The question, have you ever caught yourself hopping from one business for another? I have the first feeling of getting your first sale in business. Yes, yes, nothing can be nothing can be that first sale. And so because it's like people who take drugs. That first thing they say that first hit, yes, yes, that first hit. You're like, ah, you and you're chasing that first hit and lead me change. Yes. And it's always going to mark us or it marked the market always going to change. This is a fast, it's a fast-paced market landscape. Let's chill. Hello, oh, la bonjour, sunny bonani, namaste. What up, chocolate chillers? Yes, it's your boy, coastal Jay. And I'm with my best friend, my business partner, my better half, the one and only lady sees that she is in the building. Yes, yes. You know, we're about to divide each and every week. And so I'd like to say, are you ready for another empowering and transforming to episode of Children with the chapters? Yes, you know, where we are. Elevating allowance. We are empowering businesses. We are united coaches and food and success. Yeah. So what's popping on this Friday episode, before we get started, I want to give a big, big, big shout out to everyone experiencing mental health challenges. It's mental health month, right? Yes, mental health month. And to those suffering, supporting their loved ones through their journeys, I'm one of those people who go through mental challenges. So I know what it's like. So as we observe mental health month in the month of April, no, May. May. May. That's the last month in the month of May, we are going to dive deep into the thrilling, yet demanding world of entrepreneurship, where we, you know, like everybody knows an entrepreneur does not sleep. They walk around the clock. They have no breaks. They give themselves no mental breaks. And hence, most of them stats say burnout and suffer from depression, because they put too much stress, not stress. Yes, but they, they, they, they push themselves too hard and they don't give a break, a break, yeah, which is so much needed. So today's episode, we will be covering a bit of that. That's on that, that's on that. And, and, and just giving that awareness on, on your mental health and state, how important it is to actually pursue your career and write a successful business, because you need to rest. Yes. Yes. You cannot give from an empty cup and listen, this is from personal experience. Okay. So yeah, we're going to be talking about that. So mainly we are discussing master your business and the smart strategies for success. Mm, yes. Things in the right way. We about doing things in descending and in order. Absolutely, because we are Kingdom kids. So we do things in the style. Yes. So let's get started avoiding shiny objects. Cause that's the big thing with entrepreneurs. They see things being advertised on social media and they feel like, you know what? I want that. I can do that. I can be that is, is, is how do we, how do we get entrepreneurs to, to realize that social media is not the, the, the, the real picture, you know, that it's starting a business is, is not really a small thing. It's not for the faint hearted. So what we often see then, when people are looking at social media, the Instagram, and they will see it so appealing, people doing so well. And we always say that most of these people who advertise on social media and show these flashy things, majority of the time, it's not theirs. They've rented it out. They've, you know, just to appeal to you, there's this lady that I, I just, I came across my, my feed this other time. She, she, she tries to trump out these social media advertising strategies that people are using, because she'll be like, let me show you how to make three million in a month on social media right there. You know, it's a line. Yeah. And then, and then a person, and then by joining my, my course. Like, if you're going to make, you help me make three million. I don't think you need to teach anybody to make three million. You want to keep your three million, right? So it's, you have to really see the red flags, excuse me, and read in between the lines that this might just be an advertising fad. So, yeah, what's your tag? Yeah, I mean a million. Now you can make private three million, but if you're not clear, maybe, if you saying three million a month, are you going to make three million a month? Or in time, you can actually make three million in a month. So that's the, it definitely cleavity. But yeah, it started business. Again, it's no small. It's no child's playing. It's, it is, it is tough. It's not easy. Um, but the reward is great. And once you, once you get to the success, once you, uh, made it and you accomplished a lot, yes, freedom, freedom, freedom of time, freedom of money, uh, allowed you to, that is success, allowed you to, to fund your passion, allow you to, to work on your passion. So all these different things, when you end your business, you know, when you build on the business, say, you know, could we say this in the church? When people first get saved, we say, we, I'm not going to tell you, it's going to, everything is going to be easy. You know, when you first get saved, you know, you're excited, you know, when you, when you get saved, you are excited. And just like when you started a business, you are excited. But eventually the, the segment is going to weigh off. And then reality starts kicking in reality guys talking and you still ask you a question. What did I get myself into? So the assignment is going to weigh it off, right? So what, and it's the same thing when you get first, you get saved. You're a sighted man. You're on fire for the law. You like, I'll do whatever, you know, when you're, I do whatever. And that's why I was a lawyer. It told me back to my first love. Cause that first feeling. Yes, yes, yes. First feeling of getting your first sale in business. Yes, yes. Nothing can beat. Nothing can beat that first sale. And so because it's not people who take drugs. Not that I have. That first thing they say that first hit. You'll go, that first hit. Yes. Yes. That first hit you're like, ah, you, and you're chasing that first hit. This is why sometime when people, that's why they get deeper and deeper. Yes, that first hit. So, and this is why even when you start off on cigarettes, then you won't move the wind and then you move the, because you changed it. It gets stronger and stronger because you're still chasing that hit. So what happened when it started dying off? What happened when business don't go where all the excitement don't go? And so this is why we encourage you to, you know, when, yeah, we encourage to take that leap and start a business. Knowing that. Okay. It's not going to be easy. Right. Knowing that, you know, you're going to have some ups and you're going to have some downs, you're going to have some trouble in times. You're going to have some, you know, some, some pain, these, the pain point, these pain moments, but you know what, just like a pregnant woman, yes, about to give birth, you're going to feel that those labor pains, yes, it's part of the process, part of the process. But, and this is why we say, while you're taking the lead, you know, finding something that you like, finding, just don't, because you just you're avoiding the shiny objects, you're because you see it on the ground and they say, Oh, you can make a million dollars. You do this. You join my course. You do your passion. Yeah, you, you can make a million dollars, but you know, and then once you get in and you realize you can't really make a million dollars in it. Well, you can, but it, it takes more than what was what they were advertised. So yes, that's the thing you can, but not within a month, not within a time again, it goes goes to time and, you know, you never, you never know, not saying you can't make it in a month because it's the timing, right? That maybe you just, you know, that anomaly just happened. And every now and then somebody might just strike big, but that's not realistic. So this is why we say, finding something that you like, finding your passion, working on your passion, building it because when the assignment is gone, that passion though, never dies. It keeps you going, keeps you going, keeps you want to keep pursuing. And they say if you do something that you love, you'll never work a day in life. Yes. Yes. So really doing what you love makes you even want to get up in the morning and keep grinding. Even when things don't look so, you know, so, so golden are so beautiful, but that passion makes you want to keep up. So, you know, we're saying, and you're struggling with finding yourself, and so that you want to be chasing these shiny arches syndrome, we encourage you again and again to take the dis assessment, and we do offer the dis assessment so that you either put, check out in the description box. Yes. So that you were able to do the details. So when you could when you understand yourself and you and one, you know where they go into what we're just shrimp zones, what gift and whatever you might be good in, and then how to connect and work with other people as well. So, and then so you had to put yourself in the right situation. When something do come up on your timeline, because you're always going to see some of your timeline. Or somebody selling something. And we always say, if you if it's free, you are the product. The product. And so it's not the wrong if if if somebody's selling something and you see something, but because you know yourself, you're not going to be chasing something because they say, oh, we're going to help you make a million dollars. You're going to do, if you see something that's within your strength zone, I live in America. If you see something. OK, OK, but if you see something that's within your strip zone within your gift, you said, you know what, that will work for me, because I could do that, whatever. So, yeah, so and so that when you get into it, you're just able to to accept the labor pains, the pains of going through, you know, pushing a business when you're doing something that you love. Yes, because like you said, passion kicks in, but constant of this formula, something gives you excitement. And you have the passion for it, plus the skill. Plus the endurance like you because you need that. You need to do it, yes, it will all give you sustain a sustainable, scalable and long growth in your business without a doubt. So let's go through this again, be excited about it, be passionate about it, have the skill if you don't have the goal and then go and go and why. Yes, yes, you don't necessarily have to be like an expert, but go and get the skill, you know, and you got to enjoy, you got to be consistent, you got to know that things don't happen overnight. No, and yes, it's not going to be easy. You know, we say, it's a trouble don't last always, but you got to endure the trouble. You got to endure the pain, you got to endure the storms because in business, you're going to have storms, you know, so when you able to, when you have the skill set, when you have the energy, when you have the passion, when you have the endurance, then you will have a sustainable, you will have a scalable and you will have long term growth. And this is why for myself, I'm made of have focus and doing what I'm doing because of my abilities, because of the energy, I'm on the passion of the passion of my energy of everything that and my skill set, my knowledge, my competence. I know if I keep working, if I keep building, then guess what? I'm going to have that sustainable, scalable and long term growth. But this is time it will pop one day. Yeah, it's going to pop one day, but you got to be willing to but to get in it and just build starts more and just grow up, just build it up. So here should have you ever caught yourself hopping from one business to another. I have a question. Yeah, I think most entrepreneurs go through that phase where they just trying this, trying this, trying there until they realize like what we said, they just go for your passion so that it doesn't frustrate you when it's not working out in the first three four months, a year, two years, because it takes time to build a brand, you know, and you can check out our last episode, we spoke about the brand. Yes, yes. So you're moving from one business idea to another. And the thing is it's vital to concentrate on your passion. It's vital to concentrate on your ambitions. Yes. Yeah, I would say long term ambitions. Yes. But here's the thing, like going from one business to a nest business, if you take the disassessment, you can limit. So there's something about this disassessment. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You can limit, like, go from one, trying one thing to the nest thing. You could try, you know, even like going to school, you're going to college, you try, you get into one major because you liked it, the shiny eyes, you thought that would you. That's what you wanted to do, because maybe you see somebody else done it. Maybe you feel like, Oh, I can make money and I feel, but really, it's don't fit your skillset. It don't, you, you it doesn't fit your strength. Yes, you're, you're intro rate, but you're trying to do an extra rate job. Or you're actually right trying to do an intro rate job, you're going to get boring. You're going to, you're going to get frustrated and you bored. Yeah, bored. Yeah. Thank you for correct me. Oh, we want to cat when you last night, what was it? Listen, I was watching cat Williams. I think we need to do a video on the cat woman. I wanted to correct every sentence. It was, I mean, cat has good for cap. Because he's read a lot. Yes. But they always say you cannot take the hold out of a person. Like, he's saying the easy way supposed to be the words. I'll be like, I wish you just said words there. Because I just missed the joke by just him saying ease instead of words. Like, yeah, okay. So I live with a similar situation here. PhD. Yes. Everything. Yes. Yes. And everything. Yeah. But hey, the ease of the wars are still there. But we're not there. We hear. All right, we need a little either here or there. But we hear. Yes. Yes. But here's the thing. The the this assessment will help you not to get soundtrack. Right. You know, when you're chasing the different ambitions, you know, it will help you not to fall. Take the success. Take it. Yes. If you're going to reach out and we ready. Yeah, whatever. If you school, whatever career, find out what what's your scrim zone is so that you really put your stuff. I think this is a must even in curriculum. Yes. In choosing like careers. Yes, it's a must. And this is why when we offer this is this assessment, I mean, the six month initial bootcamp, you're going to you're going to get the distance that we're going to be have the opportunity to take this is something because I want to know what what fits you best. But I also want you to know where where where you fit in, right in your business. So I think the bottom line of what I was asking about, you know, you jumping from one one job, what one business idea. So another is that whatever that you end up choosing, be consistent. Yes. Because even like we in with weight loss, I'm proud to say I've lost just over 30 pounds. Okay. I started, I believe February 9th. We now in the beginning of May. So, you know, this is getting really good. Sometimes I've been really hard. But it's just consistency. You know, I'm pushing myself even more this month. I'm committing to walk nothing less than 8,000 steps a day for at least five five days a week. So every day for five days a week, I'm walking nothing less than 8,000 steps, which is not easy. But because I want to give my body that endurance for it to be able to go, you know, because I know I was doing 4,000 steps and I'm like, okay, I'm not feeling anything anymore. So I had to push and double up. So I'm down, double up to 8,000. You're like, oh, what? Oh, are you okay? But I'm pushing my body so that my body gets used to it. And the consistency doing it over a period of at least 21 days will make my body adjust. So the same thing with business, you got to be consistent, you got to double up if you see that, you know, you're doing something and it's not working, then change pivot a bit or change a bit, you know, do something to show that, you know, you're not going, you're not doing something that is insane, because insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. Right. So if you're doing the same thing, and you think that there's no possible results, possible results coming out of it, it means that you need to pivot. Yes, you need to do something different, a little different, not different yet. Yeah, sometimes it's not like a major change. Sometimes you just have to tweak here and there, and then boom, you know, so consistency in anything is key. All right. So what we're no chasing, not you got to stop chasing the new projects, the new gear, the new things, you know, dedicate, maybe a year, into that project and refine it and tweak it and, you know, so that you can find some that truly resonate with you. And that's what it's about finding something that truly resonating with you. But again, just skip all that process, take the disappointment so that it's much easier to find, you know, and you won't be hopping here, new project, this new project, no, just so just refine or find something that you can like focus on. For example, if you're in a digital space, focus on your SEO, like just tell yourself in the next three months, I'm going to perfect my SEO. You know, what is SEO again, social engine optimization, right, where you pop up much. Yeah, on the Google, on the search engine, Google, bang, Yahoo, you know, you pop up. So maybe you tell yourself, okay, people, I want people to find me. So let me just make sure that I get 100% that well, maybe let's just say 82 between 80 90% for the next three months, you know, let that be your refinement or your focus or and see what happens. See if there's nothing impactful that comes out of that little change, because every little positive change can get you somewhere that gets you closer to the goal. Yes, get you closer to the to the goal. So you know, focus on that one, one project and one at a time. And like I said, even even for social media, you know, pick one you don't have to be all of them. You know, we got a lot of social media. Pick one that you believe that where your audience at, you're talking what is that? And you just stay consistent, you promote on that that platform for year for three months for six months, don't just because you'll see growth and a man, you don't seem to know my liking it. No, it takes time when you're building it and it's being consistent and and producing quality content. So a lot of times when you're trying to do every day at one time, yeah, it's it's going to be hard to produce quality content. Yeah. And I think I'll also say, if you can narrow down your business into they always say find a niche so that you don't keep changing. I know some people do general stores and stuff like that. And there's nothing wrong with that if it works where you go for it. But for a person who's like trying to build a certain brand, just niche it down, you know, to that core product. Yes. So that we you don't get to confuse your customers, your customers or today she's selling makeup tomorrow she's selling clothes. The next day she's selling handbags. What exactly is a selling? You know, so so that they know what if they want this they go to society. They want this they go to Leonard. If they want this they go to Amber, whatever the case is. So just narrowing your offerings. Yes. And so that your customers know that this is her speciality. This is his speciality. Yeah. And it's it's very important. I know you, you know, could if there's a terminology, the jack of all trades by the master or not. And this is what happened when you chase me when you have when you don't niche down. And I think I'm the jack of all trades and I'm mastering none. You become a dude. You become the judge. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. Like, no, sometimes it's better just to niche down. Choose one. And just stick to that and let that be the goal to you to go to person you the guru in that area. So that is easier to find your audience when you begin the niche. Now, I know a lot of times you feel like if I do I need to do two to three things or what I need to do is I need to do this to make money. But a lot of times you just got to find that one core thing. And you just promote that. Let's talk about people who go through a rough patch in business. Because it's gonna happen. It's going to happen. If somebody told that business is just gonna be a linear line, it's gonna be smooth saying, they lied to you. They lie. I'm sorry to break to you today. It's like life. Life cannot always be roses and peaches. You're gonna go through something. It's like marriage about his piece of money. We're gonna have some dips along the way. Even the Bible tells us as I walk through the body, that's gonna be a family. And there's gonna be a shadow of death. So why are you expecting? piece of bodies, you know, why are you expecting greener pastas or to be on the other side? You know, so what happens when when one goes through that talks with us, what happened? Well, you know, what do we do? How do we do we surrender? How do we overcome that? Well, one, first thing, don't panic. Because you see things don't pay. That's the worst thing. My panicking is human nature. I know. But that's the worst thing. So this is why you got to become you got this is why we talk about the your energy, your passion, your skill sets, and your drummers, because that would help you not to panic when you skill in the air. When you know what you know, you know, it keeps you grounded. Right. It keeps you grounded. So when the rush pass here, when you when you're handing in business downturns, you know, we talk about, um, on Elon Musk last week, Elon Musk last week, we're talking about him a lot. Yes, he thought. But Elon Musk, we're saying that, you know, about the choices he's making with his business and texts, and Twitter and X. And, you know, Jesus, his strategies that he that he flight, he's doing on to enhance his business or whatever. But so right now he could be in a down season. But but he can't pan it because maybe everybody else say that he making a mistake. Right. Because to him, he might not be making a mistake. He might know exactly what he wanted to do. Even with Apple, you might say, Oh man, they ain't making no new changes. They're not innovated to that strategy. That could be that strategy. So to them, they probably know what they doing. And so this is why you never want to panic, even though your customers saying do something, even though when there's peace about it, even when you go through these peace and bodies, you're going to stay consistent. You're going to continue to grow. You're just continuing to strategize. So we say, don't panic. What you do is you just sit back, pause, think, and just analyze the situation. Okay. And just and just analyze, because you know, you're the one that this is part of your own just analyze the situation and you figure out what it is. You said the done like, this is your business. This is your sweat. This is, you know, you've put in your your savings into it. How do you relax? Yes, stay calm, but you have to how do you stay calm? I know that's the key. You can't stay calm in the midst of a storm. I know, but you have to, even though you it's hard. It's hard. It's hard. It's easy for some. And it's much and it's hard for others. I think I think it's easier to stay. Well, not easy, but it makes it better to stay calm. When you have a coach, a business coach, when you have somebody, yeah, mentor, someone who will go to right and say, Hey, this what's happening? What do I do? So the truth of the matter is there's no self made millionaire outfit. Yes. And you need someone to touch base with and say, Hey, well, I'm stuck. What won't tell me? What do I do? Where do I go? How do I handle this? Yes, how do I analyze what's the next move? Because you got you got you got you got you got the we know why for for in a lot of this situation early, because you need to adapt to the different market trends, you need to adapt to the situation and begin to again pivot or transition. Yeah. So let's talk a few strategies on how to turn potential setbacks into strategic comebacks. Because I think that's the main thing. The fact that there will be setbacks, but have, you know, when you have ever heard something to say, hey, but the comeback was so good. They felt that was so good. Yes. So let's talk a little bit about that about the comebacks. Like, how can we come back? Good. So, you know, a lot of times, you know, the first thing if cells did, right? Sometimes the first thing people said, I'm on a cup of prices. And you don't actually have to cut prices because you got it because your cells did. Okay. You know, what you could do is you're going to rewrite your weight, your marketing tactics. Okay. And so let's say customer feedback to identify what they want. So you throw it back to the customer? Yes. Yes, you can throw it back to the so you don't have to necessarily cut prices. You know, a lot of times, you feel like all the cells dip in a lot of times, maybe, maybe they don't want that no more. So you're getting, you're getting, you're getting, or maybe, or maybe they want something else or they want you to look, they waited for you to add another feature that could be another thing you add a feature to just like Apple, they do all the time, Android do every time they come up with a new phone, they're always adding a new feature. I think also they add a feature hearing from what their consumers are saying. Yes. Yes. You can do if this phone can do this. If they, because I remember that's how they added the third, third camera, these were like, Oh, we just need the best quality. We need professional quality. And they so they, for them, it's like, you're asked and we deliver it. Yes. And they didn't cut no prices that they made their high price. They didn't cut prices. But what they did was hike, they they had to, they just read right away the market marketing tactics. They, they solicit customer feedbacks. And then they see what, what improvements that can make to the product so that you will want to, remember back then, phones used to have like liquid damage and all that. Now they are actually dipping phones in, in, in water, boiling water, some of them to prove that they, they, 100 steps ahead now because we used to lose a lot of electronics through water. Now they making electronics water resistant. So those are all some of the good comebacks. Yes. You can, you know, you look at and get, get inspired by. So how, how can we then boost repeat business as well? Hmm. One, you could launch a loyalty program. I like that. Yes. You like that. Oh, simple offers. You know, all these cars that we're getting from all these different retail stores. That's loyalty programs. You just think, uh, you know, they just want, they just like, give you a point. It's a way of getting you to come back. And I know some of them, like I know with the Macy's car, they, they give you like cash back. It's usually like, depending on how much you spend. Yes. I'm a Macy's customer can tell. Me too. Um, so they tell you though that this, this money back, you have to spend it within a certain amount of time. Why? Because they want you back to spend that money. You know that when you spend, you're not going to come in and spend $10 dollars. No, no, you're going to spend way more. Yeah. That's their way of getting you to get into the store. Yes. Keep repeating the soil, even like they get you these birthday cars. So that's like these, these loyalty, um, programs that they put out there. So, you know, you can offer that. You can say, personalize offers, um, as well that it's personalized to you. Make back to Macy's again. They actually say your name is personalized. They say, see, then you got it. You know, and then it makes you feel special. Yeah, make it look like a personalized gift. Yeah, nothing like a personalized gift. So yeah, at these, that's how you get it helps to for repeat business. Yeah. What about other performing products? How can we? How can we advise the championship list to actually rise above those? Because, you know, business will be good. But some products will be like, I ain't going anywhere. I'm sitting on this shelf until, you know, you get me out. How, how do we come out of that underperformance? Yes, you could conduct feedback surveys or focus groups to identify necessary improvements to that product or to new features. So definitely always an Apple is good for that. You know, the survey is the full thing. I think we kind of Apple, you better be our sponsor. Yeah. Yeah. Apple, you'll be our sponsor. Because we like pushing you out. Yes. Yes. You know, we love Apple. I'm saying we Apple conceivably we love we are the product. We are the product. We have the Apple account. Yes. Because it's a college. Yes, everything that will. Yes, everything Apple for us. Yeah. So but and so but I like Apple. I mean, Steve John actually done a great job in and building that. He did great PR. Great PR. Yes. So, you know, we give these PR people, you know, an applause. Yes. So what about staying ahead of trends? Hmm. Yes. Because I mean, with with TikTok, TikTok has really set trends. Like that's where most business if you're not on TikTok as a business person, you don't know what you're doing. Yes. I'm not sure though, in America, because they want to grab TikTok. We get a rethink this. But marketing trends, most of them come from, you know, social media. So how do we stay ahead of them? Do we chase them because they come and go or what what do we do to talk to us? No, you don't want to chase market trends. You actually want to be the individual that starts the trend a lot of time. You know, you know, you want to you want to be that you want to be that that that that leader that actually in the in the start, you don't have to start it, but you could be in the you as you could be in the in in front of it, you know, being in front of the market trend, you know, because I'm not going to say you always had to be first because Apple is really never first. They never really first started anything. They see other people doing it. I mean, Apple is a good case study because Apple's saying, I must I'ma let you be the first one. Let me let you spend the money on research development. And I'll just copy what you didn't say. I make it better because you did all the research, you did all the things. Customists seeing what they what what you customer or if they like in the timing, and then they just cut sit back. And they just take all the feedback from the data that was out there. And they just make it better. Right. How do we then get to understand the difference between chasing a trend and setting it? Because you said we must be trend setters. But how how how do we know that we don't fall in between? Or we are what what you say we must do? Yeah, because there's a there's a thing that I like, right? To be trend sellers. There's a thing in real estate and it starts to have this they have this saying that it's not about time in the market. There you go. It's not about time in the market, but your time in the market. It was based the difference. So a lot of times we try to time them on a jump this I'm gonna do this when because a lot of times if you time in the market, sometimes you could be late by time in the market, you know, all I'm getting this time I'm getting I'm about to start this. That always said, when people are talking about it, you late to the party. You late to the party. It's already it's people already talked about now. So now you got to now what you got to do? You got to find a new market or you got to find something else or new stock or new product or new temperature whatever it is because it's already known people already talking about it. So a lot of times you already late to the party. So now you got to find a new a new product or a new stock or whatever to invest in. So it's about being time and it's about your time in the market that makes the difference because just get started today. Just get like if you start doing your business and you play, man, I miss I miss the time that man should start it and cover that. You know what? Start crying over spur, spoil milk. You should have done it. Yeah, it's already done. Okay, you missed the opportunity, but not saying another opportunity is not gonna come. There's gonna be plenty of opportunities. So and that's the thing about don't don't try to time the market because you try to time the market. You could be missing the market. So you want to get it as soon as possible. Getting as soon apart possible and as you keep building as you keep growing, then your time in the market will allow you to take advantage of these different marketing trends and fasts and you know, opportunity that could come real way. So so very well said, but also let's talk about how do I maintain a competitive edge in this trending market? You know, and one of the things that I know is continuous education. Yes, just continuously be a step ahead of of everybody. Like teach yourself more, they say enhance and sharpen your job. Okay, enhance. Okay, sharpen your your life. No, you're skilled. You're skilled. Okay. Like whatever that you you you're business, you doing in business. Just make sure that you enhance and sharpen it, make sure that you all has a good word. Hold it on it. Okay, I like that. I like that. Yes, yes. Hold it. Yes, because it's it's very important to stay informed. So that you a that maintain that competitive edge so that you either not patent so you don't panic when situations come about because you know, because you are staying informed with the different trends and in your industry or whatever helps you to to to pivot when times comes. Yeah, and I think some good examples will be attending seminars that are similar to what you're doing. And just networking with the right people. Yes, networking is key. So not only do you want to attend in the screen webinars and seminars to catch engaged and trends early, but you also want to subscribe to industry journals, business journals that are though, but those are that that are in line with what you're doing. Yes, and what you're doing. Yes, you know, not anything, but that's aligning what you're doing. You know, you want to because you don't want too much information as well, like, no, I'm not saying too much information, but you don't want to overdo it when it's too much overdoing than you can be overwhelming. Exactly. So no, no, this is why you find in what you're doing, whatever you choose something in your nets or whatever. But if these are just options, you go to the industry, subscribe to the industry journal, you can go to webinars, whatever, you just find out what you want to do. But the going to the webinars are similar is a lot better because they get your opportunity network with people. Subscribe to industry journal. It's like you one on one you read in maybe a journal or blog post or whatever it may be or you or newsletters, but that's you just reading something but going to the events is a lot better because you're able to network. But also engage in online forums that's in your industry as well. It helps you to stay relevant, it helps you stay fresh when you were to engage as well as your network, you're exchanging business cards, business ideas, and you just out there and people know people can even give references and recommendations. Yeah. Yeah. Don't be in your own little island in your corner. Get out there, meet people and talk. Don't be like, I mean, I'm in the snack session, but you're all in a corner there typing on your phone. You're not here to network here talking to your phone. You don't say? No. Are you catching any? Well, if the shoe fits, you know, if the shoe fits. But you also come up to partner with industry leaders as well marketers as well. You know, so that you were able to, that's another one you could do. I'm a lifelong learner. I'm like, I'm always learning. Me too. I mean, you can tell I'm going for my PhD. So how do you embrace lifelong lifelong learning? What? Never stop learning. Never stop learning. You know, just keep, you know, books, podcasts, listen to podcasts, reading books, taking the course, all the different things that allow you to continue to learn. You know, so definitely it was that's how most entrepreneurs are always on the know. Yes. Yes. You know, they, they, and they will tell you, I know, was this guy who owns planes as well? And and gyms? Oh, no. Virgin gyms and airlines. Oh, no. You know him. I forgot. I just forgot his brand and something brand. Bronson. No, you're saying you're wrong. Okay. But he owns Virgin. He always says that he's a reader. He reads. Yeah, warm and buffing. You know, they read, they love to read. And not because they're just reading for the fun of it, but reading to improve what they know. Well, they know, yes, because we see even in our book club, when we're doing rich that poor dad, Robert K. It's like it's a he every year. He gets in seven hours. And you think a person who's at Robert K. It's like his level would have stopped. But no, they don't stop. They know that it is vital for them to keep doing. I think even like professionals, like I remember in my profession, environmental health is always continuous learning. Every year you have to have reached such an amount of points. So they encourage you because things change, regulations, get updated. So you can't think that I got my degree. Yeah, yeah, it's still the same. No, it's not the same leap change. Yes. And there's always going to markets or it's marked the market always going to change. This is a fast it's a fast piece market landscape. You don't stay fresh and stay remnant. What you learned five years ago, when I learned and marketed back in 2005, it's totally different today because we're in a different landscape got social media. When I started social media just started popping got a I always stay fresh. And this is how you do it. You know, it's by going to be different. I love I love this because we in chapter two and our other focus book club and something that going in if you haven't. Yes, something that we are seeing right about focus. If you don't focus, if you don't chase your passion, right, right? If you're not chasing your goals, the society is going to put their goals on you. They're going to put what you're going to feed you what you think you should be doing. That's how that shall continuous learning is crucial for business success, because it keeps you competitive, adaptable, in a rapidly changing market, because like we said, it's the market is going to change. You just have to adapt to the changes. Yes, you got to adapt to the changes because if you don't adapt to the changes, then guess what? Then again, it goes back to society. I'm going to tell you what you should be doing. I study you telling what society what you want to do. Exactly. That's what you want. You want to begin. You want to tell society what you do. I'm doing this. And why? Because you are preparing yourself. You always just make it a habit to regularly, regularly update your, you know, your mind, this brain, we need to make use of it through reading books, attending courses, seminars, like we said, in masterminds and mentorship programs. All these things, it does, it helps you to sharpen that mind. And when you network it with other individuals, you know, they say in Shop I, it's a powerful tool. So enrolling, even if it takes, even if it takes for you to enroll in an online course, you know, maybe you don't have the time to go attending person, do an online course, enhance your skills, and just, like I said, hone them, sharpen them, make them better so that people choose you over others, because they see that you know, you know, you know, you know, your stuff. You know, you're starting in the street events, conferences, to, you know, to keep new ideas, you have to keep new ideas. That's work and self care, self care is my, like my big thing. Yes, especially in business, you have to, you have to take care yourself. We have to have been this because it's not easy. It is hard. And so if you don't, you don't take care yourself. If you don't take time for yourself, you know, you will burn out. You it will get overwhelming. Even when you're passionate, eventually, your body saying, I need a break. And your body will force you to force you to it will, because what's going to happen if you, every day your body goes, yeah, go, go, go, your body goes, it's just going to shut down on you. And you don't want to shut down on you in a place or somewhere where you don't, you know, you don't want to be shut down at all doesn't have to go into place or whatever. So how do we integrate self care with being a successful entrepreneur? How do you want? How do we integrate self care with as and being a successful entrepreneur? How does that help you? Me, how do you know, not new in general, like in general, I know, I'm asking this because I know that it helps you to reach of reach of an HU and stuff like that, you know, like gives you energy to keep going, because now your mind is fresh. Now you can keep going instead of like you said, instead of hitting a block where you're like, Oh my God, I'm so exhausted. And in the role block into that role block. Yeah. So one way you could do and with the self care is definitely take some time out to yourself, you know, take breaks. I like the time blocking as well, you know, so put and put some time in there, maybe to see family, you know, take some time to go for a walk. You know, this is how you these things that you could do, you know, just like, you know what, you you work for two hours, is that I need a break. Yeah. And you just go for a walk, or you go for a drive, I'm taking that whatever you you read a book, your journal, you're over 40, you need to trust me. If you're not over 40, wait until you're over 40, you will understand it. So those naps are crucial. Yes, but yeah, you have to take you have to do these different things so that, you know, me prayer, reading a word, things like that, it helps me to stay fresh, it helps me to, you know, not just mind the body and the soul, because that all works hand in hand, body and yeah, definitely works hands in hand. And just being I think in relaxing environments as well, like I love a spot day ever so often, it relaxes my everything, like, yep, so private club, entrepreneurial club, go to had golfing, all the different cafe where other entrepreneurs that so these different things you want to go and you want to get out into your local area and just, you know, take time, take take time off from the daily grind and to doing some from some fun activities that will get your mind off like the real grind. Like I always say, try not to be like a mouse. Okay, explain. And because a mouse has one route. Yes. Okay, promise you they have one route. That's why they call it the red race. Okay, because you go, you go to work, you come back home, go to work, come, they will not take detours, they will not go for like, let me just go for dinner tonight after work. Let me let me go and see friends, let me go a mouse to the hole, they get the food back to food. So try not to have that right race. Yes, be that to be that mouse. Switch it up a bit during the week. Yeah, even like even not for just business people, even just for regular regular people. Yes. Yeah, you don't wake up and be frustrated in the park in the traffic be conking at people. Because he's hired. Yes. But you know, because here's the thing could be in his people people that's like, flack, gotta go, gotta go, gotta go. You fly, you know, if I start for a moment, I'm not going to get enough to done. I'm not going to, but I'm going to let you know something that that minute of rest, that five minute rest, that five minute break that to refresh, to to clean your mind. I would not before this. Yes, it would do you need it. It would do you so it would do you. It would do you one this. Just taking the time out to reflect to clean your mind. Because now you got me but that resting that reflecting that self care, allowed you to put things back into perspective, and allow you to be more creative. Just to come to your mind, like I said, my or our nap. And I'm good at it. But somehow my body just knows when it's time to get up. I don't know how it does it. But I know my body tells me you need to nap because you're tired. Yes. And no matter how much I try to overcome that, my body says, you've been running the whole morning, you need to slow it down, take a nap, and then you keep running again. Yes, yes. And I tell you, yeah, go ahead, take a nap, please, because we want you fresh. And you know, if I don't, I'm hard to deal. It's hard to deal. So I like, no, we want you fresh, because, you know, you are the show, you are the soap. So the thing is, though, you can get a lot done just by that that self care, you know, you could you need your mind is so powerful that you could be grind, grind, grind, grind, but you're not giving your your mind a chance to think you're not giving your mind a chance to be creative. You could do this mind is powerful. If you just allow it to think it can think of a strategy, how do you get ahead? You know, so sometimes you can be like, you don't neglect the mind. This is why you got to feed your mind. This is why you got to stay and stay informed and stay and continue to educate yourself and have the self care so your mind to work. But a lot of times, what what we are doing, because we always grind it, we over our minds, overloading is working so hard, and it's not giving you're not giving your mind a chance to think. Administration. Yes. Oh, well, chapter 10 is that's a wrap for today. Yes. Remember, let's just keep building and that business is not a marathon. I mean, it is a marathon, but not sprint. Take it easy. Be kind to yourself. Yes. Just do what you can. And and don't put yourself down. Don't put yourself Yes. Protect your mental health. Protect your mentor. I think that's a beautiful way to sum it up for this in this mental health month. Yes. Protect it. By all means necessary. Choose peace of violence. Yes. Peace over violence. Yes. Even with 40s thing with the with the with the rap battles on this man choose peace over the rap battles. I know I'm talking about like we can't even mind dragging us because they're going against enough choose peace. And that's why I like how J. Cole's did what he where he done because he said, you know what, if you want to if you want to come at me, you to come at me, I'm not going to come back at you. Do you know what it's so I know, but protect your mental health. That that's the bottom. Yes. And revisit you. This can't learn it. Your business. Smart strategies. If you feel like you need to refresh and go through it again. Yes. That's why we don't take it down. We have it for you. Yes. Yes. So that if you if you need to refresh your course, you need some more like, you know what, I need some help in this area. On that note, we would like to invite you to join our six month mentorship board camp, where you're going to learn on how to scale your business. Yes, scale your business have a sustainable business. You're going to learn about marketing, leadership, organization, management, all the different things that we're talking about the podcast. You're able to go deeper with me virtually in the group. And we're going to learn from one another. And we're going to actually get into and into the business so that we can help you win. You know, it's about winning. It's all about winning. So if you love this episode, we'd like you to hit that subscribe button. Yes, hit that subscribe button. You haven't subscribed yet. Press the like button share. And tell us how you'd like us to improve and what topics to touch on. Like I always say, this is for you not for us. So we'll lead by what you tell us to do. Yes, we build them with you. We'd really love to read your comments. And we really want to do what pleases you as well. So and listen to the audio as well. Those audio listeners, we appreciate you. We thank you. We say, if you and you have a father as you find us. Yeah, father was and not just father, leave a leave a review and write. Well, we want to say stay inspired. Keep going, keep thriving and keep chilling. Yes. So that's a wrap that's absorbing our lives and our dreams into reality. Because that's all it's about. We want to stop dreaming, but we want to take the dreams into reality. So join us next time. As we chill with the choppers. Yes. For life enhancing tips. And we thank you. And like we always say, if you enjoyed this episode, check out the next episode we have for you right here. We thank you. And you know how we sign off with ducis. Peace. Bye.
Send us a text🌟 Welcome to Master Your Business: Smart Strategies For Success | Episode 128 on Chilling With The Chaplins! This episode dives deep into the techniques and mindsets needed to thrive in today's business world. 🌟▶️ Kick off with a powerful start to an insightful journey into mastering your business. ▶️ Master Your Business: Smart Strategies For Success: Discover key strategies to propel your business forward. ▶️ Avoiding Shiny Object Syndrome: Learn why focusing on long-term goal...