The Howie Carr Radio Network

Polls look good for Trump, Howie Spars with a Free-Karen-Read-denier, and the Chump Line | 5.13.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Tune in for a mainstream media meltdown in response to the latest swing-state polls, a call from someone who seems like a Canton townie apologist, and the Chump Line.

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13 May 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at, code word Howie BOGO. [MUSIC PLAYING] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. The non-white portion of the Trump coalition, it was 13% in 2020. Look at this now. It's 19%. So the Trump coalition is becoming more diverse. The problem is Juliet's pizza-like East Coast rappers and my posse is representing West Syed. Just like my boy is Tupac and Biggie, you know what I'm saying? Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Silence of the left. Has anyone ever seen the silence of the left? The late great Hannibal Lecter is a wonderful man. The census tiger once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice candy. He oftentimes would have a friend for dinner. Remember the last scene? I'm having an old friend for dinner. You're going to eat a friend? That was kind of supposed to be the last line when you root it. I'm going to say it again and then hang up quickly. I'm having an old friend for dinner. What? Oh, I call this-- Rum swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's-- [MUSIC PLAYING] Howie Carr. 844, 542, 42844, 54242. Welcome to the Howie Carr show. 781 wants to know who bought the Albert's house on Fairview. 34 Fairview. That house is now infamous. Any normal person would not want to live there. Apparently, the buyers didn't know, and they weren't told. And it has been a bleep show for them. I guess there was this crazy X FBI agent who's, you know, a big supporter of meatball, Morrissey. Isn't that a thing in Massachusetts where you have to disclose if there's been a murder there? I think it's New York State. I know it's New York State because I've read stories about it. I think that's-- I don't think that's a bad law, really. If I were in the legislature, I would vote for a law like that. You have to disclose the sort of-- I mean, I guess the devil is in the details as always. You know, what a sort of details. But yeah, I would say that's a pretty sort of detail. And that it's a house that you would certainly want to know the history of before you bought it. But according to Turtle Boy on his website, he says that the people-- I think he's talked to the people that they don't want to step forward, obviously, they don't want to be more publicity than they already have. But they did not know what they were buying, what kind of house they were buying. 844, 542, 42. Time now for the chumpline. [MUSIC PLAYING] At now, another excerpt from Paper Boy, my life and media, as read by the author. We were outraged when Arthur Gottfried fired Julius LaRosa, riding Rockefeller, said we should wait to hunger strike. But I sure as heck was a goal without a meal, so I started a food fight. Mr. Boy didn't thought he'd push me by putting me on KP. But like the skilled bridge player that I was, he played right into my hand. KP meant that I could develop my love of digging through the trash for leftovers. Sally called me trash boy. But I said, one day, you'll call me trash man. [MUSIC PLAYING] Well, the guy who punished me and the other people in the food fight was named Sally. But that's about the-- as far as that truth of that story goes, just a food fight. The animal house had a pretty good variation. That's how a food fight usually starts. It's not an organized thing. It's just somebody spills something on somebody else, and it just escalates very rapidly. Other than that, the story was totally fictitious. But you can get a copy of Paper Boy right now, go to, click on store. And when you do, for Father's Day, you will get a mystery T-shirt. Now I'm wearing a go-woke, go-broke. You don't have a choice what kind of T-shirt. Just put down the size. We have plenty of all sizes for right now. So it's a great deal. The Paper Boy for $24.95, and we throw in a free T-shirt, too. It's a great Father's Day gift. I'll tell you what, Howie. The United States better start growing a lot more lettuce. [BEEP] [LAUGHTER] 339 says Taylor is correct. Real estate broker must disclose murder information. I was not aware of that. I knew it was in New York, but I didn't know it was in Massachusetts. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff, and they can help you save money, too. Get the Rizzo Insurance Audit at no charge, no obligation. It's easy to identify one type of whale that hasn't been harmed by a New Jersey's offshore wind mills, Chris Christie Creek. [BEEP] Yes, indeed. [MUSIC PLAYING] If it wasn't so screwed up, it'd be amusing that Bragg K changes on the testimonies of a porn star and a convicted purge of her. [BEEP] Right. And the porn star has been thrown under the bus by her former lawyer, who was now doing what a 10-year stretch in the club fed. [MUSIC PLAYING] Yes, howie, would you or somebody be able to give us a legal, technical definition of a butte dial? [LAUGHING] I don't know that there is a legal definition, but there is a common sense, a vulgar definition of a butte dial, and you know exactly what it is, and it has nothing to do with being on a nightstand. But then he said it was in the bed. So how often do you go to bed with your phone in the bed? And plus, his wife was there, too. And they were making whoopee. And her phone was also in the bed. Does any of this make a lot of sense? So a whole bunch of recent graduates tore up their gender studies diplomas in protest. They were worthless anyway. Right. Columbia University, the alma mater of KJP, the alma mater of Barack Hussein Obama. Yeah, they learned a lot at that institution on morning side heights. Yesterday, I celebrated Dr. Jill, the mother of my children, and another famous mother, Mother Teresa. And last but not least, I celebrated necessity, which is the mother of invention. He could never say something that coherent as incoherent as it was. This is Biden yesterday leaving church, cut 17. We've got to hear somewhere. How did you celebrate Mother's Day, Mr. President? I'm crazy for you. What do you do? You need help. I was going to say I made you a bigger rest of the time. [INAUDIBLE] I prayed for you all. You need help. Good Lord. Howie, Charlie Baker calling. I want the folks in the community to recognize and understand that as NCAA president, I commend the young folks engaging in the various peaceful protests because they wear face masks. I just wish their tent cities had some plexiglass. Do they have one way aisles in the tent cities? Hello, mother. Hello, fada. Just got back from an intafada. I'm having fun. You're loving, son. And I can't wait for our next slider. Another version, another new version from the limerick guy. An extra 90 days if you're pregnant. Man, I sure hope nobody tells these illegal aliens that men can become pregnant. Well, the women have the pregnancy out and the men have the out of-- I'm looking for work. Oh. Oh, wink, wink, nudge, nudge. [MUSIC PLAYING] That was your last Chumpline message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. OK, that's it for the Chumpline today. The Chumpline is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie Carr show. You can call and leave a message any time between the hours of 1 and 4 p.m. weekdays, eastern time. The Chumpline number, if you wish to leave such a message, 1, 844, 542, 42. That's 844, 542, 42. Press 2 for the Chumpline. Leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your message or you just like to hear a second brand new Chumpline every night, around 7 o'clock, eastern time on weeknights anyway. We post chop chumps. It's the second Chumpline of the day where we put the messages. We didn't have room or time for just now. And you can get chop chumps wherever you get your Howie Carr show podcast. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff, and they can help you save money, too. Get the Rizzo Insurance Audit at no charge, no obligation. Howie, Trolley Baker Calling. I want the folks in the community to recognize and understand that as NCAA president, I commend the young folks engaging in the various peaceful protests because they wear face masks. I just wish their tent cities had some plexiglass. And we're going to close down all the miniature golf courses to help facilitate more riots. But the regular golf courses will remain open because they've made their contributions to my campaigns. I'm Howie Carr. [MUSIC PLAYING] You're listening to the Howie Carr show. [MUSIC PLAYING] Today's poll question is brought to you by local silver mint located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly. Contact him at local silver, local silver Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which big criminal trial are you following most closely today? Trump trial in New York, Karen Reed trial in Dedham. Neither I'm working or neither I don't care about either trial. Karen Reed. 28% say Karen Reed. 25% say the Trump trial. 24% say I don't care about either one or 23% say neither I'm working. Changed around a little bit when Turtle Boy was on. It is an interesting trial. It's fun to have a trial like-- I know it's a sad event that John O'Keefe is dead and that there's this terrible miscarriage of justice, in my opinion, going on, but still it's-- A lot of interesting characters. Yes, and it gets better. It's one of those things. You get more into it as time goes on. That video today of Brian Albert and Brian Higgins wrestling in the bar, the waterfall, that was, I think, one of the strangest moments in this trial thus far. I drove by the waterfall yesterday. It's one of those places I wanted to make a sign of the cross. Bulger used to talk about those kind of bars in South Boston. You go in for a bear and a beaten, speaking of which the three people who murdered Whitey at the federal prison in West Virginia have a fairly reached agreement and they're all going to plead guilty. At least one of them, the hit man, the mafia hit man from Springfield, he was doing life without parole. So what kind of deal is he going to reach? Freddy goes, I guess his name, Foytas. They call him Freddy, I think, Goes. And then there's a guy from the Valley. And then there's a guy from Vermont who was the lookout. They were going to all plead guilty. That story is, let's see. The other one is, the guy from the Valley is Paul D. Cologero, or Cologero. And Sean McKinnon is the guy from Vermont. He was the lookout during the early morning assault. What they did was they put locks in socks. And you hit somebody with that kind of instrument. I mean, it's like a mace in the old medieval times. And they just didn't take much to kill him. Oh, and your new free prose book that you're working on, you should include a chapter called "Locks in Socks." Whitey is a peripheral figure in the book. But he's-- the thing is, he's screwing over Jerry and Jullo. And he won't-- this is a book of verse, shall we say. Verse, taken from the FBI transcripts from the Dollicouse. But Whitey was trying to avoid paying them. Whitey and Stevie, what he owed them. And Jerry was very suspicious of Whitey and Stevie. And Larry Bayon. Larry Bayon and his brother Smiley and Jullo defended Whitey and Stevie. I guess I don't have to tell you that Jerry was right. And Larry and Smiley were wrong. 844, 542, 42. Nick, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Nick. Hey, how you doing, Howie? I think not a good thing for Cohen today. He admits he secretly recorded his own client. But I guess it makes our difference, he's a smart. Anyway, the other thing is, I thought so at the time, I truly believe in 2018, he sold out Trump and made a deal with the set of district, whatever it is, US Attorney's Office. And betrayed his own client and hinted that there was information in his office against Trump. That's, by the way, when it's supposedly the Hush Money crap that found out by the FBI. So what I'm saying is, I believe he set that up. But I mean, they call it Hush Money because it's Trump. But it's a non-disclosure agreement, NDA. There are liberal businessmen signing NDAs all the time. I mean, by the way, what good is an NDA now, Nick? I mean, apparently, you could violate an NDA to your heart's content. And Stormy Daniels isn't the first one to do it. And she wanted more money. That's why she wanted to find it now in four weeks so she couldn't make more money and talk about it. But yeah, do you think he may have set that up with the FBI to raise his own office? I don't know. I don't think he's that bright, Nick, to be engaged in some kind of grandiose conspiracy. I think he was just basically a real estate closing lawyer, an ambulance chasing lawyer. He was a tenant of the Trump family in Queens. And they were having some kind of tenant dispute and he just stepped forward. And he was kind of on Trump's side as one of Trump's tenants. And so Trump just threw him some business. And he was a starving lawyer. We've all known plenty of them over the years. And so he fell into the orbit. And then Trump-- and then he backstabbed Trump, like so many of them do. Thanks for the call, Nick. 844-542-4203 mace. I prefer a nice blackjack instead. You don't find too many blackjacks in a correctional facility, even down to the county level, let alone a federal peditentiary. You've got to make do with what you got. [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. So you saw the story yesterday about the House Party in Northboro of all places. And gunfire suddenly erupted in Northboro. And this was on early Sunday morning. And a 16-year-old, instead of dead, and several people got wounded. And so yesterday, the story broke. And like you probably, I went to see what the names of the people were. They were arrested. And there were no names. And so I immediately came to the same conclusion I always come to. And it's seldom wrong. Three-- so here's the story today. We finally got it. I tweeted out the original story from the Worcester Telegram this morning when they broke the names. Three men were arraigned on gun charges Monday after being found in a car with firearms and ammunition leaving a packed Northboro home where a party where a 16-year-old was shot to dead, and several others were wounded during the weekend. Would you like to know what their names are? Wallaceome, Texera de Silva, 20 of Hyde Park. Arnaldo, Nogueira Fieldho, 19 of Marlboro, and Pedro de Sosa Passos, 27 of Rockland. Each appeared behind a board in Westboro District Court. De Silva and Fieldho both had ice detainers lodged against them. Ice, meaning immigration customs enforcement. It took me a few moments because those names sounded suspiciously Portuguese. Yeah, but if you're from the Cape Verdean islands, you could-- you'd have those names. They both had detainers lodged against them. All three used a Portuguese translator in court. Hmm. They also-- De Sosa Passos has a criminal record with multiple defaults in court. And illegal alien with multiple defaults in court, but no convictions. Because the state of Massachusetts doesn't bother going after illegal aliens, because they have more privileges and rights than American citizens. Write down to not having to ever work for a living. They can just be on welfare and go to parties all night long. The lawyer, for one of them, said that for one of the illegal aliens, said he just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Yeah, he happened to be in America rather than in the Third World Hellhole where he belonged. Have any of their mothers spoken out? We've done the translation from their native Portuguese. He's a good boy, a very good boy. Yeah. Why did it take so long for state-run media to come up with the names? The Worcester paper, which is a dreadful sheet, had him yesterday. 844-542-508, the names could also be Brazilian, like the murderer E.R.O. took off the streets last year. Yeah, remember, up in Ryan New Hampshire, the feds grabbed this guy who'd murdered a Brazilian, who'd murdered 11 people. That wasn't a suspect. He'd been convicted of 11 murders. 844-508. Oh, no, not Wallace Ome. See a friend of yours, Wallace Ome. I guess they could be Brazilian, but I'm going to guess Cape Verdean. 844-542-542. People are very interested in the locks and socks segment. If you want to go to Bloody Boston, that's the documentary we did a couple of years ago, a bunch of us. And it starts out, and it was done really on the cheap. Couldn't have cost more than $20 to put it together. They just put the locks and socks, and then they were hitting this old guy in a wheelchair over and over again. And all you saw was the shadow. And then they were splashing, throwing red paint up against the wall. It was effective for a very, you know, mother-- the necessity is the mother of invention, excuse me. 844-71. What? No gun permits? [LAUGHTER] No hyphenate. No, one of them did have a hyphenated last name. Yeah. Let's see here. Which one had-- Did I get compliments on the hyphen? Sure you would. Sure you would, yeah. That would be Pedro de Sousa hyphen passos, 27 of Rockland. It was the 21st birthday party, and the 16-year-old was killed, and then this 27-year-old was hanging out there. Again, I'm guessing. Could his employer be reached? Could the employer of any of these illegal aliens be reached for comment? No. Now I'd rather doubt it. 844-542-42. Michael, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Michael. Hey, how are you doing? Good. About time this weather's getting really nice outside. Yeah, it's nice. It's good. Go ahead. Let's have a few comments. Turtle boy, he can throw out whatever propaganda he wants over this radio station. But the fact of the matter is, is that Colin Albert was one of those people who has been given so many-- has been said about so many accusations about the so-called being, which is total nonsense. But once it's proven that he was gone before John and Cameron arrived, it's a done deal at that point. Because in order for her side to stick, the whole thing has to be there. Did you watch any of it today? Michael, or are you just the love child of meatball Morrissey? I am telling you what the facts are. The facts are simply this. If once it's proven that Colin wasn't there, that's one of the people. Once it's proven that he was gone. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Who's on trial here? Michael. Who's on trial? Karen is. But I'm going to tell you who the real victims are. It's not her. It's the other families. What I'm saying, how are we simply this? So they have approved it. The trial's been going on now for a week and a half, and they haven't produced any evidence. They're only trying to produce exculpatory evidence. And did you hear Colin? Or excuse me, did you hear Brian today? Cut 18. Cut 18. Did you do to get ready for Beth to settle in? Um, I went upstairs and just lied in bed. The TV was on. I was just kind of watching TV. He lied in bed, Michael. He lied. Listen. And then he came to the stand today, and they asked him, did you mention that your nephew was there in the early morning hours, and he said, "No, I didn't." He didn't even tell the police the truth, and he's a cop. And one of his fellow Boston cops, same department, had just been killed, and he didn't even bother to tell the cops the truth, and you're defending him. I don't know. You've really been drinking the Kool-Aid here, Michael. May I finish my point? You got one more point, but you've got to make a little more sense than you've been making. Listen, she has more problems throughout this whole day, through all the badgering. They still can't pinpoint John O'Keefe in that house. They still can't do it. If they can't put them in the house, she's done. You know what Michael, here's the thing. They have to prove she murdered him. That's what she's charged with murder. You don't seem to understand. They're producing a defense for their fellow payroll patriots that were in the house. You can't really prove he was ever in the house, because even Brian Albert admitted on the stand today that the police never searched the house for any sort of evidence. When they redid the house immediately afterwards, they put the house on the market. They claimed they were thinking about it before, but they'd own the house for 50 years. Their family, and suddenly they decide to put the house on the market. Suddenly they decide to get rid of the dog. Suddenly they decide to fill in the pool. Suddenly they decide to redo the basement. It's kind of a lot of coincidences, isn't it? If they can't put them in that house, she's done. You don't understand. They have to prove her guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Colin Albert is not on trial. He's not on trial, but okay, you know, I'm having an argument here with somebody who doesn't understand the basics of law. I'm trying to talk with you, but you keep on interrupting me. What I'm saying. They don't have to, if they cannot put John O'Keefe in that house, she's done. You just keep telling yourself that. Listen, it's very simple. Is that throughout that question today? Yeah, you're simple. You're simple. Goodbye. How does Colin Albert being in the house or out of the house affect whether or not she struck him with an automobile, 844, 542, someone says, ask Michael his badge number. No, I don't think a cop would be that dumb. Dave, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Dave. Howie, I've got to commend you for your patience because, you know, at our ages, I don't have that much. I'm, so it's 207, he told the falsehood in the bed. That's what he said. That's what he said. I just heard it and I said, this is one, this is a keeper for the care and retrial blooper reel. Go ahead. But anyway, listen, are you talking about the old-time mob back in the 70s and 80s? And maybe you think of something and then talk about non-disclosure agreements. I'm like, you don't mean anything anymore. And I have, I have them because I'm an inventor, you know, and I use them with people whenever I ask them to, you know, how to make something. But anyway, so if they don't mean anything anymore, you know, you're in a kind of contract. You should got to be loving this because what else can you do if it's not in a contract and paying money and they don't consider it blackmail, which is kind of weird anyway, you know? Isn't that blackmail? Okay, so I'm going to be quiet. It's legal blackmail, Dave. There's a lot of stuff that's legal, but it's not, you know, what did Michael Kensley used to say? It's, the scandal isn't what's illegal in Washington, it's what's legal in Washington. And the same thing goes for a lot of elements of our society. Yeah, they're just going to be enriching the independent contractors, because what else can you do? Yeah. Thanks for the call there. There are Dave 844-542-428-444-542-442. Listen, listen to this from Kamala, I don't, I don't know what, why would she feel the need to say what she did here? Cut 16. We have to know that sometimes people will open the door for you and leave it open. Sometimes they won't. And then you need to kick that door down. Excuse my language. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth, Kamala, 844-542-442? 4L, 774, suddenly decided to get a new phone. And 508. Albert flew to New York City for the funeral of a dead cop, but didn't go to his own co-workers funeral who was found dead on his lawn, 844-542-419, not too cool how well your response to the phone caller. What am I supposed to do? I mean, I pointed it out to him how many times that it's not whether or not Colin Albert was in the house. That doesn't prove one way or another, that Karen Reed ran him over, committed murder, because that's what she's charged with murder. They're just trying to create reasonable doubt, and I think they've created enough reasonable doubt. 844-542-442. So this is for Reed Zakaria. I don't know if he was employed yesterday by CNN. I don't know if he's still employed after he said this, because this is considered heresy. Oh, we're going to take a break. We'll take a break. 444-542-442, I'm Howie Carr. This hour of The Howie Carr Show is brought to you in part by Moby Dicks and Wellfleet. For 40 years in counting, they continue to provide the freshest blasters, fried fish and lobster salad online at Moby' Howie Carr is back. 844-542-442. And again, we have a new Father's Day special at Get my book, paper boy read all about it. It's memoir of my life and times in the media. And if you buy it at the regular price, you can get a free T-shirt, a mystery T-shirt. We've got all our T-shirts that we still have remaining in stock. We're trying to get them out and about, cheaper to deport and support, Trump mugshot T-shirt, the one I'm wearing, go woke, go broke, make gas cheap again. Let's go brand. And then we even have some deplorable shirts left in smalls, but we've got every size from small to 2XL. And if you order now, just go to the book and tell us what size T-shirt you want. You'll get a mystery T-shirt. It's a great, great Father's Day gift. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. So this is Fareed Zakaria, Zakaria, whatever his name is, from CNN. And he's going against, he's got a name that makes it hard to fire him. But if anything's fireable at CNN, it's saying something like this, cut one. The trials against him keep him in the spotlight, infuriate his base, who sees him as a martyr, and even may serve to make him the object of some sympathy among people in general who believe that his prosecutors are politically motivated. This happens to be true, in my opinion. I doubt the New York indictment would have been brought against a defendant whose name was not Donald Trump. A majority of Americans are skeptical that Trump will be able to get a fair trial according to a CNN poll. A majority are correct. It should be whatever the majority is, it should be much larger. 844, 500, 42, 42, 508. What happens after Reid is found not guilty with an investigation by state or local police begin to find the real cause of the death? Not a local investigation or a state investigation. This is why the feds are involved. It's so dirty, it's so corrupt, that's why the feds had to get involved in this. Now, the judge, who's a second generation hack, whose brother represented one of the Alberts when he was charged with vehicular homicide 30 years ago, she won't let him even talk about the grand jury, the federal grand jury. It's just referred to as the other hearing, the other hearing. The federal jury theoretically doesn't know, although, you know, I have my suspicions. 844, 500, 42, 42, this is a big, this is a big case. It's going to be fun though to see it play out. And again, I look forward to seeing Brian Higgins on the witness stand. It's only a matter of time until someone takes the Fifth Amendment. You think it'll be this week? I'll bet it'll be this week when we have our first Fifth Amendment taken. That's what Auntie Bevley is there for on the inner ropes, on the bench, she did make sure that none of her fellow payroll patriots have to embarrass themselves. Unduly, 844, 500, 42, 42, we'll be right back with Senator Peter Durant. I'm Howie Carr.