The Howie Carr Radio Network

Maine Wire's Ed Tomic plus RFK Jr.'s Brain Worm | 5.8.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Nope, it's not a metaphor or figure of speech. Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., claims to have had a parasitic worm removed from his brain.

Broadcast on:
08 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm air purifier, BOGO offer by one get one free for one week only order today at Eden Pure with code grace BOGO. Live from the Aviva Tritreya studio, it's the Grace Curly show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone and welcome back to our two of the Grace Curly show. It's already flying by and we are thrilled to welcome on our next guest. He's been on the show several times. He's an excellent reporter from the main wire, which is really taken off. And his name is Edward Tomich. He joins us now. Ed, you've been on the show before to talk about illegal immigration, how it's affecting the residents in Maine. This story is tragic. Uh, four car crash in Wells, Maine that left a main woman dead and her husband in severe critical condition. I want you to explain to people what happened here and then we'll get into the person who caused this, this crash. Absolutely. So this was a crash that occurred about two weeks ago on April 26th in Wells, Maine on the main turnpike and Wells, Maine is about halfway between Portland and Portsmouth. Uh, the main department of public safety from their initial investigation of the crash said that it occurred when a 23 year old man, O'Gouzon Childir, who authorities at the time described as being from Brighton, Massachusetts, crashed his Toyota Prius into a pickup truck. That pickup truck rolled over several times and the operator of that vehicle, a 53 year old woman from Albion, Maine was pronounced dead at the scene. And her husband ended up having to be lifelided or they can be a helicopter to Maine Medical Center with life threatening injuries. So following the crash, we learned from law enforcement who reached out to us because they were frustrated with an appearance of reluctance on the part of the York County district attorney to charge Childir, who was found responsible from their initial investigation with a crime. One, four, she told us that multiple witnesses at the scene of the crash confirmed to police that Childir had been driving radically prior to the crash. She was weaving in between cars and lanes on the main turnpike. And they also said that Childir did not have a driver's license. So one, it remains unclear as to how Childir was able to obtain the Prius. He was driving at the time of the crash. And two, who that vehicle was actually registered to. So from learning that information, we reached out to the Department of Homeland Security and a DHS official confirmed to us that border patrol was contacted when Childir, the 23 year old man, supposedly from Brighton, Massachusetts, was arrested at the scene of the accident due to his unlawful presence in the United States and that he was subsequently then turned over to ICE's enforcement and removal operations for processing and detainment. We were told Childir entered the United States illegally over the Southwest border from Mexico in January. And so far it is unclear at this time whether or not Childir has actually been deported or is awaiting removal proceedings or is even being detained. Yeah. And Ed, you just mentioned that originally he was described as from Brighton. You know, a Brighton man, this is something we're very familiar with here at the Grace Curly show that's usually a tip off that there's something that the report is not telling you. So I'm really glad that you and everybody at the main wire was aware and was on top of it. I want to ask you about the York County District Attorney Catherine Slattery and what her reaction was to this and any information you can give us on that front. Well, as you might suspect York County District Attorney Catherine Slattery is a Democrat, she ran unopposed in 2022 to obtain her fourth four-year term as District Attorney in York County. And we reached out to her last week and again this week and all the comment that she was able to give was that the matter remains under investigation. She cannot comment further and that her office has not yet received a final report on the crash. And it's good that you point out that oftentimes with these incidents, they say Brighton man or main man, et cetera, the main Department of Public Safety when incidents like this have occurred and we've asked them for details on immigration status, they said, oh, it's the domain of federal agencies. So they never include immigration status in their press releases, but that never stops them from calling the people responsible a Massachusetts man or, you know, et cetera, when this man arrived in the United States illegally over the southern border just months ago. Yeah, and when we talk about illegal immigration and obviously your reporter for the main wire, but this is a major issue in Maine and you've come on the show before to talk about the migrant shelters in Maine, specifically in Portland and how people they are dealing with it. Why do you think because this went viral and, you know, I actually had when I saw it on my Twitter, it wasn't from your Twitter account. It wasn't from the main wires account. I saw it because Trump's former official Stephen Miller retweeted it. Why do you think these stories have such an impact on people? And especially people in Maine. Well, it makes the whole situation real. I think a lot of people lose sight when they see the statistics at the southern border, you know, 100,000, 150,000 in a month have crossed over. You know, we sort of lose sight of what actually happens to these people once they're in the country. And what we've seen in sanctuary jurisdictions, et cetera, is that these sort of unlawfully present migrants remain under the radar for years and years, often awaiting court dates for, you know, six years at a time for their asylum case. And we only hear about them when they've been charged or are convicted of a serious crime, at which point ICE will get involved and attempt to detain them or process them. And as I'm sure you're aware, as frequently happens in Massachusetts, courts will refuse to honor immigration detainers and release illegal aliens from jail after their arraignment on charges without informing ICE. So they then have to go and track them down again. Yeah. And I think another part of it, at least for me, that stands out is one of the talking points I always hear from the left is, well, American citizens commit more crimes, you know, based off the statistics than illegal aliens do. But when you see a story like this, this was an avoidable tragedy. This was something where this main woman did not have to die. There was no reason that she should have been put in this position, except for the failure of the Biden administration and the failure of officials in this country to secure our border. Otherwise, this woman could still be alive and you know her family's thinking that they don't care about statistics of, well, based on the average, most Americans commit more crimes. Well, tell that to this woman's family and to her husband's family. That doesn't help them very much. Right. Exactly. It's 100% avoidable. And, you know, driving without a license is a crime in itself. Crossing the US border illegally is, of course, a crime. And it shows a complete disregard for the laws of our country when you cross into the United States illegally, and then you're driving around erratically without a license with a car registered to God knows who. It also makes me wonder why Massachusetts even bothered enacting a law, allowing illegal immigrants to obtain driver's licenses if they're just going to drive around without one anyway. That's a really good point. I didn't even think of that. The other part of it, too, we're speaking with Ed Thomas from the main wire is that you said that they didn't want to arrest him because they were afraid that he would end up getting deported. Well, he just killed a woman and her husband's in critical condition. Even if he did get deported, Ed, are we acting like it's some great loss to the American society that this man's not going to be here anymore? That he's not going to be driving erratically in a Prius and killing people? Right. And I mean, that's the whole point of what ICE is supposed to do. Their mission is supposed to find illegal aliens on lawfully present aliens in the country who have committed crimes or charged with committing crimes and get them out of the country as quickly as possible. And since the Biden administration took over, what we've seen is a huge precipitous decline in the honoring of immigration detainers and other, you know, enforcement actions by ICE that actually gets these criminal aliens out of the country. Yeah. Well, you know, at Ed Thomas, I really appreciate you coming on. This story has had so many hits over the last 24 hours. If anyone wants to read it, I included it in my recommended reading. You can also read it at the There's a lot of great reporting there and Ed, we thank you. And we're praying for her husband, the passenger in this case, who is now in critical condition at the main medical center, we're hoping he pulls through, but just a real atrocity that did not need to happen. Thank you, Ed Thomas for following up on this and for doing the hard work. Absolutely. Thank you, Grace. We'll talk again soon. I'm sure we will be right back. We'll take more of your calls. I want to talk about the latest updates on what's happening on these college campuses, the Fashion Institute of Technology in Manhattan. They had a big night. You know what I'm noticing? The chance are falling off a little bit. The longer this goes on, I was reading a story today, not only are the chance falling off, but I start reading a story like they don't rhyme as much or I don't know, they just don't have the right. It's an Iambic pentameter, but they don't have the right rhythm to them anymore. And also they're playing Jenga. They're playing Connect 4. They're eating cookies. They're throwing out candy at some of these events. It's not that there was ever a real solid mission statement from these groups, but they've really kind of devolved into just weird parades. Lamping. Yeah, it's glamping. Yeah. I can't remember who said that, but yeah, glamping for Gaza. That was, yeah, Caroline Downey from the National Review. We've had, it's only Wednesday. We have so many great guests already. But yeah, it's, it's really getting out of hand. Obviously it's been out of hand for a while. And also George Washington University, they were protesting outside the president's house, Granburg, Granburg. We know you are complicit. Wait, wait, let me, let me try to get this down. Granburg, Granburg, we know you are complicit in genocide too. I don't know. You got to tighten these up. What do I always say, Jared? They need a musical director. They need someone in there who's keeping track of the list of demands, cutting out the unnecessary things, saying, Hey guys, I know we want Vaseline. I know we want zip ties. I don't think we need to ask for the umbrellas. I think that's something we could eliminate. There's got to be a fine arts major in there somewhere that could do something musically. They need, they need a conductor, a Keith Lockhart of sorts to say, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. And unfortunately things are just not going in that direction. We'll talk about that. We'll go back to the Trump cases. We have so much more. But if you were in Maine and you heard that story, it's a huge one. And also now in Denver, we have an update on illegal immigration. Speaking of making demands, Denver's illegal migrants have now built an encampment to protest the city's shelter system. So this reminds me of New York City, where you put the, the illegal aliens in hotels, like the Roosevelt, the square, the row. And then you try to say, hey, we actually, we built. Some migrant shelters in a different area and a terminal. Do you think you could get on the bus and we'll send you there? And the illegal aliens are like, uh, no, I think we're good. We like the hotel we've been living in for the last couple of months for free. And so in Denver now, not only are they protesting the city's shelter system, they're also very unhappy with the food that's being provided to them. They do not like the food. So we'll get to that when we come back. You know what is something I never thought I would say. I can't wait for my next dentist appointment and you got to hear me out because the team and perfect smiles makes everything perfect. You go to the dentist. I know a lot of people get scared to go to the dentist. I don't blame you. If you've ever been to a dentist and they're not very gentle, it can be a scary experience, but luckily between the state of the art equipment at perfect smiles, the dedicated experts and really their, their dedication to getting everything just so and to making sure that you feel comfortable, that you do things at your own pace, that you end up with the smile of your dreams. That's what visiting perfect smiles is all about. It's your journey to a perfect smile. Doctor Houghton listens to you. You're part of the process. He wants to give you a smile that you're proud of. And when you're proud of your smile and you feel good about yourself, everyone around you can get that sense. Everyone understands that you're feeling the best you've ever felt. And it's just, it's a good way to get your life on track. So don't wait, get the ball rolling today, give perfect smiles a call. They're located off route three in Nashua. If that's near you, great. If it's not near you, I take a drive and it's worth the trip. So don't trust just anyone with your smile. Trust the team at perfect smiles. Go to perfect and find out how to take the first step toward the smile that you've always wanted. That's perfect change your smile, change your life. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by a Viva Tracteria. There's still time to reserve your table for their special Mother's Day brunch on Sunday. So many great options for my scene for a Mother's Day brunch. I like to have something sweet. I'd also like to have something savory. You want to be able to pick and choose their menu is fire flames. Do not miss this to find a location near you and then reserve your table. Go to a Viva Jared Diglio. I'm going to let you explain because I explained this poll question the first time around and I made it through just barely not pronouncing anyone's name wrong, not explaining sports, but sports are not my thing. So Jared, I'm going to let you take this one. All right, Bruins defenseman Brandon Carlos. Wife gave birth on Sunday and he was able to be there for the birth and then still able to fly down for Monday night's game in Florida. But our poll question, which you can vote in at is if you are a professional athlete, would you miss a major game for the birth of your child? So I was watching. I didn't know what the radio station was, but I was I was Googling to find a new story on the Bruins player and then I found out that there's a basketball player, a timber wolf that also had a similar situation where he left here and he missed the game to watch to see his son be born and a radio host was commenting on this and said he shouldn't have missed the game because you only get so many times that you can be a champion, but you can always have more kids. I mean, there is some logic to that. And the host who was reacting to it, the host who was reacting to it was horrified and thought he was going to end up sleeping on the couch, but that did really make me laugh. You know, there's you only get one chance to be a champion. You can always have more kids. I do think it depends on. If this is your first born, this is your second, this is your third. It depends how much your wife like is your wife saying, Hey, don't worry about it. You know, come meet us later or she don't you dare. That also is a huge factor. We'd be lying if we said it wasn't. You're like, is your wife going to be mad at you? Or is your, yeah, is your wife mad? I don't know. I'm going to say. Yes, I would miss something. Seventy eight percent of the audience agrees with you. They say, yes, they would skip the game for the birth of their child. Twenty two percent say nope. Sorry, kid. See, I really respect the 22 percent because this is such an easy, like if you're doing a hypothetical where you know, this is never going to happen. The 70, what did we say? It was 22. Yeah. So the 22 percent, they know that this is never going to happen. And they're still telling us the truth. They're still saying I would skip the birth of my child to be in that game, even though it's a, but it's an easy hypothetical to say, Oh, my God. No, of course I would never miss that because it's never going to happen anyway. So why not score some brownie points with your wife? A four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. All right. Let's get to some of these protests. It continues this insanity. I wanted to talk about the Fashion Institute because this one really caught my eye. The anti Israel encampment at the Fashion Institute of Technology in Manhattan was cleared away Tuesday evening after dozens of protesters were arrested for refusing to shut down their rally. This is what they chanted as their buddies were being hauled off by the NYPD. Students, students, you make us proud. Lame. You got to come up with something about that. Before police moved in, hundreds of protesters played games like Connect 4 and Jenga drew on the ground with chalk and munched on cookies. This sounds like a daycare. The only strife appeared to emerge when an officer scolded a protester for throwing candy at the crowd, telling her it was dangerous and that it could hit someone in the eye. Did I hit anyone in the eye? She asked her friends in front of the cop. No, they jeered back. This is the lamest. Please tell me that you started busting the heads of these people. These rebels that are playing Jenga and throwing candy at one another. It's it's lame. And you know, the other part of it, too, is that I read in the Wall Street Journal. The I think it was the president of the University of Chicago explaining why we sent in the police, like why we decided to break up these encampments. And it's all of these paragraphs about we respect this. We want protests and we want to make sure every, but eventually they wanted us to buy the rest from Israel. And it's like, do you want to explain to me why you don't want a bunch of hole against ruining your campus and beating up Jewish students? I get it. I don't need an explanation in the Wall Street Journal as to why on day like 15, you decided you had had enough. Most of us had had enough 15 minutes into this. I would have gone the Ron DeSantis route if I was a governor of one of these states where all this nonsense was happening. And I would say, you want to play stupid games. You can win stupid prizes. You want to disrupt people from going about their daily lives. You can get very comfortable in a prison cell. And by the way, you have a right to protest, to peacefully protest. You do not have a right to stop other students from going to class. You do not have a right to disrupt people going about their day to day lives, getting from point A to point B. That that that is not some sort of protected thing at a college campus. And one other point I'd like to make. These schools act like they're in this bubble of their own laws. You're not you're you're still have to abide by the Constitution, like all the rest of us just because you're at Yale doesn't mean you get some sort of carte blanche to cause a ruckus. We'll be right back. Live from the Aviva Thratriya studio. Well, the excitement and anticipation in the room hit a new high at 10 32 a.m. She entered wearing all black as if on her way to a funeral, the loose fitting plain black clothing, draping from her shoulders to her toes, suggested the modesty of a nun. Poetry. Some people say poetry. Some people say it sounds like a porno. I don't know. I'm not one to judge. I guess Trump put out a true social about Lawrence O'Donnell, which makes sense. You know, it's not that I'm surprised that this is something Lawrence O'Donnell would do. The part of all of these stories that frightens me. And you don't all go back to you here for a second. Remember when Brian Williams had Mara Gay on his show and they talked about how Bloomberg's wealth means he could give every voter a million dollars. And everybody knows that math is not my strong suit. So I'm not dunking on their inability to do basic math because Lord knows I've had my fair shares. I've been struggling, as Jonemeth might say. But what scared me about that was enough people saw that, had an opportunity to check it and then still took the tweet, put it in the chiron, made a whole segment around it. It's the amount of people that have to give something to green light at these places that freaks me out. The fact that there wasn't one person on Lawrence O'Donnell show who said this is weird, this is a weird way to cover this, describing Stormy Daniels as someone as modest as a nun in talking about the drapery of her shirt and how it went from her shoulders to her toes. Maybe we skip this. The makeup was minimal. The way she and the other moms in her neighborhood might look when shopping at the local grocery store, the long blonde hair. Held up with a clip at the back of her head, the way it might be in a utilitarian way, while she was doing dishes or checking one of the horseshoes on her horse. She later spoke of so proudly. If Keith Morris ever wants to hang it up on date one, I think Lawrence O'Donnell would actually not be that. He had a nice speaking voice. She was a woman on a mission to be a star, but something went wrong in Beverly Hills. The whole, I mean, it was just 10 minutes of glory. I couldn't grab all of it. He was reading the transcripts from the trial and it was almost masterpiece theater, talking about how she grew up and now people are saying that he's a failed after, that he's someone who wanted to be famous and he never made it, but he is on TV and he's involved with politics, of course. Yeah, hey, hey, I'm right there with you, buddy, fighting the good fight on that one. Ron, you're up next on The Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Ron. Grace, howdy, what's going on? Alvin Bragg, that case and all the other cases are just purely continued character assassination on President Trump. And basically while Trump is in the court, it's going to take more than just listening to the radio, watching TV and hoping that Trump is going to get back in. When Hamas says that they want repeat October 7th, we believe them. So when the Democrats say that by all means necessary, Trump cannot become president, we need to believe them too. So if these court cases fail, we know that they have something else lined up, probably more nefarious than what these court cases are. So in short, I think that, and I know that a lot of people might not agree with me when I say this, but we need to stoop below the Democrats level or the left level in order to beat them. We have to take kind of like a bipolar approach. We have to be supportive of Trump and we have to denigrate Joe Biden in the process. I mean, even Trump does it himself. This is what I'm going to do for America. And by the way, Joe Biden is the worst president ever. Like that's the type of approach we have to take with this thing, I believe. Anyways, yeah, I mean, I don't think saying Joe Biden is the worst president ever. I really don't think there's anything. I'm not a presidential historian. So you might have to bring in like John Meacham or something, but he's definitely the worst president in my lifetime. And I don't really feel like I'm I'm being overly harsh by saying that or I'm being low by saying I'm just stating facts. But what I will say is you're kind of saying the opposite of Michelle Obama. When they go low, we go high. You're saying when they go low, we go lower. I don't really support that. Well, here's here's how I would phrase it wrong. We can't be afraid to play ball. I don't think we need to be do anything. I don't think we need to be as shameless as the Democrats. I do think that if they set the table, we should meet them there. So this whole thing of like, oh, respectable Republicans, you know, the Republicans of your who have principles and things like that. We don't want to impeach anybody because that's such a bad standard. The standards have been set by the left. The the precedents have been set. The norms have been broken. So politically speaking, I just think that you have to and you know what a good example is is like ballot harvesting. You know, why are we pretending we're above that somehow? They're winning elections. You've got to get in the mud and play the game. So in that sense, yes, but as far as I guess what you just said was too big. I don't even know what I mean, I don't know how much how much more we could denigrate Joe Biden than Joe Biden does by himself. I mean, we we play the clips and we pointed out, but I mean, the guys doing plenty on his own to denigrate himself. Yeah, he's got that one covered for sure. Jared, I did want to mention on the first part of what that caller said about these Trump trials, it wasn't just Ellie Honig. Someone text me and said it's not Eli. It's Ellie wasn't just Ellie Honig who was destroying Stormy Daniels cross examination, saying she was a disaster on the stand. It was also a former US judge. Can I get cut to please? The material that came in was not relevant to this criminal case at all. And I think it shows that she was trying to get Trump. She thought there was a motive there. She said she hates him. She said she'd like to see him in prison. I think she was purposely throwing out this stuff to make sure the jurors were prejudiced, particularly the women jurors, but probably half of the men too. Can you picture Lawrence O'Donnell watching this on CNN being like, but what was she wearing? How dare you, Judge Sheinland? How dare you to fame the character of the star of Hotshower six? You didn't even talk about her blouse and the clip in her hair. You clearly did not see the flowing black, friendly dress she was wearing. You missed all the important details. What kind of programming is this? You would have a horse, but you shoe. Is that what they call it, shoe? And when you have to shoe a horse. Oh, I don't like that. This is when you scrape out all the stuff. Oh, gives me the heebie jeebies. Jared, here's a story that I saw today. And I thought, I'm surprised Jared saw an RFK junior guy. He seems to check off a lot of boxes for you. I do really like RFK junior, but I just there's again, it was the same feeling. I kind of had about Vivek is when a guy suddenly comes along and tells me everything I want to hear with no real previous record, I'm a little suspect. Now Vivek seemed to continue on and really kind of like, no, I'm not just saying stuff I really believe this stuff I'm saying, but still there's there was something that's like, OK, a guy comes along at I don't know where at the right time. Maybe what I want to hear. I'm a little suspect. And I agree with the RFK junior. I believe him on the COVID stuff because I I've been on the record. I want the COVID tyrants punished. That is one of my biggest issues, but I don't think I could pull the lover firm at the expense of voting for Trump because of his opposition to your point. The vaccine stuff is something he's been passionate about for a very long time. So that's one issue where you can go. Yeah, I believe what he's saying on this. There's other issues where he's evolving kind of conveniently. Similarly to Vivek, and I like Vivek. I think he's very smart. So do I. I mean, I want him to have a position in the cabinet, but I understand why some people didn't think Vivek was was always consistent in his beliefs. Now, one thing I will say is the reason I thought of you today with RFK juniors because I read this headline and said RFK junior said doctors found a dead worm in his head after a day part of his brain. I thought this sounds like a guy that Jared would be all about. Like, I'm just surprised you're not going around the office talking about him 24/7. I mean, just, you know, it was like all about shooting dogs. Give it a week. RFK is like Christie. They hit for a week before we get into the weird stuff. It says RFK junior claimed in a deposition taken more than a decade ago that a worm ate part of his brain before dying inside his head. He made the bizarre admission during his 2012 divorce proceeding detailing cognitive problems he initially feared were a brain tumor, only for a second after to tell him the dark spot on his scans were a dead parasite, according to the New York Times, I don't know, doesn't sound that crazy. No, I mean, this is, you know, worms, parasites. I mean, these things happen, you know, people get infected with parasites all the time that they don't even know about. It's just again, it's a crazy headline. Why why are you bringing it up? Like, why are you bringing it up? Well, I don't think that he's necessarily bringing it up. I think I mentioned it in the divorce proceeding. Yeah. Do you bring it in at all? However, a doctor at the hospital called Kennedy while he was packing for the trip and said he believed the abnormality was caused by a worm that got into his brain and ate a portion of it and then died. He said in a transcribed interview. Yeah, well, I don't think it's nearly as bad as what Kristi Noem said about the dog. This doesn't even go close. I don't have to look up CIA worm infection programs. In this case, he didn't have control over the fact it's not he shot the worm. The worm was in his brain and then died on its own. Kristi Noem, she was doing interviews last night and I was like, what is going on? Has no one told this woman to put down the shovel? She's on with Jesse Waters. She's on with all these people. She was on with Varnie. Varnie, who I really like and she's given Varnie. I mean, he was like, how are you? He's just talking about this. Yeah, and then she said, I don't want to talk about this anymore. I don't want to talk about this anymore. Well, no offense, but that's why he had you on the show. It's kind of the leading headline. When we come back, we've got a great segment coming up. So do not go anywhere. We will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. Follow Grace on Twitter at G underscore Curly. This is the Grace Curly Show. So you're looking for a deal and you want to make it real. A money saving deal. It's great, says goody. Goody, goody. Welcome back, everyone. We have a wonderful Grace is goodies for you today. It's everybody's favorite. It goes very quickly. So before I even bring on our next guest, go to Grace Curly Click on store, get your $50 gift card to a Viva Treteria for only $25. That's right. You're getting it for half off. And this is the perfect time to get one because not only do they have so many new locations, but Mother's Day is this weekend. It's a perfect time to take mom out for a nice dinner or nice brunch. Thursday brunch is really what you want to try. And my birthday, May 31st, we're going to have a remote at the Hanover. A Viva Treteria location. So excited about this. If you want to make a reservation, call 781-561-9050. So that's 781-561-9050 to make your Grace's birthday reservation at a Viva Treteria and Hanover joining me now to talk about all of these exciting dates is Chef Anthony DePama. Chef Anthony, thanks so much for coming on the show. Grace, thank you so much for having us as always. And it's a pleasure and an honor, especially right before this wonderful, wonderful weekend. Looking forward to it. I heard you were down in Hanover, by the way. I was. I got the most delicious. You know what I got, Chef Anthony? So my parents always get the classics. They get the chicken parm, the eggplant, everything delicious from a Viva. I got the harvest salad with the ravioli and the chicken. So yummy, you guys put such a nice twist on all of these classics and for people who like something lighter, if you if you're gluten free, if you have some dietary restrictions, a Viva goes above and beyond Chef Anthony to make everyone feel good and to have something on the menu for everybody in your life. That's exactly it. You know, we cook for the family, Grace, you know, that I don't have to tell you that. And when you're cooking from scratch every day, you're able to make food the way people want to eat their food. If it's a gluten issue, if it's a, it's a phenology issue, we take such great pride and all that. But, you know, it was wonderful weekend coming up with Mother's Day. As you mentioned, reservations are so important. Every store is taking the reservations right now. The wonderful brunch menu that we ran last weekend. We're running again this weekend Saturday and Sunday so that people can use the whole weekend to celebrate their mom, the most important person in our lives. But, you know, a few of those big things on the menu that are really standing out so far, the fried chicken waffle sandwich, I think we talked about this last time. People love it, homemade waffle, a nice buttermilk fried chicken breast. It's been a top seller along with the short rib protein with home fries. Even the moms are liking that, even though they're always liking the breakfast that we've got something for everybody, as you mentioned, for brunch. The patios are open, reservations are definitely required. A beautiful cocktail or mocktail. We've got some great mocktails on the menu right now for the for the weekend coming up. My new favorite grace, a raspberry lime ricky, a real one for a mocktail. Love it, Brittany did a great job. And I think another great twist right now is the tropical mule. It's got some ginger beer in there. It's got some guava, orange and coconut puree. It's a really tropical thing, but really kind of refreshing. All locations are open. Westford, Marlboro, Rentham, Maynard and Digital Way. Malden right there on commercial street across from the orange line. Stoneham and Redstone Plaza, Hanover. Rochester, New Hampshire, for anybody up north. Moms are taking care of you up in Rochester as well. And, you know, the soon, a few more places coming down the road here. We'll be opening Quincy Mass on Hancock Street real soon. Bedford, New Hampshire and the Colby Court. Then down to Nashu, New Hampshire. We've got so much going on grace always. And then your live remote for your birthday. I'm so excited. We are excited. And as you mentioned, please make those reservations at Hanover at 781-561-9050. Your show is always booked up and people love to come and see you as well as our staff. And we're looking forward to it. It's just that the seasons are here, that spirit's alive. And as we said, it's Mother's Day weekend. So we're just so excited to celebrate all the moms. Yeah. And you guys have been such a wonderful sponsor of the Grace Curly Show. And it's always fun to be able to celebrate my birthday with you. And with all the listeners and the listeners from Howie Show, always show up as well. And it's really a great time. And if you spend $20, you can get a paper boy, one per table. That's another reason. But you don't really need more reasons to come to this May 31st birthday extravaganza. It's always fun. It's always really one of my favorite days of the year, especially one of my favorite days to work because we get tons of delicious food. And out of all the things you just mentioned, I will say the fried chicken and waffle really stand out to me because you get everything. You get a little sweet, you get a little savory and moms going to be happy. Chef Anthony, the other thing I want to tell people, you mentioned all these locations, which is wonderful, but people should know they're all different, but they all do have some of the fundamental same style where it's the big open kitchen, it's a really gorgeous space. I've been to so many different locations, almost all of them at this point. And every single one is unique, but the beauty of it is it's so open and you walk in and it just has a very nice vibe to it. Yeah, you know, again, it's a family place, but it's also for people to come in after business. I'm going to be hanging out with my real good buddy Herman. Coming up from Florida, we just want to hang out together. It's a great spot for that. The kids can run around. We're used to that. We've got private dining rooms for private functions. And you're right, you know, everyone's a little bit different, especially because the family members that we have working there with us. So we're looking forward to this. Get yourself a gracious, goody, check, get two of them. It's such a great deal. And make sure everyone gets their moms out to see us this weekend. Yes, make sure you make a reservation at any of the Aviva Treacherias for Mother's Day this weekend, Mother's Day brunch. It's such a nice way to celebrate mom. Let her relax a little bit, maybe have a nice cocktail and a waffle with fried chicken. Sounds like a plan to me. Chef Anthony, thank you so much for joining us. Everybody else, go to Click on store. Get this $50 gift card for just 25 bucks before they run out. They go quickly and to make a reservation for my birthday remote. 781-561-9050. That's the handover location. Make your reservation today. [MUSIC]