The Howie Carr Radio Network

No Pushback for Biden & Fried Oyster Supremacy | 5.9.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

No one dare says to President Biden, "Hey, Joe! Maybe skip the pay-your-fair-share bit until Hunter's issues are cleared up." No one dare says, "Hey, Joe! Your numbers on inflation are way off." Howie and Grace cover the latest Biden blunders and his not-so-ironclad support for America's oldest ally.

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09 May 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at [MUSIC PLAYING] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. My commitment to the safety of the Jewish people, the security of Israel, and it's right to exist as an independent Jewish saying is ironclad. Now, this contract is 100% ironclad. We have one minor exception. They don't want a rougher. I'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with rough. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. We are about to talk with one of the most capable, influential, bold, and fearless thinkers. Oh, I wouldn't say that. Let me just tell you, you guys are going to have to be ready for this. Ready for certain language. And I said very loudly, ovaries. [LAUGHTER] You are a laughing stock. You are a joke. These people are laughing at you. You're nothing. You have no brains, no ability, nothing. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's-- [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Howie Carr. Welcome to the Howie Carr show. I just got a nice delivery of fried oysters in here. Delicious. I'll give you a tease on the cheap bastard deal. But I'll just look at these oysters for a while and try to-- Oh, that's quite the tease. Try to do a monologue here while I'm looking at these oysters. All right. John, would you like an oyster? No, he's OK. All right, 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. You know, I don't know whether Biden was serious about cutting off Israel from the weapons. You don't know, because he's senile. He's demented. And maybe the best case scenario is that he doesn't know what he's talking about. But the worst case scenario is he's literally throwing our only reliable ally in the Middle East, the only democratic, westernized state in the Middle East under the bus. I know Jordan, Egypt, they're kind on our side, but they're not exactly what you term liberal democracies. Israel is. That's why-- and I ran, they call it the Little Satan. We're the great Satan. They're the Little Satan. And he won't help them out. He says he won't give them the weapons that they've used traditionally against places like Rafa. I mean, Hamas is a death cult, as somebody said today. They're fighting a death cult. People who worship death, they want to kill people. They want to die. 508 says fried oysters beat fried clams. It's close. It's close, but I'm a main guy, so I'm going to always go with the fried clams, at least if they're better-dipped, but I'll grant you that fried oysters are extremely good. 844, 500, 42, 42, we will have a turtle boy. We've moved him up to the 4 o'clock hour. It's getting better and better at that-- I mean, more interesting at that trial. And I don't know, I just can't get into the Trump trial. It's just-- it's just thin gruel. I mean, it's warmed over stuff. We know all this stuff. We've known all this stuff for how many years? At least since 2018, I think. And she has a non-disclosure agreement. She's denied anything happened. Now it's a big deal. I just-- I don't know. And I don't think they're going to get a conviction. But this Karen Reed case in Datum is really, really interesting to me. But I tell you what, you know, again, there are so many things that Biden said yesterday. And speaking of which, they say, oh, well, he shouldn't do any interviews. He shouldn't do any press conferences. Because there might be some deplorable, like Peter Doocy here, or Steve Nelson from the New York Post, or the African guy. Have they thrown him out? Simon, what's his name? I haven't seen him lately, by the way. Maybe he's been thrown out of the White House. But there might be someone who's an irredeemable, a bitter clinger. So why does he just do interviews with the people who really respect him? I mean, if you are deemed enough of a chump, a patsy, to get an interview with this guy, isn't it kind of a disgrace to Aaron Burnett? Aaron, you're so stupid and corrupt and worthless. We think we can put Brandon on with you, and nothing will happen. Oh, that's great. I'm so proud of myself. You know? Does anyone realize that they gave out the Pulitzer Prizes earlier this week? It's now become a nib. It used to be a big story. Now it's a news and brief. You know why? Because everybody knows it's a crock. It's not for, you know, for breaking a big news story. It's for reporting the party line, the narrative. And it's the same thing with these interviews. And even though there is no pushback, whether it's Howard Stern or Aaron Burnett, the guy still can't handle himself. Everybody's entitled to be an idiot. I like the quote from Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan more. Everybody is entitled to his own opinion. Everybody is not entitled to his own facts. There's only one set of facts. And Biden is not on top of the facts. I'm going to play this cut right now, and you'll see what I mean. Cut eight. Well, so, I mean, no presidents had the run we've had in terms of creating jobs and bringing down inflation. It was 9% when I came to office. 9%. But it looked very fake-ness. It was 9%. You know, what would the election results have been? They wouldn't have had to have the ballot harvesting in 2020 if inflation had been 9%. Trump would have been voted out of office in a landslide. It was 1.4%. These are facts. Check them out. This isn't like being off a few trillion dollars on the national debt. And it's increasing so fast. And it's hard to keep track of. Everybody knows what inflation was. I was telling Grace during her show, during one of the breaks, she's not old enough to remember this. But I'm old enough to remember the late '70s, early '80s, when inflation was close to 20%. And when inflation goes down, as it did with Trump, to basically zero, you know, it's not top of mind, but it's a load off your mind. You know, it's one less thing to worry about. You know, when you're thinking about, you know, my 401K, my retirement, my return on investment, et cetera, you're saying, well, at least I don't have to worry about it turning into Weimar Republic Germany or Zimbabwe, where you have to take a wheelbarrow full of notes down to the grocery store to buy a loaf of bread. But, you know, he-- and was no big deal to Biden back in those days, because he was in the Senate. He was always-- he's never worked. He's always had his money, his pockets full of cash from various pay-to-play schemes. He's always been what he is, the big guy, taken-- you see, he's like a racket czar. You pay him protection money. Gangsters don't worry about inflation, whether they're white collar or blue collar. It's not a problem. You just increase the protection. 8-- 9% inflation. Good Lord. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. What a fool he is. So here's another one. Now, let's bring back the Snickers. Cut 11. It's angers them and angers me that you have to spend more. For example, the whole idea of this notion that Senator Casey talked about shrinkflation. I think, you know, it's on your phone. You think price for a smaller bottle of juice or something? Well, for example, stickers more, they did a thing. And it's like 20% less than the same price. That's corporate greed. No, it's not corporate greed, man. And you know, it's getting so bad that it was a Wall Street Journal story earlier this week about people going away from the traditional popular brands. Like for cookies, for instance, chips a hoy. I don't think it's that great of a cookie myself. And obviously, most people don't because they're switching down to the generic brands of cookies because they cost too much. And so a lot of the traditional premium brands are going to shrinkflation. And they're not even making a secret of it. They're quoted in the Wall Street Journal. We're going to deal with the higher prices and the declining revenue by making our packages more dependable. And one of the companies-- I've got to find the story. I got it in my pile here somewhere-- said that they're going to have different packages for different times of the month. So like on the first of the month-- this is how bad inflation is and how much prices are increasing. Like they'll have a 12-ounce packet of cookies or crackers or whatever for the first of the month. And then they'll have an 8-ounce package at the end of the month when people don't have any money. And then you think about that and you say, that's pretty bad. And then you say, why do people have more money at the first of the month? And then you realize welfare, EBT. All these people are on welfare now. They used to work. And when they worked, the inflation was not at 9%, 10%, 12%, whatever it is. Howie, I think he mentioned the Snickers thing in his State of the Union. And that's when Mars came out with a statement and said, we have not reduced the size of Snickers singles or share size in the US. So he's out here as a lot of people on social media pointed out in March, slandering a candy bar because he'll throw anyone or anything under the bus. And it's like, if I were Snickers, I would say, keep our brand out of your mouth. - Right, well, what happened is I remember looking it up 'cause I Google Snickers, you know, price increases. And there was a New York Times op-ed piece. And it wasn't even a bad New York by New York Times standards. But it was illustrated with a picture of a Snickers bar. And the guy just mentioned candy bars generically. He didn't mention Snickers. But obviously some guy just went, the guy who was in charge of the graphics just went down and put a buck and a half, three bucks in a machine, got the Snickers bar and took a picture of it and used that as the illustration. I mean, if it had used Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, it'd still be, he'd still be, you know, blathering about Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Eight, four, four, 500, 42, 42. Allergy season is in full swing. And if you struggle with allergies, you need the Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier. We know the thunderstorm is great for removing unwanted odors, but it also helps to cut down on those seasonal irritants too. One user writes, I bought the thunderstorm air purifier for my son who has allergies. Since installing it in his room, he's had a lot less problems than he says the air smells cleaner. It is a great product for the price. And speaking of price, right now you can buy one, you can buy one Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier and get a second unit for free. Just go to and use code howiebogo to take advantage of the thunderstorm air purifier Bogo deal. The thunderstorm air purifier, the Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier is so small and light that you can hold it in your hand and plug it right into the wall. The thunderstorm can handle pet, kitchen and tobacco odors or that damp lingering smell in your basement, as well as filtering out seasonal allergens from your car, house or office. The Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier has received thousands of five star reviews. Be the next satisfied customer. Go to and use code howiebogo for the thunderstorm Bogo deal. Hurry, these Bogo deals don't last long. I'm Howie Car. Howie Car will be right back. This hour of The Howie Car Show is brought to you in part by Jake Rooney's on the curve in Harwichport. Open year round with seasonal favorites. For family fun, food and entertainment, it's Jake Rooney's in Harwichport. (upbeat music) The emperor of hate Howie Car is back. (upbeat music) - I like blues. I haven't got the blues. I'm eating, I'm eating good today. You'll find out where I'm eating from soon enough. Today's poll question is brought to you by Eden Rafferty, attorney's at law, to see what happened to my leg while having cryo performed a high restore hyper wellness and it's not a pretty picture. Go to Eden, that's Eden Taylor, what is the poll question? What are the results thus far? - Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is who would you trust more to back you up in a fight? Joe Biden or BB Netanyahu? - My cousin, Jeffrey, came up with this one. It's very simple, but it's so obvious. You would trust BB, of course. BB wouldn't give you an ironclad guarantee and then stab you in the back less than 48 hours later. - 98% say BB. - Do you have a cousin, Jeffrey? - Yeah, you didn't know that? - How come we've never heard about this? It's a so-called cousin of yours. Is it Jeffrey Carr? - No, no, he's got a different name. I come from a very big family, you know? This guy's a cousin of a cousin, but we were raised as cousins. - Oh, interesting. - came up with a good question, Grace. What are you on me to say? 844-500-4242-844-542. Give me cut 16. - So, when I went over immediately after that happened, I said to BB, don't make the same mistake we made in America. We wanted to get Ben Lodden, it will help you get some more. But we went into Afghanistan, to, it would make sense to go get Ben Lodden. Made no sense to try and unify Afghanistan. Made no sense of my view to engage in thinking that in Iraq they have a nuclear weapon. Don't make the same mistake, focus on what, help you focus on getting the bad guys. The reason I wanted to play that is because he said, did you hear him say it made sense to go after Ben Lodden? You remember when they got Ben Lodden in their sights when Obama was president and everybody in the room in the administration agreed, yes, let's take him out. Except for one nitwit, one chump, one knucklehead. Would you care to guess who I'm talking about? The guy who Robert Gates, the secretary of defense under both Bush and Obama said has never made the right decision in 40, now 50 years. - Said, 49, 51, this, got to me and said, Joe, what do you think? And I said, you know, I didn't know we had so many economists around the table. I said, we owe the man a direct answer. Mr. President, my suggestion is don't go, we have to do two more things to see if he's there. He walked out and said, I'll give you my decision. My decision is never underestimate Joe's ability to bleep things up and he was right, wasn't he? One of the few times he was right. Tom, you're next with highway car, go ahead, Tom. - Hey, how are you and Grace, you guys are awesome. You're all at in a bag of chips and they ain't still. I listen to you every day. - Thank you. - So this is about the Aaron, Aaron. - Bernat interview. - Yes. - Where is the integrity of these journalists? - I don't get it. It was like scripted and it was a bunch of malarkey. I just don't get it. - Yeah, I mean, what about the fact that she says, well, you know, food prices are up 30% since the start of the pandemic. Actually, Tom, again, she is spewing fake news. Food prices are up 30% since he was installed as president. - So listen, I got the best pay-per-view double header for you, a debate with Trump and Biden and Kamala and Trump's running mate. Wouldn't that be awesome? - Kamala was ripping into Clarence Thomas yesterday. Can you imagine a debate between her and Clarence Thomas? Thanks for the call, Tom. Ken, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Ken. - Hello, Howie. I was just wanting to point out that this slowdown of the weapons to Israel slows down the very weapons that save civilian lives. - Right. - Yeah. - Well, how about the fact, too, that we have to give all the money to Ukraine because it's money for defense contractors. Well, aren't the defense contractors also the same ones we're making the weapons for Israel? And those weapons are gonna be used for the good of Western civilization, unlike the weapons for Ukraine, which are just being fed into a meat grind or a World War I type of trench warfare. This is just, this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I mean, it would betray our allies. It makes no sense tactically, strategically. The only sense it makes is that Biden is trying to get the pro-Nazi, pro-Hamas, Jew-hating base of the Democrat party. I'm Howie Carr. - Looking to give a mom in your life the gift of peace and quiet this Mother's Day, maybe you can't help mom run away from all her responsibilities, but at least you can help her tune them out with a brand new pair of Raycon earbuds. Raycons everyday earbuds are the perfect way to tune out all the noise around you and tune in to something great. Their audio quality rivals all the big audio brands you know and love. At a price you'll love even more. With custom gel tips for a comfortable in-air fit, eight hours of playtime, and a 32-hour total battery life, Raycons are perfect for all they list. Raycon everyday earbuds also come with three customizable sound profiles, noise isolation and awareness mode. Maybe that explains the tens of thousands of five-star reviews. Right now get 20% off your Raycon order plus free shipping. When you go to That's 20% off and free shipping at ♪♪ Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. 844-542-844-542-42. There's so much stuff here. This is just such nonsense from Brandon last night. Yeah, I guess he's saving up all of his energy for Wednesdays. That's what the New York Times said, because Trump gets the day off from court on Wednesdays, so he wants to kind of go toe-to-toe with whatever Trump's gonna do with his day off. But I don't think it's working. I don't know. (laughing) If that was him having a busy successful day. We don't want those tanks to go into the town unimpeded. So let's send out some people with rocks and sticks to fight the tanks. Yeah, he was coming out with a lot of whoppers, and they wouldn't have been that hard to debunk. But there was, you know, the fact checkers have been on vacation for quite some time. Let's play cut three. Can we have cut three, Taylor? I look at it from physician, not being facetious from the Scran perspective. He looks at it from more a lot of perspective. Who do you think knows more about people who work with their hands? People who are in unions? Lunch bucket Joe, or Orange Man Bad. Yeah, and you know what really drives me crazy about that? It's okay, not to be a common man of the people, like blue collar worker. That's okay, but just be honest about it. This is the Biden's whole stick. Remember the woman, Hunter Biden's ex-wife who wrote that story and said he would, you know, talk about how they grew up in a-- Working class. Working class. And then she finally had to say to them, Hunter, most working class people don't have ballrooms in their homes. On their front, on their first floor. Yeah, it's like, why do you guys associate just telling the truth with such a bad thing? Just tell people the truth. You've been rich for a very long time, but he always does this, how he says, "Well, I was the poorest man in Congress, yeah." Yeah, it's such BS. And he has no idea what the numbers are. Let's play another cut, cut four. And we got 1,000 billionaires in America. You know, with their average federal taxes? 8.3%. It talks about if I want to raise it to 25%. That would raise, it would raise $40 billion, for $400 billion over 10 years. The 40 or 400, kind of a big difference. Is that 8 point-- Because that's his cut, 10%. And 8.3%, I mean, that's a nonsense number. That's been debunked repeatedly. Yes, sometimes how if I ever get to go on TV or anything, I'll think of, oh, maybe I should bring a statistic with me. But then if I mess it up, I always worry, oh, someone will fact check me and I'll be embarrassed. But after hearing him throw out all these numbers and Aaron Burnett doesn't say anything, maybe you can just pull numbers out of your, you know what? Why not? It makes you sound good, I guess. And again, nobody ever calls him out and says, you know, you know, Mr. President, don't you think it'd be more effective political message about billionaires paying your fair share? If your son wasn't about to go to trial in Los Angeles on charges of income tax evasion of more than $1 million? That's different. That's a witch hunt. And they're just jealous of Hunter's art and talent and skill. And he's the smartest man I know. Well, also how to, going back to what you were talking about in your opening and the second segment about what Biden's comments on withholding arms from Israel, a lot of the squad members are now commenting on this. And so if he's trying to pretend like, oh, I wasn't capitulating to the far left, they're not helping his case. Oh, Ilhan Omar specifically said we won, or she said the hippies won. Yeah, she said white young people across the country we're protesting for. So yes, in essence. Yeah, they're taking a victory lap. He did what we wanted. We finally got the puppet to do what we wanted. I don't know how, I don't know how anybody can vote for the guy who cares about. And again, this isn't a Jewish thing. I don't think, this is about the global protection of the United States, our global interests. Do we want the only liberal democracy in the mid East wiped off the face of the earth? Yeah, no, and you said that how at the very beginning of this, like on October 9th, when you had a caller and you said, it doesn't end with Israel. This is the civilized world. They're coming after like these savage terrorists that slaughtered the Jews. Yes, you should stand up for them, but also because it's going to come here next. It doesn't end with little Satan. Right. We're the big, we're the big guy in this situation. And he's so demented, or his handlers are so demented, they really think it's a good idea to bring in Gazans into the United States if we don't have enough problems with these foreign born terrorists. But how he, one of the things that I'm curious about is I was reading from Kurt Schlechter in town hall a couple weeks ago and he was breaking this whole thing down and he's been great on this, on this entire topic. He's, he's very knowledgeable. And he was explaining how for some Jewish Democrats in this country, for a lot of them, that being liberal is a huge part of their identity. So a lot of people are having an identity crisis right now 'cause they felt like, well, I was part of this movement and I marched with these people and I was, I had a sign on my lawn for this and no one standing up for me and it's causing this identity crisis. And he said something like, I think some people will vote differently because of this, but it's gonna take a long time for the entire, for everyone to make the switch and say, "I can't vote for this." But I don't know. I think if you're voting based off, one party doesn't want you to exist and the other party does, it's kind of easy. - Yeah, so you have all these Democrats who are saying guillotine, death to Israel, death to America. - Go back to Poland, that's what they're saying on some of these college campuses. - And again, death to America, that includes everybody in this year. Not just Jewish people, okay? - Pigs, that you're calling them pigs in some places. - So he's capitulating to the people who want to kill first the Jews and then the rest of us. And yet you're gonna vote for this guy? - Yeah. - Because you don't like Donald Trump's tweets or you don't like the fact that he's supported the overturning of Roe v. Wade and not the outlawing abortion, but just giving it back to the states where it should have been in the first place, given the states the right to regulate terminating pregnancies. - Yeah, and Nancy Pelosi and all of these, and I'm using air quotes for people listening on the radio, moderate Democrats who have been your right howie, they've been feeding this alligator. The member in Pelosi said, that's like five people about the progressive thing at the party. They've been feeding this alligator, hoping we'll all keep getting elected and I'll be okay and it's never gonna come to me. And it's shameful because how do you think Chuck Schumer gets up every day and looks at himself? Because, and I was talking to a guest at one point and they said, a lot of Democrats at this point, their religion of politics is trumping their actual religions. They don't care, they just want to stay in power. And if it means making Ilhan Omar and these radicals happy, they'll do it. They're not looking at the long game, which is another theme. The long game is guillotine for you. - Absolutely, that's gonna happen. - Not just for me or Grace or, you know, or you listening out in the car or in your kitchen online, it's for everybody. - Yeah. - They want to kill us all. - Get a 2024 GMC-CR HD, the truck that works as hard as you do, tucks trucks, GMC and Hudson Mass, has 2,500 and 3,500 HD models like the Denali Ultimate, Pro Duramax and some with work bodies for landscapers, shop online at Okay, I want to lighten it up for a minute here, Howie. This was a really fun cut that was floating around. Red State had a piece on it. There was a comedian and his name is Josh Ocean Thomas and he was doing a set and he decided to ask a guy, he was doing a little crowd work. He asked the guy what he does for a living, what's his job? And the person responded back that he works for the Biden administration. And then things got pretty funny. - Hey, what do you do for a living now? You work for the Biden administration. Is your job to wake him up or what's your job? - Hey, hey, hey, hey, there's a law. Okay, what do you do for the Biden piece? Hey, what a show of a job you have. I can't leave you admitted that in front of all these people. You got the freedom to lie. You could've said you're a hooker and I wouldn't be proud of you. (audience laughs) - I love that cut. And actually on a similar note, independents say Biden is greater threat to democracy than Trump, which must come as such a blow to Joe Biden because that is one of his biggest selling points is that democracy is at stake if you vote for Donald Trump. - How about the, it's not his fault. There's some bad polls out there, but it's not Joe's fault. Cut six. - Real income when you account for inflation is actually down since you took office. Economic growth last week, far short of expectations. Consumer confidence, maybe no surprise, is near a two year low. With less than six months to go to election day, are you worried that you're running out of time to turn that around? - We've already turned around. Look, you look at the Michigan survey. For 65% of American people think they're in good shape economically, they think the nation's not in good shape. - That's not true. - They're personally in good shape. The polling data has been wrong all along. How many of you guys do a poll at CNN? How many folks you have to call to get one response? - You know what I'm getting really sick of how exasperated he is? Why are you so exasperated? We're the ones who are dealing with all your mess. - Right. - He doesn't care, he didn't care about that 'cause he's from Scranton. - Yeah, he's lunch bucket Joe. - Thank you Grace. - Exactly. - All right, you may have heard me talk about Raycans everyday earbuds before and thought, wait, the same audio quality I expect from the big guys but at half the price sounds pretty good. But if you haven't pulled a trigger on a pair of Raycans, now is the time to check them out because they just launched their upgraded model of the best selling everyday earbuds. I'm holding them up. You can't tell from this obviously how good they sound but they're very stylishly done and these are my new everyday earbuds. With Raycans upgraded everyday earbuds, now you can also get active noise cancellation, ergonomic design and multi-point connectivity that lets you pair with two devices at once. Available in a variety of vibrant new colors like the one I'm holding up now, blue, like Carolina blue sort of. To compliment any and all skin tones, there are so many great features in addition to these new ergonomic designs and active noise cancellation, et cetera. They have all of the regular great stuff, the customizable tips for instance. They also, what else is new is they are now even more weatherproof than before and they are sweat resistant. The customized gel ear tips mean that they're never gonna fall out on you. You never have to worry about that kind of silly stuff. It's just an amazing thing. Mother's Day is just around the corner. It's Father's Day after that graduation day for the grads or just buy a pair of Raycans everyday earbuds for yourself. You're gonna say, why didn't I get these things long ago? I love taking them with me, put sticking them in my ear before I go on my walk with Rosco in the morning, my walk with Rosco in the evening. When I'm at home on the weekends and the mailroom manager is doing something that I wanna hear my music. I just plug in the Raycans or she plugs in her Raycans and I get to listen on my Raycans. So no one ever bothers each other with music tastes or audio tastes or podcasts, whatever. Seriously, if you've been wanting to check out Raycans everyday earbuds for half the price of the big guys, there truly is no better time than right now because they've just been upgraded. As I said, you're gonna ask yourself why you didn't check them out sooner. Raycans offers a 30 day happiness guarantee. So what are you waiting for? Go to today to get your 20% off your Raycon order plus free shipping. That's right, you'll get 20% off and free shipping at I'm Howey Car. - Become a Howey Car Show super fan. - Subscribe to Howey's newsletter and you'll get the latest news, columns, cheap faster deals, and other special offers from the Howey Car Show. Just enter your name and email at (upbeat music) - You're listening to the Howey Car Show. ♪ It's Howey Car's cheap faster deal ♪ ♪ Oh yeah ♪ ♪ Sounds too good to be true ♪ - Oh no, it's real and it's a steal. ♪ You know there's plenty more ♪ ♪ When you shop at Howey store for another ♪ ♪ Howey Car's cheap faster deal ♪ ♪ Howey Car ♪ ♪ The cheapest bastard around ♪ - Since 1983, Moby Dicks and Wealthlate has been the Cape Cod Seafood restaurant for friends and families to eat at and have a good time. Moby Dicks takes the New England clam shack to a new level, offering you and your family a great experience and the freshest seafood from the Cape and elsewhere. Take advantage of this limited time offer of a $50 gift card to Moby Dicks restaurant and Wealthlate for just $25 while supplies last and they won't last long. So get on right now. Go to and click store to get yours before they sell out. With us now to tell us more about Moby Dicks is owner Todd Berry. Todd, thanks for bringing up everything. I had an appetizer of some key lime pie and then I had some fried oysters. And we've also got lobster rolls in here, clam chowder, everything. Moby Dicks is the best. - Hey, Howey, thanks for letting us come back up. I'm sitting here in the studio with the guy who runs our kitchen, Rob, and good friend, John, who does a lot of maintenance work for us, wanted to come up and be a part of it. And it's great to be back here. Yeah, just real quick, I think I have dear, dear friends listening down in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Paul and Sarah, I think you're listening if you are. - We're watching, I'm waving. - Kathy, Howey and I say hi, and we expect to see you out on the Cape and well fleet sometime soon. But it's great to be here, Howey. And when we get done, we'll make some more fried oysters. - Oh man, I love those fried oysters. And everything you have is so great, Todd. And I just, I love the place. And, you know, we always talk to my daughter. She ordered fish and chips one time. And I just saw the fish look so fantastic. I said, this doesn't look like regular frozen cod. - No, no, no. We're a very, very simple place, but we have a commitment to quality. We buy only the best. And codfish, the quality is based on how it's caught. And we don't use dragged or gill net. We only have long line cod and it is the absolute best. It'll melt in your mouth and comes in seven days a week. - It's just fantastic. I don't know. And the fried oysters are fantastic. Wellfleet, of course, is the capital of oysters on Cape Cod and anywhere else. You know, you know what, we're down at Mar-a-Lago. And they, you know, you're at the buffet. And they say, "We've got some special oysters tonight." Say, "These are the best oysters." I say, "Where are they from?" They go, "Wellfleet." - They are. - I said, "I think I'm familiar with that place." - They are the best. And the men and women who work down in Wellfleet Harbor work really hard year round. And they are, no disrespect for the other places on the Cape, other towns on the Cape. But Wellfleet's are the best for sure. - And now they recycle all those shells. - Yup, and we're part of that program. And they start up this week. No, they start up a Memorial Day weekend, so. - And they're real and they're trying to, you know, recycle all the land so you get even more oyster beds coming in. I mean, this is great. I mean, this is the kind of recycling green initiatives I like. Forget those solar panels. Let's have more oyster beds. - So we're shucking every day trying to help out Wellfleet Harbor. But now, we just opened for the season last Friday. And we're really blessed. We've got a great crew came back. We got in there to the cap, got our H2B visas. We have some, yes, we need more migrants like the ones that are working for you. - We got, they're great. We got in there, we had a couple of rides from Florida yesterday and we've got some next week. So we're really, really blessed and we just opened and we always open the first Friday in May 'cause we like to have three weeks before Memorial Day. - Yeah. - I liken it, it's our spring training right now, getting everyone back into the groove and ready to go. - Yeah, so if you're down early for the KP and you just got to get to Moby Dix if you haven't been 'cause it's just fantastic. And they got a good little gift shop. That's where this, all this material that I wear all the time comes from, you know, all these long sleeve shirts, the short sleeve polo shirts and you got all kinds of great stuff there. But you can go right now, go to, click on store to get $50 gift card to Moby Dix in Wellfleet for just 25 bucks before supplies run out. - Great to be here, Howie. - Are we gonna see you down on the cape soon, I hope? - Yes, you will. You'll be seeing me shortly. And yeah, we were just talking, I think by the end of the summer, we'll have a new book out and I think you'll be liking the book and we'll be, maybe we can have a book signing there. - Oh yeah, definitely and when the grandkids come down, we have a brand new boat out by the flagpole and I think they're gonna really enjoy playing on it. So the old one lasted a long time but it was time to upgrade. - He likes, yeah, our grandson really likes boats, you know, boats, trucks, trains, everything. I think I'll keep him off of the planes though for a while. But anyway, so we've got left some key lime pie and we got the fried oysters and you're gonna leave us some lobster rolls and some chowder here, right? - Yeah, yep. - Delicious, good. Get on there now, Moby Dix in Wellfleet,, click on store, $50 gift cards for 25 bucks on Howie Car.