Inside Texas Football

Saturday Roundtable Live (05/11): Sark's Fit at Texas, Coaching Conflicts

It's Saturday Morning Somewhere. Here, on Saturdays we talk shop. Join Paul, Eric and LC as they discuss Sark's Fit at Texas, Rap Feuds, Buckwild NIL stuffs and maybe if you're lucky Highway Traffic Etiquette. Use Promo Code “IT1” To Get 2 Months of for Only $1: Call your real estate expert, Laura Baker, at 512-784-0505 or email her at Listen to the Podcast: Spotify: Apple: Find Us On Social Media: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram:
Broadcast on:
11 May 2024
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It's Saturday Morning Somewhere. Here, on Saturdays we talk shop. Join Paul, Eric and LC as they discuss Sark's Fit at Texas, Rap Feuds, Buckwild NIL stuffs and maybe if you're lucky Highway Traffic Etiquette. Use Promo Code “IT1” To Get 2 Months of for Only $1:

Call your real estate expert, Laura Baker, at 512-784-0505 or email her at

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good morning and happy Saturday as we we come to you live. This is an opportunity for you to ask questions you might have of the inside Texas staff and if you have any questions about your real estate needs we want you to call our friend Laura Baker. Now if you're looking to buy or sell a home in central Texas reach out to Laura. Laura is a UT grad an avid Longhorn fan and she's an IT member so she's a part of the family. She's also an elite member of the Andy Allen team with Keller Williams reality. So if you're looking to make a move give Laura Baker a call she's at 512-784-0505 again that's 512-784-0505. We are here Saturday morning coming to you like I said live with your questions. I want to bring on our esteemed panel today. We are minus one Ian Boyd but they we are making up for that with our dynamic trio here of Eric Nalene, Mr. Paul Waddington, and myself. So let's get started again your question. Right all right and there he goes. I don't know where he went. Well that's okay we know where to pick it up. You know this morning before we started getting some questions we wanted to talk about what makes Steve Sarkeesian such a great fit for Texas. Obviously he's done a lot of work in a short period of time. Paul what are your thoughts on that? Let's go back to the original hire. That's what Elsie's doing. He's in a he's in the archive somewhere digging up the original records. So we can we can this is like Indiana Jones. He's kind of comfortable there. He got himself here it looks like he kind of. That's right. Let's go back to when he was hired Eric. So Texas gets rid of Tom Herman. It was time to get ready. He's back. Hey guys. So Texas got rid of Tom Herman. It was time to get rid of Tom Herman even though if you look at it from a pure win loss perspective there are people that questioned it right. But you and I are big leading indicators guys and we're both guys that believe that you might as well do now what you're going to have to do eventually. And that's a hard lesson for many of us in our lives that we sometimes we don't learn until our 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s. But Texas did what they were going to have to do eventually which was get rid of Tom Herman. So the landscape of college football is thrown open and eventually they settle on Steve Sarkeesian. I don't think this was a universally loved hire. Let's be honest right. He was 46 and 35 in his tenure at Washington and USC obviously at USC he'd had some issues. He was replaced. He went on a resuscitation resurrection revival tour where Nick Saban ultimately ended up giving him the chance. And then Steve Sarkeesian created some of the greatest offenses in the history of college football and he was the architect and the puppet master of those gets back into the limelight with Alabama and becomes the guy that they settle on in the coaching search. So Eric, you more than anyone was aware of what the buzz was, how people perceive that hire, how the big cigars and bureaucratic admins and the average fan thought about it. I'll throw it to you. What was the vibe then? Give me a vibe check man. Well, I was kind of surprised by the hire initially just because some of the issues that Herman got fired for as you say were not field related. They weren't you know he went seven or three. They were fine with that. They weren't excited about it but they didn't fire him over his record. So we had some issues and then when you look at Steve Sarkeesian's track record I thought it was just a ballsy hire given the fact that you know Sarkeesian was you know fired from from USC in the manner he was. But I was a fan of Sarkeesian because I was quite familiar with the UW program and rebuild that he had. My dad lived you know five minutes from Washington. So I got up close and personal look of Sarkees work there. I thought I knew he was a good coach and then he saw the offensive acumen. I thought it was exciting but I was again I was initially surprised that they went that direction. I had heard earlier in the process. He got hired in January. I think I heard earlier in December it wasn't going to be him. But you know I think LTIF LTIF really trusts his read on people. I think he trusts Hartzell and Del Conte's read on it as well. And Sark really run him over on a Zoom call which if you've interacted with Sark or seen him in any of these press conference settings now we see we've got a lot of familiarity with him. It's easy to see why he would win people over in a Zoom call. And remember there's a lot of things that Texas had going on at that time. You had the controversy over the eyes of Texas the previous summer. You had a lot of the COVID stuff still going on. That was the that was the COVID season. I think Sark's high level understanding of the climate at Texas. The value that he put on the tradition at Texas really proved himself to LTIF and Hartzell in particular. And to them he was a no-brainer. You know when he went five and seven they didn't care. They said hey we're building this up the right way. We got our guy. And you know maybe there was a little bump in the road here or there. Those you know a brazed eyebrow over a loss or two. But they were steadfast in their hire of them. They've been committed to him ever since. And it's been that mutually beneficial relationship with people. Sark rewarding their decision and their decision him and them rewarding him with a new contract and all the resources that he needs. I think I think going back to this you know highlight what and I appreciate actually D hearing five saying this because you know it takes a little bit of humility and honesty to say that maybe they may have been wrong about something. I think I think what you're highlighting there is there was it seemed a little out of left field given the names that were being bandied about. Certainly at least from a fan perspective whether those were a reality or not. I think that that was a bit of a gear shift and obviously going back to Sark's previous issues certainly at USC. I think I think that the fan base was a little bit worried about that. I mean on the board there were some less than tasteful comments made about his ability to maintain the job. And I think one of the things about Sark in particular when you see his interviews when you see him interact with people is this idea and this concept that he's really he's really taken on a role of humility. He's been at the mountaintop and had that taken away from him. So I think he's in a position of appreciation which you know I can't speak to other Texas coaches that have been here but it seems like you know certainly with the certainly with Sarkisian's predecessor the way that they carried themselves felt a little bit more dare we say arrogant in the way that they they presented this. And I think that there's a level of appreciation that Sark has being at an institution like this that really resonates with people and and allows him to connect on a more basic level with frankly let's just be honest like human beings that we're talking to he doesn't he's not a coach he's not a title he's a person when he's talking to you and I think that makes a massive difference. You know LC you struck on something more broadly that I think we might have a deficit in in our culture which is gratitude which is perspective you know if you go through what Sark went through you're either going to come out of it diminished or stronger there there is no you're not going to baseline you're either going to come out weaker or you're going to come out stronger and Sark came out stronger he came out a better person and he wasn't a bad guy before he came out I think exactly as you say so one of the things that struck me is I've had people relate anecdotes where they've talked to Sark after a luncheon or they people have called him out on the street you know on Sixth Street and he's you know coming home from dinner or something and he gives people time he looks him in the eye and he takes him seriously you know it's very easy as a football coach when you have this level of expertise in something to develop some level of contempt for Joe Fan who doesn't really know anything I mean that's that's the truth I mean the fact is men in general specifically think they can do they know a lot more football than they actually know they think that they can repair the stuff in their house typically to disastrous results we can we can land an airliner we can land a plane you know tomorrow if if if China invades we're going to be Wolverines living out in the hills no problem solid you know we have a little irrational confidence and his humility is that people will come up and say something to him kind of ignorant and he'll look him in the eye instead of just rolling his eyes and be like okay buddy he goes you know what that's an interesting point but let me let me it's not that easy and here's why he doesn't have any sort of defensiveness about it he's a cool guy I mean that's the other part of this is you'll hear people that get to hang out with him or talk to him I can't name a Longhorn football coach that I more rather than three of us go sit at a dinner and shoot the crap with right and I don't mean he he handles the job well politically like a Mac Brown who who really was very deft and charismatic and a brilliant politician in the truest sense Sarks more like a dude you would love to hang out with he still understands his title he still understands what that means he understands he has a certain code of conduct he's still a real a real ass dude for lack of a better term right and he'll go around and he's funny and he's personable and and all of his ego because we all have ego about something all of his ego is very contained and constrained to the things that he's good at right which is where your ego should be and everything else it's all humility and a shrug and any laugh he's self-deprecating but any any even deals with journalists like you'll have like there's some hacks in every group reporter pool I think we know who some of ours are and we had one question them recently about the cornerbacks getting burned in the scrimmage and stark nicely but very firmly kind of fired back and it's like yeah Calvin Banks got beat a couple of times that's football like that's and also the corners that got beat if you read inside Texas you know it's a guy's like Wardell Mack through freshman right and Terence Brooks no longer with the program so it's you know like Sarks he's got this he's seeing the stuff we see and that is something that I don't know Eric, like if we always felt this way writing about Texas football, because there were times,
It's Saturday Morning Somewhere. Here, on Saturdays we talk shop. Join Paul, Eric and LC as they discuss Sark's Fit at Texas, Rap Feuds, Buckwild NIL stuffs and maybe if you're lucky Highway Traffic Etiquette. Use Promo Code “IT1” To Get 2 Months of for Only $1: Call your real estate expert, Laura Baker, at 512-784-0505 or email her at Listen to the Podcast: Spotify: Apple: Find Us On Social Media: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: