The Howie Carr Radio Network

WTF: Lawrence O'Donnell's Recounts Stormy's... Outfit? | 5.8.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

If the Trump trial couldn't get more uncomfortable, Lawrence O'Donnell just hit us with a strange simile that describes Stormy Daniels wildly inaccurately.

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08 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm Air Purifier BOGO offer. Buy one, get one free for one week only. Order today at with code GRACE BOGO. (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. - Especially Grace, Grace Stand Up. - Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. (upbeat music) - Hello everyone and welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for joining us today. And we have a lot to get to. We have plenty of updates for you on this gloomy Wednesday afternoon. We're gonna bring the sun though, Jared. We're gonna bring a little bit of joy, hopefully to people's commutes, to people's days. And although it is seeming, you know, it's stormy out today. (upbeat music) - Dormies, dormies are, but wait, I'm not getting stormy yet. Once I start with stormy, that is going to derail this whole thing, like a freight train. I am gonna mix it up a bit though, in this opening. We've been giving you plenty of updates on the Hamas hippies taking over college campuses. And there's been more of that since we last spoke. Stalling, the US stalling bomb shipments to Israel's and the news. Karen Reed is in the news. Seems like yesterday was heavily focused on the cocktail glass found at the scene of the crime. And today's more about the taillights. It's hard though, 'cause this dash cam footage, Jared, it reminds me, and I'm not making light of it, but it reminds me, so today I see this dash cam picture of Karen Reed, the back of her car. And I read the comments, and that's one of my strengths and one of my weaknesses, is I love to read comments on social media. It can become a real dumpster fire. But a lot of times the people in the comments are smart. And it was amazing how, remember way back when the blue dress was a big thing. And I'm not talking about Monica Lewinsky. I'm talking about is it blue or is it gold? It was this phenomenon that took over the internet where people were looking at the dress and seeing different things. And sometimes you get that with audio where some people hear one thing and other people hear another thing. That's how I feel about a lot of these dash cam pics, 'cause they show the back of her car, right? And everyone's focused on the tail light, one of the tail lights and whether or not it's damaged. And some people in the comments are like, look it, you can clearly see from this picture the tail light is perfectly fine and is not broken up at all. And then other people are like, the tail light is completely missing. That's why it's not even shattered, it's completely gone. So it's hard to tell what the dash cam footage which seems to be a big thing. They're going over tons of this footage this week in court. And we will talk about that. Like I said yesterday was the cocktail glass. I've been keeping up with it as much as I can so we'll get to it. But I wanted to start today. I'm gonna kick off the show with a little bit of a rundown of what's going on with all of the law fair against Donald J. Trump, this witch hunt. There's several different witch hunts going on. And last night it broke that the federal judge, Judge Cannon, Judge Aileen Cannon, has indefinitely postponed the classified documents trial which comes as a blow to the Trump deranged people all over the country. Here's an excerpt from her five page order. Finalization of a trial date at this juncture before resolution of the myriad and interconnected pretrial and classified evidence issues would be imprudent and inconsistent with the court's duty to fully and fairly consider the various pending pretrial motions. In other words, this whole thing is a mess. And until we clean up some of the messes, we can't go forward with a trial date. It's not looking, it's possible that it's in 2024, it's not looking bloody likely. It's not looking like this is going to be moving quickly by any means. Now also today, news breaks that a Georgia appeals court has agreed to hear Trump's bid to disqualify the Fannie Willis train. It might be able to disqualify this train from ever pulling into the station. That's right, the DA who hired her lover, Nathan Wade, the cabin commander, to be the lead prosecutor, even though he lacked experience in this area of law and then proceeded to pay him a great deal more than the other seasoned professionals who actually knew what they were doing and then went on cruises and, you know. ♪ You're gonna slide away ♪ ♪ And you're gonna slide away ♪ She's not only dealing, this is very musical opening today, she's not only dealing with this bad news bid, okay? This, the fact that Trump's bid, which she's unheard of, I mean, ruling in favor of Donald J. Trump, what's going on? Is Mercury in retrograde? Something must be a mess. But not only that, but Jim Jordan, who's the house judiciary chair, and Tom Fitten from Judicial Watch, he's kind of piggybacked off of Jim Jordan's original request, they're pounding down Fanny's door, not to go to Belize, but for communications between her office and the DOJ, including Jack Smith's office. So this stuff is all interconnected. And it all seems, it all seems a little improper to me. And she doesn't feel, Fanny Willis does not feel compelled to answer these requests to honor these requests, which is a shocker. She doesn't think the rules apply to her. But the thing I want to start with is Stormy. 'Cause Stormy was on the stand yesterday. And we were discussing this, Jared, 'cause we were talking about how the only point of it, and Turley wrote about it yesterday, he's been on top of this thing. The only point of it seemed like they wanted to embarrass Trump. And we had John Hindirock around, and he said the same thing. Like, oh, it's all salacious, you know, it's shocking stuff, and not even shocking, but it's supposed to be unseemly, and you're supposed to think less of Donald Trump. And I said it yesterday, and I'm actually even more sure of it today. I don't think that's possible anymore. I think every human being reaches a point where you've been embarrassed so thoroughly, or you've been canceled so thoroughly. You know, every part of your life has been exposed that nothing is going to shock the general public. Nobody cares. Actually, who's on the cover of the New York Post today? Something about Lewinsky, and it was a picture of Stormy Daniels, and it said like, comma, but the voters don't care. That's the real story here. That's what's driving all of these Democrats crazy, is that you can say whatever you want about Donald Trump, and, you know, the spanking with the magazine, and all these dirty details, but nobody cares, because we know that. We know that Donald Trump is not as pure as the driven snow. I think it's been established. Time and time and time and time and time and time again. And so they want to bring Stormy Daniels up. She does a horrible job. I think she does a good job for people who just really hate Trump and don't understand how you want to witness to behave when they're testifying. But even Eli Honig, CNN's legal analyst, said that she was a disaster. I wonder if Jeffrey Tubin was still at CNN. If he was still-- - Oh, he was on the panel. He was sitting there, hands above the table. He was sitting there on this legal panel. - Oh, wow. I'm surprised, once we get to the sound of Lawrence O'Donnell, I'm surprised that it wasn't Jeffrey Tubin delivering this narrative, because this seems like more Jeffrey Tubin-- - Oh, so Donald also hands above the table. - Yeah, we should really, this is the sound of the day, in my opinion. Stormy Daniels testifies yesterday. And she actually admits that she hates Trump. They asked her, cross-examination, do you hate Donald Trump, yes. Which to me wasn't the worst part for her. We all know she hates Trump, and a lot of the jurors probably hate Trump. So it's in New York. It's in, as David Marcus described, it's Sapphire Blue, New York. We're not shocked here that she hates Trump. But what I did think was even worse for her, which Eli Hoening pointed out, is that they asked her about the money she owes Trump, 'cause she's lost legal cases to him before, and she's been asked to pay his legal fees. And she said she would defy a court order to pay his legal fees. And I go back to, if you don't respect that part of the judicial system, then what is to make anyone believe that you're telling the truth, or that you care about the oath you just took? And Eli Hoening said the same thing, like you kind of just destroyed your credibility. False and uno, false and omnibus, is my hero Nancy Pelosi might say. How do we know you're going to follow any of this? You just made yourself into the worst witness possible. Michael Cohen's gonna look like a reliable guy compared to Stormy Daniels. But all of that is not what I want to focus on. I want to focus on Lawrence O'Donnell. I have not seen Lawrence O'Donnell. No, to be fair, I don't want you to show. But I haven't seen him this pumped up about something in a while. Lawrence O'Donnell delivers the most bizarre monologue I've ever heard on TV, describing Stormy Daniels taking the stand. Take a listen to this, it's a two-parter, this is cut three. Well, the excitement and anticipation in the room hit a new high at 10.32 a.m. She entered wearing all black as if on her way to a funeral. The loose, fitting, plain black clothing, draping from her shoulders to her toes suggested the modesty of a nun. - So when Jared first played this for me, Jared was all Twitter about this. He came into my office and he's like, "You gotta hear this, this is crazy." "Oh, yeah, yeah, I'll be in there in a second." I go in to hear it and I was like, what does this remind me of? First it sounds like he's describing some sort of salacious, you know, almost like some weird romance novel. And then it hit me. I was like, this is J. Peterman describing one of the latest outfits in the Peterman catalog. Play me a little bit of cut four. - Fortunately, I was wearing my Italian kapto oxfits. (audience laughing) Sophisticated, yet different, but not making a huge fuss about it. (audience laughing) Rich, dark brown, capskin leather. Matching linen vamp. - Yeah, that's what he sounds like. He's describing, he was draped over her shoulders all the way down to her toes. I saw a photo of her ender in the courtroom just like she was wearing a regular outfit. Like, I don't know, maybe I missed something. She didn't seem like she was wearing a giant, what is it, a habit? - Yes, I have it. - I don't think she was wearing a habit. She looked like she was wearing pants and a sweater. But that's enough to get Lawrence O'Donnell all worked up on MSNBC. Let's play the next Lawrence O'Donnell cut. - The makeup was minimal. The way she and the other moms in her neighborhood might look when shopping at the local grocery store. The long blonde hair. Held up with a clip at the back of her head. The way it might be in a utilitarian way while she was doing dishes or checking one of the horseshoes on her horse. She later spoke of so proudly. - Dude, are you okay? Are you okay? I don't even have words right now. Somebody wrote this. I don't think it's him. I don't think he's writing this. Work at MSNBC probably makes a ton of money just to sit there and read for an hour. So I'm sure somebody in the back wrote this. But if someone brought that into me and said, "Hey, this is an idea for your monologue," I would look at that and go, "I can't read this. "I can't read this on national television. "What are we doing?" Although utilitarian moms who started in voluptuous three. - Yeah, I understand that you're trying to make-- - Or dumb blondes. - Stormy Daniels seemed like a modest, reliable, sweet, humble figure. I appreciate the effort, but it's not working. - That is so in the clip in her hair. Like, this is the weirdest thing. - I know that the communists always try to make people out to be heroes and paragons of everything. Like they did with the Stacey Abrams spread where they had her like silhouetted with a cape, like she was Batman. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - This is what they do. They pump up these, I don't wanna use the term. These people of lesser character, shall we say. - Yeah. - And they pump 'em up into heroes. - Yeah. - They're gonna have an Avenatti soccer bomb, Stormy. - The woman, they tried it out to say Brett Kavanaugh was having a-- - Professor. - Yeah, I don't mean Christine Blasey for it. I mean the other one. - Oh, Julie Sweatney. - Yeah, they bring up people. They make heroes out of the worst people possible. Like they choose, they're always so off in choosing these heroes, but you're right. He's trying to make her into this heroic figure and it's like-- - She started in trailer trash, nurses six. - That's all I'm saying. - She's a porn star and that's okay. But she got up on the stand, and by the way, it's not like she got up on the stand, Jared, and gave out a recipe for Apple Pie. It was like, I really love, you know, maybe she mentioned her horses. She also mentioned spanking Trump with a magazine and mentioned a lot of other things that I can't say on the air. So it's not like she got in there as a changed woman who was like, I've seen the light and now I feel so differently about, no, she was up there-- - She spanked him as a non-wood. - Making, making-- - With a ruler. - Making sex jokes and getting to a point where the judge, Juan Merchant, said after the fact, yeah, I don't think we had to hear all of that. Like, she grossed out the judge. So why are we trying to act like before she went in, she was some sort of pious, innocent, like woman. She had an outfit draped. I gotta hear that first one again. Play me that first one, cut three. He sees out of his mind. - Well, the excitement and anticipation. In the room hit a new high at 10.32 a.m. She entered wearing all black as if on her way to a funeral. The loose, fitting, plain black clothing, draping from her shoulders to her toes suggested the modesty of a nun. - She's all right. - It almost sounds like he's getting ready to write like a Billy Joel song. She's always a woman to me. - Okay, we need a one last time. - I yelled sneakers of Italian design. - She was as mysterious as the wind, but as reliable as the concrete. Like, I don't even get what he's, is this a poem? This is a news program. We'll be right back. We'll take your calls on this 844-542, 42. Don't go anywhere. - Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2A Tuesday. Tuesday's at 2 p.m. This is The Grace Curly Show. ♪ She can kill with a smile ♪ ♪ She can wound with her eyes ♪ ♪ And she can ruin your faith with her casual lies ♪ ♪ And she only reveals what she wants you to see ♪ ♪ She hides like a child ♪ ♪ But she's always a woman to me ♪ - Larry O'Donnell wrote a love letter to Stormy Daniels. Or somebody on the staff wrote a love letter. And according to my text line, it's not being well received. You guys clearly don't understand the art, the time, the heart that went into that opening monologue. And I'm not going to justify it. I'm not gonna try to explain it to you. You guys clearly don't get poetry. That's for sure. - Well, the excitement and anticipation in the room hit a new high at 10.32 a.m. She entered wearing all black as if on her way to a funeral. The loose, fitting, plain, black clothing, draping from her shoulders to her toes suggested the modesty of a nun. - I don't know what nuns you've been dealing with. I don't know a lot of nuns who, I just don't think when I think Stormy Daniels, I don't right away think nun. Maybe that's like fifth down on the list. Steve, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Steve. - Hey, I just want to say that that left, I'm not too impressed with Lawrence O'Donnell. Never have been. But that reads like a very bad porn story. I expected the next line to be, and then she slowly loosened the clasp around her neck. - Yes. - I mean, you know, I'm glad he stopped when he did. - It sounds like he's writing a porn. Like he's writing the script of a porn or the, you know, setting the scene for it. I agree, I was gonna say that in the beginning, but I didn't want to be too crass. But that is kind of what it sounds like, Steve. And I'm not usually impressed. - Oh, like a Harlequin novel. - Yeah, very, very weird. - Yeah, no question about it. - That's all I got. - Thank you, Steve. I appreciate it. You know, it's funny. I said to Howie today. I went to Howie's office. I said, yeah, you got to hear this Lawrence O'Donnell cut. I said, and how he's like, oh, yeah, yeah. I said, yeah, he hates you too, by the way. He says, you're a big phony. And how he goes, he hates me. I said, yeah, he did. Remember that whole monologue he did about how you're a phony and you pretend to be from Boston? And how he said, yeah, but I don't pretend to be from Boston. I said, I know that. But you got to keep track of people who hate you and who talk about it on their shows. I can't be keeping track of this, Jared. I can't be filing away all of the people who have said mean things about Howie. We'll get back to Lawrence O'Donnell and I also want to get back to Eli Honig because when the CNN legal analyst thinks that you're hurting a case, you didn't do a good job in the witness stand. I don't care what Lawrence O'Donnell tries to say. It was not a good day in court for Stormy Daniels. And we'll get to that. And a lot of other Trump trial news when we come back. - Modesty of a nun. - Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. - Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. We're gonna get back to Stormy Daniels here just because, you know, it's the most salacious. It's the most entertaining. So we probably will spend a little bit more time on it than the other cases. - Stop the hammering and my heart. - The Lawrence O'Donnell story. - You know, Jared, if you took all these different cases, it's amazing how to get Trump trials. And, you know, whether it's Letitia James or Fannie Willis or Stormy Daniels or Michael Avenatti or Michael Cohen, they all have such complex, strange characters involved. I would say unreliable characters involved, but for our business, for what we're doing here, which is very different from what Lawrence O'Donnell's doing at MSNBC. We're not constructing any sort of romance novels here at The Grace Curly Show, but for our purposes, it is entertaining. And so before I go into the Stormy Daniels, and we go back to that, I wanna play Eli Honig from CNN. I did wanna give another update on the Jack Smith case because as I said, it's been in definitely post poll now. So I'm putting it in the category of, don't have to worry about it right now. Like it's just moved down a couple of points on my to-do list. But I will say that what they're telling us now and what House Republicans are looking into in an investigation did pique my interest. I wanna read from the post-millennial. It says, "Special counsel Jack Smith's prosecution team "recently admitted that the government mishandled "the classified documents discovered in Trump's home "that are to be used as evidence "in the former president's case." So I just wanna go over that again. The case about how Trump mishandled documents, that case also, the people handling that case, also mishandled documents. It's almost like we would have been better off just leaving these documents in Mar-a-Lago. Perhaps then they wouldn't have been mishandled. It says in a letter to the DOJ obtained by the Daily Mail, Jordan characterized the manipulation of the evidence by the FBI of mounting to witness tampering. Initially Smith's team claimed that the evidence remained in its original condition following the FBI raid on Trump's residence in August 2022. However, prosecutors later admitted that the evidence had been altered with the documents not matching their original order. Wonder if they put them in stop-and-shop bags or if they used red solo cups in the handling of the documents. It's weird that they mishandled them because at the time, remember those photos we got of Mar-a-Lago? And it was like, they had body chalk around the documents. They had it laid out perfectly. They had like magazines that Trump had in boxes. They really wanted to hammer home the fact that Trump had these documents in the bathroom and on the rug and they were splattered all over the place. I'm surprised they didn't take ketchup or just put a little ketchup on here, make it look like he really was in the room with these documents. But they were at one point, at least Jared, very vigilant about keeping this evidence in tip-top shape, somewhere along the line that changed. So this is just one of the things I think the judge is referring to when she says, we've got too much cleaning up to do. We can't set a trial date. You guys haven't done your homework. We can't set a day for the exam. You haven't studied at all. This holding is a mess. - That's standard operating procedure for the Biden Department of Justice. - And that's part of it too, is that go back now to Fannie Willis, because this, how he was explaining it to me today, and it is kind of complicated to follow when you hear that, okay, so now Jim Jordan is requesting the communication between Fannie Willis's office and the DOJ, and Fannie Willis and Jack Smith. Now Jack Smith and Fannie Willis are on two different cases. Fannie Willis is finding the fraud in Fulton County. Never said find the fraud, but that's the Fannie Willis case. And Jack Smith is the mishandling of the documents. So I'm confused why there's communication at all. And then you have the bit of information that I never thought that Judge Scott McAfee and that whole trial spent enough time on, which is Nathan Wade going to the White House and having these meetings while he's on the 24-hour payroll, going to the White House and what those were about. So there's a lot of intermingling of all of these characters that doesn't sit right with Judge Curly. I'll let you know that right now. All right, so back to Stormy though, 'cause we gotta focus on one case at a time. Stormy Daniels gets on the stand yesterday, and depending on who you talk to, some people thought it went great, Larry O'Donnell, some people thought it went awful. CNN's legal analyst Eli Honig. So let's start with Eli. This is why he thought the cross-examination of Stormy Daniels spells disaster for Alvin Bragg. This is cut one. My impression was she was plausible on her explanation of what happened in that hotel room. It's hard for me to believe that a juror heard that and thought this is entirely made up. There may well be some embellishments with Arthur. I think pointed out effectively in the last hour, but I think it's quite clear they had sex in 2006. - Hold on, pause right there, Jared, I'm sorry. I wanna pause there for something because he's about to go into the cross-examination. But what he just said right there, it's fundamentally flawed. He's saying, well, it's clear they had sex in a hotel room in 2006. That's not a crime. That, right, okay, so it's clear they had sex. Does anyone think Stormy Daniels and Donald J. Trump didn't have sex? I wish I could think they didn't have sex. I'm tired of hearing about how they had sex, but I think we've all established they had sex. But two consenting adults having sex in a hotel room in 2006, last I checked, is not a crime. And unless Jeffrey Tubin or someone can explain something to me, that's not a crime. And the reason that I'm really hell-bent on emphasizing this is because they haven't established what crime they're charging Trump with, or what crime they're hoping to get him on. And listen to this last part of Turley's New York Post piece, because he just, he slams this whole thing. He said, you have a gag order that is allowing a New York Supreme Court justice to regulate what the leading candidate for the presidency may say in an election on the weaponization of legal system. You have a lead prosecutor who not only left the Biden Justice Department to revive this case, but once worked for the Democratic National Convention. You have a case based on two dead misdemeanors shocked back into life by a still mysterious theory of an undefined crime. In comparison, Daniels may be the only authentic part of the entire case in New York versus Trump. That part right there, mysterious theory of an undefined crime. And the reason I'm nervous is because I think that the jurors in this case might be sitting there, Jared, and I hate to have such little faith in the jurors in New York. And I'm still hoping that Trump will be acquitted and that all it takes is one person, that one person will say this is a sham of mockery, the sham of mockery, the sham. And fingers crossed, it could happen. Stranger things have happened. But what I'm scared of is that these jurors are sitting there thinking that that's the crime. That like, oh no, that he definitely had sex with her in 2006 in a hotel room. Right. And now let's get to the part of the supposed crime he committed. And the reason that this misdemeanor has been shocked back to life by, by the way, Alvin Bragg, who spends most of his time downgrading things to misdemeanors. This is the one time Alvin Bragg gets a little bit of a temptation to upgrade a misdemeanor when it comes to Donald Trump and something that happened in 2006. Okay, now let's play the second half of this because the second half he has a good point. But that first part of it, I just, it confused me because he's like, yeah, it definitely does seem like they had sex. Okay. Was anyone questioning that? Here's the second part. - But I think it's quite clear they had sex in 2006 in that hotel room. But the cross exam boy, her responses were disastrous. I mean, do you hate Donald Trump? Yes, of course she does. That's a big deal. When the witness hates the person whose liberty is a stake, that's a big damn feel. And she's putting out tweets, fantasizing about him being in jail. That really undermines the credibility. The fact that she owes him $500,000, she buy order of a court. owes Donald Trump a half million dollars and said, I will never pay him. I will defy a court order. The defense is gonna say she's willing to defy a court order. Why, she's not willing to respect an order of a judge. Why is she gonna respect this oath she took? So I thought it went quite poorly on cross exam. Yeah, and that last part right there is where I think he hits the nail on the head, not something I say every day about a CNN legal analyst. But he's right. I mean, if she is willing to say, I'm just not gonna follow that order or I'm not gonna follow that rule, then what makes you think that when she raised her right hand and took an oath to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, that she really meant it, 'cause clearly she's playing by the Stormy Daniels rule book and she doesn't really care about any of, she doesn't care about the law. She cares about getting Trump and the word that kept coming to my mind yesterday when we were getting little snippets of like, oh, Stormy Daniels, she wrote one book but now she's planning on writing two more relevance. Stormy Daniels, as she spanked Donald Trump with a magazine, relevance. I don't even know that much legal jargon but that's just one thing I've heard on like law and orders. They say that a lot of relevance. They say that all the time. And so I was watching some of the details that were coming out on Fox News and I was thinking, I hope that the, I hope Trump's defense team is pushing back, is objecting to a lot of this salacious kind of side gossip garbage that they're putting front and center in this case. And it turns out that after she was done, they were asking the judge to rule on a mistrial because of how ridiculous it is that the jury just heard all of this irrelevant information. And the judge in this case turns around and says, well, you guys should have objected more. And at first I thought, yeah, they probably should have, were they not objecting? But then, Turley laid out in the New York Post, the defense had a standing objection to Stormy being there in the first place, to Stormy appearing full stop, as AOC might say. And so, yeah, I still think they should be objecting in every opportunity and slowing down any momentum that the prosecution has, especially when someone's up there like Stormy Daniels with an extra grind, but I kind of agree with Turley when he says, they put in the objection, the standing objection to say, she should not be up here spewing this garbage. And so then the judge, Juan Merchant, who already has a conflict of interest? His daughter works for authentic campaigns. They raise money from everyone from Gretchen Whitmer to Kamala Harris to Joe Biden to all of these Democrats who campaign off of Donald Trump's legal cases and legal battles. But Merchant then denies the motion for a mistrial after admitting that it would be better, they'd be better off if some of the things Stormy Daniels said were left unsaid, like we would have been better off not hearing a lot of that. But then he won't, he denies a mistrial. In other words, did jury shouldn't have heard all of the things this porn star just said on the stand, all of this salacious, biased, irrelevant garbage, but oh well, they heard it. So let's just hope they can compartmentalize and not let it affect their ultimate judgments. That's what this judge is saying. - This really honestly looking at this, it almost feels like this is a stall tactic just to keep Trump in court because really, the only witnesses that should be a part of this trial, Michael Gowne, Donald Trump, anybody else who is involved in any type of financial transaction, like we don't need the former secretary who heard David Packer make a phone call, like we don't need all that. There's like three people that are relevant to this. - Yeah, they're running out the clock, they're trying to keep him there as long as possible. - Yeah, it's just a stall tactic to keep him there as long as possible and hopefully, you know, damages reputation or whatever. But again, like, the crazy moombats I call in is like, he's got 91 indictments against him. He's got this, yeah, but he's basically been indicted 91 times by an ex-girlfriend. Like indictments from this department of justice don't mean anything. - Yeah. - There's no respect for that. - Yeah, like as Alec Baldwin might say, consider the source. - Right. - And the source of all these is Joe Biden and his dilapidated campaign. You're right, Jared, and the other part of this too is that yesterday, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I think it was John Hinderocker who said, they want to be able to say he's a convicted felon so they can run with that. He's a convicted felon. He's a convicted felon. I mean, again, I go back to, people are desensitized. Like, what did you say yesterday? You said, the pearl clutching is over. You know, we're not this culture of- - We have no illusions about Donald Trump being a saint. - It takes a lot to shock people right now. People wake up and they read the Daily Mail and they read like 400 disgusting, salacious, shocking headlines before they have cereal in the morning. So it's gonna take a lot. And I don't know if when every single day a new war is breaking out and, you know, new tragedies are occurring and crime's running rampant, I just don't know if people are always a convicted felon. If that's really gonna change many minds, maybe I'm wrong. But here's the risk they run. One is they make him a convicted felon and they go, oh my God, now he can see this, why you can't vote for him. Maybe that works. But the other risk is he gets acquitted and then people, he gets even more of a boost. Right now his boost, if you're looking at the Rasmussen poll that came out, I think it came out on like May 5th, his boost right now is insane. He's up by like 10 points in some of these polls. If he gets acquitted and basically confirms what he's been saying about a witch hunt, like Jared said, about trying to keep him in a New York City courtroom, a cold New York City courtroom, where the thermostat's not being used properly, so that he can't campaign. So he can't campaign and run for president. He's gonna get juiced up even more. And that's something I don't think they factored in, which they never do. It's like death taxes and Democrats overplaying their hand. It's one of the only things you can count on in this life. Allergy season is here. Jared, you were talking about allergy season with the mailer manager today and-- - That's been brutal this year. - It's got you down bad. - Yeah, it definitely doesn't. My wife doesn't have allergies and even she was saying that her throat from the pollen just feels irritated and upset. - It's wheezing season. - Yeah, and I mean, this rain, all it's gonna do is it's gonna bring the pollen right to the ground and it's gonna make it worse. But you can alleviate those symptoms if you have an eaten pure thunderstorm because it's helped me with allergy headaches in the past and anybody who has allergy headaches. No, it's almost like a migraine. I mean, it's almost debilitating. But I go into the room, I turn on the thunderstorm, I get that ionized air and that super oxygen eliminates any allergens and pollutants that clears my head out, has me feeling great in just a few minutes. - Yeah, it's also great for pet kitchen, musty basements, tobacco, or any unwanted odors. So there's multiple uses for this product and with the BOGO offer, you're gonna buy one, get one free, the people who buy this love it, they're always sending us texts and telling us different ways they used it. Some people have dogs, some people, you know, their spouses might be smokers. It's a great way to get rid of any unwanted scents. And like Jared said, it also helps with allergies. So take advantage of the BOGO deal today, go to and use code GRACE BOGO. Hurry these BOGO deals don't last long, we'll do the poll question when we come back. - The Grace Curly Show will be right back. (dramatic music) This is the Grace Curly Show. (dramatic music) - Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by Viva Treteria. There's still time to reserve your table for their special Mother's Day brunch on Sunday. I was able to go last weekend for an early Mother's Day brunch and it is so great. I went to the Hanover location. I really suggest you guys check it out. And if you want to find a location near you and reserve your table, just visit Now, this is a very different poll question for us. Mailroom Manager inspired this because she was talking to me today, actually yesterday about the Bruins player Brandon Carlo who his wife went into Labor Sunday. He had, she had their baby on Sunday and then he made it to game one of the next round of the playoffs in Florida by Monday. So he was able to witness the birth of his son and then get there for the game on Monday. And I believe Jared, he scored a goal. - He did indeed. - What do you know? Grace Curly does sports. But also, there's another situation because the Minnesota Timberwolves center, Rudy Gobert. Damn, I got the pronunciation right on that one too. He left game two of the Western Conference because his fiance was giving birth to the couple's son early Monday. And recently, we talked about Scottie Scheffler saying that he would leave the Masters if his wife gave birth. She didn't know, she's still pregnant now. So I don't think it was really that risky that she was gonna give birth. But it's a conversation people are having on the internet and on talk shows like, should you skip a major sports moment to witness your wife give birth? To witness the labor. To see your first child being born or your child in general. So Jared, what's the poll question? Today's poll question which you can vote in at is if you were a professional athlete. Would you miss a major game for the birth of your child? - I hate to say depend what, I'm gonna say yes. - 79% of the audience says yes. - I'm gonna say yes. What do you say, Jared? - Eh, it depends on the round. - And it depends on what number is child. - And it depends on which child, yeah. - We're gonna get heat for that one. - Sorry, middle kid. Sorry number four. - Right back with the main wire, don't go anywhere.