Let's Get Fired

42- Kendra Green- Angel Studios? More like Devil Sex Trafficking Studios

1h 16m
Broadcast on:
10 May 2024
Audio Format:

the one you fired. Hey guys welcome back to the podcast episode of let's get fired on the podcast today but Ken to green sitting right next to you got Drew Simon and I'm queen Johnson welcome to another podcast episode you guys ready to get into it. Let's get fired that's what I thought all right Kendra she is hot off her new brand new open mic that she started at the village and I was there how was it it was fun Kendra did my favorite thing at a podcast we're in between every comment she says I'll do three minutes. I didn't do three minutes I did like 30 seconds to him no whatever was it was too long. Oh she was inspired by Oz yeah exactly I thought I was watching Oz up there so when you're talking shit on Oz I was like I was wait I was holding my tongue I was holding my tongue I was like. Oh I got some shit to say is this important when you're up there when no one's laughing and you're like I'll keep going and and that's what I like is just like what just see what happens and but hey it's the first mic. I feel that remember when I hosted that city limits Mike every time I go up and like maybe I'll improvise and get a laugh and never did it just bomb every time sweet if you have a joke about someone or something you go up there. It's quick yeah and they introduce the next yeah I think as a host you need to focus on roasting okay the person and I mean they have to be roastable like if they crush it then yeah like whatever. It's also totally fine just go up there if you have nothing just go right next comment okay can I say something real fast go for it. Well when I when the mic started there was literally only three or four people so I didn't want it to end after 15 minutes so I was like okay I'll just kind of put some stuff in and then more people came and then you still kept doing it. It's an addiction okay I like being up stage and yeah well you don't like being on stage enough because I don't see enough open mics so I went. I've gone to this was my I went to four open mics this week. Well yeah I mean to I'm into more. Okay. I'm just saying like egg. Also did you guys hear Java junkies. Yes. Finally it's over. It's over. No way. The mic that could never die. I like that one had been like gasping for air for like a year and like I can't believe it just still was going. I thought like when I was over when I came back for the last year it's just been Oz and a homeless guy. Every week and you. I went a couple weeks ago when I started coming back to stand up and doing open mics I was kind of like I don't want to go up to wise guys tonight to do the bucket list so I'll just go over to the Java junkie and I like went 30 minutes late. It was way over by then. Yeah no no maybe like 50 I like got there really late and like everyone had gone up already and then I was like okay go on up. Oz wasn't there was somebody else mad dog was was hosting. Oh mad dog. Oh perfect. And actually I kind of crushed it. You crushed it. Because I have to see it. There was two girls in the audience and I wasn't. Doesn't necessarily mean you crush it. I did a good job. I was I was caught. I can't do it one time you walked up stage when no one left you went to me and it was fun. It was good. When was that one time wise guys. Oh look I black out at wise guys I. Whoa. Hey now you get it. What did Oz give you. But then Oz becoming like the punching bag in this episode. We need to know we need a pivot from now. I'm defending him and shooting on him. Yeah well we need a pivot to Jimmy. Oh yeah. He'll come. Don't worry. He always finds his way. Well he doesn't come in girls but. But he did go on a date tonight apparently. Yeah really. He was like how's it is. He's like oh we just want to walk. Which I think is kind of cute. We should. The girl is way too hot. I should take. I should bring my camera. And like the same height. So it's not going to happen. Oh yeah. I should bring my camera like every time we find out Jimmy's on a date and do a post date. I will follow him. I'll put an air tag on him. And just start tracking him. We should we should do a post date interviews with Jimmy. Also an update. He got a job. Really? Yeah. Like not a tech job. We just got like he finally followed our advice of just getting a job. Where is he working? I can't remember. It's like some. I don't think it's some real estate thing. Which good for him. It'd be great for him. He'd be like yeah. It was a house. That's how he sounds. That's terrifying. I would never buy a house from Jimmy. I don't think he's selling the house. He gives me vibes so that he could sell a house. Like I think he could sell a house. Well he can't sell me on himself. So shout out to Jimmy though. Shout out to Jimmy. Love you. He's one of my new friends. He's been a fun friend to. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like since I've come back there's like newer comedians. I have an idea. You should go on a date with him. He's always talking about wanting to go on dates. Yeah. It doesn't mean that I want to go on a date with Jimmy. Why? Well first off he's shorter than me I think. Wait. What do you care about that? We should actually measure to find out for sure. Okay. We'll have to stand back to back. Yeah. Next time we're at a mic we have to. Okay. He's also like a lot younger than me. He's like 22. How old are you? 26. He's 23. That's fine. That's fine. Come on. He's like still in college. Like now he dropped out. Yeah. That really makes me feel a lot better. It'll be fine. Don't worry. How high can your standards be at this point Kendra? My standards are still pretty high. Yeah. That's why you're not dating anyone. I'm not settling. Okay. Well you might have to. When you're 45. All of a sudden you're like anyone on the market? I don't care if you have face tests. I think once I turn. And then Oz is going to jump out. Oz will be there for you. Once I turn 30 I think is when I'll start lowering my standards. Okay. So I still got like four years. Okay. Clock's ticking. And when I mean standards I mean like. Anyone who talks to you. I don't know. I still have like specific criteria that I'm not. Let's get into this. What's the criteria? Well, you know, I'm Mormon so I would like a nice Mormon guy. Okay. You're in the right place for that. But that's not like annoying about it. You know, like he's still chill. Like he'll watch an R rated movie with me. Smells weed. No, not that. Okay. I'm just saying if you want to get to that side of your the day it's a lot more narrow. And are you walking on the street narrow? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. You're swearing in front of me. I don't think there's anything wrong with swearing. There's nothing that is like, like, yeah, it's just like a suggestion. Hold to the rod. The iron rod. Don't swear in front of my mom. Oh, my mom swears all the time. Yeah. That's where I learned it from. I learned it from her. I like that. You're from Idaho, right? No. Alaska. That's really offensive that you think of from Idaho. Wait. So were you like, you were raised in Alaska? Yeah. Okay. Have we not introduced me? Like no one knows who I am. I'm just like here. All right. I introduced a very fucking interview. Yeah. You just said this is Kendra. Nothing else. Were you listening? Yeah. I'm not going to. What am I going to say about you? Girl from Alaska didn't do comedy for a year and a half. Now she's back. Kendra Green. What brought you back? Well, should we talk about why it left? Well, yeah, let's know. Let's find out why you left. You didn't want to drive to South Lake. No, that wasn't it. It was a little bit it. But I, uh, last year in 2023, I had got, well, end of 2022, I got this new job. And I put a lot of effort into it because it was just like really cool. I was working at the entertainment industry. I was working with movies and television and I was doing social media for it. And, um, I just felt like that was going to get me further in life than doing standup. Because I think, um, people would always be like, oh, like, you know, when you become a famous standup, can we do in you? And I'm like, that's not going to happen. You didn't stand up to get farther in life. Yeah. I don't know. No, I don't want to do this away. Why do I do this? I'm I love performing then why didn't you perform for you? You're in a half okay Going into that you interrupted no just if you truly love something you just don't touch don't stop okay So my priorities were out of whack because I was focusing too much and putting too much effort and my worth into my job Remind me the medication you were on at the time No, I'm not like spreading where I'm on Prozac now. I was I was doing some Adderall for a bit. That's yeah It's a dark one. Yeah, oh Adderall's and Ritalin and Ritalin - I just do Prozac now that helps with my OCD. It really does Shout out to the sackler family. Yeah And then and then I also take this thing called propranol Which is like just kind of helps when you're feeling a little anxious kind of lowers your heart rate Is it a no you also got said need to divulge all oh, yeah, I can get them gone Is it a what do they call it with propranol? Is it a what do they call that? It's like a I know there's a certain word yeah, I just kind of helps you calm down a bit or your heart rate can't go up Yeah, yeah, I love it cuz I'm feeling like I Always thought I had anxiety But then once I went to a psychiatrist and got diagnosed with ADHD She also was like I think you have OCD as well and I thought anxiety was having these like really terrible Wait, we're like complete. I'm so sorry. We were talking about why I left Kendra. This is all sounds like reasons And guess what you never went off the path and let me share a story with you I when I got back into stand-up is when I the most crippling anxiety Ever like I was like pretty they pretty much agoraphobic where I couldn't leave the house Yeah, like like gripping onto the edges of reality and I Started doing stand-up again and kept doing it and it helps No, I didn't take fucking any medication because once you get off the medication it can come back hard Yeah, well when I first started doing stand-up was right after I had my brain tumor removed and I was Very depressed and I was going through a lot of trauma But last year, okay, can we go back going back to why I left comedy? I would say left I just kind of took a pause and I stopped making it like a day of priority in my life Like I had been over the past several years where I was going to open Mike several times a week I was trying to do shows. I was trying to I was writing I just kind of stopped because my job became my life and then at the end of the year or the hours for that job It's a nine to five, but you're working a lot later if you're working there I was working like till midnight some nights like when there was a movie coming out. I was working really late Industry what's uh, I don't know if I should say the company. I Mean is it any time you don't work for them any I don't work for them But I technically signed an NDA when I and wait that said I you can't know it just I want to talk about certain projects Okay, it was Angel Studios. Oh, oh the film industry Shut the fuck up Kendra the film industry. It's technically working. I'm gonna work on work in the glory five That is not that's the most there's a fake fucking company. I don't know real films You're right. They know it's bullshit and Fuck that boy who who who watches those films films quotation mark outside of Utah actually a lot of people you That aren't Mormon well a lot of Christian evangel evangelist all my favorite audience And that's actually who watches do you want to know this is a Christ-themed podcast absolutely it does all come I'm sorry. I straight from the path. Yeah, this is actually the way we have to center on shout out to the big dog Yeah, it comes back to him every time you may say you want to know how I got fired from that job, please I feel like Everyone that knows me using this for weeks. Yeah, I cannot wait to tell you I got a story for y'all He said y'all Did I know I don't think I did I don't think I say y'all I I think you would look at me and be like that girls too responsible to get fired and I am I'm very responsible and because I love that job so much I loved what I was doing and I was working with movies and You know I did work on a film that was technically number one in America on July 4th That's not as that never good. We say technically it was actually just a Angela film called sound of freedom Look sometimes when you work for a company You have blighters on okay, they should have included like I mean Did they include the cool parts not movie like where the guy was like talking to Nephi and No, unfortunately what happened to that director again was he like he was he like sex trafficking? No, he wasn't what did he do? What happened to his what was the controversy with that? The controversy was that Tim Ballard who I really know the actor The guy who the movie was based on the real guy the real guy to rescue children, okay he He like there was already controversy about controversy about him before When we had signed on the film and a lot of us were kind of like This doesn't feel right. I didn't know much about Tim Ballard because I'm not like I feel like there's this cult of Tim Ballard everyone like it's really I don't know about this cult I don't think any more there is not any more But say the thing he did just stop dancing around this. No, I'm trying to like there's a lot of things He did was the main one well first he kind of There was an investigation by the FBI of like how many children he actually rescued so there was questions about Operation underground railroad and The eth like etho is ethical or not because of just like how some of the Operations went down and then after like a month after the film came out. There were several people that came and just had like sexual misconduct Hell yeah in the office with him and so he had right before the film came out He left operation underground railroad and he was just like yeah It's like I'm ready to like move on from that and like, you know Yeah, I rescued all the kids. There's no more to rescue now and then yeah, I did it but it was because of this this thing like and then a bunch of people came forward and The best part about that was I was in a room alone with him That way you got fired no Way cooler. Yeah, no like I just like you didn't fuck him now. Okay. I get it now Okay, I had to be in a room alone with him because So I ran the social media for sound of freedom and I also ran his social media for a bit because he just was like I'll just let you guys post whatever you want the social media for January 6th. No, I did not But they needed social media. No, I was still college at that time You are for January 6 and you could have flipped it. I was on the edge. Yeah, I got on board Yeah, but so you're in a room with him and he was like all of the helping kids in touch and pussy You just gave me his like Instagram password. Oh sick. You still have it Actually, I think I still have access to his like Facebook messenger That's good. Could we access that live on the podcast? Can we please send a message? I get a lot of messages from people being like I love what you do to him like yeah It's just I can't believe you're worried like I signed NDA you're saying some shit Then I'm like I feel like this would be under the NDA But he's a you know, he's a Actually, I don't think I did sign an NDA. You didn't I don't think I did. Okay. Do you remember do you did you work there? Yes, I did. Okay, so do we want to talk about what how I got fired wait wait wait real quick I want to get some more back story So this dude like got people to like follow and donate to his cause because he would like get members of the church Yeah, and it was like, you know, this is God's mission He's like actually, you know, they haven't come out and said it directly But the first presidency endorses what I do. Yeah, and so you got to come and then they got crazy air where he's like Actually every night I'm communicating with the prophet Nephi and Yeah, he wasn't telling me where the children are as someone who's been in a room with him and had worked with him He's not all there and so oh my god. His family is really nice though He indicated for that his family is this guy his family is really nice though. I did actually the man like it's actually baller Yeah, so his but his family's nice Kendra. I did meet his kids. He's got like eight kids. Did he save them? Two of them actually I'm gonna say I'm gonna save you. I'm gonna save you for these two are for me You're coming into the fold. I am not saying these jokes. I will tell you right now. Yeah, what is what the fuck's gonna happen? I don't know it's gonna Surface this reminds you know, this old this fucking story reminds me of the Coney 2012 shit When it was what was the cone? No, it was like the child soldiers all that shit but it ended because the director of the documentary was Caught in the middle of the streets of LA just jacking off Like in the middle of traffic on to cars He would just like she jerking his dick running around traffic that happened to me on the public school bus So then Coney just ended it just stopped after that. What'd you say happened on the school bus? You guys heard my saying about the director of the Coney wait, what happened to you on a school bus? What did you see on a school bus? I get jacked off next to me on the school bus Like right next to me when I was 13 and you don't didn't marry him Well, hey, that's cool. That's we love that. Yeah. I wish we had a pause button standard to have always been very high Guys just just showing you he's a hey. I'm I love you. No, he didn't Yeah, I didn't see anything. He kept it in his basketball pants. Oh, yeah. Yeah, what brand Remember probably champion. Oh, that's probably champion. Yeah, okay. Can't be on Okay. Well, that's fun story. So why did you get fired? Okay? Okay, doesn't it doesn't have to be 18 paragraphs. No, so about November of 2023 fact check that Yeah, I've got fired two days before they skiv made so I was working on Look angel like there wasn't a lot of good organization within the company and they were like This is our main priority is this film. That's coming out in December. It was not a good film It was a sci-fi Christian film. Oh Oh That sounds awesome. Oh, wait, wait, tell us the plot. Tell us the plot and we're gonna we'll guess the name so it's about this man who After the worst I I feel like I know the the like Some nopsis after the worst day of his life is shifted into it shifted into another reality by The benefactor who's pretty much just like the devil and he has to get back to the woman that he loves And but he goes into but he's like shifting through all these different multiverses Doctor strain Okay, um back to the future No, it's not because the future like the multiverses. It's in the same like timeline just different Universes one of the timelines he hops into it's just Yeah, it's just His kids actually get like his kid gets like stolen Dude, what is what are these? Milk the multiverse of angel studios. It's it's a it's like a it's the parable of Job Okay, but in in wait, so it's like the version where his family is all happy and then the one where God kills his family Yeah, pretty much you got swallowed by a whale Jonah. Jonah. Do you believe that happened? Um, I Think so. I mean how big of a whale You think that would have been I don't I I don't know the biggest way as a blue whale. I think it was a catfish Yeah, yeah, like a really big catfish. Can we talk about how I got fired? Yeah, okay get because I just would really like to get The sober with talking about fire. Okay. Well, not go for it So we were told that the shift was that's what the movie was called was like the main priority So I was I wasn't the lead social media person, but I was helping with like other stuff like influencers Working with influencers. Are you working with? You'd be surprised how many want to like support these films? Well, I'm I know the people who would it would be Southerners Conversation with a real housewife of the OC. So that was pretty great the OC. Yeah, she I got her to the premiere of the Film and anyways, but I had been fired at that point. That's a red. That's a red carpet right there There was a red carpet for that film. Mm-hmm. And so I Know but like Tony Robbins state street norm Tony Robbins. No, actually so the that's a who's who of extortion I worked with a lot with I worked with a lot of people during sound of freedom to sound of freedom You had a lot of people who just like wanted to Support the film and they did it for free. What did they do the red carpet for that Epstein's Island? No, they did that They did that at the vineyard megaplex That is where the red carpet was was at the vineyard We've been more traffic in the vineyard megaply I mean they're getting up there. The shifts one was at the Grove Okay, and in LA. Yeah Damien crow sorry so I was working on that and the thing is is like we were very understaff, so we're each working on like three or four different projects and We were told that but the shift was the most important. I just want to say You're saying this is a figure try like we're gonna fire you again like you don't feel like I get it like you're trying to cover your ass right now, but I Don't care. Okay, so I forgive you. Yeah, thank you I was working on this other project and they were filming here in Utah. I'd go up to set I would I would get social media content. They're like, what are you posting? And there was just a miscommunication with Because it was also during the actor strike and the writer strike, so I was like well I don't know if we can post about it yet and They're in SAG. They're not in SAG. Well, they've gotten exemption It was just a lot and then up I was also like doing a bunch of stuff for the shift and so they were like why haven't you posted yet? So I'm okay. I'll post for you guys I posted and then I like made like a tech like a little error on one of the graphics and they like freaked out and The filmmakers were related to the owners of the company So they went and complained to them and then I took a day off because I had to get a colonoscopy And I just can't wait you got a call you supposed to get the link again like 45 or 50 I have a lot of stomach issues What a dollar due to you Nothing So I went and got a colonoscopy and I was supposed to like be gone the rest of the day And I was just like something feels off because I knew that the people were upset and like people were talking about it at work And so I was like I should go in and I Kind of error was this I literally just like misspelled a name on a graphic And it was up for 10 minutes and I took it down and they didn't have a lot of followers It's not like they had like thousands and they had maybe like a couple thousand for them This is like the premier in this at the Oscars in their minds and they're I was literally just posting like the characters Brad Pitt's gonna see him. No, no, yeah and So I go to the office and I like I was just kind of like I could just feel something was off And I go to and I'll say this right now I didn't have a superior like a team lead our team lead had left I'd had a one-on-one with like a superior I hadn't had a like a yearly evaluation like you do at normal companies and then I go up to like the head of marketing because we're all Working together pretty closely and I just said something he's like we need to talk later And I was like oh and I just knew exactly I was in trouble and I had to wait like five hours and then I went and Sat in a room and for another 30 minutes waiting for him And then he's like don't freak out but I have to go get HR and I was like okay I'm getting fired and then I go in and I pretty much was told like my work had never been that great and I don't want to be there. I don't want the job that I have and Why why did I make the mistake and I told them I was like I think I just really overworked and like doing other projects And I'm like I just you know I get really excited and then he's like doesn't matter You should have said no and here's a thing you cannot say no at that company like they're very much like think like a leader Think like a founder, you know and if you say no, you're not a team player. Yeah You're not like you're you know, you're not a team player So I would just like take on whatever anybody asked me to do because I you know I wanted to show them that I was serious So and then he didn't even know if he wanted to fire me. He was like I need to go talk to Here's the thing after listening to that whole thing. I know I want to fire you now. I Think you talked for five minutes straight and I was like can we just get to why you're fired and you're There's just so many random details in there about like I woke up and I had granola And then I walked down the street and then my boss was like hey and then there's HR And like I know and then and then it was weird and like there's so many fucking details Matt Can't I understand we can't we knew that's We know Kendra. I know can't be upset. No, no, I know I know Jimmy does it. I know can like be mad at him No, I know I know I just want to know I'm just trying to get context is I understand the context But it's like it can be said faster. I'm sorry. This is just like who I am. I know it's just like Like they fired you because you made a it's honestly So you know it sounds better for you if you say they fired me because I made a spelling error That looks better for you because I don't think it just points all the blame to help fucking dumb They look yeah, when you go in a ten minute time Yeah, yeah, you gave me time to fill empathy for them Yeah, cuz if they're just sitting there in that HR meeting and you won't shut the fuck up I barely talked in that meeting and I don't believe that now the premiere for the lift was ruined Yeah, all cuz of you because their social media. I'm sure it was maybe there was a spelling error And then it was just you talking for but and Bapping said though. Do I hate that company? Absolutely and so the fact that Any of them thought that you were nose diving their project and they're like this is the reason why no one will watch this Not because we made a fucking dumbass movie No, it's because a Kendra or what we make is art like I actually now. I'm flipping my I'm actually flipping actually I'm on your side again because Anything to make them look like retards So yeah, they're not doing their companies aren't doing well now They'll of course not recent like a few weeks ago I get a text for a bunch of people that I worked with and they're like 30% of the company just got laid off So like you're lucky you got fired when you did So because I got severance they gave me like a month's worth of severance whoa I think I'm allowed to say that. I don't know Yeah, what are they gonna do go to get into a litigation with you right now and their company No, cuz they're like litigating with a bunch of other people they're getting sued by a bunch of other people and we have that podcast That 102 people listen to yeah, we're gonna yeah, dude. They're yeah, they fuck them Yeah, so if you don't know this podcast is a job interview. Actually. Oh really I didn't know that and I forgot to mention that And we we've been evaluating This whole I know I failed no you can still bring it there's there might be a place for you Yeah, so so what is the job that I'm don't worry? No, it is we'll determine where we think you'll fit it is always whatever you actually do. Oh, okay Yeah, it's not it's not about your references and if you were a good worker. It's just about the vibe. Yeah, okay Well that and so you do social media I well, I have a degree in communications emphasis in PR and I minored in like social media marketing Okay, so we need to see if we would hire you as our social media person or PR I can also have this first question. How many followers do you have an Instagram? I think I have over 700 Okay, but I have but I have worked on Social media I brought social media pages like to over 600,000. Okay, yeah Sound of freedom well, they kind of sold themselves and Swipe me done that for you. I Think if you can do this. Yeah, I can't I can't do it. I haven't slowly putting more of my effort into social media doing more stuff on TikTok and Posting more on Instagram a little bit. I think cuz I every day I'm like creating content and working and strategizing for other brands You just kind of get pooped when you get to you and you're just like yeah Once again coming back to full circle back to passions and love of the game So it comes to you. You don't love yourself. You don't want to work for yourself. You know, what do you what do you what do you want? What's your dream? What's my dream? What do you want out of all this out of comedy or just life? It's all connected. It's all connected. I think I would just love to be a well-known and respected comedian You know get you know get get some good I'd love to do like a dry bar special one day even though, you know, Angel Studios owns dry bar One dry bar is the pinnacle. Yes, that's as big as it gets. I'm not saying I feel like it's a realistic Like I don't say I'm gonna get a Netflix special is like very unrealistic. Why not say that white white shoot yourself in the foot already They're going to be a well-known comedian. But comedy is not gonna happen on dry bar. My only thing No, I know I agree with that But I think just or like some type of like longer special like on YouTube or something I know a lot of comedians are starting to do that more is like two specials on YouTube. So Why aren't you looking at yourself that way and promoting your own Instagram? Well, I'm trying to just get back in to stand up now that Why don't I have to all just be stand-up clips and just to be yeah, well on TikTok I've been doing more just like funny stuff like with my dog and you know Because I have a dog. Is it funny? It's more me asking her not to sleep on my side of the bed. So no Okay, sometimes I like talk about pop culture. I love pop culture. So what's going on? I Know one really big thing happening a pop culture. Well right now the big thing is well You're probably thinking about the rap thing the rap The rap thing the rap music Kendrick Lamar. Yeah, just dunking on well the big thing that's gone on today is the SNL Which is I love watching SNL. What does that stand for Saturday live? Okay? Love SNL. So in at the end of the month Jake Gyllenhaal is going to be hosting and the musical guest is Sabrina Carpenter and so all the Swifties are just like going nuts about this because as we know Jake Gyllenhaal is not one of Taylor of the Swifties favorite axis of Taylor Swift like all to well the 12 minute version is based off of him and so he And Sabrina we're gonna pump the brakes on this cuz no one fucking cares about I don't understand how Taylor Swift has the cache a that she has because oh dude. No one It's a I don't say I cuz Amanda's no one I love my wife so hard I know you do it. Yeah, and Amanda's like listening to YouTube videos dissecting her It's just a fun thing to do a snap her phone, but it's the same thing you guys do with your little rap feud stuff No, this is I don't watch no. No, I watch I don't I was just being Talking about it also the like Kendrick Lamar is one of the greatest artists alive, okay? You tell us what it isn't I would that bike to differ. No, she's they go. They sound socks. I Like turn you out look how many how many of the songs sound the same? No, my all them they help yeah, they have the same by they have a very similar vibe Yeah, there we go, and that doesn't mean they sound the same. What do you think statistical probability that Taylor Swift's like which demon Well, I think anybody in Hollywood is somehow like Involved the dark arts the Tim Bellar tell you that okay. Yeah How many how many kids is Taylor Swift stolen cuz I don't think I don't think that there is there No, she like sucks her blood. I don't think they're blood suck it. No. No, I just do think That Hollywood is corrupt and there's a lot of weird stuff going on that we don't know Taylor Swift is a part of that I wouldn't I don't know maybe you know one of the biggest stars in the world who is in films She is in that world. Do you think Harvey Townston could help angel studios? No, he's going back. I'm going back out. He's but well. No, he's going back into trial Yeah, you know, you know flipped the the verdict all female judges Really? Yes, that's not a joke. It's like that. That's that's that's very disappointing Actually, I like that. I just like fuck this now. Do you back out? Yeah, I Mean he's never gonna work again, and I don't know for angel students I don't know there was gonna be a desperate Desperate a company that just laid off like 30% of their staff that could use a bump That would be who better to make sound of freedom to oh, no, here's the here's the T though here So they're technically doing a sequel to sound of freedom. What's it called? It's called sound of hope It's not even related to it. It's a completely different film, but they're like it's the follow-up movie of sound of freedom And then they're just like trying to like hold on to the sound of freedom like I like that Not dude meaning to make the money make the money off those chined-up kids That's what they're doing. They're like we're helping out the world, but we're gonna profit off of this Yeah, all the proceeds get all the proceeds go to that shit go to charity. No, go. No, they go to go straight to them They went to kind of straight to a eyes eight to you. Yeah, you're Profited yeah of child sex trafficking which we like yeah, that's actually you're more likely to get hired My let's get fired cuz that's within our values Why? Because what you're doing out there is you're saying I need to live Yeah, I need to survive and I'll do anything to survive. I don't think it's right the Life is easy for all children. It's not like yeah, the hard truth. Yeah of our city. It builds character Uh-huh. I do agree with that, but I don't think children should be harmed. Well, you're in the minority on that I don't think so. I don't know you've been to Ethiopia Anyways, yeah, so what was uh, what was your first job ever? Technically it was babysitting I was Yeah, I was a hostess at a restaurant when I was 18 what restaurant? It was called south restaurant It was in Anchorage, Alaska. It was like at this new trendy restaurant and I was hostess What kind of food it was like a Mediterranean like fusion American style. What does that mean? So just Italian so like American No, it was it just had like burgers and sandwiches and pasta Mediterranean food Only thing that made it Mediterranean was is that they had like a bottle of water I was kind of warm in the middle of the table and then they had like little cups Which is something that they do and if you've been out there I don't know, but that's what I heard So you heard the biggest thing that makes this Mediterranean is they have blue corn water Well, no, that is for fun. Yes, but it doesn't mean it's Mediterranean A lot of people in like Italy and Paris when you go and get water, they don't put ice No, no, they don't have ice in Europe, but that's not like Just the Mediterranean. I was like where like so there's no like Italian food. There's no like Greek food There's no Croatian food again. I work there for like you described the menu for your work there for four months She just fired the menu from like red robin. I know seriously that would be a place I guess they're in Alaska. That's a fucking delicacy. Like there's Salmon and burgers. Uh, yeah, where could you find this not in a last? We haven't like a scot in a bird too Like it was just they had toppas they had like toppas Poppas. Yeah, it's just like appetizers small plates. Okay, so we're through four months Yeah, we're there for the summer before I went off to college. Oh, what do you go college? BYU Idaho. Oh, there we go shameful No, I went there. That's my alma mater. It's still a shameful. Uh, it was cool. That's a horrific area It was a time not dude. I like right where do you work? Where do you work at bui? I worked on campus Uh, there was a for what's called center stage and they bring like performances and concerts to students. So I worked as a student like director Okay, it's a fun. Yeah, I did my internship there and it was like Pretty chill. Yeah, and I felt like I got some good experiences Experience out of it. It's cool. They didn't see any like like like plays come through like musicals No, because I mostly worked there during covid. So okay, so oh, so you know, it needed nothing I did a lot of research and a lot of like analytics and I sometimes I don't even believe like you've had a job really I Is it because I look really entitled? No, just from the things you've told us. Yeah, I did like analytics and research for a For a life that was confident to like so what I did was because we couldn't have Uh concerts. I went through like 10 years worth of ticket sales Of every concert and I organized them into a google sheet And I just kind of looked at the patterns of like who was popular like who did people like to go watch Really popular. David archeleta. No, no bill Cosby. Yes. I do remember that Yeah, 2012. That was the first uh stand-up show. I ever saw live. Really cause me. Be why you want to help me Yeah, he was he was on stage for almost two and a half hours. Wow Yeah, that's how long it takes for him to come Um, and then I also because we didn't have concerts I went and did like focus groups And big like surveys to see like who the students would be interested in It just still sounds just like busy work. It was but it's college Like that's what you do for an internship. Just like get up there. Just look at these numbers. What totally That's what an internship is. Have you ever done an internship? No, I just had a job I just worked blue collar Jobs, you know, I will have to say I did not feel prepared to go into the real workforce when I left college That's college. Yeah. No, they say they say all these things are totally going to use it Don't worry. And then you go out there and then most people don't use their degree and he said yeah I still use my degree, but how sometimes I well I took a bunch of social media classes and I feel you Idaho So what's the rules of social media straight? Is there like a class that I teach you how to hashtag? No, it's more like strata off doing fashion Happy way to hoe. It was more like you learned about like content creation and building content calendars and strategizing This is a youtube video building a brand Um, how's the brand building? Well, all the come I I've actually had to build a lot of brands. Um, when I worked at angel studios It was like building all these like brands for um, that's actually a feat I On social media like yeah building angel studios is that's big feet. Yeah. What what other brands? Right now I'm working for an it school and their brand is technically already built, but I'm trying to expand it. So, okay All right, what about your brand? My brand is just just me How's dog and the dog? I think I try to be relatable. I feel like I've been told I have a lot of female humor and I relate to other, you know young early to mid 20s single girls. So Um, try to like get that market And I feel like my brand is a market or as like people people Yeah, but I also but there's a strategy I would I'm not I haven't really strategized myself on social. How would you strategize yourself? Um What do you think is the angle on mid 20s single girls? I think it's just relatability and being honest. Yeah. Yeah, so How are you gonna be honest with them? Just say what I feel. What do you feel right now? What I feel right? I'm a little tired because I like to be in bed by this time You go to bed At 10? Yeah, I like to be in bed in my pajamas like I won't necessarily be going to sleep I'll be like on my phone doing a tiktok. I'll read a book Yeah, yeah, what book? Um, well, I just finished Emily Henry's new book funny story And I'm trying to figure out what my next book is gonna be. No, it's a funny story. What? human trafficking It's true Yeah, so let's get into like the meat of the questions here like the really important ones. Oh, okay, um Which group of people makes you feel more uncomfortable? Uh, Jews or muslims It's good. That's a question. What side of the war are you on? Okay This I feel really bad But I don't know what's going on like I feel like knee jerk knee jerk reaction knee jerk reaction I don't have one. I think they're doing a knee jerk. Yeah, no, you're not running for office. You're not is real But if you want this job, we need to hear an answer is real palestine Well, I feel like right now. I think it's palestine. I don't know. That's your own side of palestine I don't know. I just want them to stop killing Going on over there. I just honestly, I don't know. I'm sorry. I not well informed I could tell you all about the spring of carpenter stuff. That's going on This is what I like. This is fun This is what's great about Taylor Swift. She's the best scottop You're looking away If Taylor Swift was around during 9/11, we wouldn't have known about it We would not have known about it. I I think for me It's really hard to stay up to date on current topics because it honestly just depresses me Well, when he brought up a good one there, uh, who was behind 9/11 Sabrina carpenter She was me. I don't even think I'm born then How old is she? I don't know. Well, if she was like a hollywood witch demon, she could have She's on a dream. She might like dream a chrome. She might be like 210 Yeah, that's true because all we know is that she's hurt and taylor I don't think she's the devil Oh my god, her songs bigger than and all this Taylor Swift's new songs Anyways, um, you want a comment on that? Well, I don't know It is who did well. We I was going back to the other question about 9/11. Go for it. Yeah, let's get it in 9/11. I definitely think There's some I don't know because I've heard something that can play I've heard a lot of the conspiracy theories. I don't think bush did it. I don't think bush was smart enough to do it I think it could have been taylor Because she's like on about you. I'm feeling 22 And it's like this dude two towers got hit You should fly another plane into the new one. Uh-huh, and then they should be like this one's taylor Yeah, I was taylor's version and that's the sound of freedom Because it's called the freedom tower coincidence. No, okay. What other questions do you have for me? If there was a country that you could nuke drop a nuke and just wipe out, what would it be? I think france. Oh We've got that one before I like that. I like that. I like that france, but I don't I I've never been impressed by french people Mm-hmm. I hate their accents. I think there's just something about them. I will say Let her cook. I like this you coming out with some really anger and I like this the new Utah Uh hockey team their head coach is french canadian and I do like his accent. Like it's like did you shut the fuck up? Let her talk about france. What you don't like? I hear they're like they don't shave their armpits that they're smelly that I will have to say I think the food. I've heard the food in france is good. I would love To go and see some of the historical sites normandy Um, I was thinking like more like the eiffel tower or for si I'd love to get a baguette like I I feel like baguettes there would be really good like the food there I hear is really good. So maybe I just Want to nuke out the french people. I like that take up french They're the french but keep their keep the recipes. Yeah, verse. I was the treaty of her side good I don't know. Okay. Who won world war two? Well, technically germany did not but wait tach it. Wait, what are you going to say after that? Well, I was going to say technically the u.s brin, but I guess I don't know he wait, wait, keep going, keep going, keep going So I guess The u.s and brin won and whoever was on their side and then the other side germany. I think japan The other uh You know what? I think france was on germany's side and italy so they didn't win either didn't win no But think about good those baguettes taste when you watch the kid go into an oven Also, I mean also I just feel like I have to point out that France was not on the side. Well, they weren't no they were famously they hated fucks Yeah, but that was fun. Yeah, I like that. Yeah, italy though was on the side Also, I mean hiller killed what six million he kind of won like sense. Well, I don't know. Have you seen if any Uh, actually i'll have to look at me. Look at me russian's died Uh loved a lot, but Okay, uh, and what kicked off world war one Oh my gosh. I think it was an assassination. It was another german thing And I'm pretty sure it was like an assassination of an ark ark duke. Correct. That's accurate. I didn't think I didn't think you get that one It was actually syruvia, but yeah, that was very I'm proud of you. Sometimes I know things. How about the Vietnam war? Oh Well, it was Isn't it like well, there was two sides of vietnam and um One wanted to stay in communism. The other didn't and that's why america got involved Because they were like we don't want you to be in communism either. So what are you thoughts in communism now? I don't like it. Yeah. Yeah, no, okay. I don't think it's a good idea. Okay. No, you want to put it in north korea Okay, no, no, I like this a good job Um, it's not like I know that much more about it. Yeah, I was like, I just like I just like I just fight quinn Oh, you don't like that? You don't like getting asked questions. No, I do Interview process. This has been fun. I'm like, I'm enjoying it. Okay, like keep me on my toes. Okay. Yeah, keep going toes Does Taylor Shufa get toes? I've never looked at her. You should ask you should ask us because he knows her shoe size I bet she's like a nine or a ten. I'm I'm a size 10 feet. Yeah, I feel like if you're over the Uh height of like five eight five nine. You're gonna have big feet. Okay That's fun. I don't know how tall it's Taylor Swift. I think she's like five nine five ten Do I Travis Kelsey? I do like Travis Kelsey a lot. I love Travis Kelsey. I think he's really funny He seems like a really good football player and he's really good looking Yeah, he does seem like a good football player. I mean, he's won the super bowl three times So he has to be good. I feel like he's too good for Really? Yeah, I will say this. So I haven't always been a swiftie and I think a lot of it was rooted in sexism and misogyny. Okay, but um, why? Because I think I jealous I also know I think it was just like everyone like Taylor Swift and like Swifties are kind of annoying I know They are And so I was kind of like I don't want to and and then I really listened to a lot of like the media that was against Taylor And the media. Yeah, like it was the same thing with Britney Spears Same thing with Britney Spears like when I was nine. I thought she was a crazy hoke. She shaved her head She's not crazy now No, I learned more like context behind what was going on behind the scenes. She's still crazy No, I wouldn't know I think she's I think she's very misunderstood and I Definitely think she has mental health issues. She just isn't getting the proper help because she mental health issues is a fun way of saying crazy Yeah um Anyways, but last year I started really liking Travis Kelsey, especially when he Was hosting us now and I've seen him more on tiktok and then when I found out they were dating I was like, okay, I think i'm a swiftie now. So it was really Travis Kelsey that helped me become a swiftie Really? You just like Travis Kelsey I do but I really like Taylor Swift and I like her music and I I've always liked her music And I just kind of like was like, no, I'm not a swifty You know, I was 50 and then I have a lot of friends who are 50s and it's just like a fun, you know, community to be around like You know, it's just fun. It's fun to you know, do you think uh um If we could roll back the clock Taylor Swift was around the 90s. Do you think They would be bumping Taylor Swift during call mine like the shooters walking in there just being like we are never ever Get back together. I don't think they would be playing any music because they were trying to survive from a school shoot No, no the shooters the shooters. Yeah, were they playing music during? I want to believe so in this universe. They have a bluetooth. Yeah, they're a bluetooth speaker No, they played some really dark stuff. I love story. No No, I think they'd be playing some dark stuff. Well, not either playing reputation or No, I think they'd be playing some like really weird obscure like scream-o music. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah Is that what fox news told you? Yeah, I don't watch fox news. What do you watch the news? I don't watch news Watch snapchat news. No, what do you watch? Just tick-tock. Just tick-tock. What's your favorite podcast? um And don't say this one. No, it's not this one. I like I I like broken connor make a podcast there are like tick-tockers and that's really fun I like jake shanes new podcast a lot of tick-tockers um Yeah, heather mcman's podcast is funny. I like heather mcman's just a state of comedian uh, do you ever what do you ever listen to uh um My favorite podcast is live from gaza and that's Okay, what yeah, you ever seen that one? No. Yeah, they do s and l out there Okay Yeah, and uh, it's peat homes and peat daveton Hosting I don't think you're right. No, it's a good one. It's pretty sick. Yeah Yeah, because peat daveton just keeps showing everyone's dick and he's like, why are we fighting and it's pretty cool How how did you like the Shane Gillis episode of s and l? I actually really liked it. I thought that Um, I thought his sketches were good. I really loved the church one. I thought that was really funny See, that's the one sketch. I didn't understand. I thought that was hilarious I don't know about who I've seen it. You didn't watch I like to see like some clips, but I've keeping like all watch the whole thing and then I like his his cool I liked his monologue. I thought that was funny talking about like how he was like his mom's best friend Yeah, yeah, I thought that was funny. I I was surprised that he was on the show just because I feel like I feel like this season and it's like they brought Nate Bargatsky and him and a lot of like at least once this season you get like one or two stand-up comedians and like But they're not They're not as big they're big comedians, but they're not at the same time And so they're not like the same level. I feel like it's john malaney I don't know because john malaney doesn't sell out arenas Okay, that's true. Nate Bargatsky sell that arenas. Okay, that's true and also Exchangeless is is very big. I think beautiful dogs is the most dream done. Oh, it's a yeah, they're pretty fucking big Okay, I know what i'm talking about nevermind So shut up john malaney cheated on his wife shot. That was cool. Actually. Yeah. Um, I actually really like john malaney Yeah, I love they cheated on his wife. I did dude Awesome move and he's like I was on cocaine and I thought it was cool and he's like I feel bad his ex wife's like, oh who did she done me with? Oh, Olivia mon So that's a fun moment. She's the girl. She's just a super super hot girl. She's an actress She went attack on the show. Yeah, I don't follow pop culture You're missing out. It's really fun. No, I just I recently I got into Apollation folk music. So that's what I'm jamming to jesus christ dude. You can't go down this road You cannot go down this road. You're gonna move up in northern Idaho and just start a militia Oh, dude. That sounds like a good time. I would just militia of swifties We are gonna ride to the capital And we are gonna we are gonna play red For the all the politicians to hear I don't think that would be the right song choose. I feel like there would be better So, oh read the album. Yeah read the album. No, I think there's a better album to choose. Oh, shake it off Yeah, no, 1990. I feel like would be the right album to do yeah back to the 80s. You'd let's get let's get less rights going around I like that. Yeah um, so We're getting close Uh to the end. Okay. So where were you on january 6? I was in college at BYU Idaho And how was the vibe up there? Um, honestly It was a little weird because I remember talking I had all freshman roommates at the time and they were all from Idaho So they had some very interesting views about the each please share some of it I don't really remember it was just like one in particular Well, you're saying the people from Idaho had questionable views, but you're from Alaska and you're like we Common sense in Alaska. Oh, every every scene deadly a sketch I have actually um my mom's cousin used to work on a fishing on a crab boat But on the show not on the show. Okay. That's why we watched it because you know, so Every I don't know why it always makes you laugh the beginning of that show that didn't dream music because like i'm a cowboy Wanted dead or alive again crabs um If they kept showing a crab and handcuffs, that'd be the sickest thing ever Yeah, he got him Uh side now if you're in a pop culture, have you seen the Plankton ai songs going around? Yes, because he's making like plankton's making emo music spongebob. Yeah. Well, no It is amazing ai does leave it has been like patrick. There's been squid. They've been having like rap beefs. Oh Yeah, jennifer. It's been the crusty crew versus dankton And they've been going at it. Have you guys ever watched spongebob the musical No No, you're missing. So i'll give you a little I have yes. Okay. It's not my favorite. That goes to black cast Yeah, that's why I don't like you either I get you. Yeah, you don't have to say it You had you had all roommates your mind. Oh, um, yeah, i'm like get them off the stage You know my favorite character though is in ham with him too It's like of course. This is my favorite character the king. Yes, the king is so good. Yes. Yes His song he's literally on stage for eight minutes, but it's so i do i'll sing that song all the time It's like good karaoke song. That's great. I love that song You've seen about trump. Um, yeah, honestly, that's what it feels like but anyways, um So when you rather uh Smoke crack with hunter biden or hide government documents with donald trump Good question. I feel like I would not be good on crack. I will not be going on any drugs. So But you're on drugs Well, like I'm on medication. Oh, well. Oh, yeah Once you oh my god Like that is scary stuff. Well once you try drugs, then you'll be like, oh, medication is not far off No, I just feel like almost the same thing especially if you've done atorol. Yeah, you're pretty much jin coke Oh, I don't I didn't do well at atorol. I stopped looking at drugs. I think you need a more euphoric drug No, I feel like that would make me crazy. I I don't like being not in control of my body Well, it's not like you're you lose control of your limb. It's not ketamine I still don't think I could do it. Well, but that attitude Come on now, don't you want to hear the sound of freedom? Doing crack all of a sudden. It's all green lights. So you you'd rather hide government documents with donald trump Well, I mean he's getting away with it. So maybe I would too. There we go. I mean he would have been fired. Yeah Okay. All right. So big win for donnie t All right. Well, we got a new supporter No, no, no, no, no, no, okay, who are you supporting rfk? No, honestly I'm really I don't like any of the candidates There's no one that's like I'm interested in honestly Okay. No, I know it's that's very un-american of me and i'm gonna get like a lot of backlash I don't think it's very un-american. I think everyone that's pretty I don't think I don't like the idea of like lesser of two evils I've never enjoyed that. Well Um, I feel like later on in your life when you're finally having to pick a husband. That's where you're gonna be Probably yeah Well We need to decide if we want to hire you. Yeah, so do you want to know what I call myself a lot Absolutely. Yes. I'm what I'm what you call a personality hire My okay. She's losing me now. I feel like my biggest skill is my people skills like I was i'm really good at like Talking at them. No talking with them making friends with them getting them to trust me Okay, that sounds scary We freeze it like that you know trust me to do the work that they need and like Um, sometimes people are very protective of their brands and they want certain things and i'm pretty good at like Explaining Reasonly with reason why I should do what I know is gonna work. Okay, so shout out to angel studios Um, just like angel studios. We're trying to get this podcast off the ground Yeah, into the white supremacy market. Oh, okay. Do you think you could help us? um I mean, I worked on some freedom. So probably That's a good idea. That's a good ask Okay, but so you're just but as you said you're strictly a personality hire I want to say strictly. I'm like 80 personality 20 percent. So you're 80 percent five percent 80 percent just vibes Yeah, I have good vibes. Yeah, what are the vibes of the office? What are they gonna be when we sit down at the coffee coffee room? I'm first gonna ask you how you're doing. Okay. What's going on? Um, and then I Yeah, how's your weekend? What's been going on? And if I have any kind of tea that's happening like there's drama Um with room is you're gonna stir the pot No, it's never in the office. Here's the thing If i'm gonna be talking about other co-workers, it's gonna be outside the office like We'll go out to lunch and do it. Okay. Okay. Okay, so i'll let we'll go and have like a fun little lunch and we'll um Like talk crap about the people we don't like at work and who is frustrating us How about this? I'm really good at like if someone wants to vent about something I'm great to go and do that with this is I think where we could use you Um You would not officially be hired because you'd be undercover Undercover Getting jobs working for our competitors You'd be going over You'd be going over to uh, you know flagrant to Or something And i'll get on their podcast and then just give us all the hot goss Take it down from the inside and so then we are the only option for people who want to listen to comedy podcasts Um So we just by default Become the biggest podcast because there's none else So I'd really be the heart of this podcast. I'd be the reason why this podcast No, we're the heart. Yeah, we're the heart and soul this thing You know, but you are just the catalyst. Yeah, you'd be like the thumbs You would you'd be thumbs are good. You'd be find a proxy war for us. You know You'd be you'd be our uh, just let's you'd be yeah, you'd be our ukraine. Mm-hmm. Oh, okay. Yeah, we're like also How do you feel about ukraine? It's too sad Okay It's sad. What's happening to ukraine What's happening over there russia's trying to take them over Are you sure? Is that what's happening russia like started a war with them Maybe all right, right I don't know. I thought that was i know it's something new with russia Yeah I don't think all russians. No, no, okay different countries Is Taylor Swift russian? No, what's her heritage? I don't know Where was she born? She's in pennsylvania Philly central that's why she's so crazy Everyone in pennsylvania's nuts. It's it's like it's like didn't know about pennsylvania to about my wife Mm-hmm. Where is where in pennsylvania is she from? Um, she was born in philly but then like raised like when she was four her family moved to central pia. Oh, okay like in the middle of nowhere Yeah, now it's like I don't know why i don't know alabama's always like the punchline in this country No, it's really pennsylvania, but it should be pennsylvania. You know what? You know what somebody I just realized I never thought about this How much fun it would be Taylor Swift said the n-word because There would be so many girls who would find a way to justify it They would find a way can we go back to talking about pennsylvania because there's also a very another important pop culture Hold on. We're in the hiring phase right now. Okay, because this is we're at the end. So This is what I have a good question. Okay When's the last time you said the n-word? I've never said it on camera I you've never uttered it alone. I might have singing to kind of i think i probably if when I was younger Singing to a song, but I haven't in like a really like probably since I was a teenager Okay, I all I think only I never have like called someone that I think maybe I Would like say it and sing it a longer song, but that's it We ever roll the windows up in your car and say it out loud No, no, no I because I looked at the n-word as another Like curse word and for the longest time I didn't curse And I started cursing when I started cursing there was all this rhetoric about the n-word and using the n-word Um, especially like during covid time and I learned more about it. So I was like, oh, I was like, I'll never say this word It's not a nice word. It's not a good word at all. Okay But would you say it right now? No, okay anyways, sorry, but What do you think was job proposal or stealth job proposal for her? What's the what's the pay? Uh, you'll be to be determined. Okay. Yeah, can I get like money for wardrobe because I'll be like going to different Well, we'll reimburse you. Okay. Okay. Yeah It depends on the wardrobe. Yeah, it might take after you send us the receipts It might take a while for us to reimburse you. Okay. Yeah, but it's a long con Yeah, maybe after we get the neon sign we can send the reimbursement if this thing works You will never need the worry about money ever again But it's well your royalties You'll get they'll get add money. You will get a signed poster from the both of us That is a one of which will be invaluable. It's a one of one. There's no others we've signed and a photo op And we'll take you to in and out You With hos That's a good offer. Yeah, it's a great offer dinner to show cards cards on the table. That's final offer Okay Easy. Yeah, drive a hard bargain. Welcome to the team. Thank you And we Not really the team you fired jimmy. Yeah, kind of firing him then on and then what was his job? He was gonna be in a glass cage and And uh, we didn't want him to assault anyone at the office Yeah, and then we'd have but we we'd have Cindy walk past him and taunt him And that was her main role at the office Um So, yeah, that's also Sidney versus jimmy going up on patreon next week. There we go Wait, what? We had Cindy and jimmy on an episode I think I think we need to have me and jimmy on an episode together and go well. You have to go on a date first Yeah, because that's why we have to go on a date first. Why? Do I ate what we're talking about building a fucking brand and having content? This is content I don't think jimmy would want to do that though. I will convince him Dude, there's no way you're convinced him to do the podcast. I am already I can make it happen I've already already did the impossible. I be curious on how you're I'd be very curious how you convince him Oh, I just started getting really into his like it was like very psychological where I was like do you want to be this guy? He was just like afraid and like Cindy already she said yes. No problem. Wait, did they go on a date? They almost did And that's with jimmy blew her off. Oh, yeah, and so that's why we had them on the podcast The beef really that's good and jimmy kept backing out of the podcast and he's like i'm sorry bro I can't do it and I said jimmy don't do this and he said night. I'm sorry man I was like I'll convince you and I did and we're like it's gonna be good. You won't look bad Yeah, I said I said you won't regret it And I was like you probably will in my head but And then the next morning the morning after the podcast I get a text he's like please don't ever put that out And then I I met I didn't even respond to his message. I texted Quinn immediately I was like he doesn't want me to put it out and quince like i'll convince him By like a week later. He was like just gonna manipulate him into to go on a date with you It was manipulation and also I did threaten don't tell over his head Um, but that was the nail in the coffin. Yeah, but like harvey wine stained him but But then I'm gonna get on this show I don't want someone to go on a date with me because they're being like no no no no it's not like that It's not like that at all He needs us. He knew you knew this you guys need who do you think needs it more him or me? That's exactly it's up in the air now I don't know It's like I actually don't know if you have if you had that angel studios job, and I would think Pointing jimmy's corny. He went on a walk with a girl today That's actually kind of sweet. So As of now you might need it more You might need go. I think i'm probably more secure mean single than he is Well, I feel like it's something you tell yourself Oh, i'm pretty secure being single. I don't want to be single, but i'm fine being by myself. Yeah, yeah Okay So you guys are you guys don't understand because you've been married and you got married young Yeah, dude. I was 27 when I got married. Oh, that's right. I forget that you're old well Who cares? Anyways, you still need some of that jimmy in your life Go take him shopping. I do want to take him shopping really bad I've been really wanting to take him shopping He needs some work to take him shopping. I went went to savers And then I found one shirt form there and then I took him in north some rack I just think he needs some better clothes to market himself There we go We keep talking about marketing, but I need to see your followers go up until I believe you can make this happen if Yeah, if she can sell us on jimmy If you if you sell me that jimmy's a hot piece of ass, you'll never be fired Then you are that then you are fully hired and you're on the social media team Okay, although i'll talk to him because I can I know I can change if you I just know like what he needs to wear and Because I think in the words of l woods you have all the equipment. You just don't know how to use it Are you dude? Are you coming on jimmy right now? No, I'm just saying he has all the equipment Oh my god kendra You already used the manual Kendra Kendra Kendra Kendra That is not what i'm talking about I just can't believe you've been lying to us this whole time. I don't even like him, but he has all the equipment No, I don't mean it like that. Yeah, he's got that hammer Um No, okay. I'm just saying he is you can't say jimmy's not cute Dude He is a cute guy This is I am okay. This is this is he's like a little short king this took the best direction All right, this is okay. This is back on this is fully on i'm gonna convince i'm gonna get you guys on a date No Short king that's like the most part of this cute short king that you like I don't want to dress up and get in all the right equipment You don't like this guy I don't know. No, I was quoting legally blonde l woods You know when she's teaching paul at how to do the bed and snap She's like you have all the equipment. You just don't know how to read the manuals I know but it's you can't really walk your that's not they didn't get you out of that you just quoted it again He has all the equipment. Yeah, he's got I think he you know, he's he's nice. He's funny. He's got you know He's good looking cute. He just needs a better clothes. He makes me laugh Okay, well, yeah, what try to tell me something. Yeah, yeah, everything you've said is people people say about people They like we might be hinting at a future episode here. This is yeah. Yeah, this is a this is a teaser Well, if you guys fall in love That's that's my yeah quin has to officiate the wedding. I will definitely officiate that thing Wait, I do okay. I will say the day that I get married no matter what I do want quin to DJ my wedding easy And but i'm gonna give you a very specific list of songs that i'm not gonna do it You need to like quin down. I don't want your music. I want my music that I would play a fucking playlist I'm gonna DJ. I'm gonna play gangnam style 15 times in a row That would be very fun. Yeah, I mean do you want people to party at your wedding or the dance? Yeah, I have actually really good taste of music. Oh, would it be Taylor's music? No, no, I have like really cool like 70s disco music that I really like I don't know you should go with the Appalachian folk gross well To finish off. We love you. We're happy you came on This is your instagram work and then people find you so I am at kendra underscore may it's kendra with I think three or four e's And may mae that's my instagram. I have a tick-tock and it's kenny g with like five ends Yeah, and I have an open mic every thursday at the vibe at seven p.m and it's Yeah, so there it is. I don't have any shows coming up, but that's because I took a year off and Gotta like work that way back up Accurate same with Drew. Yeah. Um, okay. Thank you Thank you for having me. Bye Bye You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You