The Howie Carr Radio Network

Turtleboy Kicked Out of Court plus Hush Money Trial with Jake Novak | 5.10.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Grace breaks the news that Aidan "Turtleboy" Kearney was kicked out of the Dedham courthouse today. Then, Grace welcomes Jake Novak to the show to discuss the updates in a different trial, the Trump Hush Money trial in Manhattan.

Broadcast on:
10 May 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm Air Purifier BOGO offer. Buy one, get one free for one week only. Order today at with code GRACE BOGO. [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice. Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for tuning in today, and happy Friday. To all of you, we have a very, very exciting Friday show planned. Obviously, we have a little extra pep in our steps as we head into the weekend. And something that's helping that is the excitement at this Cairn Read trial. So it's been steadily increasing throughout the week. It started off a little slow, the case this week, or the trial this week. There was a lot of dash cam footage from the morning that O'Keefe's body was discovered on Brian Albert's lawn. There was also a lot of surveillance footage from the bar hopping the night prior. We did get some juicy tidbits last week from the paramedics and the first responders and how they were interconnected with the McAlberts as Turtle Boy likes to call them. But I think overall Monday, Tuesday, it was a little bit boring. And that's part of a trial. No matter how exciting a trial is, there's going to be repetitive boring moments in it, monotonous times and slow times. But since Wednesday, I would say, things have been ramping up pretty quickly. And yesterday we talked to Aiden Carney, Turtle Boy, about Chris Albert's testimony. So Chris Albert, brother of Brian Albert, Brian Albert's home was where John O'Keefe's body was found outside of his house on his lawn. And so Chris Albert is his brother. Julie Albert is Chris Albert's wife. And she was on the stand today. She's also Colin Albert's mother. And she was on the stand today. And it was getting very interesting. Turtle Boy was live tweeting it, saying she seemed very nervous. Obviously, you can watch it live as well. She seemed very nervous. She understood that she had to be very careful about what she was saying, because Colin Albert, some people think that he could be the third party culprit here. He could be the other option for if you have reasonable doubt about Karen Reid, then he could be the person that kind of fills in that blank. And so she's operating with that knowledge and treading lightly and trying to choose her words carefully, which would have been good advice for her husband yesterday and for everybody else who's been on the stand thus far, who haven't really shown any wisdom when it comes to getting your story straight before you hit the stand. But let me just say this. The judge stops. I think it was like two hours in. What do it start at nine, maybe? So we're about two hours in. The judge stops. And how he's watching it live. I have to try to get my other stories together. So I don't watch it live because I can't listen to things and Reid at the same time. But his is blasting. And all of a sudden, I hear the judge stop. And she starts going through the witnesses. And then she mentions Turtle Boy. And I had texted Turtle Boy this morning saying, hey, so you get a lunch break at one. Could you come on the show? We're following the Julie Albert testimony. It's pretty interesting. And he's like, yeah, I'll see what I can do. I'm still in court. The judge stops the trial to basically say that Turtle Boy is getting the boot because he's having a chilling effect on some of the witnesses. And they deserve to have a free and fair trial where they can say whatever they want. And they kick the Turtle Man, the Turtle Boy, to the curb. And I find this to be an amazing thing because the judge, up until this point, has been telling us-- and this is what all judges do. They don't want it to become a circus or so. They say they want things to stay relatively calm and the media to keep things as calm as possible. Why you would take someone like Turtle Boy-- and I would say this, Turtle Boy is coming on an hour. So I would say this to his face. Turtle Boy is a lightning rod. He likes attention. He likes to stir the pot. Why you would stop a trial and kick him out, knowing the fans that he has, knowing the following that he has, knowing how corrupt people already think this is, and say you have to leave, that is like pouring gasoline on a fire. You are asking for the internet to go insane. Have you seen Jared the livestream on this? How many people are watching in the corner? It's crazy. But nobody tunes into trials unless they're national things. But people are tuned into this. I ran into how his office. I said, did you just kick Turtle Boy out of the courthouse? So I texted him. I said, it looks-- I wasn't trying to be mean. But I said, it looks like you might be available based off what I just heard from the judge. And he told me that he's going to do a press conference at 1 o'clock. And he's not going to leave. He says he doesn't want to do a walk of shame and walk out right now. He's going to wait until they take their lunch break. Then he's going to do a press conference at 1. He's going to join us at 1.30. So any questions you have about this case, about today's day in court, you can text it into 617-213-1066. But just insanity on that front. And I'm so glad we have a resource so we can go to get more of this information. Now, is he kicked out for the Descartes Blanchor? Because I know there was some talk of him being able to be there for certain witnesses. Yeah, that's the part. But not others. That's the part I don't get. Because it would seem to me-- and there's another part of this that I have to ask him about. Because Turtleboy on his site, he'll call a lot of people nicknames. And they're not usually nice nicknames. So let's just say-- let's just use a very simple example. Let's say Jared, he's writing about you. Instead of Jared, he calls you-- Egg of milk, Jared. Egg of milk, Jared, OK? Egg of milk. One of-- actually, no, it would have to be something closer to your actual name. So your last name's Digglio. OK. Dirt Baglio. All right, Dirt Baglio, I like-- Let's say he called you that, OK? So he's writing Dirt Baglio. You listening to me, old guy? Dirt Baglio came up with that on the fly, and they say I'm not creative. So he's going, Dirt Baglio took the stand today. Dirt Baglio did this. Dirt Baglio did that. Well, here's what happened today. Witness Julie Albert goes up, and let's just pretend. I'm not going to say the real thing, because it's got Jared in for me that it's got a couple of dirty connotations. But she gets up on the stand, and she's referencing somebody in this case. And instead of calling him Digglio, his real name, she calls him Dirt Baglio. She calls him by the turtle boy name. The turtle boy mean I'm picking on you nickname. She says that by accident. Now, here's going back to what you were saying, Jared, about who gets to stay. Does he get to stay for some witnesses, not the other? If that was the reason, because then people started laughing when they heard Dirt Baglio. Because it gives away the game. It's like, oh, so you do read turtle boy. Which, of course, they do. They're human. They're not going to not read it. But then people in the courtroom started to laugh. They were trying to muffle their laughter. But that's, if I'm turtle boy, I'm thinking, that's not my fault. It's not my fault that she referenced my blog. And now I get kicked out because she's reading my blog. And she's referencing people by the names that I've given them. If anything, I would say, hey, this is just more proof than. My reporting is A+, even the people who hate me are reading it. And the other part that I don't understand-- I didn't plan on talking about this for the opening-- but hey, why not? It's Friday. We'll have some fun. The other part of it that I don't get is that if you're going to say-- because now we're getting into some of the, for lack of a better word, more interesting witnesses. The ones that we've all been kind of waiting for. The McAlberts, so the McCabe family, the Alberts family, the Proctors, we're going to get into some of these details that really stick out about this case. The Google searches, the texts about the gifts. And some of the things they've already talked about with Chris and Julie Albert. So we're getting into some of these witnesses. So I don't understand which ones they're going to let him sit in on, unless he's standing outside the door. Because oftentimes in this trial, Jared, they might do one person for the day, but they might do two. They might do three. So is he going to be on standby? And they'll buzz him in and say, actually, you know what? This is a pretty boring witness who doesn't really know who you are. So you can come in and watch five minutes of this. He's going to get one of those beepers that lights up like you get a restaurant, put your reservations ready, all right? Like you get a chilis. Come on back in. Yeah. And every time he comes in, he's like, ugh, this one. I don't want to sit here for this one. But here's the other part of it. It's being live streamed. And so I think this is a win-win for Turtlewood. Because one, now, again, there's a lot of eyes on him getting a lot of attention, which let's face it. I mean, the guy likes a little bit of attention. I don't think that's a bad thing to say. I do too. So that's number one. It's good for business. And number two is that he can probably do more outside of the courtroom. Like he does his own live stream. He's able to write more. He's able to react more. He's able to react live. He does that thing where he has a screen below the screen. So I don't know. It seems like a win-win. He gets to be up in arms about the fact that he got kicked out of the courtroom. And I'm not suggesting he shouldn't be up in arms about it. But he gets to play that end of it. And he gets to not sit in a dingy courtroom for like six hours a day. Some days it's six hours. Some days it's four. It all depends. It's a Friday in the Commonwealth. Yeah, they should be wrapping up right about now. Yeah. They'll say you-- 25 minutes today, folks. You know what? Lunch is at one. Why don't we just call it there, OK? They're already grumbling because they had to work on a Friday. Lunch is at one. How about this? We'll push lunch off until 1.30. And then we'll just call it a day there. Yeah, I don't think that-- and it's weird too because-- and obviously, this is Aidan's take. But sometimes when he thinks that the defense is gaining momentum in their questioning, all of a sudden, it's like, OK, we're going to stop here. We're going to have a recess. We're going to go-- we'll come back tomorrow. And so momentum is huge in these cases. And so that's something to watch as well. I plan on talking about Joe Biden and Israel and all that, but we will come back to it. Also, Jake Novak at 12.30. So we've got a jam-packed show. We've got Jake Novak at 12.30 to talk Israel, to talk Trump trial with Stormy Daniels. I think that Stormy Daniels is actually helping Donald Trump. Believe it or not. We'll ask Jake Novak what he thinks. And at 1.30, we're talking a turtle boy. And at 2.05, last but not least, we're talking to Emma Foley. So there's so much to get to today. 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You know what's funny is I was talking about this with a mail-remanager, how when you are talking about the Karen Reed case, it's always going to be tough on radio because there's going to be a certain segment of listeners who aren't following it. And I've accepted that and I understand that sometimes you're just going to have to sit through the segment and hopefully find little tidbits interesting, but maybe it's not your thing. And to those people, I will say when they come out with this mini-series and you get to sit down in your couch, if you have no idea what's going on, like if the only thing you've heard is wears, glowy or free Karen Reed and you have no idea. I feel like someone, you know how if you say to someone, hey, I'm going to watch Game of Thrones or I'm going to watch The Sopranos and I've never seen it before and the person will look at you and say, you're so lucky, you have no idea what's in store for you. If you are sitting down on your couch with a bowl of popcorn and this was like a six-parter on HBO, get ready to be riveted, get your cozy, just blanket and sit down and I'm not trying to make light of it. I know it's serious, I know Karen Reed's life is on the line in a lot of ways, I know that there's so much in this but I'm just saying as far as true crime goes, this has absolutely every single element you could ask for and I'm just saying that as a true crime consumer. - Mark Wahlberg is blogger, turtle boy. - Mark Wahlberg's going to play every single person. It's going to be like Medea except it's Mark Wahlberg. He's going to play Karen Reed. He's going to play the prosecution. - Yeah, this is going to be nuts. We'll be right back with your calls. Don't go anywhere. - You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Someone texted in and said this must be a big story in the Boston area, yes it is. It is indeed and it's right down the street from us. So it's very, very intriguing and turtle boy will be calling in at 130 to give us an update on the courtroom drama today. Not just with Julie Albert but with turtle boy. They made turtle boy the story. Which is like probably music to his ears. You made him the story. You called him out on a live stream. You know what this reminds me of and I said this to Howie. I said, people just don't understand. And it's one of the most basic like, I consider it very common sense. The barber tries an effect of once you tell people not to go listen to something or once you, once you call somebody out, you draw so much more attention it reminds me of NPR. Remember when the journalist Yuri Burlinger, he wrote that piece about how NPR worked at NPR for X amount of years. I think he's been there like 20 years or something and they're very liberal and you know, it's always been liberal but now there's no diversity of opinion and I just thought, well he made a good move because they're not gonna fire him now. That would prove his point. And they fired him or they suspended him or something like five days later and I thought to myself, nobody's sitting around that table going, hey, we should just let this one die quietly instead of dousing it again, dousing a fire with gasoline. You're just, you're adding so much more to it. And that's what they did with this turtle boy thing. They focused all the attention and said, you have to leave and now that's gonna add more to the story. We'll talk to him about that in the meantime, today's poll question is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had your insurance audited? Rizzo saved one of my coworkers over $1,700. To get your insurance audited, go to Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? - Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is what do you think will be the ruling in the quote unquote Trump hush money trial? Not guilty, guilty or super duper double guilty. - You guys know I'm an optimist. I can't help it. It's just who I am. Always glass half full over here. I like to think I'm also a realist to a degree. Like they're a little mix of both. I'm gonna say non guilty. I have faith for some, Lord knows why I do, but I have faith in this jury in sapphire blue Manhattan. I think that they're going to see through this. I think this is such a sham. I think that the witnesses thus far, I think Stormy Daniels, because here, keep this in mind too, Jared. You didn't think you were gonna ask me a question and just get a short answer, did you? - Never. - That would not be on brand for me. But keep this in mind. We're not seeing this. There's obviously no cameras in the courtroom for this Trump trial. I first of all think that benefits Trump. But the second part is, I don't think we are really understanding what a disaster Stormy Daniels was on the stand. Just for reading about it. Like you can listen to Ellie Honig on CNN say, "Hey, you know, this wasn't great for her." She kind of made it clear she has an extra grind, that she doesn't obey court orders, that she really has no respect for the court. That doesn't look good. But I've been reading other stuff that she was incredibly combative and testy and all of these things where I think she got up on the stand and some of those jurors might have been looking at her. Like this is the person that we're supposed to believe. She's a bit of a, you know, I'll stop there. I won't say anything else. But I just don't think she had a great performance on the stand. So I'm going to say between that and then one of the prosecutions witnesses today said Trump's a great president. I just don't think any of this is going the way they thought it would. I'm going to say not guilty. - Yeah, 59% of the audience says not guilty. 31% think he'll be found super duper double guilty. 9% say just regular guilty. But yeah, if you're the jury, when you're handed the piece of paper that basically says how do you find the defendant on this charge? It has to be a very specific charge and there's no charge. There's no crime. You can't say yeah, he's guilty of nothing. No matter how much you dislike. - Yeah, you know what I'm really looking forward to and it's inevitable is when if they say he's not guilty hearing Whoopi Goldberg and Sonny Hostin enjoy Behar say they didn't say he was innocent. They did not say proven innocent. - You should know that. We'll be right back with Jake Novak. (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. (upbeat music) - Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you so much for joining us. You know, it's a very interesting update is we obviously talked a lot yesterday about Joe Biden's disastrous interview with Erin Burnett and I'm here to tell Joe he should have stuck with Drew Barrymore and TikToks with Joe and his brothers and Easter egg rolls with Al Roker because he sat down with Erin Burnett and she's not giving him a grilling. This isn't as though Trump were sitting down with Erin Burnett and even so with the kid gloves, with CNN rallying behind him, he made so many gaffs and part of something I wanna point out is that a lot of these gaffs we've come to expect and a lot of them are just, they're not even gaffs. That kind of gives him a get a jail free card. They're lies, they're just blatant lies. And when he says when I came into office and inflation was at 9%, we all know that's a lie. When he talks about Snickers, we all know that's a lie. But one of the things that he mentioned was that he was not going to send aid to Israel if they invaded Rafa, if they moved in on Rafa. And I wanted to play this cut Jared because now we're getting different stories about this. So can I play the cut of Joe Biden with Erin Burnett talking about Israel, the interview that aired yesterday? - I've made it clear that if they go into Rafa, they haven't gone on Rafa yet. If they go into Rafa, I'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with Rafa, to deal with the cities, to deal with that problem. We're gonna continue to make sure Israel is secure in terms of Iron Dome and their ability to respond to attacks like came out of the least recently. - Yeah, so I was thinking about this before the interview, I thought, I don't think his team worries so much about his blatant lies about the economy or anything like that. I think they're more worried about these giant foreign policy shifts that he makes depending on what mood he's in and what mental state he's in. When he's frustratingly muttering to Erin Burnett, to all of a sudden declare that we're not gonna be sending aid to Israel is a pretty big deal that typically a president would run by a few people. But then afterwards, the fallout of this, I was like, well, maybe they did. Maybe they did talk about it because John Kirby was on the same page, KJP at a gaggle today was saying, he's very clear, he's very clear, he's very clear, he's very clear. Might have been yesterday. So it made me think that they were all decided on this. We're not gonna send aid to Israel. But then today, I see that Adam Smith, he's a Democrat from Washington state. He's also on the House Arms Services Committee. He's their ranking member. He basically blows up this narrative. He goes on news nation and he admits that Biden is talking out of his behind and that, no, we are not gonna stop sending aid to Israel. If they go on some sort of aggressive bombing operation in Rafa, then some of the weapons will be contingent on that. But we're not going to stop our supplies to them if they invade Rafa because they already have gone into Rafa. And so this is a huge discrepancy. This is a huge mix up in the communications of what's going on. Joining us now to talk about this is Jake Novak. Jake, what do you make of this? The president says one thing. A Democrat who's on the House Arms Services Committee says a completely different thing. And meanwhile, violence is breaking out everywhere. There's wars breaking out everywhere. How are the communication channels this bad at this point? - Well, Grace, this is a classic deception campaign. And Israelis are very used to this. This is exactly what they've been getting from the Palestinians for 50, 60 years. They say one thing publicly and then another thing to their own people privately. Sadly now, this has bled into the White House. And the Democrats who back in 2020, I wrote an editorial comment about how the Democratic Party was eerily adopting the Palestinian playbook in this kind of duplicity, a bunch of other things too, adopting fostering protest, violent protest and then pretending they didn't have anything to do with it. So that's what's going on. I think another thing that's going on here, Grace, is that clearly, I said this back when Biden first started mumbling about this a few months ago and talking and saying things that weren't true about what Israel was doing in this war, that clearly there's a power struggle going on in the White House and in the State Department. There are some people, you said about like Biden, whatever he's mumbling that day. I think it's whoever has his ear that last moment. And there are people in this administration who are pro Iran, pro Hamas, and I mean that literally, who have his ear sometimes, and they're those who don't. And that's really what's going on here. But I think also what's going on here is the plausible deniability. This is the, you know, don't tell me it's raining when you're, you know, when you're peeing on my leg. That's what's going on here also, the gaslighting. You know, oh, we didn't take away your weapons and then they say they do. I mean, this is a classic deception campaign and very, very dangerous because it goes beyond the Middle East policy. This is a disingenuous administration. No foreign country grace can trust what this president says. Now, think about what that means. - Yeah, and also this idea of we'll keep supplying aid to you and our commitment as ironclad as long as you operate within the constraints of what we're saying at this moment right now. It's like, yeah, it's a war. It's going to be messy. There's going to be casualties. It's heartbreaking. You try to avoid it at all costs. But they're trying to eliminate Hamas. And you know, Joe Biden claiming that we support them when also we're putting all these contingencies on their weapons is absolutely absurd. Jake, I wanted to ask you about something else 'cause what you just talked about, I love that idea. I don't love it, but I just, I haven't heard it before that it's the last person he hears from. It's like whatever's freshest in his mind is what he's going to vomit out into an interview which makes it so much crazier that he's even allowed out of the basement. But what you just said really brings me back to the Afghanistan withdrawal where he was claiming, oh no, the intelligence from my military officials said that we could do this. And then the military officials are saying, all of the intelligence was, you know, warning us that this was a bad idea. And we never got to the bottom of it. It was just like the media and all these people just let him either shift the blame or just lie about what intelligence he has at any given moment. Right, and, you know, one of the big lies, remember that lie they said a few weeks ago about how, oh, when you go meet with President Biden as you're one of the staffers, you know, he's really tough. It's hard to keep up with him mentally. He really grills you. So that's clearly the opposite of the truth. And by the way, that wasn't, you know, that's one of the tells, you know, if you're a good poker player, when someone is overbluffing. Like we weren't, you know, I thought that the response to people saying, hey, maybe he's having a little cotton to decline would be something along the lines of, no, no, no, he's just had a long day. He's in front of the camera. He's very sharp. He said we got, he's, you know, he's the president of Mensa. You know, I mean, that was an over, it was an over stretch, you know what I mean? So, yes, I mean, that's, it's clear. And that's what makes him so dangerous. I mean, if you're working in this White House, you have someone who you can really manipulate as long as you keep those other two staffers out of the office who don't agree with you and you schedule it properly. I mean, this is very similar to, you know, listen, all, you know, you read historical depictions of some of the Roman emperors when they were all, I mean, this is really scary, old school, just the power behind the throne kind of stuff, but there's clearly a power struggle. Maybe that's what's saving us, Grace. Maybe there was one nefarious character running the whole White House. We would be in even worse shape, but I guess the power struggle behind the scenes sometimes gets us a less worse result. I mean, that's like an over right now. - Yeah, no, I think you're, I think you're right on the money with all of that and you're right. I mean, what I think about, I never put it in terms of over-bluffing, but that's exactly what, at one point, Jake, I was reading from The New York Times. This was when they were all still really in it for him, and they still are, I guess, to a degree, but they've had to kind of admit to feet in some sense, but at one point, The New York Times was writing a piece about how he's socratic, and I'll never forget that 'cause I saw that word and I almost fell over. Oh, he has, he has socratic questions and he carries these thick leather-bound books and he carries his briefcase and he reads up late at night and you're right, I thought to myself, come on. Like, it's one thing to say, hey, he's doing the best he can. It's another thing to try to convince us that he's like splitting the atom when he's in the kitchen of the White House eating ice cream. - Yeah, you know what? This reminds me of my biggest beef with the television series West Wing. I don't know if people watch that show. - Yes. - And the West Wing bothered me because it was the liberal fantasy of who Bill Clinton was. Now, don't get me wrong. Bill Clinton was a shrewd dude. He was a very good campaigner. He was no dummy. But look at what they did in their fairy tale version of what they wanted from a president around that time. 'Cause the Martin Sheen character isn't just a shrewd dude. He's an erudite, intellectual. He quotes Latin. He's a genius. He's an incredible person. And I thought to myself like, and he doesn't have any of the flaws that Bill Clinton had. He's not a philanderer or any of those other things. And I thought to myself like, you know, if that's what they really wanted in a president, they blew it with Bill Clinton because if they had just held into that standard, you know, they might have had a better party in the end and not imploded like they have ever since he's, you know, you can say what you want about Bill Clinton. The party was in a much better shape when he was president as far as it's, you know, it's the ability to do things that were halfway decent. - Yeah. - That's the same way here. It's like, this is, yeah, this is their fantasy of who Joe Biden is. It's not who he is. - And their ability to condemn things that are abhorrent. I mean, that's part of what I find so amazing is it's so hard for Democrats who maybe 10 years ago were semi-normal to even admit that the anti-Semitism we're seeing all over these campuses is disgusting and shouldn't be tolerated. But they can't do that because they're gonna, you know, they're going to drive away a huge part of their base. Jake, I wanted to switch gears here for a second. The New York City Hush Money Trial is all over the news. We've got Michael Cohen and we've got Stormy Daniels and all of these unreliable characters taking the stand. I had been messaging with you earlier about this and I said, you know, Jake, I had no doubt you're gonna be comfortable talking about it 'cause you're well versed in all these issues. But I said, can we talk about the Hush Money Trial and you said, calling the prosecution and the judge in this case, the B team is an insult to the C team. I would love for you to elaborate on that a little bit. - Well, you know, I knew these trials were really shady, not that we didn't know from before, but I knew they were, I mean, any doubt I had was completely washed away. When I saw who they were entrusting these cases to, Alvin Bragg in Manhattan, who was a dope? This guy has no real standing. And look, I'd love to say that every Democrat and every liberal prosecutor and professional litigator is an idiot, but that's not true. There are some brilliant, brilliant liberal Democrats out there who are very good legally. Let's face it. None of them, none of them are touching these cases with a 10-foot pole. Fannie Willis, an absolute joke, a complete, I mean, just a complete, nothing. Jack Smith, who has one of the worst records of, one of the fewest, one of the rare rare photo prosecutors who had an entire case thrown at it, you know, an entire conviction that never happens. So, and by the way, that was all deliberate because they knew that these cases were junk and that nobody halfway decent who had a good reputation would want to touch them. And now it's been confirmed, Grace. I mean, look at the errors upon errors upon errors that have been made in this case. And by the way, I'm including Judge Murchan in that group. You know, I grew up, not to talk about me for too long, but I grew up a rabbi son and in a lot of major congregations in this country, and it won't surprise you that there are a lot of judges in this congregation. In none of those congregations were any of the judges that were in the congregation, even in the top five, most erudite, intellectual, smart people, especially in New York. I mean, some of these judges are dopes, okay? And the fact that he takes this case, that he didn't throw it out, there are so many errors. Luckily for him, there's been so many minor procedural errors he's made, that the appeals court will have many opportunities to throw out any conviction that there is a conviction without having to completely embarrass him. But believe me, they would like to do that. This is just so badly done. I mean, and then Alvin Bragg calling witnesses, you know, the first rule is don't call a witness suit to the stand for your case if you don't know what they're going to say. You've done that now three times. Three times the last three witnesses. Jake, Jake, incredible. These people are dopes. I want to ask you this as well, because I haven't really focused on it too much, but the more I keep seeing on social media, it is pretty nuts. Greg Price put out a tweet. He said, Trump has a gag order on him, which we all know, Jake was just talking about Juan Merchant, the judge here. He has a gag order on Trump, because Trump has been making comments about the conflict of interest between Juan Merchant and the fact that his daughter helps with these, it's called authentic campaigns, strategizing on ways to campaign off of Trump's legal battles. It is a conflict of interest, but apparently that is enough to warrant a gag order. Now Greg Price put out, Trump has a gag order on him, but Alvin Bragg's lead witness, Michael Cohen, can go on TikTok and sell T-shirts of Trump in jail. Social media, I know, it's not new, but it's fairly new as far as the legal system goes. Is this going to be a problem? Is it just something for the appeals court to keep in their back pocket when Trump eventually appeals this? But going on social media, I can't imagine that Alvin Bragg is encouraging Michael Cohen to go on these live streams and talk about Trump. - No, he's not stopping him from doing it. Listen, forget about putting it in their back pocket, Grace. They have several filing cabinets of dumb mistakes this judge has made, and dumb mistakes that Alvin Bragg has made. But you know, let's not give them the, we're still giving them too much credit, Grace. You're saying, the whole idea is like, well, he knows there's this conflict of interest with his daughter, but he's deliberately covering it up. I'm not giving him the benefit of that doubt. I don't think Judge Merchant is smart enough to understand that it's a conflict of interest that his daughter works and makes money off the fact. I literally don't think he is intelligent enough to know this. Stop giving these people the benefit of that. Have you met a New York state judge any time have I have? - I have it. - And traffic court is about, traffic court is about their pay grade. Anything about it, again, obviously there are some exceptions. Don't at me with the, you know, I know you won't, but don't at me with a bunch of names of some smart, I know there's some smart guy. But literally, most of them are complete idiot. I have no evidence that Judge Merchant even understands why it's a conflict of interest that his daughter is doing what she's doing. Until I see evidence of that, I'm not gonna say that he's deliberately covering up. 'Cause that would give him a little bit of credit, like, you know, smart dude. He's not, he's a dope. And there are so many mistakes that they have in the back pocket of appeals court. Appeals courts don't like to throw out cases with a grandiose statement saying the judge was corrupt. They don't like to do that. You can see why professional courtesy. So they focus in on small little things so that everyone's happy at the end of the day. They've got a million of these small little things they can go to now. The Michael Cohen thing is just one of them. - All right, so my final question for you, Jake, you just mentioned that, hey, you know, as much as we love to talk about how all liberal lawyers or far left lawyers or dummies, that's just not the case. And I agree with you. I think you can say the same. People wanna write off and say, there's no way this jury is not going to find Trump guilty. It's, you know, it's in New York. It's so blue. I still have faith in people's ability to be, you know, fair and impartial. How do you think this verdict is gonna go for Trump? - Yeah, I mean, I've gone to my head. I still think he's getting convicted but because of this unfair situation. But I'm a little bit more thinking it's, you know, he's better chance, you know, every day his chance is improved. What that jury needs is a Michael Rappaport type, some loud mouth, nasty type who at the end of the day calls BS on things and sometimes, right? That's what you need. And when my dad was a professor in New York City and then got switched to a fancier school, he said the one thing I missed was those smart, Alec New Yorkers. - Yes. - That's what you miss in a class. That's what we need. We need just one of them to say, this is guy, you know, this is BS. And hopefully we'll get one of those. But I'm still not that not a Grace. - Jake Novak, thank you so much for coming on. Everybody is always tweeting in after you appear on the show and they say, "Where can I follow him?" It's Follow him on Twitter. He has great takes at Jake, Jake, NY. So it's Jake, Jake, NY on Twitter. Please do that now. Make sure you give him a follow. We'll talk to you soon, Jake. I love checking in. We'll be right back with more "It's the Grace Curly Show." - The Grace Curly Show will be right back. (upbeat music) - This is "The Grace Curly Show." (upbeat music) I'm just laughing because this is my green room. You know, what we're talking about in the green room and between these breaks, it varies so drastically, but we were just talking about the American Revolution and I was talking to Matt and Taylor about it. And then Jared at the microphone, he turns around to us and he goes, "Well, think about the American Revolution." And I stopped you, Jared. And I said, "Is this a conspiracy theory?" I can't. Like, I'm done for the week. I'm tapped out on conspiracy theories. - It was not a conspiracy theory. - It wasn't. I just didn't know how far back your conspiracies go. - You know, is there a point where you say, okay, before that point, the deep state wasn't really at play? Like, do you have a time, a start day of your conspiracy theories? They're more, they're now focused. - Yeah, there are, but there was a question of we're actually in the year 2024 or if 300 years were added at the behest of a certain vote. So. - So there you go. You got it, Jared. - Maybe we're in 1724, we don't know. - He always manages to work in these theories even when I think he's not going to. We'll be right back, we got Turtle Boy at 130. [MUSIC PLAYING]