Canucks Central

Overrated/Underrated: Seeds of Doubt, Pettersson's Game, and Roundtables

It's Overrated/Underrated as Dan and Sat debate whether or not "Seeds of Doubt", Elias Pettersson's game 1, and much more is overrated or underrated.

Broadcast on:
10 May 2024
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It's Overrated/Underrated as Dan and Sat debate whether or not "Seeds of Doubt", Elias Pettersson's game 1, and much more is overrated or underrated.

This podcast was produced by Josh Elliott-Wolfe.

The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the hosts and guests and do not necessarily reflect the position of Rogers Media Inc. or any affiliate.

[MUSIC] Back on Canucks Central, Dan Richo, and Satyaar Shah, final segment of today's program. Tomorrow, we're back at Rogers Arena, head of game two between the Canucks. And Oilers imagine Edmonton will throw their best punch back at Vancouver to try and get a series split going back to Edmonton. >> Yeah, and the Canucks can take the two nothing series lead. It doesn't mean you're going to win the series. Vegas found that lesson out in the first round against Dallas, but, but, but, but. >> A great opportunity. >> A very good opportunity for Vancouver tomorrow night. Let's quickly do a goalhorn, hey. [MUSIC] There it is, four over and done, the rated one to get this in. New York Ranger scoring, short handed. Chris Kreider, his fourth of the postseason. Tying it up at one midway through the second with the Carolina Hurricanes. You can watch it on SportsCenter. The goalhorn is brought to you by Rewind Beerco, find their big West Coast IPA at a liquor store near you and celebrate big plays in a big way. All right, it's time for overrated underrated here on Canucks Central, hit the music. [MUSIC] Overrated, underrated, perfectly rated. That's the segment. We usually do it on Wednesdays, but because Wednesday was a game day yesterday and we moved it to today. So you give us the topics like shorts on May 9th, wearing shorts on May 9th, overrated, underrated or perfectly rated? >> Hold on though, but you gotta like give out the temperature too, what's the temperature in? >> It's May 9th. >> There's still like a chili cool breeze that's going on with the 22 degrees that it might show on the- >> 22? >> 22. >> 23, number one. >> And number two, I don't know where you're walking to be feeling the breeze. Cuz it wasn't very breezy on my way to work here today. >> Walking right beside fans all the way here, what's going on? >> I don't know, I show up to work that everybody's in shorts, I'm like, what's going on? >> It's a warm out there. >> It's 23 degrees. It's 23 degrees. >> It's warm, like if it's 23 degrees in a summer day. >> This is like the most Canadian thing ever, like as soon as the sun is out, people are like, nah, shorts, flip flops, it's 23 degrees. >> Maybe, I don't know. >> Tomorrow's gonna be warm too. >> That's who we're all gonna handle. >> Where the man's always wrong. >> Here's the funny thing, reach is from Ontario where it's like, he's used to the cold, now he's the coward. That's like, oh, it's cold. >> It's a little breezy. >> It's a little breezy. >> It's a little breezy. >> It's not breezy. I don't know where you're walking. >> We're right by the water. >> Well, he is by the, I mean, yeah, it's technically a little bit of water maybe, but I don't know, it's lovely. >> Okay. >> It's terrific. >> Love a cool breeze on hot, sunny day. Anyway, overrated, underrated. >> Team today is Wednesday. >> Well, it's definitely, definitely overrated. I was very happy when I found out it was Thursday. >> It's just a, it's a great feeling to be honest, so underrated. >> Yes. It's like when you wake up and you're like, man, I can't believe it's not Friday, and then it is Friday. That's a great feeling right there. >> It is, see, this is, it's overrated when you're a day behind. >> Yeah. It's Thursday. >> Can't believe I made that mistake. Anyways. >> That's excellent. >> I take accountability. I'm like Sheldon Keith. I'll take, take all the accountability in the world. >> I'm gonna post a four minute video about it on your Twitter. That's on me. >> Just in a very, like, picturesque spot. >> Yeah. He was probably cool. >> I'm gonna, like, go to the top of Grouse Mountain. >> Yeah. >> I wore half-sleeved shirts that'll rank reach. You coward RJ and Kalarini. Boy, RJ and Kalarini. RJ and Kalarini is just like, he's next level with his fashion choices. That much I do know. >> Yeah. >> Next one from Joe. >> Did it happen to be a shirt with his favorite drink on it? I don't know. >> Something, something so. >> Something RJ and Kalarini would do. >> Yeah. >> That's so, though. >> Yeah. >> Something like that. >> Joe. Three gold leads. Overrated or underrated? >> For the Edmonton Oilers, definitely overrated. >> Definitely. Coming back from three gold deficits are all underrated. >> Very underrated. >> So, like, we did it once by two goals against Nashville. Let's do that again. Nice and three goals. >> That's better ourselves. It was 4-1. >> Everyone says three gold lead versus lead in hockey. >> You know, that's what it's becoming now, you're right. >> The three gold lead, the worst lead in hockey, yes. >> Next, need to come back from a four gold deficit next. >> So, like, how much of it was score effects or just Edmonton getting a little bit too comfortable? Because I mean, I do see that part of it. I don't expect Edmonton to have another two period stretch in this series where they only have six shots on goal. But to say, I think it does, it's unfair to the Canucks to say that it was all score effects because even before it went to 4-1, like, they were still coming. >> Yeah. >> They still had long stretches in the offensive zone. There was the Garland breakaway in the first, there was the McCabe post, like, they had a number of chances, just weren't converting earlier in that game. >> Yeah, I mean, as soon as they made it 4-1, I think I'm gonna turn to you guys and you, Brett and Vic, I'm like, man, like, they're like two Ian Cole mistakes from this being the Thai hockey game. >> Yeah. >> Like, this should not be a 4-1 hockey game right now, right? >> And that's not to say that, like, Edmonton didn't necessarily deserve to have two goals. I mean, Canucks made, like, they're gonna score on the power play, that's what Edmonton does. And, you know, they made a couple of it, like, the Cole mistake was, was a pretty egregious one, so. >> Yeah, pretty rough. >> And then on top of that, nobody, like, there's three Canucks, none of them getting the shooting lane on the Ekholm goal, so, you know, disappointing as well. But for as much as, yes, they had a couple of breakdowns defensively that Edmonton capitalized on the Canucks were still coming, were still putting Edmonton under duress when the score was closer than 4-1. >> Yeah, I mean, obviously Edmonton is gonna be better or have a better punch than what they showed in the second half of the game, but the Canucks were the better team start to finish overall, I thought. >> Yeah. >> Next one from Woodrow, planting seeds of doubt overrated or underrated. >> Very underrated. Canucks have done it. Seed of doubt planted after game one. >> I agree, but I think the discourse around it is getting overrated, because there are a lot of it last night, a lot of it today, and it's like, yeah, I'm sure there's a little bit of a seed of doubt, but I don't think it's there yet. I think, yeah, if you win tomorrow and now you really drive that point home, but if Edmonton comes back and wins tomorrow and it's a 1-1 series, seed of doubt is now frosted over and no longer. >> You have to water the seed of doubt for it to grow, you know what I mean? You can't just put a seed in and ignore it. >> Yes. >> Then a seed doesn't matter. Now putting the seed in, if you're not watering it, if it doesn't grow. >> Yes. >> Win game two, though, and you've got the nutrient enriched seed and everything. >> And then game three, that little MF is going to sprout. >> You know, you've got to give it a little bit of coffee grinds. I think that helps through the growth as well, you know? >> Maybe move it to a different spot. >> I don't know. >> I don't know how planned it was seen in a movie with Seth Rogen where he's like, you plant the seed, you nurture the seed, and then you, with the seed, that's what the Canucks are. They're getting after it with the seed right now. You got to, you got to keep nurturing the seed that you've now planted on the Edmonton Oilers. >> Yes. Next one from Tawas and Nux, Patterson's game last night, overrated or underrated? >> Feels like we've all rated it pretty highly. >> Yeah, I'd say rated at this point. >> Perfectly good. >> Because it's been talked about a lot. It's not like he added this good game that nobody talks about and he didn't get on the score sheet, but yeah, I mean, yeah, he was, he was good. He can still be better offensively. There's still things he can do better, but defensively, he was really good last night. >> Again, I just like the way that he played with confidence. >> Yeah. >> You know, like, it wasn't, at one point I just looked over at Bacon, like, Patterson's playing like Patterson today, you know, and that's, that's all I wanted to see in the first round. I just didn't want to see Patterson passing up opportunities to shoot. I didn't want to see him throwing pucks aimlessly into the middle of the ice. I wanted to see the Patterson that I'm very used to seeing and last night was that, even if it didn't show up on the stat seat so much with goals and everything else, like, there was a lot of good there that point to Patterson being in a better spot than he was during the Nashville series. And maybe the number of days off that he had in the lead up to this game one did help him for whatever injury he's been managing through the course of the season and the playoffs. >> This one comes from Todd Nasland, re-signing a Wyis Lindholm this off season, overrated or underrated. >> It all comes down to money, man. Like, the stuff that, so I don't know how much of this is true when you, when you ask around a little bit, like, so what can Lindholm get? Some people think he can still get $8 million for someone. >> Eight? >> Yes. Now, I don't know if that's going to happen or not, but I've heard that brought up. Now, whether that's Columbus, whether it's Boston being super desperate for a high-level center and they don't have enough of those guys or whatever, but like, I've heard his market is going to be robust, still. And if we're talking about, if that's legitimate, let's say it is legitimate, he can get 8 million somewhere, even 8 times 7 or whatever, like, it's not happening here. >> Yeah. >> You know, that's what I wonder about, like, is he actually going to get that type of money somewhere and every game he plays like this, it's going to embolden somebody to throw him that money. We know Columbus is desperate, they were after him at one point. They need a center, a veteran's center. They have to pay, they have to always overpay to sign guys, Columbus does, right? So, I don't know if that's going to be the team that does it, but if that's the market he's looking at, and the reason why he was pretty firm and not taking, you know, below what he wanted, is he seems to have some pretty good confidence, his camp that the money he's looking for or ballpark might be out there for him somewhere. And if that's the case, that's going to be tough to do in Vancouver. >> 44 points in 75 games, only 15 goals this year. >> Yeah. >> Would be his worst season in a very long time, basically, since he was, you know, under the age of 23. >> I- >> But if you put him with a couple of star guys- >> Yes. >> Like if you put him with Goudreaux and Columbus and with the way he plays the two-way player, I'm sure he'll be fine. >> If you put him in Boston and plays with Marshaan or Pasternak, I'm sure he's going to be fine. >> If you're a GM that's always like Lindholm, and there's both GM's that are definitely out there. >> If you're watching him in these playoffs, you're like, okay, so he's still got this gear. >> Yeah. >> You watch him last, like, okay, he's still got this in him. >> Yeah. >> So you're almost, maybe it's confirmation bias, but I always thought Lindholm was a much better player than we saw towards the end of his time in Calgary. And what we saw at the start of his career in Vancouver, he's starting to show that now. >> I think at the very least, you know, we've talked about this, at least the cadre contract is going to be out there. >> Seven times seven at least, yeah. >> And is that something that's hard to do for the Canucks? Very well might be. >> I think the biggest issue is somebody's asking us what about seven years, seven million per year over eight years, seven million over eight years. I mean, in theory, you can maybe make something like that work. >> The bigger question I have, because he's not playing with J.T. nor Patterson, what's the number you can put on the role? He's like, he's still getting a lot of minutes, but he's going to play center. And I wonder if you have enough money to spend on one big acquisition? >> Yeah. >> Is that going to be Lindholm or is that going to be a higher end winger to play with Patterson or with J.T. with a freeze up besser? >> You can't do both. >> The problem with this setup is now you've put either one of Lindholm or Patterson is going to be kind of in a weird spot. >> Yeah. >> Right? Lindholm right now is going well to Kota Joshua and Garland or a great duo to put any center with really. Like, Patterson almost feels like he's being held back by Hoglander and Mikayev. And I don't want to change anything with it because I'd like the way the lineup looks in this setup. >> Again, like we were boosters of adding Lindholm. I love his fit on the team. We even defended it when he was struggling and said, "Wait for the playoffs. That's where you're going to see his impact." And now lo and behold, the playoffs are here and you're seeing Eli's Lindholm's impact. Overrated underrated, taking victory laps. I'm not trying to take a victory lap, but it's somewhat minor one because we did catch a lot of heat when Lindholm was struggling, right? But you see what it looks like in the playoffs. But you can't pay Lindholm, you can't pay Joshua. You can't have Garland making $5 million. You can't have Joshua making $3 million plus, Garland making $5 million and Lindholm being the center making $7 million and that's your third line. That's a lot of money. You can't, right? But could you sign Joshua? Have a blue-grid typey, the center with Garland? You can live with that and then the money you have left over, you get somebody to play with Patterson on a higher end type of bubble, right? Those are kind of the options you may be considering. >> Lindholm's a really good player. Signing him though? >> Yeah. >> I don't know. It might be overrated considering I still think he's going to get quite a hefty contract. >> I like him a lot and having three-headed monster at center is elite. That makes sense. I understand people mentioning that, but we'll see how it goes. >> Next one from Viking Kanak. Brock Besser's increased overall play and performance coming out of the regular season and into the playoffs, overrated or underrated. >> I'll let you handle this one, Sat. >> Underrated. I think the way Brock's playing right now, especially you saw it in Game 1 defensively, the winning board battles, the commitment he had to close that game out. Closing out guys, blocking shots, just absolutely not getting an inch. The effort is all there doing everything you can to win. He's blocking shots in different situations as well. I'm not saying that Brock Besser is worth nine or ten million or anything, but what he's showing to be right now is a playoff performer. And that's a big, big feather in his cap right now. Huge feather in his cap. Next one comes from one CDN, Abbot's first Kanak's players, helping with Elias Peterson's line. >> Okay, so Abbot's first out of the AHL playoffs, right? >> Yeah. >> And with that, the recall restriction is lifted for the Kanak's, they now get to have some black aces. >> Yeah, I think they can call up like three or four guys or something like that. That's how many calls you call it you can have. So the question is going to be, and I'm sure we'll get a few players up here by tomorrow. I wouldn't be shocked if we see the black aces B here. >> Quick debrief with Abby and now you're up with the Canucks. >> Yeah, and I'll put Cole's in, of course, as one. I wonder if Rottu is another one. >> Would it be Rottu or Baines? >> Rott Baines, too. He's amazing to mix. And do they bring Lekara Mackie along just to have him around? >> Yeah. >> I feel like that's the one that this is alluding to is Lekara Mackie. Because realistically, if you're looking at Poth Cole's and her Baines, whatever, it's hard to sell yourself on those players helping on Pedersen's line, whereas I think people can sell themselves on, and I personally don't agree with it, but people can sell themselves on Mackie potentially helping Pedersen. >> Yeah. At the same time, Lekara Mackie in the AHL playoff games he has played, and the AHL games he's played, there's been only a few of them. He's looked okay, but not this huge standout where you're like, this guy's excelling at that level. >> It would be a big astro in that play. >> So what are you doing? >> I think the upshot for him being there is like, here's a guy that next year is vying for a spot on the team, but most likely starts in Abbotsford, but be around the team. Have a chance to be a black ace during this kind of run, just hanging around, and perhaps through osmosis gaining something out of that experience. But I'm with you. I think if you're banking on him playing, I think we have to run through a number of injuries here before they consider him an option to play. >> I wonder what they value, I think Bob Colzen for sure will be part of that. Do they value having banes in that spot, or a Sheldon dries? Or a vet who you can maybe trust a little bit more, kind of a thing, if you have to put them into a spot. >> Yeah, we'll see, are they going to bring up an extra defenseman or two as well? >> Maybe an extra goalie. >> Right. You always have to have somebody ready to go, right? But yeah, they can't bring everybody up. >> It'll be interesting to see how many guys they bring up, is it going to be somebody a veteran like Matt Irwin, if he has to come in and play, or do they give it to a younger guy or somebody else that they want to give a chance to? >> Next one is Austin in Langley, Carlo and Chilotti, loading. >> Oh, very well. >> Well, was I read the first time? >> First time. >> That was good. >> Good job. >> Carlo and Chilotti, good Vancouver guy. >> Yeah, he loves Vancouver. >> Big Vancouver guy. Married into Vancouver, that's how. So I am totally biased in this conversation. Not because he's Italian, and I think he's a great manager, because when he happened to coach Juventus, he was one of the worst managers they had. And it's the reason they did not keep Thierry Henry, and they sold him to Arsenal when he was managing Juventus. So for me, Carlo and Chilotti is always going to be forever and always going to be incredibly overrated. >> Wow, wow. Okay, I'm going to go underrated because he won the double for Chelsea in 2011 and got the Premier League title. >> He can fix Everton. >> Wait. >> Who is this guy, Everton? >> It's kind of been on a lot of teams. >> Nobody can. >> It's what I'm learning right now. >> Nobody can fix Everton. >> Sam Diesh, he knows how to squeeze something out of a rock, and even him for a guy. I think Everton's a joke. >> Squeeze blood out of a rock. >> Oh, yeah. But even with Everton, you can't even do that. >> Man, I hate Carlo, I'd never give it a light, because he's stuck at Juventus, man. >> I think that's Juventus problem. Not at all. >> You know, the team he had with Juventus and they did nothing? It was unbelievable. >> A bunch of cowards that couldn't be inspired. >> Yeah. Okay, sure. It's like you have Del Pino, you have Zidane, you have all these guys. >> They're probably taking money and fixing games or something. >> Man, what a dark period of Juventus history with Caroleto, but he might win another Champions League trophy, so good for him. >> He might. I think they might pull it off. >> They probably will. It would actually be a very big upside if they don't. >> It would be a really big one. But honestly, look at the season Dortmund's having. >> Very impressive. >> But it's funny, they're still not the most impressive team out of Germany this year. They might win the Champions League and they might be the third best team out of Germany. >> Yeah. >> I have a loss of single match all season. >> Well, end with this one, unsigned on the text box, overrated, underrated. >> Corners on tables, hashtag roundtable break. >> Overrated because you can hurt yourself on corners on tables, especially children. >> Overrated, round tables for the win. >> Yeah. >> You know why? It's a big roundtable guy. >> And nobody's the head of a roundtable. >> We like to have our roundtables, you know? >> I got a roundtable at home, actually. >> Oh, you do? >> My dining table is a roundtable. >> Mine too, actually. >> Save some space. >> Yeah. >> It's good. Good for small spaces. >> And then bring people you bring in or you're equals? >> Yeah, exactly. Well, I always make sure I'm sitting on the edge. But they're also sitting on the edge because it's a roundtable. >> Very good. Nobody gets to be at the head of the table. >> Yeah. >> All right, Dan Reicho, Satyarsha. >> [LAUGH] >> Tomorrow, four o'clock, Rogers Arena, we'll have a mailbag, we'll have Yannick Hansen during the pregame, and we'll have a full show, full pregame, leading all the way into a seven o'clock puck drop at Rogers Arena between the Canucks and Edmonton Oilers. >> Well, Edmonton get the series split going back to Edmonton, or can Vancouver take a very commanding 2-0 series lead? All of it happening tomorrow at Rogers Arena, we'll be there for it at four o'clock, four. Producer Josh Elliott-Wolf in turn, Zach, my co-host, Sat, I'm Dan, you've been listening to Canucks Central. [MUSIC] >> Hey, it's Big Nizar, have your say and join me on the People's Show with big takes and even bigger bets, weekdays, three to four on Sportsnet 650, or wherever you get your podcasts. (dramatic music)