
Showdown Episode 59 5-10-24

Broadcast on:
10 May 2024
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Overwhelmingly crazy just the regular crazy So that's that's a good thing get to go into the weekend with things pretty good relatively good Actually, I had a picture that I was gonna give to Joe and I Didn't do it Joe, but it's okay. I was gonna use the full breadth of our technology, but For the moment, we'll just stick with it this way if you go to the post-dispatch today you can find a great front page article and it says that Families are coming from South America to the United States and They're getting help from organizations within the United States to come in here legally and to get set up and to find solutions to their problems and find ways to get jobs and so forth and It's a great front page article read it. I hope really all you do is go to the post and And pick it up online or however you want to do it, but it's it's there. It's it's very interesting and the international Institute of St. Louis is highlighted in this article and again, I didn't do all my work today because I was really gonna work reach out to them and You know, I might have done that and still been waiting till next week to talk to somebody But in any case, I do want to say that that the people on the front page were from Venezuela And Venezuela is considered to be one of the most dangerous and difficult places Where people come from at least that's the story that's told now This anecdote which you know in research, you know We understand that anecdotal information is not evidence that allows us to to generalize Into you know some some great idea But in fact, this is a a family from Venezuela's come to the United States and With the help of the International Institute of St. Louis They have gotten settled here and they're having a really great life certainly Much better than anything they imagined before when they were living in Venezuela They left Venezuela and walked here listen to what I said these people walked from Venezuela to the United States Now, I don't think I would even take that on for a good story. I Don't think I would even try that if Somebody told me that at the end of the walk I Could interview Donald Trump in jail. I Don't think I'd walk from Venezuela to the United States, but this family did obviously they were highly motivated and I just thought that that was really a great example of The other side of the story that Donald likes to tell Which is that these people are all from some kind of crazy gang What am I 13 whatever they call it? bad people From South America coming to the United States and according to Donald That's all the people coming here and then there are a couple of nice ones But most of them are what Donald says according to him and I just thought it was important to see what one of these families looks like and And read the story you'll get a lot of information about them and the International Institute and I will I promise get on with these people next week and See if we can get them on the air and have them talk about maybe some of the other situations that they've come into contact with and and how outstanding this entire immigration piece Has really been for the United States in so many ways that are unreported So we really need to follow up on that one thing that happened this afternoon that is sort of breaking news is that Joe Biden has Refused to allow certain weapons to go to Israel and that's not just a general decision That was some weaponry that was on its way right now Joe Biden got his hands on it stopped it and those weapons are not going and I understand that there are a lot of people who are upset certainly in the Republican Party. Oh Wait the Republican Party they're upset Wait a second. Why are they upset? They sat on the bill for almost three months and prevented these weapons from going to either Israel Ukraine or Taiwan so Wait a second. Why would they be upset about this? Why would they be jumping all over Joe Biden when they're the ones who whole who held up this this? weaponry Like I said for months I'm just not sure. I Know what they're saying They're saying that this is horrific behavior That Joe Biden is just one of the worst people on the planet How could he deprive Israel of this important weaponry and by the way that the Munitions that were going over there in this case happened to be 200 pound bombs that would have been potentially dropped on Rafa and And Biden has already told Netanyahu We're not going to support bombing Rafa Now they're sending everything over from the the iron dome and all the defensive weapons for Israel everything to protect Israeli soil is going over there. It's just that These weapons that they were going to use to just destroy Rafa That's not going and it's not that Joe Biden is saying Listen, we really want to protect Rafa. That's not it Biden has said We want you to root out Hamas But do it in a very carefully identified way one where where you really Figure out how you're going to do this and then go in and target the people who you want and get them now, it's true that Hamas is using these people in in Gaza as shields against Israeli attacks and Listen Nobody wants the innocent people in Gaza to be killed And I know there are people who hate Israel for lots of reasons and And and and I'm going to say Israel does not want to kill the innocent people certainly large numbers of people in Israel Do not want these people killed they really don't there's no love loss between the two sides. That's a fact But they don't want in Israel to destroy innocent children mothers families Now I understand that Hamas came over and did exactly that to the Israelis Chopped off babies heads Raped their mothers then shot their mothers in the head and then walked off with 250 hostages I understand and and I understand being furious to the point of wanting to blow up Everything that you see because anybody who had that done to their families Would respond with that kind of anger now over the years when Israel has gotten in these wars with Arabs Palestinians The United States has as always said Take it easy Don't go crazy Get the people you have to get But just don't go berserk and Israel has over years Held back pretty well The problem is in this case It was truly the largest number of Israelis and and some people from other countries including the United States who were killed and Portured, I mean that this wasn't just dropping bombs on on Israel and having people die It wasn't a a suicide attack where a bomb blew up and just a lot of people were killed This was much more than that. This was one by one cutting off babies heads Raping their mothers and then shooting the mothers in the head and Filming these things. I mean they wanted to make sure that they got full credit for all this torture So I think it is understandable That the Israelis would like to see real Retribution they they want to see it now Remember this though There are hostages over there Maybe a hundred left And the Israelis many of the people want the hostages back so a Large number of people in Israel are saying look knock it off leave Rafa alone Make a deal Get those people back if there's anybody over there that's still alive Bring it back into Israel Before we figure out the next thing that we want to do so They're conflicting People here there. There's some groups that want to do one thing You know go in and murder everybody you see and then there are others who don't even want to kill Hamas right now They just want the people back so This is complicated and It's further complicated by this. I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and this is a friend who is wrongly Pro Palestine and he's an Arab. No, not an heir He is a He's a Muslim So he's a Muslim. He is pro-Palestinian and he feels that not only Has Israel done things over the years to to the Palestinians that are very wrong Including what's happening now, which many considered to be genocide But on top of that He's even going back to the point of saying look in 1948 when the Israelis came into this area They took land that belonged to Palestinians. They took their homes They took their homes. They took everything they had they shoved them out and They established Israel now, of course they didn't do it by themselves They did it with the support of of of Great Britain and and by the way when Great Britain even did this They really weren't for this being done on The day that it started in 1948 the Israelis sort of took control of their own destiny and said, okay You've told us this is our place. This is what we're gonna do You're gonna support it and guess what we're going we're taking our territory and we're doing it now but even then and I've got the video back in 1948 and 49 There were people on the Palestinian side who believed That there was a solution between the two groups that there was a way that both sides could live together and work together and That life would be very positive Coming out of the decision for the Jews in Europe to go and and take their place in Israel Which again, they were refugees they had they had left Hitler's murder and And and and they came from all the murderous terror in Europe To the Middle East looking for a place to just lay down and rest now like I say The videos that I have and you can see them. I mean these were made at the time. These weren't doctored by anybody They showed Palestinians and Israelis Talking to each other in a very nice way and and and trying to develop plans that would move things ahead in a very positive way Unfortunately, and I can't tell you why or how I wasn't even born and and I just don't know but I've read and And I still don't quite understand how both sides managed to blow this whole thing up and they certainly did and And I have no doubt from everything. I've read that it was both sides that did it the Palestinians many of them were angry over the land and The Israelis were angry over the response that they were starting to get from some of these I don't want to say I'm not gonna say the word Well, I'll tell you the word I was going to say I was going to say extreme But I don't want to say that because let me say angry because they were angry and Because extreme, I don't know I mean Maybe they had a point they didn't want to give up their land on the other hand there were attempts on Both sides to develop solutions that would allow all these people to get together and live there Now as time went on There's no doubt Israel became a booming country and I say country But trust me go to the map Israel is so tiny it is Hardly existent you can barely see it without a magnifying glass. Israel is tiny. It is small But it is extremely powerful The people there are well educated which they came from Europe with with great educations and Once they got there the United States stepped up and gave all kinds of money for everything weapons Places for people to live Developing technology Supporting the University Everything you name it The the people of Israel got tremendous support from the United States Much as the United States at the exact same time was providing support for Japan and Germany so this wasn't just you know one place where we did this we were doing it all over the world and Somebody could say as I brought up before Well, you gave billions of dollars to Germans those are the people who hiled Hitler and You gave them billions and you left us out. Are you kidding us? I'm sure there was a lot of that going on but And I can't give you the details on this But from the beginning problems developed between the Israelis and the Palestinians Which kept the United States on the Israeli side and not helping the Palestinians because honestly the United States was in the mood for spreading money all over the world and frankly We're still there and we got a lot of people right now of course, you know the MAGA Nuts and I will call them nuts and extreme and dangerous Anti-democracy everything they're terrible people and they're very similar in some ways to the crazies who did support Hitler in World War II. I mean there were many of those Charles Lindbergh is most famous for this Originally isolationist, but as the story developed I mean Lindbergh was supporting Hitler and other people were in the United States as well. So, you know, they're weird kinds of Situations that exist From time to time people end up on one side and you can't even understand how they got there But certainly all of this In one fashion or another has worked against the Palestinians and so here they are Sitting in the middle of the the Gaza Strip with nothing and believe me they have nothing They even before all this mess October 7th before that they had nothing They had a miserable life Nothing but struggle angry with Israel angry over the fact that Israel was sort of Fencing them in in order to keep them out of Israel now For a reason of course. I mean the reason is because the Palestinians for years had come into Israel and Blown everything up They'd come in with bombs tied to them and they blow themselves up and everything in sight Anything anybody they could get They'd come in with a smile on their face a bomb around their waist and boom you're dead so Lots of problems here and and and it took many decades generations To build up to all of this I know people say well this went back 3,000 years. Well There's some animosity that was back 3,000 years But that's still not the modern era and in the modern era. This has been on 1948 problem That has grown into what we're looking at today So anyway, you've got all these people in the Middle East is in certainly in in Gaza very poor very unhappy very uneducated And they've got this Hamas group which Sort of plays to their hatreds that have developed in in Gaza and and also while they're they're playing to these hatreds They're also doing one of the thing which is there. They're using the Palestinians as shields When they go to Israel and cause chaos I don't know how often the story I'm about to tell has been told here in the United States But I know I've heard the story many times so how many times you've heard it. I can't tell you but I know this Netanyahu was supporting Hamas Through cutter and this is a fact nobody's even denying it the money was coming from cutter to Hamas and in fact some time ago Cutter went to Netanyahu and said are you sure you want us to keep this up and Netanyahu said yes Continue to fund Hamas now. No question Netanyahu had a plan But the problem is the plan didn't work He thought that he could control Hamas And he was dreaming he couldn't but the story is worse Because the Israelis got a hold of a document That described exactly what was coming on October 7th The precise plan for how they were going to cross through the gates and the wire and everything else And they were going to come and kill a bunch of Israelis and take hostages so it was all known this was understood by the Israeli government and Netanyahu Didn't believe it He said we can control all of this So don't worry No problem Well, it turned out it was a problem and it turned out that all the information that Israel had was correct They were coming And they did and then we know what the results were we know about the children and the women and the hostages so we know it all but be assured that there's No clean hands over on the Israeli side where money was being funneled to Hamas through cutter and then also The actual plan wasn't even being protected for nobody was doing anything To try to do just some attempt to cut down the potential for damage just in case Hamas did this the story out of Israel was Hamas was so backward That they could never accomplish this that this was way too difficult so Don't even worry about it. Nothing to even say here. We've got this covered Well, they didn't have a covered And though they did they not have a covered, but then when it did occur A lot of people are asking the following question Why did it take? six seven eight ten hours For the Israeli defense forces to show up in parts of the area Where the attack was ongoing? There were there were Israelis and others who were being murdered on the the kibbutz where they came in through For hours waiting for the forces to come and defend them Now No, one's given an answer for this and I've heard the Israeli ambassador interviewed and He couldn't give an answer and his answer was We're gonna look into this when once we've done what we have to do in retaliation for what was done to us and Okay, you could even understand that position because you could say look it's already been done and whatever Israel messed up You can't go back and and stop that it's already happened So let's deal with it and then we'll go back and figure out who's accountable, which is Absolutely going to be Netanyahu and then of course others who are with net yahoo So that that's pretty obvious and and just what I've laid out for you here. It's pretty bad It's pretty damning of Israel They could have prevented so much of this if they had simply jumped up cut off the money from from Qatar to Hamas and then put the forces All over the border with Gaza to make sure that they weren't coming across They didn't do it So with all of that in mind It's still not okay that the that Hamas came and did it. I mean, that's that's not all right and It's also not okay that People are telling Israel you can't defend yourselves Because you know the Hamas is saying and we all have heard it Hamas has said When this is all over when everything quiet's down, we're gonna come back and we're gonna do this all over again It's sort of like with Donald Trump He tells you what he's gonna do and then you sit here and don't listen to him and that's what's going on in the Middle East That's what's going on with Israel and Palestine the Israelis are saying, okay Hamas is telling us they're coming back So forget all that money to Hamas and forget whatever else we were doing now We are going to annihilate everybody that's part of that organization and How do you do it? When that organization is using innocent Palestinians as shields So one answer is You would have to do it very cautiously You would have to really Identify the areas where you want to go in and Do whatever it is you want us do that whatever you want to destroy Go in and do it and then go back out and come back again. It's a long process But in order to save the lives of over 34,000 Palestinians Because that's how many have died so far at least at least Maybe more but in order to save those lives You're gonna have to do this very cautiously Of course, the Israeli response has been We're not being cautious anymore We had enough These people came across and did these horrific things. We're coming after them with everything we've got and we're gonna make them pay We can understand it But at this point, we've probably gone too far with the understanding because we've allowed 34,000 people to die innocently and We've prevented all of the materials from going in the humanitarian materials that they need desperately and So, you know, that's happened too and in the United States under Joe Biden Too late to be sure Is now saying we're gonna step up and we're gonna do some things. They've built a Harbor over in this area around Palestine so that the materials can get in through this door that they've opened where they've got this little Harbor set up and and Frankly, I mean there the United States is trying to do something To stop the killing now the United States is going back and forth between the Middle East Trying to make deals in order to get a ceasefire So that those hostages that are still there can be sent back to Israel So all of this is being worked on by the United States at the moment and one of the things that it has certainly been talked about Is that the United States would like to see? Palestine recognized as a state The Joe Biden has been looking at a way to get support around the Middle East to support Palestine being established as a state an independent state now, of course, I would make Israel crazy and and and it would partly be because some people would say you are Rewarding them for blowing up All of these people on this kibbutz and then taking These hostages, but it's even so much more complicated than that because Again, this story has been told widely in recent days and that is going back to Bill Clinton a Deal had been made to give Palestine Virtually everything they wanted some people say 97% some people say 98% but they got almost every last thing they wanted And yes, or our fat said No We won't take it So that's on them Understandably our thought Refused to take it and wouldn't go through with the deal Because he believed probably accurately He believed that he would be murdered by Palestinians If he agreed to what they were being offered Not that it wasn't a good deal But that there are some Palestinians who are only interested in one thing The river to the sea wipe them all out Kill the Jews Okay, I get it They're not going to do that, you know, I mean Israel is extremely powerful because of the United States and There is no way that anybody is going to wipe out Israel and even if China or Russia said Let's just nuke them See they couldn't even do that because Israel has 100 roughly nuclear weapons So Israel is one of the nine nuclear states in the world and You just can't mess with them their existence is secure beyond belief and Especially with what the United States has done to help them to build this iron dome Which is phenomenal when it comes to blowing things out of the sky that are being dropped on Israeli heads now, of course Nobody wants things dropped on their head, you know, if if if Mexico were dropping bombs on on California and saying they want to California back and We had the the technology to shoot everything down. I guarantee you California wouldn't go for it California would say let's go kill these guys because You may be good at shooting down their rockets But we don't want to sit here and take the chance that maybe you'll miss So yeah, Israel is is the same anybody would be the same and and and so you got a lot of things again going on at the same time But understand this the United States could join with the rest of the world and with the other Arab states and They could make a deal To create a Palestinian state now you may have heard and and hopefully you did but you're gonna hear it now that today there was an attempt to set Palestine up as a member of the United Nations. I don't think it was a completely full membership, but it was pretty close and The United States vetoed it So you know that tonight and tomorrow and every day from here on You're gonna have people screaming that the United States is working against the interests of the Palestinians That they wouldn't even allow Palestine to become the 194th member of the United Nations Although they do have some rights over at the United Nations right now, but it's not as a state anyway That's out there today. We vetoed it for Israel But were we doing anybody a favor in that I can't tell you because the other thing I don't know and none of us do is if Israel is Working with the United States and maybe they're not but maybe it's the United States alone But if the United States is working alone with some of the Arab countries to recognize Palestine Well, maybe that's why they vetoed what they did today Because they've got another plan another direction that they want to go in order to establish a Palestinian state Because the United States government has made it very clear they must establish a Palestinian state over there or else Israel will never have peace and Again, I can tell you I talked with my friend the other day and and I mentioned this and you could see I mean a visceral reaction to the point of saying That's not going to happen Forget equality Equality is not what anybody wants. They want their land back. Well, they're not gonna get their land back You know native Americans aren't gonna get New York the Spanish aren't gonna get Texas Nobody's getting anything back if if people have control they're gonna hold control But there is another side to this and that is the way that we dealt with Japan and the way we dealt with Germany But the difference is that Japan and Germany were willing to take the support They had been defeated and they said look we've lost and if you're gonna give us stuff Turn it over because we're we're beat and And so that was that but the Palestinians, although they've been beat down tremendously over and over That they just they don't want to quit Because they I don't know they think they're gonna get a better deal on Some of their planet or in some other life or wherever I don't know But somebody has to help them to understand that that's not going to happen It's not coming there the only life that can be better is right over there in Palestine And it could be better immediately if They stopped shooting if Israel stopped shooting and if the United Nations the United States Whatever other countries are necessary to come in to preserve and protect everybody's Peace over there. That's the solution now how to get there is not simple and Joe Biden would like to do this he would like to do it before the next the next election because if he could There is no doubt That it would it would bring in immense benefits to him and to the democratic party Against Donald Trump But wow, there are a whole bunch of pieces in this. It's not simple So I've just given you a good look at a lot of the pieces a lot of the the discussions that have gone on a Lot of the things that Israel did that they should not have done because it opened the door to Hamas doing this on October 7th But all said and done They're gonna have to sit down and figure out how to live together or this is just gonna keep on Happening and even if they manage a ceasefire without any kind of a plan for a Palestinian state all they're gonna have is the same thing that they've had since 1948 and that is a holding pattern awaiting the next attack That will come from Palestine and believe me, it'll keep coming You're not going to end this until you give the Palestinians something that they can work toward and Something that will stop them from thinking about how they want to kill Israelis it's that simple Okay Simple simple simple. I'll tell you what simple. It's simple to figure out what you're gonna do if You're going out to dinner tonight because you're gonna go and find and it's not hard to find Wenties right down Chesterfield Airport Road. It's 18,000 Chesterfield Airport Road, and I promise you the food is Fabulous we say it every night, but we have to First of all you have to remember it Secondly, we want to make sure you get there and third if you do you're gonna love your meal Because Wenties is just a great restaurant atmosphere phenomenal Friends You got Ben over there the owner You can go see him, but you're not gonna see him if you don't buy a meal So make sure that you're gonna buy a nice meal Now it Ben didn't say that that's just crazy mark talking, but look go to Wenties and enjoy Great food, and we're talking about Wings we're talking about smoked meats. We're talking about pizza Come on you don't want pizza you're gonna pizza tonight. Just go straight to Wenties. You can have my favorite Babyback ribs You know baby back ribs. I mean it's not zero calories, but it is protein and it's healthy so go for the ribs and then You can be thinking about those onion rings because I know they're not perfect, but I mean they're perfect tasting But they're yeah, they're they're not protein. It's it's not gonna make you healthy it's not like a Some kind of a health shake or something But it is great food at a great restaurant and you'll love it So all you got to do is go to 18,000 Chesterfield Airport Road, and you will love Wenties and don't forget Defiance Missouri is coming So don't forget Defiance Missouri. That's Wenties in Defiance now if you're looking for jewelry the place to go is Jules on Hampton and that is 4506 Hampton and that's over in St. Louis right off of highway 40 and I can tell you that I owe Al a call because we're supposed to get together this weekend and I haven't called him yet, but I will but believe me Al is a great guy You'll love him His son AJ is there too. It's a great family jewelry store They sell coins and jewelry. They buy and sell they they design jewelry They will design anything that you want they'll design things On their own their own creations and give you a chance to look at those as well This is a a terrific jewelry store and you go through there You'll be amazed at everything they've got in that store And then the next thing is I can tell you they do Repair watches they're really good at it. They'll make sure that your watch works And you may have for example like I have My gold seiko watch from 45 years ago You know, if you've got something like that, you may need it repaired Jules on Hampton's the place to go 4506 Hampton, that's it Al and AJ Now before we go to the weekend Here I am with A somewhat blue tie But I have to admit I mean just looking at it. I I can't even tell maybe it's got maybe it's turquoise I don't know. Maybe it's got some green in it I can't tell you know, I'm colorblind But I know that the tie goes with the shirt and with this suit It's a nice suit I got so many nice suits. I don't wear them all all the time But I do have I have a great blue suit And my my my kids at school are begging me To show up for graduation in my blue suit So I may do that But at any rate It's all at the st. Louis suit company in Clayton They're on the corner of Forsyth in central And it's so funny. You should be in my classes where my seniors They say Where do you get those suits casing and how much are they? And I don't I I just open up my website and I say look There it is You want to suit go there I mean they better not be getting married yet. They're only 17 18 years old But I can tell you that the st. Louis suit company takes care of weddings. They're very good at weddings So check them out Uh j and nick You know all these places have have the owners on site because they're they're great small businesses And when the owners are there Everything goes right It's just the best way to do it. The st. Louis suit company They're in Clayton. They've been there for 29 years And I always say they'll probably be there another 29 Check them out in Clayton st. Louis suit company get yourself a brand new suit But I always say suits and ties and shirts and dress shoes just unfortunately No chucks But other than that They're great. I love my chucks But you can't get them there Someday they might you know all this talk about the chucks for all I know Jay j may be at this very moment Making a deal To get the chucks in there, but so far. I can't verify that one Okay So let's talk about my best friend Donald j trump headed for a fall like none else I love it So How would we know this? Well, we know for example That by 60 to 35 in the last poll that I saw women were supporting Joe Biden Not trump And for obvious reasons, I mean they've read the the reports and the stories all over the country About women bleeding out with miscarriages because doctors wouldn't take care of them out of fear that somebody would accuse them of performing an abortion and You know worst stories in that and people they're dying of sepsis and Women are are suffering. They really are and Donald trump is so proud that he's the one that did this He is proud, but he just doesn't know how to say it in a way that doesn't get him in more and more trouble So he's in more and more trouble and how do we know he's in trouble? Well, I'll tell you how There's a state that we know of very close to us here It's called indiana You could go look on the map and you'll see it right next to mazuri and here's the deal with indiana Very conservative just like mazuri So the problem is in indiana They've got some trouble they had a an election the other day and it was a primary And there was nobody running but Donald trump That was it Everybody else dropped out Just one person in the election Donald So I guess he got 100 percent of the vote, huh? Well, not exactly in fact He got 78 percent of the vote because nicky haley who has dropped out of this election months ago Got 20 percent of the vote and when they did the polling on these people as they come out of the the the election These people said I won't vote for donald trump Under any circumstances Big numbers 20 percent Of the the electorate on the republican side in a and all red indiana Came out and said look we voted 20 percent for nicky haley And we are not going to vote for donald trump We don't care who's running Now this is not just indiana This has happened in other places as well. It happened in new hamsure. It happened in north carolina And and the bottom line is is that there is a good 20 percent of the republican electorate That's saying We don't want this guy's crazy. He's a psychopath. He's not our guy We want the republican party not this lunacy So Donald's got trouble And if you think he's got trouble, which he does Go look on google this weekend And and listen to some of the stories that came out of this trial And and I think it's really interesting and I mentioned this yesterday And and I said that There were many people Who don't even know about what's happening at the trial in manhattan And they don't know any of the details about what's happened In the developments down at mara lago And the reason they don't know is because they're so busy watching fox f o x yeah f o x Is telling them that the weather's nice Uh have a great weekend Uh joe biden is the head of a crime family his son is uh Passing out naked pictures. I mean this is what they're talking about You know the laptop All that craziness That's all they've got to say because they're not telling people about what's happening in the trial in manhattan Which is going so horribly and I mean It couldn't be worse There is only one way that donald trump is going to get out of manhattan without a prison sentence And that's if one juror Stands up and says you know I'm sure this all happened But i'm not 100 sure i'm only 99.8 percent sure So therefore i'm going to hang the jury Now That's one possibility Another possibility is is that that one person If they were even thinking such a thing Wouldn't do it Because there is going to be pure pressure That comes off of that jury When they get in that room and they start talking about what they saw It's all going to go to guilty That's what it's going to do And and it's very likely The 12 of those jurors are going to say This man's guilty. He did it And and i've said repeatedly what he's done And everybody should know what he's done. I shouldn't have to tell you but i i was Talking with some of my friends On the right today on facebook And and they were explaining to me All the stories about why donald is the greatest man on the planet But at any rate He's obviously got problems. He knows he does And everybody that's in the courtroom has looked at him And said this man looks like he knows That he's in serious Trouble Now You know, how do you tell when somebody looks a certain way? Obviously you can't But one thing for sure We can look at what's been said at the trial We can look to see how it's developing Day by day as they get to the documents And then they've gone through the documents And here comes monday And as we get to the end of the trial and listen to what i just said We are coming up to the end of this trial It's almost over The trial started weeks ago And here we are They said two weeks ago that we probably had two weeks Now we may have one week Maybe a week and a half Then they have to get in the jury room then they have to sentence this guy Believe me, they're going to sentence them But i'll say this We're almost there So when people say oh You'll see donald will be great nine months from now But that's not what we're talking about here We're talking about two weeks In two weeks We're going to know Where donald trump stands in manhattan Now one other thing that i Think is happening Is is possibly in this i haven't heard anywhere But this is just me guessing And that is that the jack smith Is is going to do something At morilago He can't allow this to go on He knows where it's headed alien canon has told everybody That the date for this trial is now postponed indefinitely That means forever really Because they're really hoping that if they can put it off long enough that donald can get elected and then he can get himself out of this That's what a lean canon wants But that's not what a judge is supposed to do and so Clearly jack smith is going to have to do something Or if he doesn't if he just sits here I mean he's just going to allow a lean canon To wipe out this case And I don't believe that's going to happen. I believe that that jack smith has a plan And I think he's working it very cautiously And I and I think that one day we're going to wake up And we're going to find out This is what jack smith had planned Whatever it is and and it will Create enormous problems for a lean canon because she can't keep doing this And and already as I mentioned yesterday and before Already jack smith has appealed to the 11th circuit twice And in both cases the 11th circuit said canon You can't do this And they really they wiped her out But not all the way but enough So that whatever she did was reversed and again I'm no lawyer in all of this. I I'm just telling you what I'm hearing from all the sources But then I'm telling you that I'm guessing It's just a guess But I'm guessing it's probably a very good guess That jack smith's got a plan And he's going to drop it on the world And he's going to come after a lean canon Very aggressively And he's going to take his best shot at trying to to pull this case out of her grasp And then move it somewhere where somebody can come in and and fairly honestly Handle this case as a judge because 11 months in and yesterday was the 11th month 11 months in We still don't even have a trial date and in fact we've got this indefinite postponement That is horrible That's not responsible Behavior on the part of the judge. It's just not It's 100 percent wrong and by the way speaking of wrong behavior Here's another accusation that's being thrown around and i'll tell you they're they're just so many But that's okay people can defend themselves in this case judge anger on Who's the the civil judge in the state of new york case? Where donald trump ended up having to pay 500 million dollars That judge is now being accused of having an x part discussion with another attorney which they're not allowed to do that's a Secret conversation where things are being discussed about the case that shouldn't be And and at any rate They're saying that he did it And so there's an investigation that's been begun And so they're going to look in to see What judge engor on did engor on says i talked to this guy some guy named bailey he says i talked to bailey and it's true uh, that the bailey said a few things to me he says but There was nothing said here that that compromised the case in any way There was no misbehavior on either one of our parts And go ahead investigate it because i haven't done anything wrong so go right ahead but listen Donald has to do everything he can because it's all coming at him from every direction So anything he can figure out that might save him Just a little tiny bit Donald has to do Yeah, it's just it So with about one minute left, let me also say um You know, I had commented about a week or two ago about some problems I thought might be developing in the stock market Stock market didn't do anything crazy today, but I think it's getting close to some trouble So that's one part of this and then also Interest rates have climbed up just a little bit In the last say two weeks then there was a little pullback And I think maybe they're getting ready to come back up again a little more and that's going to scare the heck out of everybody So, you know, hang on from an economic standpoint Whatever it is if it goes wrong, they'll all blame joe biden and he has nothing to do with any of it But that's all right, you know do what you want in the meantime. I'm going to do what I want I'm going to get out of here thinking about wenties and jules on hampton And st. Louis suit company. This is showdown. I mark casein. Good night