The Howie Carr Radio Network

The Hordes head to Norfolk plus Biden celebrates Asian Heritage | 5.13.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Massachusetts State Senator Peter Durant joins the show to weigh in on the decision by Gov. Maura Healey to funnel the illegal aliens that don't fit elsewhere to Norfolk. The residents aren't so thrilled.

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13 May 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at, code word Howie BOGO. [MUSIC PLAYING] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie car show. The non-white portion of the Trump coalition, it was 13% in 2020. Look at this now. It's 19%. So the Trump coalition is becoming more diverse. The problem is Juliet's pizza-like East Coast rappers and my posse is representing West Said. Just like my boy is Tupac and Biggie, you know what I'm saying? Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. Silence of the left. Has anyone ever seen the silence of the left? The late great Hannibal Lecter is a wonderful man. The senses take the ones tried to test me. I ate his liver with some father beans and a nice candy. He oftentimes would have a friend for dinner. Remember the last thing? I'm having an old friend for dinner. You're going to eat a friend? That was kind of supposed to be the last line when you ruin it. I'm going to say it again and then hang up quickly. I'm having an old friend for dinner. Oh my god, this-- Rum swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's-- Howie Carr. Another nice middle class suburban community in Massachusetts is about to be overrun with hordes of illegal aliens. This time it's the town of Norfolk. It was announced Friday night. They're going to load up the old Bay State Correctional Center of a closed prison, fill it up, 450 illegal aliens. And it's going to put a stress and strain, as the state rep called it, on the school system, and of course, on the police and fire because of the rampant crime that these people bring with them. Not all of them, but there are criminal problems, as we know, judging by the fact that there were at least two of the three non-Americans who were arrested for the murder of a 16-year-old in Northboro on Saturday night Sunday morning at a giant illegal alien house party were our non-Americans. They're illegal aliens. But anyway, we have many other things to discuss. Mara, hold it, healy. She's off to Rome this week for a climate crisis. She's not concerned about the climate in the Bay State, just something that she can pontificate on in Europe with Michelle Wu. They're heading off on the taxpayer dime. But before she left, she did an interview with one of the few remaining chattering skull programs on Sunday morning. And she said that there was nothing she could do, that this was a federal problem, and that her hands were tied. Joining us now to discuss what she could do if she had any interest in fixing the swarm, doing something about the swarms of illegal aliens, demanding handouts forever coming into the state, is Senator Peter Durant. He's from Worcester County. And he's been involved in this one reason he won a special election last November was because of the concern of the citizenry about this catastrophe that is engulfing the state. Senator Durant, thanks for being with us here on the Howie Cara show. Thanks for having me on Howie. First of all, Senator Durant, she said again, they keep saying this, half of the people in the shelters are US citizens. Do you believe that? No, I don't believe that number at all. We're seeing so many people come into the system. That's to let you believe that we have this massive, organic, homeless population that wasn't there before this crisis. And I think that's the important aspect of this, is prior to, when we look back a year ago, when we look back at the end of the Baker administration, we know that there were exactly 15 families, one five families being housed in hotels. And now, once the migrant crisis started, magically, that number has climbed to over 3,000. That just doesn't really pass the sniff test, does it? No, it doesn't. No, and she never gets called out on it, and they just stonewall any inquiries by what's little bit is left of the press in Boston. Well, and you know the other thing that bothers me, Howie, and you've talked about it just in the opening of the segment was, you know the administration will tell you that we have 7,500 families in the system. We're at capacity, 7,500 families. But yet we keep opening new shelters. And so that's only the people that they're counting. There's no stop to the people coming in. We obviously have to put them up somewhere. And, but the administration won't count those as numbers. They just kind of being very transparent on the actual number of people coming in. And for the governor to say, you know, there's nothing I can do about it. Well, we've been offering solutions to the better part of the year now. And she doesn't seem to be interested in taking those. But the first would be to repeal the right to shelter law. Yeah, yeah, that's what we've been, that's what we've been working on now for over a year. I shouldn't say over a year, but it's just coming up on a year now when we filed that amendment in the House to repeal that. And we've tried so many different ways. It was just tried in the House budget a couple of weeks ago to even just limit it to people who have been here for an X period of time, three months, six months, a year. And then they tried to say, let's just prioritize those who have been in Massachusetts the longest. So even if you were illegal and you were here, you've been here for five years, you get priority and they still rejected that. So I don't really know what the game plan is going forward for the Democrats, but it seems to just be spend money and-- It wasn't the Logan airport supposed to be cleaned out and everybody was sent to Melnea, Cass and Roxbury. So now they say that they have to throw horns of them into Norfolk, the town of Norfolk, because Logan airport is full up again. - Yeah, and that's exactly what's happening. There's just a flow that's coming in behind all of those that are moved on. As you know how, we implemented a nine-month stay as if you can't stay longer, but go-- - Pardon me for laughing in your face, Senator, but you're laughing too, you know it's BS. - Yeah, let's go with it for a moment, but let's say that we're moving people out after nine months. We just have plenty of people to backfill them. So this problem is not going away. And as you just said, you clear out Logan airport and more just come in. And so we have to open up a new facility and now we're opening up the prison. And I'm surprised that we're not gonna hear how inhumane it is to house them there, but that's the plan right now. - Well, someone just said colleges are out for the summer. How about MIT? I mean, MIT, they had all those hippies, they arrested them all. And they were supposed to let all the Haitians from the courthouse in East Cambridge shut down. They were supposed to let them take showers there. And then when they took a look at them, they said, we're not letting them into MIT even to take a shower. Why don't they put their money where their mouth is, all these colleges? - All right, we have seen that. I think we've seen a little bit of that up in Salem, but you're absolutely right. A lot of these private colleges like that, they have rooms, nobody wants to take them, but they want you to take them, Holly. They want the taxpayers to take them. So it's not good for me, but it's good for you, you know? - Yeah, it's, and you know, I guess Healy also said that every homeless vet has a bed assigned, but I thought that was turned out in the house budget, wasn't it? They were gonna give priority to homeless veterans, and they said, no, we'd prefer to have illegal alien gangbangers in those getting a free ride. - Yeah, that's correct. That was another amendment that was put forward, said that let's give these benefits to veterans first, give them at least a preference, that was shot down. So I'm not quite sure where the governor says that these beds are assigned, and I think we could go and find some homeless vets that maybe don't have an assigned bed yet, but so I don't know where that's coming from her. - So, and again, they seem to have no plans, and they're very non-transparent about all the money that they're spending here. And you know, they're still saying it's a billion dollars, but it's, what do you think it is right now, Senator Peter Durant? - Well, you know, I've pegged this number at $5 billion. - $5 billion? - That's the number that I'm going with and until proven differently, that's the number of sequences. And here's how I come up with that, Howie. If you'll remember, this goes back now at least 10 years, I think it was 12 years ago, when the Republican caucus asked then governor Duvall Patrick, how much are we spending on benefits for illegals? The time back then in 2012, the number that eventually came back was $2 billion. And so my simple supposition is that you're telling me that now 12 years later, with inflation and with this influx, that we're not at least two and a half times that, I think that that's a fair number to use. Where you're not seeing it, of course, is where it's hidden into the budget. Look at the increases that we're seeing in mass health, right? Look at the increases that we're seeing in some of our educational line items. We're gonna start teaching ESO, which I don't necessarily think is a bad idea. I mean, if they're gonna be, you might as well teach them English. But, you know, all of these things that are, they're not really being accounted for. But what we do know right off the bat is, and this comes directly from the administration and from the Chairman of Ways and Means, who says the migrant families cost us $10,000 per month to shelter them and feed them and provide that service. $10,000 a month is $120,000 a year. When the median family income in Massachusetts is $95,000 a year. So they're already doing better than the median family in Massachusetts. - And they don't have to break a sweat. - Don't have to lift a finger. And so, I mean, I don't get charged with any crimes until they actually kill somebody like in Northboro. - Well, then you gotta kill somebody in the right place, too, right? - Good Lord, and they are using this as a bludgeon, against some of these suburban communities, like Milton and Marshfield, trying to force them to take public housing, even places like Acton, you know, which is a woke community represented by Jamie Eldrich. I mean, they said no to this. Nobody wants this. Well, and nobody wants the associated problems that come along with it. And how we always go back to no one is anti-immigration, but they want people to do it the right way. And what you're seeing is just a complete slanting of the system. You know how I saw an article a couple of weeks ago about social media in South America advertising that Boston's the best place to be. You're going somewhere, you're heading North, definitely head to Boston, because you will have benefits beyond your wildest dreams. And that's true. - True, true. We're seeing now that Massachusetts is the number one destination for the migrants coming up. And it's clear to see why. I mean, I would be coming up if I would, I'd get everything for me, I'd get $110,000. - Right up to dry cleaning, right up to dry cleaning and free dental care. - Yeah, yeah. - And you get a free smartphone to watch your porn on. That's what they're doing in a lot of these places. And you get a welfare, you get cash on top of it so you can go down to the local package store. - And so even if you believe how we need to be compassionate and we need to bring these folks in because they're fleeing from desperate situations, don't you at least want to incentivize them to actually go and work or go and make a life for themselves, even if you just say yes, let 'em all in. I don't understand how you can be of the mindset that just says, let 'em all in and we will pay $110,000 a year for your family and there's no problem whatsoever with it. - Right, right. And we'll just have to get second and third jobs just to support you. I mean, when the pilgrims invaded, at least they worked and they farmed, you know? I mean, what are these, this new class doing, they're not supporting themselves. Senator Peter Durant, if people wanna get in touch with your office or help you out, you're running for re-election, where should they go? - Please go to, that's We'd love to have you sign up and join us. It's gonna be a very busy year. - Hey, keep us informed about what's going on. It's all bad news but we need to know it, you know? - Thank you, Senator Peter Durant, 844-542-42. I'm Howie Carr. - Want more from The Howie Carr Show? - Yes, always. - Watch Howie Live at He's not just another pretty face. - He's an extraordinarily good looking man. - He's Howie Carr. - There's a little bit of a bromance going on there. (dramatic music) (crowd cheering) - He's Howie Carr. (dramatic music) - Today's poll question is brought to you by local silver men, located in Wair, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly. Contact him at That's Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? - Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which big criminal trial, I guess, were you most following closely today? The Trump trial in New York, Karen Reed's trial in Dedham, neither I was working or neither I don't care about either trial. - Karen Reed trial. - 28% say Karen Reed, 26% say Trump, 22% say they were working, so neither 24% say they don't care about either one. - Very close. We don't get many poll questions like this one. But you know, my problem with the Cohen Trump trial, here's the headline in the Wall Street Journal today, this tonight, after the testimony today. Cohen testifies Trump told him to drag out hush money talks. Well, of course he did. I mean, what else would he do? He wants to drag it out past the election. So if there's any downside to it and there wasn't really, he just wants to get it past the election when it doesn't matter one way or the other, whether he wins or he loses. I mean, this is just something any person with any modicum of common sense would do, right? How is that, if that's the headline of the day, then nothing happened. 844-542-42, Rocky, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Rocky. - Hey, Holly, thanks for taking my call. Hey, this infuriates me. This, the loser there, going over to see the pope, they're healing. She said that they want to help these illegal aliens get them work permits and get them on their feet to get them out of the shelters. I've been a plumber for 33 years in Massachusetts. I drive a 10-year-old van. My wife's got a nine-year-old car. And what kind of money are these people going to be able to make? You needed at least 150 grams. - Right, I agree. - So what are they talking about? - Yeah, I mean, they're still going to be on welfare, Rocky. I mean, what are they going to, none of them have any skills. And, you know, a huge percentage of them don't seem to have any interest in doing anything other than laying around, doing nothing. - Yeah, so how do we, how are we, where are we going with all this? - I don't know. You know, it's like they want to destabilize everything. I mean, does Mara Healy think, you know, once they get through dumping them all into Wuburn and wrecking the Wuburn public school system and destroying all the property values, it's not going to have any impact on the neighboring town that she lives in, which is Arlington, you know? And it's the same thing for, you know, they're not enough Republican towns in the Commonwealth to ruin. Lexington is already getting, you know, inundated with another batch of them at the Armory. And, you know, I hear people, I know a guy that, you know, works in a neighboring community from Lexington and he said, well, if I have to put up with them, but in the city he's in, then they damn well ought to put up with them in Lexington. And I, you know what I mean? I think that's the way people feel about Brookline. Cambridge. I mean, the other side of Cambridge, not East Cambridge, the rich side of Cambridge. I'm how we talk. (upbeat music) - Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-617 says it's funny that the Mayor, Wu Klux Klan is going to see a white man like the Pope. Even the Pope wouldn't be allowed to do it then whenever people of color only dinners. Yeah, I hadn't even thought about that. 844-542, 42. The, some of the comments and the mess on the message boards about the, this, uh, Carrotree trial are really good. This is from Mohawk's 91. The, the 80s are over Alberts. Who in their mid-50s is tearing around their hometown getting liquored up in a blizzard? The women look like Sitchwood House shingles after a nor Easter. Brian Alberts makes Michael Cohen look like George Washington standing next to the cherry tree. (laughs) Another Peter Griffith 55. Aside from this trial stuff, is anyone else finding it creepy? How many of these folks hang out together? I mean, how many 20-somethings hang out with their parents and uncles and bars? (whistles) Yikes. It's, uh, you should, uh, you know, the waterfall. It looks okay from the outside, but I'm told that once you get inside, it's, uh, it's, you know, (whistles) The first shot is on the house, and after that, you have to use your own bullets to use the old joke. 844-542-42. And again, what, what people don't seem to understand, or at least people like the guy that call it last hour, Michael, Reed only needs to have the jury find her not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, not innocent, important distinction. Yeah, my, my attorney, Robert Popio, who's dead now, he used to always say, howie, you're not innocent. No one is innocent. All you have to be is not guilty. And I, you know what? I'm surprised I never thought of it until he began representing me. But then I got jammed up at a freely early age, I guess. (chuckles) Be running, running up against the deep state. John, you're next with howie car. Go ahead, John. Hi, howie, I'm just, I'm worried, like I, what are the chances that Donald Trump goes to jail? Like I almost think he has a good chance of going to jail because he's Democrats at ding dongs. And I don't even know what, I don't even know what he's getting charged with. No, no one does. You know what, Alvin Bragg doesn't know what he's getting charged with, John. Right, I mean, what do you think the chances are he goes to jail, howie? I don't think they're, I don't think they're very good. I just don't, I think even this corrupt New York jury in this corrupt borough of Manhattan, I don't even think they can get 12 people to find him guilty of a felony. Again, it's the same thing, reasonable doubt. What, and again, how can they find him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt when no one even knows what he did? He didn't, he didn't do anything, John. The previous district attorney wouldn't touch this case with a 10-foot poll, the Southern District of New York, which is notoriously liberal, wouldn't touch this case. The Attorney General wouldn't touch this case of New York. No one. Right. So do you think it was just a, just to like, obviously talk about his alleged affair and just talk bad about him so the whole world knows? Yeah. But I mean, John, didn't we know all this stuff like seven, eight years ago? Right. I just think it's just so disgusting, the whole thing. I mean, it's just crazy. I know. I mean, that's why, that's why I think even people who don't pay much attention to politics are seeing through it and they're just saying, you know, I mean, you have to think this thing through and say if they can do this to a former president of the United States, a guy who's a billionaire, they can do it to me or you, you know? And you know what? Guess what? They are doing it to me and you. Look at all the people on January 6 that are being railroaded and all these, all these Black Lives Matters people from 2020 who looted and killed and burned and committed arson. Nothing happened to any of them. And nothing is happening to all these filthy pro-Nazi hippies on the college campuses. Thanks for the, thanks for the call, John. 844, 542, 428, 444, 542, 508 Sharon, one town over from Norfolk also has hundreds of illegals in hotels on Route 1. Sharon lets them in, but some in the town are angry that Costco is trying to come into the town next door on Route I-95. Allegals are let in and Costco is slow-walked. I know, that's the way it is, you know? Again, if you're trying to do things the right way, Massachusetts makes it extremely difficult for you. If you're a criminal foreigner, Massachusetts will roll out the red carpet. The welcome wagon is full of goodies beyond belief for an American citizen would never be treated this way. And then they just lie. Oh, half of them were American citizens. How come we didn't have this problem before the illegals started coming into the state with their banging their tin cups and demanding to be taken care of for the rest of their lives? How come we didn't have a problem with homeless in the state until then, until that moment? And they say, "Oh, homeless vets got plenty of place to go." They do? Remember Rockland? When they were throwing the American citizens out, we had some of them on the show. They were getting thrown out to make room for illegal aliens. I think the same thing happened down in Yarmouth, didn't it? 844, 542, 42. Let's play a couple of Biden cuts here. We got some Biden cuts. We're gonna take some more calls as we go through it here. So he's at the American, the Asian Pacific Islanders, AANHPI, Heritage Month Reception. AANHPI, Asian American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander. Okay, AANHPI. I'm gonna, Joe, Joe, we've given it to you three times now. Can you recite it back to us, those initials? That's acronym. And we secured the largest increase in Pell Grants in a decade. It matters now nearly 40% of NAH, NAHPI students. NAHPI, NAHPI, NAHPI, NAHPI, NAHPI, NAHPI, NAHPI. This was two years ago from the same event. By the deep family ties and herities and the values reflected in the AAHPI, I-I-I-I-I-I-I. Try to, try to diagram this sentence, cut eight. There is no singular Asian American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander identity and diversity in those cultures, the breadth of achievement and shape the strength and fabric of this country. You can't diagram that sentence 'cause there's nothing there. It doesn't make any sense. You know, did you know that he served in the U.S. Senate with the guy who adopted him, actually? He said in the past that Daniel Enaway adopted him, which was very difficult because at the time, Daniel Enaway was, I think he was gonna be sent to one of those Democrat concentration camps 'cause he was Japanese American, so he joined the military and was wounded fighting in World War II. But Biden wanted to talk about his foster father, Daniel Enaway, today. Cut two. - One of the people when I first got here, I didn't wanna be here because I just lost my family in an accident. And there was a guy named Daniel Enaway who came along. Daniel had more grit and determination than anybody I ever knew. And he was the guy who stood tall. And this is a guy who, anyway, I don't wanna get started. - Well, he's your father. He was his stepfather, dammit. Can't you say something nice about him? - I was gonna tell a story about he and Bob Dole but I'm gonna take too much time for the 50th anniversary of D-Day, won't we? They both got shot and mortally wounded. - Mortally wounded. - On mountaintops, I was with them both. On mountaintops and Italy on the West Coast, that were literally as the crow flies less than two miles from one another. Same time, same day, anyway. - And he was with them both. - Literally. - At the same time. - When they were mortally wounded. - When they were shot on mountaintops. He was with them. Bob Dole and Daniel in a way. (laughing) - 844-542-42. Rusty, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Rusty. - Hey, Harry, how are you doing? - Good. - I wanted to point this out. Lester Fero, MIT economist. He sits past the way. He wrote a book over 20 years ago where he said this is the cost for a legal migrant. He came up with 400 grand. And that was a legal migrant 20 years ago. Figure it's way over half a million now. - Oh. - That's the illegal. - Oh, yeah. - Mostly education, right? Public education. But things that you usually don't think of, 21 grand for public works, right? Roads, bridges, tunnels, their shit or that stuff. Plus, every job, right? We say, "Oh, we want these people to get jobs." At the time, it was $123,000 of capital, $1,000 invested in capital to support each job, right? 'Cause no matter what you're doing, working at a Burger King, somebody's got to build the Burger King, right? That costs like $2 million now. Or anything, being a lawn care guy, you need a truck, lawn mowers this and that. So the average at the time was $123,000 for each worker working. So you need to come up with that much capital, get these people employed. He came out with a conclusion that population growth over 1% a year would impoverish the United States. And he was a liberal guy. - I think he's right. And we're just being inundated. Look, look at what it's done to California. California, I think used to be the richest state in America. Now it's the poorest per capita. - Right, and in space of what, one generation? - Right. - Maybe one and a half, maybe? - Yeah. - Yeah, from the Golden State to the state of, I don't know, Dustin Mudd. - To the not so Golden State. And then they're saying, well, they're gonna move them out of the shelters by giving a 30 grand in housing subsidies if they rent a house. Who's gonna let, who owns a house in Massachusetts that's probably worth, you know, at the median price is over 500,000. Who's gonna let their house be destroyed for 30 grand? It's not gonna happen, Rusty. - Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Ali. - Thank you, Rusty. 844, 542, 42. Cut six. - Camilla, I'm gonna keep fighting to restore Grovy, wait until it's a law of the land again. - Is that how she pronounces her name? - Camilla, I'm gonna keep fighting to restore Grovy, wait until it's a law of the land again. - Camilla. That's the new menthol Camels. Camels. 844, 542, 42. I'm how we car. - The how we car ship. (upbeat music) (dramatic music) - How we car is back. (dramatic music) - 844, 542, 42. We don't have any audio of this, sadly. But Biden called the North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, the president of South Korea in his latest world leader, Blunder. And of course, last year he confused him with President Moon. He confused President Yoon with President Moon who used to be the president of South Korea. And then of course he called Zelensky, Vladimir. As per, meaning the Vladimir Putin. He, oh, it's on and on and on. We don't have any sound of that one though. Dave, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Dave. You there? Hold on. We'll see if we got Dave. Go ahead, Dave. - Hey, how are you doing? - Good. - For the time I call a long time listener. - Thank you. - Yeah, I'm a resident in Norfolk and we're all shocked to hear this news. Never thought I'd move to a small community like this and have this in my backyard. So just as a resident, we're just trying to figure out what we can do. Unfortunately, on Wednesday is our annual town meeting. And a lot of residents have been voicing their concerns on the town Facebook page, which have now been banned, as well as-- - Really? - Comments being shut off. And just to go deeper into that, the town moderator has been on there who's gonna be moderating the meeting on Wednesday night. And he is not allowing any comments regarding the illegal immigrants. - Sounds like a guy who doesn't wanna be reelected to this job as moderator, Dave. - Exactly. Well, he does have a profile picture of a, I voted by mail for Ed Markey. That explains a lot. - Yeah, that's all. The prosecution rests and moves for a directed verdict of guilty, Your Honor. That's really all you need to know. I got, when I posted this on the letter from your state rep, Vaughn, on Saturday morning, I got a response on a tweet back. And some guy said, I was going for a, I was thinking about making an offer on a house in Norfolk last weekend. Boy, did I dodge a bullet. - Yeah, yeah, it's unbelievable. He actually just posted like an hour ago in response to all our questions. And it sounds like it's a done deal, 450-- - Right. - Yeah, that's what Vaughn said, the rep. - Yeah. - And I mean, what's it gonna do? Think of the schools. I mean, you moved there because you liked the schools, right? I mean, that was one of the draws of Norfolk, wasn't it? - 100%. We're almost at capacity in the schools now. They're talking about a potential override in the next year or two for the schools. So I think what's gonna happen is, they're gonna flood all the local communities. It's not just gonna affect us. I think they're gonna be passing children to all the local schools. And I know from being from Franklin originally, they're having the same problems. There's just so many children and not big enough schools right now. - Right, and what I'm told is that in these communities where they've already been inundated, that the teachers are trying to pull out, that the teachers are trying to flee to communities that aren't getting inundated with these illegal aliens from the third world. And you're gonna lose some of your best teachers too, I think. - 100%, there was someone that posted on the Norfolk page just as a Taunton teacher that lives in Norfolk and said, "You guys have no idea what's coming to this town." So it's hard to take in being a resident in the town and I'm just hoping we can get something accomplished from our local reps, but it seems like their hands are tied as well. - Yeah, I think they are. I mean, again, they're trying to use this MBTA housing law to just knuckle all the suburban communities and even the liberal towns are recoiling from this. I mean, they don't wanna destroy the schools in the rich areas, so they're gonna destroy, first they're destroying the schools in the middle-class, working-class areas. But there's not enough of those places, they're gonna have to move into the dovers and the Sherburns. What are they gonna do then? It's gonna stop then. That would be my answer. But not till then, not till they've destroyed everything else and how it are. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)