The Howie Carr Radio Network

Karen Read Updates plus Biden's "Ironclad Commitment" to Israel Waivers Once Again | 5.8.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

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08 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm air purifier bogo offer by one get one free for one week only Order today at with code grace bogo Live from the Ibiba Tratria studio, it's the Grace Curly show We gotta bring in a new voice a young voice a rising voice grace curling You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator especially Grace they stand up Here's the millennial with the mic Grace Curly The Biden administration is hellbent on trying to convince us that their commitment to Israel is ironclad I believe that was the term that Biden used at the Holocaust remember in ceremony that our commitment even when we disagree Even when we fight at the end of the day our commitment is ironclad. It doesn't feel ironclad Feels a little wishy washy considering where withholding weapons and bombs from Israel according to the BBC of all places I would say that the ironclad part of this there there has to be some sort of misunderstanding and on top of that If it was so ironclad, I don't think you need to be explaining it all the time I think we would just know and of course the reason it's not ironclad not that I have to tell any of you is because Joe Biden is petrified of the insane Little monsters running around these college campuses setting things on fire dancing with yarn Chanting burn Tel Aviv to the ground wanting to eliminate the Jewish people That's the voter that he is currently trying to appease and so he's capitulating to the far left of his party and really the the Democrat party and there was a there was an interesting take on this by Victor Davis Hanson in American greatness about some of the myths of the left that are now being destroyed because of This anti-Semitism that's now on full display and one of the myths was the Nancy Pelosi. That's like five people There's been this recurring push by And I'm using air quotes around moderate Dems because they're not moderate but like old old Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden that the Ilhan Omar's and Rashida Taib's of their party It's a very small contingency. They don't make up a great number on the as far as the party goes they don't represent most of the voters and If that's the case then Biden shouldn't be so concerned about ticking them off But he's walking on eggshells Around these people these protesters these activists and so no it's not ironclad and the reason that they're withholding weapons from Israel is because Israel's going into Rafa and Hamas offered a ceasefire and you know what I saw Jared I didn't have you pull it because it made my brain want to explode Made me feel like I had a worm inside my brain There was a panel on CNN with Abby Phillips and There was the pro-Israel side and the anti-Israel side and Medi Hassan was the anti-Israel side and the whole conversation like Abby Phillips said something along the lines of who don't you think if Hamas is offering a ceasefire and Offering to end the war then Hamas should accept this and and maybe give them a political state I don't even know the exact quote, but it was basically like should we reward? Hamas for coming to a fake ceasefire that they have no plan on actually adhering to My answer would be no we shouldn't and when you read about how This is just a ploy like this is a trick by Hamas to suddenly right before Israel's gonna go into Rafa to say oh actually actually actually hold on hold on hold on hold on We're down for a ceasefire all they're hoping for is that Parrots in the media who are so stupid Will go along with this farce that they were going to actually adhere to a ceasefire? Now if we had an honest media They would see right through this and go yeah They offered a ceasefire obviously based off what we've heard before that they won in October 7th again and again and again And they can't be trusted. They're a terrorist organization We shouldn't really take them at their word for it and it makes sense why Israel is gonna go forward with their plan To go into Rafa and eliminate Hamas anyway, but no no that's not what the media does the media is like hemming and hawing Well if Israel offered a ceasefire then what why aren't we? Well, why isn't why isn't Israel listening to them? I'm sorry if Hamas offered a ceasefire why isn't Israel listening to them because they're liars and They're savages and they want to have this happen over and over again and by by the talking heads on MSNBC and CNN Making it so easy for the propaganda to be spread all out all throughout the US It kind of makes sense why these morons on college campuses feel so entitled and feel like they're fighting the good fight Because the entire mainstream media is egging this on by not actually reporting the facts. Yeah by by making the entire US or or their viewers at least Only feel like there should be pressure put on Israel John Hindrocker said yesterday he wrote in his column He said I can't explain why the only pressure in the situation is being put on Israel The people who were slaughtered on October 7th, which by the way before that there was a ceasefire and maybe I'm just being cynical here Which is easy to do in this situation, but yeah, they they put out this idea of a fake ceasefire as They're about to lose the final battle. Yeah for the IDF which is what's going on and the media obviously has already Been saying and some politicians have already been saying that if drills committing war crimes And I just I have a sneaking suspicion that Israel not accepting this fake ceasefire that somehow they're gonna try and push forward and try and say well You know that Israel ignored the ceasefire and still further try to pin war crimes on Israel because they're that dishonest About what's going on here. Yeah, I always think that's a fear that I would have if I was Well, I mean if the idea doesn't have fear But if that's something that I would have in the back of my head if I was you know an Israeli politician or a leader Or a fighter that they're trying to beat this into some type of false war crime equivalent equivalency Yeah, and I mean Israel knows exactly what they're dealing with they know that they have to be right every single time and Of course, that's impossible, especially when you're dealing with war. There's always going to be casualties There's always going to be things that go wrong. That's why war is so brutal and should be avoided at all cost But I really I would love to ask like the many Hassan's what do you want Israel to do because it seems to me if we take Your strategy you want Israel? to sit around and wait for another slaughter you want Israel to lay down her her weapons and Wait to be a sitting duck and there was a really good quote since you know and by the way another part of the reason why I don't believe the Joe Biden's commitment to Israel's ironclad besides the fact that we keep getting leaks that he's like he's admonishing baby Netanyahu behind the scenes every single day is because if his commitment to Israel was ironclad then I feel as though he would be able to go to a to an event and Condemm the anti-Semitism that's taken over these campuses without having to follow it up immediately with but also Islamophobia Like I feel like you really stood by Israel You wouldn't have a problem getting out and just saying it without some sort of asterisk behind Do you do you get my point? It's like yeah, if you really felt as though you were on the side of Israel Then why does it do I get the sense that every time you say something that could be even construed as support for Israel? You follow it up with a statement that you feel as though Is is a nice way to appease the radicals who are gonna be mad at you for supporting Israel? Just say you support Israel, but he has to follow it up. Well, obviously this anti-Semitism We're seeing on campuses is bad, but also Islamophobia, but also Islam. You know Tom Cotton said this It was a great point. He's like where's all these encampments of Islamophobia point us to those Tom? You're up next on the Grace Curly show What's going on Tom? Yeah, just two quick points one a very famous quote that Maya Angelou said years ago when somebody tells you who they are Believe them All right, and I applied that Monday. I was campaigning for somebody in Foxboro my hometown And there was a progressive I spoke with that we got on the topic of Israel and Hamas and then I threw that back in her face. She didn't want to hear it and Hamas is their their charter is to end Israel and The other point I wanted to make is that with regards to Biden It's what he didn't say in his speech yesterday about, you know remembering the Holocaust and He he did not he did not say that within the Islamic world This hatred towards Jews has to stop Okay, he's always great about a finger wagging at neo-Nazis and white supremacists and are there neo-Nazis in this country? Yes, are they near the numbers they were in the 1920s hell no, okay? There were there were the cool course clan there there there there people that are in the closet that live in their mother's basement That's what the clan and the neo-Nazis have been reduced to in this country But hold on Tom because the reason the reason that he feels comfortable doing that and because he he considers the neo-Nazis The Ku Klux Klan in his mind in the mind of the left. That's the MAGA people. It's obviously if you follow my show and if you're Investing politics, you know that that's one of the biggest lies pushed by the left But that's something that Joe Biden abides by and it kind of goes back to what Paul Krugman said You know famed economist Paul Krugman who's wrong on absolutely everything every single time He said you know there's a few years ago. He had a tweet about how he's concerned about certain brands of anti-Semitism And it's not the one on the left. And so they see that brand you might say of Anti-Semitism as one that they can talk about they feel comfortable condemning that this brand of anti-Semitism That's bubbling over at these universities. They don't feel comfortable talking about they're not worried about as Paul Krugman said because that's their voters It's the death to America voter they can focus on the little Satan all they want right now, but they're really focused on the entire West and specifically on America and you know, you just mentioned a good quote another good quote that I think is a part of Holocaust remembrance if you actually want to do that in good faith and talk about the Holocaust, which I don't think Joe Biden had any interest in doing is the Jeff This is a Jacobi note. He said Israel doesn't exist because there was a Holocaust There was a Holocaust because Israel didn't exist like people want to keep separating out And this is what the protesters are doing, too Keep in mind. This is what the protesters are doing. They love this idea of we're not we're not anti-Semitic We're anti-Zionist We don't hate the Jews. We don't hate Jewish people. We just hate the Zionist and victory gave his hands and destroyed that in his piece from a few days ago. He was like You can't even hide this anymore as like oh no, it's a nuanced thing. It's not that we hate Jews They're students with Star of David trying to go to class. We're getting bullied by these activists by these anti-Israel activists Don't try to tell me you're just critical of BB Netanyahu We're a step beyond that at this point eight four four five hundred forty two forty two When we come back we'll take more of your calls. I do want to talk about Karen read a little bit and Then we'll do the poll question. So don't go anywhere. We got a lot more to get to in this last hour of the Grace Curly show We'll be right back. You're listening to the Grace Curly show This is the Grace Curly show Welcome back everybody to the Grace Curly show My dad just texted me and said between Krugman and Biden in 40 years There's zero for a thousand for the economy and for foreign affairs. Yeah, they probably had a thousand predictions and They've gotten zero of them correct in their time. They're wrong on Everything Biden's been wrong on every single foreign affairs decision foreign policy decision in the last five decades according to Robert Gates Who is of the Obama administration who likes Joe Biden with friends like these who needs enemies? And Paul Krugman's always telling us inflation's temporary. You know what I read today in the Boston Globe It was an entire piece on how it's good that fast food is now like $19 for a big Mac why that's a good thing So in case you're out there complaining about the prices shut up you moron Just know that it's good that the price of a big Mac is $19 say thank you Joe Biden Today's poll question is brought to you by a Viva Troteria There's still time to reserve your table for their special Mother's Day brunch on Sunday to find a location near you and a reserve your table Visit a Viva Troteria calm a lot of athletes lately are put in a situation Where they have to decide do I stay and watch and see my child be born? Or do I go to a giant sporting event that could change my career change my life that might not come around again? And so that brings us to the pq yeah today's poll question Which you can vote in at grace curly show calm is if you were a professional athlete Would you miss a major game for the birth of your child? some of the text that I'm getting on here are Insane this one is actually pretty accurate six because I said you know it depends on if your wife Tells you you've got the go ahead like if she says hey, don't worry about it go ahead But also this is part of the thing is some people are saying Oh, you know as the wife you just shouldn't say anything and let your husband play in the masters or play in the Super Bowl And then tell him after but that's not really your choice to make like you you can't tell someone Oh, I had the baby, so I just didn't tell you cuz I didn't want you to miss the Super Bowl Your husband might turn around and say that's not your call. That's my call. You don't get to take away a Monumental event in my life because you think it's better for me to go play a game 603 says Grace if your wife says don't worry. Does she really mean it? No thy wife. That's true as well Every wife out there knows occasionally you give that don't worry about it. No, I won't be mad I won't be mad and then in your head the narrator says but she will be mad. She'll be very mad. I'm gonna say I Wouldn't skip it But it's hard because in this situation. I'm the woman so unless I'm playing a sporting event nine months pregnant I don't really see how this applies to me, but I would say if I were a man I Would I would skip the sporting event 70 79% of the audience says yes? Jared it does though like we said does depend it depends on a few factors I think the biggest factor is is it your first child is it your third child by the way another person said Which is a crazy thing to text? Who wants to be in this is 919 did you see this who wants to be in the delivery room? Listening to their wife screaming like death warmed over while giving birth take pictures and show me later That's 91919 Yikes would not want to say the romance is dead would not want to be your wife 919 Joanne you're next up on the Grace Curly show. What's going on Joanne? Well, yeah, I'm just calling because I'm an older person and I'm a teacher and I wondering what I can do to help the Jewish cause you know we were raised to not really hate anybody and So I just can't stand that so much anti-Semitism. It seems so bad to me like what how can we organize? I just don't know that's such a great question Joanne. Well first of all I think just being a friend to your Jewish neighbors Jewish people in your community letting them know you stand by them I think that's always a huge help. I'll ask Ari Hoffman about other specific ways people can help but something that is a charitable Organization and I'll find a couple of ones that are specific but Donating to Holocaust education is a huge thing and you'd be surprised how many school systems are not able to Teach about the Holocaust because they either don't have the supplies. They don't have the literature It's just not funded so there's plenty of organizations that raise money for Holocaust education and I do think that's so so so vital because people need to learn about this if you don't know your history you're doomed to repeat it and Obviously what we're seeing at all these schools is that people don't know their history and they don't know the history of the Jewish people because if they did They would not be behaving in the way that they are but I think Joanne just Not being afraid To let people know that you stand by them that that's one thing for me is that I immediately reached out to Ari Hoffman to all the Jewish people who call into this show and let them know hey I Have your back. I'm a friend of the Jewish people and you'd be surprised that goes a long way when we come back I want to talk about these statues that are being defazed Remember when Trump told us it's a slippery slope if you start defacing or removing statues and he was mocked by John Oliver Seems like another thing that Trump might have been on the money about we'll be right back Live from the Aviva Tratria studio The makeup was minimal The way she and the other moms in her neighborhood might look when shopping at the local grocery store the long blonde hair Hold up with a clip at the back of her head the way it might be in a utilitarian way while she was doing dishes or Checking one of the horseshoes on her voice She later spoke of so proudly Why does he sound like he's describing a woman from 1890 And you know what else it sounds a little bit like When I was in the theater Lauren so Donald and I have that in common. We're both thespians at heart thespians just doing something else Trying something new But when I was in the theater Jared and you'd sit down and you know this because you were also in the theater Jared was actually on the silver screen. He was a movie guy at one point you remember I He'd sit down for a table read and before you'd start There would be one person whose job was to read kind of like the stage directions and Depending on what play you were reading sometimes they give long descriptions of a character like Joe Smith walks in he's depressed. He puts down his briefcase. This is not the day He thought he was going to have he looks at the living room. He walks towards the bed That is the kind of thing that they put in these stage directions It sounds like Lawrence O'Donnell is reading the directions in a play about stormy Daniels Interstate left in a black flowing dress reminiscent of the nunley stature of The star of where the boys won't go to From her shoulders all the way down to her toes that part of it really confused me because I'm like What was she wearing that went from her shoulders to her toes? I guess the sketch artist apparently There is some Forever online because people don't think the sketch artist was too kind to miss Daniels I did see that in the picture and here's where I would say they're not very kind to anyone Like if you can do a bad sketch of Tom Brady, which we saw during the flake gate I got news through people there's no hope for any of us like if they can sketch Tom Brady to look like a monster We're all going to come out looking kind of rough in a sketch speaking of Tom Brady This roast has gotten more play over the last couple days And it's like now there's all these little side stories backlash backlash this joke So-and-so is mad about this joke It was a roast isn't the point of a roast for people to be mean and roast you like this is why we can't have nice things It was a roast it was funny and I didn't even watch it, but the clips I did see I thought were kind of funny Who cares? I did think it was strange the one thing he got mad about was the bob craft joke Well, I guess Jeff Ross was on with Dan Patrick and said he wasn't really too mad about it after After that, but yeah, it is kind of weird Please they joked about his his wife and Bridget Moynihan and all these jokes They were very and his wife with the jujitsu guy And then out of everything that got him out of his chair It was bob craft and a massage joke which to me I don't know if it's just because it's been so long But it just kind of feels like that wasn't even that much of a dicey joke in my opinion. Yeah, no as far as the the the digs went that wasn't a massive one But I wasn't even going to talk about it because it's Wednesday and the roast went it aired on sunday But every day when I go on the daily mail the New York posters I head in line about the Tom Brady roast. He must have gotten paid Do we know how much you got paid for that? It must have been so much money I'm sure it was a lot of money because otherwise why would you open yourself up to that? I wouldn't be strong enough. Do you think you would be? I probably could handle it. Yeah, I enjoyed roasts, but I could not handle it for a minute I would hate it and Kim Kardashian got booed and they edited it out of the Netflix special So a lot of head luncheon that he must have got paid a lot. Um, all right. Now. Let's go back Jared here for a second to Another big story that's taken Everyone's attention and that would be Karen Reed. I want to talk about Karen Reed here Just for a minute give you all an update. I was reading today in the Boston Herald It was recapping yesterday. So today's trial or today's day in court I guess they focused a lot on the taillights now the taillights and the pieces of the taillight are a huge part of this story And also the fact that if you look at the dash cam footage Some people think when they see Karen Reed's car in the dash cam footage And I believe it was 830 am that it looks like the taillight on the right hand side is totally intact Other people saw the photo and I was going through the comments, but I don't typically I don't do that often But I want to know what people are seeing and some people are like the taillight looks fine And other people were saying there's no taillight there It's just it's a hole, but it's hard with this dash cam footage. It's hard to really make heads or tails of it Now yesterday they focused on the busted cocktail class That was presented by an officer. So it was lieutenant Michael lank. He's been a big part of this Trial so far. He put and this is the part that made me laugh in the Boston Herald It says can police lieutenant Michael lank put on evidence gloves before he opened the brown cardboard box prosecutor adam lally handed him So now we're being very careful with the evidence now that we're in court in front of a bunch of people And reporters and a jury Even none of these can police officers seem too keen on being careful with evidence, you know After it happened after they found john o' keith They're putting things in stop and shop bags and red solo cups And using leaf blowers To move the snow off his body Now we're putting on the uh, and I know they have to put on the evidence gloves Whatever, but it's hard not to laugh at this and going too bad You guys couldn't put on evidence gloves and been a little careful When the crime actually occurred when you found the body Inside was the base and jagged lower sides of a drinking glass He said police discovered near where john o' keith's body was found on the far left side of 32 34 fairview road Now prosecutor said earlier in the trial that it appeared to match the cocktail glass o' keith held in his hand When leaving the waterfall waterfall bar and grill and can With karen read as they departed for an after party at the address with others that the pair were drinking with the defense And police earlier this week why they didn't search the home for matching glasses And just assumed it was from the bar This kind of plays into the big question of the case, which is why didn't you guys search the home period? Forget the cocktail glass You find a dead body on a lawn you'd think that that warrants it at least a knock on the door of hey Got a little bit of a situation out here. Do you mind stepping out and talking to us Do you mind having a conversation? And by the way considering we don't know what happened to the dog and considering All the things that quickly occurred with this house I would have to assume that if you didn't go if hypothetically there were matching cocktail glasses inside the home Based off how everything changed very quickly in this house and how all the evidence seemed to change very quickly and There were pools filled in and there were things like that. I would assume that the cocktail glasses if any did exist Were discarded rather quickly Even faster people keep saying where's what's the dog named cloey verse cloey So where where are all the cocktail glasses? I think those are probably thrown out faster than the dog 844 542 42 one other point On a separate subject and we'll try to have turtle boy on later. It doesn't seem like today was Anything that crazy in the case seems like it was rather boring day, but I could be wrong I haven't been able to read everything. I wanted to do a little flashback here because we're talking about these statues Um, George Washington University had a statue of George Washington. That was has a kafia on it Had a palestinian flag draped over it All these bumper stickers and things like that all of these statues at these campuses have either been defaced We saw that the world were one uh statue in New York city was defaced graffiti written on them And it reminded me of something a flashback remember when trump When there was this big movement to take down statues of problematic people in american history in trump made a point He said, you know, this is a slippery slope. You start taking down statues People are going to find fault with George Washington or with other people and soon we're going to be removing those Figures in american history and john all of her the british host of late night or whatever show he has Thought this was hysterical. Take a listen to this flashback The president's concern seems to be that tearing down statues leads to a slippery slope This week it's roberty lee I noticed that stonewall jackson's coming down I wonder is it george washington next week and is it thomas jefferson the week after? You know, you all you really do have to ask yourself where does it stop? Okay, well, i'll tell you where it stops somewhere Anytime someone asks where does it stop the answer is always Somewhere you might let your kid have twizzlers, but not inject black tar heroin You don't just go well after the twizzlers. Where does it stop? Well now that george washington has a kafia over his head And graffiti at the base of the statue. Is it fair to say trump wasn't so far off on this? Is it fair to say that his concern aged kind of well He was dead on actually I think so when we come back we're going to talk to how we car about everything going on including These college campus riots that continue at the fashion institute in manhattan And we have so many other things to talk with him about We will be right back will with how we car so don't go anywhere Pirates toby from cape gun works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday Join grace and me for two a tuesday tuesday's at two p.m This is the grace curly show Well the excitement and anticipation In the room hit a new high at 10 32 a.m She entered wearing all black as if on her way to a funeral The loose fitting plain black clothing draping from her shoulders to her toes suggested the modesty of a nun So I didn't realize this before but lauren so donald was at the courthouse So that's why he probably feels like I have to give all of the descriptions to the audience because I was on the scene Donald trump Put out on true social last night. I spotted ratings challenge lauren so donald of msdnc in the courthouse today I haven't seen him in years. He looks like bleep a real loser The makeup was minimal Uh today's car crossover is brought to you by tux trucks. No one knows fisher plows like tux trucks gmc in hudson mass Your fisher plow distributor shop now for the upcoming season Fisher plows spreaders accessories and parts shop online at tux trucks or call 1 800 my truck You can also go to grace curly show dot com and click on store to get an aviva truck tree a gift card $50 value you're getting it for just 25 bucks Joining me now is howie car howie we were talking about this stormy daniel's testimony yesterday And someone just floated something out. I hadn't thought of which is The the judge said to the lawyers you should have objected more if you thought this was so, you know Outlandish the things she was saying and some people think the lawyers were hoping they would just let her run and go and then get That he would say that they could have a mistrial because it was so outrageous It seems like if that was what they were hoping for it backfired Well, I you know, I mean it's easy to second guess and that kind of situation. I mean the whole trial is a joke So, you know, I mean how do you know what's going to finally drive the the judges? Totally corrupt as trump says he's a democrat hack So, I mean he's not gonna he's gonna just he wants to get it out there to dust him up and it's it's not working You know, they uh, uh, the as like the new york post said today It's the full luinski they're trying to hit him with and the vote the the more they hit him with the the more he goes up In the poll he sees like the mohara movie the blob Yeah, yeah, and you know what it is to how he is that they've dug up so much Solacious info on trump over the years that people just don't care anymore. They're like, yeah, we know It's kind of old news. We know that he wasn't you know, maybe the best husband We know he's not as pure as a driven snow. That's not why people like him. That's not really his selling point Right. Why do we need their stormy Daniels again? Why not to what do they call it the prequel? Why don't we have trump at studio 54 days, you know, so maybe we would have something new here, you know? Yeah, yeah, no absolutely. Well, let's move on to a different trump case So as you reported yesterday on your show the judge the federal judge in the uh in the documents Yeah, has indefinitely postponed that case. They they originally had it for me 20th That's not even yeah, no one thought that was going to happen But they thought they'd just kick it down the road till the late summer early fall now It's looking like it won't even happen in 2024 But there's something else here. It says house judiciary committee to investigate fbi's manipulated evidence in trump Classified docs case. This is from the post millennial special counsel jack smith's prosecution team recently admitted that the government Mishandled the classified documents discovered in trump's home There are a lot of issues with this case that jack smith is hoping the judge will just kind of look on past Right. Well, apparently the the judge unsealed documents last week saying that the uh general services administration had asked trump to pick up the documents I mean, I you know how I don't understand why that hasn't gotten more uh publicity I mean these are so he's accused of stealing these documents But they asked him to pick him up and apparently they were in the custody of the brand that administration for uh for months after After uh biden was installed as president So if that's the case, then why did they have a rate of marlogo? I it was almost like it was a photo op You know a south florida photo op, you know, it was bigger. It was even bigger than the roger stone south florida photo op Well, you know that but there's there's not a canal Behind uh behind marlogo although they could have had an amphibious invasion from the sea Or from uh or from uh the intercoastal waterway And I don't think we ever got a photo op when they We got a couple pictures from biden's garage, but they weren't nearly as sensational as the ones from trump's No, there was nobody wearing, uh, you know those stitched fbi jackets or anything there were there were no there were no dogs The quality was smart. There were no no No, uh, alleged cops with long rifles none of that Howie another case obviously involves fanny willis today news broke that a georgia appeals court has agreed to hear trump's bid to disqualify Da fanny willis. I mean it would be about time. I can't imagine It's insane that she hasn't been disqualified. She's stonewalling releasing documents She they've gotten a judicial watch has gotten in order to what to turn over documents about her her uh collaboration with jack smith in the white house on prosecuting persecuting trump and these others And uh, she's she's stonewalled that uh, they the the georgia The georgia senate is going after I think they're complaints into the bar association in fullton county about her her Despicable conduct with her with her boyfriend and uh, you know, she's she's got all kinds of problems too I mean and she won't show up at any debates. They got a they got a primary coming up for her reelection campaign And uh, she refuses to to even go to the debates She doesn't want to legitimize her her opponent. I'm sure she doesn't want to legitimize democracy Yeah, she's trying to overturn democracy. Well, yeah, it's funny You said about fanny willows because you know trump always gets accused of thinking he's above the law But she's an actual example of someone who definitely thinks she's above the law and everyone else is going along with it Even that decision by judge scott mackephie to say you can stay on the case as long as your boyfriend doesn't stay on Or your ex boyfriend that right there was insanity. Right. So yeah, both of you lied Under oath so one of you's got to go. Yeah, that's what a boiled amto good decision How we let people know what you have planned for the show today Well, we're just going to be doing all kinds of stuff. I think we'll be talking about the uh the electeds of color party in the city of boston turns out uh Michelle who and the wu Klux Klan spent uh tax Not taxpayer money, but campaign funds to pay for the uh racist christmas party that they had Excuse me quons of party anti white party the no whites need apply quons of party Yeah, yeah, they uh, we'll we'll be talking about that and uh, we're talking about a lot of and I think I'm going to ask people what they want to call these uh college riots I called it the hippie the hippie hootenanny in my column today. I saw that but there are other names you can call it too I'll give you another one. Uh, it's going to be on the list jihad jamboree Well now they're playing jenga too They're playing jenga and connect for and they're using chalk and they're eating cookies and they're throwing candy at one another Seems like some sort of deranged parade They the the attention spans are shorter now And they're especially shorter when you when you're not in danger of being drafted like they like you like people were in the vietnam days Yes indeed. All right. Howie cars coming up next you do not want to miss it. I will see you all tomorrow for the thursday show Checking one of the horse shoes on her horse. (upbeat music)