The Howie Carr Radio Network

Biden Betrays Israel, Lies About Inflation | 5.9.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

So much for ironclad support! Grace shares Biden's latest shirk of support for America's oldest ally. Then, he's at it again with Bidenomics. Inflation is up, up, up! Where's Biden's head?

Broadcast on:
09 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm air purifier BOGO offer. Buy one, get one free for one week only. Order today at with code GRACE BOGO. (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trateria Studio, it's the Grace Curly show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. - Especially Grace, Grace Stand Up. - Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. - Hello everyone and welcome back to the Grace Curly show. It's Friday, Junior. And I am so excited to be here. Thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. I love all of you for tuning in and for partaking in this show that we do every day. It's always fun every weekday from 12 to three. Today, we've got an excellent program prepared for you. Ari Hoffman, one of my favorites at the Hoff father on Twitter, he's gonna join us at 1230 to talk about Biden's latest surrender to the far left radicals. And also speaking of the far left radicals, Ari has been doing some reporting about what's happening at the University of Washington. You know how these schools have a sudden, a newfound appreciation for freedom of speech? As long as said freedom of speech involves hating Jewish people or wanting to burn Tel Aviv to the ground. That's when they really, they all become Jared, like Thomas Jefferson, when you start talking about wanting to kill Jews. It's like, whoa, whoa, this is your right. You need to be able, this is one of the bedrocks of our nation, you need to be able to speak your mind. But when Charlie Kirk came to the University of Washington, the free speech thing was kind of out the window. It's one of those situations where it really depends on the speaker. Freedom of speech in the eyes of liberals depends on who's speaking. I shouldn't even say liberals because, one of my editors at Spexeter always gets mad at me. He's like, stop using the term liberals. Liberals connotes like the actual term used to be for people who are open minded. That is not who you're talking to. You're referring to radical, Hamas loving hippies. They're not liberals, they're radicals. Then at one o'clock, big update for you, Turtle Boy joins the show. With major updates on the Karen Reed case, Chris Albert was testifying today. He's still, I think he's off the stand now. It might be his wife who's on the stand last time I checked, it was a little while ago. But Chris Albert, brother of Brian Albert, who's the homeowner of the property, he owns the property where John O'Keefe's body was discovered on January 28th, 2022. And Chris is also the father, which I actually think might be even more important than his relationship with Brian Albert, is the fact that he's the father of Colin Albert, who's become one of the central figures in this Karen Reed saga. And Chris was testifying today, a little testy. Seems like he was getting a little agitated, which I never think is good. Like you have to get all of that out. I don't know what you need to do beforehand. But if you're testifying, you've got to know, they're going to try to get under your skin. You've got to go in so zen, like almost sedated. Because otherwise, Jared, the second you start to lean into that anger and that frustration, things start to fall apart. Like you start to fall apart, your timeline starts to fall apart, which we saw a lot of today. His answers were pretty explosive. I don't think he meant them to be. Very few people get on the witness stand and want their testimony to be explosive. Usually happens by accident, because of good examination or cross-examination. And that's what we heard today. We will get to that with Turtle Boy. I know you're all excited for that one. We also have Wilker Joke, brought to you by Aviva Trita at 130. But I wanted to start with this Joe Biden interview. And I'm not going to play you a million cuts. I know that everyone has, only has such a tolerance for these things. But let me run this through you, okay? Joe Biden sits down with CNN's Aaron Burnett. And unbeknownst to me, but according to the New York Times, Joe Biden goes very heavy on campaigning on Wednesdays. You know that quote from Mean Girls on Wednesdays, we wear pink on Wednesdays. We campaign if you're Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Again, I did not know this because it's like if a tree falls in the forest. I haven't been seeing him out there a lot. I didn't know that on Wednesdays, he was like hitting the pavement on hump day and really trying to know about it. - Tell us it was settled on that. - But I guess if when you really think about it, if he does two events compared to every other day, that would be a big day for Joe Biden. So the New York Times reports that because he knows that Trump is off on Wednesdays, that court goes, the court case, the New York City Hush Money trial, they take the day off on Wednesdays, he has decided to amplify his presence on those days, to really press the flesh on Wednesdays. - Oh, oh yeah. - Yeah, so he gives us interview with Aaron Burnett. And he is just refusing to come even anywhere close to the facts. Remember how at one point the New York Times was talking about, oh, he likes to shave off the truth. We're not shaving anymore. We are slicing and dicing. There is no truth to be had. He is as deluloo. That's what the kids say, meaning delusional. He is as delusional as they come. He's as delusional as I am at karaoke night and I'm like, put on a del, I've got this one. Let me take the mic. This man is so out of touch with reality and anything close to effect. It's almost, it almost puts Aaron Burnett in a situation where, yeah, she should push back more. That's kind of a given. But at the same time, if someone is just not going to hear it, I don't really know what you do. It's like my dad always told me growing up, you can't beat crazy. If you're dealing with someone who is so married to their own reality, it doesn't really matter what you say. You're not going to convince them. And so the best example of this, and we're going to get into Israel and the stunning comments he made about that, but I wanted to start with one quote. And keep in mind, I'm going to preface this by saying, I am not a numbers gal. I usually leave that to the experts. Janet Yellen, I like to leave it to the Janet Yellen's of the world, the Jared Bernstein's of the world, the Paul Krugman's of the world. They're better with percentages. They crunch those damn numbers. They don't need my input. But you know what number I do have down pat? 1.4%. I got that number down. I can remember that one. Because 1.4% was the inflation rate when Joe Biden took office. All of these things, these inconvenient truths, they mean absolutely nothing to this man. Take a listen to the cut that really has a lot of Republicans for good reason up in arms. This is cut nine. Well, so I mean, no presidents had the run we've had in terms of creating jobs and bringing down inflation. It was 9% when I came to office. 9%. But look-- it's just a lie. And as someone who spent so much time covering the fact checkers during the Trump administration, they were fact checking around the clock. These people never took a break. They had little counters on the side of the TV. Like, you know how now they always have Trump's trial in the corner? They had a Trump lie, lie count. And it would always go, oh, no, you lied about this. You lied about this. Oh, no, it's up to 454. If he said anything, if he said, oh, you know, I really like chocolate ice cream, that's not true. He doesn't like chocolate ice cream. He loves chocolate ice cream. They would count everything as a lie. Now, Joe Biden gets out there and says, when I took office, inflation was at 9%. When he took office, inflation was at 1.4%. Inflation began surging mid-2021. And there's nobody, not Aaron Burnett, not even one of the camera people can go, um-- These are facts. Check them out. That is just a lie. It's fake news. And it's not a hard one. It's not like, oh, I have to go back to my computer and double check this later. Daniel Dale, get Daniel Dale on the line. Can you help us out? We need your expertise. That's just something as a reporter. I have to assume she knows that. But he gets away with it. And then he says this. And this one really-- I enjoy this. I enjoy this evolution he's had with the polls. Because we've gone from you're reading the wrong polls. No, I think at first, Jared, if I had to-- I want to get my-- I don't want to be like Chris Albert. I'm going to get my timeline right here. Starts off with check the polls, Jack. That's what he was telling people. Check the polls, Jack. And then people did check the polls. It's kind of similar to when he says, watch me. And then that reporter said, people have been watching you. They're not liking what they're seeing. So he says, check the polls, Jack. And your wish is my command. Everybody goes back and they check the polls. And they unfortunately have to report to him. The polls aren't great. And then his response to that was, you're reading the wrong polls. And I was thinking, oh, man, I would love to get my hands on whatever polls he has access to. Where are these piles and piles of polls? Maybe he keeps them in between the chocolate chip and the rocky road ice cream and the freezer. Where are these polls that this man is reading? Because we should get them so we can understand what kind of paradise he's created. And now he's gone from check the polls. You're reading the wrong polls to cut six. Real income, when you account for inflation, is actually down since you took office. Economic growth last week, far short of expectations. Consumer confidence, maybe no surprise, is near a two-year low. With less than six months to go to election day, are you worried that you're running out of time to turn that around? We've already turned around. Look, you look at the Michigan survey. For 65% of American people think they're in good shape economically. They think the nation's not in good shape. They're personally in good shape. The polling data has been wrong all along. How many of you guys do a poll at CNN? How many folks you have to call to get one response? Wait, the polling data has been wrong all along. Then why do you want me to check it, Jack? Why'd you tell me I was reading the wrong ones? If it's all been wrong-- and by the way, doesn't he cite a survey? So things that make him feel good. He's going by the Grace Curly motto here, which is polls I like, I run with, polls I don't like, I don't run with. The only difference is I'm a radio host. He's the president of the United States in an interview with CNN. There's more of a reason to poke holes in what he's saying. Now, of course, the other part of this that has garnered a lot of attention-- actually, you know what? I'm going to say this, real, because we do have Ari Hoffman joining us at 12.30 to break that down. I want to go to cut 11. Because this is something where, if I'm Snickers, if I'm the Snickers-- what is it? Mars-- Mars Zone Snickers? I would file some sort of lawsuit. I would say cease and desist this slander on our company. What, you're not satisfied? How much damage to our candy do you have to do, sir? Cut 11. It's angers them and angers me that you have to spend more. For example, the whole idea of this notion that Senator Casey talked about shrinkflation-- I think it was on your program. Same place for a smaller bottle of juice or something. For example, stickers more, they did a thing. And it's like 20% less for the same price. That's corporate greed. Greed. No, and Snickers came out and was like, I don't know why he keeps saying this. And I actually do know why. I think there was a piece in the Wall Street Journal where they put a picture of a Snickers bar next to a story on shrinkflation. And somebody must have put it on his desk. And I don't think he's doing a lot of heavy reading at this point. But I think that-- even though Jill does tell us, he burns the midnight oil. He stays up all night with his reading light on. But I do think that he looks probably at the pictures. And I think he saw the picture of the Snickers. And he just never let it go. And so that's the thing that's stuck in his memory, is the Snickers are 20% less. Again, not true. But sure, you want to slander Snickers. Why not? Big Snickers twirling their mustaches, trying to take down the American consumer. What's next? No one has any decency anymore. Have you no shame, big Snickers? We're going to talk about his comments regarding Israel, which really, I mean, we all know he's wishy-wash. We all know he's feckless. But even for Joe Biden, this was pretty stunning stuff. We'll get to that when we return. Don't go anywhere. It's the Grace Curly Show. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. What about-- I mean, but there's real pain. I mean, grocery prices are up 30%-- more than 30%-- since the beginning of the pandemic. And people are spending more on food and groceries than they have at any time, really, in the past 30 years. I mean, that's a real day-to-day pain that people feel. It really is. And it's real. But the fact is that, if you take a look at what them, and people have, they have the money to spend. And that little nugget of wisdom brings us to our poll question, which is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm Air Purifier back in stock now. My friends at Eden Pure have brought back the very popular BOGO offer that's by one get one. So order now at Use code GRACE BOGO. These go fast, so don't miss out. Jared, what is the poll question, and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is Biden said inflation is real, but, quote, "People have the money to spend." Do you have the money to spend? Yes or no? No. No, of course not. 94% of the audience doesn't. 6% is sitting on a throne of cash right now, apparently. Yes, 6% hunters voting. Hunters like, hey, things are looking good. I just whipped up another piece of artwork for a motel, looking at 500,000 K coming in the bank. It's great for that one lady that loved the prices of eggs at the supermarket a couple of weeks back. But everybody else's feeling the pinch a little bit, if you will. Yeah, it's just, he's trying to act, and you know what the frightening part is? It's like I said, inflation, when he showed up, inflation was at 1.4%. He's claiming when he showed up, it was at 9%. Which I think we would all remember. I think if Donald Trump-- Not as false. I think if Donald Trump was overseeing 9% inflation, I would have that number burned into my brain, because it would be on television all of the time. But it wasn't, because it's not true. It didn't happen. So it's 1.4%. And the craziest part to me is that this has been happening since mid-2021, let's say. That's when it really just skyrocketed. And they haven't changed their strategy at all. Like the best and the brightest, all these people who he surrounds himself with, millions of dollars. You know, campaigning and strategizing, six pronged solution to this and that, and getting a read of people and consulting and all this stuff. And they still think this is the best way to go. They still think this argument of, it's not the message, it's the delivery, is going to work on the American people. And actually what I think is even more insulting is, you just don't get it. You know, your life is really good right now under Joe Biden. You just are too stupid to understand it. And there's a lot of people out there who are not political science majors, or you know, who aren't experts on the economy, who sit down at their kitchen table, and they don't need a lot of context to understand if they're doing better or worse than they were four years ago. - How do you trickle down in my kitchen table? - Trickle, trickle, trickle. Yeah, pay your fair share. This is just what he does though. He talks absolute nonsense. And you know, my text is just saying, Aaron Burnett should have pushed back. Of course he should have. But so should have reporters for the last four years. I don't think it's going to start now. At this point, it's almost too late. Like at this point, if you push back too much, this guy is so used to the kid glove treatment. I'm afraid he's going to start, you know, freaking out. I'm afraid he's going to go Clint Eastwood on us. Get off my lawn. I have a full meltdown. He's used to being coddled. And he's also at the same time, and we're going to get to this with Ari Hoffman. He's so terrified of angering this base of crazy radicals that he's willing to sell out our ally in the Middle East, our strongest ally in the Middle East. I should say they were our strongest ally. I don't think they probably feel that way about us now. But he's willing to sell out Israel in hopes that maybe the Ilhan Omar's of the world, the Death to America voters, the Harvard hippies, the yarn dancers at Columbia, in hopes that maybe they'll see this capitulation and they'll say, maybe I will vote from after all. And you know what? That's a bet that I don't think it's going to pay off. We'll be right back with Ari Hoffman. Don't move. (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. - I made it clear that if they go into Rafa, they haven't gone on Rafa yet. If they go into Rafa, I'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with Rafa, to deal with the cities, to deal with that problem. We're going to continue to make sure Israel is secure in terms of iron dome and your ability to respond to attacks like came out of the least recently. - That was Joe Biden in his interview. I'm not sure if it was taped on Wednesday, or if this was a pre-taped thing, but he did an interview with Aaron Burnett on CNN. And that was definitely the headline most people took from it. Many Americans and political leaders in this country were taken aback, even knowing how easily Biden caves to pressure from the far left and how nervous he is about losing votes. And oftentimes he's making his political decisions just based off of, can I afford to lose this group or that group, but even with all that being said, this announcement is a tremendous departure from the support Israel has come to expect from the US. Joining us now is Ari Hoffman and Ari, thank you so much for coming on the show. I would love your reaction to the news that we are not going to be sending Israel weapons if they go in Tarafah. - You know, there's a story I wanna begin with, Grace, and thanks for having me as always, that in June of 1982, there was a Senator who confronted then Israeli Prime Minister, Manacham Begin during a discussion about the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, where the US, the Senator, was threatening to cut off aid from Israel. And Manacham Begin said, "Don't threaten us with cutting off your aid. It will not work. I'm not a Jo trembling knees. I'm proud of you with 3,700 years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid when we were dying in the gas chambers and ovens. Nobody came to our aid when we were striving to create a country. We paid for it, we fought for it, we died for it. We will stand by our principles. We both defend them. And when necessary, we will die for them again with or without your aid." Manacham Begin said that to the Senator from Delaware, Joe Biden. We are literally doing the exact same thing all over again, because Joe Biden is trying to win Michigan. That's what this is all about. - Wow, I did not know that story. That's crazy. And so, Ari, obviously you're not surprised by this. Joe has been very wishy-washy. And at the same time, he's going on saying how he has an ironclad commitment with Israel. You know what I wanted to ask you, Ari, 'cause I'm gonna go into the college campuses in a second here, but on, he had an event for National Holocaust Remembrance Day, and he gave this speech, and every time he talks about anything involving Jewish people, he has to follow it up with. But also, don't forget Islamophobia. And he gives these statements, talking about how even when we disagree with Israel, you know, we're always going to support them, followed up by this interview with Aaron Burnett. I mean, he's all over the place. Do you think his team, when he goes into an interview like this, says, "Hey, now would be the time to announce "that if they go into Rafa, if Israel goes into Rafa, "we're not gonna support them." Or do you think this is just, excuse me here for this grotesque language, but is it just like diary of the mouth? - Well, it's a little bit more complicated, but it's more on the latter side. It's basically when you don't pick a side, you have these problems with trying to placate everybody and then being unable to do so. Now, when you're looking at what Joe Biden did, I was shocked that I saw this in the AP last night. The AP buried in an article, buried like 14 paragraphs down, was a line saying that the Biden's National Security Council knew about this decision a week ago and was trying to keep it quiet until after the speech for the Holocaust Remembrance Day because they knew the ramifications that would have. So all this comes out afterwards, just so Joe Biden can look good to the Jews at his Holocaust Remembrance Day speech, but I'll tell you something, Grace, even my friends were on the left, looked at that speech and said, "Too little, too late. "We're voting for somebody else." - Yeah, and did he also, and maybe this played into it as well, sorry, although I don't know for sure, but didn't he also meet with hostage victims or families of the hostages? And he put up some tweet about how you have my word, I will not rest until the hostages return. And then to follow it up with this news is pretty nuts. - Yeah, let's be very clear on this. There are still five American hostages and dozens of Americans were killed on October 7th. Now, here's the thing everybody needs to understand also, is that the end game of this is the return of all the hostages and the destruction of Hamas. What's left of Hamas and the hostages are in Rafa. So if you say you can't go into Rafa, that means Joe Biden doesn't care about whether or not we get the American hostages back. Forget the 100 plus other hostages, but that means he doesn't care at all. That means he doesn't want Israel to win the war. And what's the motivation for a US president wanting a terrorist organization to survive? The only motivation he could possibly have is the terrorists in the US Congress, like Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Umar, are the ones who are pounding him so bad and he's trying to placate them. That's the only thing that's going on here. Basically, Joe Biden can't say he has Israel's back and he supports Israel 100%, where they are having an existential crisis with this war, where you have Hezbollah, Iran and Hamas, all attacking Israel, all surrounding Israel, and he doesn't want Israel to win the war. - Yeah, I think that sums it up pretty nicely. Ari, I wanted to ask you, just moving on here, same kind of topic though. We've been hearing a lot about the First Amendment, freedom of speech from these college presidents, and I want to take everyone back for a second. Remember when Liz McGill was testifying from UPenn and she said, you know, I was guided by the Constitution because no one could condemn the hate speech against Jews because that's okay for the First Amendment. And she said, oh, I was guided by the Constitution. I got such a kick out of it, Ari, 'cause I was like, oh, here, oh, the Constitution's back in Vogue. I didn't think any of these people at these universities like the Constitution. But when they want to, when they want to say, you know, it's okay if you want to burn Tel Aviv to the ground, it's okay if you want to block Jewish students from going to class, then all of a sudden, First Amendment, two thumbs up. And the reason I bring that up now is because when the freedom of speech involves, say, a conservative figure wanting to speak at a school, things change pretty drastically. Break down from my audience what happened Tuesday night at the University of Washington. Sure, so Charlie Kirk from Turning Point USA came for a talk and it was packed. The line even in Seattle, Washington was hundreds if not thousands of people who were waiting in line and they actually had a turn about half the line away 'cause they couldn't fit them in the building. So there's a designer for this kind of stuff even here in Seattle. Tons of people came to this thing. But at the same time, you have this little Gaza encampment which isn't so little anymore and now has close to 200 tents on the campus taking over the quad and the school had warning about this. As Columbia was being broken up, as UCLA was being broken up, this thing was forming and they didn't do anything about it. They had a week's notice that this thing was gonna happen and they didn't do anything to stop it. And now there's a video some of them I took where Jews are being blocked on campus whereas really flags are being stolen and shredded and other discrimination or signs that say death to Zionists they're trying to make the media check in at little booths they're wearing little green armbands and which designate who should be there and who should not be there. Now on Tuesday night, what happened was that the majority of the people at this encampment are not students, they are activists. In fact, that's a three quarters of them are activists that we saw in 2020. They went and shut up to the light rail station while Charlie Kirk was speaking and then they marched back to campus having even more numbers. The university I found out this morning provided metal barricades to the activists so they could block whatever they wanted. And what they did was they blocked students, they blocked Jews from going anywhere near their encampment which means the quad in the center of the school. And Antifa was out in force, there were scuffles, they tried to assault a journalist, they ended up hitting his security guard who was gushing blood from a blow from under his eye. That's what's happening on campus. And when I was walking around and talking to various people I noticed that there were some deans from the school standing nearby who refused to do anything about it. I spoke to one gentleman who was head of security of the campus and he's the black man and why that's important was. I said to him, aren't you gonna do anything about this? And he kept giving me the free speech, free speech, free speech. And I said, if those Antifa guys, I lost my cool with this grace. I said, if those Antifa guys were wearing hoods and they were stopping black people from walking on campus, would you tell me the same thing? And he didn't like that very much, but it's true. If this was the KKK on campus stopping people, if this was white supremacist stopping LGBTQIA and ripping down their flags, you'd have the National Guard out there. But because it's Antifa, because it's Jews, you have the media calling it a peaceful protest. - Yeah, and Ari, whenever the left doesn't like something, they always love to compare it to Hitler. So Hillary Clinton, for example, was on morning Joe today. She's comparing Trump to Hitler and saying, you know, this is what had, this looks like the 1930s. I do think things are looking like the 1930s right now, but I don't think it's MAGA people that are really the issue. And so the reason I bring this up is because a few weeks ago, I read a piece by Kurt Schlichter and he was trying to predict whether or not Jewish Americans who typically would vote Democrat, if this would be enough to change their minds or if this would be a breaking point, what you just described and what we're seeing all over this country. And his final conclusion, and I hope I'm not, like, you know, misparaphrasing what he's saying, but his final conclusion was that for a lot of Democrats, for a lot of Jewish people, being liberal is part of their identity. And that's really hard to turn on a dime. It's really hard to have a 180 all of a sudden and vote differently with something that you've been doing your whole life. I'm curious what you would guess, Ari, about this election coming up. Does this move the needle in a drastic way? Or will some Jewish people in this country, obviously, some will, but do you think the majority of Jewish people in this country will vote liberal if they have in the past? - I'll say he's right, but only to a point, because what's happening right now, what I'm noticing, is the ones who just vote Democrat 'cause they've always been Democrats, not because they're the true believers, are having a real crisis of conscience. And they're saying things like, I'll never vote for Joe Biden again. I'll never vote for a Democrat again. And they're saying, my money's not going to that, or they're saying they're gonna stay home and they're gonna vote on local issues. That's where they're at right now, because they see this happening. It's only the real true believers who have replaced Judaism with liberalism, with communism, with socialism, that are going that direction. And what I'm curious about is to check Joe Biden's campaign filings and see how much Jewish money is still going to his campaign, or if people said, we're not giving it anymore. Now, here's the thing, is that the Jews are only 2% of the US population. So I don't see them really pushing an election in one direction or the other. But October 7th is a huge wake-up call. And a lot of liberal friends of mine are coming up to me and asking me how to vote in this election. They're actually looking at this for the first time they're coming up to the conservative radio host. And they're saying, I don't know who to vote for, who's safe, who's not. So this year, I'm actually making a common sense voter's guide acknowledging the fact that there's a lot of Democrats who are gonna be voting for somebody outside the Democrat party this time, for the first time ever. - Yeah, and they feel a little lost. And they, of course, feel abandoned, which makes total sense. Ari Hoffman, we love having you on. Everyone should follow Ari on Twitter @theHoffFather because he's got all of these videos from the University of Washington, which you're definitely gonna wanna see. He's also an unbelievable radio host. Ari, tell people where else they can find your stuff and where you're writing for now. - Absolutely, I'm writing for the post-millennial. You can find out at, AriHoff and official on Facebook and Instagram, the HoffFather over on Twitter. - Thank you, sir. We really appreciate it. We'll talk to you soon, and when we come back, I'll play that cut from Hillary Clinton. She's comparing Trump to Hitler because she didn't go to Wisconsin in 2016, so that means Trump is Hitler. But you know, the other part of it too, Jared, is I wanna say to Hillary, you might not wanna compare Trump to Hitler because based off the behavior I'm seeing in some of these Ivy League schools, some of your voting base, that might appeal to them if they think Trump's like Hitler, because you guys seem to have an anti-Semitism problem. I know it's not the brand that Paul Krugman worries about, but I wouldn't be shouting that too loudly because some of your fans, Hillary, some of the I'm with her fans that are on these college campuses, they might hear that, and that might intrigue them a little bit. Orange man's like Hitler? Huh, you don't say. We'll be right back, we'll take your calls. Allergy season is here, and you need the Eden Pure thunderstorm, air purifier, warmer temps are creeping up, and you're going to wanna open those doors and windows. Paulin is going to come in, and when it does, you're going to need the thunderstorm, air purifier. One user wrote, "The thunderstorm does what it claims. "It's effective on my husband's allergies, "sneezing and runny nose and coughing. "The thunderstorm is a small device. "You can hold it in your hand, plug it into the wall." And Jared, it just works. I mean, you understand the science behind it a little bit better than I do. Explain to people how it's eliminating not just allergens, not just pollutants, but also odors. Right, so you're probably familiar with your regular plug-in air, garden variety, plug-in air fresheners that make things smell flowery, or make the ears thick and syrupy, with like that weird liquid they shoot out. No, this is nothing like that. This actually purifies the air, because what happens when you plug the thunderstorm into your wall, and that's all you have to. You just have to plug it into an outlet and turn it on and immediately, it starts sending out ions, and those ions create a super oxygen, and that is what eliminates any allergens and pollutants in the air. The same way it does any odors, you're not gonna smell some flowery, gross, whatever. No, you're not gonna smell anything. You're actually gonna have an absence of smell because the air is gonna be that pure. - Yeah, and you wanna take advantage of the Bogo deal right now by going to and using code GRACEBOGO. Hurry, these Bogo deals don't last long. Also, more sanity from CNN. This one kinda makes sense to me, and we'll play it when we come back. Scott Jennings always does a pretty good job. He's like the conservative commentator, and he brought up a comparison I also read about on The Blaze, which is what's the difference between, besides the orange factor, which seems to be the only thing that really matters, what's the difference between Trump threatening to withhold aid in the perfectly good phone call and Biden threatening to withhold aid with Aaron Burnett? Is it just that Alex Vinman wasn't in the interview room when Aaron Burnett was interviewing Joe? Do I need some legal beagle to explain it to me? We'll be right back, we'll take your calls, so much more to get to in this show. Turtle Boy in the one o'clock, you don't wanna go anywhere. - You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. (dramatic music) This is The Grace Curly Show. (dramatic music) - I think it's imperative, especially for members of the press who understand, as you were just pointing out, the world has been here before. People did not take the kind of threats that we saw in the 1930s as seriously as they should, including American journalists. People were taking it face value that, oh, this can be controlled. He may have said some outrageous things, but the institutions will hold. (dramatic music) - Just let that one sink in. Hillary Clinton is lecturing people, and what show is she on? She was on Morning Joe. She's lecturing about how Trump is like Hitler. Again, because she decided not to go to swing states in 2016, because Donald Trump beat her in 2016. That is what makes him rise to the level of Adolf Hitler. She's mad. She can't get over it. She can't move So she's going to compare Trump to Hitler while her party is capitulating to these absolute loony tunes on campus who are chanting to eradicate the Jewish people. And she's gonna sit here and lecture us on the warning signs of the 1930s in Germany. ♪ She's the serpent who gods the gates of hell ♪ - Oh, and people parroting propaganda. It's almost like Rashida Taiyi, when she takes the numbers that the terrorist organization Hamas gives to the media and she just parrots them to all of her deranged followers. Kinda similar to that, huh? Also, I wanna play Scott Jennings 'cause I love this point as well. Joe Biden's threatening to withhold aid from Israel. Not the first time he's already off and brought up. He has a habit of it since the 1980s. But listen to what Scott Jennings had to say to David Axelrod, this is cut 26. - Republicans in Congress are gonna be livid about this issue right here. - I think they have a good issue. - No, I get it. I think they think that they, you know, he's the president of the United States. They're just politicians trying to take it into the nature of a situation. - No, I think they support our ally and maybe he doesn't. They're gonna recall a time when we impeached the president of the United States for withholding military aid authorized by Congress from Ukraine, $400 million. That was the basis of the impeachment. This is congressionally authorized military aid to our ally and he is withholding it for political reasons. - Wait a second, wait a second. I'm sorry, it's your show. - The basis of that impeachment was that the president of the United States called the president of Ukraine and he said, "I want you to do me a favor and open investigation "on the person who I think may be my opponent "in the next election." That was the basis of the-- - And he wants Israel to stand down on Rafa because his base is mad at him. I mean, it's a political reason. - Yeah, so I was just gonna say the same exact thing as Scott Jennings. - Yeah, they both had questions about their political future and they were trying to ensure that they had a better chance at getting reelected. I don't think it's hard to imagine that if there had been an investigation into Joe Biden and his business dealings and his son's business dealings into the Ukraine and people had more information about it, it would have helped Trump's chance as of winning. And I don't think there's any question that Joe Biden's doing this for the exact same reason. And what do you think he's withholding aid from Israel because of his moral compass? Because of his strong beliefs, because he just feels it deep in his soul and you can trust his word as a Biden? No, it's political posturing. It's strategizing as a way to win an election. It's the same exact thing, except there's one major difference. Biden's not gonna be impeached over it. Nobody's gonna be melting down in the media about it, except for me. I'll continue to melt down all day long. We'll talk to Aiden Carney, Turtle Boy, when we come back. (upbeat music)