The Howie Carr Radio Network

KICKED OUT: Turtleboy recounts his day (not) in court | 5.10.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

He was in, and now he's out again. Turtleboy fills in Howie's listeners on his day at the Dedham courthouse where the Karen Read murder trial is taking place.

Broadcast on:
10 May 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at code word Howie BOGO. [MUSIC PLAYING] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. [LAUGHS] You know, I have family coming in, who I have to let them know to, you know, not come to my graduation ceremonies. [LAUGHTER] We are laughing. I mean, I'm a 2020 high school grad, so I wasn't able to walk then. [LAUGHS] And so I'm not able to walk now. Sad. They're sad. Sad. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. [MUSIC PLAYING] Stop the hammering. Stop the hammering out there. Who's got a hammer? Just stop. Just stop. We must just stop. Shut up, old lady. More independent said that they worry about President Biden weakening democracy than Trump. What do you make of this? I am shocked. Love at that shock. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's Howie Car. [LAUGHS] 844-500-42-42. So Trump is going to have a rally tomorrow afternoon in Wildwood, New Jersey. And I dare say it's going to be a wild and woolly gathering. And I think he'll have a lot to say, not just about Michael Cohen going on the witness stand in Manhattan against him in this farcical case on Monday, but also what Biden has said about cutting off arms supplies or ammunition supplies to the Israelis as they try to take on and finish off Hamas. And it really is outrageous. He wants to let Gazans into the United States. 74% of them, according to a poll, post October 7, supported the slaughter of innocent Israelis. So we're going to let them into the country. What could possibly go wrong? And already, we're building this giant aid peer in the Mediterranean so we can get aid, meaning we're resupplying Hamas. We're not going to resupply Israel, but we're going to resupply Hamas with foodstuffs and other supplies. And how is Hamas responding to this? They're firing mortars at the construction going on in the Mediterranean Sea. Isn't that nice? 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. We'll have Turtle Boy with us at the bottom of the hour. JD says, I have to correct that caller about talking about the warning the Japanese before we bombed Nagasaki and Hiroshima. And he quotes, shortly before the crew of the B-29 Super Fortress Enola Gay completed their mission to bomb Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, US pilots dropped leaflets over Japan warning citizens of coming destructions. The leaflets warned Japanese citizens that their government was leading them to death and that the US government had no wish to kill civilians. I don't know what the Israelis are supposed to do. You can't live with people who want to kill you, who don't recognize your right to live. You have the most basic right of all to defend yourselves and survive as a people, as an individual, whatever. And Biden thinks that his re-election campaign so he can finish destroying the United States of America justifies allowing the destruction of Israel. It could be the worst thing he's done. I mean, the worst individual thing he's done. Opening the borders, obviously, that's going to have greater long-term effect on the United States in terms of destruction. 844-542-42. Larry, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Larry. Yeah, hi, Howie. It's Larry from Durham. You mentioned a name, Adam Schiff. And I was interested in California because here the guy is proven to be a liar about the Russiagate-- Right. --over years. And they re-elect the guy. I know, and he's the front runner. He's the front runner to win Diane Feinstein's seat. Yeah, I don't understand it. I mean, these people think out there in California anymore. Are they just kind of going along with everything? I don't know. I'm so old, Larry. I can remember when California was a basically Republican state. Ronald Reagan was the governor. Nixon was the senator. And Duke Maysian was the governor. Even Schwarzenegger was the governor. I mean, that was an exception after the disaster of Gray Davis. But I mean, they elected Republicans. They still have a lot of Republican congressman elected from the inner part of the state, not on the coast, obviously. But yeah, I don't understand it. Adam Schiff is just the absolute-- I mean, he was running against two horrible women on the Democrat side. But still, I mean, you would have hoped that there would be at least one sort of semi-normal person. But there hasn't really been a semi-normal person elected statewide in California in a very long time. Now, Larry, has there. No, and probably I don't blame any decent people because they've made such a mess out there. Who the heck wants to try and correct it? Right, right. People are fleeing. It's like New York, like Illinois, like Massachusetts, for that matter. I mean, people are just throwing up their hands and saying this state is gone, and they're just trying to get the hell out and save themselves. And I can't say as I blame them. 844, 542, 42, 207. They impeached Trump for withholding congressionally approved security equipment to Ukraine. He didn't even withhold it. I mean, he just delayed it. It was a high crime in misdemeanor when Trump did what Biden is doing now. And, you know, there was no war going on when Trump did it. And there were crimes being committed. 844, 542, 42. John, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, John. Howie, I'm in my car. I'm my way to the rally. Whoo! It's 24 hours away, John. Where are you going to spend the night? I got a hotel down there. Me and the wife. We're excited. Really? Going to be packed. Crazy. What time do you have to get there if you want to be inside when it happens? It isn't inside. It's on the beach. It's on the beach. So I mean, so what time do you have to get through the security gate, I guess, is what I'm saying. What time do you have to go-- They open the gate. They open the gates at 12. OK. Boy, it'll be wild. So it's only-- they're going to open the gates four hours before it starts. So there will be a real mob of people there. Trump's throwing a rager on the beach. Nice. It's going to be a beach ball. A rager. Our cooler is welcome. Is it BYOB, John? Oh, no. Howie, I got a comment about the pier. Yes. You know what you're going to use that pier for? I've got to put the refugees on it. Send them over here. I don't know what they're going to do with that pier. God, it's so bad what's going on with all these illegal aliens coming across. I'm looking through ways. You see what happened on the Merritt Parkway yesterday in Connecticut? There were a guy-- somebody came down the wrong way. Here we are. Here we are. In Stratford, Connecticut, four people died in a wrong way crash on the Merritt Parkway early yesterday, 1.45 AM. So they identified the three people that were hit by the wrong way driver. Three Americans, 65, 80, and 81-year-old Americans were killed. Meanwhile-- you'll see where I'm going with this. Meanwhile, an unidentified man-- an unidentified man was driving a 2016 Honda CR-V North in the southbound lane resulting in a head-on collision. He's unidentified. Now it's been more than a day later. And they still haven't identified the man. He was driving a car that was registered in Wayland, Massachusetts. Wayland, Massachusetts. Yeah, I'm going to say the longer he's an unidentified man, the more likely it is he's an illegal alien. This isn't the first time there's been a wrong way crash death on the Merritt Parkway recently. State Representative Quentin Q. Williams was killed just five days into 2023. He was a Democrat legislator from Middletown, Wesleyan College, was hit head-on by a wrong way driver after leaving the governor's inaugural ball. The dry-- it also killed the wrong way driver from Manchester, Connecticut. Would you care to guess what his-- her name was? Khmerdi Mustafaj. Khmerdi Mustafaj. That was going to be my second guess. [LAUGHTER] And Khmerdi Mustafaj, who killed his state rep from Connecticut, driving the wrong way, apparently her death meant that she didn't have to face various warrants that were outstanding against her for assault and disorderly conduct. Khmerdi Mustafaj. I'm going to guess that the person who killed the three Americans early yesterday morning on the Merritt Parkway has a name, very much like Khmerdi Mustafaj. David, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, David. Howie, the students that are wearing those Khadivas, that same type of Khadiva that Yassa are of that war, who was trained by Otto Skorzani, Hitler's David Paratrooper, and terrorist techniques. Now it's prime that any terrorist could come into this country, go amongst the students and the colleges amongst the adjectives. You wouldn't know if there was a real terrorist amongst them or not Howie. So now that it's like a cleaning, it's like a wide one for terrorism attacks here in our country. It's just absolute insanity what's going on, and what Joe Biden has done is the total betrayal of Israel. And people need to step up and speak out against this, because whatever one of us want one of those Hamas terrorists who attacked those that live in next door to what's here and anyone in Boston. Well, he wants the living next to us, David. Yeah, yeah, the guy who raped, name a levy, who raped and attacked, and hopefully she's still alive. I don't know, but she's still in captivity. You want that guy living next door to you, or the people that were conditioned by that terrorist culture from age six up, they've been conditioned now to believe it. Oh, no, do that. You want those people living next door to you? Anybody? Come on, man. I know. Oh, but they tell us they'll be thoroughly vetted. You don't like the Sarnia brothers were, or all the 9/11 bombers. Thanks for the call, David. You may have heard me talk about Raycon's everyday earbuds before and thought, wait, the same audio quality I expect from the big guys, but at half the price? Sounds pretty good. But if you haven't pulled a trigger yet on a pair of Raycons, now is the time to check them out because they just launched their upgraded model of the best-selling everyday earbuds. I'm holding a new pair in my hand right now in the little case that they come in. It's a great, great product. They look great in the case, but they sound even better in your ears. 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You'll get 20% off and free shipping at I'm howie car. Howie car will be right back. He's howie car. 844-542-42. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by impostors with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. Call 1-844-a-perfect-smile. Or visit Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is should the judge have banned Turtle Boy from the courtroom for all the interesting witnesses in the Karen Reed murder trial? Yes, no, it was an outrage. No, but she did Turtle Boy a favor or not sure. No, but she did Turtle Boy a favor. He's got over a thousand new followers on Twitter and YouTube, so yeah, let's say so. 30% say no, she did him a favor. 57% say it was an outrage. 7% say yes. He should have been kicked out. 6% say not sure. He's over 60,000 followers. I have 95,000 followers. I told him a couple of days ago, I think he's gonna catch me in about a month. And now I think he's gonna catch me in about a week and a half the way things are going. It's just amazing. I'm doing okay. I'm doing fine. But he's just really picking him up. And this is, she did him a real favor. And it just, even better just keeping him out of that courtroom. It's, courtrooms are interesting in, when you're watching a mini series, but not so much interesting hour to hour. Although I do watch it in the morning, I must say. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. We will be with a turtle boy here in just a moment. And we'll have him on. 844, 500, 42, 42. Okay, so now it, believe it or not, this is amazing. That this is the Merritt Parkway accident. This is the accident, an American. And it was an American kid who was killed. Not a, not another chimeti Mustafaj. It was a Fairfield University student killed in a car crash Thursday was on his way home to Massachusetts. His name was Alexander Dennis. He was a student in the College of Arts and Sciences going the wrong way on the Merritt Parkway. So this is, that's interesting that it's on the patch but it's not on the, it's not on any of the Connecticut newspapers, not that they're worth anything. But again, most of the times, the longer that they don't identify the perpetrator of an accident or who was driving the car that killed people, you just automatically begin to assume that it had to be an illegal alien and that they're restricting the information because it goes against the narrative. We've been, we've been dealing with that problem with some of these crimes and some of these foreign flop houses in Massachusetts. I won't even tell you what town or city this one's in but it's another case where, where rapes are going on. Statutory rapes in this case. And they're just covering it up. The police push the documentation through to the district attorney's office. The district attorney is a Democrat and they don't want to do anything. And they don't want to release any reports to the Boston Herald, my newspaper, even though we know about it because they want to keep it, they don't want anyone to get the right idea, not the wrong idea, the right idea about these people and how we got it. (upbeat music) - Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. - 844-542, 42, 42, another very interesting day in the Karen Reed murder trial down in Datum. And the day started off with turtle boy, Aiden Kearney getting into the courtroom for the first time he was dressed in a sporty white jacket and a, well, with a black polo shirt, looked the, looked dapper. And that lasted for about, I don't know, an hour and a half, two hours. And then they took a break. And when we came back to the TV, he was gone. He was gone. Aiden turtle boy, Kearney, tell the people what happened to you today. - Yeah, so I mean, the first amendment was, once again, a plays by Judge Canoni in the North Texas period courthouse today. I, first day on the job, my new fancy press credentials, you know, I went in there and I felt that, you know, we had, it's a, it's a mess to get in there, how are you? There's only like 10 spots. So you got to have a seat saver. So I had people do it with rotations all night, sitting in the back. - I saw you, brought him pizzas. - Yeah, brought him pizzas. - Did you, did you get it from chicken parm Charlie's? - No, God, no, I don't want to have a heart attack, I'm too young to die. So we got him from that amount of pizzas, delicious. Then we brought him over there and I kept there in the morning and relieved the last guy and was waiting in line. My was fourth in line. I felt great walking into the courtroom. You know, Jerry came in. We saw Julie Albert testify for like an hour and then all of a sudden, you know, my lawyer happened to be there, Tim Bradle, attorney Tim Bradle. And he was there for separate business, not for me. And then he walks into the courtroom, which I thought was odd, and goes over and starts talking to the judge and you know, Eddie and Jackson and Lally. And they're all talking and it's like, well, and then all the other reporters are asking me, what's going on here? That's your attorney, right? I said, yeah, but he's here for an overly manner. And what is he talking to the other attorneys for? And then I found out afterwards that they filed two days ago a motion to exclude me from the court. - Now, who did this, the prosecution? The prosecution did this. - Adam Lally, who doesn't represent any of these witnesses, he represents the Commonwealth. I don't know why he's acting as the lawyer for the witnesses, but he's been acting like that throughout the whole care and recastes as well. He acts like he's their personal attorney. And so he filed, he's a very senior. - I've never heard of the prosecution. They tried to throw me out of a couple of trials, defense did though, not the prosecution. That really is unprecedented. - Everything about this case is unprecedented. The prosecution is the victim, there are always the victims in this whole saga. And this witness intimidation, you saw Brian Albert on the stand today. That guy looks like he could kill five people. With his bare hands, he's six foot two, 250 pounds. Griseled is all hell. That guy's intimidated by little old me. I mean-- - But you know, it's interesting though, Turtle Boy, I was talking with a cop. We were talking about how bad the firefighters were on the stand. And he said, you know, they're not trained to be witnesses. We're trained to be witnesses. And you know, he said this to me before Brian Albert even took to the witness stand. And it just, the guy is, the guy is smooth because he's been in this position. Even cops that don't testify a lot are trained to handle themselves, right? And that's what he's doing. - Yeah, he came in dressed like Mr. Rogers with his glasses on, his glasses on. And you know, he said, oh, he greeted the jury, tried to be all smooth. He's had a year to do nothing but talk about this case and figure out exactly what he's gonna say. That's how long he's probably had a million conversations with his attorney, Greg, having about exactly what to say and what not to say and to get your story straight. I mean, the stories these people are telling them. For instance, like, why'd you get rid of your, why'd you sell your house, Brian? Oh, well, my brother, Chris Albert, sold this house. And that's what brothers do. One brother sells the house. The other one has to sell the house. These are the kind of stories that these people are going with. I don't think the jury's buying it. But they're all saying it. I got a story coming out in a couple of days. I've got pictures that people have been sending me. There's this graveyard cemetery on Randolph Street in Kenton. Jen McCabe's car and Brian Albert's car have been seen there on four separate occasions. Neither of them as a family member buried in that cemetery. We believe that they're too afraid to talk on the phone. So they're having these clandestine meetings like, you know, at graveyards or at cemeteries. And because they've had nothing but time to get their story straight and figure out exactly what they're gonna say in preparation for this trial. - Oh, that is interesting. I look forward, when do you think that story's gonna break? - I'll probably have it, probably over the weekend or on Monday. - Yeah, so, but again, do you think they can, again, Brian Albert is a lot smoother than any of the earlier witnesses. Do you think they can crack him on Monday? - Yeah, he's gotta go against Alan Jackson. I mean, Alan, I assume it's gonna be Jackson. I mean, Jackson's been waiting for a crack at Brian Albert for a long time. I think he's met his match. And this one, I think Jackson's gonna win this one. And I think he's got a lot of experience to do about why he didn't get it. And the good part about this is that they're gonna start getting their stories mixed up now. Like for instance, like when he said he went in the house, he said he just stayed in the foyer. Well, the cool Albert said the day that they were sitting around at a dining room table together. And Brian Albert had a different story. So like, all their stories are starting to vary. And Jackson and the crew are just taking notes on everything. And they're gonna get 'em. You're gonna see a show on Monday morning. - Well, we learned a little something about Chloe today, about Chloe's habits. But we still don't know where Chloe went, do we? - Well, they say in Vermont, they don't say who she's with in Vermont, or anything. I think they say she got rehomed. I say she got re-nulmed. I think they got the Chrissy nope treatment of that dog. 'Cause I don't think that talks around. - Now, I don't even want to get into the confusion over the name of one of the state troopers. We don't want to get into-- - Oh my goodness gracious. But that's why I'm banned, is that? So I won't say the word. I didn't say it I've raised earlier. But I've nicknamed Youkennec, Trooper Bekennec. I gave him a nickname that's somewhat sexual, right? If you Google it. And that's what I call 'em. And I'm in the audience today. I mean, you know, I'm up there doing my press box. And Julie Albert says this sexually derogatory name about the trooper in reference to him. And the whole courtroom's looking at me like, that's your name. Like, I'm trying not to burst out laughing. And I swear to God, Alex, it's because she knew I was in that room. Like, it's in her head. And I think that's why they want me out of there. 'Cause I'm rattling the jurors, my presence there. They're not scared of me. They're just rattled by me. Nothing up their lives. - You know, I'm just kind of like, you know, going about my business watching the trial, listening to the trial, doing other things in my office. And I hear you say that word. And, you know, like everybody else, I just suddenly came to wrap the tension. I couldn't believe it, that she would say something like that. - I can't believe it's kind of twice. - And so much crazy stuff, you know, you call this guy Chris Albert chicken parm Charlie and his mediocre chicken parm and all this. And so yesterday he's testifying that he goes to the bar. He closes his own restaurant, goes to the bar, and then orders some appetizers. That's how much he likes his own food. And then today, today it gets even worse because they're shutting up the bar. Everybody's thirsty after the bar, right? That's, you know, in Boston, we go to Chinatown, down to, you know, the Thai Tyler Street. And so he says, "Hey, let's go over to my restaurant and I'll make some pizza." And everybody looks at each other, apparently he goes, "Nah, nah, I don't think so." - Yeah, look good. We're all sacred. Let's get Taco Bell instead. - I mean, I know it's not funny, but it's just, it is kind of, it is kind of amusing in a strange way. But, you know, the thing is, they really did do you a favor today, Turtle Boy. I mean, people are outraged by it, but this is the biggest favor they could have done. And the fact that they're gonna leave that chair empty. I mean, do you know what, how great is that? How great is that for your movie? You know? That could be the end of each episode, could be the empty chair. - Like millions of people are watching this trial across the world. It's being streamed everywhere. People are glued to the TV's watching it. And then they stop it for an hour. Just put it on hold. And then this attorney named Kim Braille comes up and everyone's like, "Who the hell is this guy?" And he gets his time to shine for 30 minutes. And then the cameras are on me and something called Turtle Boy is holding up this world, you know, every watching this trial across the world. And it's all held up because it's something called Turtle Boy. You can't pay for the type of publicity. - And again, the chair is empty. So this isn't the title of your book, but it's definitely the title of one of the chapters. The empty chair. - Oh, absolutely. The empty chair. (laughing) - Poor one out for me. - And you know, the other thing, the other thing, I noticed today, that guy, your enemy there, the guy, you know, the Wendy Murphy's kid, he opens up his computer and he's got all these banners on it. I mean, how is that allowed in stickers? - Everybody in the press corps hates this guy. Like, they can't stand them. He arrives with Karen Reed outside of court almost every day. He yells in appropriate things that are, but it's okay when you do it to Karen Reed, but when I do it to, you know, ask legitimate questions to these other people, it becomes witness intimidation. It's just so hypocritical. It's so hypocritical. - Yeah. You know, the other thing about trying to throw you out, you know, because it would, you know, it might damage her right to a fair trial. It's like they're gonna, they're gonna appeal it. I think you're absolutely right, the more I've thought about it. They just wanna get this not guilty verdict. They're gonna blame a lousy jury. They're gonna blame you. They're gonna blame everybody but themselves. And then they're just gonna let it go away. They don't, they don't ever wanna try this case again. They would, they would like this case to go away forever. This is, this is total BS throwing you out of the courtroom to, to assure a fair trial. - I mean, if they don't even care about the appearances of it all, like they knew, I knew when they arrested me last October, I'm like, wow, you guys don't care how this looks. I'm criticizing you. I'm calling you corrupt. And then you come and arrest me. The same people are calling corrupt. And then you put me in jail. And then the day I got out of jail, you drop the charges that put me in jail. You drop them against me. You had no intention of bringing those forward. And then you do this while the whole world's rocking. And you put a 200 put buffer zone in and you try to arrest nine people protesting in Kent and outside of a pizza shop, some random nice people, citizens doing that. And it's just like, they don't care how it looks. They just don't care how it looks to the outside world. Because I mean, the first amendment is literally ablaze in Massachusetts. And we're not going to stop. Like, we're appealing this decision. Let's be very clear. We're going right to the SJC. You turn your parietal on that. We're going right to the SJC. And we have full confidence that they will see the light of this, how unconstitutional this is. And I'm going to get back in that courtroom. - 978 says, 978 says, why does it seem like the defense is spending their time defending the McAlberts rather than trying to get a conviction of Karen Reid? That's a good question. - I mean, the prosecution, the prosecution, yeah. - Yeah, prosecution, excuse me. Yeah. - They're spending their whole time coming up with excuses, tell us what Colin Alberts was. He wasn't really there, was he? Oh, yeah, yeah. I mean, it's just like, that's literally what they're doing because they know that the only defense for Karen Reid is the third party culprit. And so they have to spend their entire time defending these people because they have no case against Karen Reid. They have no real, like, strong evidence besides, you know, I hit him, I hit him, I hit him, which police didn't happen. And, you know, the best friend of Keaton Alberts who, the lying firefighter says happened. And it's just, it's the weakest case. So they gotta defend the Alberts instead. - Yeah, 919 says, true howie. When I was in police academy, we did mock courtroom sessions. Yeah, you have to, right? So he does know what he's doing. And I look at, can you stick around for one more segment to the top of the hour? - Yeah, absolutely. - Okay, hold on. We'll take a couple of calls we can for Turtle Boy, if you wanna get online, if you wanna get on board, 844-542-42. Allergy season is in full swing. And if you struggle with allergies, you need the Eden Pure Thunderstorm Air Purifier. We know the thunderstorm is great for removing unwanted odors, but it also helps to cut down on those seasonal irritants, too. One user writes, quote, "I bought the thunderstorm air purifier for my son "who has allergies. "Since installing it in his room, "he's had a lot fewer problems "and he says the air smells cleaner. "It's a great product for the price," unquote. And speaking of price, right now, you can buy one Eden Pure Thunderstorm Air Purifier and get a second unit for free. Just go to and use code howiebogo to take advantage of the Thunderstorm Air Purifier Bogo deal. The Eden Pure Thunderstorm Air Purifier is so small and light that you can hold it in your hand and plug it right into the wall. The Thunderstorm can handle pet kitchen and tobacco odors or that damp smell lingering in your basement, as well as filtering out seasonal allergens from your house, office, or car. The Eden Pure Thunderstorm Air Purifier has received thousands of five-star reviews. Be the next satisfied customer. Go to and use code howiebogo for the Thunderstorm Bogo deal. Hurry, these Bogo deals don't last long a Maui car. - Looking for the perfect gift for the howie car fan in your life? Or maybe you're looking for a great deal on a local restaurant or entertainment venue. - We've got them all. - Go to and click store. (upbeat music) - Howie car is back. (upbeat music) - 844-540-4242. I'm up a lot of 100 today on Twitter too. I'm riding in Turtle Boy's wake here, I guess. Turtle Boy, you're gonna be ahead of me in about two weeks, I think. - I'm growing fast. They keep doing me favors like this. - So listen, so you don't have to wait anymore now in the lines, right? You don't have to worry about buying pizza for other people holding your chair 'cause you got an empty chair now. - Yeah, yeah. And honestly, howie, imagine the SJC rules in our favor. We come back with this. I mean, that would be the ultimate victory. Like you tried kicking me out and then we got overruled. I mean, that would be even better. So I mean, either way, we win. I'm good with whatever. I can livestream it and make money doing that. I'll be just fine at the end of the day. So I'm not worried about that, but I'm more worried about the constitution and the president that's being said here. Like, you know, they brought Tim in. Tim was just happened to be in court on unrelated business when they decided to bring him over for a sidebar and just hand this to him. He hadn't even seen it yet. And he's like, why many times? - Yeah. - No, he did a good job, too. He was citing the two. You've already gotten two decisions at the district court and the superior court level. Let's take a couple of calls. People wanna talk to you, Turtle Boy. Elise, you're next with Howie Carr and Turtle Boy. Go ahead, Elise. - Hi, Howie, long time. - Thanks. - Hey, Turtle Boy. I'm a big fan of Turtle Rider. I contacted you several times. What happened today was just a total joke. I mean, the whole process today. You, Grant, Brian Albert on the stand. It was just disgusting. But what I found interesting is that Bev, you know, who's from her flask, the judge, who sips from her flask all day, she didn't have a problem. Neither did Lally have a problem with you being there for Chris Albert. - Oh, well, I wasn't there for Chris. But I've been there for several of the hearings. I've been there for a lot of the pre-trial hearings since I've been charged. But it didn't become in which they've been in the same room with me. So like you, two other judges, Krupp and Palmer all across the street, they both ruled that like, it's safe in a courtroom. You can't intimidate someone in a courtroom because there's court officers there. Like you can't do it. It's the safest place that there is. - You know what, I mean, what's next, Turtle Boy? Are they gonna ban you from Canton? Are they gonna ban you from Norfolk County, you know? - I mean, basically, I mean, we're almost getting there. I mean, there's a lot of places I can't go in the town again. They feel unsafe when I go in there. I feel like I'm gonna go back to jail anytime I step foot in that town. - What a mess. Thanks, Elise. Billy, you're next with Howie Carr and Turtle Boy. Go ahead, Billy. - Hey, Howie, thanks for taking my call. I kind of good on the case late. I just wanted to know because Turtle Boy just said, "Did Carolyn Reed actually say I hit him the next day or didn't she?" Because... - Turtle Boy? - Hello? - Did she say it? - Yes, did she actually say it? - Yes. - I mean, according to her, no. According to every police officer there, no, she never said it. According to Katie McLaughlin, who happens to be best friends with Caitlyn Alber in the light about it while under oaths, she says that she said that. So it depends who you believe. Personally, I believe all these police officers who didn't have it in their report and just kind of common sense. Like this woman, this dash cam video, she never says anything about, "I hit him, I hit him, and anything like that." So no, I don't believe. - You know, I noticed one thing about Adam Lally. You know, I guess was Janetti today. He just kept saying, "Did you ever sit in a hot tub with so-and-so did you?" And he was just obviously bringing back the Katie McLaughlin testimony that she'd lied about. And I caught it just listening casually that he was what he was doing. And he let three or four questions go down. You know, before he realized what was going on, he's really asleep at the switch. If you're in a courtroom and you're one of the lawyers, you gotta be alert, you know? It's like being a cornerback, you know, or making a police stop or something, you know? - It's interesting you caught onto that howdy about, 'cause like, when he was asking about the hot tub pictures, Julie Alber said, "That's a weird question." Like, would you ever take a picture with a person in a hot tub? Like, Karen Reed, she's like, "No, 'cause I don't mind her friend." And it's like, he's setting that up for Caitlin Alberts. Like, he's setting the stage and like only a friend would do that. - Right. - So, you were catching that. - Right. I mean, but the most I'm shocked that is Adam Lally, the prosecutor, didn't catch what was going on. Thanks, turtle boy, talk to you later. Good job, I'm Howie Carr.