuela. You know, in the meantime, though, he's never had a job, he's fat as a hog. And you know, he's 70 years old, he's never had a real job. Like Bernie Sanders, who's 80 plus years old, never had a real job. Like, like Joe Biden, like Maxine Waters, like all these people. And you know, they all, and he's, he was a legislative aide, just like Mitch McConnell, just like Paul Ryan. It's a bipartisan plague. All right, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. You may have heard me talk about Raycon's everyday earbuds before and thought, wait, the same audio quality I expect from the big guys, but half the price sounds pretty good. Yes. But if you haven't pulled the trigger on a pair of Raycon's, I'm holding my new pair right in my hand, Carolina Blue. Now is the time, or sort of Carolina Blue, now is the time to check them out because they just launched their upgraded model of the best selling everyday earbuds. This is the upgraded model, they're better than ever. With Raycon's upgraded everyday earbuds, now you also get active noise cancellation, ergonomic design and multi-point connectivity that lets you pair with two devices at once, two devices at once, available in a variety of vibrant new colors to complement any and all skin tones. See if I get cold, I turn blue, right? So this is perfect for my, for when I'm a little, when it's a little on the nippy side. What other colors were there, Taylor? I think there's black, I mean, it depends on the model, but there's all kinds of colors, I believe, red, purple. Yeah. So there are all these amazing new features, like the active noise cancellation, as I said, the quick charge function, quick charge function, we all need that multi-point connectivity, weather proof and/or sweat resistance. So that means I can take it, when I get back to Florida, I can take them into the pool when I'm just walking around and have to worry even less than I already did. It's a fantastic, fantastic new pair of everyday earbuds and they're available at half the price of the other big premium brands, a perfect mother's they gift, a perfect father's they gift, graduation they gift, and maybe most important a gift for yourself. Seriously, if you've been wanting to check out Raycon's, there is truly no better time. You're going to ask yourself later why you didn't check them out sooner. Raycon offers a 30-day happiness guarantee, so what are you waiting for? You've got nothing to lose. Buy it for mom, buy it for dad, buy it for the grad, buy it for yourself. Go to today to get 20% off your Raycon order plus free shipping. That's right, you'll get 20% off and free shipping at That's, I'm howie car. The Howie Car Show. The emperor of hate, Howie Car, is back. 844-542-42. I think the New Hampshire State Police engaged in a little racial profiling last night. They had an overnight saturation patrol. Do you know why they had it on a Sunday night? Taylor. Cinco de Mayo? Correcto mente. Cinco de Mayo festivities commonly involved increased alcohol consumption are annually held on May 5th. I'm shocked. Imagine that. Those arrested was Ruth Gaya G-A-O-A-A-35 of Nashua. Operating without a valid license, believe it or not. Malakai Thawaitis, T-H-W-A-I-T-E-S, Malakai Thawaitis, 27 of Chelsea, Massachusetts. Operating without a valid license. Hard to believe, huh? Hard to believe. DJ, you're next with Howie Car, go ahead, DJ. Hey, howie, first time caller, long time listener. Thank you. You have to pick it up. My good friend Greg Sabine from Brockton used to call and rest in peace. He passed away. He used to call on all the time when I was a kid, but he's talking about Cinco de Mayo. I'm driving down Belmont Street in Brockton. It looks like a little Machu Picchu everywhere you look. You can't drive down this street without one four-foot tall woman that's pregnant, pushing a stroller with a baby and got two babies on her arms. They haven't brought in the National Guard yet to patrol Brockton High School, have they? Well, apparently, that outside auditing agency supposedly found $18 million that was supposedly missing. Isn't that funny how that works? I feel sorry. The city of champions, they used to call it, right? I let them go on to a long chain, you're next with Howie Car, go ahead, Shane. Yes, sir. I heard this right at the pump, just gas prices. What they said was Biden is a puppet and Trump is a bad actor. He doesn't trust Trump, and I don't trust Biden, so how would any of us vote for this election? I mean, Trump could be a bad actor. Well, is he any worse of an actor than Biden? I mean, Trump behaved himself a lot more in terms of following the law, following the Constitution, not taking extra constitutional actions than Biden has. Yes, I agree. It comes down to it, doesn't it just come down with Biden to tweets? I mean, that's it. You're holding tweets against the guy with by, yeah, with Trump, excuse me. Thanks for the call, Shane. 844-542-42, and Howie Car. (buzzing)