The Howie Carr Radio Network

Bernie hasn't burnt out yet | 5.6.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Senator Bernie Sanders has launched his re-election campaign at the age of 82.

Broadcast on:
06 May 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at code word Howie BOGO. [MUSIC PLAYING] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. The Chicago Teachers Union is negotiating a new contract. The union's opening bargaining position has been leaked. You're going to have to pay me $1,000,000. Sorry. $100,000,000. It's a staggering amount for teachers in a city where only 21% of eighth graders are proficient readers. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studio. You didn't report that we had like over a week where violence was down, homicide was-- didn't happen. I know you didn't report that. Are you fishing for compliments? You know, that's a horrible personality trait. Madam Vice President, Hamas has accepted a sea fire shield. Hamas has accepted a sea fire duty reaction. We were the only boat left standing. Bubba gun, Trent's what they got. We even have hats that say Bubba gun from it. Bubba gun, Trent. It's a household man. Rum swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's-- [MUSIC PLAYING] Howie Carr. Welcome to the Howie Carr Show 844-500-4242, 844-500-4242 and never a dull moment here in Brandon's America. Never a pain-- never a non-painful moment. Well, the some of them are less painful than others. But we've got a lot of-- we've got a lot of stuff to get through again today. And they're talking about a cease-fire deal. Allotuk was the threat of Israel to begin the final operation on Rafa, or as Joe would call it, Haifa, which is in Israel. He confuses the two. He confuses a lot of things. And suddenly, Hamas decided they didn't want to die. I thought they would want to get the 72 virgins. I mean, most of their people have already gotten the 72 virgins. [MUSIC PLAYING] Yeah, I mean, a 16-year-old adherent of the religion of peace got shot by the cops down in Australia. He had stabbed a 31-year-old infidel, and not-- fortunately, he didn't kill him. And then they killed Muhammad. I don't know if that was his name or not, but he was a Muhammad one way or another. And so they didn't want to follow in the footsteps of Muhammad down in Perth, Australia. Apparently, they want to continue living. But my question is how many of the hostages are continuing to live? And I noticed they didn't mention that. And they announced that the Hamas announced that they would accept the deal. First, they announced it to the Associated Press. Then they announced it to Qatar and Egypt. They didn't announce it to Israel. They didn't announce it to the United States of America. But they announced it to the Associated Press. Did they announce it to the president of Mexico? That's right. They didn't announce it to the president of Mexico or the King of Jordan, two of the other bordering states. So I don't know. Who knows what's going to happen? But Benjamin Netanyahu has said-- and I'm glad he did. He said that a ceasefire does not mean the war is over. You got to take these guys out. I mean, there's no question about it. I mean, you don't have to be bloodthirsty to say, you can't have a state that wants to destroy you on your doorstep. That's the way. And by the way, what about a ceasefire in Ukraine? Somebody wanted to know about that. And this is a story that is getting no attention. Thanks for reminding me of that 508. This was on the front page today. I'm holding it up for the social media. This was a story on the front page of the Wall Street Journal yet no one seems to be picking up on it. You know how a couple weeks ago the Congress decided to give Ukraine another $60 billion? Another $60 billion? Guess who's going to get the money? Ukraine's lenders say Kiev could wait to pay them back. It could wait to pay them back after Russian troops stormed into the country two years ago. Now their patience is starting to run out. Now that we've given them a blank check, they want their money. A group of foreign bondholders, including BlackRock and PIMCO-- I don't know about PIMCO, but isn't BlackRock run by Democrats? I believe it is. A group of foreign bondholders-- foreign meaning, in many cases, American Democrats. American Democrats plan to start pressing Ukraine to begin paying interest on its debt as soon as next year. People are familiar with the matter. So again, front page of the Wall Street Journal. And no one's picking up on the story. I wonder why. So they're taking money out of your pocket and my pocket. And it's going to be funneled through, laundered, like they laundered money to the Biden crime family. And they're going to launder it back to Democrats in the US. The group holds around a fifth of Ukraine's $20 billion of outstanding Euro bonds recently formed the committee and hired lawyers that while Garchal and Manjes and bankers from PJT partners to negotiate on its behalf, you want to guess if that's a Democrat law firm or a Republican law firm. The group wants Kiev, which is fresh off of clenching about $60 billion in USA to strike a deal in which it will resume payments. And whose money would they be using to repay all the Democrats? All the Republicans' money that was collected at taxes would be going to Democrats, $60 billion. Not all of it, but good billions and billions. The US and its allies are concerned that taxpayers' money-- this is a lie. This is a total lie. The US and its allies are concerned that taxpayers' money will wind up in the bondholders' hands. If Ukraine resumes any type of debt service, why do you think they approved it? Because their Democrat campaign contributors could get some more money. And what are they going to do? And what are they going to do when they get the money back? They're going to give it to the communist Nazi hippies on campus. You see that? That was another story. That's getting a little more play. That apparently, a lot of the money that's being used to train these filthy, unshaven, illiterate, foreign savages and domestic savages that are ravaging the campuses is being paid for by people like the Pritzker family, the Pritzker family. You know who they are? It's different members. But it's the people who own the Hyatt Hotel chain. And they include Penny Pritzker, the former Commerce Secretary under Obama, who's the one who hired Claudine Gay, the DEI president of Harvard University, the serial plagiarist, who was so dumb that she even plagiarized the acknowledgment on her plagiarized doctoral dissertation and then became president of Harvard University. And then the other member-- another member of the family is J.B. Pritzker, the governor of Illinois, 300 pounds. They call him Jabba the Hutt Pritzker. So the Pritzker family is giving him money. The Rockefeller family is giving the money. The Rockefellers. They used to be-- I'm so like and remember when the Rockefellers were Republicans. The Gates family, you're not surprised. They're giving the money. And guess what? Guess who else has given the money? Yes, you guessed it. You've been waiting for me to say his name. George Soros. George Soros has been given the money, the hippie communist. George Soros, who now owns a bunch of radio stations, including the pathetic also-ran sports station in Boston. You listen to the pathetic also-ran sports station in Boston. You're supporting a George Soros radio station. That's a fact, Jack. 844-542-42. So meanwhile, so you have Harvard University. The head of the board of overseers is still Penny Pritzker, whose family gives money to support the hippie Nazi riots. The commencement speaker for Harvard turns out to be a woman named Maria Ressa, a Filipino immigrant. She immigrated at the age of about 10, immediately got into Princeton, of course, a few years later, because that's the way it works. She checked all the right boxes. And oh, she hasn't got as quite much of a buzz cut as the secretary of transportation in the Healy administration, Monica Tibbetts, not. But Maria Ressa does have a very, very short haircut. And she's a lesbian. It's all right there. [GRUNTING] And guess what? She's compared the Israeli to Hitler. And she's going to deliver the commencement address at Harvard University. Isn't that nice? Ressa did not respond. Ressa, the Filipino born lesbian, read, did not respond to a request for comment. Harvard did not respond to a request for comment. Ressa's barber did not respond to a request for comment. 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42, 42. We'll take your calls when we come back. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show returns after this. The 110 Grill offers 100% of their menu gluten-free. Enjoy their patios. And don't forget, Mav, to reserve your mother's day table today, go to And yum, yum, yum. [MUSIC PLAYING] Howie Carr is back. I love my pillows products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code Howie at From pillows, towels, slippers, and even their gazot dream sheets, go to and use code Howie for amazing discounts. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is does Trump want to go to jail? Yes, no, or mixed feelings, but would prefer to avoid it. [LAUGHS] I'm going to torn between two and three, but I'm going to vote no. He doesn't want to go to jail. Nobody wants to go to jail. 43% say no. 33% say mixed feelings. 24% say yes, he does want to go. You know what I thought about it? I was talking with a guy who suggested it earlier in the day, and seriously, who really wants to go to jail? I mean, you think about it, and you see it on TV or movies or books, but nobody really wants to go to jail. He's already got the mugshot. What good is it going to do? Right, right. I mean, the only thing is, it would just give him a few more people in the entourage for the fall campaign a couple of-- look at this guy. He was framed, too. He was in the cell next to me. This is my amigo. But I don't think he needs that stuff. I don't think he wants to go to jail. 844-500-4242-508. Mr. President, please force that corrupt judge to throw you in the clink. We want to win, and that might seal the deal. It looks pretty good right now, anyway. But we'll see how it works out. I want him to throw most of these cases out. I want Fannie Willis in jail, or at least this bard. I want Jack Smith fired because he was improperly hired. He has no business being on a payroll as a special prosecutor. You see, a special prosecutor under the statute is supposed to be somebody from outside the government. And he was on a payroll. They don't care. They accuse Trump of being a dictator, and he wants to violate all his rules. They've forgiven, quote, unquote, canceled $160 billion in student debt. After they were told by the Supreme Court, they couldn't do it. They still went ahead and did it. They don't care. They just bleep and don't care because they're beautiful people. There was a story today about how when Trump was president, but they controlled the Justice Department because they'd sidelined Jeff Sessions, they were going around FISA requirements to get the phone records and the social media records of congressional staffers on the Republican side who were investigating them and were investigating the Steele dossier, the Russian collusion hoax. So the Justice Department, when Trump was president, but they had control of it through Rosenstein-- you remember that little weasel? He's the one who appointed Mueller. And the real guy was Weisman. So it was Rosenstein and Weisman that were trying to railroad Trump out of the presidency and into the can. And they were going around. And now they're suing. The guy at one of the aides, he was an aide to Grassley, is suing. I'll tell you more about it as we go through it. It's in conservative treehouse. But there are a lot of good stories that are kind of slipping through the cracks. They're very complicated. They date back a little bit. But they just show just how sinister the deep state is. And the front man is branded. Tim, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Tim. I had a question for you, Howie. If it's not too personal, who did you vote for in 2008 and 2012? I voted for McCain, and then I voted for Romney. I mean, I wasn't happy, but those were the guys I voted for. OK, so I'm just curious where your level of ownership is. So when Ron Paul was talking about-- My level of ownership of what? You mean the 50 billion to Ukraine? Well, who was the only guy on stage who was talking about ending all of the foreign aid? But he wasn't going to win, Tim. Well, not if you don't vote for him, certainly. I don't think you can hold it again. I don't think you can say if you didn't vote for Ron Paul, then you're responsible for what happened. But by the way, he was barely a Republican. Not that that really matters to me very much, but wasn't he a libertarian? Yeah, like ending foreign aid that you talk about, and inflation that he's talking about. But he was running as a Republican, and he was really a libertarian. I don't mind doing a little bit of foreign aid, but I mean, again, obviously this is a payoff to the deep state, isn't it? I'm not in favor of that. Well, you didn't-- your vote didn't reflect it. All right, all right, I guess I don't pass the 100% test. So you know what that means? About 99.9% of the people in the country failed a test, OK? Thanks for the call. 844, 500, 42, 42. If we had any decent people in the DOJ, they would resign, says 303. The whole government is corrupt. Absolutely, it is. Yep, let's see. Here's one, 508. For your information, my brother-in-law, my wife's kid, brother, is a partner at Wheel, Gotchill, and Mangus, LLP, and they are definitely deep state Democrat. Yeah, yeah, I mean, I'm not surprised to hear that his law firm is involved with Ukraine, though I am disappointed. Well, his law firm is involved with the creditors to Ukraine. These are the deep state, deep pocketed banks that lent Ukraine the money. And now they want their money back, now that it's been extracted from the pockets of the MAGA Republicans. So think about where your money is going. The next time you're wondering, good Lord, how am I going to pay to fill up my tank with gasoline? Or why do I have to keep buying all these store brands instead of the brands I like to buy at the supermarket? Just remember, it's going to the law firm of Wheel, Gotchill, and Mangus, among others, and BlackRock, Democrats, to the core, and they look down their noses at you. They hate you. They think you're a deplorable, irredeemable, bitter clinger, and they would just as soon throw you under the jail as they would anybody else from January 6th. And they really think Alvin Bragg, and with Tisha James, and Jack Smith, and Fanny Willis, even, are great, great people. 844, 500, 42, 42. I'm Howie Carr. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios-- 781, I'm curious who did you vote for in the primary in 2008 in 2012? I don't remember who I voted for. I probably voted for Romney. I don't remember either, specifically. But in those days, I thought Romney was OK. I mean, he was kind of a disappointment, but I knew who he was, and I didn't know about Sheamus. I made a joke there. The Globe has a story. Republican cricket, and Sheamus, and the Republicans in their dog problems. Wait a second. What about commander and major? Are they a problem for Democrats? How about the unnamed hounds that Obama ate? Are those a problem for Democrats? Why haven't we seen Bailey lately? But you know what? That's a very good point. I confuse Bailey and Otis. Now Otis is the dead dog of the fake Indian, right? I don't remember Otis. I think Otis was the first dog. The Globe wrote this crying. She was about to win reelection, but it was the saddest day of her life. Her dog Otis died. He was always there when a TV cameraman arrived. Otherwise, she kept him locked up in the basement. I don't know what happened, but he died and she replaced him with Bailey. I think that's what happened. So it's only Republicans that have dog problems. But no one's allowed to remember commander and major, and all the dogs in Indonesia that he had for lunch, Obama. Well, Kristi Noem has been on now, like a media tour, trying to unmute. Set herself on fire. I mean, she's like, let me give it up. It's over. Yeah, you know, I mean, you don't want to be, you know, you pour gasoline on your fire. Someone get the zippo away from her, you know? And she's trying to kind of like change some of the story a little bit or make it seem like, in the story, it seemed like the dog wasn't a good hunting dog. That was really the. It also killed chickens. It killed chickens, yes. And now she's gone on like Sean Hannity, and she's kind of trying to do the whole, oh, people are pouncing and seizing and weaponizing, and I just don't think it's working. This isn't unfortunate. Nobody told her to write a manuscript and put her killing a dog in there. Unless she has a really bad political strategist who said, hey, I think this is the way to warm yourself up to people. Yeah, I mean, I've written books with people who at least won the book with somebody, and we went over to that manuscript very, very carefully. And you didn't say at any point, hey, do you have any stories about a dog? Do you want to, you know, do you want to confess to killing anybody that you haven't already confessed to so that you get thrown back in jail? Do you want to get somebody else thrown back in jail for some of these murders that you're talking about? Yeah. So he looked at it, I looked at it, his lawyer looked at it, some of his friends looked at it, just to make sure that they weren't in it. Yeah, when Aaron Chadbar was filling in for you, he said to me, oh, well, you know, Grace, she wrote the manuscript, but somebody at the publishing company clearly like leaked the copy. It wasn't a book yet. And I thought-- It's the galleys. It's still though, you write it down. You gotta, once you write it down, you might as well assume it's out there. Because somebody's, I mean, if the scotest leaker hasn't been held accountable, everyone can leak anything they want. Especially a book manuscript. It's like, you don't think they're gonna see that and run with it? Oh, I got a scoop. Chris, you know-- But you know, they always say, well, you know, there's no such thing as bad publicity and this'll sell books. I'm not sure this sells books. I mean, does anyone-- Need to do more? Yeah, all you need to know is that, you know, she did this to cricket and that she claims that she met with people that she didn't meet with. I mean, that's rather brand than ask, isn't it? Yes. Yeah, it'd be interesting to see how these book sales go. Okay, Howie, a little bit of Grace's news for you. Bernie Sanders. (upbeat music) Announces his Senate re-election bid. The 82-year-old Senator-- That's all he is, 82. Announced my day. I would've said at least 92. That he will pursue a fourth term. Oh, thank God. This is the most important national election in our lifetimes, he declared in a video. We must fight to make sure that we remain a democracy. Our lifetimes are his lifetime 'cause his lifetime would include Abraham Lincoln versus Stephen Douglas back in 1860. The stakes are enormous, he said. This is an election we must not lose. Let's hope. Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob. 4-1-3 says that Obama's dog in Indonesia was named Entre, Tre for short. Yeah, I don't think Obama came out and took a victory lap over Christine Om. A lot of people were, like Hillary Clinton, you know, they took to social media to denounce what she did and to, you know, score some political points. But I don't think Obama, I think he knew enough to say maybe I'll let this one go by. But again, he had much more, he checked many more boxes than Christie did. And the thing was that he knew no one was gonna read that book. I mean, that paragraph might as well have been in the with this protection program. Well, you always have to assume, and again, I read that excerpt and I just thought, whoo, that is, there's really no coming back from that. But also as a Republican, you have to assume no one's gonna read, like, now she's talking on context. It's like no one gives Republicans context or reads, you know, reads more than what they have to. People are ready to go at a second's notice to pounce and season weaponize. You give them this, that's it. But then I'm like, maybe she just doesn't want to be BP. Maybe she's trying to position herself for something else. I don't think that's, that's, yeah. Well, another update for you, the Trump campaign and the RNC surpassed March's record and raised $76 million in April. I saw that. I saw that. They also got rid of the election integrity's lawyer on the new guy that only hired in March. He got fired today. Really? Yeah. They said he was too deep state and too rhino. And Trump said this is great. He put out a truth socially. He said, this is great news. I wish him the best. Yeah. But his people, his people hired the guy. I think for Trump's base, I think election integrity is ranking higher than a lot of other issues that, like if you, if you polled the general public, obviously illegal immigration, the economy's high, but he'll send out emails sometimes, Ali, asking the voters, like, which one is number one for you? And a lot of times the emails focus around election integrity. So they need to have, people are not going to want. If they don't have any election integrity, then it's all for not. Yeah. And I don't think people want to see what happened last time, which was a lot of complaining after the fact. No, no, no one wants to see that. You know, after I had Jay Valentine on the last time, that's what people said. They don't want, they can't go through it again. Watching the election just that they know they want taken away from him. And I remember, I say this every once in a while, but after the election, because we were in Palm Beach when in 2020, and I remember I flew back the day they announced that Biden was going to be president. And the days after the actual election, I kept coming up to you and saying, hey, we were at Newsmax, I kept saying, hey, Howie, do you see this story? So and so says this and so and so says that. And they think that this, and you said to me, you're like, this doesn't look good. Like it's not, this is stuff you got to get a handle on before the election day. And that is people's, a lot of people's biggest criticism for Trump is that he didn't have a handle on it beforehand. Well, again, this, this whole thing about the, you know, the fact that the Justice Department was trying to investigate Chuck Grassley and probably Devin Nunes is eight. It's all these, all these legit congressional staffers who were trying to get to the bottom of what happened in 2016 and the Russian collusion hoax that the Justice Department was violating all kinds of laws, his Justice Department, because he didn't control it, because he, you know, he appointed that good Southern gentleman, Jeff Sessions. You know, he was, Jeff Sessions could stand up to the Ku Klux Klan because they were just a bunch of ignorant crackers with shotguns, you know? Yeah. Under their, under their front seats of their cabs, but you know, he couldn't stand up to these, these wimpy law fair guys. Yeah, there was, he had a lot of people who couldn't stand up. That's for sure. Hopefully it goes better this time around. Grace's news is brought to you by Tux Trucks luxury tech and safety are all built into the entire premium GMC lineup. Tux Trucks GMC in Hudson, Mass invites you to experience a GMC Sierra, the new Acadia, UConn or terrain. GMC professional grade, search their inventory at Nathan Wade did an interview over the weekend with ABC, and I wanted to read you one moment that has people scratching their heads. There's obviously quite a few to choose from, but former Donald Trump prosecutor. He said stealing money and cheating on your wife and just, you know, sleeping with your boss. That's as American as apple pie. I love that, that part of it. It's just American. That was the headline that caught a lot of attention, but the New York Post picked up that he also made an absurd claim that he and Fanny Willis ended their affair the moment they realized they were in love with each other. A statement completely add odds with, you know, his version of events during the trial. He said, you don't have, you don't plan to have some relationship in the workplace. You don't set out to do that. Those things develop organically, they develop over time. The minute we had that sobering moment, we discontinued it. Sobering moment. I don't think sobering is the right word. Lossful, perhaps is the right word. And... They read a lot of wine tasting for a sobering moment. And how, and at what moment did he get stars in his eyes and decide to commit perjury on the witness stand? Love makes you do crazy things. Love means never having to say you're sorry or set telling the truth. Love. Even when you're under oath. Love, Grey Goose, Nathan Wade and Fanny Willis. Hey, Howie, here's the story. It's in the Daily Mail, but it's a Massachusetts story. Nantucket natives are battling. Battling. Over whether short-term rentals can stay or go. Some say vacation rentals leave homes unoccupied and drive up living costs. Others say Airbnb's are vital to the small islands, tourism, reliant economy. Now, one thing I thought was interesting, because now a lot of these big houses, they'll have like, bachelorette parties will go for the weekend, they'll go to the stroll. I went to an Airbnb for a bachelorette. And the neighbors are complaining and saying, it's like living next door to hotels. No, I understand. I know a place where I used to go sometimes with a family and they sold it out and now this family rents it out and they're just down on the cape and they're just, you know, it's made the neighborhood much less livable. Yeah, they say it's conscious turnover. Yeah. Like living next to a whole bunch of boutique hotels. Right, in every Saturday night, there's a big party, a big kegger. Yeah. Well, they're set to do get out tomorrow over whether the short-term rental-- I don't know where, I don't know how I would vote on that one. How do you, how would you vote? Well, yeah. It kind of depends on how much money you got. Yeah. If I liked renting on my house, well, here's the other thing. If you have a giant home, if you have a beautiful home in Antucket and you might think to yourself, both people don't need to rent for a week. But some of those people, they like to rent it for a week and use that money to pay off the bills for the rest of the summer. So I don't know, I might say keep it, as long as it wasn't getting too out of control. But I don't live there, so I don't know how wild it gets. I will say, the Bachelorette parties and stuff, if you ever rent out an Airbnb for a Bachelorette party and the home has seen Bachelorette parties before or Bachelorette parties, they give you such a laundry list of like, this is what you can do, this is what we expect when we come back, do not leave this place. It cannot be an office. How do you think the McAlberts and Kent, when they have a Bachelorette party on the road with the Kent firefighter and all that? How do you think they leave? What condition do you think they leave the place in? You gotta leave it like you found it. You can't leave it like the library of Portland State University and have stickies to fall over the floor. I don't think the McAlberts go to Bachelorette parties in Antucket too much, maybe Hull. Yeah, yeah, maybe. I will be back in a little bit with Hate on Monday. All right, 844-542-42. Someone say, well, we'll say, I'll check during the break. There may be some breaking news. 844-542-42. Experience the ultimate savings event with MyPillows $25 extravaganza for a limited time, dive into incredible deals like a two-pack multi-use MyPillows, stylish sandals for both men and women or a luxurious six-pack towel set, all available for an astonishing $25 each. Yes, you heard it right. Just $25 per item during MyPillows $25 extravaganza. But wait, there's more. Refresh your kitchen with their durable four-pack dish towels. You guessed it also at the unbeatable price of $25 and making it stay view, the premium MyPillows with all new geez of fabric. Choose any size, any loft level, including the opulent king size, all for the low price of $25. These incredible offers won't last long, so order now. Call 800-658-4965 or go to and use promo code Howie for these incredible deals and to unlock free shipping on all orders over $75. That's 800-658-4965 or promo code Howie. Elevate your comfort with the MyPillow $25 extravaganza. Don't delay, go to and don't forget the code Howie. I'm Howie Car. - The Howie Car Show. We'll be right back. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - The Howie Car Show is back. (upbeat music) - So much for the alleged ceasefire. There's a headline in the Jerusalem Post, IDF strikes Hamas terror targets in East Rafa. The IDF spokesperson said on Monday night that the military conducted precise targeted strikes against Hamas terror targets in Eastern Rafa. The war cabinet had agreed to start with the Israel's plan Rafa operation, so they're just softening the field, obviously. Quote, "The war cabinet unanimously decided that Israel continues the operation into Rafa to exert military pressure on Hamas in order to promote the release of our hostages and the other goals of the war," the statement read. The statement also noted that the proposal is far from Israel's necessary requirements, but Israel will still send the delegation of mediators to exhaust the possibility of reaching an agreement under conditions acceptable to Israel. The senior Israeli security source told the Jerusalem Post today that any proposed deal Hamas said they agreed upon doesn't really exist. Quote, "This deal, this so-called deal, is proof that we've just started to apply pressure on Hamas by promoting a ground entrance to Rafa, and we suddenly receive a green light from Hamas for a prisoner exchange deal and a ceasefire." The source added that the reported ceasefire deal, quote, "As a proposal that no one in the Israeli administration recognizes, it's a proposal Hamas invented. They are playing with us. They are telling the world we agreed to a ceasefire to try to prevent Israel from a ground incursion." Oh, it's good. The Biden administration may be fooled, but it's good that the Israeli government is not. 'Cause that's, I mean, it seems obvious. I mean, how many hostages are still alive? I almost made that the poll question, but it's a very depressing question. I don't think there's too many. 844, 500, 42, 42. Here's one, seven, seven, four. Howie Nantucket is an economic issue. We are an economy based in tourism. The money derived is substantial service industry. I understand that, but I'm just saying, if you live next to one of these places, I think you would have mixed emotions to use that phrase yet again, as we were talking about Trump earlier in the day. I mean, nobody likes living next to a party house if you've ever lived next to a party house. And at one time or another, I think most of us have, if we didn't, weren't living in one ourselves, and we realized what a pain we were at everybody else in the neighborhood. 844, 500, 42, 42. Limerick Guy says, "Someone should tell "that fossil Bernie Sanders "that it's hard to save our democracy "when you deep state kooks "have already completely annihilated it." My question is, is Vermont a better state or a worse state now than when Bernie Sanders moved to it from Brooklyn? What, 50 years ago? I would say not much question, it's a worse state. It's, there are less freedoms. There's more regulation. There's more taxes. Lot fewer farmers. Lot more arrogant, rich people. Living in that state. I think that, you know, the Green Mountain State survived many things over the centuries, but they could not survive the influx of Bernie Sanders at all. It's, the state is, the state will never recover. That's my feeling anyway. 844, 500, 42, 42. We're gonna see if we got a quick cut. We can, this is from Quinton Folks, the deputy campaign manager for Biden, about why Biden's speeches are gonna be shorter, cut sex. Look, our campaign believes in quality over quantity. We believe that these touches, these smaller things that are getting directly to the point about what is going on in the stakes of this election, are gonna be easier for voters to tap into and sort of also go out and say and talk to their friends and family about what's at stake. Showing international pressure. Well, he did keep it short, didn't he? I'm how we guard. ♪♪ Think about what you think about.