Jesse Kelly Show

Jesse explains the difference between left wing rich guys and right wing rich guys

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09 May 2024
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Step into the world of power, loyalty, and luck. I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse. With family, canolis, and spins mean everything. Now, you wanna get mixed up in the family business. Introducing, The Godfather. At, test your luck in the shadowy world of The Godfather slots. Someday, I will call upon you to do a service for me. Play The Godfather. Now at Welcome to the family. No purchase necessary, VDW Group. We were prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. This is a podcast from WOR. It is the Jesse Kelly Show, final hour of the Jesse Kelly Show. We're gonna discuss GOP donors. I never did address that speaker failing, failing to oust the speaker. We'll talk about that in a minute. Young people turning into renters. I'm gonna do all kinds of emails. And what did you just say, Chris? We need to do siesta's here. Why would we have a party? I don't understand why we, it doesn't make any sense. Either way, let's dig into the do. The, the thing. What thing? Well, remember, we've been skimming the, not you, not you. The GOP, I should say, has been skimming the surface of all the issues forever. They never get to the root of it. That's why they never win. That's why they never actually solve problems. And you're looking at all the protests on these college campuses. And of course, the GOP has to go out and all, I'm trying to sabotage them and all this other stuff. I'm, we have to pass a law. Harvard can't say that instead of actually trying to solve the problem. If you want to stop what's happening in this country, the Antifa's, the BLM's, the, the big, big, big, big, big, huge stuff, the Hamas, but if you want to stop the Kami street activism in this country, well, you don't lecture Columbia about being more tolerant. You attack the organizations that fund these things. They fund them. They organize them that provide the materials. They pay them as if they're salaried employees. These are organized and funded things. And not only that, it's not as if I'm Nancy Drew over here. This all, all this stuff is well known. Several investigative journalists have dug into this. We know the names. We know the names of the companies. We know the, we know all the information. It's not like I'm asking anybody to be Dick Tracy. The information is out there. Attack the root of the problem. But you know, when we talk about that, the root of the problem, you know, I get a little jealous, to be honest with you. And here's why I get jealous. It's not that I want handouts for me or handouts for you because handouts are bad. It's not what I want. But think about this. Think about how intricate and impressive the left wing ecosystem is in this country. In fact, Chris. Text Dave Roboy. If you don't mind, we shouldn't be doing this live on the air. But text Dave Roboy and see if he'll come on the air tomorrow. I always call him Reboy Bailey calls himself Roboy. I guess I just screwed up his last name forever. Anyway, I love Dave. Text him and see if he'll come on the mocks. He's been talking about this. How impressive the left wing organization, the ecosystem is behind these things and how impressive. Honestly, it's impressive. Remember, there are enemies. We can be impressed by our enemies. How impressive the commie donor class is. It really is. Look, George Soros is the antichrist. I hate him. You hate him. But isn't it kind of impressive, amazing that a billionaire would unload so much of his money in a cause that doesn't provide monetary returns on said money? He sees something America. He wants it destroyed. He's going to take the money he earned doing other things. And he's just going to give it to people who promise to destroy the country he wants to destroy. And he's not alone. The commie billionaire infrastructure is so rock solid and the organizational structure they create off of that infrastructure. Remember, this all begins with money as so many things do without the money to organize these things without money to organize. You realize that you have huge bail funds for all these people. You understand that? Why? Oh, man. Get on the right a lot. Maybe you've said it. Oh, that kid, that kid now he has to try to get out of jail. You notice they never stay in jail more than about 24 hours. They have bail funds funded by the billionaire organizations to bail them out of jail. They have an entire ecosystem designed to destroy Western civilization to destroy the United States of America. What do we have? Ken Griffin. That's what we have. And I'm just, honestly, with all due respect to Ken Griffin, he's just one of a million of the right wing billionaires I can call out. This one is he's highlighted in this article on zero hedge billionaire, Harvard donor Ken Griffin says protesters are a byproduct of a failed education system. Would you like to know how much money Ken Griffin has given to Harvard just recently? This is not lifetime recently. Harvard, the communist institution, probably as responsible as any university for the destruction of the United States of America just recently received a $300 million gift from Ken Griffin. Are billionaires? They won't fund right wing music, right wing movies. No, I'm not asking for any, I don't need any of this stuff, but we have people who do these great things on our side. They won't fund organizations. They won't fund the music. They won't fund the movies. They won't fund the organizations, the grassroots organizations that get out the vote stuff. They won't throw much huge amounts of money behind most of these super packs. They'll donate $300 million to our mortal enemies and then give press interviews saying, gosh, this education system, man, it's really messed up. Come on guys, I wonder who did this? We have, we have a rich guy problem on the right and I don't mean we have too many rich guys. I mean the rich guys, we have suck. We, we have got some work to do and I understand the reasons behind this right wing rich guys in general are simply business guys who understand how economics work. If you understand how economics work, you're a right winger. You are. You're definitely Republican. There's no question about it. Basically you are and left wing billionaires while they may understand how business works. They're more religious, meaning communist. They have a religious devotion that trumps their bank account and that's where so much of the benefit they get comes from it. But man, it is wild how consistent it is right wing billionaires sit on their hands or even worse fully fund the organizations who hate them left wing billionaires. They'll fund an army of commie street protesters and organizations and bail funds and politicians. I'm honestly speaking of George Soros. We complain about him all the time and and this is an issue that we've talked about on the show. It's nothing new. But when it comes to respect for your enemy and what he's accomplished, how impressive is it that George Soros in his son, it's really his son running a lot of it now. It's not grandpa. I bags. It's his son. They noticed that the soft underbelly in American society was DAs was district attorneys and you could read articles about this. They've written about it and the sort the soils people talk about it pretty openly. They were looking at the American landscape wondering how they of course they never say destroy it. They're always, how can we change it? How can we restructure it? But you know, they're looking at the American landscape and they're figuring out how do I destroy this? How do I burn all this down? And they figured out, wait a minute. I'm worried about Congress and the Senate and the presidency and they're still worried about that. That stuff matters, but it wouldn't take that much money to just simply take over the district attorney seats in all these major cities with people who won't prosecute crime anymore. And then everything we've wanted will come to fruition and just a few years later here we are. LA anarchy, New York City, anarchy, Chicago. My goodness. It's worse than Afghanistan city up their city up their city across the country. They looked at where we were soft. They followed that old son Zulign do not attack what is strong attack what is weak. And they saw man, these DA races can be bought and bought for a little. Let's go there. Now maybe you're asking, where's our soft underbelly? Well, I just ate a cheesesteak. So it's actually it's right here, but no, we're not talking about me. Where's our soft underbelly to attack? Schoolboards, man. I know I lecture about it a lot. Try not to roll your eyes. I'm actually getting involved. I was organizing this this morning in another school board race in a blood red area. This area is 92% Republican. And I'm working with a city councilman in the area in this 1776 project pack because they do school board stuff anyway. I'm working with these guys on it. This school board completely run by communists completely. And how much effort would it take? It's going to take some. It's going to take some money. Don't I'm not asking you for money, whatever, I'm organizing all this stuff. But we're going to take these seats. It's a blood red area. The soft underbelly of American communism is the school boards. The soft underbelly of America itself was the DAs credit to George Soros. Much as I hate him, he recognized it. He pounced on it and he was very, very successful now and enjoy stepping in poop and heroin needles in New York City. But for us, those of us who want to save this country take the country back. The school boards, especially in red areas, they're just begging for us to get involved and take them. And I'll tell you, the communists are scared to death. We're going to do it. They're scared to death. They're starting to write about it. We got to fortify. They're using that word fortify these things. That's where we can win. So let's go win there. Maybe you're too tired though, in which case, maybe a little Chad mode from Chuck. You've heard about Chad mode. I've told you about that. The pre-workout from Chuck, it's all natural caffeine that you know, all that pre-workout stuff is full of all kinds of garbage you don't want to put it in your body. So of course, Chuck's going to figure out, hey, there's got to be a natural, healthier way to do this. So they spent two years developing this all natural caffeine's man alive. You're lacking energy right now, little Chad mode, you'll be taking off like a rocket. Get some chalk in your body, natural herbal supplements. I personally take a male vitality stack. I drink chalked lit powder every morning. And before workout, well, Chad mode, yeah, I know I'm a little peped up and it feels freaking awesome. I do have enough energy to get involved in a school board race after work though. Let's go dig in C-H-O-Q dot com promo code Jesse get you a special discount on subscriptions. So get that promo code Jesse will be back feeling a little it is the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday. Remember, you can email the show Jesse at Jesse Kelly Yeah, the school boards are the soft underbelly of American communism. We can attack it the way they attack the DA races. We can attack these school boards, but you know, we have to put in the effort. And if we don't, the costs are high, I'm going to play something for you. This is a mother from quarterly in Idaho. You ever been to quarterly Chris, I know you've never left the state. I was talking to them, but quarterly in Idaho is so freaking beautiful. Uh, it's just, it's one of those dream places, sure costs of fortune to go there, but it's only visited once or twice when I was a kid, we were passing through, but even as a child, I mean, a young boys don't care about that stuff as a boy. I still remember, gosh, this place is beautiful. It's amazing. In quarterly in Idaho, blood red Idaho, listen to this, this was this reporting's courtesy of Libs of TikTok. Listen to this, not too long after she started attending school there, she's talking about her teenage daughter. I noticed a behavior change. First thing she did was come home and want to cut her hair and not too long after that. I was called into the school to attend a meeting with the assistant principal, teachers, and her counselor. And I was asked to sign a paper to allow my child to change her name and be using different pronouns. I'm going to pause this just for a moment. I'm going to let her keep going. She goes on for a little bit, but if you're struggling with the motivation to run for school board, or get involved in a school board race, I'm not sure maybe it's not worth it. Maybe I don't have time. Listen to how evil many of these schools are in red areas. And not only are they evil, you can take them back. This is not Congress where you and I can't do much about it. You can take it back. You're mad. You can do something about this. And I said absolutely not, I stood up, absolutely not. And my child became very angry at me in the room. But she had all the support of her teachers and the staff there, volunteers, everybody in the school district there in that school. I became her enemy at that point. And you said she wanted to be referred to as a boy named Felix? Yes. Felix the cat. I forgot to mention that she not only wanted to be referred to as a boy, Felix, she wanted to be referred to as Felix the cat. She went from being a normal little girl to being a girl who thought she was a male cat. Courtesy of a public school in a red, red state. He identified with Felix and being a furry in the beginning and I thought it was just a comical thing. I also thought it's not serious. It's just a child's fantasy at a play game, but it escalated quickly. Then she started changing her clothes, dressing like a boy. And she asked me to call her Felix and I said absolutely not. And that was the beginning of the road of horror. Well, I became the enemy and they became her world. I'm just going to pause for a moment and mention that these communists who do this to children across the country, there are teachers, administrators, principals who are doing this as we speak to children across the country and public schools. This is happening. In fact, this school board race that I told you, I'm getting involved in, hold on, let me pull up my phone here real quick so I can make sure I'm reading this to you verbatim. They were learning in class in this 92% Republican area about the gay straight alliance and many, many other things. There were discussions in this 92% Republican area of putting out dog bowls in the classroom. So the furries can eat and drink from them during class. This is not in San Francisco. This is not in New York City. This is a blood red area. Our school boards must be taken back. The counselor would help her. I've been in her office many times concerned about what's going on with my child. And she was always on my child's side on every issue. It was like my child had a new best friend and what I said didn't matter anymore. And everything that she was believing, they affirmed it by letting her be called, whatever she wanted to be called. Cults always, always, always will turn their members against the people who genuinely love them. So if you've ever learned anything about cults, I've, for some reason got really fascinated by them about five, 10 years ago, not joining one, which is kind of fascinated with the mentality of joining one. Shut up, Chris. Chris, we should start our own. Anyway, you can be the accountant or something anyway, but I get really fascinated by it. So I started digging in. It's wild. How consistent that was people who join cults don't all come from bad families. Some of them come from solid backgrounds, you know, parents or husband or wife. And it's every single time the cult leaders will try to drive a wedge in between them and the people who really care about them. And that's how they suck them in. Sound familiar. I did not sign the form for them to do that. And the first thing I noticed when I walked in there, all the gay lesbian flags hanging up everywhere, you know, so the influence was there. I just wasn't paying attention to it then. And I trusted the, the facility to help her. Nightmarish, right? I'll stop. But she ended up, for your information, this had a happy ending daughter ended up waking up. Everything's fine now, but that's the kind of thing happening in red areas. All right. It's kind of thing makes you lose sleep at night, unless you've got your brand new premium my pillow, which you can purchase for $25 during my pillows, $25 extravaganza sale. Chris, what? Sometimes people have trouble sleeping during all this stuff, Chris, and people need high quality products at a low price, which, of course, everyone knows Chris would appreciate the most of anybody here. Two packs of multi use my pillows, $25, my pillows, sandals, $25, six pack, towel sets, $25. My pillows been out there making these awesome products forever. And every now and then they churn out these sales that make it affordable for everyone. $25 extravaganza sale, $75 orders and more get free shipping. Go to, click on the radio list or special square and use the promo code Jesse, pick yourself out three things so you don't pay for shipping. promo code Jesse or call 800-845-0544. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday. Somebody dug this up. I got to find out who dug this up. Chris, find out. Michael, someone find out who dug this up because it wasn't me who dug it up. Eric Holder. Remember, Barack Obama's A.G. Eric Holder. He was really the first one I can remember in a really, really long time to take the office of attorney general and turn it into a political office. Eric Holder just simply attacked Republicans the whole time and protected Democrats. Anyway, this is from a while ago. What he ends up describing here, he's describing how an attorney general can politically target somebody and this is long before, you know, the Trump stuff. Listen to these people, listen to him describe in pretty much perfect detail. What's happened to Trump? In attorney general, we're not looking at things purely from the facts, purely from the evidentiary burden and how to meet it, but instead taking directors on who to prosecute from the president of the United States. Sure. If the president told a compliant attorney general, I don't like what this congressman said about me or did about me, did to me over the course of the last two, three years, whatever, open an investigation on that person. That attorney general could tell a compliant United States attorney to do just that. Talk to a compliant FBI director who could be placed by the president to open an investigation and then to just look through that person's life and look for anything that you possibly can find. And who's to say what you find in any person's life that might run afoul of the law and even beyond that, the fact, the mere fact of an investigation of a person who is a public figure can be reputation ruining, can be politically damaging, not even if you find anything, just the fact that the investigation itself exists. And if you've got the full weight of the justice department, the full weight of the presidency, the full weight of the FBI, focusing on somebody like that, that can be extremely damaging to not only that person individually, but to our democracy writ large man. Talk about a man who inadvertently nailed exactly what's happening now, right? Oh, by the way, that was May's more who dug that up. May's more. I want to make sure I give him credit. Also there's this little tidbit. It brings back a conversation I had with a friend in Sunland Park, New Mexico, just a few hours ago, our cameras caught this group walking into the country led by cartel guides. One border patrol agent there told our own Matt Finn that mountain, which is in the United States, isn't ours anymore. It belongs to the cartels. That stretch of the border has been one of the busiest sectors over this past week with more than a thousand people a day coming across. You know, we think about the United States of America as this juggernaut, right? And we have all the stuff we could ever need. And we think about it militarily, don't we? We think about how we have endless bombs and bullets and planes and ships and everything else. And it's a very American way to look at things. And I say that as an American who looks at things this way. I've lived 42 years as an American. I'm used to living in a country where force when it comes to force, no, but no one can do more than us. It's not even that's just built into my mind. Well, America can. Yeah, we're the strongest. We've always been. We've the only country I've ever known. So we lose sight of how things are in certain places now at a conversation a long time ago with the buddy who was in border patrol. He's out now. He couldn't take it anymore, but they used to have to buy their own batteries. They used to have to buy their own batteries for their radios. The border patrol did not provide them with enough stuff. And that it's not the border patrols fault. The government didn't provide border patrol with enough stuff. And so I was digging into him about more stuff that's going on down on the border. And he told me, he said, Jesse, we are the United States border patrol and our comms are radio communications, things like that. Our comms are not as advanced as the cartel comms. Cartels are out there using encrypted technology. The cartels have so much money and they've invested that money. So many of them have invested that money in training, in equipment. You think it's very tempting. It's just like a member when BK come on came on the show. This is a couple of months ago and he was talking about terrorism. We were talking about Hezbollah and ISIS and these things. And he said, most Americans understandably having an antiquated view of terrorism. Meaning you picture when you picture a terrorist, let's say in the Middle East, you picture some guy with it, you know, it is mud hut and he could barely shoot an AK-47. It's spraying all over the place and he has no idea about weapons and tactics and that's kind of how you picture it. Just some moron. Someone gave him a bomb and now he's going to blow himself up. And remember I'll be K told us, no, no, no, these guys have now had 20 years of funding of combat. They have training camps, organizations. These guys are fighters. These guys are shooters now and he was kind of elaborating on that. When it comes to the cartels, we tend to try to think about them like, ah, it's just some, you know, some poor Mexican gang banger with a couple tattoos and a machine gun. You know, we know they're violent, but they're not capable of more than that. No, they have funding. They have training. That's a very good point. Chris. Chris said a lot of them are like ex military. Remember the Zaitas, they've changed their name now. They're always changing names and breaking off, but the Zaitas, they were for the longest, the most violent of the cartels. They were all ex Mexican special forces. Now it's Mexican special forces. You don't need to think about that. Well, what Chris, what do you want me to say? Look, the second you say special forces, people automatically think green berets, you know, you think in Clay Martin, ah, not so much, that's so much. And I look, I used to think the same way until I was in the Marines and you start running into troops. You run into soldiers from other countries and some you're so impressed with. And some you're like, Oh my gosh, how have you guys not been conquered yet? Like like the Brits studs, total studs. I worked with some British world Marines and the Brits switched on studs, toughest nails. Believe it or not, you're going to laugh French. French are pretty daggone tough switched on. They know what's going on, Spain, not the Spanish. I remember the Spanish came to relieve us. We were in the Joff and they sent some unit of Spaniards to come over there and relieve us. So I ran out there. And then we found out that they were pretty much freaking useless. I remember when we went to Thailand, we were training with the Thai Marines and they tried to build all these guys up for being over there. Yeah, these are jungle fighters. Yeah, you got to, you got to eat a tiger or something like that when we were, they were the biggest bunch of hundred pound girls I've ever worked with in my life. They couldn't hump their own gear. They didn't care about up in their own get useless, completely useless. So they're not all equal. Look, I'm not saying Mexican special forces are useless. I never worked with Mexico, Mexican troops, Mexico's special forces, but I do know probably need to lower your expectations a touch. We're not talking about Clay Martin here. Okay. We're lower, but still Mexican special forces. They were ex Mexican special forces guys who created the Zatas and I don't, I don't necessarily have somewhere I want to go with this other than there is a very well funded private army operating on our southern border. And we are in such bad straits now as a country that we don't really talk about that and what that means. If you dig into cartel stuff, dig into things like banks, how many banks there are and all these southern border towns, they know, you know, there's a, there's a metric for everything. They know how many banks are supposed to be in a town per, you know, 10,000 people or per 50,000 people. And I'm making up these numbers, do not quote me on these numbers. So they automatically know, okay, in a town of 20,000 people, they'll be two banks. If it's 40,000, they'll be four banks. You understand? So you go down to a border town and there's a town of 40,000 people with 25 banks wonder, wonder what's going on in there. See all these little banks pop up out of nowhere. Wonder what the doing in there wouldn't be washing any money, right? They should do it the American way and wash it in Ukraine, by the way. Have you taken care of your dog today? I know you fed him and watered him, probably took him for a walk, probably loved on him. Lord knows Fred gets enough love around the house, but have you given him real nutrition or did you give him dog food? His dog food is dead. There's no nutrition in it. There's no nutrition in dog food. It's all brown because they kill everything in dog food at the factory. We think we're giving our dogs nutrition and then we wonder, why does Muffy die at 10? Our dogs die too early. They have way too many health problems. We go to the vet way too often. The vet is expensive. When's the last time you went to the vet? You want to start avoiding that? Get more rough greens on your dog's food, all natural nutritional supplement, go to They give out free jumpstart trial bags or call them 83333mydog, start your dog on some rough greens. All right. All right. Now, it's time to do one more segment here, couple of emails, some headlines I didn't get to, and then we're out until tomorrow. Hang on, fighting for your freedom every day. It is the Jesse Kelly show final segment of the Jesse Kelly show before I get to emails. We probably should play this little back and forth. This is some Democrat Diana DeGette on NPR funding has station member stations all across the country. You heard the ranking members say in Florida, some of these stations in rural areas are the only ones who are giving weather reports about impending hurricanes and other extreme weather events. These people are amazing, but I don't know why she's trying to hold up funding for NPR. I thought, I thought the GOP defunded it. They promised us that over and over and over. For years and years and years, they promised. Don't you remember defund NPR defund NPR defund NPR. Defund NPR. You want to know how old this line from the GOP has been? That's what they were telling us when I was running for Congress in 2008. 2008, you could find defund NPR signs at the Tea Party rallies, and these Republican wannabe congressmen and senators would all get up and say, we're going to defund NPR. Now, man, I feel like that was a long time ago, but guess NPR is still holding on strong. Let's get to some emails. Jesse, why are we sending 8.1 billion to Taiwan? Is it just to make China mad? Not necessarily to make China mad. We have a security agreement with Taiwan that we will protect them. Look, the Taiwan, China thing is so complicated because our foreign policy talks out of both sides of our mouths all the time. We've told China we will protect them. At the same time, we kind of support China's idea that Taiwan is part of China, so Taiwan doesn't exist. But anyway, the 8.1 billion, it's for defense items for Taiwan. We send them things like missile technology and whatnot, not so they can defeat the Chinese military. Taiwan could never defeat the Chinese military. However, Taiwan is not some tiny little spit of land. They have some real modern stuff. They don't have to defeat the Chinese military. You just have to make it hurt bad enough that the Chinese military doesn't want to go through that. What China, remember, when it comes to China, Taiwan, what China doesn't want. I'm not saying they won't accept it. I'm not saying they won't accept it, but what they do not want, they don't want to have to destroy Taiwan. You know, when you're trying to take over a place, the conquerors have gone through this throughout history. They'll want to conquer this place and that place or conquer this city. But they'll really kind of like the city. I want to, hey, can we take the city without destroying anything? It would be nice if we could get in fact, here's how crazy this is, how it went sometimes in the ancient world. If you were, let's say you were a general, we'll just make it Roman. Everything comes back to the Romans anyway. Let's say you're a Roman general and you have been sacking this city. You've been laying siege to this city and the city is getting ready to fall. You're about to break through the walls and go through you. If you want to keep the city and keep it decent, you have a challenge on your hands. And here's the challenge men in combat, when their blood is up, their blood is up. They will do things that normally they would never do. Historically, we've seen this a million times when men sack a city, when they come inside the walls, they turn into barbarians, animals. They loot and burn and steal and the women of what I wanted. It's really, really, really bad. As a general, you have all this pent up frustration all this time, all the siege, your men break through, you have to let them go for a little while. You pretty much have to. Unless you have your army locked down the way Genghis Khan had his lockdown, you have to let them go for a while, but it can't be too long or eventually there won't be any city left for you to come in and take over. So yeah, that's a little interesting tidbit for you there. Hey, by the way, speaking of barbarians, do you have your burn up pistol launcher yet? Do you have something in your hands that will allow you to stop a bad man before he hurts you? I'm not talking about calling the cops and not talking about blowing a whistle, something that will physically stop him. Burn up pistol launchers are non lethal. I carry lethal and non lethal. In fact, everyone who carries lethal, in my opinion, should carry non lethal. But no matter what, everyone should carry non lethal. Terminas are legal in all 50 states, no permit, no background check that daughter you sent off to college, she needs one. Your dad who lives alone, he needs one. Your center console in your car needs one. When you're out for a jog, you carry one pepper balls or tear gas balls. They stop a bad man in his tracks. Yeah, look, even shoot him at the ground and they work because it's this powder that comes out there. Amazing man. Be why are in a burn a dot com slash Jesse saves you 10% off these bad boys. Burn a dot com slash Jesse. Pretty excited about this. Got one in the hands of a family friend. Their daughter went off to college and now they're sleeping better at night and she's sleeping better at night. Termina dot com slash Jesse. Considering leaving LA due to high housing costs, pull fines. We keep seeing this from these big cities like LA and New York City and it really saddens me. Not that I blame anyone for getting out. We get out too, but our cool cities are going to turn into places that's only for the Uber rich or major poor with nothing in between and that sucks because the in between that meeting between is really what makes them great and we're losing them bid to our speaker. Johnson fails, but GOP turmoil remains. I didn't go over this earlier just because I told you, I'd look at Tony the past couple of days. I don't care. Mike Johnson's going to remain where he is who cares Manhattan prosecutor who questions Stormy Daniels during Trump hush money trial donated to Biden's 2020 campaign. Ah, yes, yet another Democrat donor taking part in the legal destruction of the Republican nominee for president man. What a country illegal immigrant charged with rape and kidnapping of 11 year old girl. Oh God have mercy was released amid Biden border invasion in January and he was given a court date in 2027. The dude came in from Guatemala. We got our hands on him and we turned him loose with nothing but a notice to appear in court three years from now and he went on to just destroy some poor young girl just so on. Speakably awful. U.S. concerns over Israel's Gaza policy led to weapons hold up. Apparently we're holding back Jay dams and all kinds of smart munition type things that 500 pound bombs and things like that that Israel's using in the Gaza thing. I'll just say what I've said all along. You can really see an end to this Alliance honestly probably beneficial to both parties at this point in time. Why would Israel want to stay? If every time you get a Democrat president, you know, you're going to get knifed in the back. So what you have to wait with bated breath for breath for every single election. Why would you want to stay? I just leave indicted Henry Quayar Christ that Spanish insists he's not resigning. Yes, of course. The question is why doesn't the GOP controlled house remove him the way they were so anxious to remove George Santos? Oh, it's funny. It's almost as if they're working for the Democrats, isn't it? This has been a podcast from WOR. It is Ryan here and I have a question for you. What do you do when you win? Like are you a fist pumper? A woohoo, a hand clap or a high fiver? If you want to hone in on those winning moves, check out Chumba Casino. Choose from hundreds of social casino style games for your chance to redeem serious cash prizes. There are new game releases weekly plus free daily bonuses. So don't wait. Start having the most fun ever at Chumba Casino dot com sponsored by Chumba Casino. no purchase necessary, VGW Group, forward we're prohibited by law, 18-plus terms and conditions apply.