The Howie Carr Radio Network

Turtleboy Calls in to talk Karen Read and Getting Kicked Out of Court | 5.10.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

It's the guest you've been waiting for! Aidan Kearney joins the Grace Curley Show to recap firsthand his day (not) in court.

Broadcast on:
10 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm air purifier BOGO offer by one get one free for one week only. Order today at with code grace BOGO. Live from the Ibiba Tratria studio, it's the Grace Curly show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back to the Grace Curly show. I do want to talk to Israel Hamas. I want to talk about Biden's comments on the CNN interview that were then echoed by let's be very clear. Korean Jean Pierre at a press gaggle also echoed by John sitting at my perch Kirby. And then a Democrat kind of out of nowhere goes on news nation, the Hill, and reveals that this entire narrative is actually false. And we are still sending weapons to Israel. So a bit of a miscommunication, you might say. And in between there, there's a million things I want to talk about. I want to play a sound of an actress introducing Kamala Harris with quite, quite the description. But Jared, you just brought up that you think there's something more pressing here. You know, there's something we need to take to the waves. Yeah, it's Friday. We need to keep things a little bit light. Grace is concerned that her, her. Grace has a problem in the refrigerator has expired. Here's let me, let me give people context. Context is important this morning. I made a sandwich. The turkey deli meat. I was expired, I guess you'd say, or used by date was Wednesday. We're now on to Friday. I bought it on Sunday. I took out the turkey. I sniffed it. I did a sniff test. It smelled fine. Is it a little bit slippery? Yes. But I don't think I think it's like condensation. I don't think it's necessarily that there's some sort of, you know, problem with the turkey. And now in the green room, we've got Taylor who's on my side. Who says turkey's fine. Eat it. We've got Jared, who says, if it's slippery, I really would, I would really pass. And then we've got Matt who's saying you just need to smell it. If it smells okay, it's okay. But what none of you guys are factoring in is this is all I brought for lunch. Like this is all I have to sustain me for the rest of the day. I'm, I have a lot riding on this sandwich. It's not an easy choice for me. And why don't you let people know how you feel? Since you were so quick to toss my turkey sandwich away. I am somewhat psychotic about food worn illness and cross contamination and such. And I think if it's slimy, you get a toss. No, where did that come from? Let's let's let's. I got food poisoning one time one time. Can I ask where I don't honestly know where the last thing I ate was a mushroom pizza and it hit me a couple hours after that. So unless that that was really bad mushrooms, it must have been something I'd eat because he usually takes a couple of days for like a day or two for the actual food poisoning to hit you. It's not what you just ate. Jared, I want to throw something out there because I've always been curious about this. Sometimes yes, you eat something that's bad that gives you food poisoning. Nowadays, I think that happens a lot less because everything is so pasteurized. And I don't even know the correct terminology, but everything's been worked through a million times and I'll never forget when I was a waitress. I I left cream out on the counter for a while and I looked at my manager and I said, should I dump this and use a new one? And she said, you could leave that out here for three weeks and it would be fine. So everything goes through. Was it one of those sealed? No, no, it was it was out like open. Oh, but she did say like it was only like an hour. She said, you can still use that cream. It's fine. An hour would be. OK. Yeah. But anyway, so my whole thing is when people get sick, this is a good lunchtime conversation, when people throw up, it's like, yeah, it could be food poisoning. But it also could just be a stomach bug. And how do you you don't actually know? Like, yeah, it could have been your mushroom pizza. You just could have got hit by a bug. And no, this was fairly. I was fairly certain this was food poisoning. OK, I'm not trying to discredit you, but I always say, OK, well, this is actually a good reason for us to switch out from this riveting conversation. Let's go to Trump. He's speaking after the trial wrapped up today. It's taken live and it's really very sad. If you look at the legal experts of the legal scholars, everyone who say this trial is a scam. It's something that never happened. By the way, it could have happened seven years ago. They bring it right during the election. Nobody sees that. Nobody talks about this. It should have been seven years ago. It shouldn't have been brought, but it was going to be brought. It should have been brought seven years ago. And, you know, we're talking about 2016. We're talking about something goes back in charge of 2006. Think of it. We're talking about 2016. We're talking about a charge that's 18 or 19 years old. So all fake, the whole case is fake, the judge is corrupt. And the only thing he gives us is to make him look a little bit good. He gives us nothing. Now what he just did now is a joke. It's a disgrace. So I just want to mention right here, Biden made a claim that inflation under Trump was nine percent. What it was, it was a tiny fraction, was one point four percent, and actually going down. We had essentially almost no inflation, but we had nine percent inflation. And that's a fake number because not everything was included with Biden. And if you added all up, I think it's a 50 percent. Inflation tax, I call it the Biden inflation tax. Yeah, I'm glad that that drives him as crazy as it drives us because, you know, Biden lies about a lot of things. I'll be real with you when he lies about, you know, cracking down on gangs in some Victorian apartment. And it's like a weird fever dream of saving an old lady from a fire and, you know, adopting her cat. I don't care about those lies or like, Oh, I played, I played professional football for blah, blah, blah. And I used to throw the football over the mountain. Fine. The fan was swirling. I was in my towel and someone knocked on the door and it was Elvis Presley. That, that doesn't bother me. But when you take credit for things you didn't do or when you, when you place blame on somebody else, after you told us that, you know, if you elect me, remember that tweet from Biden, if I'm elected, the buck stops with me. It's not about blaming people. I'll be president. He not only blames people. He blames Trump for his lies about inflation saying he walked in and it was nine percent inflation. That's an outright lie. Inflation started surging mid 2021. He blamed Snickers. He would blame that little old lady in the Victorian apartment from 1965 if he thought she was still around to take the blame. He will throw anyone and anything in any candy bar under a moving bus given the chance. And so I'm glad that Trump came out and slammed him and also to his larger point about what a joke this trial is, there was a good piece in Newsweek. I don't often find myself reading from Newsweek, but this was Josh Hammer. And I thought he summed it up pretty well. Well, the, the beginning of the piece, he talks about how unfair it is to the American people that they're not getting to see an actual presidential race. That really what we're seeing now was one person being strangled in court and just being forced to sit there all day long. And his time really being strangled and the other person running a campaign from his basement and it's not fair and we deserve more given all of the atrocities and all of the major issues plaguing this country and the world right now. We deserve to see these two candidates give their rundown of what, what they're able to do, talk about what they're going to do for the next four years, show us their record. It's a very unique situation when you have two candidates who both have four years that they can show you what they didn't for years and to not have those two guys meet face to face and hash this out in a traditional campaign sense is It's unfair to the American voters. And so Josh hammer hammers that no pun intended in the beginning of the piece. And then he goes into what Trump is dealing with in this hush money case and he says Trump has to endure the unhinged courtroom musings of a literal porn star and convicted felon Michael Cohen. All in furtherance of a case that suffers from the statute of limitation problems in addition to the structural absurdity of a local district attorney Alvin Bragg. You're prosecuting and attempting to prove a federal crime campaign finance violation. Oh, and if Trump doesn't shut up and keep quiet, merchant might throw him in jail as he is repeatedly threatened to do if Trump keeps violating the unconstitutional gag order. So there's so much involved in this that exposes that this is nothing more than Democrat law fair. That is exactly what it is. And I'll say another thing. How we did is pull question the other day. Does Trump want to be thrown in jail? I'm on the yesterday and I know how he voted no I'm on the yesterday on that I'm starting to think he's going do it do it make my day send my campaign money through the roof. You thought he raised a lot of money with the mugshot. You thought he raised a lot of money with the Marlago raid. You put him in the clink and whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar are dancing around and they have confetti and they're popping champagne. He's going to be looking at the biggest campaign fundraising day of his entire life. And he knows that again. You only have to be worried about jail if you have respect for the authority that puts you there. And there's none here. Yes, that's it. That's a good way of putting it. John, you're next up on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, John. Great. Great. She talked about the jury. The jury will say guilty because they'll be so afraid to say not guilty. They'll know that the FBI will come through the door and knock on it just like they did. Adams and Quagol, the guy, the Democrat. Oh, Henry Clay, are you? Yeah, they're intimidated to, you know, it's just not going to be a fair trial. So we better get ready and we better fat them. Well, that's why they're going to. That's why they would say guilty because they're afraid. Everyone's afraid. Thank you, Grace. Excellent point, John. And you just brought me back to Chuck Schumer, you know, you don't want to. You don't want to upset people because the intelligence agencies have six ways to Sunday to get back to you. I do think that's a huge factor in here. They don't want to let people down. If you let if you let these Trump deranged sunny hostens of the world down, then you essentially become enemy number one. And you're right, John. I never thought of it from that perspective, but it's a very good point. Trump just said he'd be proud to go to jail for the Constitution. So basically confirming what I thought, which is he's poking the bear at this point. And then why shouldn't and when I say he's poking the bear, I shouldn't even put it that way because that's not what I mean. I just mean, he knows he's in the right. He knows he has every, every single right to be able to tell people how he feels about this case. So Michael Cohen can go on TikTok and sell t-shirts about Trump going to jail and Stormy Daniels can publish all these books and say whatever she wants. And Lawrence O'Donnell can do a creepy porn-like reading of the testimony, but Trump can't say anything. And he's running for president and he's also stuck in court four days a week because of it. I don't blame him. I would say, find me all you want and do me one better, put me in jail. And then I'll really then you'll basically guarantee me a win. Thank you, Juan Merchant, Trump 2024. OK, now when we come back, I'm going to get a little bit of time. So I don't think, yeah, you know what I'll do? I'll go back to this rep Adam Smith in Washington. He really gave the Robert Herr explanation for why what Biden saying about sending aid to Israel isn't true, which you think would be a big deal. Like if you're threatening to withhold aid from our ally because you're afraid of losing an election and then another person on the arms committee says, Oh, that's not actually what we're going to do. That to me is a big story, but I've only seen it in like two or three places, believe it or not, Breitbart being one of them. You know what is something I never thought I'd say? I can't wait for my next end disappointment. Hear me out. The team at Perfect Smiles makes everything well perfect from the teeth cleanings to total smile transformations. They have you covered with their state of the art equipment with their a team. Everybody there loves what they do. They're passionate about it and they want to make sure that you end up with a smile that you're proud of and that you love that you're really excited about. A lot of people spend their whole lives being nervous to show their smile because they feel, Oh, it doesn't look right. Or, you know, Oh, it's I'm just going to kind of cover my mouth with my hand when I talk. Don't do that. You know, you want to be confident. You want to enter a room and show off your smile right away. That's what Dr. Houghton is going to give you. It's a it's a very, very simple process. He's going to walk you through it at your own pace. And I just want you to get the ball rolling. You don't have to make any big decisions today, but just take a step in the right direction. So call perfect smiles or go to perfect That's perfect They're located in Nashua, New Hampshire. Very easy to get to. Again, that's perfect Get the ball rolling. Put yourself first, change your smile, change your life. Jared, getting a lot of yeah, John said everybody's afraid. Well, I think he is not afraid of that meat. I will just say grace a couple of days over use date is fine. It's processed food. So it's made to last good for another week. Grace eat that sandwich from Nick D. Take that. Why don't you take the meat and the bread and wash it off and dry it, put it back on the bread, make your sandwich and eat it. You'll be fine. Grace, PB and J always feels it nicely. Yeah, but I'm nervous about the jelly, too. The jelly in the fridge is getting a little nervous. I left that out for a while and then put it back in the fridge. I may just have to order something. This stays not going right. We'll be right back with more. We're going to talk Israel on the other side. You're listening to the Grace Curly show. This is the Grace Curly show. Today's poll question is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. What was the last time you had your insurance audited? Rizzo saved one of my coworkers over $1,700 to get your insurance audited. You can go to Rizzo Jared Diglio, our poll question today is about this hush money trial. As Jake Novak told us earlier, calling the judge and the prosecution. In this case, the B team is an insult to the C team. What is the poll question and what are the results this far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what do you think will be the ruling in the quote, unquote Trump hush money trial, not guilty, guilty or super duper, double guilty. I'm going to say not guilty. Fifty eight percent of the audience agrees with you. They say not guilty. Thirty three percent think he'll be found super duper, double guilty. And nine percent say guilty. So I think that Biden's team is very worried about him doing interviews for obviously a myriad of reasons, but one of them is because he makes these big policy announcements when he's getting interviewed by Aaron Burnett or by anyone. Like anyone who puts a microphone in his face outside the White House lawn. I'm surprised he didn't give out Roker scoop at the Easter egg roll and just drop something on us that gets us into World War three. And one of my textures said he'd be willing to get us into World War three. It meant saving a couple of votes. There's nothing worse than someone who will turn their back on an ally to save a handful of votes and I agree with you. But I think they're also they're just very worried that when he gets frustrated like this, he gets presented with facts like the one that Trump just talked about outside of court about inflation, he just goes off the rails. And one thing he said, which we played for Jake No back is that he's going to drop aid to Israel if they enter Rafa, which they already have. And then the cleanup crew comes in, John Kirby, Karine John Pierre, and they all basically reiterate this same thought, which is yep, he was very clear. That's what we're going to do. And I looked up KJP's press gaggle in the transcript. I want to read you. She's Korean very clear Jean Pierre, everything's very clear. Not just clear, very clear. She said, we have not seen any any operations moving forward in Rafa, but we want to be very clear of our concerns. And this is a pause. This is a pause. She later says on the on the on the on the, you know, a situation that we've been very clear and concerned about. We've shared a concern about the Rafa potential Rafa operations, but we have not seen anything just to be very clear. Your clue that this explanation is a screen on be clear, clear as mud, Jared, as they say, and so then Kirby gets out there and Kirby really does kind of keep going along with this narrative that our view is that any major Rafa ground operation would actually strengthen Hamas's hand at the negotiating table, not Israel's, which is absurd. We could break that down for we would need a whole other segment to break down why that's stupid, but I wanted to play representative Adam Smith, who was on the news nation, take a listen to what he had to say cut for. Well, I think I think they lacked clarity. And what the president said there is not really the administration's position. I mean, he gave the distinct impression that if Israel goes into Rafa in any way, we will cut them off entirely. And I have spoken with John Kirby, the spokesperson for the National Security Council, Steve Rushetti, a senior advisor to the president, as well as several other people last night. Today, that's not actually the position of the administration. The position is that if Israel goes into Rafa with an aggressive bombing campaign, then we will restrict the sale of those types of weapons. He's not meant to say that if they go into Rafa at all, in fact, Israel's already in Rafa as we know. So my main criticism of the administration president right now is they just have been clear on what their policy is. It is not the policy of the Biden administration that they're going to cut off Israel entirely if they go into Rafa. Now, hold on a second because I have eight very clears from Korean John Pierre in my transcript here, where she says that Biden was very clear about them not supplying aid to Israel if they go into Rafa. So this is not a miscommunication. This is Biden saying one thing. Everybody backing him and pretending that he didn't just make a huge mistake. And then it affecting the fallout of our relationship with Israel and Israel's ability to take out Hamas. This has a major ripple effect. I give representative Adam Smith credit for trying to walk this back for Biden, but I don't think the Robert Herr, you know, he's old and feeble is going to work in this case, Turtle Boy coming up next. Live from the Aviva Tratria studio. Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. For the moment you've all been waiting for, we are joined now by the one and only little boy who's had a very busy day in court. It was cut short, though, because he was given the boot. Aidan Carney, thanks for joining us. Before we get into the testimony today from Julie Albert, let's talk a little bit about what happened. Court was the trial was going on. All of a sudden, the judge stops. What prompted it? And are you surprised that you got kicked out? And also we were wondering here, have they put in any parameters? Are you going to be allowed back in if there's certain witnesses they don't think you're going to upset or is it done now? No, I mean, this is par for the course. I'm not surprised in the least bit that they tried to shenanigans like that. You know, they arrested me and charged me with a boatload of felonies for journalism. And I ask these people questions, people are like, let's be frank, you know, clearly the evidence shows these people were involved in a murder, right? And these are big, tough guys like Brian Albert, six foot two, two hundred fifty pounds. The idea that he is somehow intimidated by me. Oh, it's embarrassing. It's a masculinity. He should be ashamed to tell a grand jury that he's ashamed that he's afraid of me. It's it's it's self-emasculating what he's doing to himself. So no, none of these people are actually afraid, right? I'm not surprised that they actually tried this. They knew that I am a credentialed member of the media. There nothing is beneath these people. These people sent me to jail for sixty days over a lie over charges that they dropped the day that I got out of jail. It was all fake. Everything about these people, all they want to do is shut me up because I'm too effective at reporting the fact that the state police covered up the fact that the Alberts and the McCabe's murdered John O'Keefe and they don't like it. And they don't want me in that courtroom because my presence there makes them uncomfortable because they know that I've been exposing them. I saw Julie Albert on the stand today. She knew that I was in that room today and she called trooper before. Oh, hold on. Eight and eight before you before you don't say the nickname. Let's just say a nickname that you OK, OK, yeah. OK, I gave him a sexual nickname, a sexually inappropriate nickname that sounds like Buchanan and she called him that twice. She called him that twice. It just shows that I'm in her head and that's not my fault. I have a right to be there. It's not my fault. These people are rattled by the fact that I'm, you know, an award-winning journalist and I'm exposing what they've done. So, no, I'm not surprised about this at all. But what I am surprised about or not, if not surprised, is, you know, that judge can only thinks she could just trample on the First Amendment. That because these people say they're scared and intimidated that suddenly my right to the freedom of the press should be relinquished is garbage. That's not my fault. You know, I've been inside courtrooms like with these people before, like since then, you know, like there's been care and read hearings that I've attended and they've been there and that's OK. And judge two judges, not one, two, judge crop and judge palm or all across the street have both adjudicated already that any stayaway orders in place against these witnesses do not exist inside the confined of a courthouse because I have a right to be there. Even people who have in domestic situations, they're allowed to be in a courtroom with somebody who's charged with abusing them because there's no safer place than a courtroom. They just don't want me there because I'm in their heads. I'm rattling them and you saw that with Julie Albert on the scene today. Yeah, I want to ask you, Aidan, I do want to talk about Julie Albert and I do want to talk about her testimony and some of the things you're tweeting about it. But first I want to ask you, what was the reaction in the courtroom when when we know a lot of people there, not just Julie Albert, but a lot of people there are following your reporting, they know who you are. I'm sure there's a little bit of a focus on on you when you're there. Were people, was there any sort of gas were people surprised? You know, what was the reaction from people who were also in the press or just in the courtroom in general? Yeah, I mean, people in the press were sympathetic towards me. I won't say any names. I don't want to have them in trouble, but several members of the media empathize were made and they're disgusting. There's a guy in the line by the name of Grant Smith Ellis, who stands there in the line all day, what I'm standing there and has been trying to prevent me from getting in and he calls me a rapist. He just stands in line, calls me a rapist over and over again, just blatantly defamatory nonsense, tells me I have to leave. I can't be there like it is dressed like a bum, like he smells horrible. He goes and takes long rips in his car. Everybody in the pool is disgusted by this guy, right? But he's got a press pass, right? And his mother's Wendy Murphy, the attorney, and he's allowed in there. And he's every day outside of court, he harasses Cara Reid. And the other day, yes, they're like, are you sleeping with our jokes and blah, blah, blah. And it's like, that's allowed, but I can't, you know, but the problem is, Karen Reid isn't part of a protected class. The McAlberts are you can harass an Intimidate Cara Reid. You can harass and intimidate me. I was intimidated last week by one of the witnesses in Southie named Tristan Morris. I saw that. The punch me. Yeah, he's right, the punch me in the face on video. He's supposed to be testifying today or tomorrow and somehow he's the victim. He's scared of me. He's the one threatening to punch me in the face. These people are bullies and the state is protecting them. And Judge Canoni is protecting them. Shame on all these corrupt acts. OK. Now, turn of all, I do want to ask you about Julie Albert's testimony today. So she goes to Brian Albert's house and let's just, you know, we get to, I understand why you're all revved up here. I don't blame you at all, but we got to be careful about any sort of accusations we throw out just on the air, you know, cover ourselves here. I want to ask you about Julie Albert. She testifies that she got to Brian Albert's house at 8 a.m. to deliver aid donuts to Brian Albert, Jr. And she says there was no police or caution tape on the lawn. Now, again, this is something we were just talking about, the Hush Money trial. You don't usually put a witness on the stand unless you know what they're going to say, do you think the prosecution knew that she was going to basically admit that the Canton and state police were incompetent with this crime scene? Yeah, I mean, I think that was, I don't think they knew that was going to happen at all. I think the defense got that out of her. That the defense wanted to point out that you went there and you could just walk across the lawn, you could just contaminate a crime scene. She said she had no idea that when she got over there that John O'Keefe had been killed, like none. She apparently just delivers eight donuts to one man in a blizzard because it's a tradition and the tradition doesn't end even in the middle of a nor'easter. That's what they want us to believe. It's nonsense. Julie Albert, by the way, was alerted allegedly by Jennifer McCabe, according to her own statement at 4.55 a.m., 4.55 a.m., before the body was found that John O'Keefe was dead. That's what she wrote in her witness statement. And, you know, she's never had to explain that. These people are liars. We're seeing it right now in Nicole Albert. Nobody watching this trial right now believes the word Nicole Albert saying, including the jury. Now, I want to talk about the text messages between Julie Albert. For people who are paying attention right now, Julie Albert is Colin Albert's mother and we're going to talk about Colin in a second. But one of the lawyers, Yannetti, was referencing text messages between Julie Albert that were sent to Courtney Proctor. Tell us who Courtney Proctor is. Tell us what was in these text messages and why they're so important to the case. So, Courtney Proctor is the sister of Michael Proctor, the lead detective in this. And Julie Albert has messaged her before at offering a gift on the day the camera reader was arrested. She offered a gift to Courtney Proctor or to Michael Proctor through Courtney for, as a thank you, she said, as a thank you on the day. The jury is arrested and she specifically mentioned that like she was very worried that Colin, her son, was going to be questioned and he never was. She was never questioned by the state police, despite the fact that he was inside that house when John O'Keefe arrived, he doesn't have a verifiable alibi. They got him dead to rights and he was never questioned about it. He had animosity towards John O'Keefe and the police just never talked to him about that. So their own texts prove that they knew that Jennifer McCabe knew, I apologize, that the Proctor's knew the McAlberts. So it's undeniable. Yeah, you know what I thought was interesting today. Turtle Boy was yesterday we had you on. We were talking about Chris Albert and how his timeline kind of revealed something different than what the prosecution is pushing and his timeline actually did place his son in the house. But today you were reporting on the fact that when Julie Albert got up to testify, she was trying to explain why he went to the house to begin with. And this to me was a real head scratcher. Can you let people know what she said? Yeah, she said something to the effect of that. She was at her buddy. He was at his buddy Mike's house and then he got picked up just to be brought to Brian Albert's house to say happy birthday to Brian Albert, Jr. and then leave the couple minutes later before the party starts. When the adults get there, that's when the party starts, right? So we're to believe that Colin Alberts is just like so addicted to saying happy birthday in person. He can't just send him a text. He has to go there in person just to say happy birthday to his cousin, Brian Albert, Jr., and then his mother has the hand delivered donuts there the next day. I mean, Brian Albert, Jr., is like the queen of France. You know, like everything you have you can't say happy birthday to him with a phone call, you've got to show up in person and you must bear donuts with you when you go and do that. It's laughably stupid. I cannot believe there's no way anyone with a brain is leaving anything they're saying right now. Now, you did tweet at one point. Julie Albert is noticeably and this was before you were kicked out eight. And so maybe things change once you left. Maybe things calm down, but you said Julie Albert is noticeably nervous whenever she has to answer questions about her son Colin Albert. She knows that his life is on the line based on the testimony she gives here. One, I want to say, do you really is that a little bit of hyperbole or do you really feel like if someone makes a wrong move, Colin Albert could be looking at something really bad and number two, what I would ask you is given that, given that you feel that way, how do you think she did? I thought she did horrible, but you noticed it with Chris yesterday too. Chris was very cocky on the scene and arrogant with his answers. But whenever they asked about Colin, he gets noticeably like choked up nervous and he's not as funny anymore because that's his son. He loves his son, you know, and it's very obvious that like he knows that like if I say the wrong thing here about like Colin's life is on the line. In my opinion, this entire operation has been all about protecting Colin Albert. I think that's what the whole thing is. They've tried so hard to get that kid out of the house at the time. John O'Keefe has gotten there and they've gone. They've had this huge PR push to get him in there. So yeah, it's very noticeable. Whatever the great of Colin that his parents get immediately like very different, like worried almost. Now, will Colin take the stand at any point? Do you think? Is he part of the witness list? No, the witness list. He is. Most parties witness list. So he's not. I mean, if you've ever called and talked, they're listed to his poetry. He's not going to do well. He's not. I can't imagine him doing very well, like he's been hidden. His parents have been hiding and protecting him. Would they get him on that stand by himself? It's not going to be pretty. Turtle boy, was there anything else in Julie Albert's testimony? Now, keep in mind, I've been on the air since 12. And so I was keeping up with it pretty much all morning. But I did have to kind of take a pause on it. Was there anything else that stuck out to you that the listeners should know about? You know, just they're very evasive all these people. They're very dishonest. They get caught in lies a lot. And I don't know, she just seemed rugged. She came up there chewing gum. It was bizarre the way she presented herself. Oh, these people just come across as like having something to hide. You'd have to actually see their demeanor and listen to their answers to know how and they're constantly being bailed out by the prosecution and this judge who isn't letting in evidence that shows that there was a conspiracy to kill our case now. Now, now, Aidan, I apologize if you already answer this, but I want to ask again, what going forward is do we have like a precedent for when you're going to be allowed in or are you just officially banned from the courtroom? So I can come in at any time when one of the as long as the witnesses I'm being charged with witness intimidation against aren't intimidating. So like when the medical examiner gets up there, I can be in there. But I can't be in there with Michael Proctor's in there because big bad police detective is scared of me. So I hate to say it like this, Aidan. But it's going to be a lot of the interesting witnesses. You're not going to be allowed to be in there. It is, but you know what? I can live stream it. People are look, you got to look at the bright side. They just made me famous. Millions of people across the world are watching the camera retrial and they stopped it for an hour to talk about little old me and they put my face on camera. And now I've gained like 500 followers like last hour. I should write them a thank you card. Aidan, I said that earlier today. I said and I wasn't trying to be fresh, but I said turtle boy. I mean, this is kind of a this is kind of a win for him in a lot of ways. He gets to not be in the courtroom, which I I haven't been in a lot of courtrooms, but I know that there's you're limited in what you can do. And like you said, they just brought a lot more people to your site. They did and people are going to start reading up about it, researching it. And they're going to realize how egregious is it? Sure, it sounds bad on paper because you're like, oh, witness intimidation. That's bad. But when people actually look into it, they're like, oh, no, it's actually just journalism that they've decided to criminalize in order to protect these people. All right. Thank you so much, Turtle Boy. Everyone can follow him at Dr. Turtle Boy and tell people where they can check it out on the website. TV Daily or YouTube channel, Turtle Boy Live. All right. And he will be on with how he car later today. So you have that to look forward to as well. We will be right back eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Don't go anywhere. Allergy season is here and you need the even pure thunderstorm air purifier because warmer temps are creeping up. And that's a great thing. I mean, unless you're not big on the warm weather, but I know I am. I love when it gets warmer, but it does come with a few drawbacks. You've got the pollen. You've got covers, your windshield. You want to open the windows, but you know what it is, Jared, and may, especially depending on the day can be very different. You open up all the windows and the next day you get a little bit of a cold front. You got to shut the ball again. So you don't want the air to get stale. You want to keep it moving. You want to keep it fresh and that is what the Eden pure thunderstorm can do. And right now they're having a bogo deal by one. Get one. This is an awesome opportunity to check out the thunderstorm. Yeah, and actually I've used it for my allergies. I like it for my allergies, but actually to use it, the boy is cuckoo for french fries. Love french fries, but you know, like if you get french fries at a restaurant, you know, they can be a little salty. There's some concerns about that. We said we're going to make him his own french fries. So we got the oil, we got the potatoes, we did the whole thing and it was great. But then, you know, I got up this morning and when I went into the kitchen, it had that like that oily frying smell. It was great until it wasn't. Yeah. And I was like, oh, this is no, this is no bueno. So I plugged in the thunderstorm, I cranked it and I left the house. I mean, not to be a jerk, it's just a time that I left. So I'm sure by the time that I get home, it will have been off for hours because the thunderstorm ionizes the air and it gets rid of those odors in the air. The same way it gets rid of allergens and pollutants. And I'm sure it took care of it well before I'll get back in the door tonight and that that oil smell will be gone. Yeah, the thunderstorm has received thousands of five star reviews, one of them from Jared, as you can tell. So be the next satisfied customer. Take advantage of the bogo offer by one get one. Go to Don't forget to use the code grace bogo. That's grace bogo when you go to Again, use code grace bogo. We'll be right back. Follow Grace on Twitter at G underscore Curly. This is the Grace Curly show. [MUSIC] Turtle Boy brings in a lot of viewers and you know what? I'm here to tell you guys, if you were tuning in for Turtle Boy and you stumbled upon our little old live stream, stay with us. You know, this is a good spot. You want to hang here? Yeah, we talk about Karen Reed. We do get into that, but we also have a lot of fun in between and I think you'd like it. And if you've missed any of the show, you can always check it out wherever you get your podcasts. All right, Jared, just to switch it up here for a moment, there's an actress who is posting an event and I don't at this point, a lot of the stories that I read, they don't even describe the events that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are going to because they're all so vague and so pointless. It's like build back better teachers appreciation, bridge, bridge structure. Bigel bath better. Dot org PSA and they sit in front of a step in repeat and they talk about how wonderful they are and you know, it doesn't really make a difference. But sometimes we get a little bit of funny sound from it. So this is an actress, I know her. I think she's on Abbott Elementary. Her name is Cheryl Lee Ralph and what I actually know her from. And well, I just happened to Wikipedia this the other day. I love the musical Dream Girls. It's one of my favorite musicals and she was in the original production of Dream Girls, so she's got acting creds. I don't think she should go into politics because she's missing the mark on this. Listen to how she introduces Kamala Harris. This is cut one. We are about to talk with one of the most capable influential, bold and fearless thinkers ever. OK, this human right here is an out to connect some of us. She is here to connect all of us. OK, now I'm going to tell you something. That is false. There were a few of those I would have let her get away with that I wouldn't have you pulled a cut shirt if she had said capable, fine, influential, fine, bold. Now I'll give it to you. Like it's not true, but I'm not going to be nitpicky about it. But fearless thinkers. That's where I have to throw out the challenge flag and say, are we talking about the same woman, the woman who whips up more words, salads than anyone I've ever seen in my I know for breakfast. There's a really great Kamala Harris cut that went viral on social media of her saying, what do you think you fell out of a coconut tree? And I think we'll work that into the second hour, if we can. We'll be right back. Don't go anywhere more to come and last call with Emma Foley when we return. (upbeat music)