The Howie Carr Radio Network

Turtleboy: Albert Timeline Collapses! | 5.9.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Aidan Kearney is back with BOMBSHELLS out of the Karen Read murder trial. Grace makes a good point. When you have had months to prepare for being on the stand, you would think you would have your story straight. These witnesses can't seem to remember the sequence of events that fateful night!

Broadcast on:
09 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm air purifier BOGO offer by one get one free for one week only. Order today at with code GRACE BOGO. Live from the Ibiba Trateria studio, it's the Grace Curly show. But got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, they stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly show. Thank you all so much for joining us. All right, we've got Turtle Boy, Aidan Carney on the line. And Aidan, it's been a few days since we've talked to you. Seems like there was a couple of slow days there in court when they were going over a lot of dash cam footage, but today was, I mean, there's been some bombshells already. I'm dying and talk to you about Chris Albert's testimony. But before we do that, I just want to backtrack on one thing that I have a question about. So the camera, the camera, Ronas, Ronas yesterday that the Cameranos yesterday, they give this testimony. They're friends of the couple and they were at the gathering at the bar at CF McCarthy's on January 28th, 2022. Now, the prosecution, if they were going off the idea that Karen Reid accidentally hit John O'Keefe, I don't think that testimony of these people yesterday would have mattered much, but considering the prosecutors are alleging that Karen Reid was angry and, you know, they had been fighting and that's why she hit John O'Keefe and that she hit him on purpose. Do you think that this couple and their version of events throws a wrench in that narrative? No, it's like the exact opposite of what the, like, I thought these were defense witnesses. Traditionally, state's witnesses help the state. Whereas in this case, they seem to help Karen Reid. Right. They, you know, they all said great glowing things about Karen Reid that they had a great relationship, the Greek guy there actually said that, you know, his wife was nagging him. How come you don't hug me like that? How come you don't look at me like that? You know, like they couldn't possibly been any better for Karen Reid. And it was the defense asking them these questions. I mean, I've never seen such incompetence from a prosecutor's office. Yeah, speaking of that, we got to get to Chris Albert. So before we get into this timeline here, I would love for you to explain to the audience and people who are just tuning in and maybe just getting a handle on this entire saga. Explain to them, Chris Albert, his connection, not just through his son, but also his brother to this case. So he's the little brother, dopey brother of Brian Albert. He's a town select man who owns a pizza shop in town in 1994. You went to jail for six months for killing a man named Peter Berger in a hit and run on the highway, which they kept the secret when he ran for select board a couple of years ago. He is basically just an old fish goon who raised the sun in Colin, who's infamous for going around threatening people on TikTok. And he's been, you know, pretty adamant that his son wasn't inside a 34-year view road when John O'Keefe arrived that night. But today, in his own testimony, he appeared to put his son Colin in the house, something they've been trying to avoid doing for the last, I don't know, like two years. Yeah, and explain to people how they did that because this had to do with surveillance footage. And I don't obviously Chris Albert did not mean to do this, but this kind of changes the entire timeline of the prosecution's case. Yes, it does. So Chris Albert said that he left the waterfall at 12.05 to 12.10. And then went back to his house, which is walking distance away, which takes about seven or eight minutes, right? And that when he got there, Colin was not there and that Colin arrived, you know, after that, right? Except they got surveillance of him leaving. And it's important, by the way, that Colin. Colin's arrival at the house matters because John O'Keefe got to Brian Albert's house at 12.20. And if Colin was in the house at the same time that John O'Keefe got there, that makes him suspect. So they've long claimed that Colin left Brian Albert's house at 12.10. Except surveillance video shows that Chris Albert was at the waterfall bar at 12.13. If he walked home from there, he would arrive at approximately 12.20. And he said that he went upstairs for 15 minutes and hung out. So that brings us to 12.35. He said that 10 minutes after that, his son Colin walked in. So that brings us to 12.45. So I mean, Colin Albert didn't get home to 12.45, which means he didn't really leave Brian Albert's house at 12.10. He must have left long after that, which we always knew. So Chris is Albert's own testimony today. Put his son inside 34 fear. You wrote it at the time, John O'Keefe skilled now in turn. Well, I know that this is rehashing things. You've gone over a lot and especially written about a lot. But for people who are tuning in and might not know all the details, can you kind of go into why Colin Albert? Because it's not just his location that makes him someone who a lot of people suspect might have involvement in this. It's also that he had a long running feud with John O'Keefe. There was bad blood there and it seems like based off your posts and based off some of the pictures we're seeing. That there was also bad blood with Chris Albert as well. Yeah, it was jerks. They're bad neighbors. I mean, these are 50 year old people who think it's funny to take pictures of those trespassing and drinking beers on someone else's lawn. John was like the get off my lawn guy. They called it the guy that didn't want people trespassing on his property. Well, Colin Albert frequently trespassed on his property and threw beer cans on his front lawn. And John couldn't stand that. John couldn't stand that. His parents knew it and Colin's parents knew this. They enabled it instead of saying tell them their son to cut it out and they mocked him by taking pictures of themselves on John's property and even setting off the ring camera footage by drinking beers on his deck and sending it to him, knowing he would get alerted when he was on vacation. So, I mean, these people enabled Colin's behavior. If you look at Colin's TikTok videos, they're extremely disturbing for a teenager. He threatens to kill people, rival gang members, you know, shoot them. Like it's very disturbing and, you know, he's a known fighter. He's a big kid and the fact that fact that they are trying so hard to make sure that Colin wasn't in the house at the time, John O'Keefe got there. They've been insisting it and they've they've showed some screenshot of him saying, come pick me up at 1210 and him allegedly getting picked up somewhere. It doesn't say where he's being picked up, but just that he was getting picked up at 1210. Well, that all came to an end today when Chris Albert himself put his own son inside 34 Fairview Road. Yeah, I said this earlier, but whenever you have bombshell testimony, it's not usually on purpose. It's something that comes out without the person realizing it. And when I saw your tweets about it today, I thought, oh, the prosecution is probably not too happy about that. So we get Chris Albert up there. We hear all this testimony. You're probably thinking to yourself, that's the big story of the day. Then Julie Albert starts testifying and the reports out about what she had to say. This is a huge scandal, Aidan, break down what she said prior to the cops about her conversations with Courtney Proctor and also just give us an update on her relationship. Julie Albert to this whole thing, but break down what she said versus what the phone data actually revealed. Yeah, so she is friends, good friends with Courtney Proctor, the sister of lead investigator, Michael Proctor. And we knew from the FBI investigation that she had sent a text message to Courtney Proctor. Offering Michael Proctor a gift as a thank you on the day that Karen Reed was arrested. Now, keep in mind, Michael Proctor never questioned her son, never investigated him, never considered him a suspect. So why would Julie Albert be offering a thank you gift to Michael Proctor? You know, for something that really had nothing to do with her son. You know, Carrie was arrested while she's thanking him for that offering gifts. So we found out today and David Inetti, the attorney for Carrie asked them or asked Julie Albert about, did you talk to Courtney Proctor off and on the phone? And she said, rarely, I believe was the word she used, rarely. And David Inetti said, are you sure about that? And he showed phone data showing that she had talked on the phone with Courtney Proctor 67 times, I think it was in the past eight months. 67 times. So they talked all the time. They babysat each other's children, right? And Michael Proctor himself through Courtney Proctor asked Julie Albert just 10 days before John O'Keefe was murdered if Julie Albert could babysit his children. And this is the lead investigator in the case who in a police report said that after formal introductions with Julie and Chris Albert as if they had just met. And oh, yeah, what else was kept out of trial today? Pictures from a wedding I saw a first reported on Courtney Proctor's wedding in 2012, in which seven year old Colin Albert, who was the ring bearer at Courtney Proctor's wedding, along with Chris Albert and Julie Albert are sitting at the head table with Michael Proctor himself. It just shows how deep the ties are between these families. They are good friends. They are very, as Michael Proctor's mother calls them, a second family, the Albert are. So and the jury heard all this today and they were just disastrous as we knew they would be. And if you think they're bad, wait till you see Jennifer McCabe. Yeah, I can't wait. That's the that's the witness that I'm really the most curious about. But I did want to say, and we should mention here, since we're talking about phone extraction and we're talking about these calls and what it means to be calling one rarely versus not really rarely. You were actually you were part of the focus of this case at one point only because you had spoken with Karen Reed a hundred and eighty nine times and Julie Albert and the rest of the Mick Alberts as you call them. This was a big scandal when they thought you were talking to Karen Reed, which as you pointed out today on social media, there's nothing wrong with that versus the conflict of interest of Julie Albert talking to Courtney Proctor on the phone. We'll hold it for ballgame. Exactly. I'm not investigating Karen Reed. I'm just a reporter writing about a case in which she's the central figure. If she wants to talk to me a hundred eighty nine thousand on the phone, she's more than welcome to. If I ask questions for her, that's what those conversations were about. They're about the case that I was writing about. There's nothing unethical about that. There's nothing illegal about that. However, the lead the family of a lead detective in a murder investigation certainly not be fraternizing with the key witnesses in a case in which she is leading the investigation of it. I mean, it's just it's much more scandalous. Like what I did with Karen Reed, it's nothing. I mean, it's literally nothing. It's an investigation without a crime, whereas what they're doing is extremely troubling and a jury is not stupid. They're going to see this and they're going to say, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, what's going on here? So this has just been a disaster as we all knew it would be and it's only going to get worse from here. Yeah, I mean, I thought it was going to be a disaster, but you know what I will say, Aidan, is that I did think that the witnesses, because usually, and I only know this from like, you know, watching true crime and things like that, but usually the witnesses, they practice this stuff over and over and over again. They get their story straight. You know, they know before they get up there what they're going to say. And so in some ways, there's only so much they can mess up. Are you getting the same sense? I'm getting the sense that they're getting up there and they're kind of winging it in a lot of these cases and getting their best recollection. And that's when you really get in a dangerous territory of getting yourself in a lot of trouble. Yeah, like Chris Albert today should have had his timeline down pat. Like he should have if he knew that he was going to get confronted with surveillance of them at the waterfall bar at 1213, then he needed that. What he should have said is when I came home, call, it was already there. Because that way you keep him like you get home at 1220. Call is already there. OK, then he left the house, Brian Albert's house earlier, but he didn't know he was going to get confronted with that. And so he told them that he left earlier and, you know, that Colin wasn't home yet. So it's like they really should have rehearsed their lives better. Prior to getting up there. Yeah, and I think also technology is such a game changer in these cases, you know, it's not like the old days where you're getting up and we just have to kind of take your word for it now as you've been putting on social media. There's dash cam footage. There's surveillance footage. There's footage from the bars. There's footage of them walking out. It's really amazing how the defense is able to kind of piece together this story with all of this evidence. Aidan Carney, we thank you so much. Turtle boy, tell everyone where they can follow this and where they can follow you on social media TV daily is my website. You can follow me on Twitter at at doctor D O C T O R turtle boy. You can follow on YouTube at Turtle boy live or on Facebook at Turtle boy. And he's also going to be on with how he car later today. So don't miss that as well. Be right back. We'll take your calls eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Allergy season is here. You need to eat and pure thunderstorm air purifier and you need the bo-go deal. There's nothing better than a buy one get one because you're going to want two of these. You're going to want one in your basement for those musty basement owners. You're going to want one in your kitchen, you know, if you burn something in the oven, if you try to make a pizza, this is a total hypothetical. But if you try to make a pizza and somehow you manage to mess it up and the house gets kind of smoky, you turn on the thunderstorm, poof gone. It's really, it's like a magic device and you just plug it into the wall, doesn't take up any floor space, doesn't require any sort of complicated wiring. You just plug it in and you let it do its thing. It's going to purify the air, eliminate pollutants, eliminate allergies. And like I said, with the bo-go offer, this is a great deal. You're going to buy one and get one free. It's received thousands of five star reviews. You can be the next satisfied customer. So take advantage of the bo-go deal right now by going to eat impure and using code grace bo-go. Again, that's eat impure Use code grace bo-go to get your bo-go deal. We'll be right back. Follow grace on Twitter at G_Curly. This is the Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunder Storm air purifier. Back in stock now, my friends at Eden Pure have brought back the very popular bo-go offer that's buy one, get one, order now at eat impure Use code grace bo-go. These go fast, so don't miss out. Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is Biden said inflation is real, but quote, people have the money to spend. Do you have the money to spend? No, no, 95% of the audience does not. 5% is apparently living high in the hog though. So congratulations to you, not credit card debt having people. I'm going to give you an option, Jared, and it's not going to be pretty, OK? All right. Would you rather I focus on sound right now because I got to get one of these in whoopi Goldberg or Hillary Clinton, if you've got to choose. I didn't say this was going to be a fun choice. Life is about hard decisions. We do only have a certain amount of time though. You know what we did to Hillary earlier, I suppose we could do whoopi. OK, now I usually go to whoopi when I want a history lesson on the Holocaust. Remember when she wowed the world, this was before October 7th. This was before anti-Semitism became so open in the Democrat Party. And she said that the Holocaust was not based on race. And she really tried to make it seem like she has it worse off than a Jew in the Holocaust because she's black and there's no way to hide that she's black. It was a very strange segment that she I think doubled down on and then eventually had to be suspended from ABC. So if you're not going to her for Jewish history, then you should be going to her for her legal expertise. Remember that old it's so passe now, that whole thing about innocent until proven guilty. Some people think that it's a huge part of what makes America great is the fact that you're innocent until proven guilty. It's a part of our legal system. It's a it's part of the bedrock of our legal system. Well, whoopi Goldberg actually does not only she not only doesn't think you're innocent until proven guilty, she thinks you're guilty when you step inside the courtroom. Can I have cut 22? You know, I just think if you didn't do it, why are you in the court or tested? Why are you? Get on the stand. If you don't get on the stand, it's not as bad as that woman. OK, you brought this hand either. You brought this on yourself. You did this to you. Nobody did this to you. You you told me on truth, you took stuff. This is on you. This isn't them. It isn't the judge. This is yours. Look in the mirror. We'll be right back. So whoopi Goldberg. I love this. Joy Behar is also a historian. She told us the other day. She was saying, I know about history. I can't remember what she was lecturing us on, but she said, I know about history. And apparently, whoopi Goldberg does, too. So Donald Trump is guilty because he's in. He showed up to his court appearance. And so case closed. I mean, what more do you need to hear? So every defendant ever has been guilty, right? Yeah, yes, in whoopi's court. Hell, yeah. And you know what else shared, too, is that I hear and I can't differentiate between the morons on the view, but somebody else is like, if he's if he's not, why doesn't he get up on the stand and say, I did not have sex with that woman because that's not what the crime is. I know that Alvin Bragg doesn't know what the crime is. I know that all of you don't know what the crime is, but him having sex with Stormy Daniels, I have to keep hammering this, as Lawrence O'Donnell would say, is not the crime in this case. Having consensual sex with a porn star is not a crime. Even if Sonny Hostin Esquire thinks it is the level of sheer stupidity that the view cranks out on a daily basis, you know, I know their weekdays on a daily basis is it's almost impressive. Whoopi Goldberg. Here I was thinking that she only had one area of expertise, Holocaust historian. Little did I know she's also a legal beagle. What can't she do? And she's an actress. Man, when we come back, Volker Jog brought to you by Aviva Tataria. Get on the lines now. Live from the Aviva Tataria studio. Volker Jog is brought to you by Aviva Tataria. The gift card to Aviva Tataria is the perfect gift for any occasion. So pick one up at any of their locations to find the one nearest. Do you go to Aviva Are there any special events coming up at Aviva Tataria? I'm so glad you asked. My birthday extravaganza is happening on May 31st at the Aviva Tataria in Hanover, which I actually was able to visit last weekend. It's a beautiful location, just like all of them are so beautiful. This one, a big open kitchen, big bar, really fun atmosphere. You guys should come check it out. If you spend $20, you can get a free copy of Paper Boy, one per table. And we're just going to have a great time. So please make your reservations, call the Hanover location and get ready for another Grace Curly Howie Car birthday remote. Joining me now for Volker Jog is Taylor Cormier. Let's do it. Everything woke turns to shit. OK. I started a joke. Take care of voters. The word walk means loser. All right, you know how it works. Taylor is going to read a headline. You've got to tell us, is it woke or is it a joke? If you didn't get on right away because we do have full lines, you can keep trying the numbers eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. If you are correct, stay on the line. You'll be entered to win a $50 gift card to Aviva Tataria. OK, without further ado, are you ready to go, Taylor? I'm ready. Let's go to Tony, your first up today. Are you ready for your headline, Tony? I sure am, Grace. All right, Tony, here is your headline expert explains how Stormy Daniels earlobe proves sketch artist misogyny. That's got to be a joke. It is a joke. By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. Taylor, did you tell me yesterday, though, that she was not happy with the sketch artist or was that Jared? That wasn't me. Yeah, that was Jared. Yeah, and I have seen them, but I mean, that's just kind of what they do. I've never really seen a flattering. Hope Hickses was nice, but I've never really seen a flattering sketch come out of the courtroom, like Tom Brady even had a bad one. SBF. Oh, I didn't see it. Extremely flattering sketch. You look more like Tom Brady than Tom Brady. Really? You didn't know I must have missed this. SBF. Yes. I mean, he looked like a GQ model. Yes. You know what? I'm going to Google it right now. I'm taking to the Google machine. In the meantime, let's go to Ed. You're next up with Taylor Cormier on Woker Joke. Are you ready for your headline, Ed? Yes, Happy Mother's Day, Grace. Oh, thank you, Ed. Here we go. Go ahead, Ted. All right, Ed, here is your headline. Boy Scouts of America announces new gender neutral name. Well, it is woke. I know that one's been a lot of jokes, not a joke. Yeah, you're right. It looks like Chris Pine or something. Yeah, yeah, that's a movie star. He looks like Brad Pitt, but with like dark hair. What a chiseled jaw. Yes, that's what that's what you know what? If I was going to be in court, I would look for that person and say, hey, are you the person who sketched SBF? Can you come sketch me? That's probably hanging up in his cell right now. He's in his bean bag looking at it. All right, Taylor, give us the rundown on this. We did talk about this on how we show recently. Yeah, they're announcing their name change part of efforts towards greater inclusion. As we know, since like 2018 or so, they've been welcoming girls into the Girl Scouts, but they didn't have a name change. So it's been this confusing time period for everybody where the Girl Scouts has remained unchanged there. I don't think they're taking boys and they're still called the Girl Scouts. But now the Boy Scouts, since they're taking girls and really anything that decides to join up for the Boy Scouts, they're changing their names to just the scouting of America, scouting America, something stupid and androgynous. Yeah, also just from a business perspective. And I did talk about this with how we whenever you get name recognition, if you have a name for so long that everybody knows what it is, you're just a bad business move to change it. Right. It's like a bad business to change the foundation model of what you are to. Absolutely. Let somebody else create something more inclusive if they want to get into it. They want to change the history and the purpose of scouting America sounds like a political pack. It sounds like a Biden initiative, right? Yeah, he'd have that in the back of his step and that's going to be like his bus tour, the No Malarkey tour scouting America, Jack. All right, Tom, your next up with Taylor Cormier on Walker Joke. Are you ready for your headline, Tom? Let her rip. Tom, here is your headline, the trailer for the world's first fully AI generated film is here. Well, it is woke. This is true. Not a joke, not a joke. This is a brand new production team TCL TV plus studios. This is the technology group Corp. I believe they are a predominantly or partially owned state state owned Chinese company. They sell consumer electronics. They have created a movie called Next Stop Paris and the trailer is out. And it looks like dog excrement. It is like the most rudimentary AI. Like there's really good AI out there. Yeah, like the Pope and the puffer. Very I've not seen that one. It's good. It looks real, but there is very realistic AI. This looks like somebody paper machete AI. Now, are there real actors in it? No, the whole thing is script. Dwight does not play a robot script. The final production is AI. It's written by AI, voiced by AI and drawn by AI. I have to say that is my biggest bug to do is whenever you talk about AI, as much as people can explain it, I've had guests on trying to explain to me. I do always think of robots and I know it's not robots. But I think of a movie with all these robots like this C3PO and a typewriter. Yeah, the whole thing. Jonathan, you're next up with Taylor Kormier. Are you ready for your headline, Jonathan? Yeah, I'm ready. All right, Jonathan, here's your headline. Bladeless Swiss Army knife debuts as weapon laws tighten. Well, I'm going to I'm going to guess joke. It is woke. Wow, this is not a joke, not a joke. Eastern Europe, Middle East, so Asian markets as well as they see increases in knife violence. They are debuting and bladeless Swiss Army knife for those markets. So be on a lookout for a rise in corkscrew violence. That's what to say with the nail file. They're going to be filing the skin off of people. Yeah, we were at a spoonings increase when I was younger. We were staying at a hotel or we were skiing or something and we were staying there and in the pullout couch, we found a Swiss Army knife and we showed it to my mom and we said, hey, look at this cool Swiss Army knife. My mom said, you should give that to me because you're going to cut your fingers on it. And by the end of the trip, all four of us really had sliced our fingers. Oh, my goodness. Yeah, because we just couldn't handle it. I find that they were never really that sharp. They were so exciting, though, you're pulling them out. Oh, look at this one. Look at this one. Right. Right. Yeah. What can you do with it? I need stitches from one one time, wood carving with the scouts. Yes. You understand? The stitches right there with scouting America. No, with the boy scouts back in the day. But I was and then I went to put it down. It closed on me and like just like snapped in my pink and I had to get two stitches. But you're tougher for it. You're better for it. I am. Dennis, you're up next on Woker Joker. Are you ready for your headline, Dennis? I am ready. All right, Dennis. Here is your headline, Berkeley professor pioneers critical race and music theory course for fall semester. That's going to be a joke. It is a joke, by the way. That was a joke. That's not true. You know what? That one would have got me. Yeah, because it's not that crazy. You know, they, of course, is on so many things now. Of course, they'd have a course on critical race, critical race and music. Yeah, it makes sense. Peter, you're up next on Woker Joker. Are you ready for your headline, Peter? Yes, I'm ready. All right, Peter. Here is your headline. Obsession with all things true crime, now a diagnosable condition. I think that's a joke. It is a joke, but I'm not so sure it's not true. You know, you like true crime, right? By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. Have you been watching the jinx season two? There's a season two. The guy's dead. Robert Durst. Yes. Well, not where I'm at right now. Oh, my lord. He's dead. He's not killing anybody else. Yeah, but it's pretty good so far. I'm only on episode two. It is a robot. Oh, is this on each? I got rid of my HBO subscription. Yeah, it's on HBO. Yeah, but that I think that for me is like one of the top best jinx season one true crime miniseries. And I do think the Karen Reed case when it does become a miniseries, which seems inevitable at this point, I think it has the makings to be so, so good because some of them, it's like a stretch. You watch these things and they try to make it and you're like, OK, it's really a six-parter, but Karen Reed and all those characters, yeah. Yeah, I can't wait. Let's go to Mike. You're up next on Wilker Joke. Are you ready for your headline, Mike? Hi, Mike. Hi, Grace. Yes. Happy first mother's day. Oh, everyone, it's so sweet. Thank you, Mike. Go ahead, Taylor. All right, Mike. Here is your headline. Law Review invites furries to Palestine protest must be halal. Wow. That sounds so whack that it might actually be true. I'll go with true. I'm sorry. It is a joke. He's trying to see if we can give him. By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. Nice try, Mike. Let's go to do we have any more, Taylor? Yes. Let's go to Tony. You're up next. Are you ready for your headline, Tony? I'm ready. This is our last headline. Watch drag queen drama. Sorry. Take two. Watch drag queen gyrates as new face of produce giant I'm going to go with woke. I'm sorry. That is also a joke. Wow. By the way, that was a joke. That's not very green gyrate. Is that yes? Thank you very much, Taylor Cormier. We appreciate you and we appreciate your time and the segment. We will be right back. I want to talk about and I was tempted to talk about this yesterday, but I kind of skipped over it and then the New York Post had a story on the Denver migrants. They sent the mayor in Denver, Mike Johnston, a list of 13 demands, a lot of lists of demands being sent out as of late. And this list is so crazy. I'm not going to say it's UCLA crazy. They're not asking for like zip ties or anything like that, but it's a list of demands that will make you that will infuriate you because these Denver migrants or illegal aliens, they want school pickup back and forth with their kids, they want culturally appropriate meals. The works. We'll talk about it. Who are you to demand anything? I run this town. You're just a bunch of low income. Nobody's will be right back with more. This is the Grace Curly show. You're listening to the Grace Curly show. This is the Grace Curly show. I keep hearing about. Well, I guess in in the case of the college students, I don't know if they were labeling the list as demands or like humanitarian needs or suggestions or what to bring us. But we also are getting now lists of demands or I should say we, the mayor of Denver is getting a list of demands from illegal aliens who they are trying to move out of a shelter and they're saying, hey, we're not moving out of this shelter until we get some things down pat here until we until we are clear about what's going to happen in the new shelter. You can't even blame them. I mean, they're just they're they're playing ball. They're smarter than the mayor. But let's before we go on to the Denver migrants, let's talk about what was happening at Princeton because the Princeton students were having a hunger like how we had this sound yesterday. I don't normally repeat sound, but it's worth it. This is cut 23. My peers and I, we are starving. We are physically exhausted. I am quite literally shaking right now. As you can see, we are both cold and hot at the same time. We are all immunocompromised and based on the university's meeting yesterday with some of our bargaining teams, they would love to continue physically getting us because they can't stand to say no to unjust murder. I will say I truly do not feel like I'm doing anything special. This is my choice and I would not send my birthday doing anything other than being here and standing in solidarity with you all and standing in solidarity with our siblings and innocent people in Gaza. It's her birthday. It's the Princeton student activist birthday. She's a Gemini. My peers and I, we are starving. And you know, my number one question would be tasty, meaty, turkey filled, cold cut combo. My question would be whose fault is that? Like who's I'm not I'm not telling you not to eat. I'm not telling I'm not telling you to create this circus in your lives. This is all self-inflicted, lady. Immunocompromised were cold and hot at the same time. What is going on? And OK, so now we have the Denver migrant and we have sound from this. We pulled it yesterday. I didn't realize how crazy these demands were. Let's play it camp as a collective came up with a list of demands. That came after a petition by city officials for migrants to move from this encampment near train tracks under a bridge to indoor shelters funded by the city. This morning they sent buses to take people over without presenting that document and without having any kind of signature for accountability. That's what migrant advocate V Reeves says. The city responded with instead of meeting the migrants demands. We've been offering time and shelter, basically just trying to get families to leave that camp and come inside. John Ewing with Denver Human Services says shelter comes with its perks, namely getting out of these conditions outdoors. It comes with, you know, three square meals a day. You can cook your own if you'd like to. That is one of the main demands by these migrants who have had their grievances in the past about the food provided by the city. What is this, Festivus? They've had their grievances. Here are some of the grievances or here are some of the things they want. They want to be sure they're going to get in their new facility. Migrants will cook their own food with fresh, culturally appropriate ingredients provided by the city instead of premade meals, rice, chicken, flour, oil, butter, tomatoes, onions, et cetera. Also, people will not be punished for bringing in and eating outside food. Shower access will be available without time limits and can be accessed whenever we are not in the military, we're civilians. No more verbal or physical or mental abuse will be permitted from the staff, including no sheriff sleeping inside and monitoring 24/7. Is that considered abuse having a sheriff monitor the situation? We are not criminals and won't be treated as such. Transportation for all children chewing from their schools will be provided until they finish in three weeks. No separating families, the camp will stay together. All will receive the same housing support that has been offered to others. A medical professional visits will happen regularly. And imagine if we gave this to American citizens. Imagine if we treated our veterans like this. We actually, you know, we could be proud of the way we treat our veterans if we had these standards, but this was only reserved for people who cross the country illegally, consultants for each person, family with a free immigration lawyer must be arranged to discuss and to discuss the progress in their cases. And then the city will provide ongoing legal support in the form of immigration document clinics and including transportation to relevant court dates. The city must provide all residents with a document signed by a city official in English and Spanish with all of these demands that includes a number to call to report mistreatment. The city must schedule a meeting with the mayor and those directly involved in running the newcomer program ASAP to discuss further improvements and ways to support migrants. I'm surprised they didn't end it with or else dot dot dot. In the words of Vince Mont, why are you yelling at me? See, Mary angry while making these demands. Is a please out of the question? Has please gone out the window these days? We'll be right back. We're talking Kamala Harris and her interview The New York Times put so much more. [MUSIC PLAYING]