Gemara Markings Daf Yomi

Bava Metzia 71

Broadcast on:
09 May 2024
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Aye in Allah, if I would all have 12 lines down, Tanya, the war brings a Bryce that goes about four and a half lines. I'm Rabiosi, Bo Ra, come and see Samiyu from the word Asume is a blind person. Come and see the blindness, Samiyu say name, the blindness of the eyes of the malvid, the rivis people who lend out money for interest. Why? In general, Adam Karla Khaveri Russia! If there's two people and one guy calls his friend, you're a Russia! So the person gets really insulted, he starts fighting back, and he, there's all sorts of arguments. You're already muy l'chayev, and that's what will happen. However, they hate those who lend out with interest, and they may be in aid in. They, then this is unbelievable, because it's totally forbidden to charge another two interests. They bring witnesses, a love, love, love, ascribe, a komos, a quill, dei, ink, vichos, vin, vichos, vin. They essentially have written out an sign, now this is not literally what they're signing, it's the equivalent of what they're doing. Planu's a comparability case for all. This fellow here, Bob, he is denying the God of Israel. Now, they, by obviously entering into a contract, which has interest in it, is totally against everything that Judaism would stand for on this issue. That's the end of the bracelet, time you have another price that this one goes for, just over five lines. "Ripsham, menalesser, ein, mare. Colobis, she ain't like bollocks, if you have a Jewish person who's got money." U malvoissam, shaloy, baribis, and he lends it out. Not charging interest. Oh! I love a cussive. I'm here regarding that type of person. The possek is referring to when it says, "Kasboi, l'enos, manesha, his money, he didn't give for interest. Vichayrad, al-naki, l'oillaka, and a bribery against a person who was innocent, he didn't take. Oisa, et la yime, l'oillam, anyone who does this, will not falter. L'oillam, sounds like forever. "Hala, manesha, this comes to teach you. Shikolam, alva baribis." The converse of this, if you end up money-free, yes, interest. N'chasov, mis maitisin, apparently. His assets will crumble or will fall apart. So if he lends out without interest, his assets will not falter. Do you give he lends out with interest, his assets will falter. N'chasov, the Bryce of the Khmer, has a very practical question, but we see people of Al Khazinan, J'lo, Musvee Baribis, people that we know, they don't lend out for interest. Vichayrad, mis maitisin, and yet they go through some really tough financial times, literally like their financial net worth. Collapses, falls down, isn't so good. So the Gamora answers, Amurib al-Azur. Halalu, mis maitisin, valulin. People who are honest and straightforward and lend out their money without charging fellowgers interest. They may have down turns, but Oylin will eventually rise up, whether that's in Oylam-Hazur, Oylam-Haba, but that's the case, whereas Halalu, those who lend out money. Charging a fellow Jew interest, mis maitisin, ain't on Oylin. They will have their downfall and never rise back up to the level they could have been otherwise. Kama, Pasikin Habuk says, "Lama Tabith Rishaim, Takarish Kebala, Russia-Satikim Menu. Why do you, Tabithis, to look or to see or to observe? You treacherous traitors, Takarish remains silent when the following is happening. Kebala Russia-Satikim Menu, when a wicked one, Russia is swallowing up, one who is more righteous than him. Now, the point here is Kama Knektra, Amrifuna, Sadek Mi Menu. Emphasis on the Mi Menu, Andal and the word Mi Menu. The Pasik says that someone in his wicked will consume someone who is more righteous than them, not objectively righteous, just more righteous than them. The Deug from that would be the Sadegum, or someone who is truly righteous. Ina Boilea, the Russia doesn't have a chance against him. Tanya, we have a brice that goes for just about two lines. Rabbi Oymer, two issues that we're going to deal with for the rest of this. Obur, Gertzeit kind of line, and called it number one. Homor Le Inyen-Bhirah, and Gertzeit-Shavai underlying, called it number two, Homor Le Inyen-Ribis. Those two issues, Gertzeitik is somebody who converted to Judaism that is discussed in the context of a seil, we'll see what we're talking about, but doesn't it, Rabbi is not sure about that, exactly what the issue is, and Gertzeit-Shav, Gertzeit-Shav is a Gentai-Luhan, a Gentai-Luhan, who has accepted upon himself, Shavit Midsipani Noah, who lives amongst the Jewish people in Israel. Homor Le Inyen, that's said in the context of Ribis interest, Eniyu Adeyamahu, and now the Gabbar is going to go over those two points and try to figure out what each one of these issues, the Gertzeitik, when it comes to Maghira, the Gertzeit-Shav when it comes to Ribis, what they're talking about. So here's the first point, I put a number one in the margin on the left side, and six lines before the end of this Ahmud last one is Le Inyen, I put a number two in the margin. So the first issue that Rabbi said he wasn't sure about was Gertzeitik, the convert Homor Le Inyen, Maghira, Dixiv, there's a Pasuk, this is, it's a quote from a much longer Brice that's brought him to Sakhaz-Arachan, here is a part of it, it's essentially talking about if a Jew doesn't keep the lachaz of Shmita or even the secondary lachaz or Shmita, it's a slippery slope where the things will get more challenging and more challenging for him who loses net worth. He'll have to vichiamuchachicha imach, but nimkarlach, that's the Pasuk, and if your fellow Jew becomes poor and he gets sold to you, meaning you have to actually sell themself into servitude to another Jew, Valle Lachan, not only to you, like fellow Jew, Alle Laguerre to where somebody who converted to Judaism, Shinema, rather the Pasuk says, continues Laguerre. Comma, Valle Laguerre, said it, not only to somebody who fully converts to Judaism, Alle even to a Gere, Toshaf, how do you know even to a Gere, Toshaf? Shinema, the Pasuk says Laguerre, Toshaf, and then the Pasuk continues and says, Ola Iguerre, mich bachas gere. When it says mich bachas gere, even to the family of a convert, now a person who converts to Jewish, but his family is in his blood relatives, Zehannaka, that's referring even to a Gentile, the person who could be sold them to servitude to, and when it said a few words earlier in the Pasuk, when it said, 'Kishua m'er Ola Iguerre or to the Iguerre like to the idol itself, it's not an imguer, but it's going to have to be sold to the servitude of the idol itself, like to draw water forward, et cetera. That's the end of this NAX source. Ammar, when you go back to one of the issues we discussed, it said, here's a quote, six words I put in right angles, Valle Laguerre, Shinema the Gere. So we're talking about a Jew who's not doing what he's supposed to be doing, he's going to lose his money, he'll have to be sold into servitude, even to a convert. Now, the question with that is, or the issue with that is the memory of the Gere, Kani Avadivri, really? A person who converted to Judaism is allowed to acquire an Avadivri, now in a person who's a natural born Jew can have an Avadivri, whether it's the Khatri little bit, whatever, but a Gentile who converted to Judaism can, or in many, we have a NAX source that seems to indicate otherwise. This prisa goes less than a line. It says, 'Ain agir niknabevidivri, if you have somebody who's a convert, he cannot be acquired as a Avadivri, and the case we're going to focus on a little bit more, is the Ain Isha or a Gere, Kani Avadivri. A person who himself is a female, or a person who's himself is a convert to Judaism cannot acquire an Avadivri. Now, why isn't on both of these cases that it doesn't work? I underline now, 'Gere niknabevidivri, why can somebody who converted not be shy to be bought as an Avadivri, because the sakam which is sakam which is sakas and Avadivri, discuss in the context of somebody who, when he goes back, it says, 'Mishvada' and 'Mishvada', he goes back to his family. Boyinan is what's necessary, and a person who converted, well, his family is no longer just a laka family. Vahalekas, so that's why 'Ain Gere cannot be acquired as an Avadivri', and also you can't have the master being a female, or somebody who's a Gerevan, Isha or Gere Kani Avadivri. Isha, why? Avaira Khara, it's just not proper for her to acquire a male slave, things that are not really supposed to happen, could happen then, and a Gere, a convertal tsunami, can be rid of a tradition that 'demakni kani', one who can sell themselves into slavery, can acquire another person as a slave, but to low makni, if he can't sell himself into slavery, low kani. That's sort of the end of the explanation of the brisah. It seems like that was the issue that Rebi was unsure about, that you have a Gertzedic, and he talks about selling, so Amravnakubariya says he explains what it means is 'Ain no Kona Vidinaki' is srowal, he, the convert to Judaism, if he wants to acquire an Avadivri, cannot do it like a Yisrowal, kind of like a natural born Jucad, even though when a person wears a Judy's and most of the things he does are very similar to natural born Jucad, it won't work. Ava Khanna Vidinaki' Nakri, interestingly enough, it's one of the only things that he can do, but we treat him like a Nakri. Now, how so? What's unique about the way a Nakri can own a Jewish slave dis, like we see in the following brisah? That there's a distinction between a Jewish person who sold into servitude to a guy and to a Yisrow, a nierza, or a nimkar, Lenokri, somebody who had their ear board, or they'd hold in the area, it wanted to stay longer than six years, or one who was sold to a Gentile, a novaed, like a sabbad, like a sabbas, unlike, if he was sold to a natural born Jewish person, the children inherit the slaves here, that would not be the case, period. Amravnakubariya, we go back to something we said earlier, I put the right angles in over here, the enish of a girl clean in evity-free, okay? A woman, or a convert cannot acquire a Jewish male slave. Naima, the little corruption of minimalizer, should we say that that approach is not, like we're shim, excuse me, shim come leel, dis, on you, here's a brisah, and we'll see your shim come leel's opinion, the brisah goes for about a line and a half starts here. Isha clean in esa shvakles, the ena clean esa vauden, a female Jew can purchase female slaves, but just not male slaves. Roshimam leel, obviously, again, the male slaves with the sexual drive between a man and a woman, it's not good to have a female with male slaves. Roshimam leel, who we underlined in Mehr, and this is who we're trying to say, maybe this is not Roshimam leel, says af kina esa vauden. No, you even get male slaves, so should we then say that the previous brisah, not Roshimam leel, Shimam leel says a female can get male slaves, and the previous brisah said no. So we answer no. The previous brisah could also be one like a shimam leel. Remember, there's two types of slaves. A phillotainment of shimam leel, the lycasha, are we talking about a slave that is a Jew or a slave that is a guy? Kanda, if it ever wears the brisah, that said that it would be okay for her to acquire slaves, would be by an evid canani, and here's the difference. There's a natural attraction between males and females. So an evid everee who understands the subtleties of what would be necessary to have an illicit relationship. There, she's much more likely to, I don't know if she's likely, but it's more of a possibility that she'll have a fling with him because it's senile law. He'll know how to at least attempt to cover it up from the other people. Whereas the evid canani, Leeroy or Tyrone, or whoever the evid canani is, is much more than a parrot's law. He's much more likely to show it off with his friends. He's very not subtle or not discreet about it, and therefore that'll be a turn off for her. She's not going to have a fling with him because he'll be telling everyone about it, and that's why she would be able to have an evid canani. That's the next source that was taught by reveals, if it goes just under a line, and it says, "Armalasso, when you're dealing with a woman who is a widow, low-tarby-cal, but she should not raise a dog, below-tishry-barbe-ra-v-oosh-be-sins. She shouldn't have a border who is a young yeshiva-guy." Now, Bishop, when we understand barbe-ra-v, that the young yeshiva-guy is not good if he's living with a widowed woman because senile law, again, he's Jewish. They know if nothing might happen, but if it does, there'll be more of a potential possibility in her mind of maybe doing something she shouldn't do because there'll be a discreet about it. Ella Kalba, when it comes to the dog, she's not going to do anything with the dog sexually. It came into Maastrichba, since a woman who does it with a dog, the dog clings to her. Meerta, she'll be terrified. She walks on the street, the dog will be falling over, and everyone will be saying, "Oh, you know what she was doing with the dog?" And she's not necessarily "armory." There's other reasons why a dog might follow a person. The main thing is maybe they give him some food. Kevin de Chishagia lo umsa, if she throws a dog, throw the dog a bone, gives the dog a bone a little piece of meat. Maastrichbaastra, the dog will also follow wherever you were. "armory," you know what most people say when they see you're walking down the street and the dog's following, they'll say, "You know why? Because that lady in Maastrichba wants to just shagia, lei." Who did Maastrichba? "Oh, the dog must be palmer because she must have given him something to eat." Okay, the second issue, which on the last narrow line in the first wide line, Rebi had mentioned as he wasn't sure what the context was, was a "gertoshev ha'amor le iñan ribis." When it comes to the resident convert, meaning he can convert totally to Judaism, but he's taken this to have a message to know upon himself. When it comes to ribis, "Mahe," what is that case? What's the background there? If you have a passage of the passage that says, "Viciamo chachicha oumato yamach," when your brother goes, you know, falters a little bit, and his means, his ability, he doesn't have exactly what you should grab ahold of him and support him, "gertoshev," that's the full-fledged convert as well as the "gertoshev." "Viciamo chach ha'amor le iñan ribis." "Viciamo chach ha'amor le iñan ribis." "Viciamo chach ha'amor le iñan ribis." "Viciamo chach ha'amor le iñan ribis." "Viciamo chach ha'amor le iñan ribis." "Viciamo chach ha'amor le iñan ribis." "Viciamo chach ha'amor le iñan ribis." "Viciamo chach ha'amor le iñan ribis." "Viciamo chach ha'amor le iñan ribis." "Viciamo chach ha'amor le iñan ribis." "Viciamo chach ha'amor le iñan ribis." "Viciamo chach ha'amor le iñan ribis." "Viciamo chach ha'amor le iñan ribis." "Viciamo chach ha'amor le iñan ribis." "Viciamo chach ha'amor le iñan ribis." "Viciamo chach ha'amor le iñan ribis." 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"Viciamo chach ha'amor le iñan ribis." "Viciamo chach ha'amor le iñan ribis." "Viciamo chach ha'amor le iñan ribis." "Viciamo chach ha'amor le iñan ribis." "Viciamo chach ha'amor le iñan ribis." "Viciamo chach ha'amor le iñan ribis." "Viciamo chach ha'amor le iñan ribis." "Gufa, why is the Gentile money lender doing this?" "Why is he taking it from June number one and giving it to June number two?" "Key of it when he does that adaiti di sural kha-ga-mer vayohiv." "It's basically because of the Jew, June number one who is there." "That's why he's giving this money to June number two." "And then we should basically osser it just like the Safa ossers it." "Where we say it's a schriklissen sachumra kamashmalan." "We don't." "Ravashi has a third approach, and now Ravashi is going to have two lishaines in his approach." "Lush number one is here. I put a Roman numeral one in the margin, and about eight lines later." "First word on the line is barusa. I put a Roman numeral two." "Ses Ravashi." "Ravashi ha'amar, he's going to give an explanation." "Where is it that we say the principle of kiamrinan?" "Three word phrase." "Ain schriklissenachri." "Where is it that we say?" "Oh, Gentile isn't in the partia of schrikliss." "Shrikliss, honey mealy, that is specifically and only betruma." "When it comes to taking truma, ma tambene bris." "Shrikhambene bris, if you have any sort of produce, and you want to take the truma, you can't have a guy as a schliach." "Avabakolotar kula, other issues in the Torah?" "Maybe." "Yay shriklissenachri, there would be shrikliss for a guy." "The good word turns around and says, eh, not really." "The ha'adre ravashi, that approach with ravashi, just suggested the last two and a half lines, barusa he." "It's an outsider approach, it's a joke, it's not real, it's not to be taken seriously, why?" "Maishna truma, de loy." "What would be the difference?" "Right, truma, can't have a guy as a schliach." "Dixie, because the person could have just said the word a tambene and said," "Gum, a tamb," which comes to teach us that just like you, a Jew, who can take truma, ma tambene bris, you, a member of the tribe, a member of the covenant. "Auf shriklissenacham, so t' your schliach has to be Namibene bris." "Well, if that's why shrikliss works when it comes to truma, shrikliss de colotar, cool any type of shrikliss anywhere." "Nami, me truma, garmine, and love." "We learn it from truma, elatora vashi, barusa he." "Ravashi's approach is really an outlying, almost we'll say, incorrect approach." "Ecdarmine, I squiggle on the ecdarmine, and this is where Roman numeral 2 is." "A second way of ravashi presenting what he wants to present on ravashi." "Kiamrin, and where is it we say the three word phrase?" I put it in a phrase marking, "Ain shriklissenachwie." "Oh, no, no, shrikliss doesn't apply when there's a guy involved." "Hani Mili, in who?" "Ledididan." That's them, for us. That's them. That's like skieder being a shaliach for a Jew. "Aval, anon ledidoo, for the Jew, for mai chi to be a shaliach, for skieder." "Havina lushliach, there there would be a shaliach." "However, the Gomartan's right around it says actually, no, no, no. No, no, no. The ravashi approach is actually not to be taken seriously or incorrect. Mai chi to be a shaliach." "Mai chi to be a shaliach. Why in the world would you make a distinction that them, for us, to lo, that there wouldn't be allowed to be a shaliach?" Well, Dixi, if Qasapazuk, says, "Atem." He could have just said, "Atem," and he said, "Gom, atem, which comes the rava shiacham." To include the shiacham, just like you. What I'm speaking to right now is Ben Briss or Benay Briss. "Fellow, full-fledged Jew of the Covenant." "Fellow, full-fledged Jew of the people that you send is a shaliach. It has to be Benay Briss." "Anan, lidditu, nami." So then we would say the same thing for us to be a shiacham for them. "Mai, atem, the mishal." I'm just like those who send out of Benay Briss. Qasapazuk. Al-Ahadar rava shi. Barusahi. It's an outside approach. "Rivina, who is the fourth and last approach?" We're going to line this name, Amar. It says like this. "Well, nai chi to shaliachus linnakri. Lace lei." Okay, fine. You can't have a Gentile in the realm of shaliach for another Jew. Zechiyya miderabannanislei. Hever Zechiyya that the Yistroel should be able to acquire something for the guy, that would work. And therefore, the Jew number two is basically being zocha miderabannan, the loan that Jew number one originally taken. Miderabannanislei. That's very similar to the way a cotton works. Let's say a 11 year old Jew. Cotton when it comes to a 11 year old Jew. Lava vogav delace lei shliachus. There's no shliachus when it comes to a fellow Jew who's under age. It's only with a fellow Jew who is of age. In other words, a boy who's 13 with a seaman, a girl who's 12 with her seaman in. Cotton lava vogav delace lei shiachus. Top of the next someone. Islei zechiyya miderabannan. However, there would be the ability to acquire something on behalf of somebody else. Miderabannan. Ha'cha. However, here when it comes to a guy, namilishna, we should also make no distinction. However, the Gomara flips that around and says actually not. Veloe. The reason why there'll be zechiyya when it comes to a 11 year old Jew is because give the year to when it becomes an adult. Isrel. Osset lei shliachus. So, it becomes an adult. It would be totally able to be a shliachus. So, we allow it even pre-Barbas mitzvah. However, akum, when we're dealing with a guy, there's no age at which they become able to be shliachum. Lava osset lei shliachus. Never will a guy in his state of being a guy, a be able to be shiach to being a shaliach.