Jesse Kelly Show

Story on the F.B.I....Hunter Biden's Laptop...Social Media Siding with the Democrats

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09 May 2024
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High five casino high five casino is a social casino with real prizes and big Vegas hits at high five casino calm the hottest games right from Vegas and all winnings go straight to your bank account hundreds of exclusive games free daily rewards and come back to get free coins every four hours only at high five casino calm high five casino is a social casino no purchase necessary board were prohibited play responsibly terms in addition supply see website for details at high the number five casino dot com high five casino this is a podcast from double U O R it is the Jesse Kelly show let's have some fun New York on a Wednesday you have made it it is up there here's what we have on tap for tonight I am about ninety nine percent sure I'm gonna make everybody mad here in the first hour so get ready for that we're gonna have a little discussion about something that's difficult difficult to hear but necessary to talk about we'll talk about immigrants do you want them from everywhere or some places just bad I am gonna go through a ton of emails we're gonna talk about the covid vaccine being pulled from the market tracking Biden spending and so many other things but first let's go ahead and get something out of the way right off the bat let's go ahead and make everyone mad right off the bat you ever heard of people seeing a mirage in the desert you ever heard of a mirage you've heard of that right you've heard the term you probably know what it means in case you don't it's not uncommon in fact it's very common if you're in the desert let's say you're lost God forbid in the desert it's really really hot out there that you will eventually see a gigantic beautiful oasis full of water blue wonderful water every time I've ever heard an honest account of someone who saw a mirage it wasn't just that they saw a puddle they saw heaven it was perfect like something you'd see out of a resort now why why why does the mind do that why because you're desperate you're desperate and you're so desperate and the mind is so powerful that the mind will create an illusion of something just because you need it and want it so badly your mind will play a trick on you that's really the story behind why you will see a mirage if things get bad enough in the desert and there is there are other look there's stories the other way in this I come from Montana you ever heard of somebody let's say getting stuck out in the frozen cold they'll see things like a fire or as they're freezing to death they'll feel warm all over you're desperate so you see what you want to see I'm gonna read something for you I'm gonna read it verbatim and then we're gonna go over many many many things and then I'll read it verbatim again but I will I'm gonna warn you right now I while I'm in a good mood I am frustrated exasperated angry and I'll be honest this just you and me talking a little desperate about my country I am sickened by what is happening to us and it's happening so quickly watching people be destroyed lives destroyed finances destroyed it's eating me up I can't stand it and so well here it is this is a quote from Donald Trump today he put it up on social media the new FBI building should be built in Washington DC not Maryland and be the centerpiece of my plan to totally renovate and rebuild our capital city into the most beautiful and safest anywhere in the world the FBI must be in walking distance to the DOJ in that the DOJ and FBI have to work closely together okay a two-minute walk to a meeting is far better than a traffic late in two-hour drive in Greenbelt Maryland likewise having the FBI in DC is important for ending violent crime which I will do quickly and quote Trump put that up I said this morning that was wrong you put it up last night 739 p.m. last night we'll set that aside for just just a little bit just stay with me so I thought it would be helpful maybe today to go over just a couple things because it's easy to forget right it's just a few just a few headlines just a couple things headline epic times January 6 arrests are running nearly double the rate of 2023 remember the January 6 the rest the rest of the January 6 people about 99% of those people being arrested were and are completely non-violent people that's one thing they all have in common another thing they all have in common is they are the most dedicated hardcore supporters of Donald Trump we have well north of a thousand of them nearly 1,425 people already have been apprehended and they're still tracking them down in fact FBI Director Ray was just on I think it was CBS maybe as NBC I don't know but pretty much bragging about their intention to keep going let me ask you about January 6 are you still pursuing January 6 cases we have for any number of January 6 cases underway former president Trump has referred to those who have been in prison or a facing trial as hostages do you see those individuals who took part in the January 6 riots as hostages I see the defendants in the January 6 cases as criminal defendants who are being charged with federal crimes and are in front of independent courts as part of our legal system that's the FBI already rounding up Trump's most loyal fans by the thousand for sauntering through the building do you remember look we're just walking through memory lane here just going over a couple things you remember Mark Halk remember that story it's fascinating story Mark Halk is by all counts I know people who know him I do not know him full disclosure but I know people who know him a wonderful man a pastor a pro-life activist and supposed to be just the most gentle wonderful soul of course GOP primary voters just rejected him for a complete rhino in Pennsylvania we won't go over that but Mark Halk before all that he would try to save lives at these abortion centers he would go preach read the Bible sing worship songs whether or not you agree with that you have to admit that's a pretty selfless cool thing to do right ends up getting in some nasty tuffle tussle was some guy not a nasty tussle actually it was just a brief thing but some guy was being really mean to his teenage son approaches teenage son how stepped in between them pushed the guy away local law enforcement looked into it right away and said well no no no charges here now this is ridiculous let this go then Roe versus way got overturned the evil communists who run the country decided to declare war on pro-lifers and they decided they were going to charge Mark Halk with felonies underneath the face act and Mark Halk had an attorney and as a gentle wonderful man like he is Mark Halk's attorney reached out to the FBI this is law enforcement stream by the way reached out to the FBI and said hey if he's gonna be charged if there's an arrest just let us know and he will come turn himself in this is not a violent man he's certainly not gonna run let him turn himself in and just so everyone knows it goes without saying but I just want to make sure I reinforced the point that for law enforcement for everyone involved turning yourself in is the best because it prevents any violence there's no chance of something going wrong violent confrontation god forbid a cop get killed or someone gets killed if you're in law enforcement and a good one you want someone to turn themselves in it's peaceful it's not violent let's go through the process the FBI told Mark Halk's attorney no no no no don't come turn yourself in no need they then sent a SWAT team to his home and stuck guns in the face of his wife and several children it's all in video you can go watch it if you like FBI did that oh look there's another headline X FBI lawyer Kevin Kleinsmith was his name admits to a false statement during the Russian probe and that is quite a way to put that that was headline was courtesy of the AP what is this fault false statement huh oh he just blatantly lied on a form he changed a yes to a no or a no to a yes I don't know it's been a while he changed it yes to a no or a no to a yes so he blatantly lied and he lied so the FISA court would continue to approve the spying the FBI was doing on Donald Trump himself and Donald Trump's campaign staffers you see the federal Bureau of Investigation leading up to the 2016 election where Trump was facing Hillary the FBI chose to become the weaponized arm of the Democrat Party and they violated the law and violated Trump's civil rights and violated the rights of the people around him to investigate him tear apart his life and do everything they could do to ensure that Donald Trump lost the election to Hillary Clinton okay that's just one headline you know what let's keep going let's keep walking down memory lane oh look at this one hey maybe that other stuff maybe you forgot about that maybe you forgot about that cuz it was a while ago I bet you remember this one though you know why I bet you remember this one because it happened hang on let me make sure my dates here oh wow this came out yesterday seems like a big deal you remember when the FBI raided Trump's home in Mar-a-Lago do you remember that they waited till Donald Trump left town and then if I remember right I think it was 30 federal agents kicked in his door and tore through his stuff they even took his medical records and do you remember we saw you probably have seen this you've seen the picture of the classified documents they put up online you've seen it right I know you've seen it almost everyone's seen it if you have it it's there and it's funny if you look at the picture I remember the first time I saw it there's all these documents laid out on the ground and there are some pages on there that are stamped classified I mean looks really official my gosh you just had these things laying around and we found out yesterday the FBI brought props and all that was a setup to make Trump look bad the FBI did that huh isn't this a in this a wild walk down memory lane oh we're not near done I just want once again hold on let me see if I have the quote right a new FBI building should be built in Washington DC even once it within walking distance of the DOJ so they can work together more I'm not near done and I'm getting upset hang on truth and it is the Jesse Kelly show with me high blood pressure Jesse today on a Wednesday memory you can email the show Jesse at Jesse Kelly show dot com in case you are just now joining us we are walking down memory lane memory lane we'll call it FBI memory lane I don't know we couldn't call it anything though assaulting your civil rights memory lane destroying the United States of America memory lane spying on all the wonderful people in this country while ignoring the dirt balls in this country memory lane pick your memory lane but I'm sorry I woke up this morning to the Republican nominee for president and hopefully the next president in the United States calling for a brand new building for them so we're going to walk down memory lane and you know why we're walking down memory lane because I don't want to see an oasis I don't want to see a Savior where there isn't one I was promised swamp drainage I was promised swamp drainage last time and nothing got drained and I've been promised and what was it vengeance orvenge a venture vengeance I was promised something along those lines this time will be your vengeance I believe it was and yet I'm seeing a new FBI in fact calling out for them to be working hand in hand with the DOJ so we're gonna keep walking down memory lane because I demand something better declassified records this is a headline shed light on FBI efforts to co-opt intel briefings to spy on the 2016 Trump campaign that was fun FBI agent who helped launch Russia probe says Trump was compromised oh look it's Peter what was his name Peter struck I had almost forgotten about Peter struck yeah that's right here he was man this guy needs a brand new building I think it is clear I believed at the time in 2016 and I continue to believe that Donald Trump is compromised by the Russians and when I say that I mean that they hold leverage over him that makes him incapable of placing the national interests the national security ahead of his own you know what he needs to push lies like that better building he needs a brand new desk a brand new phone to in fact if he wants to coordinate the Russian collusion lies he should be right next to the DOJ so they can just meet over lunch and talk about how they'll destroy the next Republican after they're done destroying Trump that'll be fun right headline FBI apologizes oh I love this one this is maybe my favorite one FBI apologizes to the court for mishandling the surveillance of Trump campaign advisor mishandling and is on a way to put that that is such a fascinating way to put the fact that they hooffered up all this information they should never have had about Trump's campaign and Trump staffers and then whoopsie did I trip and fall and release all this information to the media oh I'm sorry that's what your evil secret state police agency did we're not done walking down memory lane headline top FBI official urges agents to use warrantless wiretaps on you as soil you know what speaking of the FBI actually want to bring up something totally different you remember Facebook actually you remember the 2020 election the one Biden one well we love to talk about that election being stolen and rigged and things like that and we can argue about what ways that was done but there's one way that's not arguable at all you see Hunter Biden is a felon he commits a lot of felonies he does a lot of drugs spends a lot of time with hookers he is a well a criminal when it comes to how he purchased firearms he's very likely a criminal when it comes to his criminal organization a complete grease fire and Hunter Biden has this thing about him he has this thing where he has to record on video and picture all of his crimes if he's doing drugs he has to record it if he's with a lady of the night he must record it if he's swapping dirty emails with a Chinese businessman he has to record that all of it he records it all and he saves it all on his laptop but wait there's more on top of saving it all onto his laptop he then takes the laptop where the crimes are that he's committed the crimes and he recorded them on the laptop he takes the laptop into a computer repair shop that alone may seem like whoa some pretty bad judgment but wait the story gets even worse he then never goes back to the computer repair shop to pick up the evidence of multiple felonies that he left at the computer repair shop and did you know those repair shops after a time it's in all their agreements you'll sign when if you drop one off if you drop something off there and you don't go get it after a certain amount of time they actually get possession of it it becomes their lawful possession and of course Hunter forgets about his laptop it becomes the owner or the computer repair man becomes the owner of it and he's looking at all these crimes and he thinks this is really bad I'm a good American I think I'll take these down to the FBI and he did and would you like to remember you want to walk down memory lane with me about what those guys who need a brand new building what they did with that information we will do that in just a moment before we do that you're welcome to call friends and text them about this whole thing I'm upset as you can tell calm them down though have it yelled at all have not yelled once maybe maybe I'll call my friend after this is over my political buddy and I'll just yell and I don't have to worry about the call dropping so he'll just sit there and listen to me yell the entire time and I don't have to worry about that call dropping because I'm on a pure talk phone pure talk is on this incredible 5g network it's not some fly-by-night cell phone company when you switch to pure talk you have the same 5g network without funding all the commie dirtball stuff speaking of FBI do you think your cell phone company will hand over your information all of it willingly to the FBI can't hint they will switch to pure talk CEOs a veteran run by Patriots pure talk actually loves your values instead of shying away from them dial pound two five zero and say Jesse Kelly and switch to pure talk pound two five zero say Jesse Kelly we'll be Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday maybe a good day to change the channel because I am obviously upset I am perturbed I am desperate to save my country I cannot stand watching it be ripped to shreds and I hate what the FBI has turned into this deeply evil communist organization attacking the right at every single turn while covering for the left at every single turn nations do not survive secret state police agencies who only work for one of the two political parties no nation has ever survived that and no nation ever will the FBI will cause a civil war in this country they really genuinely will it will progress to the point where red states will stand up against them the federal government will have to back them and it will turn into a disaster for this country and we cannot have the Republican position to be build them a new building gosh did you know what let's keep going back remember our friend Steve friend I'm sorry but didn't mean to do that on purpose former FBI special agent Steve friend he's the one who's been on this show several times he's probably listening right now you remember the guy who was pulled off of child pornography cases by the FBI to go after January sixers and that was just too much he had to resign remember this little remember this little testimony your friend you ever been to a school board meeting yes I have FBI ever sent you to the parking lot of school board meeting yes they have and in the parking lot of a school board meeting for the FBI sent you you were taken down information regarding people's license plates that's correct now one the first time you've been to a school board meeting was it no I went on my own as a private citizen as a parent yes and so there you are it must have been quite an interesting perspective there you were taken down the information of people parents attending school board meetings on behest of the FBI and you had been one of those parents at a school board meeting how did that feel well after I attended privately my colleagues teased me that they were probably gonna start investigating me haha we'll start a file on you you went to a school board meeting remember how that shook out I just want to again we're walking down memory lane because I I want to know who's getting a new building that's what I want to know with the approval of the GOP nominee I want to know who's getting a new building so let's walk through this again you see the whole covid lockdown thing really really drove parents insane it drove parents insane their kids couldn't go back to school but there was a benefit from it parents started finding out that America's public schools many of them the majority of them are despicable commie training camps and as they were sitting at home listening to aid and Jaden and Braden do math they found out that the math teachers teaching aid and Jaden and Braden that white people are evil and they're gay and American citizens American parents got upset and they got so upset that it became a trend across the country in fact it's a wonderful trend in a trend that's still going on where parents began to engage instead of backing away parents are starting to show up at these school board meetings school board meetings used to go off unattended no one even showed up but soon but parents found out what was happening and they got mad and they started showing up and they started showing up and voicing their displeasure as is their right as American citizens shouting yelling telling people they need to stop with these things totally within their rights and do you remember what happened next what happened next was the National Teachers Union coordinated with the White House remember they sent a letter to the attorney general after they coordinated with the White House complaining they complained to Merrick Garland about parents being upset at school board meetings they made them uncomfortable they thought it made them look bad and Merrick Garland like the evil hatchet man love renty baria piece of crap that he is chose to turn to the FBI and said hey FBI go get them in the Federal Bureau of Investigation then began meeting to discuss which counter terrorism label they should put on angry school board parents I wonder what that meeting was like though I just just picturing it in my head I wonder if it was in an old room I bet it was old and musty in there probably that Hoover building is so old what they needed was a brand new room with a fresh coat of paint that way they can attack school board parents more freely don't you agree I wish I wish they had a better building in which to attack American citizens we're not done yet we'll keep going here this was courtesy a project this document dated August 12th refers to a heightened threat from what the Department of Homeland Security calls dve's or domestic violent extremists quote motivated by a range of ideologies who have grievances against a variety of targets including law enforcement domestic violent extremists are referred to in one of these paragraphs as quote many of these threats include references to the perception that the 2020 presidential election was fraudulent and other claims of government overreach the 2022 midterms in this document are also highlighted as a potential quote flashpoint for this violent extremism do you have questions about the 2020 election the ballots in the middle of the night the FBI coordinating with Facebook oh yeah I forgot I have to get back to that story the FBI coordinating with Facebook well they decided you're domestic violent extremists anyway back to my mark how or no not my mark how sorry I'm so upset I'm losing my train of thought my laptop story so after the laptop repairman turns Hunter Biden's laptop into the federal bureau of investigation the federal bureau of investigation upon receiving the information that the son of a vice president is a felon well they buried it they chose to hide that information to protect Joe Biden because he's a Democrat and they were going to keep it hidden and then they got word because of spying they got word that the New York Post they were going to run a story exposing what was on the laptop and the federal bureau of investigation preemptively went to social media companies in this country like Facebook and Twitter and told them to censor the laptop story because it was Russian disinformation they went to private companies and told them to hide a story because it was gonna hurt Joe Biden's chances to defeat Donald Trump in the election here's special agent Elvis Chan bragging about it I was very involved our field office FBI San Francisco was very involved in helping to protect the US elections in 2020 and I think we can all agree or I think many of us can agree that it was a very safe election that there was no maligned foreign influence there was mostly not voter fraud despite what you hear on different outlets even though foreign actors were trying to interfere in our elections the FBI the US government worked yeah Elvis Chan needs a new office right hey maybe a corner office maybe maybe something that overlooks the DOJ maybe even maybe even with a window that looks directly at the DOJ so the next time they want to coordinate assaulting you and your liberties maybe they can just do you know paper signals through the window they don't even have to call or text let us do paper signals hey hey we have another story that needs censored Elvis can you get on that for us and Elvis will get right on that that's what he needs he's a brand new building remember this so I had a regular door about camera and you can see in the sequence and an FBI agent comes up so he put a sticker over the lens of the ring camera what he didn't know is that the people on the door was also a camera if you have a legal search warrant and you're working into a property why are they neutralizing the cameras that was from the movie police state were a nonviolent gentleman with a cane had his door kicked in and the FBI tried to keep it quiet we're almost done I'll wrap this up in just a moment before I do that let's do something good as long as I'm upset let's talk about tunnel to towers let's talk about doing right by widows and orphans gold star families falling first responder families they're building smart homes for catastrophically injured veterans and probably most importantly the nonprofit world is a really really ugly world full of all kinds of shady people scams they lie to people about where the money goes you donate all this money to a nonprofit and you find out the CEOs in Barbados at his third mansion it tunnel to towers I want you to go look them up yourself when you give the tunnel to towers the money goes exactly where you want it to go all they ask is for eleven dollars a month t the number two t dot org sign up to give eleven bucks a month t to t dot org we'll be back it is the Jesse Kelly show I'm gonna move off this thing here and just admit it I just I cannot stand with what I see happening to my country and I want to save it and I want a fighter I want someone who's gonna fight for us in DC and I'll be honest with you just you and me talking I can't find them there's a few and there's a few in the house freedom caucus I'm not gonna act like there aren't any good people in DC there's a few good senators there's a few in the freedom caucus I just don't see any kind of a GOP movement at all that's actually going to attack the communist menace that's savaging this country and what drives me so crazy about about Trump talking about building the FBI a new building is is there a person in this country besides the January six people is there a person in this country who's been more assaulted by the FBI than Trump himself but by the deep state you know what forget about the FBI all of them FBI CIA NSA DOJ they have made Trump's life a living hell indictment after indictment raid after raid a spying on his campaign they're arresting his most faithful supporters abuse after abuse after abuse after abuse after abuse after abuse this should be the most anti-deep state person in the history of anti-deep state people because of what that poor man has gone through and instead it's we need the FBI to have a new building and close to the DOJ so they can work together what what even is that what is that someone explain it to me and you know what I don't need to explain it to me because I already know what it is and you're welcome by the way to email me I'm sure I've made so many people mad and I don't give a crap you're welcome to email me Jesse at Jesse Kelly show calm but I know what it is I've seen it over and over again you ever heard of Maggie Haberman you probably heard of her Maggie Haberman is one of these really gross communist writers at the New York Times and she's always publishing these Trump pieces the anti-Trump pieces that are the most vicious things in the world calling him a Nazi that's just over and over and over again you know her and Trump talk all the time behind the scenes do you know that John Carl for ABC during Trump's presidency there was I don't know if there was a more despicable person in the national media than John Carl he lied about Trump and his supporters and his agenda he lied every single chance he got he was just the most horrid person in the world and he decided he was gonna write a book about how evil Trump's presidency was and Trump sat down with him for 48 hours down in Mar-a-Lago to help him write the anti-Trump book today we get a new FBI building the truth is this Donald Trump wants to be liked he wants to be liked by the people who are destroying this country and I don't know how we fix that because there's no possible way you can save this country while being liked by the FBI by the New York Times by ABC but you can't you can't do both you cannot save America and also be thought well of inside the Hoover building it doesn't work that way either you can save America and be hated by the people who are ruining America or you can't save America you can't and I'm very frustrated because I hope Donald Trump's gonna be the next president it's not gonna be Joe Biden I hope it's gonna be Donald Trump and I'm doing the best I can not to cynically prepare myself and you for endless disappointment if he gets there I'm doing the best I can but every day there's a new statement out there that makes me believe somehow some way this man who's been president and billionaire and it's been all these accomplishments and this incredible life there's there's a really good chance he still doesn't get it and I don't know how that could be possible how how could you walk out of your trial in New York City where you're being brutally persecuted by the justice system he was remember he was at trial yesterday he walked out of that trial and went to social media that night and talked about building the FBI a new building and let me let me just go ahead and get it out in front of this right now don't you dare email me and tell me what's already in the budget that don't do that don't do that there are all kinds of things in the budget that the president puts a stop to or speaks out against don't don't make excuses don't don't see the mirage in the desert don't do that I'm gonna you're gonna upset me don't do it and and don't don't do this thing where it's you know he's playing 3d chess and don't don't do that this is a blind spot for him and I'm not even gonna say the people around him Trump himself had better get his mind right because if he wins the White House and he might he is he's gonna walk in he thought it was hostile before my goodness it was kid games last time compared to how they're going to treat president Donald Trump if he wins election next time he's gonna think last time was a daycare center compared to how awful these people are gonna be to him the next time and if he's going to walk in with the mind site mindset of be liked by these people preserve my reputation be kind of a normal guy not gonna work he's gonna get chewed up and spit out this kind of crap is exactly how we ended up with people like Christopher Ray that's exactly how this stuff happened time and time again and it's got to stop man and it and look being totally honest with you it's not about him I don't care about him at all means nothing to me you do America does the American people do we are being savaged right now by these evil people who run the country and I need a savage who's going to go fight them for me I don't need a savage who's gonna build a new building but put something mean about him on social media that doesn't work it doesn't work the federal Bureau of Investigation will end the United States of America if they are not brought to heel in fact they need to be disbanded completely every employee fired many of them are rested and sent to prison the Hoover building needs to be demoed and the earth salted behind it that's what can save the country and that kind of mentality is what we need right now and we clearly trumped us not have it and we need him to get it and we needed to get it really really quickly because we're in trouble this is been a podcast from WOR the following is a high five woman from high five casino dot com welcome to Burger you would you like a high apple pie today yes yes yeah I won so that's a yes on the apple pie I just went big time playing high-five casino on my phone real cash prizes free daily reward over 1200 games so yes or no on the apple pie I won again I'll take that as a yes drive around have you had 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