The Howie Carr Radio Network

UNFOCUSED: Columbia Law Review begs for cancelled exams | 5.8.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Howie shares the letter from the Columbia Law Review, where the dirty hippies grovel and whine in hopes their exams may be cancelled.

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08 May 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at code word "Howie" BOGO. [MUSIC PLAYING] She entered wearing all black as if on her way to with him. The loose, fitting, plain black clothing, draping from her shoulders to her toes, suggested the modesty of a nun. That delicately beautiful face and a body that could not achieve sense across the room. Embrests, I seem to say. Hey, look at these. She reminded me of my mother, all right, no doubt about it. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. But the cross exam, boy, her responses were disastrous. I'm so numb. I just hate him, I hate him, I hate him. That's a big deal. When the witness hates the person whose liberty is a stake, that's a big damn deal. She was trying to get Trump-- I actually thought there was a motive there. She said she hates him. She said she'd like to see him in prison. I think she was purposely throwing out this stuff to make sure the jury were prejudiced, particularly the women jurors, but probably half of them empty. A rum swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's-- [MUSIC PLAYING] Howie Carr. You know, I'm so all I can remember when Joe Biden said that his support of Israel was ironclad. Now they are delaying shipments of high-grade bombs that the Israelis want to use to blow up savages, who after they finish slaughtering and committing genocide against the Israelis want to commit-- slaughter and commit genocide against those of us in the West, who aren't adherents of the religion of peace, who don't follow the prophet. They want to kill everybody. But-- My commitment to the safety of the Jewish people, the security of Israel, and it's right to exist. It's an independent Jewish state, it's ironclad, even when we disagree. That was then. This is now. That was-- what was that, a couple of days ago? One day-- was it one? Maybe one day, two days ago. But now, you know, he's-- I don't understand the electoral math here, you know? There are still more Jewish people in the country than Muslims. Plus, even if you're not Jewish or Muslim, when you're faced with a democracy that protects the rights of everybody versus a medieval theocracy run by savages, subhuman illiterate savages, which side do you think most Americans fall on? About 80% are on the side of Israel, latest polls. It's the same way with these student loans. They're giving $160 billion to filthy, dirty hippies who are rioting on these college campuses. And they somehow think this is going to resonate well with the 99% of the American population that works for a living-- not the 99% work, but who aren't getting student loan debt canceled. How does that work? I don't get it. 844, 542, 42, Corey Bush from Missouri. She's the one who-- hey, she wants to defund the police. She says student protesters are being unfairly smeared. Ask the janitor at Columbia. You heard him last night. We played all of his cuts from the free press. It was pretty amazing. That guy was smart. He was smarter than that trust fund, the hippie 40-year-old lawyer who lives in a mansion in Brooklyn that he beat up inside the dorm after the guy attacked him, the guy that was wearing a mask, big fat hippie with tattoos on his stomach, scum of the earth. 844, 542, 42, 617 says, did Lawrence O'Donnell talk about any hammering at the trial? That was pretty crazy, those Lawrence O'Donnell cuts. And of course, Trump was fun. Stop the hammering. Stop the hammering out there. Who's got a hammer? Where is it? Where's the hammer? Is it on the-- go up on the other floor. Somebody go up there and stop the hammering. Stop the hammering. What a guy. What a guy. And Trump said he ran into him at the trial the other day in the courthouse. And he said, I haven't seen him in years. He looked like bleep. Oh, it's just great. 844, 542, 508 snooze fest today, how we at the Karen Reed trial, it's pretty clear that they have no case. Yes, it is pretty clear. I mean, it was kind of interesting the surveillance footage from one of the bars where she's there with John O'Keefe, who she's charged with murdering a few hours later. Yeah, but there's not much to discuss, really. It's kind of boring. And I mean, again, it's like they're trying to put the jury and the public and even the judge to sleep before they put on these really, really shady police witnesses that they've got. I don't know. Do these students at Princeton look like they really start out? Let's play the Princeton cut. These people are slightly cut nine. This is absolutely us there. My peers and I, we are starving. We are physically exhausted. I am quite literally shaking right now, as you can see. We are both cold and hot at the same time. We are all immunocompromised. And face-on-the-university meeting yesterday with some of our bargaining teams, they would love to continue physically weakening us because they can't stand to say no to unjust murder. I wish I could have been at that press conference. You know what I would have brought? A big bag of a ruffles potato chips by one of those super big necks. [LAUGHTER] I mean, immunocompromised. Oh. I got to, I got to read you the entire letter. I got a couple of things from notable and quotable in the Wall Street Journal to read. But this is from, I read a little bit of this the other day. This is from Columbia Law Review student editors. They want the exams canceled at Columbia University. The witness, the violence we witnessed last night has irrevocably shaken many of us on the review. We know this to be the same for a majority of our classmates. Videos have circulated of police, clad in riot gear, mocking and brutalizing our students. The events of last night have left us and many of our peers unable to focus on highly emotional during this tumultuous time. This only follows the growing distress. Many of us have felt for months as the humanitarian crisis abroad continues to unfold and as the blatant anti-Semitism is homophobia and racism on campus have escalated. Our response is not disproportionate to the outsized impact it has had on many of us in the community. A crowd of people that proudly represent their membership in a white supremacist neo-fascist hate group were storming our campus just days ago. [MUSIC PLAYING] We believe that canceling exams would be a proportionate response to the level of distress our peers have been feeling. In the alternative, making courses mandatory pass fail would be the next most equitable solution. I don't understand that a community that proudly represents their membership in a white supremacist neo-fascist hate group-- I don't even-- that sentence makes no sense. But they are Columbia University law students and they are members of the community. So I guess this doesn't have to make sense. They check the right boxes. That's all that matters. Just look at who they've graduated from Columbia in recent years after all. 844, 542, 42, 844, 540. What's the overunder on the number of days that janitor keeps the job? I think someone suggested last night that Trump should offer him a job somewhere at Bedminster. Did he sell the golf course in Westchester? Maybe. I think he sold that one. That guy is smart, too. And he knows exactly what he's doing. But he was nervous, though, when he was being interviewed. You could see his eyes were darting around, not just because he's not used to being in front of a camera. But because he's nervous about losing his damn job, 603 says, sounds like that student at Princeton needs a safe space, a comfort animal, and a ponderosa. Now, I think an Omaha steak is what she really needs. That is just-- that's so ridiculous. I wonder how this will be written up in the Princeton Alumni magazine. My brother gets that. He never graduated from the math program, but he still-- he was a student there, and he gets the magazine. They give big write-ups to everybody, like Andrea Campbell, the AG of Massachusetts, is a Princeton grad. But they must be very proud of their class. Don't they have eating clubs at Princeton? You'd think an eating club would come to their aid. Do they have vegan eating clubs and dairy-free eating clubs, and dairy-- you know, what kind of eating clubs are they these days at Princeton University? Very different, I would think, than when F. Scott Fitzgerald was there. 844, 542, 42, perfect smiles is growing. Dr. Houghton has brought on two new dentists, Dr. Sy and Dr. Tam. Both have their own specialties in dentistry. That means the wait time to get an appointment at perfect smiles just got shorter. I've learned how important it is to keep up my dental cleanings. Poor oral health is linked to so many problems, so many diseases. The hygienic at perfect smiles are the best. I'm going to see him next week with the mailroom manager. We're both going up. We're going to get our teeth checked and cleaned. And we always do it when we come back from Florida and before we leave in the winter. Dr. Houghton and his team take the time to take many continuing education classes so they can remain up to date on all the latest advancements in dentistry. Do not procrastinate. Make your appointment with perfect smiles today. They are conveniently located in Nashua, New Hampshire, right off Route 3. Parking is easy and free. You can visit them online at and watch my testimonial video. Or you can call them at 603-595-6699. Take a listen to my Meet the Experts podcast with Dr. Houghton, Tam, and Si. I think you will be very interested in what you hear. Get ready to smile in the summer of 2024. Go to PerfectSmiles in Nashua, New Hampshire., PerfectSmiles. Change your smile, change your life. I'm Howie Carr. Howie will be right back after this short break. He's Howie Carr, and he's back. Today's poll question is brought to you by local Silver Mint, located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Day will work with you directly. Contact him at Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what's the best description of a pro-Nazi college boy riot on campus? A Sharia Shindig, a Fatwa festival, a Hezbollah Hallebulu, Jihad Jamboree, Hippie Hootnani, Rafa Rushweek, Arab Spring Break, or Gaza Gala. Oh, man, they're all good. Gaza Gala, that's a new one. That just came in. Well, the textures came up with that. Another texture one, it's Gaza Palooza 24, which is good, but it doesn't have the Muslim angle, the terrorist angle. I'm going to go with Jihad Jamboree. 32% say Jihad Jamboree, that's in first place. Second is Arab Spring Break at 20%. That was that Taylor and Emma came up with that one. 12% say Hezbollah Hallebulu. What about Hippie Hootnani? That was the first one I came up with. I put it in my column today. That's in fourth place at 11%. All right, well, there's no wrong answer. This is one of those poll questions. 844-542-42, 603, an eating club at Princeton, she could use a cheeseburger club or a delicious turkey club. Yeah, I wanted to luxe Big Mac, a new double Big Mac for her. Yeah, that might work. Let's see here. Kevin, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Kevin. Good day, sir. Nice to see you. Nice to see you, nice to hear about you. Thank you. I've got to talk about the student blown forgiveness death. Yes. It's a crock of crap. I agree. I paid my years ago, and my wife and I have still continued to do things the right way. And we've literally put our vacations aside and done the staycations and done the right thing and make our debt full. It's pissing me off. Thanks, Sally. See, this is what I mean for every filthy hippie that's getting the $200,000 he spent on his queer studies degree at the local community college. There's 20, 30, 40, 50 guys like Kevin, like me, like you, that paid our debts, or didn't run up any debts, or didn't go to college, or went into the military and had the government pick up our college cost through the GI Bill. There are so many ways you can do this other than just walking away and saying, dude, I've got to spend my money on weed, man. 844, 542, 617. My son is a junior in high school. We started looking at colleges. And every college we toured had a cheese club. Maybe there's a wine club at Princeton, so they can have cheese with their W-H-I-N-E. They're a hunger strike. Call me back when one of them pulls a Bobby Sands. Most people probably don't even remember that name. That was the guy-- he was an IRA imprisoned by the British government, an IRA terrorist protest, or whatever, Irish. And he starved himself to death. When someone gets close to being Bobby Sands, call me back and maybe I'll read the story. Dan, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Dan. Hey, I've been such a long time listener. I haven't listened lately, but I've got to tell you that ever since around October 7th, I've been listening to you a lot more because in the circles I run in my profession, it's hard to find people that will be pro-Israel openly and talk about this crazy stuff that's happening on college campuses. So thank you. But then the other thing I had to ask is because you brought up Larry O'Donnell, I remember watching that segment on his show with you sometime around. And what was that like? Because you have some commonalities. You're both lost and guys. You're both journalism like, what was that like? Because it wasn't a bad segment. Well, I was on a show after they captured Whitey Bulger and they said, we want to bring in the crew from MSNBC and do it from your living room. And so I said, really, this would be for Zoom and all that stuff, or before there was a lot of it. And I said, why don't I just go down to West Newton and do it there? And they said, no, we want to do it from your living room. And so they got there. It takes a long time to set up a remote shot like that rather than just going into the studio. So they got there early and they set it up. And then he introduces me and all he did, Dan, was tell his own story. And I'm just sitting there in my own living room. Mm, that's interesting, that he had dated some woman or met some woman who knew Whitey Bulger. Well, you know, I mean, there were a lot of people in Boston like that. And so it was weird. It was weird, just-- Now, Tucker Carlson is not from Boston. And so he thinks that when he hears Howie-Kah, he's hearing a Boston accent. Tucker Carlson called Howie-Kah a native son of Boston. Howie-Kah is a native son of Maine. Yeah. And did I ever say I wasn't? He lives in what has historically always been Boston's richest suburb, Wellesley, and how he's got a swimming pool, something no O'Donnell home has ever had. Now, I-- My father was a lawyer. What life is like in that rich suburb. His father went to college in law school. My father went to Portland High School. Good Lord. You want to wear your blue collar roots on your sleeve? I think I can out-blue collar root Lawrence O'Donnell. I'll tell you about one of his father's clients when we come back on Howie-Kah. [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Yeah, I'm working on this project about Jerry and Jullo. It's not a traditional project. But I think you'll be amused by it. It's a passion project. Well, it's poetic. It's poetry. It's poetry in motion. And so I've been looking at-- Jerry and Jullo was tried in 1968 for a mob murder. This guy was Robin. He was an old boxer. And he was robbing his card games. Jerry's protected card games, Fat Pellegrini's card games. Got it. And so Jerry was tried, and he had three code defendants for killing this guy, the guys he got to do the murder. And one of them was a guy named Vinny the Pig. Vinny the Pig. Vinny the Pig, the Vincent, yes. And they were all acquitted. And so I was looking over the clips to-- Can't wait to find out where this story goes. Well, Vinny the Pig had a lawyer. Would you care to guess who his lawyer was? This is like a-- Harry the Wolf? I don't know. This sounds like-- Lawrence O'Donnell, senior. That's where that story's going. Vinny the Pig had a lawyer. Max and I've Vinny the Pig. Vinny the Pig. What was it? He had a sawed-off shotgun. He had a sawed-off shotgun with him. And he always wore top coat so he could keep the sawed-off shotgun. And he had it on his left arm. Like, even in the summer? Even in the summer. Like, he'd go to a pool party on Independence Day. And he'd come with his top coat. And his left arm would be stiff because he had the sawed-off shotgun in there. At that point, don't you just pass on the pool party? If you have to go in a top coat with a shotgun, don't you just say, yeah, I'm going to stay inside. But one night in Medford back in 1996, I guess it was, he forgot to put his top coat on. Oh, no. He stopped at a stoplight. And a couple of guys came out of a car and opened fire on Vinny the Pig. And that was the end of Vinny the Pig. Was Vinny the Pig a squealer? No. No, they just-- he was on the wrong side of the solemnly, you know, Russo. More like Salami. So, Lawrence O'Donnell's father was his lawyer. Right. Was his name Lawrence O'Donnell as well? Yes. Oh, very good. Lawrence O'Donnell. See, the story went somewhere. It was not a grandpa Simpson story. No, it didn't. It tied back in. And you also had beef with Lawrence O'Donnell. Well, I just did just play. I mean, I didn't-- Yeah. It was just kind of crazy. I mean, he was accusing me of stuff I never did, you know, which is saying I'm from Boston. He was trying to accuse you of being a fake tough guy, which people can accuse you of a lot of things. But I don't think that's one of them. And when Howie went to high school, he went to one of the richest boarding schools in America. I did. In fact, it is the fourth richest boarding school in America with a half billion dollar endowment, Deerfield Academy. Absolutely. This is kind of-- I was what's known as a townie. You know, that was his version of when Rachel Maddow revealed what Trump had been talking about in the opening of his apprentice show during the introduction. Yeah. Like, everything Lawrence O'Donnell was discovering on the air you've written about in multiple books. But he got to the bottom of that one. He's really loving this Stormy Daniel stuff. You think he is? Yeah, I hadn't checked in in a while. But yeah, he thinks that she's like a nun or dressed like a nun. Yeah, let's play. Let's play this cut. These are really unbelievable. Cut four. Well, the excitement and anticipation in the room hit a new high at 10.32 a.m. This magic moment. She entered wearing all black. As I'm on a way with the room. The loose fitting plain black clothing draping from her shoulders to her toes suggested the modesty of a nun. Draping from her shoulders to her toes? What kind of gardening was she wearing at? She was just wearing pants. Sounds like Cruella de Vil. Yeah. Doesn't it? Or what's her name? Matt, Lucretia, Adams, the Adams family? What's her name? I don't know. Anyway. That's beyond my time, the Adams family. Grace's news is brought to you by Tux Trucks. Get a new GMC UConn now at Tux Trucks GMC in Hudson Mass. Enjoy the luxury and premium finishes of a 2024 GMC UConn Denali Ultimate or UConn XL with Super Cruise in Max trailering shop online at All right, so this is right off the presses here. This is from the New York Post. Squad representative Jamal Bowman. So now I guess he's-- I thought he was auditioning for the squad. I guess after the fire alarm pulling, he's a made man now. He's part of the team. He had a-- Does he have an alibi for when they pulled a fire alarm at Hamilton Hall last week at Columbia University? Because that's not that far from his district. Or are those people trying to claim they were just opening the door? I don't know. But I mean, I heard the guy last night, the janitor, was saying that they came in. And after they blocked all the doors, they pulled a fire alarm. And now he's worried he's going to lose his job, the janitor. If I was him, Allie-- That's the way modern America is. Yeah, everything's upside down. But if I were him, I'd be hoping that they did try to fire me. Yeah. Lawsuit to Ching Ching. So squad representative Jamal Bowman had secret YouTube page. Subscribe to channels that shared anti-Semitic, flat earth, and Illuminati conspiracy videos. Flat earth. What is he, Kyrie Irving? Does he know Kyrie Irving? We haven't talked about the flat earth. There isn't a while. Wow. Squad member Jamal Bowman allegedly maintained-- I'm more surprised by that than the Illuminati and the anti-Semitic stuff. I mean, anti-Semitic, that's part of the squad, right? Yeah, yes. Princeton's got the eating clubs, and the squad has got anti-Semitism. Well, the Illuminati is kind of crazy, too. It is. It is. The outlet reported that Bowman's channel followed troves of accounts peddling bonkers kind of-- Troves. Troves of accounts? That's a lot. Aliens, flat earth theory, UFOs, and Illuminati. He's a professional educator. Remember that, though. You just can't scam a guy like Jamal Bowman. Is he a doctor, by the way, probably? Says some of the channels followed by Bowman, allegedly followed by Bowman, suggest a-- have been known to disseminate Chinese and Russian propaganda. So here's one of them. Ooh. The American takeover. Is he one of Putin's puppets? How two years of war made Ukraine a US colony. That's one of the videos. Breakthrough news is also rife with anti-Israel content, much of which appears to be keeping-- in keeping with Bowman's views of the Jewish state's war against Hamas. Other channels-- free will, politics, Joe, and real news network-- have featured interviews with pro-terror professor Norman Finkelstein, who Bowman lauded as a panel-- Normal-- Norman Finkelstein? Yeah. Any relation to Jimmy Finkelstein? No, last time. The former owner of that website that went out of business. Another. There at Lawrence O'Donnell take notes. Another deer field look out of me, your graduate. But the thing about Jamal Bowman is last time-- and this was a while ago that I saw a poll out of his district in New York. But he was trailing-- George Latimer. Yeah. He was trailing. So all the ways he had with that. But that was one of those polls that was commissioned by Latimer. So I don't know. We're Tisha Adams. That's it. We're Tisha. It still looks pretty good, though, for Aladdin. I mean, this can't be good news for him. I mean, in the thing-- So in New York of all places, I wouldn't think so. And the thing is, I don't think the primary is that far away. And it seems like they-- this is good, because sometimes I think that the opposition research gets dumped a little too early these days. But this is about the right time, I would say. Yeah, because you're right. Because everyone has such a short attention spans that you have to kind of bring it up right before the election. Yeah. But also, when you get some good dirt, it burns a hole in your pocket. I know it always has in mind. But the Latimer people were disciplined here, because I'm sure they came up with this stuff. Well, also, I don't really know the ins and outs of YouTube. But does he have to subscribe to the channels? He can't just look them up every time he goes on. Yeah, I know. It gives you notifications when they put out a new video. Is he that into the flat Earth that he needs to know the second it drops? There's stuff I'm into that not many people would be interested in that I'm subscribed to. Right. But if you thought I was going to get you in trouble for your job, you probably wouldn't have an account where you're subscribed to it. No, it's under my name. Right. Just seems like he could have gone through the effort to type in the flat Earth channel every once in a while, rather than having a subscription to it. But hey, maybe that's just me. Another story today. Hillary Clinton's feminist Broadway musical-- Oh, yes, this is sad, isn't it? I don't love that name. Suffs is struggling at the box office. As it suffragettes. Yeah. It's been reviewed. It's been critically acclaimed. Totally a word, not a major-- Only by state-run media. And struggling. Yeah, well, it played to 81% capacity last week, which is not good, especially for a new show, not good, very bad. You know what? It could have been worse. It could have been across the street from that in the Broadway district, from the hotel, which has now been turned into a foreign freeloader. The Square Hotel? Yes, the Square Hotel. Yeah, for criminals. A lot of the people going to those Broadway plays were very compassionate, though. Did you catch that, the quotes? They were like, I'm fine with them. I'm like, well, the theater goers. I'm fine with the illegal aliens across the street having a hotel to stay in. Didn't shock me. Yeah, one of my neighbors down in Florida invested in some of those plays. And he says that despite what those people said in the New York Post or whatever, it's not good for business. It's big time, not good for business. I would not think so. I wanted to remind everyone that we are having a birthday celebration on May 31st at the Aviva Tretria in Hanover. I was able how to go to this location last weekend. It is so beautiful. It's so much fun. Everyone should make your reservations now and show up because if you spend $20, you can get a free copy of Paperboy per table. And it's going to be a great time. We always have fun. Here it is, free if you come down and spend $20 on May 31st, Grace's birthday. The Aviva Tretria almost sold my mom's birthday. And Emily's birthday. And Emily's birthday. It's a big day. And how I know I'm biased because it's my birthday. But I always think it's one of our most fun remotes. It kicks off the summer season. So make sure you join us. And last, this is my last story. And I want you to Google it when I leave here so you can see the photos. This is from Breitbart, OK? I don't want to-- right now I've got a vinny the pig killed. I don't know if I want to-- Well, during the break, you can move it for a second. A zoo in China is facing backlash. Uh-oh, a zoo of all pandas. Yes. OK. They're trying to pass off dogs. As pandas? Yeah, they're spray painting the dogs and trying to convince people. And how are you going to tell you something right now? Not going to work. How are we going to tell you something right now? It's pretty convincing. I saw a picture of the dog. And for a second, I did think it was a panda. Do you think if I sprayed some white paint-- Roscoe's got a white blaze on his chest. Smaller than Gooners, but it's still a white blaze. Doesn't that mean something? Like, oh, they're-- No, I think that just some black pugs-- a lot of black pugs have a white blaze. I thought it was like a horse when it has something out of forehead. I don't know. It's from good stock. I don't know. I hope so. Yeah, you should throw them at that. No, but when you see these dogs, they're chow chow dogs. OK. And so they've got the wrinkles-- All the less likely to look like a panda. Whose ever spray painting these SOBs is doing a pretty good job. They've got the spray paint down pat. Everyone should check it out. Tell me what you think. I think you need to check out an appointment with an ophthalmologist, Grace. If you think they could pass off a chow chow, isn't it? No, they did a pretty good job. That could be the case. From a distance, yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Panda, they're not messing around. Pretty small. I thought pandas were big. Well, it was tough. Yeah, cub. Adorable, though, chow chows are so cute and so on. Little baby pandas. A talented band, a beautiful band. All right, now, I thank you very much. Octions are one of the oldest forms of commerce known to man. Octions are how economies determine values for assets and commodities. Octions are not a fire sale at a discounted price. Rather, auctions are an accelerated sale with competitive pricing. So just because your parents listed their house for sale at a set price doesn't mean you have to. JJ Manning's accelerated auction process is one of the fastest growing segments in real estate. Manning's time-tested approach began over 16,000 auctions ago in 1976 with its founder Jerome Manning. So what are the main benefits of a JJ Manning accelerated sale versus a traditional listing at a set price? Well, in the Manning method, there are no contingencies. In the Manning method, the buyer signs our exclusive P&S and makes a 10% nonrefundable deposit that day. In the Manning method, you set the terms which all buyers must follow. JJ Manning uses their own 30, 30 marketing plan. 30 days of marketing saturation and 30 days to close. No deviations to the purchase and the buyer's feet are kept to the fire. To learn more on how to get your commercial, residential, or land sold quickly, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or visit Call Charlie today at 800-521-0111 or go to and get your real estate sold. I'm Howie Carr. Listen to the Howie Carr show from anywhere. [INAUDIBLE] Go to and click Listen to start streaming Howie live in crystal clear, high definition. And whispering right in your ear, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz. [MUSIC PLAYING] The emperor of hate, Howie Carr, is back. Another Howie Carr chief master deals. Howie Carr, the cheapest bastard around. Maria's restaurante, it's on Congress Street in Portland, Maine. I think it's the first Italian restaurant in Portland, Maine. It's certainly, by far, the finest. It's a small place, but it's really, really delicious food. It was started by Anthony and Madeline Napolitano back in 1960. And today, it's still run by their son, Anthony Napolitano. And today, we have a cheap bastard deal for Maria's restaurante in Portland, Maine. It's a $50 gift certificate for just $25. Go to, and click on store. If you're from southern Maine or you're just planning to go to Portland this summer and just go out and sight see and take the Casco Bay Ferry or San Bagel, whatever you're doing. This is a great place to go for dinner. Maria's restaurante. Anthony Napolitano, great to have you back with us here on the Howie Car Show. How are things that Maria's restaurante? Everything's great. Thank you very much, howie. We're not the first Italian restaurant in Maine, but we are definitely the oldest Italian restaurant. And we take that with pride because we know what we're doing here. You sure do. You sure do. There's no question about it. Tell people what's the number one entree at Maria's? I'm going to say the number one entree is probably a eggplant pomegion. We make a beautiful eggplant pomegion. Fresh eggplant, hand-cut, hand-breaded, hand-fried, and handmade, it's a beautiful thing. Nice and soft with a beautiful mozzarella in our tomato sauce. Oh, with a side of pasta. Oh, it can't be terrific. And the tomato sauce is just fantastic. At the last time of the mailroom manager and I were up there, you gave us a case of sauce. And everybody loved it so much. You got to get back up there and get some more sauce from you. And it's just, you know, if you remember what the North End restaurants used to be like, I still like the North End, love the North End. But, you know, this is old-style North End, you know? That's right. That's right. We-- there's definitely Italians in the kitchen. You know, you come in the door, Maria's. You see the kitchens wide open. And you see my beautiful face when you first come in. And you know, this guy's Italian. I say, thank you for coming in. We love you. Sit down. Have dinner. This is your house. This is your family. Right. And you got the Chianti and those little bottles that look like they came out of an old movie. You got the tablecloths, the old-style tablecloths. Everything is old-school. And the food is fantastic. And it's made from scratch. That's what it is, where we reported the top 50 old-school Italian restaurants in the United States that was by MRS Magazine, MS Magazine. And it was a great award to win. But we're here, where every day people, you know? I'm not going to win the James Beard Award. But I'm going to make you one hell of a-- one hell of an Italian meal, you know? It's fantastic. I look forward to getting up there again. The mailroom manager and I love Maria's Rista Rante. I tell people, I know in Portland that we're going to have the gift certificates. And they're lining up. They're getting on the phones right now. Anthony Napolitano, it's just-- Maria's Rista Rante-- if you want to know what the old North End Italian restaurants were like back in the day, Maria's Rista Rante in Portland, Maine. It's right on Congress Street, easy to get to. And it's just a fantastic place. I recommend it highly. And everything is good, not just the eggplant farm. Everything is good at Maria's Rista Rante. So go to, Click on store and you can get your gift certificate now. And it's just, again, Anthony, thanks so much for being an advertiser for the show. And thanks for being a good friend for all these years. We really appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you, Howie. Do you and Kathy? We love you guys. Thank you. We love you too, Anthony. And we'll see you soon. 844-542-42. I'm Howie Carp. [MUSIC PLAYING] (upbeat music)