
Showdown Episode 54 5-3-24

Broadcast on:
06 May 2024
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welcome to showdown I'm mark asin and this is friday may the third and we are finishing an extremely consequential week with a story that is so profoundly American and so incredibly important to the history the future history of of our democratic Republic I know there's a lot of people that get all bent out of shape back and forth overall that kind of talk but you know get past it because our democracy survived today the story today is so important that there's no way to overstate this because as great as any story that we have seen in years that's what we saw today at the Trump trial hope Hicks distinguished herself as a truly great American having testified under oath in a way which Trump people generally can't understand a whole section of this country does not get it what is it 40% 30% 35 45 I don't know my guess is it's probably closer to to 30 or 35% that's my feeling but it's hard to exactly quantify maybe the only way I can quantify this for you is by looking at a Joe McCarthy there's a famous poll that I cite all the time this was from 1954 I believe it's June of 54 and it was a Gallup poll and the Gallup poll just wanted to see where Joe McCarthy stood after his moment of shame which occurred of course with Robert Welch the attorney who turned to McCarthy and said at long last sir have you no shame well that moment was finally reached today in the trial against Donald J Trump he finally was put where he needed to be put and jail will follow but that's not even the point the point is the greatness of Hope Hicks not as an individual but as an American because what she did today was extraordinary beyond any thing that you can imagine if you've read Profiles and Courage you know Kennedy's book that was probably co-written by Theodore Sorensen if you read the book it was great it was inspirational to me as an 11 year old I can tell you that in in 1962 but more importantly today Hope Hicks stood up as an American and did what Americans are supposed to do she walked into a courtroom and under oath she told the truth it's that simple and everybody is just stunned it's astonishment in Manhattan today because our country is put up with insanity among psychopaths who one minute say one thing in another minute say something else they say Donald Trump is a grifter he should never even be close to the White House then they say they're voting for him because they love him all of that but today a true American got on a stand and told the truth under oath now how do we know it's the truth we know and that jury knows and everybody in that courtroom knows and Donald Trump knows the whole country will know no question there may be that 35% in that Joe McCarthy poll in 1954 where 35% of the people after Joe McCarthy had been completely and utterly disgraced 35% said we support Joe McCarthy that was the the 1954 poll done by Gallup and so it gives you at least some idea what the bottom line is in the United States that's where it is it's right around that 35% mark it's a little higher now it might be if it's a little lower might be that but it's right around there 35% but Hope Hicks didn't worry about any of it she didn't think about a poll she didn't think about who was going to hire her next week she walked into a courtroom and you know she's resisted in the past speaking where she didn't want to have to tell the truth she's resisted it she did everything she could for Trump and then in 2022 she was forced to speak in front of Congress and from the day that she told the truth to Congress under oath Donald Trump would have nothing to do with her anymore and she told that story today - but today she went further than that today she got on the stand and she started to cry she immediately started to cry it had nothing to do with what anybody had said to her or asked her nothing she cried because she didn't want to have to do what she knew that she was being called to do as an American but she did it and she cried and the judge stopped everything and let her get her composure so that she could testify and then she did and she told all about what was happening in the White House in 2016 2017 2018 told the whole story about the access Hollywood tape told the whole story about how Donald had told everybody deny deny deny listen to that again that Donald told them all deny deny deny deny and see we we know what that is that's what we've been dealing with we've been dealing with it from the day that he came down the escalator this guy cannot tell the truth and today one of his good good friends who truly showed her love for him cried could barely get it out in the courtroom but she had to do it because when you go into a courtroom in the United States of America and you're told that you're going to be put under oath to testify you tell the truth that's what you do you don't make it up you don't lie you don't deny deny deny you tell what you know and she did she told what she knew and she told when she knew it and she told who else knew it and she told about how Donald knew it she didn't hold it back did she know that she was establishing her place in American history I suspect she probably did she's a very smart lady there are a lot of smart people out here a whole lot of them but this one today distinguished herself as an American beyond none other and and let me say that Giana is here so let's talk to Gianna here for a minute and I gather we have no we have no video is that is that the deal yeah okay so Gianna are you there yeah I'm in a library oh okay okay are you somewhere where you can at least talk a little bit sorta okay yeah are you able to get on the video at all like to my camera sure okay okay there we go okay so you know obviously we understand you you can't scream so that's all right but but let me say to the audience Giana Jackson am I saying is that some people say Giana and some say Giana what what is it Giana okay so let's get let's call you by your proper name Giana I've always said Giana and then everybody started saying Giana and hey what can I tell you okay so there you are you're on the camera and that's great and I gather you probably didn't hear anything that I was saying before you came on but your timing is excellent because I did want to talk before you got on about what happened today because there was a development in the Donald Trump trial that was extraordinary and and and this was a moment in American history which of course you're you're currently in a world history class but it's more of an international relations course and you're headed to to American history next semester and you of course go to Cardinal Ritter College prep where I teach as well and the thing about it is that in in this trial which we've talked about in class some some amount and you all have had a chance to listen to to some of the the tapes of people discussing it and you've heard the back and forth and you know I think you got a pretty good grounding in in what's happening in in in the case but but beyond all of that here's here's what happened that was so extraordinary today Jana a lady named Hope Hicks who is a former Donald Trump employee at a high level very high level she was brought into court today to testify she has information that that everybody wanted to hear and of course up until now for years as long as Trump has been here people have gotten into these situations where they're supposed to tell the truth and they don't but Hope Hicks first she cried then she did what she didn't want to do which is she told the truth about Donald Trump about what she knew with regard to the faked information that was created in order to advance a further crime which was to withhold information from the public just in advance of the election like two days before and on top of that it violates election law because there's their in effect donating money to the to the campaign even though it's not cash it's in kind contributions and if all of that is too complicated all just let me say this she got on the stand and told the truth she just did she just did and and the courtroom was stunned because the Trump people don't tell the truth and she did now that's especially important in terms of why you're here on the air with us Jana because you participated in a debate this week for president of the United States which was obviously a mock debate but it was one in which you all five of you had a great opportunity to be faced with some questioning and to to deal with policies under pressure what what does the pressure feel like tell us the pressure to do the case yeah well to get up there and talk in front of people you had a big audience you you had you know questions being put to you by a a a moderator as well as by other candidates how did it feel to be under that pressure well it wasn't much to me because I'm used to talking in front of people like that but then again it was like overwhelming by the by the way the questions were asked and you didn't know whether or not you get picked up first or last to answer the questions right so actually you feel first of all pretty good about it I guess yeah yeah and let me say all of you all five of you did a terrific job and and anybody that you know like yesterday we had on CJ who won but but let me tell you that the the distance between the winner and the losers in this was so tiny that it was almost almost random because you you were all so great hmm did you feel that when you were up there yeah sort of I was still new so okay what did you think about the other people I really liked there I liked CJ's and I was surprised by Justin's because I didn't think he'd know like I didn't think he was a type to be into this stuff yeah but he did he and he worked with me the last couple of days we really pressed to make sure that he he came in ready to go and he was really good he was excellent he talked a little bit about some economic things that we discussed but I'll tell you this CJ said something about the economics that he didn't even talk about with me but he did say that a country borrowing money is different than a person borrowing money is that does that sound right to you do you follow what's going on there yeah yeah do you have any do you have any thoughts about it because you know everybody's worried that the country is deeply in debt which were not but they worry about it and and I know everybody on the panel said we have to pay down the debt and let's be a little more careful right so to pay down the debt but then when CJ said that it was like it is quite different from just owing somebody $20 because you're gonna get 20 back so I guess for the government if you'll somebody that is probably gonna double or something well it's it's like this the United States government is different than anybody else because we always pay back our money that we borrow we pay we pay our debts always and so everybody that lends us money knows they can rely on us and since they know they can rely on us they'll loan us more money at at lower rates than other people yeah because we're trustworthy do you feel like the United States is trustworthy in some cases maybe yeah and and that's a sad thing because it it does spread throughout our entire culture and that is this belief that we're not that good isn't that isn't that out there yeah yeah but we are that good we we are I mean we make lots of mistakes don't get me wrong but but I can tell you to the today you know for example that that one of the things that I teach a lot is the Supreme Court and constitutional law and our system is just a fabulous system it's just amazing and today that was shown in a courtroom in Manhattan New York where a young lady and when I say a young lady she's hardly older than you I mean she is young see you know she's like 30 years old 31 I mean she's a young lady and and she got in front of that courtroom under all the pressure of all the politics in the United States of America and she did what everybody in the United States is supposed to do when you're under oath when you're under oath what are you supposed to do promised to not lie that promised to not lie that is that's it Jana to tell the truth and this lady told the truth and believe me she is going to be attacked and battered and attacked attacked again and they're going to do everything they can to tear her down but she just did she did one thing she told the truth there you go okay so let me ask you to you I assume you love doing the debate right yeah so you'll you'll you'll want to be in it again next year right yeah I had students that came up to me today and said Kason how do we get into that debate I think you guys have really set the school on fire when it comes to this idea of having debate yeah that is that saying it feels really good yeah I think my friends going in on it too yeah I think everybody's thinking about it it's just it was really beautifully done and you know everybody you know really put everything into it I mean I didn't agree with every word that everybody said but that's not the point not at all there's nothing to do with it what has everything to do with it is all of you getting up and being able to express yourselves after doing some research and trying to understand the issues and and you did it you did a marvelous job I mean nobody you know everybody is just beaming over this at the school not that not that anybody else needs to even know that you were great which still I want them to know but but the point is it's just that you know how great you all were you know thank you so one last question then I'll let you get out of here and stop torturing the people in the library we don't want to make them nuts so what what if the other students said to you after the debate has there been any comments back and forth between you all okay it was just a debate and they went back to normal interesting okay tell me this here's one for you this will this is just for fun we where do most students get their news get their what their news take talk OMG okay Anna you have a wonderful weekend really glad glad you could come here one of our top students at Cardinal Ritter College prep you're fabulous you enjoy your weekend and we'll we'll see on Monday okay okay thank you Gianna Jackson and she's good and you know there there's so much good in this country so much good and it is so exhilarating to be able to say today that the country was today exactly what it's supposed to be it was exactly what John Kennedy wanted it to be when he wrote his book profiles encourage that's what it was today Hope Hicks just did everything that an American is supposed to do and and all she did so simple all she did is get in front of a microphone in a courtroom and tell the truth under oath that's all she did nothing more nothing less she told the truth now the shock waves from what she told today will be felt for a long time and everybody will say well it's just a tribal it's partisan and all that junk but just junk because the truth is what she told today she broke down crying on the stand because she didn't want to tell the truth this lady has had over her short lifetime of extraordinary relationship with Donald Trump and I want to say that extraordinary relationship but not not the kind of horrible business that we we understand that Donald's been involved in and especially it's important to say it that way because you know yesterday when they were going through idiotic conversations in the courtroom and and people were parsing words in clintonian fashion so that you couldn't understand the difference between relationship and romance and sexual and you know one minute it's one thing and one minute it's another that was yesterday but today is today and it's a different world today because hope Hicks showed what it means to be an American whatever you believe whoever side that you're on you can get in front of a courtroom promised to tell the truth and then do it she told everything she made the case for the prosecution but she didn't want to but she knew that as an American she had to because that's the rule it's a simple rule my student on here five minutes ago I asked her what you do in the courtroom when you're under oath and you heard her she said you promise not to lie and that is the United States of America in a nutshell that's it anything else is is truly irrelevant it really is I mean you can argue about one person you like and another person you like and you can argue about whether you should have higher or lower taxes none of that matters because in the end the only thing that matters is that when you're under oath in a courtroom before Congress FBI you tell the truth hope Hicks did everything to stay out of the courtroom she did everything to stay away from Congress she tried but when the rules said that she had to testify she reluctantly came to tell the truth and she told it today and believe me when people say it was a bombshell that is so overused that's so cliche but that's what it was it was a bombshell this weekend if you listen to the to the news programs I mean look if you listen to Fox you know they'll probably be talking about the weather report but if you listen to MSNBC or CNN they're going to tell the story they're gonna tell what happened in the courtroom Friday Friday May the third they're gonna tell it and students will read about this in history for a long time to come because we've had people in this country for years now who just could not bring themselves to tell the truth oh they get up for a minute and get emotional and say something you know Donald's a grifter Donald's a carnival barker or this and that he shouldn't be near the government but then they all in the final important moment when truth had to be told they couldn't do it they couldn't do it Marco Rubio couldn't do it Ted Cruz couldn't do it all of those people Mitt Romney of course told the truth from the beginning but even he was trying to get a job in the Trump administration but that's okay he still always told the truth but never was it like this never was at this consequential never was it down to the moment where we needed to hear the truth what is it if it's against Donald if it's for Donald whatever it is we needed to hear the truth that's why this trial is so important and hope Hicks told the truth she was an American it's that simple that's what she was you know when we're through doing this tonight you may want to have dinner and in case you want to celebrate you can go to wenties wenties is in Chesterfield Valley it's at 18,000 Chesterfield Airport Road and the food is tremendous it really is for me the best is the baby back ribs and the onion rings other people love the wings and the smoke meat and all the other things that the patty melts the cheeseburgers the pizza I mean you name it it's it's all over the place great food for everybody something for everybody and really nice people eating at wenties and a phenomenal owner Ben who just a great guy I may even see Ben this weekend I hope when I'm out of wenties but anyway you should go for sure go often wenties 18,000 Chesterfield Airport Road you'll love the food and the people if you want jewelry none other than forty 506 Hampton and that's Jules on Hampton you can get all of the designs that you ever imagined done for you at Jules on Hampton Al and his staff I mean you could bring in gems and they'll cut them and they'll design jewelry for you their way or your way it doesn't matter whatever you want they will do it and they'll do it great they're just professionals they know how to do it they buy and sell coins and jewelry good prices for everybody and they're at forty five oh six Hampton in the city they're great terrific people I love Al and AJ you go in and meet them you'll understand just great people they won't want to let you leave they're not worried about the the jewelry they just want to talk to you they're great they really are fun people Jules on Hampton check them out and here I am on a Friday afternoon with another one of my suits and ties and you know I'm in pretty good shape here you know I like blues and here I am with some more blues and the St. Louis suit company is the place to go to get these ties for five dollars to get the suits which are gorgeous suits at terrific prices and they've got suits and they've got shirts and they've got ties and they've got dress shoes overcoats in the wintertime straw hats in the summertime but let me assure you of this unfortunately just one thing they haven't got they don't have the Chuck's so if you want to be like me a hundred percent you got to get the Chuck's somewhere else but if you're satisfied to just be a nicely dressed person well you can do without the Chuck's Forsyth and Central in Clayton that's the St. Louis suit company they have been there for 29 years and I can tell you right now when it comes to weddings they are the best and they've been doing weddings for years it's one of their specialties check them out St. Louis suit company they're in Clayton right on the corner of Central and Forsyth walk in the door walk upstairs perfect you got it okay so I think I got across the point that I was thrilled that the United States got what it deserves today I hope it's what we deserve the truth the truth now Donald won't do it Donald won't tell the truth he won't admit any of this he'll lie all the way he'll do exactly what Hope Hicks told everybody today she told us what Donald was saying in the White House deny deny deny that's what she said that was the order given to everybody in the White House deny deny deny gee what a surprise like we didn't know that that's what Donald does oh we know it we knew it and now under oath the jury knows it and that's where Donald's got a problem that goes so far beyond anything that Michael Cohen could have ever said in that courtroom because now when Michael Cohen comes in to tell his story ho hum big deal we've already got it all from Hope Hicks we know what's up of course we got it first from David Pecker but listen they weren't exactly believing every last word from David Pecker most of it but they knew that there was maybe a little bit of wiggle room in there and then this guy Davidson yesterday I guess he they're talking about he's an extortionist etc which the experts said not really but you know sort of edging up to the line but Hope Hicks no this time we got the truth this was sort of John Dean style if you recall Watergate but I don't even know I don't know it might be it might be up at the same level as John Dean it's it's certainly you know it's as high as you can get I mean John Dean may have been as good as Hope Hicks maybe he was maybe but Hope Hicks was great because Donald is like none other he says it all the time and it's the truth he's the greatest liar in the history of the United States he lies and lies and lies but see today we can say it without sounding like we're just yelling because Hope Hicks told us Hope Hicks told us were right she was there she loved Donald Trump she was loyal to him she only gave up the story for one reason it's the only reason that you're supposed to give up anything in the United States when it comes to telling the truth when you're under oath you tell the truth I understand people don't always do that believe me I was in a lawsuit can't even believe how long ago it was probably 15 years ago and the lawsuit dragged out for five years and at at trial the lawyers who were on the other side got on the stand in the court room and lied they lied they lied every word they didn't tell one bit of the truth but it was so funny because my my partner then onion Horton he and I went to the jury after they had found that we won went to the jury and the jury said that nobody believed a word that they said after they told their names not a word but they lied they got on the stand and they just lied and that's what's so great about the United States juries are incredible they get things right they understand they don't have to be experts not at all these people that were on the jury had nothing to do with the radio industry which is what this was about but they figured it out just from what was said in the courtroom and when the lawyers on the other side lied the jury didn't believe one word well here Donald Trump is up against it he has lied with impunity for 40 years but finally hope Hicks was the one who had to get on the stand and just say it this is the truth because I'm under oath because this is the United States of America and because I'm an American and that's it that is what separates us from the rest of the world I promise you that's all that separates us we do everything else wrong that you can imagine but when you go into a courtroom there's a jury and there's a requirement that you tell the truth and amazingly the jury is incredible when it comes to sifting through the words and figuring out who tells the truth and who does not and today they were they were just I'm sure stunned like everybody we've all listened to nothing but lies for all these years and hope Hicks told the truth okay I have some other things that I do want to talk about today and some of it has to do with Donald of course first of all talking about lies how about this one Trump says that today's job numbers were horrible 175,000 new jobs last month in the United States those job numbers are horrible we are setting records for running below 4% unemployment today at 3.9 but we continue under 4% month after month and Donald says the numbers are horrible last month they all talked about on Donald's side how horrible the numbers were 300,000 new jobs but the thing that they were upset about last month was that the temporary jobs now they knew they knew the truth the truth was there were people out there that wanted temporary jobs over 55 years old and they needed temporary part-time work that's what they wanted and that's what they got and there were plenty of full-time jobs full-time jobs in health care in other areas look the jobs numbers have been strong and in fact they've been too strong and the Federal Reserve doesn't know what to do about it because they know that these job numbers have got to come down and they didn't come down enough today they did not not to knock out inflation and that's what the Federal Reserve is trying to do to knock out inflation in the meantime Donald and his team are trying to end independence at the Federal Reserve when it happens to be one of our most important economic tools it is essential and Donald is trying to wipe it out led by one of the greatest quack economists in the history of the United States and his name is Stephen Moore Stephen Moore is a 100% quack believe me what they should do is they should I assume he's in Wikipedia what they should do is they should put a picture of Stephen Moore in Wikipedia and right next to him Donald Duck that's all the man's a quack he hasn't told the truth about anything in economics for as long as I've ever heard his name Stephen Moore is one of two things he's either ignorant of everything having to do with economics or he's lying one of the other Stephen Moore and Donald Trump and the rest of his quacks are out here saying that the jobs numbers as great as they are are horrible and unfortunately you know Adolf Hitler proved a man who Donald idolizes he proved that if you say a lie over and over and over and over and over and over like they stole the election then people will believe it or at least some will anyway jobs numbers today 175,000 new jobs stock market was up pretty strong sort of very narrow very very narrow that's a problem more on that next week interest rates were down a little bit but then rebounded towards the end because this this isn't over there's an economic battle underway here and it's a smart one it's an important one and we're we're working on it by the way it looks like we got Justin I didn't know this was live I just seen it I'm like you man how you doing well actually so you're you're Justin's dad right oh yeah yeah well listen that's okay now that's great I love it nothing like nothing like you know catching somebody by surprise yeah we're on the air and and and you're on the air in your car wait you go to my son's school or something I'm your son's teacher oh you know what you probably sent you sent me an email before you probably yeah yeah you probably I'm about probably an email list or something yeah well it's it's worse than that because actually there's there's a kid at school I don't even know who it is who messed with with Justin's email and so you can't see his email anymore it comes on across something crazy and the only thing that's there is yours and it says Justin so I thought you I thought that must be you or well it is you your arch on but it's the out it's you're not you're the dad so let me say this to you yeah let me say this to you and and I don't know we haven't met have we we talked on the phone we've talked on the phone but we haven't met right yeah yeah no we haven't met yeah so let me tell you're saying your son was in a debate this week right and he was great he was yeah he was outstanding he really was when we did some work on it ahead of time and he was prepared and he just did great he's excellent he he's gonna work on new things next year with us and and you know you now have a little bit of understanding more of what we do because here you're now seeing a live broadcast that we do that's in the real world and that's that's cool yeah Justin understands all this he's yeah I didn't even know you yeah I didn't even know you I didn't even know you weren't I just I seen the restream so I was like okay you know it was something different so I pressed it but yeah I held Justin prepared for the but a debate is well - yeah here's something you don't know about just okay one of his great uncles you know you ever heard of Floyd McKissick of course that's that's his uncle in that something yeah yeah so he he had a got a lot more about him stuff he's still for it too that's one I was telling him about his stuff so he got it in him it's just just have to apply itself Justin is a guy like he's a young man he's a great yeah he is a great young man yeah he really is you know and my favorite thing is every time the kids mess up you know I always say one thing teenagers hey that's that's all it is it's a learning experience people have to understand they still learning yeah so I think after fun it was great getting on here but it was kind of unexpected but I appreciate you taking the time to talk to me even though it was kind of a surprise for me as well hey dad you'd be safe on the road are you too okay you bet so that's fun stuff that we do Justin's a good guy he was supposed to be here tonight but like I said teenagers but any rate dad did make it and that was a good thing too also let's talk about a few other thing we still have eight nine minutes left and so many things that Donald is trying to tear down in America but it's such a great day in America because they moved the curtain you know the Wizard of Oz they pulled the curtain the dog did it he came over and he pulled that curtain away and Hope Hicks told the truth and we know now what we knew anyway and of course the other side won't know it because they don't want to hear it you know how they put their hands over their ears and they go lah lah lah lah yeah okay but it doesn't matter because the jury heard it and that's a problem when juries hear these things that's trouble okay more things more things Trump says that he might not accept the results of the upcoming election it depends on whether it's honest or not now I just want to take you back a few years and let's try this on some different people the first person I want to try it on is Richard Nixon can you imagine somebody going to Richard Nixon and saying are you going to accept the election can you imagine Richard Nixon saying I'm not sure because if you can imagine that you would be so wrong because Richard Nixon lost to John Kennedy by 100,000 votes nationally that's it it was dead even and the votes were in Cook County Illinois and people went to Nixon and said you know there were probably shenanigans in Cook County and you may have won and as a result you may have actually won the entire election and Nixon said we're not doing that I lost that's it the elections over when you lose you lose Al Gore said when you lose when the Supreme Court says that you lose you've lost now we all knew that there were 5,000 votes minimum out there that would have been found if they had counted them but the Supreme Court said no and Al Gore said election over Hillary Clinton when she lost to Donald Trump and she lost fair and square I mean she won by three million votes in in the national vote but that's not how we comment in the United States and she knew that the Electoral College she lost and she got in front of the country and she said I support our new president go listen to it go listen to it honestly go listen to it John McCain the famous speech where he was congratulating Obama and the people started booing and he said no don't do it this man is an American he is one of our people honor him only Donald Trump will tell us not only that it's all rigged and a lie and so forth but go one step further he doesn't just say it after it happens he says it before it happens it's a lie it's rigged it's against me they hate me they're trying to get me not even Richard Nixon would do that nobody in American history has done that nobody no person we don't do that but here we are months before the election and Donald Trump says he doesn't know he'll tell us later whether or not he's willing to accept the election it might be rigged it might be dishonest and by the way how did Joe Biden rig the election when Donald Trump was the president forget it no sense and even getting into it let me talk about something else that's that's really it's not even fair to give it only two two and a half minutes you know that in the United States there are places where we have led in our water I've talked about this on the radio on television everywhere for many years and I just want to make it clear today we're back into the same conversation Joe Biden using the funds from the the infrastructure deal that he got passed is promising that not only are we going to clean up the lead in the water but he's promising that we are going to do it in our inner cities in the worst places where the lead is in the water and harming our young people young people in areas where they're suffering from all kinds of devaluation anyway from racism to lead in the water to redlining to everything you can imagine you name it they don't have the equipment that everybody has in the big cities where it's all white people but Joe Biden stood up today and said we're gonna use that money to get the lead out of the water now at the same time I want to be very careful here Barack Obama promised to get the lead out of the water in the inner cities Hillary Clinton before she was even president promised it they promised it under Bill Clinton everybody promised it everybody said we're gonna get the lead out of the water it is harming inner city people and our young people in the inner inner city it's horrible it's horrific and we haven't done it yet now Joe Biden says we're gonna use that money and get the lead out of there and we can only hope that they in fact get the lead out of that water because it's a crime against black people in America and it needs to end but listen end this on a happy note because somebody told the truth like an American on the stand today hope Hicks a great American don't forget the great people that support our show St. Louis suit company wenties jewels on Hampton I'm our case and this is showdown good night