The Howie Carr Radio Network

"Silly Time with Brian Albert:" Turtleboy joins the show | 5.13.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

After a weekend away from the Karen Read case, Howie returns with independent investigative journalist Aidan Kearney to update listeners on the highlights of the day in court.

Broadcast on:
13 May 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at, code word Howie BOGO. [MUSIC PLAYING] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. The non-white portion of the Trump coalition, it was 13% in 2020. Look at this now. It's 19%. So the Trump coalition is becoming more diverse. The problem is Juliet's pizza like East Coast rappers and my posse is representing West Syed. Just like my boys Tupac and Biggie, you know what I'm saying? Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Silence of the left. Has anyone ever seen the silence of the left? The late great Hannibal Lecter is a wonderful man. The census teacher once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some father beans and a nice candy. He oftentimes would have a friend for dinner. Remember the last thing? I'm having an old friend for dinner. You're going to eat a friend? That was kind of supposed to be the last line when you rule it. I'm going to say it again and then hang up quickly. I'm having an old friend for dinner. What? Oh, my god. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's-- [MUSIC PLAYING] Howie Carr. It kind of reminds me of the old Jeffrey Dahmer joke. Jeffrey Dahmer had his mother over for dinner. And she said, Jeffrey, I don't like your friends. And he said, that's OK, Ma. Just eat the vegetables. Come on. OK, I was set up for that one. Anyway, 844 hours. Yeah, someone-- the texture said it through over three. Because he's at the northern tip of New Jersey, obviously. 844, 542-- 42, as Grace mentioned, my alma mater, the University of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill, the Board of Trustees unanimously. Unanimously voted this morning to cut DEI programs and read the fund's to campus police. 2.3 million during a special board meeting. That's great. Marty Kotus, K-O-T-I-S, vice chair of the Board's Budget and Finance Committee, reportedly brought forth the amendment. He said, I think that DEI, in a lot of people's minds, is divisions, exclusion, and indoctrination. That's certainly in my mind. We need more unity and togetherness, more dialogue, more diversity of thought. Yes, indeed. When you destroy property or take down the US flag and have to put up gates around it, that cost money. Kotus, this guy in the Board of Trustees at UNC, said, it's imperative that we have the proper resources for law enforcement to protect the campus. Good for UNC. Good for UNC. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. So before we go back to the phone lines, I want to mention, I didn't see this myself, but apparently late last week, there was a graduation ceremony at Thomas Jefferson University, which I'd never heard of in Philadelphia. And they were giving out the diplomas, and they had-- I don't know how-- the text there said it was a DEI person. It probably was, but none of the reports are saying who exactly was told to read out the names of the people who were to get their diplomas. But they had no idea how to pronounce simple, basic American/English names, like Elizabeth, Sarah, Virginia. Thomas. Thomas. They're at Thomas Jefferson University, and they can't-- whoever was can't pronounce Thomas. So which is the better one here? The local TV report of the TikTok version. Taylor, whichever one-- The TikTok version. OK, let's go with the TikTok version. Maybe Lee Zubath, Bratoski. It's supposed to be Maeve Elizabeth. Maeve Elizabeth. Sire. Oovoon. Jinju Breenan. Sarah Virginia, Brett. Sarah Virginia. That was supposed to be. Maristolin. Brabazin. Maristolin. Maristolin. Car, by the way. Victoria. Lee Zubath-Russ. Victoria Elizabeth Bruce. Victoria Elizabeth Bruce. Victoria Elizabeth Beth. Brabazin. Oh, that's her girl, herself, for now to get. Marlena. Oh, Melanie. This is up with Marlena. Molly Elizabeth Camp. Molly Elizabeth Camp. Marlena. Carolina. Irina. Tom. Carolina. Reba. Thomas. Thomas. What? How did she pronounce Thomas? [LAUGHTER] Ta-mo-may. Ta-mo-may. Ta-mo-may. Ta-mo-may. Thomas Michael. Who's laughing? Is that a student or another administrator? No, it's being recorded off of TV. Oh, I see. So it's like a parent watching the commencement. [LAUGHTER] OK. [SPEAKING SPANISH] [SPEAKING SPANISH] That's Jessica, I want to say. [SPEAKING SPANISH] [SPEAKING SPANISH] [SPEAKING SPANISH] Stephanie, [SPEAKING SPANISH] Stephanie, how'd you pronounce it? [SPEAKING SPANISH] [SPEAKING SPANISH] [SPEAKING SPANISH] [LAUGHTER] [SPEAKING SPANISH] [SPEAKING SPANISH] [SPEAKING SPANISH] [SPEAKING SPANISH] [SPEAKING SPANISH] It's just like gibberish. Good Lord. 844, 542, 603. You know what Jeffrey Dahmer's favorite fast food restaurant is? Five guys. Ha, ha, ha. All right. So that's enough of that. So there it is. That's what UNC is trying to avoid in the future, I guess. I hope, anyway. 844, 542, 42. John, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, John. Howie, I was looking for Mr. Garcia and Dutch, but I didn't see him. Well, Dutch is gone. Dutch is with Chloe somewhere. Dutch has been rehomed in the sky. But Mr. Garcia is still around. Yeah, well, listen. What a good time. What a good time. We went down there Friday night, and we went up by where the entrance is. And there were already, like, 400 people on the beach camping out. Wow. So did you get inside? You get a good seat? I didn't get a seat, but I was able to see the podium. I was able to see him. He was an hour and 15 minutes late. Right. I know. I mean my wife, we stood for seven hours. Wow. Boy, that's tough. That's tough. Yeah, I put it on a right side broadcasting network, and then just, you know, just when did other things and waited till he came on. I mean, it's easy now to watch him. You don't have to just wait around anymore, because you can get it on the internet. It's like the trials. But yeah, he was pretty good, too. Did you get the feeling that he was promoting Doug Bergham for vice president? Because that's the vibe I got from what he said. Absolutely. And I'll tell you, he was a good speaker, too, Doug. So what was Van Drew? Yeah. I mean, everything was good about it. I mean, you're not going to go anywhere, anywhere else in here, you know, the Pledge of Allegiance, the National Anthem, an invocation. It was just moving, everything about it. I don't care how long it was, it was worth it. Yeah. No, I'm glad-- I'm glad you had a good time. And boy, it was a huge boy. It was huge. I think it-- that's the kind of thing that really deflates them, especially since they think that, you know, they're just killing him by keeping him on trial, forcing him to tie him down on this ridiculous kangaroo court. But it's not. It's backfiring. You know, I mean, people see this for what it is, which is a scam. Thanks for the call, John. I appreciate it. I'm glad you had a good time. 844-542-603. To be fair, I can't pronounce half their names either. I can't pronounce a lot of names. But I can pronounce Elizabeth, Sarah, Virginia, Thomas, Jessica. I mean, what was this person's problem? It's 844-542-42. She did sound like an ESL. But still, if you're in the administration, that's not who you put on to read up the names. No, I mean, no, I mean, this is really pretty serious. I mean, these are people that have-- this is the parents are there, the people that have been picking up the tab for four years. And these are your graduates, who you expect to be making alumni contributions for the next 40 or 50 years. And this is how you treat them. It's not good, 844. Again, though, I just don't understand this whole fascination about going to graduation. It just never really meant much to me, even way back when. Octions are one of the oldest forms of commerce known to man. Octions are how economies determine values for assets and commodities. 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To learn more on how to get your commercial, residential, or land sold quickly, contact Charlie Gill at 805210111 or visit Call Charlie today at 805210111 or go to and get your real estate sold. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show will be right back. [MUSIC PLAYING] He's Howie Carr, and he's back. Today's poll question is brought to you by local Silver Mint located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly. Contact him at local silver Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which big criminal trial are you following most closely today? Trump trial in New York, the Karen Reid trial in Dedham, neither I'm working or neither I don't care about either trial. Karen Reid in Dedham. They're all within two points of each other. Really? 25% Karen Reid, 24% Trump trial, 26% neither I'm working and 24% say they don't care about either one. Good for the working people who aren't trying to multitask. They're just focusing on their jobs for the day. They're not watching it on the clock, you know? Yeah. Well, I mean, some people don't have the option that we have, of being able to sit in an office and have it on. You don't think the people in the operating room, they might have a little laptop open on the side? Right, or people who are working at a job outside, for instance? Yes, that's true. Spreading mulch, like we came in on Saturday and the people were spreading mulch all over the lawn. I wonder if anyone's just listening to it, like just listening to the stream. Well, that's what I'm doing. Yeah, so you could have your headphones in and your Raycons, you could be out there. That's right. I guess you could, yeah. But it is fun to watch actually and see the different characters. Yeah, the mailroom manager would come in and say, please, let me see the video. She wanted to see, she wanted to see the Billie Joah lookalike, Brian Albert. All right, anyway, Grace is back for our usual hate mail Monday. Hate mail. It's time for Howie Cars Hate Mail Monday. It's a hate loan. Through you. These are all the wonderful fan letters and mash notes and the valentines that we get from people. All week long, readers, listeners, viewers, people who just plain love us. Yeah, I'm going to start because we're doing this t-shirt sale. Do you want to explain how you want the t-shirt sale? The t-shirt sale is go to This is a Father's Day special. You can get my new book, Paper Boy Read All About It. And if you buy the book for the standard price, it's autograph too, by the way. An autograph copy of the book, you get a free mystery t-shirt from the Howie Car Show store. And this hour, I'm wearing Make Gas cheap again. I've already got several thanks on the Twitter for not touching, or the text line, excuse me, for not changing on camera. Oh, yeah, that was very good of you. Now, let's play. Some people have a problem with the way you're advertising this. This is cut one, please. Hey, what's with this? We have all sizes in the t-shirts. And then you say up to 2XL. Up to 2XL. Is there any one of this audience you think could fit into a 2XL? Good God. Could you have managed a 2XL back in your King Faruk days? You got to go at least a 6XL before you have the right to claim all sizes. 2XL, anorexic t-shirts. That's a bogus complaint. That's frivolous. Okay, enough said. I also have a hate mail here that Matt told me is pretty good. This one's for Taylor Cut 3. Oh, great. You let Tucker Taylor talk about his YouTube channel. There's stuff I'm into that not many people would be interested in. Right, but if you thought I was going to get you in trouble, you probably wouldn't have an account where you're subscribed to it. No, it's under my name. Have you been to this Baron Hellhole? There's a lot of weird stuff here. Thinking of raking leaves this weekend. This is what God made gloves. We're going to smell a baby. But I have been skydiving twice. That's the most convenient place to have a poop on your roof. We've captured the aliens. I'm a robot. Wow. That's all just one video. Another one, some people get mad if I don't play my own hate mail. But sometimes we just don't have it. I can't help that. But here we have one today cut two. Very fake dish. Tell the dummy what's your name, Grace? Disgrace? It's not overtake. It's takeover. What a **** idiot. You can say overtake. I Googled it, by the way. Okay. I'm sure I wasn't using it correctly. But also, I do want to say that we were worried about that person who says disgrace. He hadn't called it in a while. You know how sometimes we get concerned and people don't call in. So it's nice to hear from him. Just to know that he's still kicking. Can I also have? Oh. By the way, someone was complaining that I mispronounced etc. I know how to pronounce etc. Maybe somebody else around here pronounces it as etc or something like that. I don't. I, I, etc. That's, that's one of the reasons you take Latin. You say crawler weird. Crawler? Yeah. You don't say crawler. You say crawler. Well, that's, yeah, that's the way I, that's the way I have all those. You say ancient words. But for somebody, for somebody who doesn't really have a detectable Boston accent. Yeah. I don't know why you say crawler that way. Crawler. The hate mouse coming from inside the house. This has been, this has been stored up for years. You know, the thing is, the thing is they've done away with the word crawler anyway. What do they call it now? A stick right at Duncan? Yeah, they call it. You can still get a crawler. No, but they don't call it that he's right. They don't call it. Yeah, they call it something else. It's like they don't have grinders anymore. They're all subs now. They don't have tonics anymore. Does that bother you that you can't get a grinder that you have to just get a sub? That doesn't really, crawler though. I love crawlers. So I don't need grinder. I never liked that word much anyway. Well, how I have another hate male. We have a lot of voicemails today. I want to play cut five. This is about halfway. How are we just curious? Have you ever in your life been in an actual fist fight? Taylor, Q crickets, please. I've avoided it, but I do have a bridge. I do a ridge. I'm like, when I got a shot right to my jaw, that was a beach, a beach game, a beach touch football game in Kennebunk Beach way back when. Where's Daniel Dale? I'm not buying this story at all. You don't want to see somebody flipped over the table when you were playing bridge. No, it was tough. Tough going did I find an emergency dentist. It was my tooth was hanging by a nerve. I thought you tripped over one of your kid's toys when they were little. And that's how you're here. No, that's how I hurt my leg. That's one of the times I broke my leg. That could be your next book. It could just be a list of all the times you hurt yourself. I think I've broken my left leg three times. Wow. Including an ankle, an ankle and the leg twice. Bones. Did you break the ankle? Did you roll the ankle? No, I broke the ankle. Again, where is Glenn Kessler? We need to fact check all this. Oh, I'll leave you with one more, Howie. Howie car dimes in the dumpster at Mar-a-Lago. That's not true. Howie got it. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-42. The Karen retrial continued today. And I think Brian Albert, the former Boston cop who owned the house outside of which the body of fellow Boston officer, John O'Keefe, was found. I think he was everything that we had anticipated. He would be on the witness stand on cross-examination today. And it was a very interesting day at the trial. And we're checking in with Turtle Boy, Aidan Kearney. He's the blogger who's been intimately involved in this case. And he's been banned from the courtroom. And he was tweeting from outside the courtroom today. And Turtle Boy, thanks for being with us here on The Howie Car Show. Hey, I got in for the last one. I got in for Caitlin Albert. I'm not allowed in for her brother. Yeah. Because her brother lives at home still. He's a grown man that lives at home. Six, six. I know. One from what I found and nobody. We always wondered when nobody thought the six, six guy in the house was involved in the murder. And I think now today we know why. So that was cleared up. But yeah, it was a very, very interesting day of court. Now, was your chair dusty? Was your chair dusty from being unused for three or four days? No. Christina Wreck kept it warm for me today. Went back in there and reclaimed it. I think the guard said that. I have a right to that seat when I get back. I was second in life. There was a Bruha on the line today, Howie. What happened? Like it was an assault. This guy, Grant Smith Ellis, he's Wendy Murphy's idiot son. He is a reporter from Fall River reporter. Everybody puts their chairs out early now, right? Like my chair was out yesterday. And we have people sitting in it, rotating in it. And there's this guy that's absolutely lunatic with a press pass named Grant Smith Ellis who yells at me and calls me slurs and all this stuff in line. And he came up and he moved our chairs. He's like, they're not here right now. And I'm in charge. And I'm putting his chair here. And so when she got there, she put her chair back in first. And he came up and he hip checked there, right? Like 630, the dead and police had to come. They are doing nothing at this courthouse for security. It's an absolute free for all in the morning with the police. Oh, man. So I just made a list. I made a list of things that he lied about reviewing. This is the former cop. He lied about reviewing the testimony. He lied about the meeting care and read. He didn't mention that Colin was there, his nephew, who, you know, that was a lie, I guess. He was in Jen McCabe's house while she was being interviewed. And, you know, I mean, here's, how many people get that courtesy? He kept asking if he got stumped, he would ask, what is the question? His eyes were darting. He was, his eyes, his eyes, he was blinking. He was licking his lips. He would, when he was confronted with a, a contradiction between his testimony at various grand juries, he would say, I'm not sure of the context. I mean, he was just a, he was a terrible witness all the way around. It was bad. It was bad when you're not getting the layup questions from Lally. It's a lot harder. And to have with all the butt dial stuff at the end, they explained all the things you had to do to do a butt dial on an iPhone and how we, oh, I sleep with it next to me all the time. And, you know, when you charge it, oh, I don't really charge it. They just sleep back to it. Well, you realize the butt dial, somebody you have to press this button and this button and this button and this button and you get to press this button. And it's just like, they went through it all. They just made them, anyone on that jury with the phone knows which is that one. Right. This isn't like, this isn't like taking a rocket ship to the moon or changing the freon in an air conditioning system. You know, that you got to be technically adept to do. Everybody knows how to do this, right? Everybody does it. And how about every single person? Like they had the two younger kids like Caitlyn Alberts and Brian Alberts Jr. Day. Neither of them was interviewed by police until 18 months after. They were both in the house at the time when John O'Keefe was allegedly killed. You would think they would be like prime witnesses. The police don't interview them until 18 months after. And I've said from the beginning with this whole thing, it's not what they did to cover it up. It's what they didn't do. It's what they did. That's what that's all you got to look at. The people that they didn't, the more people they question, the more the conspiracy gets messed up. It's easier if you just let Brian Albert, Nicole Albert, Matt and Jim McCabe and Brian Higgins take care of it. They all had the friends and family meeting. We call that meeting that took place at 11.30. Well, Karen was in the hospital at Jim McCabe's house, which was not recorded. They say that the meetings were done separately. So I guess what, they went into bedrooms and did it? Of course not. He interviewed them all together. They had five hours to get their story straight. They did nothing. Nothing by the book. This whole thing is unraveling. And every day, it's like it is worse than the next as far as making this a national embarrassment about how this even came to trial to begin with. Did he say originally, Brian Albert today, that he just sort of knew Brian Higgins? And then when he was confronted with all these pictures of them horsing around inside the waterfall bar, he said he was, they were buddies. They were, they were being silly. He kept saying, well, you guys, oh, we'll be all silly. We're fooling around being silly. Silly time with Brian Albert. That's what it was. Squaring up the fight. They were humping each other and God knows what. Oh, yay, yay. These people, like, I'm sure the jury is just looking at them. Again, I only got to see them during Caitlin Albert's testimony. But I'm told from other people in there that the jury's just looking at them like, what's, they know what's up. Like, they know that this is, this doesn't smell right. And you know, the sad part about this is that like, this is going to end in an acquittal for trying to read. And unless the FBI indict someone, John O'Keefe's never going to get justice. And I hope his family's upset about that because they could have done something about, they come to court with the people who did this to John. Right? If they had to be into accountability from the beginning, there would be more pressure. What happened to the father? John, I thought he was on the defense witness list that he was sitting on the defense side. He comes sporadically. He wasn't there today. That was a rumor that never ends up happening. But I'm sitting on the defense side. But, you know, it's gross. Like, Jim McCabe's two sisters were sitting with the O'Keefe today. You know, like, and just like cheering him on. And it's like, what they don't realize is like, this whole thing is a sham. Brian Albert doesn't care if Carol Reed is convicted. All he cares about is them not getting charged. Like, they just want this trial to happen so that the police don't look into them. That's what this whole thing is about. What is this? No, I couldn't. I had to get ready for the show. So I didn't hear Caitlyn, and they were asking Caitlyn Albert. This is the one that had the tight with the first responders, the firefighter, Katie McLaughlin. And they kept asking her about, well, what did you testify at that other hearing? And that's the federal grand jury, right? That other hearing that you can't mention? You can't mention it. The other grand jury? Whenever they mention the other hearing, they're talking about the federal grand jury. So the jurors purportedly have no idea that this entire investigation is under investigation itself. They have no idea that these people, these witnesses, were all summoned to testify in front of a federal grand jury, and that their stories all began to change as soon as that happened. Like Caitlyn Albert's story was originally that she left at 1215 before John got there. Now it's 1.45, and her parents are the ones that told Michael like that, and they were both asked about that, and they said, well, I don't know how he put that in his report. Like, that's what they're going with. Like, that's a mistake. It's like, how many mistakes do you expect a jury to buy? Stop it. How could he, you know, like Brian Albert, the first thing they ask him about, did you review the testimony? I mean, that's a real basic question, you know, for in a trial. Did you review the testimony? Have you spoken to the, you know, any of the other witnesses, you know, anybody involved? And he says no, and then he's proven that he's not telling the truth within the first minute of the hearing, the trial today. I mean, you know, even if you're even if you're a juror, and you're not paying that much attention, when the guy lies in the first minute, you're going to, your ears are going to perk up a little bit. Yeah, because if he's lying about that, I mean, what do you have to lie about? You know, if you're honest and you have nothing to hide, what are you lying about? Right. And I don't know, just a reminder during this whole thing, this is a murder trial for a woman named Karen Reed, who allegedly ran a man over with the car. And every single witness didn't see anything, but didn't witness anything. And they're the ones on trial every time they never talk about Karen Reed in anything. We just talk about them. Yeah, this is this is really a weird trial in the sense that there there's no evidence produced linking Karen Reed to the case. This is all about exonerating the people who are allegedly witnesses who are all in the Norfolk County, Hacorama. Yes, that's literally all that's going on here. And it's like the whole country is watching this, and it's just a national embarrassment. And the whole time they've been telling us, just wait till trial. There's huge bombshells that's going to come in trial. And then we get here and what's the huge bombshell? Oh, what was the weather like? Oh, it was snowing. Oh, really? How much was it snowing? Yeah, well, how about this? I did no Karen Reed. I did no Karen Reed. So they put up a video of him talking to her in the bar. Yeah, she took the picture of them together a week before he took that. Like, did you know we have no idea who took that picture? No idea. Oh, he was the head. No, when do they have a such a low conviction rate in the city of Boston? I mean, I know there are many reasons if he was the head of the the detective unit. That's that's pretty that's that's another reason. Oh, there's there's one Boston cop that comes to these hearings. His name is Carl Dougal and he is now banned from the courthouse because he shoulder bumped Karen Reed in the in the corridor last week on Thursday. This is what I mean, Ben reported to me because he hasn't been in the last couple of days. He used to come alive. He's Carl Dougal. He's a Boston police detective. He basically assaulted Karen Reed in the four year and is now banned from corporate proceedings moving forward. Again, why aren't there more cops here at this time? I mean, you know, again, Brian Brian Albert said he just got back from a funeral for a cop that was murdered. Now, this is a this is a caught. John O'Keefe is a cop that the Norfolk County DA says was murdered. And there are no cops at the trial. How about this, Howie? He went to New York City to go to a funeral for a stranger, a cop he never met before, killed in line duty. He didn't go to John O'Keefe's funeral. He's a Boston cop that was found dead on his own yard and he didn't go to the funeral. Didn't that speak volumes? Well, not only did he not go to the funeral, he didn't come outside. He didn't come outside. Yeah, well, you're sleeping. He didn't wake up. Somebody got a German shepherd, this aggressive German shepherd that didn't wake up from and their bedroom was like the closest room in the house and faces the street where the body was discovered and all the fire trucks were. And the dogs slept through it too. This dog that bites people and bites the other dogs just slept through everything. It's wild. Good Lord. Why can't they bring a new case against the people that were in the house? Well, they're because they're going to. Who's going to bring it? Yeah. Who's going to bring it? Exactly. It's like it's like finding it's like finding Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress. Who's going to prosecute him, right? Michael. Oh, Michael Proctor going to Michael Proctor and Michael Morris. Are you going to bring a Ford? I wouldn't wait for that. I don't think that's coming any day. You know, so that's why the feds are involved. When our local officials don't do their job, somebody, they're sort of oversight. And you know, we're just, I hope they're watching this disaster and they're going to finally. Oh, sure they are. Because, you know, is Higgins going to testify? He's got to be soon. And I'm, I'm guessing this week the way. Higgins is the guy, the other guy on the other end of the butt dial. And he's the one who had the hot for Karen Reed. But suppose, you know, now, and now he's, he's the one who supposedly has, according to the defense. And again, the prosecution hasn't, hasn't contradicted the defense, has a proffer from the feds, which means he's got a deal or is working on a deal to testify for the feds. That would be wild. We will see what he says at this, well, when he's called up, because he hasn't talked to any of these, he ditched them. They're not, they're very skeptical of Brian Higgins. And if I were him, you know, he's the only one in the house who wasn't family. I think he realized after a while, eventually they're going to turn on someone and it's not going to be one of them. So it would probably be in his best interest to start talking. Yes, yes, quit the, quit the grin and drop the linen, but he doesn't drop. That's the old days, you know, when you wear a wire. What about it? What did they do? You said they had a hearing today on the firefighter, Katie McLaughlin, who didn't tell the truth about her relationship with the daughter, Caitlyn Albert. Did they have a hearing? At the end, they discussed whether like adding new, the new Facebook pictures that we, that the internet basically found out, found after, you know, she said she didn't know them. We found all these pictures dating up to like June of 2021, of them in a baby shower. And on feedback at the end, there's just like, so how many people are in the picture? AKA like five people who used to know that they know each other. They're in a hot tub together. David United asked Julie Albert that last week to get, he specifically asked Julie Albert, and she looked confused. Have you ever taken a picture in the hot tub with Karen Reed? Yeah. And she's like, no? Have you ever, you know, gone to a baby shower, Karen Reed? No, and I see where he's going. Those are, you don't do what people you're not friends with. And he's setting the stage here that like, all the things that you're doing, you're friends with this person. And Lally doesn't want to allow it because he's like, well, we can't prove where these pictures came from. It's this place called Facebook, Lally. Ever heard of it? People post pictures on there and they appear. You can't make them up. I just think this case is, I mean, there's no way they get a conviction here. I don't care what any of these, these, these people say that, you know, that the prosecution is doing a great job. I've seen the juris faces, they're not convicting this, no way. When's the bombshell? What is the good stuff coming? What do they got? What are they hiding? They have nothing. They've already gotten the good stuff in the first week with, I hit them. I hit them, I hit them, I hit them. That was their strongest piece of evidence. Even I've turned out to be pretty weak. Right. Because there's contradictions. And again, that story evolved, as they say, it evolved. Okay. So Terrell Boy, where can people go and to check you out? At or at Dr. Turtle Boy on Twitter or Turtle Boy Live on YouTube. What's the graveyard story drop? And I was waiting for it all weekend. I got, it's coming, I got in a couple days. I've been so busy with the trial, but I got a couple pictures. I'm just trying to verify a couple things first. Okay. Great. Look forward to it. All right. Okay. Thanks. All right. Appreciate it. That's Turtle Boy. You can check him out at tbdailynews. His, his, his Twitter handle is Dr. Turtle Boy, at Dr. Turtle Boy, Twitter. I'm how we cook up. Got it. Sorry. 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I'm Howie Carr. Howie Carr will be right back. This hour of The Howie Carr Show is brought to you in part by the 110 Grill. Next time you need private dining, think of the 110 Grill. With 40 locations in the Northeast, you are sure to find one near you. Go to 110 and click on private dining. The emperor of hate Howie Carr is back. You know, one thing I didn't even get to with Turtle Boy. There was so much, but they went over the fact that he got a court order on September 22, 2022, to preserve his phone messages because it was pretty clear that, you know, that something was rotten and Denmark, not to mention Norfolk County. And that was the very same day that Brian Albert decided to replace his cell phone and basically have it destroyed so that there would be no record of all of his calls that he had made in the, yeah, he just, it was his birthday on September the 4th, you see, and he just got around on the same day the order came out to replacing his phone and destroying the old one. It's funny how that works out. Brian Higgins also decided to get a new phone about the same time. Albert also said that he never received such a notice, correct? Yes, yes. Or he doesn't recall received. There was a lot he didn't recall when he wasn't asking people to repeat the questions. And then, you know, his eyes were darting all over the place and licking his lips and blinking rapidly. I mean, a lot of body language that indicated that, you know, perhaps the truth of the old saying, oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive. Brian Albert rehomed a lot of stuff. He rehomed Chloe the dog. He rehomed his cell phone. He rehomed his entire family. A lot of rehoming going on. And his memory. That just disappeared. I'm Howie Carr.