The Howie Carr Radio Network

Why Has Trump Derangement Syndrome Only Intensified? Callers Weigh in | 5.9.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

The phone lines light up to discuss the pulse of the nation heading into the 2024 election. Is there any way you can still be so sour on President Trump after the disgraceful years of Joe?

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09 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm Air Purifier Bogo offer. Buy one, get one free for one week only. Order today at with code GRACE BOGO. Live from the Aviva Trattaria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. If you missed our interview with Turtle Boy, check out the podcast. If you missed our interview with Ari Hoffman, it's all about Israel, Joe Biden's remarks in his CNN interview, check that out wherever you get your podcast. But I wanted to switch gears here for a second because yesterday we spent a lot of time talking about Lawrence O'Donnell and the way he was covering Stormy Daniels in court and saying, you know, she had actually, you know, why would I try to recreate this? I'll let the master do his thing. This was Lawrence O'Donnell. Well, the excitement and anticipation in the room hit a new high at 10.32 a.m. She entered wearing all black as if on her way to a funeral. The loose, fitting, plain black clothing, draping from her shoulders to her toes, suggested the modesty of a nun. Yeah, so he's, he's into this needless to say. He's covering this closely. And the other part of, I think, what's become the liberal narrative is this idea that when Trump wins the election, God willing, he's got to throw people in jail. And you know what the common theme is, Jared? It's like fantasy. There's this fantastical element to everything of. Well, maybe he'll do this. Play the sound cut from Hillary Clinton, please. This is morning, Joe. They love nothing more. Joe Scarborough loves nothing more. The guy who had Trump on 41 times in the 2016 primaries, the guy who went to Mar-a-Lago for free drinks with his now wife, Mika Brzezinski, loves nothing more than to fantasize about Donald Trump putting him in prison. Really, it's like stolen valor of future prison time. Like he wants to imagine in some alternate universe, he's going to be locked away. And we're all going to be at home like chanting for Joe Scarborough. Let him out. Let him out. It's all part of their warped sick fantasies. And Hillary Clinton's, I mean, she's head of the club in this sense. So cut 24. No, maybe he wouldn't jail all of his political opponents. One is one too many. Maybe he wouldn't try to force out a business. The, you know, members of the press who didn't agree with him. One is one too many. We go down the line. And maybe this would be our last election. Because someone who will not accept the validity of an election is someone who doesn't believe in elections. He believes in his own power, his own right to power, and his demand that he be installed regardless of whether he gets the votes or not. Ifs and buts and maybes and what? Yeah, well, maybe if he gets elected, I'll become a billionaire. Who's to say? As Jerry Seinfeld says to Kramer when he's talking about building levels in his apartment, anything can be done. It's a question of whether or not you do it. And also, isn't it ironic that these people that are salivating at the thought of Donald Trump going to prison are also so afraid that when he becomes president, he's going to put them in prison? By the way, Hillary, I would mention that we were all hoping he was going to put you in prison, and he didn't follow through on that one. So his actual, the critique I have of Trump is that he didn't put people in prison. But sure, if you want to convince yourself, because you're all, you know, committing this law fair against Trump, trying to get him to be in an orange jumpsuit, if you want to convince yourself that you have to do this, because otherwise he's going to put you in jail, go for it. Whatever helps, you sleep at night. The Chardonnay and the Trump fantasies make some sort of concoction that helps her doze off into her slumber. But Miranda Devine did such a great job with this piece today. I got to redo a little bit, Jared. I haven't read on the air in a while. This is worth it. For Donald Trump haters, the Stormy Daniels trial is a fantasy come true, an orgasmic treat of Donald and his boxers being spanked on the bottom by a porn actress. The former president trapped in court like a cage lion forced to listen to all the humiliating detail instead of being out on the campaign trail, entertaining. Their matinee idle judge Juan Merchant with his fetching gray cow lick threatening to throw Trump in jail if he doesn't stop shaking his head. In some where, they hope Melania is shedding a tear under her Gucci sunglasses. Whoopi Goldberg, who we've already played whoopi today. But this is a different whoopi quote. She looked as if she was having an out of body rapture on ABC's The View this week when the conversation turned to whether Merchant should throw Trump in jail for contempt. This is what Sonny Hostin said. "To prove a point, put him in the clink." Whoopi said, "Why not put him in the clink?" Whoopi fairly levitated in her chair with excitement. "Who, who, I don't want this to sound like I'm doing wishful thinking, but which prison would be best?" "Laughter" around the table. "Rikers" cried Sonny. Whoopi responds back, "I'm okay if he goes to Alcatraz. What about Guantanamo Bay?" The ladies were rocking with laughter by this stage. And Anna Navarro, always a really nice woman, a woman who supports other women. You know, someone who seems like she's got a good head on her shoulders. She said, "Oh, that would be close to Mar-a-Lago. Melania can come and visit." These women are evil. They are pure evil. They are addicted to their misery. He is the only thing in their lives. Like they must really have no other joy-jared. To use up so much. Have you ever heard that, you know, if someone apologizes to you, or if you hold a grudge against someone, you're drinking poison and hoping that it has an effect on them. Like you're only hurting yourself. The level of space and of soul this man takes up in these women is unbelievable. And I love what Miranda Devine said. She compares it to like an ex-girlfriend. She says, "There's something quite sick and sad about this level of obsession with Trump and this sort of desire for him to be brought low. It seems more like the passion of a spurned lover than a normal reaction to a political figure in court." And then she does reference Lawrence O'Donnell. And the prudish coverage of the minutia of Stormy's testimony that could have been ripped from the opening scene of one of her low rent porn flicks. We said it first here on the Grace Curly Show. It did sound like a porn. No offense, Lawrence O'Donnell. I don't know if you're going for something more highbrow. Maybe this is the closest some media figures get to sex. That I would say is a good guess. There is something missing in their lives. They are absolutely. And you know what they say, Jared, about the opposite of love isn't hate. It's indifference. Because love and hate, it's a fine line. It's like how people get divorced. And you think at one point, you love this person so much. You wanted to spend the rest of your life with them. And now you hate them more than probably anyone else in your life. It's a real fine line. These women, and it's not just women. It's like Lawrence O'Donnell. It's all these people. They are consumed by this man. They sit there giddy at the thought of hearing about sex he had in 2006. How perverted is that? This is how they get their jollies. Hearing about how Donald Trump had sex decades ago. Now, but out in the real world, the courtroom soap opera is an aggravation. We've heard it all before. It happened eight years ago. Dems already wheeled out the scandal in 2016 and it didn't work then. Why would it work eight years later and why now six months before the election? On pure optics, the trial looks crooked and Trump looks strong. He comes across as serious and angry, but in control. Yeah, I have to agree. And also something I would add into this is that the weird part about Trump derangement, I'm curious if anyone else has found this to be the case. I thought for a minute when Biden won, when Biden was selected in 2020, that maybe as time went on, the people would level out a bit. You know, the people would come down from that high of just hating this person so much and maybe even realize that maybe some of that anger was misplaced. Maybe they had gotten a little over their skis and that has not happened. It has metastasized. These women are even more deranged than they were before. Whoopi Goldberg thinks because Donald Trump showed up at the courthouse. That means he's guilty. By the way, there's a lot of people throughout history, including black people, by the way, who would have an issue with that legal theory? That if you show up in court and someone says you did something, that you're guilty, that you don't have to, no one has to prove your guilt, just you being there is proof enough. And it wouldn't be so bad if Whoopi wasn't sitting next to Sunny Hostin, who claims to be a lawyer. And she doesn't want to chime in at that point and go, "Well, actually, there's a tenant, you know, they're innocent until proving it." No, that's not worth bringing up to Whoopi Goldberg. You don't want to challenge her on her legal knowledge, just like you don't want to challenge her on her Holocaust knowledge. But I find that the fantasy element of this, I think Miranda Divine hit it on the head, it's emblematic of this issue they have. Like there's a real sickness and a real perverse obsession with hating him. And it actually brings me back to a quote, I read it a couple weeks ago, Jared. It's from this book, The Dutch House, and it's like these two young people, they're siblings, they hate their stepmother, and as they get older, they drive by her house and they sit at the driveway and they talk about her all the time. And then also one day they decide to stop doing it, like it's not serving them anymore. And the narrator realizes, he says, we became addicted to our misery. And it's true, you start to hate somebody, it's so bad for you. But it also is very addicting, you don't even realize you're doing it. These people need something. And by the way, whether or not Trump wins in 2024, we're in 2024, but whether or not he wins in November, this is not going away. These people are going to their graves with this hate. It's like nothing I've ever seen. Yes, according to files, 2 14 p.m. Trump walks back into court and fist bumps. Heavy hitting stuff coming out of this courtroom right now. Well, the other part of it, hopefully, we'll be here's that. The other part of it too is that they're obviously, like you mentioned yesterday, Jared, they're trying to keep him in New York City. They're trying to put a stranglehold on his campaigning efforts. But it is backfiring because everybody knows that he's not able to go anywhere else, except for on the weekends and on Wednesdays. So then in the meantime, he's become like the where's Waldo of Manhattan. He's going to the fire department with pizza. He's going to the construction workers taking pictures. He's going to Harlem to meet with the Bodega worker. And there's something authentic about these interactions. Whether or not you love Trump or hate Trump. I don't think you can question that he knows who he is and he's not changing. There's something authentic and real and kind of the pressing of the flesh of like the political campaign that Joe Biden does not have. And it doesn't matter that he has the entire week cleared out. It doesn't matter that he can go anywhere he wants. They put him in these situations where he's in a controlled environment with like 10 people. He reads from a teleprompter. He messes that up and then they put him back down the basement. And so maybe this would be more effective if he was going up against like a Gavin Newsom who was going everywhere and traveling the country. But from what I've been seeing, I heard today in the New York Times, oh, you know, it's hard because Joe Joe Biden really picks up his schedule on Wednesdays. Because he knows that that's the day Donald Trump's going to try to campaign. That would be news to me. I cover Joe Biden every weekday. I follow the news on Joe Biden from the moment I get up basically to the end of the show at three o'clock. And I had no idea that on Wednesdays he was doing more work than usual. Seems like the same to me. But you really should check out this piece by Miranda divine. It's excellent. And again, there is something quite sick and sad about this level of obsession with Trump and the desire for him to be brought low. They're clapping saying, Oh, Melania can visit him. Oh, Melania can visit him in Alcatraz. By the way, just just for a point of reference for the historians is the view. Alcatraz closed in 1963. Just just FYI. Hasn't been a prison. That would be for JFK was shot. You can file that complaint with the views historian Joy Behar. She's the one who knows history, Jared. Take it up with her. Okay. She's also the one who told us in Tifa was a myth based off what I saw from the University of Washington. She was wrong on that one too. How many things can Joy Behar be wrong about? She's like Paul. She's the Paul Krugman of the view. Auctions are one of the oldest forms of commerce known to man. Auctions are how economies determine values for assets and commodities. And they're not a fire sale at a discounted price. Rather, they're an accelerated sale with competitive pricing. Just because your parents listed their house for sale at a set price. There's nothing wrong with that. But it doesn't mean that's the road you have to travel. JJ Manning's accelerated auction process is one of the fastest growing segments in real estate because it works. They've got a time tested approach. It began over 16,000 auctions ago in 1976 by the founder Jerome Manning. 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Do you think they have or what do they, I don't want to use a culturally inappropriate term. They have a doll of Trump that they stick pins into. Like a voodoo doll. I bet they have that backstage. I think at the press at the- Yeah, at the White House press, they have a beat-up- Trump head. Trump head that they hide in the rafters or something. So if they have that at the press briefing, then whoopi and sunny and joy, they must have one on standby to just get out their anger. It's like, what happened? What did he do to these women to drive them this crazy? The craziest part is a lot of them used to be friends with him before he became president. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm Air Purifier. Back in stock now, my friends at Eden Pure have brought back the very popular BOGO offer. That's buy one, get one. So order now at Use code GRACE BOGO. These go fast, so don't miss out. Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is Biden said inflation is real, but quote, people have the money to spend. Do you have the money to spend? No. Yeah, I don't either. 96% say no. All right, let's go to Lou. You're up next on the Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Lou? Yeah, how are you doing, Grace? Look, I want to extend this a little bit more. It's not so much. Trump, they hate Trump because he's a focal point, but they hate Americans. They're better than these brats at the colleges that are going around saying death to America, death to Israel. They're the same types of people. Yeah. And look at the people they don't like. They don't like the police. They don't like fire. They don't like anybody that likes Trump, police, firemen. Look how they acted during COVID, for example, out to regular people. They look down on regular people. And Trump is basically saying what regular people feel about them, and that they really don't like. I mean, that's the basic point. Yeah. Yeah. You know, Lou, you just made me think of it. It's something Trump says all the time. Like, they're not coming after me. They're coming after you. I'm just in their way, that type of thing. You know, they're focusing their energy on me, but really they prefer to focus it on you. I'm just, you know, a distraction. And I think you're on to something there. And I think that that's true to an extent where, and that's the ironic part is that, remember Katie Kirk a couple weeks ago was saying how she thinks MAGA people are jealous of the elite liberals in society, and she thinks that's what it is? I think that if you took the two groups and you looked at these ladies on the view, excitedly clapping their hands about the prospect of Melania having to visit Trump in prison, and you told me which group is the jealous group, or which group is the bitter twisted group, I would say these people are pretty bitter. I mean, they've got a lot of money, all the women on the view, and Lawrence O'Donnell and all these people in MSNBC, they got plenty of money. They should have full lives, I guess, but money doesn't necessarily translate to that if you're missing some other chip. And so it's funny because they love to paint us as these bitter, Bible-toting, gun-clinging losers, dumb-dums too, don't forget. Like we can't read maps where these credulous boomer-roobs, but I interact all the time with Republicans and, you know, maga people, and I never see this level of wickedness. This is wicked. These women, that texture is right. It's like they're standing around a cauldron, like chanting spells. And where are the bitter ones? Where are the angry ones? I don't know. I think we're kind of fun. I think we're, I think we're all right. We'll be right back. I want to talk about Kamala Harris. She talked to The New York Times. The New York Times is getting Drew Barrymore's leftovers. And they're happy about it. Don't go any less. Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you so much for tuning in today. So many people wishing me a happy Mother's Day already, which I really appreciate. And it's a beautiful Thursday afternoon, and we're talking about everything. We're talking about Trump, derangement syndrome. We're talking about this trial in New York City. Still getting updates on it. Again, it's very stale. It's very, I feel like I'm reading a national enquirer from like 15 years ago. I don't really know why I care about this. I don't know what the crime is. I don't think Alvin Bragg knows what the crime is. When there's an actual crime, he has no problem ignoring it or downgrading it to basically nothing. But in this case, where it's kind of this unicorn mystery crime, he wants to upgrade it. So we are following this. I want to talk about Kamala Harris, but I want to go to the calls. Joe, you're up next. What's going on, Joe? Hey, Grace, how you doing? I just want to, you really struck a note there when you said that the view ladies were like jilted girlfriends. That's exactly right. I mean, if you remember when he was on the show and he joked with him about running for president, they're upset because he did go to the dance. He just didn't take them to the dance. Yeah. That's where I'm coming from. You know? And they all sit around like bitter girlfriends just commiserating with each other, you know? Yeah, yeah, and we've all been there. You know, you get into a rut or something. You feel like you've been wronged in some way and you can just kind of let it fester and every night, you kind of rehash it with the same person. Hey, listen to this. Did I tell you this part? You keep dissecting the same things over and over again, hoping that if you hate enough or if you're angry enough, that you'll feel better and you don't. You might feel like a temporary high from this hatred, but you really don't end up feeling better. And you're right about these women and it's not just women. It's men too. I mean, he has, he's transfixed a lot of these serious people, like Jonathan Carl and George Stephanopoulos. But I think the part about, he went to the dance, he just didn't bring them is really insightful because one thing my mom always tells me is she says, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and all these, all these Democrats who used to be friendly with Trump, especially Chuck Schumer, they knew each other from New York, Jerry Nadler, guys like that, they're very angry that he was able to prove that you could come in as an outsider and take a good crack at it and do a pretty decent job. And to them, that threatened the whole infrastructure of their scam. Their entire thing was you need to have this expertise. They can't even tell you what their expertise is. Their ex, you need to be an expert, an expert in being a hack. You need to have decades and decades of experience being a hack in order to be the top dog. And Trump's whole thing was, I'll run it like a business. I'll run it like a business. No, no, no, no, no, that could never work. And then he gets in there, he proves that it can work. And it's like, they've been, they've been playing pretend this whole time, or they've been playing house. And he just came in and knocked everything over. And that really threatened them. It threatened their existence, which is just, you know, sucking off of the taxpayers. And just, and just really, like I said, being losers who lie to people who spend our money and who don't get anything done. And he was the person who threatened that. And they couldn't, they can't, even to this day, they can't handle it. That's why Hillary Clinton, like this is how out of her mind, Hillary Clinton is. She's on Morning Joe talking about how Trump is like Hitler. And this is like the 1930s. This woman has her head so far up her, you know what? That she doesn't think it's a bad idea. She can't read the room enough to know that right now, when you have a bunch of liberal, radical progressives chanting, "Burn Tel Aviv to the ground." And from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free on college campuses. She can't put her finger in the wind and say, "Maybe right now, I shouldn't be even talking about Hitler." Maybe that, maybe that's not a great idea. That's how dumb and obtuse. And you know, she's not dumb though. She's not, that's not a fair thing for Hillary. Because I've heard her speak before, and I've heard her break down this whole conflict. She's not dumb. She's dishonest. And she's trying to convince people of this fantasy that Trump's this big bad wolf. And she's a horrible, horrible politician. Like, that's the part of it she's never come to terms with. She thought it was her turn. She thought 2016 was her time to shine. She'll never get over the fact that he took that from her. And she also cannot come to grips with the fact that maybe you should have gone to Wisconsin. Maybe you should have campaigned. Maybe people don't like you, and it's not because you're a woman. It's just because they don't like you. Well, it's a lot of copium from these politicians too. And Grace, you brought this up before. Every, at one point, every politician looks at themselves and says, you know what? You can be president. And these people, and I include the Bidens in this, the Bidens especially, they have spent their entire lives selling their souls to get what Donald Trump has net. Yeah. International influence, charisma, fame, money, all that. That's all these people want. They have tried to, they have wasted all the resources of their lives to try and get an approximation of what he has naturally. But they could always say, yeah, but he'll never be president. And I'm in the arena. This is our one thing we have. And then he comes in and he's like, you know what? I'm going to do that too as a lark. Like, I'm bored. I want to be president. I think I could do a better job than you. So not only do they hate him because he is everything they have tried to falsely be, you know, generate of themselves. He now took their job as well. Yeah, you're right. Because you know what, Jared? You're right on the money because everyone has an experience like that too. Or maybe I'm just a bitter, bitter person. But I had this friend in high school and she was, she was really, really funny and she was popular and she was athletic. And she was good at everything. And I remember one time she floated the idea of doing something in theater. Like she was going to join. And I thought if she gets like the lead role in one of these plays, I know I'm going to be out of my mind because that's like the one thing that she doesn't have interest in that I'm kind of good at. And I won't be able to take it. And I knew that. Like, I know myself. I was, I just won't be able to take it. Like, if she shows up and she's good at this and she takes this, this is my thing. This is the one thing that's my thing. And you know, they always say like DC's Hollywood for ugly people. I don't like to say that because I'm not commenting on people's looks. But it's like DC is Hollywood for people who couldn't cut it. You know, people who were also rans who they couldn't be the Brad Pitt. So they go to DC and they still get on TV, but they've got to talk about, you know, transportation. But Jared, it's like now they're saying to themselves, well, I couldn't make it in Hollywood. So I had to come to DC, but you already made it in Hollywood. So you don't get to come here. You don't get to do both. I didn't get to do that one. This was my backup plan. And now you're using my backup plan, even though you already had Hollywood. Are we making sense? I think we are. I think we cracked the code. Rich, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Rich. How you doing? With regards to the Trump trial, if he is convicted, there are two attorneys, I believe, in the jury. Right. How do those individuals afterwards justify to any potential client that they are knowledgeable in what they're doing if they voted to convict on what's going on? That's a good question, Rich. I don't know if they have to reveal to people, like, future to anyone. I think they can keep it anonymous. I don't think they have to tell people that they were in the trial. What I will say is this, though. I saw a breakdown on Fox. It might have been Turley or some legal analyst who brought up a good point about having two attorneys on a jury. And he said, "I would never want, if I was someone's lawyer and you do the jury selection," he said, "I would never want two attorneys." And it's not because I don't think that these two people are capable of making a good decision or capable of doing what's right. It's because they have too much sway with the rest of the jurors. They have a different level of weight to everything they say because people who are regular people, this would happen to me. If I was in a jury and there were two lawyers next to me, and they're telling me, "Oh, well, this and this and this and this and they're using all their fancy lawyer speak," I would go, "Well, they're probably onto something. I just do a radio show every day." Maybe. Yeah, let's go with what Ned seems like he knows what he's talking about. Let's wrap this thing up. We'll go with what Ned said. So depending on how they feel, that can really sway a jury one way or the other. And that, to me, made a lot of sense because you can say to yourself, "Oh, these lawyers aren't worth their weight in salt if they can't make the right decision on this being a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a sham," or you could say they're absolutely going to be in the bag and vote against Trump. But I think the bigger issue is, however they feel, it's going to be more convincing for the regular people on the jury who might be persuaded by them because people forget this. I forget this. It's not like everyone goes in the back room after it's done and says, "And we vote this way. It can be a long process." I just had a friend who went through jury duty and it took a couple of days because there was one holdout and they all had to go through it every day and convince her. That's a huge part of this. Mark, you're up next on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Mark. Yeah, hi, Grace. I just had a comment on you and one of the callers before I was talking about it, "Why the Democrats hate Trump?" Yeah. I think it's that exact reason. This guy comes in, no experience, uses common sense, takes a look at things, duds them, the economy, foreign policy, all that stuff. Border. He looks, makes common sense choices and they work. And then that's correct. The Democrats, Schumer, Pelosi and all of them. They're pretty pissed off because this guy just comes in out of the blue, no experience, no this, no that, and on top of it, just let me add this point. When everything does come together and he starts to get positive feedback and all that, they're just, they're really mad. And the thing with him, he doesn't like to try to be a politician who says, "Well, we put it together." No, Trump isn't going to kiss their butts. Trump come in, Trump did it. He's not going to acquiesce it. We all had his share in this. Yeah, yeah. I think that absolutely pissed them off. Yeah, you're right, Mark, because it's like, okay, so not only can he come in, not only can he become president, not only can he use common sense to enact some change, but on top of that, he still gets to go on social media and say whatever he wants. He doesn't have to even become a lame square politician and lie to people. He can just go up and say whatever he's thinking at any time. What is he, Teflon Don? And that gets them mad. 802 said, "Grace, don't forget that Hillary also thought it was her time in 2008, too." So in her mind, she's been robbed twice. Yeah. And you know what's funny is Mark just made me think of this idea of, you know, I was just saying that about the lawyers, how if I was around lawyers and they were telling me this is really the, this is really the best decision to make. I might be swayed by that. I think that's a part of this too. And hear me out. It's like with COVID, with Fauci and all the people at the CDC, they like the idea that they have so much education that they're almost speaking their own language and that there's no way that you would ever understand. So you really just have to take their word for it. And it was the same thing with Trump and the swamp is like, oh, no, no. You could never be a politician because there's so much that goes into it that the regular people don't understand and you could never understand it. And all of a sudden he comes in and he's like, oh, no, I can kind of figure it out. That gets them upset. And as someone who's had my fair share of imposter syndrome, we're all always thinking to myself, well, I shouldn't be talking about that. I don't know enough about that. I'm not an expert in that. That's how they, they trap you into feeling like you have to obey whatever they're telling you to do. That's how they have lockdowns where people just fall in line. It's this idea of just because they have congressmen next to their name or just because they have a D next to their name or just because they're a doctor or just because they're a scientist that they know better than you or they know what's best for your kids or they know what's best, you know, for your household. And it's a myth and you don't have to be college educated. You don't have to have the highest IQ as Joe Biden would say. If you're a good person and you have common sense, you should never feel less than in front of any of these people. And I think that really bothered them about Trump is that that was kind of a big shade that they were putting out to the American people. We know so much that is so, so complicated that none of you dummies will ever understand. And Trump shows up and he's like, try me. Let's see. And since then, there's been a lot of people like Trump popping up all over the country who are going, you know, maybe I'll try. Why not? It can't be that hard. And honestly, maybe it is hard, but you guys messed it up so bad. I can't really do much worse than what you're doing. In case you want to know how it's going in New York, I don't know who men's ease is whether that's a defendant or a lawyer. But they're reading from Trump's book. So that's that's what's going on in New York right now. God, this is just a cloth from Donald Trump's book in the court right now. So that's where that drives. They're just running out the clock. They're just trying to fill the day so we can campaign. All right, we'll be right back with how we card. Don't go anywhere. This is the Grace Curly Show. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. Fire at all. Today's car crossover is brought to you by ReadyWise with inflation, food, and energy costs rising. Well, no, Joe Biden said that everyone's got more money to spend. But no, you should still get your hands on ReadyWise. Don't believe Joe Biden families are feeling the financial pinch as they struggle to make ends meet. Preparation is key and our friends at ReadyWise have emergency food kits that will provide peace of mind. So go to and use code Howie20 at checkout to save 20% on your order. Howie, would you care to explain to people? Because you're not really, I wouldn't say until today how he was a fan of either fireball or pit bull, the singer. He was kind of unaware of both. Today they changed. No pit bull, pit bull scratched the 40s on four from the Sirius XM channel. It got bumped up to the 70s. And they put, they said, wait a second, what happened to 40s on four? They gave him his whole, they gave it to pit bull. His whole own channel? Four. I think it's gone. I think they switched it to somebody else. But they're worldwide. So if you're worldwide, you have a lot of songs. But tell people why we played pit bull coming in here. Give people a little rundown. Because they were asking Chris Albert, the selectman from the town of Canton, who did six months, by the way, for killing a guy in an auto accident. And then he ran away for two days for whatever reason before turning himself in. So he's down drinking at the bar the night to state the Boston cop is found dead. And he said, what were you drinking? And I was drinking beer, middle of the light. And then when anything else, we ordered a round of fire ball shooters. Fire at all. Fire ball, the guy's killed somebody in an accident. And then he ran away for two days and he's drinking. He's chicken parm Charlie as a turtle boy calls him. You know what the old saying is, Grace, the family. No, the family that does fire ball shooters together, dummies up together. Yeah, if you haven't guessed it by Howie's enthusiasm about this, this took up a lot of our morning talking about fire ball. And then I told Howie, I said, you know, there's a really good song for that by pit bull. And now it's been stuck in my head all day. Well, fire at all. The mailroom manager, you know, she's not into some of the same stuff. She said, what's this big thing about fire ball? And I said, I said, you know, we walked by the other day and there was a smashed up nip bottle. It's big in the nip. I said it was, I said it was like at least 30% of the nips are fire balls. You know what people like to do at like football? Fire ball in the, in the fall and in the winter is huge. Like if you go to a football game and everyone's cold, you put a little fireball in your cider or, you know, in your little drink and you stir it in. And it's like a hot toddy. Yeah, sweet though. Yeah, it's like the old days at Foley's, you know, everybody would want to come home and just have beer on their breath. So they would take it, they'd get a shot, you pour it into the beer and then you down it. Right, right. More, more of this and more of the Karen Reed stuff when how he comes back. After the break, don't go anywhere. I'll see you all tomorrow for our TGIF show. Thanks for listening. Fire ball.