The Howie Carr Radio Network

Last Call with Emma Foley: Mayor Wu and Gov. Healey to Hang with the Pope | 5.10.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

A few stories may have slipped through the cracks this week, but never fear! Emma Foley is here to cover them. Today on Last Call, the duo discusses 18-year-old Barron Trump's entrance into the political sphere. Then, Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey and Boston Mayor Michelle Wu book their trip to Italy, where they will deliver a keynote address at a Pontifical climate conference.

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10 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm air purifier BOGO offer. Buy one, get one free for one week only. Order today at with code GRACE BOGO. (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trattoria Studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. - Especially Grace, Grace stand up. - Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. (upbeat music) (laughing) - I'm looking to see if any of the Karen read people are still with us. Oh yeah, some of them dropped off. Don't talk about why you guys gotta leave. We're still having fun here. We're still chatting, chill for a bit. Joining us now, and Emma, I actually do, before we go to last call, I wanna finish off that cut that we just played of Cheryl Lee Ralph, who's an actress. And she's introducing Kamala Harris. You know what she is, Jared? She's an actress, but she must also be a biologist because we forgot to play the last part of this. Can I get the end of this Sheila? Actually, you could play the whole thing. Sheila Lee Ralph cut one. We are about to talk with one of the most capable, influential, bold, and fearless thinkers ever. (audience applauding) This human right here is an out to connect. Some of us, she is here to connect all of us. - All of us. - Important, important to note. - And this human being just happens to be a woman! - Why are you going at me? - Oh my goodness. - Oh my gosh, I'm just confused. Are we allowed to just-- - Amen, tell me a woman. - We're just bending that term about now, woman, like it doesn't mean anything. I thought you had to have a degree of sorts in biology. I thought you had to have some background in this. Is she an actress/biologist? Why are you calling her a woman? You don't know that. You don't know what she identifies as. Is that woman with an X where the E, these are all the A's? - I think it's a Y in this case. - Yeah, the X would really be a tough one to deal with. All right, Emma Foley joins us now. She is here for last call. - Last call! - Time now for your end of the week wrap up with Emma Foley. - Last call. - Last call. - Last call. - Last call. - Last call. - Last call. - Last call. - Last call. - Last call. - Last call. - Last call. - Let's go. - Last call, everybody. - All righty, this is where Emma gives us a couple of stories that maybe we missed this week that she's very interested in. So, Emma, what do you got? - First of all, I want to thank everybody who participated in the New England Young Conservatives Baby Item Drive. Everybody really showed up and showed out for this drive. We raised over $1,500 in real baby items that will be delivered to first concern, pregnancy resource center tomorrow. - Awesome. - It's a lot of items, so really good stuff. - Good job, everybody. - Moving on, this hit the headlines. This went viral this week. Baron Trump, who recently became old enough to vote this past March, is formally stepping onto the political stage this summer as one of Florida's at-large delegates. - Yeah, this surprised me because he seems, and really we don't know anything about him besides the fact that he's Trump's son, Trump and Melania's son. But he's always seemed like a quiet kind of stay out of the spot like kind of kid. So I am surprised because I think now when you throw your hat in the ring, even if it is in a smaller way, I do think you open yourself up to the public eye and to being criticized in a different way than he has been thus far. Were you surprised by this? - Yes, I was, especially because just a couple months ago, when he turned 18 in that whole fiasco where is it okay to talk about him in the news? Is it not okay? - It was very weird. One reporter described him as fair game, which was very strange. - And also surprisingly, Chelsea Clinton actually came out in support of Baron's privacy. We have that cut that's cut 17. - If you are a private citizen, you have an unappeatable right to privacy. And I think the media should leave him alone. - Yeah. - What about the other ones? - I think you're an Eric. I think that his older siblings who served with the administration. - They were in the campaign. - Yeah, who were campaign surrogates. I think they put themselves in a public domain. I think it's a totally different conversation. - Yeah. And 18 is, I mean, I know they say it's adulthood. I have a 17 year old about to become an 18 year old. She's an adult, she will be an adult child. They're, their frontal lobes aren't fully developed. - It's a 25. - When the children didn't choose this journey, if they chose the administration, they chose to work in those. That's different than kids like yourself be now woman, but brought along for the journey, you should not be torn down for that at all. - If you couldn't tell by Joy Behar's interjections, that was on the view when Chelsea Clinton joined. - And that was recently? Yes, just a couple of months ago. Okay, so I do think it changes now that after the news that you just gave us, but I will say this, Chelsea Clinton has always been, and I disagree with her in almost everything, but she's always been very passionate about the fact that young people in the White House should be left alone, children of presidents. I mean, obviously she speaks from experience, but that is something where, I've heard her talk about that before, where she says, listen, you cannot attack these kids. It's not their fault, they didn't sign up for it. And also, actually, singing reminds me of, is the Tom Brady roast, where they really didn't mention Tom Brady's kids, because that is like the one tiny bit of decency that we seem to have left in society, and there have been reporters and journalists and jerks who have crossed over that line, but for the most part, everybody from both sides of the aisle comes together and says, hey, hey, hey, let's leave the kids alone. - You know, and I noticed in that clip, she really sounds like her mom, actually. I hadn't really heard Chelsea Clinton talking a while, but she sounds like her mom. - Joy Bayhart was so disappointed in her answer. You can tell she just wants to destroy her. - What about the others? What about the adult ones? - She just wants to destroy Baron Trump. - All right, Emma, what else? - Speaking of the other adult children of President Trump, three of them will be there, as well as their significant others, Ivanka will not serve as a delegate at the RNC this summer. - Yeah, she's been distancing herself from her dad's campaign for a while. I think that that's clear, which is interesting because her and Jared played a huge role in his administration. So it's interesting that now they've kind of seemed to have, I don't want to say the following out, because when there's ever big events or funerals or family things, they are altogether, but it seems like she has no interest now. And she does run with a lot of celebrities now. She seems to be more transitioning into that lifestyle. She'll be with like Kim Kardashian and these big celebrities, more so than challenges. - She's a share of skims. - Yes, she's a share of skims, right, right, right. - So President Trump has actually commented on Baron serving as a delegate just this morning. So this is a fresh cut from the K.O.L.N. company show Cut 18. - He's seen it. He doesn't have to hear. He's a smart one. He doesn't have to hear much. But he's a great guy. He's a little on the tall side. I will tell you, he's a tall boy. But he's a good looking guy and he's really been a great student. And he does like politics. It's sort of funny. He'll tell me sometimes dad, this is what you have to do. So anyway, he's a good guy. He's a senior now in high school and he'll be going to college. - Yeah, and I think Trump was able to go to his graduation. Yes, he was granted that. Yeah, which is very nice. All right, what else you got him? All right. Governor Mara Healy and Mayor Michelle Wu, going local plan to use public dollars to pay for their trip to Italy. So we have, let me just recap this for everyone. We have the mayor of San Francisco who goes to China to find pandas for the San Francisco zoo. I hope she found a panda and she didn't find one of those puppies disguised as pandas. We have the mayor of DC going to the masters in Georgia to somehow boost the economy and the businesses in DC. We have, I think, Jared, there was another one that I, oh, we have Kathy Hokel going to California for summits and conferences where she's going to say black kids and the Bronx don't know what a computer is. And now we have Mara Healy and Mayor Wu, Governor Mara Healy and Mayor Wu, going to the Vatican? Yes. - Is there like Adams on that trip too? 'Cause I saw something about him going to Italy today. So I don't know if they're all going to meet up or something. - I'm not sure that he's on this trip. So they will be attending a climate conference in Vatican City. - That explains it, that does explain it. - And they will also be trying to stimulate their trade ties with Italy, with Italy, not with the Pope and the Vatican. - Maybe stop trying to check out the north end if you want to have trade ties with Italy. - Yeah, that would be a good idea. It just seems to me that we have some issues right here that they could be focused on. Like, do we really need to go to Italy? And I get it. I understand that Mayor Wu and Governor Mara Healy, I'm sure they have massive egos and they think they're going to fix the Earth's climate, whatever that means to them. But don't you think, Emma, that based off what you've seen in Massachusetts, you're a fairly new resident of this beautiful state? Don't you think there's things that they could stay right here in their own backyard and maybe get a handle on? - I can point to a couple potholes on my commute here every day that they could fix very easily and would cost a lot less than this trip to Italy. Now, who's paying for this? You and I, Grace. So it is coming from the Massachusetts Tourism Trust Fund, a multi-million dollar account used to promote tourism in the state and help regional tourism councils. So it's in part funded by attacks on gross gaming revenues generated by local casinos. Mayor Wu will be using City of Boston funds. Is she gonna have any no-whites allowed parties at the Vatican? - There are a lot of white people there. - I know, it's gonna be hard. The guest list is gonna be dwindling, but yeah. - Yes, that's kind of her thing now, isn't it? - It kind of is. - So Healy and Wu were invited by Pope Francis to provide a keynote address at the opening session of a climate-focused conference hosted by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. - You know, I wanna throw out one other thing here. During COVID, and I was thinking about COVID today, 'cause think about how crazy it is that when you ask people, were you better off under Trump or were you better off under Biden, Trump was dealing with the biggest pandemic to ever hit the U.S., and people still say Trump, that just give you some perspective of how crazy that is, that Biden, who really just had to sit in there and let things run, has managed to be that much worse than Trump. But when you think about COVID and all of the things that were put on Zoom, and we were told like, it's okay, it's okay for kids to learn over Zoom, it's okay for your child to graduate over Zoom, it's okay for you to say goodbye to your parent, who's having a wake over Zoom, you don't need to be there in person, being in person is overrated, you can do everything through a screen, this feels like something to me that could have been kept on Zoom. Like this is the one thing where I think, rather than having Mayor Wu and Governor Moore Healy fly all the way there with our tax money, why don't they just beep up, boop, log in, do a little Zoom, hello, hey, Pope, how you doing? And then, make sure you don't ruin Mother Earth and then sign off. - Yeah, think of the emissions, right? I mean, so last year, Governor Healy went to Ireland, it cost $83,000, not including all the carbon emissions. And the total of this trip will not be known until after its conclusion. Another thing to point out, Governor Healy, currently cohabitates with a woman and promotes taxpayer funded abortion in the state. She's hanging out with Groovy Pope Francis. 844-542-42, Emma Fulle, you got anything else for us? - Just a couple things to watch coming up. Some commencement speeches, not all of them are totally terrible and woke. So commencement speeches I'll be tuning into. Duke University will have Jerry Seinfeld, Benedictine College will have Harrison Butker and Hillsdale College will have Pat Sejak, a personal favorite. - Pat Sejak, yeah, he is pretty cool. - Jerry Seinfeld would be the one I'd want to go say, if I had to. But I'm really glad I don't have any commencements to go to this year. All my siblings, do you have any? 'Cause you have a sibling who stole two. - I do not. I will have one next year. - Oh, good luck with that. They're tough to sit through, depending on who your speaker is. Emma Fulle, thank you very much. We appreciate you coming on. Tell people where they can follow you on Twitter. - You can follow me at Emma Fulle Media on X and Instagram. All righty, everyone. When we come back, we've got a lot of sound to get to and John Lovitz, formerly of SNL, but also known for films and his comedy career, he was on with Fox News and he made some pretty, right on the money statements about Trump's relationship with Israel and this running narrative from the left that Trump is somehow like Hitler or is anti-Semitic when every single thing in Trump's column really does negate that entire lie that Trump somehow hates Jews. And so John Lovitz breaks that down on Fox News. I think you guys are gonna like this sound. Allergy season is here and you need the Eden Pure Thunderstorm air purifier. Jared, you love the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. The Bogo is a great time to get it. You go to, use code gracebogo and you were whipping up some french fries homemade at your house and that sounds like a very fun but very smelly endeavor. - Yeah, it was delicious. Like I said, the boy is crazy for french fries, but I wanna watch his sodium level so I don't wanna give him fast food fries or stuff that I don't really have control over. So I was like, all right, we'll make some french fries. So we cut it up, we did the oil, did the whole thing, cut up the potatoes. And it was great, it was wonderful, it was fabulous. Got up this morning, went in the kitchen and not fabulous anymore. So I plugged in the thunderstorm, which is all you do. You just plug it into an outlet, I plugged it into the outlet above the dishwasher, turned it on and left because I had to go to work. But I know that by the time I was probably 40 minutes into my commute, that smell was already on its way out of the kitchen. - Yeah, that is the magic of the thunderstorm. You need the thunderstorm and you're gonna wanna get this bogo special. Go to Don't forget to use code gracebogo, B-O-G-O. That's Don't forget to use code gracebogo. Also, we got two grannies, Jared, who are trying to break the magna carda with a hammer. - Some sort of chisel. - Yeah, it was more like a chisel and like a mallet. - We'll talk about it when we come back. - Something they may have used to, you know, carve marble back in the day. - Very good, there's always something. We'll be right back. - You're listening to "The Grace Curly" show. (dramatic music) - This is "The Grace Curly" show. (upbeat music) - Welcome back everyone to "The Grace Curly" show. So now 26 house Dems are urging Biden to resume sending aid to Israel. I'm sure this was done through, you know, their favorite mode of correspondence, an open letter. This is what people do now. They write these letters constant. They crank out letters like you wouldn't believe. But here's what I wanna say about this. He doesn't have to resume anything because according to Adam Smith, a Democrat representative from Washington, he never stopped sending aid. We did not stop sending aid. No one is actually, here's the sad part. Joe Biden can say whatever he wants to Aaron Burnett. He's essentially now the bubble boy. He's in a bubble, he's talking to people, but no one in the White House in this administration is actually acting on the random bumbling mutterings of this old man on CNN. What do you think they call them and said, "Halt this stuff right now, it's not going any further." Joe Biden just made the call with Aaron Burnett, we're not sending aid? No, Adam Smith said what he meant to say was if they go on with a bombing operation, then we will not send certain weapons in that case. What he said was if they go into Rafa, which they already have. So he was directed, or I'm sure someone informed him, this is the line, this is what we're going to do. He goes in and says something totally different, and now you have all these House Democrats who are rightfully outraged that we're turning our back on Israel saying, "Oh, please continue to send aid." We haven't stopped sending aid. There's been reporting on this today. It's all, he just talks out of his, can I say it? He talks out of his ass, he gets in these interviews, he doesn't know what he's saying, and luckily, Jake Novak hit on this too. Luckily, there's got to be some people in there who are making the right calls and saying, we're not going to go based off whatever his, whatever the little person on his shoulder told him to say today, we're going to keep going with the actual plan. Today's poll question is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. What was the last time you had your insurance audited? Rizzo saved one of my coworkers over $1,700. To get your insurance audited, go to Jared, what do we got for the poll question? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is, what do you think will be the ruling in the quote unquote Trump hush money trial? Not guilty, guilty, or super duper double guilty. I'm going to say not guilty. I think a lot of the testimony we've heard from Stormy Daniels did not help the prosecution in Alvin Bragg's case. I think Michael Cohen is coming out on Wednesday for his testimony. He's a loose can and he's going to be trying to like tick talk from the witness stand. So I think it all looks bad for Alvin Bragg. And I after listening to Jake Novak talk about how dumb everybody is who took on this trial, I'm starting to think that maybe Trump's lawyers who we know are getting paid a good chunk of change to represent him might be able to bring some common sense to this courtroom and maybe have an effect on this jury. Yeah, 55% of the audience says not guilty. 35% say super duper double guilty and 10% for guilty. Okay, so when we come back, I'm going to play the sound from John Lovitz, which I did tease before. It's really good sound. He has a pretty great understanding of Trump's relationship with Israel and what he's done thus far for Israel. Also Greta Thunberg back in the mix. You didn't think she was going to miss an opportunity to be a social justice warrior. And an Arizona State University activist is very upset that there's consequences to her actions. We've got all of that coming up. It's Friday, baby. Don't go anywhere. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. - My mother used to, she would give us a hard time sometimes and she would say to us, "I don't know what's wrong with you young people. You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?" (laughing) - You exist in the context. - Oh, do you think you fell out of a coconut tree Jared? I meant to ask you that. - I don't believe that I did. I've heard of falling off a turnip truck but never out of a coconut tree. - I want to mention here that we really, we left people with such a cliffhanger with the whole debate about whether or not I should eat my turkey sandwich. - Yeah. - And here's what I'll say. I did not eat the turkey sandwich 'cause some people were adamant. They were like, "Do not eat it. Do not eat it. Please, uh, sending in, you know, green face emojis." I didn't eat it. I actually, there was leftover clam chowder and I migrated that and it was delicious. I will say though, I'm gonna give Howie a run at that turkey sandwich 'cause I don't think he'll put his nose up at it. I think he'll look at that and say it's perfectly fine. - Is it cast iron stomach? - He really does. And I think he likes the challenge. Like if you tell him something's on the cusp of getting tossed out, that's when he really comes alive. You see this light in his eyes. He's like, "Give it to me. I will eat that." So we'll see what Howie wants to do with it. A4, four, five hundred, forty, two, forty, two, six one seven says, "What crime did Trump commit?" He hid a past affair he lied to the electorate. Isn't that called being a politician? Biden lies to us every day. Well, I think that the question of what crime did Trump commit is something you would wanna bring up with Alvin Bragg who also does not have the answer for you. I don't have the answer. Trump doesn't have the answer. Alvin Bragg doesn't have the answer. Leticia James doesn't have the answer. Nobody knows. This is like one of the great mysteries. It's like who leaked a Supreme Court opinion on Roe versus Wade? Who planted the J6 pipe bombs? The world may never know. Who bombed Nordstrom too? As Karine Jump here likes to call it. We're just never gonna find out what crime did he commit. You know what crime-- - Gonna shake the coconut trees to get some answers. - I'll tell you what crime he committed. And I stand by this. Donald Trump committed the crime. And he'll never be forgiven for this, by the way. He beat Hillary Clinton in 2016. She chose not to go to Wisconsin. She chose to be Hillary Clinton, which right there you have a lot of issues inherently. And because he beat her and he robbed her of what was rightfully hers, and keep in mind as one of my sections pointed out yesterday, she already felt she already had a massive chip on her shoulder from 2008. And you know, Jared, I think she always had a massive chip on her shoulder 'cause she thought she was so much smarter than Bill Clinton. And she had to watch her husband be president. And she probably thinks, especially after the Monica Lewinsky thing, like he's a big dope. You know, I'm the brains behind the operation. She's like Lady Macbeth. And then she gets robbed in 2008 in her opinion. I'm talking to you from the eyes of Hillary. Like I'm in her mind now. This is her POV. Then 2016, it's a sure thing. This is my chance. And then Trump comes in and takes that away. And that is why all of this is happening. This is all happening because Trump won when they didn't want him to. Trump won, as Michael Scott would say, Trump won when they specifically asked him not to. And he's been paying the price ever since. And it's not gonna end. And I should mention it's not gonna end if Trump loses in November. These people are not gonna suddenly not be obsessed with him. It's who they are. It's their entire personality. They don't know anything else. I did want to pivot here though and play a little bit of John Lovitz. This is really good. So he's on with Fox and he's talking about anti-Semitism. We've brought up all of these points before. You know, the fact that Mar-a-Lago was one of the first clubs to allow black people to join, to allow Jewish people to join was not anti-Semitic unlike a lot of other clubs in Palm Beach. The fact that his daughter Ivanka converted to Judaism, the fact that his grandkids are Jewish. All of these things that we've talked about, but to hear John Lovitz, who's Hollywood talk about this, I think is really important. And it shows you that the dam is breaking even if it's slightly. Cut six, please. - You know, Jewish people for years include myself have been mostly liberal and Democrats. And so, what do you do when the party that you've been a part of all your life is against you? You should go out for whoever you like, okay? But if you're Jewish and they've passed a bill about condemning anti-Semitism, which is condemning hate and violence toward Jewish people, 70 Democrats voted against it. - Yeah, and it actually, I'm glad he's talking about this and about the identity factor, because this brings me back to the column that I've been referencing a lot lately. And that was the column by Kurt Schlifter, where he was wondering if this was finally going to be like the crossing of the Rubicon, if it was going to be so apparent to Jewish Americans that the Democrat party does not, not only does not stand up for them, but is actively rooting for their demise. If it's going to become so blatantly obvious to them that they're forced to leave this party, that some, not all Jewish Americans, but a lot of Jewish Americans, felt a part of for a very long time. And it goes back to that identity. And I wanna read you this from Kurt Schlifter, 'cause I think it's really, it drives out what John Lovitz was talking about. So why aren't American Jews as a whole saying, the hell with this, I'll take the mean tweets and the lack of this nuttiness, the programs? You would think that would be a simple calculation, prioritizing personal survival. But there's another interest at play. A lot of Jewish Americans are very invested in being liberal, that's who they are. That's not just a political affiliation, but an identity. Imagine you spend 65 years of your life voting for Democrats, and suddenly this happens. Are you ready to make a 180 turn? That's hard, that's hard for anybody. It's human nature. Voting dem is a habit mixed up with personal identity. That is a tough, it's tough to change, even when the face of indisputable and undeniable evidence like these sociopaths chanting from the river to the sea. So my guess, this is Kurt Schlifter. So my guess is we're going to see some Jewish voters swinging to the Republicans, but not most, at least not in 2024. It's hard to turn on a dime, but we are going to see some movement, it's a start. And it's hard to picture it the other way around. You know, it's hard to picture, like if Republicans, if so much of the Republican leadership in the GOP suddenly turned on who I was as a person, like suddenly was rooting for me not to exist. And I think it's probably a little bit easier to understand if you're Jewish, because it's part of your history, and it's happened so many times in the past. So I think that a lot of Jewish people are always kind of aware that it could happen again, and they're always vigilant to make sure it doesn't. So it's a hard hypothetical for me to envision, like Donald Trump and the GOP suddenly hating my identity and who I am as a person and chanting that I die. But I have to think that if those are your two options, is like going with the other party that you don't like very much, you don't like the mean tweets or the social media, or the general personality of the other candidate, versus the party that does not want you to exist, that is rooting for your eradication. I, it is hard, but I don't, I think it's a clear choice. Even if it's a hard choice to make, I think it's a very clear choice. Let's play John Lovett's cut seven. - And you've got Chuck Schumer, who's Jewish, saying we should have elections in Israel now. And the reason President Trump and other people got mad is you're not supposed to interfere ironically Trump, interfere in another country's elections, and in the middle of a war. - Yeah, and when I talked to David Harsani about this, he said that Chuck Schumer, he's religion at this point is politics. That's what matters most to him. And that's why he's able to stomach doing that in front of the world, to turn on Israel and to demand new elections, knowing that it is not his place or anyone in America's place to call for that. And it's completely despicable, but he's willing to do it because he's more loyal to the Democrat party than anything else. That's the number one thing for him, is keeping power and being a Democrat. Now, Bernie Sanders also gets a lot of heat from John Levitt's. Bernie Sanders, who just announced he's gonna be running again for reelection, what is he like, I think he's 82. And he's also been very vocal about how he thinks Joe Biden should stop sending aid to Israel, stop sending weapons to Israel, and that he's worried that Joe Biden could lose the election over his response to this war. Take a listen to what John Levitt's had to say about Bernie Sanders cut eight. And Bernie Sanders, he's always been, you know, I said it before, and I'll say it again, he's a self-loathing Jew, and there's a lot of them. - Yeah. - And, you know, why do you say that? I go, well, it's clear as a bell. You know, he's not for Israel. - They have to stop this war. Why isn't he condemning Hamas for starting it? What about that? - Yeah, and I'm surprised more people aren't saying this, but I'm glad John Levitt says, and by the way, John Levitt says a time to The Grace Curly Show. Not because he's ever been on the show or he listens to the show, but because he is the actor, he was a guest star on Seinfeld who has one of our favorite quotes. - Good for you, Jack. - Good for you, Jack. - He pretends to have cancer so that Jerry can get by him the unlimited two pay appointments, and then he tells George that it's all a big lie, and then George has to tell Jerry, "Hey, he's been lying to you, you've been paying for his two pay." And he loves that two pay. He's a great character on Seinfeld, but a really good interview. Now, when we're talking about Israel and Hamas and everything that's going on, I did want to take a trip down a memory lane here. Let's play Joe Biden, Jared. This is a flashback to 2019. So you think about Joe Biden goes on CNN with Aaron Burnett and says, "If Israel invades Rafa, "we will not be sending them weapons. "We will not be sending them aid." Take a listen to what he had to say in 2019. How drastically things have changed. This is cut five. - News this week, to the extent that some of the Democrats are saying that if, because of Israel's settlements policy, that they would look at cutting off military aid to Israel as a result of that. - That'd be a tragic mistake. I strongly oppose Israel's settlement policy on the West Bank. I've made that clear to BB when I was vice president. I made it crystal clear to the Israelis. But the idea that we would cut off military aid to an ally, are only true, true ally in the entire region, is absolutely preposterous. It's just beyond my comprehension, anyone would do that. - Yeah, so try to explain it to me now. What has changed in the last couple of years? I think I know exactly what you're gonna say, Jared. - Yeah. - Are we both having the same thought? Let's say it on the campaign. It's not gonna come out right if we both say it, but we gotta see if we're this much on the same wavelength. One, two, three. He so much worse. - Amazing how bad. - Yeah, how bad he sounds compared to 20. Like he sounded-- - I thought he was terrible, but he sounds great. - He sounded with it. - Yeah. - Like then. It is amazing how far he has fallen off this. - That's great, that's only 2019. - It's five years. - That's insane. - And again, I remember 2020 thinking, oh, I said to my sister in 2020, all your friends should be required to watch Joe Biden speak for five minutes because you would understand that we cannot put this man in charge. But now that I'm listening to that, I'm like, he was leaps and bounds ahead of where he's at right now. - And I understand that everybody shows the picture of before you were president, after you were the president. It's a very stressful job. It's a lot of people age very rapidly in that job. I don't necessarily think he's doing much of the job, so I don't give him the credit for that. But it is crazy how much he has fallen off in just five years. - It really, really is. I do wanna, since we're on this topic, I wanna play some of these cuts from Brianna Brocker. She's an Arizona State University student. She was part of these protests. And then she found out that she's not gonna be able to graduate. She found out, and this is clearly the first time in her life this has happened, that there are consequences for your actions. You don't just get to get away with everything you do wrong. Sometimes the rubber meets the road, Brianna. Take a listen and cut 10. - I mean, I'm a little disappointed. I'm being restricted from a lot of things right now, that I didn't expect to be for standing up for something that I believe in. And, you know, I have family coming in who I have to let them know to not come to my graduation ceremonies. - Oh, you have to tell them, huh? You have to let them know. And then the follow-up's probably gonna be why. We have all the flights booked, why? Oh, well, I was part of the Hamas-loving hippie group outside the school, and apparently now they don't want me to graduate or walk across the stage. I actually think that conversation, you know what they call that in the Democrat party? It's a teachable moment. That could actually be a real learning experience for you to have to call up your parents or your grandparents and explain to them what's going on. Dude, you see the SNL, speaking of John Lovitz, there was an SNL sketch over the weekend that was actually pretty funny. It was Keenan Thompson. And he had on like the Columbia University sweatshirt, and they were interviewing him as a parent, and they were saying, "Oh, what do you think of these protests?" And he said, "Oh, you know, I think it's great, "freedom of speech and, you know, "people standing up for what they believe in." And then the whole goes says, "Oh, and your daughter, "let's just, I can't remember the name of it, "your daughter, Brianna, is participating too, "so you must be really proud of her." And Keenan Thompson's face changes so quickly, and he goes, "Excuse me, my daughter?" No, I know my daughter's not out there. And the ho says, "Oh, I thought you just said you'd be proud." And he goes, "It's okay for your kids to be doing it. "My daughter knows better." And I thought, "That's how a lot of these parents "are probably thinking. "They're like, you know, on principle, "I so agree with these young people "who are fighting the good fight and standing up for Hamas, "and really taking the side of Hamas. "I think that's very woke and very cool. "But I really, really hope my kid isn't involved "because I want to see them graduate, "and I want them to be able to get a job next year. "844-542, give me one more here, Jared. "This is Brianna Brocker, Cut 11." - I am glad that there is a guarantee that my courses will be taken care of, so I don't have to worry necessarily about my graduation requirements, and the fact that I will earn my degree as I have spent the fast four years doing. But I'm just disappointed. I mean, I'm a 2020 high school grad, so I wasn't able to walk then. And so, you know, here it is. I'm not able to walk now. - Maybe you should have thought about that, like, is anyone, does anyone think before they do something, before you signed up for the tents? You didn't think, "Hey, is this gonna be worth it?" Just common sense. That's all we're asking for. A44-542, and I get a lot of sympathy out of me, and I have a lot of sympathy, Jared, to go around, but not for Brianna Brocker. When we come back, we're gonna talk to how we car, don't go anywhere. - Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gunworks. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2/8 Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2 p.m. (dramatic music) This is The Grace Curly Show. (dramatic music) Today's car crossover is brought to you by TuxTrucks GMC. TuxTrucks GMC is your Fisher Plow distributor in Hudson, Mass. Get the right Fisher Plow for your half-ton pickup, the Fisher EZV. It's lightweight but built strong to handle the demands of a New England winter, so check it out at Someone who would have loved to been kicked out of a courtroom by a judge, halfway through a trial, or, you know, a couple of hours into a trial for the day, is sitting right next to me. Is that true, sir, or are you gonna deny that? No, but, you know, I was on "Whitey Belchers Witness" list. That's why I actually put the page in my book, "Ratman." But did they ever try to kick you out? They told me, the US Attorney's office called me and told me you can't come into the first day. And so, the Globe attorney got me in, along with the four Globe reporters. If you wanna hear more about how turtle boys did not get that treatment, tune in at 4.30.