The Howie Carr Radio Network

Unvetted Drag Queen Flaunts in Sutton Public School and Maura Healey heads to the Vatican | 5.8.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Jessica Richardson of the Massachusetts Family Institute joins the show to share the latest debauchery in the Commonwealth. Then, Amy Carnevale calls in to discuss where Wu and Healey are audience with the Pope!

Broadcast on:
08 May 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at code word "Howie" BOGO. [MUSIC PLAYING] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the "Howie" car show. She entered wearing all black as if on her way to with him. The loose, fitting, plain black clothing draping from her shoulders to her toes suggested the modesty of a nun. A delicately beautiful face and a body that could never cheese sandwich across the room. Embrasts that seem to say, hey, look at these. See, it reminded me of my mother, all right. No doubt about it. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. But the cross-exam-- boy, her responses were disastrous. I'm so numb. I just hate him. I hate him. I hate him. That's a big deal. When the witness hates the person whose liberty is a stake, that's a big damn deal. She was trying to get Trump-- I actually thought there was a motive there. She said she hates him. She said she'd like to see him prison. I think she was purposely throwing out this stuff to make sure the jury were prejudiced, particularly the women jurors, but probably half of them, too. Rum swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's-- [MUSIC PLAYING] Howie Carr. Oh, we can't find any record of Don Burdick being in the NFL. But he did find-- I'm not hallucinating about his being at Deerfield. He went to Deerfield with John Gunther Jr., death being out proud. I'll explain that later, because we've got a guest. But a lot of people claim they were in the NFL and doesn't-- turns out there's not a lot of documentation, have you noticed that? Anyway, we've been talking all day about the schools. And people trying to opt out of-- get their kids out of public schools. And how do you do it, and how tough it is in homeschooling? Can you afford it? Can you deal with moving the kids around, et cetera, et cetera? But the problem is the public schools are so bad that they give you-- every year, you have less and less options if you want to be a good parent. And every month, at this time, we're joined by someone from the Mass Family Institute, Massachusetts Family Institute. And we talk about some of the issues that are confronting the commonwealth of Massachusetts. And a lot of them have to do with these kind of cultural issues, or lack of culture issues. And today, we're going to discuss another scandal that you may not have heard much about. It's in Sutton, Massachusetts, out in Worcester County. And it's where they had a fire in the illegal alien flop house few months back, as if that wasn't enough trouble for them. Now it turns out that right around Easter time, they had a drag queen performance at Sutton High. David D, the roughly bottom drag queen, was doing cartwheels on a table and exposing his underwear to minor students at Sutton High School. Pink Skirtz, Doc David D was wearing. Joining us now on the line is Jessica Richardson. She is the Communications and Research Assistant for the Massachusetts Family Institute. Jessica, what happened in Sutton, poor Sutton? Yeah. So over Easter weekend, we became aware that these photos had surfaced of the drag queen wearing the little pink miniskirt and this roughly underwear showing, standing on a table surrounded by students in a school library. And so your first thought when you see something like that-- so shocking-- is it even real, right? So we did some digging and discovered that not only was it real, but the school even had a web page that talked about this drag performance and then named the drag queen, David D, as you said. And David D himself had posted photos of it on Instagram, including pictures where he posed with some of the students. So it happened on March 15th at a conference called the Connections Conference, or CONCON, which is an annual conference held at Sutton High School. It's always held at Sutton High School? It is. Who knows? Yeah, it's their conference. And that's an interesting question, because when this information started to come out, there was a lot of misinformation online of people saying, no, this is a state-run conference. No, it's held somewhere different every year. This was just Sutton's turn. Or they were asked to do it, and none of that is correct. It's run by a club. The principal of the high school is one of the advisors of the club. It's Sutton's own SIS conference. Did the school committee know about this? So they knew that the conference existed. So the conference has been going on since 2019. It was canceled in 2020 due to COVID. But it's been either there-- So there were some benefits to COVID in 2020. I guess we have one now, right? That was one. Yeah, but no, so the conference is not a new thing. But I think part of what happened is that there was a misperception that this is a student-led club and a student-led conference. And while students are definitely heavily involved, that's not really the case. And things that are student-led kind of fly under the radar a bit more when it comes to oversight and things like that. And I think this is the first year that such shocking photos emerged from the conference. And that's what's causing people to take a closer look at it and be like, oh, my word, what is going on in my town? Or what is going on in my state? Yeah, but it's not a new thing. The school committee did know. Then that's not to say that the school committee expressly approved everything that went on at the conference, because that's not generally in their purview, but they did know that they-- What if you wanted to have a rosary conference, just to pick a theological phenomenon randomly? Do you think-- how do you think a rosary conference would go over if you approached the Sutton, Massachusetts School Committee and asked to hold it at the high school? Yeah, well, that's a great question. So one of the things that, you know, if there are conserving students in Sutton that are, you know, tired of this agenda being the only one pushed by their schools, is they could form-- say, we want to form a, you know, a Catholic student to Sutton Club or we want to form a Young Republicans Club. And we want to have our own conference. I don't want to just-- I don't just want to be pro-Catholic here. How about the John 3/16 Protestant Evangelical Club? Oh, absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. And the school could not deny the students the opportunity to form such a club. They would have to follow whatever the guidelines are. The thing with this that's a little different, though, is that this really isn't just some students that got together and said, oh, we want to start this great club. This was always from the beginning pushed by administration and staff. And, you know, I assume public tax dollars. You know, I mean, even if you just have to keep the school open, people have to be there and, you know, all the utilities are used. So, I mean, this cost the taxpayers of the town money. It absolutely does. And so what the district would say is all of the money for the conference comes from grants or private donations, which, you know, is true to a point as far as the expenditures directly related to the conference itself for, like, the teachers and whatnot. But yeah, you're right. So they sounded at this on-- it's a PD day. So regular school is not in session, but the building is open. But this conference is actually not just open to certain students. There were over 600 students and staff from 56 Massachusetts schools who attended. So that's a lot more, you know, lights and custodial service and all of those things than would usually be required during a regular PD day. So, of course, it's using more utilities, more resources, things like that. But the other important thing is that this is being primarily organized by staff members who are taxpayer-funded employees of the school district. So unless someone's going to try to say that, you know, the principal and the world language chair who's a huge part of this and these other staff members, you know, did every ounce of preparation on evenings and weekends, which, you know, we know is not true. You know, then you can't argue that taxpayer dollars aren't going to fund it in one way or another. We're talking to Jessica Richardson. She's the communications and research assistants for the Massachusetts Family Institute. We have them with us every once a month just to discuss an issue like this. And if you want to check out their website, go to, I was looking at your story here. The drag queen had not been required to submit a quarry criminal background check to make sure he was safe to be around students. That hits me because when my wife was many years old, many years ago now was trying to work as a after school aide at the local parochial school where our kids were going, they made her do a quarry background check and she was turned down at first because she hadn't returned to video cassette when she was in her early 20s, you know? And she had to settle up with the, you know, the blockbuster or whatever it was at the time. And I mean, it was, you know, it's a funny story now, but I mean, they're pretty strict about that kind of stuff, you know, and they, to just wave this for Dr. Deva or whatever that was saying this, DevaD, excuse me. I mean, it's outrageous. - It is, and you know, by the letter of the law, they're not obligated to check every single person that comes in if they're supervised by school staff. And so that's what they would argue that they didn't. But we would say that, you know, you should err on the side of caution. First of all, if at all possible, and obviously also you're bringing in somebody who's, you know, an adult sexual entertainer, I mean, we would think that you would want to be a little more careful about that sort of thing. And here's the thing about the quarry checks too, is even if, you know, let's say he passed it. I don't doubt that he would. But that does not prevent the bad stuff from coming in. So part of what happened at this session was he and David Connor, who's from Pride Worcester, talked about, they talked about, you know, drag, and learn how drag brings joy to our lives, quote unquote. But they also introduced kids to opportunities to get involved in their sexualized community outside of school. They shared resources that connect kids to things like gender affirming care. They talked about, there's a Pride prom, where 11 year olds can come and hang out and dance with 17 year olds. They invited kids to come to the Pride Worcester. - What could possibly go wrong? - Drag queens perform, right. So even if these guys did pass their quarry check, you know, they're presenting kids with opportunities to connect with other adults who maybe wouldn't have passed that check outside of school. And the parents don't know that those resources are being shared with these kids. - We don't have a lot of time left, Jessica Richardson. But what can people do if they, I mean, LA, again, and we had one caller mention it and people, they loosed us for the last couple of hours talking about these problems in public schools. And what do they do? What do people do if they feel there's a problem in their public schools? - Yeah, well, so the first thing I would say is what we want people in Sutton to do. So there is a school committee meeting tomorrow night, Sutton School Committee meeting at 730 at the middle school high school auditorium in Sutton. We think it's time for the silent majority to make their voices respectfully heard on this issue. We already know that the Pride activists plan to come out and bring their friends from far and wide. And it's time for common sense folks who don't think it's okay for kids to see a drag queens underwear in school to come out and do the same. So we think people, and this, because this conference doesn't just affect Sutton, there were 56 different schools, you know, you don't have to be in Sutton for this to affect you or affect your school district. We want parents to go to our sub stack,, where they can read our full investigation. There's so much, if we could talk for an hour and I wouldn't be able to tell you everything. So we really want parents to go read that. - And then, you know, you mentioned our, you know, Mass Family Institute website, And we've got a lot of resources on there, lists of private schools, list of learning centers. There's more options than ever for parents who are looking for something. - And this is one reason why there are more options than ever. - Well, absolutely. And you know what, Sutton is a relatively conservative. - Right. - So one of the things that-- - In a conservative county. - Of all the places for this to happen, but that just goes to show you that if it can happen and it can happen anywhere. And these things come in under the offices of, you know, diversity, equity and inclusion and the social justice and a lot of this stuff sounds good on the surface and a lot of, you know, conservative or even religious parents might not realize what else gets smuggled in with those things. And we all got to see that now with these shocking pictures. - All right, Jessica Richardson will tweet out a link to your sub stack. And so people can go and see, see study up on this and just get, start getting educated if you're worried about your kids or you got kids coming up or even grandkids coming up. You might want to, you got to start thinking about this kind of stuff. Jessica Richardson and again, the website is, and we will have, we'll tweet out a link to the sub stack so you can read up more on this and read up more on what you can do to possibly protect your youngins. - Thanks Jessica, thanks for being with us. 844-542-42, I'm highway car. - Adding your two cents is easier than ever. Call Howie at 844-542-42 or text the word, Howie, followed by your message to 617-213-1066. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - The Howie car show is back. (upbeat music) - 844-542-42, just looking at the New York Post front page, brushed off, this was in Ohio, case Western Reserve, that's in Cleveland, isn't it? A contractor hired to cover up anti-Israel vandalism at Case Western Reserve University didn't let protesters get in his way, opting instead to simply paint over them. (laughs) Good work, good work. Today's poll question is brought to you by local silver men located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly, contact him at local, that's local Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? - Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what's the best description of a pro-Nazi college boy riot on campus? Sharia Shindig, Fatwa Festival, Hezbollah Halleballoo, Jihad Jamboree, Hippie Hootenany, Rafa Rushweek, Arab Spring Break, or Gaza Gala. - Jihad Jamboree. - 39% say Jihad Jamboree, 16% for Arab Spring Break. Third place tied, Hezbollah Halleballoo and Gaza Gala. - All right, again, they're all great answers, in my opinion. 844, 500, 42, 42. Somebody says the Reading Public Library Committee voted unanimously to keep the book genderqueer in the children's section. Howie, if you read partists of this book on the air, you would get fined. They have basically pornographic drawings in the book. Well, that's what Ron DeSantis did, remember that? And when they were having the, they don't say gay bill controversy, there was no word like gay in the bill. It was just about getting books like that out of the libraries. And so he had a press conference, and he said if this is a big national issue, so why don't you carry the press conference live on TV? And so some of the local stations in the Tampa area that were carrying it live, and he started reading from the books they were trying to ban. And you know, these were these woke TV stations had been saying that he was a, you know, a homophobe and all this. They had to cut out of the press conference 'cause it was obscene. They were gonna be fined by the FCC if they had continued with it. It was a gutsy move by him, but he made his point. Ted, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Ted. - Hello. - Hi. - I think we might need voice changes on both ends of the fall. I'm on my second term here in Maine on a school board. I serve on a school board for the elementary school, the high school and the district. So you've got three meetings a month at least. And my personal thing is if you could put your kids into a private school of some kind, I would. I think a lot of the problems comes down from the fact that the higher ups in the superintendents and the higher ups in the high schools itself are, you know, they're left doing their liberals and they take their matching orders from the state and the feds, whether it's right or not. - Right. And the teacher's unions, same thing, right? - And the teacher's unions. She's a great one, that one we have in Washington. (laughing) - Oh, they're great, they're great everywhere, Ted. Thanks for the call, we're running out of time. We're gonna have Amy Carnavali, the chairman of the Republican state GOP with us. The electeds of color Christmas party. Remember that at the Parkman House with Michelle Wu? It was planned on city time. I know you're shocked, I'm how I car. (speaking in foreign language) - There are many conversations at both the state and federal levels about gun control. People foreign against background checks, waiting periods, and what you should and should not be allowed to purchase. Regardless of what happens, you have the right to bear arms, it's your constitutional right. And you also have the obligation to yourself, your family and those around you to lock up your guns. Liberty Safe New Hampshire can help you pick the right safe for you. Visit, be smart, be responsible, be safe, liberty safe. (upbeat music) - Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. - 844-542-42, if you saw the Herald today, the Herald made a public records request long time ago, of course, for the records about how much money, public money, if any, was spent on the electeds of color. Holiday party at the city-owned Parkman House. This was sponsored by a mayor, Wu, last December. It's a big scandal, it'll be him a national story. It was an apartheid party, no whites need apply. And it really, it was embarrassing to the mayor. That's when we started calling her administration, Wu Klux Klan. And so now we've got the records. And so the actual spread for the food was paid for by the Wu campaign. But again, it is a city-owned building in a really nice part of Beacon Hill. And the planning, we know, was done on city time with the reason we know this is because the white city counselors were first invited in through city emails during business hours. And then their invitations were rescinded on city computers during business hours. So there's no question that it was paid for, that the city helped pay for this campaign event. And the fact that the refreshments and food were paid for with campaign accounts from Mayor Wu indicates it was a campaign event by definition. So it's hard to get anything done, any investigations done in a one-party state. But the Massachusetts GOP is demanding an investigation as to whether or not there were campaign finance violations here. And mass GOP party chair, Amy Carnavali said said that the undisputed fact that Boston City Hall staff were actively involved in promoting this event is a clear violation of OCPF rules, Office of Campaign and Political Finance rules. Taxpayers deserve to know how often members of the mayor's staff are working on behalf of Mayor Wu's self-interest. Joining us now on the line to talk about this is Amy Carnavali, the chairman of the Mass Republican Party. Amy, this is pretty outrageous, isn't it? - It clearly is outrageous. And sometimes as party chair of the Republican Party in Massachusetts, you just have to shake your head and wonder what the other party is thinking. And clearly they're not in this instance. First of all, with the event itself being excluded, having a mayor who preaches diversity and then having whites specifically excluded from the event, I mean, that was one thing. And now come to find out, she's using city staff, which is taxpayer dollars to promote this event that apparently, according to the public records, portions of the event was paid for with campaign funds. So you have city staff promoting this event, which is a campaign event designed to promote the mayor. And any public official in Massachusetts goes through training, ethics training. You learn about these clear delineations and lines. And we just have to wonder, did she miss that training or what happened? It's just, it's completely egregious. So the party did reach out to the, officially, to the agency that investigates violations and asks for an investigation today. And so Mayor Wu was so concerned about this, this violation of campaign finance regulations that she has, she has announced today, along with Governor Mara Healy, that she and the governor will be using public dollars to fly to Italy next week for a private audience with the Pope. Isn't that great? - Yeah, like I said, you just can't make it up. - That's her response, that's her response to the public outrage, Amy Carnavali. - Right. - Loss, we don't end those stinking loss, we're Democrats. What do we need to worry about? - You know, but the sad fact of it is affordability in Massachusetts has never been worse. And taxpayers deserve better. They, you know, these are public dollars and taxpayers deserve a accountability in respect with their dollars. And it's certainly not happening under one party government. - Yeah, you know, you know, not so long ago, if you were a major elected official and you had an office at the State House or at City Hall, and you had a campaign staff, you would at least go through the motions of renting an office outside the building, right? And, you know, put in a few phone lines and somebody, somebody who was on the campaign staff, who, you know, I mean, I'm sure there was a lot of, obviously there was a lot of campaigning going on in the buildings and political work, but at least you sort of maintained a fiction. They don't even bother with maintaining fictions anymore, that they're obeying the rules. - Yeah, and you know, and certainly there's been a history of these sort of events, these sort of investigations happening before. So it should be something that public employees are aware of and should, you know, forcefully reject if they're asked to work on campaign events, but you're right, I mean, even the fiction of trying to play by the rules has apparently gone by the wayside. - Yeah, and, you know, this was, you know, everybody say, Michelle Wu, the mayor said afterwards, oh, this was legit, you know, this was just a party for us, you know, and we weren't trying to exclude anybody, but, you know, we said the Herald Center photographer out to get the people going in and a lot of them were covering their faces. So the people who were actually going to the party knew that this was really a bad thing to be going to a racist party, in a public building. - The fact that anybody going to a party with the mayor of Boston, and you're covering your face going in, you know something's not right there. - Yeah, and it took us at least 10 minutes to figure out who was covering their face, you know? But it's just outrageous. - And it goes out to the Boston Herald too, for putting this Freedom of Information Act request out to get this information, because otherwise the public would still be in the dark on how this was funded and this apparent violation and apparent corruption that it's going on on City Hall. - Oddly, the Boston Globe does not appear to be too interested in filing a Freedom of Information Act request to find out this information. So, Amy Carnavoli, as long as I've got you on the line, the filing deadline for legislative candidates was April 30th, last week. How does it look for the Republican field for the general election in November? - Thanks for asking about that, and it's looking great, actually. We have the races that we were targeting as a party that we feel we could pick up. We did a great job recruiting candidates, and thanks to the efforts of a lot of people talking about the need to or to party government and to run for office. So, we have some strong candidates. We're still waiting to hear from the Secretary of State office on certified signatures before we kind of put those candidate names out there, but that'll be coming soon. And certainly, we do know that a number of really strong candidates qualified in districts that we think are winnable, and especially with the messages that are coming out of Beacon Hill and down in DC as well. - You know, one scandal that hasn't gotten much play, and it's kind of related to the election deadlines is a representative, Chris Flanagan, down on the Cape of Democrat. Now, he took the, he replaced a Republican state rep who ran for sheriff unsuccessfully with no help from the previous administration at the mass state GOP. And so, Chris Flanagan apparently put together of some bogus organizations to claim that he had considered of support, violated all kinds of laws, and was just fined by OCPF, I believe, or the Attorney General, $15,000, personally, that's a huge fine for a, and he won narrowly over a woman, this is in the mid-cape area. And they waited to release this scathing report and to announce that he was paying this huge fine until the day before the filing deadline, which made it almost, it did make it impossible for a Republican to get the 150 signatures to get on board, to get on the ballot, officially. So, I mean, am I being too skeptical of the intentions of one-party Massachusetts government? They made it impossible for this. - I don't think so, how we, you know, I don't think it's a coincidence that that letter in the fine was released, basically, as the filing was closing for candidates to run against them. And, you know, not only did he create fictional organizations, he also created fictional people, and he claimed we're real people. I mean, it's just outrageous. And so, the party will be organizing a writing campaign so that we can have a candidate on the ballot in November. We've already heard from a couple of Republicans interested in doing that, 'cause, and frankly, independence, and anybody who cares about integrity in public office should be concerned about an elected official who would do something like that. - Yeah, and he was elected in a year of Democrat landslides. He was elected fairly narrowly with 53% of the vote. And, you know, if he had to create it all these, if he hadn't committed all this fraud, is what it amounts to, you know, he might have lost. And, and the Republicans would have maintained, retained that seat, but they pulled it out, and it's just outrageous. - Yeah, you know, I'll tell you, you know, we were surprised that this was not referred to the Attorney General's office. It was handled at the Office of Political Campaign Finance. It could have been referred to the Attorney General for investigation, and we do plan to look into that further as well. - You know, we think the federal courts move slowly. The Office of Campaign and Political Finance moves even slower, I think, slower than cold molasses as my father would say back in the old days. Yeah, someone wants to know if deal is running again. It appears that he is not running again. He hasn't turned in any signatures as far as I know. Can you comment on that, Amy? - Who is the question about? - Jeff Deal. - Oh, Jeff Deal, no, no, he has not turned it. Our understanding is he's not turned in signatures, so one for states Senate. There was a rumor that he was going to do that, and that he was raising some money in an apparent-- - He put out an email. He put out an email, he was raising money, and then he decided, I guess he raised a little money, and then he decided not to run. How, what a shocker. - Right, right. - Yeah, 603, and he luck getting those ambulance records for the woo residents. Not yet, we filed a second request. I'll tell you about it later on. Someone says, Italy is very nice in the spring. You know why it's, you know how Italy is even better in the spring? If somebody else is picking up the tab, don't you think, Amy? - Absolutely, especially if you're a Democrat. - Yeah, you and I, you and I, and the text there, we're not going to Italy, but we're paying for Michelle Wu and Mara Healy. It's almost as good as going to Italy for the spring. I don't know, so Amy, if people want to get involved with the Republican State Committee in Massachusetts, is there a website they should go to or check out? - Absolutely, absolutely. Anybody can go to,, or they can reach out to me directly at - Okay, thanks, and I really hope you got a candidate that gets this guy Flanagan. I mean, this is, this was too cute by half, you know, covered it up to a little bit. - Yeah, you can count on it, how easy it will happen. - Thank you, thank you. 844-542-42, we'll be right back with our final segment, and it's not too late to get a Maria's Ristorante gift certificate. It's a great, great Italian restaurant, the oldest Italian restaurant in Portland, Maine, and it's on Congress Street, and you can get a $50 gift certificate for just 25 bucks right now, and go to and click on store. I'm Howie Car. - The Howie Car Show. (air whooshing) - Book your Mother's Day brunch now at the 110 Grill, with over 40 locations in the Northeast. You're sure to find a 110 Grill near you. Go to - Yum, yum, yum. (clicks tongue) - Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum. (somber music) - He's Howie Car, and he's back. - I made it clear that if they go into Rafa, they haven't gone on Rafa yet. They go into Rafa. I'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with Rafa, to deal with the cities, to deal with that problem. We're gonna continue to make sure, as you're less secure in terms of iron dome and your ability to respond to attacks like came out of the least recently. But it's just wrong. We're not gonna supply the weapons and our artillery shells used that have been used. - Our artillery shells as well. - Yeah, our artillery shells. - So they're gonna give them a defensive weapon so they can knock down, or try to knock down as many of the offensive weapons that the savages have. But he won't allow them to defend themselves. How can anybody vote for this guy? Not just Jewish people. He's tossing one of our allies. The only democracy, not our only ally, but our only dependable ally in the Middle East, to the wolves. Literally, to the, they're worse than wolves. They're savages, they're terrorists. They're Nazis, and he doesn't want Israel to destroy them. They wanna ceasefire, they had a ceasefire. He can't even remember the date. That's how far gone he is. - We had the strongest economy in the world. Let me say it again, in the world. - Although GDP last week was far short of expectations. - Oh, wasn't it? Look, GDP's still looking for response to the markets. - This is why I don't like the markets anymore. The markets go up on bad news, and they go down on good news. That's why I can't figure it out. That's why, I'm not the only one that's, you know, going into things other than equities, shall we say. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. So this contractor paints over anti-Israel student protestors at Ohio's Case Western Reserve after they refuse to move. They described him as a third party contractor, inch closer to the demonstrators, according to the video, as he slowly covered up the vandalism, and then he sprayed them. And then the president said they shouldn't have been, the president of the university said they shouldn't have been sprayed with paint. No, they should have been sprayed with pepper spray, or tear gas. Good Lord, 844, 500, 42. He's disturbed, the president is disturbed. The Case Western students for justice in Palestine, dying group, argued the students had been assaulted. How about the Israelis that were murdered, raped and beheaded. Babies ripped from wounds, wounds, excuse me. How about them? Were they assaulted on October the 7th? By the way, more than 100 hippies have been arrested and amoroused at UMass. So the news is not all bad here. 844, 500, 42, 42. Let me see if I can get some quick breaking news on that. About 130 pro-Palestinian, pro-Nazi supporters were arrested on campus. Rally draws 250, more Nazi sympathizers to UMass Amorous. The day after 130 hippies were arrested. Let's see, further details on the charges in the schedule for arraignments will be forthcoming. Early this morning, UMass police at 109 people had been booked and charges were pending for approximately 25 other individuals. I hope we get some names. Just like we got names at Emerson College. But we didn't get names at Northeastern. See you tomorrow. I'm how we car. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) You