Gemara Markings Daf Yomi

Bava Metzia 73

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11 May 2024
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Ayn Baze, I'm a baze two lives from the bottom, Tanno Abandon, the more rings of Brice goes until almost the end of the sixth line of night Ayn Gimmelon-Baddalah. Ammila Khavila, Mimaka'im, Mimaka'im if a person is transporting a package of items from place to place, he's taking it from a place where it costs less than where he's bringing it to. That's one of the lowest people who make profits, they buy somewhere where they can get it less expensive and sell it somewhere more expensive. So he's there, Vammar Matsuqaviramalay, so Al is carrying this package and Bob says, "Hey Al, how you doing?" I got a deal for you. How about Tannali, you give that stuff to me, Vani Al Al-Aqah, and I will, like eventually, I don't know, in three or four or five months, Pay you, Khadar al-Shamal al-Aqah, Baze Sameaka'im, whatever they would pay you over there. Now, what would possibly be the problem? Well, he's getting the package from him here, where it's worth, let's say, a hundred. He's going to pay him back, a hundred and twenty in a period of time. Might that be interest, or maybe. He's taking it to the place where he could sell it for a hundred and twenty, and all he's going to be doing is giving this fellow a hundred and twenty. Now, the benefit to the one who's going to do all the work is, he's going to have the cash in the interim to buy and sell with. So, is that allowed, or is there a problem, possibly, of Ribis? So, Colin, Breschuss, Maikhar, Matsuqavir, Breschuss, Laqah, Assar. If the items in question stay in the possession of the original person until they're sold, and once they're sold, let's say, they're sold for a hundred and twenty, and he's going to eventually get a hundred and twenty, then that's fine. Whereas Breschuss, Laqah, if the fellow who's going to take over this property and then just let it to the other place is, if it's under his domain, well, then that would be a problem, because he's receiving it in a place worth a hundred, and he's going to be paying back more money at a future date. Period, how many of the Paris, Maikhar, Le Maikhar? Let's say Al is transporting wheat from one place to another, a place worth less expensive to a place worth more expensive, Matsuqavir, Breschuss. And then Breschuss says to me, "I will give you back the same amount of Paris that I have in another place." Let's say in Timbuktu. Well, immediately Paris, by the way, Breschuss, if Bob actually has that type of produce in that place right now, then Matsuqavir would be permissible to be in love, and if not, it would be Asr. When we're dealing with donkey drivers, they would transport merchandise. So the way the donkey drivers would make money is they would buy in one place, sell in somewhere else, let's say grain, and by selling in the more expensive place, they would get more money than they paid. It would be permissible for them to receive money from the wealthy locals in the place where it's more expensive on the condition that they give them whatever the produce is that they want at the cheaper places rate. And we're not concerned about it being ribbous, as we'll see right now. That's the end of the Brice of Connector asks tomorrow, "My time, why is this allowed?" Well, because there's also a benefit to them. Raff papam, Raff papa, explains that Nihala Hu Demiglu Le Hu Tara. It's desirable to them, to these middlemen, to these merchants, to Miglu, Miglu likes to be exposed, revealed, or open. Tara Hu would be like a Shah, the gate, the front door, in other words. If they're shown to have deep pockets, like lots of cash to spend, then the big wholesalers will gladly open the door to them. Not only that, but when they see that they're big spenders, they'll offer them credit, which is very desirable to a middleman. Raff papam, Raff papam, Raff papam, Raff papam, Raff papam. In the less expensive place, if they see that they have big cash middlemen who are coming to buy from them, they would actually give them whatever the product is at a discount. My Bainai, what's the difference between Raff papa's Pshat and Ravakh's Pshat, Ikabe Naayu, Thagra Kharata. If you have a new middleman, he's not really recognized yet as being a reliable middleman. And therefore, according to the opinion, it says that they will gladly open the door, so to speak to him, because he's got cash. Well, he's got cash. But according to the opinion, as the issue is, they'll actually give him a discount because they know he's a fantastic repeat customer. Well, the first time he buys something, they don't know that it takes a number of purchases, period. Bissura, the place where Rav was, Azli Arba Arba. It used to go, let's say, four pounds of whatever it was for a dollar. Big coffee, but in another place it would be. She used to actually get six pounds for a dollar. What happened? Well, Yaw Heave Rav. I struggled with Rav. Rav was in the city of Surah that he could get, let's say, that particular commodity for four pounds for a dollar. So, Rav gave Zuzi, he gave some money to Khmer, to some donkey driver item transporters. The Kabbalah alayhiun said to Orkha. And Rav accepted that upon himself anything that happens to that cash until they get to the place they have to get to to purchase it. He's going to be responsible for it. The Shokumina al Kharmshah, he took from them five pounds for his per dollar that he gave them. Now, the guy wants to know if he, Rav, is accepting all the responsibility, then why doesn't he get the full six pounds per dollar? Vanishkal Sheaves. So, question mark, answer. And I actually double underline these three words. Adam Khashav's shiny. He probably Maykred didn't could, however, since he was a esteemed Tamil Khakham, Godal member of the community. As an Adam Khashav, he went almost beyond what would be Maykred and necessary. And acted that way because of his position. But I mean, Rav also made a big grutose cane. Grutose literally are scrap metal. But Rashi explains it's something indicative of a category of items that are not as common. If it's, let's say, wheat or eggs or something, that's a very widespread commodity that sort of everyone has is one thing. Well, let's say something that's a little bit rarer. What do we say about then? Can you enter into a forward contract, assuming that the assumption always is that, hey, if, you know, that's the open market. So, if the current supply doesn't have you, can easily get from someone else. What do we say about something that's a little bit rarer? Well, Amule Bikesh Rabeeshmo Rabeusi was a lot of soy skein. He wanted to do it by Clay Pishton with linen garments, which I guess were relatively rare. The Lehi-Nihu Rabean, Rabeeshi wouldn't let him eat down relatively. Bikesh Rabeusi is a big grutose cane. He wanted to do that with grutose. And Lehi-Nihu Rabeeshmo Rabeusi. Basically, it's not allowed. Period. Partesa, a vineyard vineyards grow grapes, grapes eventually squeezed and turned into wine. Let's say a person wants to purchase a vineyard owner and a potential customer wants to purchase all of the wine that would be produced from that vineyard that year. Can he pay now and pay less and get delivered to him a, I guess, a more significant amount in the future? So, Rabe said that would be us, Rabeeshmo Rabeeshmo, who also circled, said, "Shari, it would be permissible." Let's go read your opinion. Let's go read your opinion. What is going to be delivered is worth more, while Miskazi Kiagar not to that would appear to be interest. And that is problematic, even if the appearance of interest is avoided. So, since there will be, literally Tiyua is maybe icky or misfortune or some free hail storm or ice that ruins the grapes. Remember, he's paying for this one. The grapes are still developing on the vine. So, since you have the Tiyua Leimexi Kiagar not so late, then it doesn't really look like Rabeeshmo is getting paid more because it could be that he would get paid nothing or much less. Period. The way that the grapes, when they eventually are fully grown, are going to be picked in a very inefficient way with oxen and they often don't do the most effective and efficient job, and sometimes even cause ruin, then it would be allowed. Amalu Shmuel, I have about Shmuel. Shmuel said to Lehanau that Shabsee Shabso, those who lend out grain, or maybe say seeds, to share croppers to plants, and they get paid back with new grain at the end of the season. It was recommended by Shmuel to them that they should have Faikhu Barra. The people who went out the seed should actually do a little bit of work on the land, hold the land a little bit, plow the land a little bit. Kihek de Kannu Lehugufadars, that they would also acquire part of the land. Plow it a bit, harvest it a bit. Vilo, and if not, then the problem would potentially be Haveluhu ke Halva, the ossir. It would be loan-like. In other words, lending out a pound of flour, they're getting about a pound, a pound of flour, a pound of wheat kernels, and they're getting back a pound, that's a problem. That would be potentially ossir. I'm a little rava. I have box rava. Rava says, lehannau de mintery baggy, to those who guard the valleys, and often the valleys that say there was a fully grown, ready, almost ready to be harvested wheat or barley field. You'd have watchmen who would make sure people would come and steal, probably. Rava says to them, "Poku ha fo luba bay dari." Again, also do a little bit of work to help the workers. Not only once they harvest the grain, but in the further processes, like in the threshing of the grain and the transporting of it, help them out a little bit so that you will remain in the service of the one who's paying. This is the time you're basically going to be paid, because if they finish their work at the time that the field is harvested, and they don't get paid for weeks later, and they get paid maybe a little bit more, that could be a ribous issue. Therefore, they should sort of stay, even if minimally employed by the boss, just you were saying to Michelle, I'm a little bit safe, and if they're employed up until they get paid, then whatever they get paid at the time, well, that's the time they're supposed to get paid, and that would not be a problem of interest. If they get paid a little bit more, well, it's basically the employers who are giving them a good rate, and that's permissible. I'm really Rabbanan, I'm really Rabbanan, and they say to Rava, "Kazomar Ribes, you sir are taking interest." De Koolialma, and here's why they said that, everyone else, Shockley Arba, they take four, let's say, units for renting out a standard-sized field to people. Umm, Umm, Umm, Umm, Umm, Umm, Umm, Umm, Umm, Umm, Umm, Umm, Umm, Umm, Umm, Umm, Umm, Umm, Umm, Umm in San And they tell their sharecroppers in April that they got to go. Mar, you, Rava, Nacho Luadi, are you waiting until May, and you take Vishakul Shisa, you take much more, you take six units for the same size field, and that's waiting longer and taking more, that's a ribous problem. Amalu Andalani, Amar, Rava, says back to them, hahaha, oh, I saw him cut off to you, usually, caddin, let me tell you, fellas, you're actually the ones who are doing the things improperly. Why? Kama, Arahla, Aris Mishtabe. The land really is, umm, leaned, or to be used by the sharecropper until the proper time. In other words, Iyasun met Salki-sula-ha-in-benisa, and if y'all are used to throwing out the sharecroppers in April, you're causing them a big loss, maf-siddi-sulu-bakama. You're causing them, actually, a huge loss because a lot of the profit potential is that last month of growth before it's harvested. Anah, and therefore, Ais is Rava, Nattra and Al-Hawadi, or I wait until May, umm, Marvach and Al-Hubbe, Kama. I basically cause them to have a tremendous amount of gain, and therefore what I'm doing is actually correct, and what you're doing is very problematic. Rufmeri Bar-Rachael, underline his name, he was Shmul's grandson. Mashkin-lei ha-hu-nakri-beisa. He received, as a Mashkin, a house from a particular Gentile. I guess Rufmeri had lent him money, and he has a Mashkin and it'll get paid back the house. Now, this Gentile did something that he shouldn't have done. Hadar Zavnala Rava. So this guy then went and sold the house to Rava, and Al-Nravan, Rava didn't know that somebody else was living in it. Well, Nattra, Tracey, Racheshas, Rufmeri, waited for 12 months a year. Shakal Agarbeisa then took rent, maybe a year's worth, and Amti-Layla Rava brought it to Rava-Natt for the year that it just finished, but for the next year. Amrlei, and Rufmeri said to Rava, if you're wondering why. I didn't bring you rent for the first 12 months. Hi, Delai. I'm Toile Lamar. That which I didn't bring to you, oh, sir. Agarbeisa. Adha-idha. And he went for the house until now. Distam Mashkanta, because it's the reason I'm in the house, is I have it as a Mashkanta. I have it as a collateral for a Distam Mashkanta. You know, all else being equal is assumed to be one year. So if somebody gives you a collateral, you, if it's, let's say, a house you can live in there for a year for free. Now, Iboi, Nakhr, the Salty, because even if the Gentile would have wanted to remove me from the house, so I have a Matsumu Salty, he wouldn't have been able to. Like the all else being equal, if there's nothing specifically said, it's for a year when a Mashkanta is given. But now, since years past, you're entitled this and through the owner of the house to get the rent. Amalay. So says Rava back to Rifmuri. Ihavi Adana, dahavi memushkanta. You know, if I would have known that the house was actually given to you as a collateral, Lamar to you, oh, sir, oh, Murray. Lohaviz Vinalay. I would have bought it, basically I would have bought a house that would have realized that somebody else was living there because they had it as a collateral. However, Hashta, Khadinaim of Dinalay. You know what? Now, I'm going to do for you the way that the Gentile courts would deal with a case like this. Colin. Colin. Salty. Busuzzi. As long as the person, the Gentile, you lent money to, has not paid you back. Loshakil Agar Baysa. Then I, even on the owner of the house, am not going to be taking a rent from you. Ananami. That's where the Gentile courts would do it. So me also, Loshakil Naminach Agar Baysa. I ain't going to take no rent from you. Adi. Miss Salak. Nalak. Busuzzi. Until he pays off. The Gentile is the debt that he owes you. Period. Amalay. Rava. Me. Barnish. Juan Deline. And he says to Ravashi. Like, look at this is, you know, the, the rabbis are, are taking interest. Why is that? Why does he feel that way? Colin. Diyavi. Zuzzi. A chamre. Bittishre. They pay money in September for wine. Umif hoorille. Bit. Tevis. And they get the choicest wine, like the best wine that might even be more expensive in February March. Cama. Amalay. Nalay. Amalay. Rava. Me. Barnish. No, no. Inunami. A chamre. Kha. Yahavi. When they get the best wine and what they don't get is the stuff that turned into vinegar. That's because from the beginning the money they gave was for wine. Hala. Loka. Yahavi. For vinegar. They didn't give the money. Me. Cara. And the way we look at, you know, after four or five months stuff, some of it becomes vinegar. It becomes wine de chamre. Chamre. Chamre. De chamre. De chamre. De chamre. La chala. Um, the stuff that will eventually become wine became wine and the stuff that became vinegar event. Like if you could have looked into it clearly enough, even at the earlier time you would have seen it would be vinegar and therefore hahi shata. Hu de ka. Me. Hoorille. It's actually only at that later date in February March that they are selecting it. Period. Yahavi Yavzuzi. He would give money. Libene Akra de chamre. To the people who lived in the city or the region by the chamre. The chamre late. Fe kufisa. So he would give them money before the season was finished, before the wine season was finished. That they would give him wine at the ones the season was finished at the, um, at the earlier rate, and they would actually also throw in, uh, the chamre late. Fe kufisa. Like an extra barrel, an extra receptacle. Um, there was no condition they had to do that, but apparently that might be a issue of ribbess because since he was waiting, he paid earlier, he was waiting to collect and he got some extra. So he, uh, ravino went to the, obviously the authority at the time was ravashi, also brought the case to ravashi and wanted to know, um, is it okay? Um, that, which I'm doing. Amalay, mishari, is it permissible? Uh, well, Amalay says ravashi back to ravina in, yes it is. Ahuli hu de kamakhli gabakh. Uh, what they're essentially doing is being like, well, to you, and therefore it's permissible. Which basically, as Rashi explains, um, you didn't make any sort of agreement with them that they would give you that extra wine at the end. They're doing it totally over their free will and accord. So they didn't like mention it, officially in the contract and therefore it's totally permissible. Ah, Amalay, ravina continues and says ravashi will make, maybe there's another issue that, uh, I should raise and could be, it's a problem, could be, it's not. Ha, ara, the land that they are, uh, growing this, uh, protosan, lofti tu, he, it's actually like, it wasn't theirs. It was like they got it from the king in an estate, uh, either sale or rental because it had been seized from somebody else. Um, is that okay? Amalay says ravashi back to him. Well, ara, uh, the way that worked in the Gentile land at that time of that place, let tasca mishabada, um, mishabada, uh, mishabda. The taxes create a lean on the land owner's land. And if they don't pay the taxes to the king, uh, you know what the king says, um, alka, amar, mandiyev, tasca, leholaro. If somebody doesn't pay up the taxes, then anyone else who comes in their place and pays the taxes, they get to use the land. And that's what happened in this case. It indeed was, um, sort of someone else's land, but they didn't pay the taxes, so the king does have the right to seize that land and, uh, give it to whoever does pay the taxes. Period. Amalay, ara, papa, who I circled, he says to rava. Chasimar, honey, rabana, dia, vizuzi. You seen these, uh, local rabbis, dia, vizuzi, they give money. Uh, karga, uh, de enchi. There's people who don't pay their, there used to be a tax. They'd have to pay a per person, almost like a poll tax. And, uh, there was some people who didn't pay it. And there were other, uh, um, people, Jews who, uh, paid the taxes for, you know, the individual who didn't pay. And it's almost like those, uh, people who, who defaulted didn't pay, and someone else paid for them is shamdi, but who'd pay? The ones who paid the tax, let's say, paid a tax for Maishi, so he would take Maishi, into his servitude, and he would, uh, work Maishi, and sometimes he would even work him a little bit too intensely. So, um, well, is that allowed? Is that not allowed? Amarley says rava back to, uh, rava papa. Well, hashta, ikushriva, loyamiluhu, hambilsa. You know what, if I was dead right now, I wouldn't be able to tell you the following thing, but I'm not dead. I'm alive, and I'm gonna tell this you. Hakeyamar, this is a tradition I have for Machetius. Muharkaihudihani, the bondage or the right to work of these people, basically of all people, betafsa de malka manach, they are, so to speak, in the king's treasury. It's his, uh, right. They're basically all, uh, sort of in servitude, potentially, to the king. Umalka, I don't know what the king says. If you pay your tax, great. Deloyoyevkarg, if you don't pay your head tax, leechnavid, then you have to go into, uh, servitude, lemanda yoyevkarg, get to the person who does pay the tax for you. Period. Uh, here's another story, ravschleira, who is ravschleira. He was, uh, also known as the akhla de rava have. Takafinshi de le malu. He was rava's brother, and he used to seize people who were low-life, who didn't behave properly, who were no good. Umaluhubek guharka de rava. And he used to put them into the service of carrying the people mover. Uh, rashi calls it guharka, a right vagan. I don't know if it's a folks vagan, but it's a right vagan. And he actually says that's what the word is in German, which is probably similar, like a, uh, people mover. Anyway, they used to transport the people mover, the chariot of rava. Umaluhrava, and rava said to his, uh, brother, shop ericovness. What you're doing is, a-ok, totally fine. Dittanino, we have a snake source. The quote of the snake source goes for just over four lines. Um, says the snake source. Are you so sure? No, no, no, no. You see, um, somebody who's really acting improperly. Now, this is all, you know, it has to be done properly. Uh, you can't be biased when you do it. We don't actually have to practice these days. If you see somebody who's not acting properly, me nine shots of raschai lee shtabei boi, that you could actually, um, enslave that person. Well, tamaleimar, you know, this is what the pussock says, and I'm going to take it, I would say a little bit, actually, a lot out of context. The pussock says loi lumba haen ta vaidu uba achaikhem. Uh, forever thou shalt, uh, enslave them and your brothers. Now, we slid the comma, sort of, uh, one word ahead, but that's the drasha. Now, yelkal, you might think a filun al gashura, even, like, fellow Jews who are acting properly, you can do that too? Oh, no, no, no. So, tamaleimar, the pussock says, now we slide the comma back one word. Uba achaikhem. In Israel, ish ba achaikhem. Well, you see it in the foreign. Um, a, uh, with your fellow brother, uh, fellow Jew, a man and his brother, um, cannot, um, enslave him. Period. That's the end of the bracelet. (speaks foreign language) However, the one that he gave the money to was negligent and basically never, uh, did that. (speaks foreign language) He does not have to pay the full price for wine, but still, michelimly has to give him wine. (speaks foreign language) Like, the, the going rate, which is a much lower price by the zushafat port. And, uh, that's what he, uh, promised him that's what he has to supply. (speaks foreign language) And I half box was vid. (speaks foreign language) Uh, and Amar revs vid responded and said, well, (speaks foreign language) When Amar said what he did about five lines ago, honey me the B.I.N. stop, that's only if the deal was for wine without specifying, uh, what type of wine or from where. (speaks foreign language) If you have a person who gives some, uh, potential middleman, um, money to get eight. Money to get a specific wine. Low, we would not say that if he doesn't purchase it, he still has to come up with it. Why? 'Cause he can't guarantee that he's able to get a certificate. He's like an agent. Let's say, you know, if you go, if, if you hire an agent to buy you a house and you say, just find me any house, that's great. But if you hire an agent to, um, find and purchase for you a specific house, like who says the person who owns it is going to be to sell it. So to over here, (speaks foreign language) who says that it would be sold to this middleman. That's (speaks foreign language) who we have boxed on our (speaks foreign language) even regular wine. We would not say that it has to be that he would acquire it. My time, oh, what's the reason? 'Cause at the end of the day, the whole transaction is basically an (speaks foreign language) it's like a reliance. Even, um, if he says, like, you know, if I can't purchase this wine for you, I'll give you my own wine. Well, that's wonderful. That's not, like, written into a contract. That was just a, you know, an oral promise. And that's (speaks foreign language) there's no, um, absolute validity to these sort of, like, oral assurances. (speaks foreign language) Well, according to (speaks foreign language) then, well, one second, how is it any different than that, which we have in a Mishnah? Here's a quote, six words from a Mishnah. We'll see. Actually, later on in the (speaks foreign language) if you have a person who receives a field, and he's supposed to work the field and give the field out of half of whatever it produces, and instead he just leaves it fallow and doesn't do anything. So, if he says (speaks foreign language) if I, like, leave it fallow and I don't work it, (speaks foreign language) he says that he's going to have to pay for the best of it. And we say he's basically trying to come through. He has to come through. Well, how is this any different? And I guess either (speaks foreign language) or the more answers on behalf of (speaks foreign language) because they're two different cases, (speaks foreign language) in the case of where he says going over the field, well, that was his choice to either work it or not work it, and if he didn't work it, he would have to compensate. However, here, in this case, where the issue is to purchase something on behalf, sort of like a middleman or an agent, it's not within his ability to do that could be, that the seller is not going to be interested in selling. I'd come.